Error compiling on Solaris

Benedikt Meurer Benedikt.Meurer at
Wed Jul 9 13:26:07 CEST 2003

By the way, I finally managed to get smproxy working with
xfce4-session. That means, the session is now able to manage X11R5
SM-aware apps (e.g. xcalc, xedit, xbiff, gimp, gqview, and many many
more). All you have to do is to run smproxy, and smproxy will register
non-X11R6 session aware apps (you can recognize them in "session
control" looking for clients with a userid instead of a username). For
more information about what smproxy does, and what is possible, see
the smproxy man page (don't worry, its short :-).

I committed the changes yesterday night, so AnonCVS will get them
today at around 23:00 (MET). Note, that you also need the latest


PS: Neither phoenix nor mozilla work with smproxy here *argh*! Could
someone please make those apps session aware?! :-)

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