localized files

Benedikt Meurer Benedikt.Meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Thu May 1 13:30:44 CEST 2003

Good morning,

As some of you might already noticed: The xfce4-about supports localized
information files (currently only german INFO and AUTHORS). Now I've
done some work on this topic, getting 4 new functions into libxfce4util
to do the job, so other components might use them as well (for example
xfdesktop for localized default menu, or the panel).

See the following description:

The __unaliasname() function in i18n.c might be problematic. I tested it
on Linux and it seems to work well, but I think it needs some more testing.


NetBSD Operating system:                       http://www.NetBSD.org/
pkgsrc "Work in progress":                  http://pkgsrc-wip.sf.net/
XFce desktop environment:                        http://www.xfce.org/
German Unix-AG Association:                   http://www.unix-ag.org/

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