Window decorations and gkrellm2 thing

Luis Miguel Garcia ktech at
Sun Jun 22 16:44:04 CEST 2003

Hey Oliver:

     the window decoration stuff with gkrellm2 and apps called from /Desktop/Autostart is fixed in cvs as you said. Thanks a lot, but I want to ask you: Why xfce loads the default theme for wm (I think), and then, it loads the theme I have chosen?

     I don't know if this is a bug or if it's easy to fix, but it could definitively reduce the startup time of xfce4 because loading 2 different themes is a waste of time (and perhaps memory).


Luis Miguel Garcia Mancebo
Ingenieria Tecnica en Informatica de Gestion
Universidad de Deusto / University of Deusto
Bilbao / Spain

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