trouble with XFce4 cvs version installed in custom directory (panel icons)

Mart Tõnso mart.tonso at
Tue Jun 15 23:05:10 CEST 2004

Hello :)

I downloaded latest copy of XFce4 sources from cvs for translation
testing purposes and managed to build/install it in a custom directory

The trouble is that the panel is missing all the icons except mail icon.
Buttons (items, starters) are there and fully functional. I followed the
installation instructions on the xfce website, installed libraries first
and exported the pkgconfig directory path. Everything compiled without
major problems (xffm required the debugging keyword to configure

I'm using up-to-date gentoo linux and uninstalled all xfce packages
before building to avoid conflicts. I'm running xfce4-session from

What might i be missing here? 

All the dependencies are installed as a part of "normal" system. Should
they (gtk+, etc..) also be installed into /test tree? Haven't tried it

BTW, i'm pretty much amazed by the progress after 4.0.5 release. XFFM
looks really nice, session manager comes handy (shutdown/reboot) etc...
When might the next stable release be? :) 

Mart Tõnso

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