a couple of extra features for menus & launchers

Benjamin Rich benxor at cracksmokingducks.com
Fri Apr 2 10:02:54 CEST 2004

Could the following features be added to the xfce panel?

-drag+drop of launcher between menus - I find it quite hard when I have
to create, say, a new launcher menu for a set of apps, and the apps I
want already exist in other launchers or on the panel. I have to delete
them, remember where their custom icons were etc etc, and then recreate
them in the new launcher menu. This is made even harder given that, when
a 'create launcher' dialogue is open, you can't access any other
launcher, or the panel.

-drag+drop of launchers within a menu, or along the panel - the existing
feature to move launchers is fairly useful, but being able to re-arrange
icons ad-hoc I think would be a little more efficient. It could create
problems though, so this is just a suggestion.

-Benjamin Rich

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