Moving maximized windows

Ariel Arjona lists at
Mon Oct 6 23:07:19 CEST 2003

Jesse Wagner wrote:

>>It may seems stupid, but i really like to move maximized windows to look under 
>>them and being still able to look at what is inside them! it saves me clicks 
>>and helps my poor memory!
>Would it be that painful to have to unmaximize first?
For people used to not having to, yes, most definitely. Think of adding 
an extra step to any operation you normally do with one. It's annoying.

I think it's a concept issue. In the MS-Windows world a visible window 
has basically 2 states, Normal and Maximized. Maximizing is a transition 
from one state to the other. In the unix world, maximizing means simply 
a convenient way to resize a window so it fills the screen.

Some people like the Win32 concept, some like the Unix concept. Apple 
has its own variant, but that's another story.

The thing with user interfaces is that you will *never* find one that 
completely pleases you. There's alwasy going to be pet peeves.


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