Comments on the current build...

Danny danny.milo at
Fri Jun 6 21:03:51 CEST 2003


Am Don, 2003-06-05 um 04.53 schrieb Philip Dean:
> Hello to all!
> I checked out the CVS yesterday and just got it compiled and running.  I have been watching the progress since my last checkout in Feb.  I must say, this is AWESOME!  I did notice some details that I thought I would mention...
> 1. The Run Program dialog box has a very small issue.  It auto completes from its history.  If I run the command  /home/phild/xsmb it runs xsmb.  Now, there is no way for me to run the command /home/phild/Xsmb.  This could be a different file, but it always replaces it with the first command.  Ignoring the capital 'X'.
> 2. The two-state trigger:  this may be a feature request so you are free to ignore this.  Would it be possible to have two commands.  One that runs with the launcher is clicked on and a second that is run if the launcher is clicked off.  That way you could run a program and then kill it.  Or as I would use it for, running the ppp-on and ppp-off script. (still on dial up)

Hmm... well... as it is now it uses one script which has to check the
argument to see if the intention of the button is to turn stuff on or
off (or check status). I could change it to use three different ones
(turn on, turn off, check on/off status), but that seems overkill ?
Whats wrong with the script approach ? :->
Anyways, if you really really want it, I'll extend the settings to have
3 different launch commands :) 
It would work just as good, though I find it a bit weird to separate the
starting and the stopping of one and the same "service" into multiple
scripts :D well me has weird tastes ^^

Tell me something to convince meee ;)

Anyways, that reminds me, I have to make the button periodically check
status of the "service" ... and update the button accordingly... *memo
to self*

> Philip Dean


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