Just for the record (gtk+ 2.6.0)

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Fri Dec 17 22:21:55 CET 2004

On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 13:13 -0800, Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> except that i'm manually sending the widget an expose event.  note that
> for some reason, gtk_widget_queue_draw() never worked properly for me,
> and that's why i was manually sending an expose event.  anyway, i have
> a bug open with gtk on this, and either i'll be able to come up with
> a smaller test case, or in the process i'll find another way of doing
> it that works properly (meanwhile, owen will be beating me over the head
> with a cluestick).  hopefully this'll be resolved tonight or tomorrow,
> in time for RC3.

Put no pressure on yourself, you may have time as #490 is now marked as
blocking, we shall not have RC3 until #490 gets fixed.


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