xfce4-systray licence

Tobias R. Henle 510049607023-0001 at t-online.de
Tue Nov 25 19:54:06 CET 2003

On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 07:37:23 +0100
Jasper Huijsmans <jasper at moongroup.com> wrote:

| Op ma 24-11-2003, om 23:52 schreef Olivier Fourdan:
| > Toby,
| > 
| > Can you clarify the licence for xfce-systray plugin?
| > 
| > The spec file says GPL while the COPYING file says BSD. I *think* it's
| > BSD, just want to make sure before changinf the spec file.
| > 
| Ok, I changed it. I'm 99.9% sure. Toby please yell if I was wrong.


BSD is okay ;)



ps sorry for my absents but having a 44h job means not much time for computer at
home :( and programming the whole day leaves not much fun in programming at home
hope to have some more time soon *pray*

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