commited bugfixes for 4.0.1

edscott wilson garcia edscott at
Sat Oct 18 22:02:25 CEST 2003

The following bugfixes have been commited to HEAD and xfce_4_0:
1- find error reported by Danny (-type file).
2- The unselecting on dragging.

On bugfix #2 (gtk bug workaround), when you have a multiple selection
and do a normal click, it might appear that the multiple selection gets
unselected, but as soon as you start dragging the multiple selection
reappears. If you release the button instead of dragging, it defaults to

That should fix both the problem reported for 2.2.4 (which I have not
yet installed, so please check) and the multiple bitching on the xfce
list about the way gtktreeview handles the button press event. So the
tip about dragging may be changed to something like:

"When you have a multiple selection and click to begin a drag operation,
do *not* panic if the selection disappears. As soon as mouse movement is
detected, the selection will reappear". 

This is similar to the behaviour of the [-] button for xfwm4.

So AFAIK, there are no pending bugs on xffm for 4.0.1. Correct me if I'm



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