New desktop, test ver.

Luca Roccia little_rock at
Tue Oct 7 21:07:30 CEST 2003

Il mar, 2003-10-07 alle 20:17, edscott wilson garcia ha scritto:
> On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 11:47, Luca Roccia wrote:
> > Here is the first version
> > It is mainly a test ver.
> > 
> > Anyway background code is complete (no bugs or memory leaks left I hope
> > :))
> > Icon code is only partially complete. For safety purpouse isn't possible
> > to launch prog.s douple-clicking on icons.
> > In these days I'll finish icon code, adding:
> > Transparency for caption;
> > Alpha channel for img.s;
> > Finishing support for "action icons" (like trash icon & co)
> > 
> > Please note that icon-files must be stored in ~/Desktop and starts with
> > a dot (eg. .xine.lnk).
> > Attached you'll find an icon-file example.
> Nope. Not here.
> > 
> > Please tell me what do you think of the development done right now.
> If you cannot launch prog.s douple-clicking on icons, what's the use of
> having them? 
> Single click for restoring minimized icons and double click for running
> programs linked by icons sounds logical to me.
> regards,
> Edscott

This is absolutely true. In fact only in this prerelease you cannot
launch prog.s. I still have to check the code :)

> > 
> > P.S.
> > Right now (to manage icons and desktop) xfce4-desktop (this is the name
> > I thought) takes 5Mb. where idesk takes 7/8 Mb. to manage only icons :)
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