Xfce4 hardware sensors plugin

Fabian Nowak timys at gmx.de
Sun Dec 19 14:57:20 CET 2004


Missing a Hardware Sensors plugin for the xfce4-panel, I started to
create one. It pretty much ressembles MBM5 when displayed in the bar.

It already has save / load capabilities, so after a panel restart the
plugin should come with the same state as last time.

The code might still have some fragments of the xfce4-clock, but it
works pretty smooth even on my k7-700.

libsensors-1 and its headers are required for compiling, a working
sensors module is also required, e.g. i2c-nforce2 together with asb-100.

So it'd be very nice if you tested it and might take it into the CVS
Help is needed in Makefile and configure topics, currently I modified
the Makefile in the xfce4-panel module to create my Makefile which I
then edited...

Known bugs and problems are mentioned in the TODO file.

The file can be found at
http://mitglied.lycos.de/timshome/download/xfce4-sensors-0.2.tar.bz2 .

So far, Fabian Nowak

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