[patch] more xfdesktop stuff - help wanted

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Mon Feb 9 12:01:32 CET 2004

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> i've been running xfdesktop through valgrind (--leak-check=yes 
> --show-reachable=yes --logfile=valgrind-xfd -v --num-callers=50 
> --leak-resolution=high), and the stack traces i get back from that do 
> point to icon creation, but the memory allocations seem to be buried 
> deeply in libxml2 and/or librsvg (obviously only when SVG icons are 
> being loaded).  while i won't rule out an external bug, it just seems a 
> bit unlikely to me that either of those two libraries could be leaking 
> so much memory.

FYI, I've had a similar problem with a daemon program dumping 1.9GByte core 
file after running for a day or two. After debugging for some days I found the 
cause: I forgot one call to xmlFreeDoc(). Although the XML document in 
question was short (only around 4Kb in text size), the in-memory tree 
representation was that big, that parsing this file up to 100 times led to a 
memory usage of 1.9GByte. So its not libxml2 leaking memory itself, but its 
the programmer making small mistakes, that leads to such fast memory leaks.

> thanks,
> brian


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