xfce4 extras screenshot

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at moongroup.com
Mon Apr 28 15:54:04 CEST 2003


for those of you who'd rather not break their systems just to get some
extra eye-candy, here's a screenshot showing the modules recently added
to CVS in the xfce4-extras module:

http://members.home.nl/jbhuijsmans/screenshots/20030428.jpg (280k)

On the panel you can see the xfce4-eyes plugin (that probably shouldn't
be used yet. Benny?), the system tray plugin with gaim and gnomeicu
status icons (and me talking to myself through ICQ ;), and the volume
control plugin (really cool, Danny!).

Toby, some comments on the systray plugin:

* The panel loads an instance of all modules when you want to change an
item's properties or add a new item. Consequently, every time the
systray plugin warns about taken over the currently running systray, but
the user will not see where the warning comes from. 

This is due to design limitations of the panel. Not much we can do about
that, but I wanted to mention it so we can keep that in mind when
changing the panel in the future. We may need a one-instance-allowed
flag for panel items and we definitely need to only load instances when
we are actually going to use them.

* The size of the systray seems a bit large. In the taskbar the icons
are put much closer together. This may not work very well when more
programs will start to use the systray.

* There are a bunch of GTK warnings when you choose cancel in the dialog
that asks if the plugin should take over the system tray (see xterm
in screenshot).

* I find the competition between the right-click menu for the panel
and for the status icons a bit confusing, but I'm not sure how to make
it more obvious either.


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