Announcement: xfce4-extras/xfce4-mixer

Voicu Liviu pacman at
Sat Apr 26 12:55:33 CEST 2003

On 26 Apr 2003 11:15:34 +0200
Danny <danny.milo at> wrote:

> There is a new entry in CVS, called xfce4-extras/xfce4-mixer.

But why the base of this modules is xfce4-extras while the base of the others is xfce-devel? just to understand :-)

> It is a small panel widget to allow fast changing of master volume
> without the need of an external proggy :)
> It can do alsa and oss so far...
> Thanks to all the people in #xfce for making it possible :D
> Especially benny and jasper which I bugged nuuuumerous times about gtk/C
> stuff ;)
> Also thanks to all the test subjects ;) may it have not left any
> permanent damage ;)
> Have fun ^^
> cu
>      Danny
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