icon theme directory layout

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at xfce.org
Tue Feb 24 08:18:36 CET 2004

Op di 24-02-2004, om 05:00 schreef Brian J. Tarricone:
> hi all-
> i'm playing with GtkIconTheme a bit more, and there's a bit of a 
> problem.  there's the easy quick-and-dirty non-standard-compliant 
> solution: stick an index.theme file in each directory under 
> /usr/share/xfce4/themes that points to itself.  this, however, is not 
> standards-compliant  
> (http://freedesktop.org/Standards/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-0.8.html#directory_layout).  
> what we should really do is rearrange it so we have themed dirs that 
> look like this (this will only look right with a fixed-width font):
> /usr/share/xfce4/themes
>   `-- Lush/
>       |-- index.theme
>       |-- scalable/
>       |   `-- apps/
>       |       `-- *.svg
>       |-- 48x48/
>       |   `-- apps/
>       |       |-- *.png (48x48 images)
>       |       `-- *.xpm ( "   " )
>       `-- 24x24/
>           `-- apps/
>               |-- *.png (24x24 images)
>               `-- *.xpm ( "   " )
> the index.theme file is pretty simple:
> [Icon Theme]
> Name=Lush
> Comment=The Lush Theme
> Directories=scalable/apps,48x48/apps,24x24/apps
> [scalable/apps]
> Size=48
> Context=Applications
> Type=Scalable
> [ ... and so on ... ]
> this is the "right way" to do it, and i wouldn't mind doing the tedious 
> work of reorganising everything.  well, ok, i'm not really looking 
> forward to it, but i'll do it anyway.
> so, what do we think?  and if i do move them, how should i do it?  just 
> do 8 million cvs removes/adds?  of course we lose the cvs history by 
> doing that... but then again i somewhat doubt that the icons have all 
> that much history...

That would be very nice indeed! It doesn't hurt to be
standards-compliant ;-) I guess that will be a lot of work, though,
won't it?

You don't lose (almost-non-existent) history with cvs add/remove; only
if you mv the files on the server, without using cvs. This would be
quite acceptable too IMO, but not really easier I think.


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