
Marcel Pol mpol at gmx.net
Thu Nov 20 17:57:43 CET 2003


Sorry if it has been asked before, but I was wondering if there is some
expectation about when xfce-session will be considered stable.
I'm making packages for Mandrake, and I'm wondering if I should include
xfce-session or not. I can say it works for me though. The next Mandrake
version will come out around April next year, does that sound reasonable?

Also, there is a patch made by Götz Waschk, where it doesn't use sudo for
shutdown/reboot/halt, but directly as a user, and calls /usr/bin/reboot
instead of /sbin/reboot. In Mandrake there are wrappers in /usr/bin for this.
I do not know if other distro's also have that.
I include the patch for your interest.

Marcel Pol

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