Panel icons?

Josh Howard jrh at
Wed Jun 23 18:20:34 CEST 2004

This is probably mostly directed at Jasper, but I figured I should
display my ignorance to a larger audience in hopes of getting an
understanding as to why this isn't working.

So, when I open up the settings manager and then the UI/Theme
Preferences and go to Icon Theme I see a list of Icon Themes that
seem to be generated from a directory on my machine
(/usr/X11R6/share/icons/). This is all fine and dandy, it sees what I
expect and even reads the index.theme correctly to get the full name
of the theme. What puzzles me is that changing the icon theme doesn't
have any influence on the panel. Now, I read the release notes and I
was under the impression that if one could find an icon matching the
application name either as gnome-<app> or kde-<app> or even <app>
that it'd be displayed in the panel, but that doesn't seem to be the
case. I do have a number of matches for gnome-terminal.png under
various sizes, including the ones listed in libxcegui4/icons.c (48
and 24). Not that the hicolor icons do seem to work. I have no
problems, it'd seem, with getting the default icons to display.
All of that background leads me to a question: Should this be working
and if it's not, what's the intended behavior?
This is with gtk-2.4.1 and another box with gtk-2.4.3 with xfce4 out of
CVS from about yesterday.

Josh Howard <jrh at>

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