Xfce 4.1 alpha release?

Olivier fourdan at xfce.org
Wed Jun 23 07:39:30 CEST 2004

On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 23:03, Jean-François Wauthy wrote:
> talking about the libs, i think we should use the same file naming
> conventions for the sources (eg: xfce-filechooser.c and
> xfce_iconbutton.c), IIRC benny or moe suggested it (did it) a long time
> ago but we need to make it again. Tomorrow i'll be in hollidays so i'll
> take time to make it if i have the green light and the convention (- or
> _).

Renaming the sources in CVS will loose history. I'm not sure this is
really needed at this point.

 - Olivier Fourdan - fourdan at xfce.org - http://www.xfce.org - 

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