FAT tarball

Brad Cowan bcowan at gentoo.org
Mon Jul 14 16:44:18 CEST 2003

On 14 Jul 2003 09:52:32 +0200
Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at xfce.org> wrote:

> Brad,
> Don't change anything to your ebuilds! The "fat" tarballs are just a
> convenient method for me to deal with SF.net way of managing files.
> Each tarball contains the inividual packages. Mirror are providing
> inividial packages as well. 

  Thanks for the reply. I'm still going to have to change my ebuilds to
use another src which is no big deal. I understand using SF is a major
pain with putting all the tarballs up, was just nice that portage has a
mirror function with the entire list of SF mirrors to pull from ie... I
just used mirror://sourceforge/xfce/${P} to pull from a very large batch
of mirrors. If bandwidth isn't a problem for your mirrors I'll go ahead
and use a couple of those, but it may put a big strain on just those few
servers, if you think it may be a problem I'll go ahead and push out
each individual package to gentoo's mirrors. If I use your mirrors,
which would you suggest are the best in terms of availability
and bandwidth?
Thanks again,

Brad Cowan <bcowan at gentoo.org>
Gentoo Linux	http://www.gentoo.org/~bcowan

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