xffm look

edscott wilson garcia edscott at imp.mx
Mon Apr 21 20:52:42 CEST 2003

On Mon, 2003-04-21 at 10:41, Tobias Henle wrote:
> hi edscott
> > OT, nautilus has a
> > *great* iconview and remaking what has already been done might not be a
> > good idea.
> yes but it is nautilus and not xffm and nautilus is a bit to heavy from my point 
> of view.

You just hit the nail on the head. 

> > Besides the iconview, what else is included in the "nearly"? 
> if you ask me what is missing:
> 	- a more detailed and better structured configuration

Too vague. \me no understand.

> 	- the possibility to use xffm with keyboard only

This is already possible. To expand nodes use "+", to collapse use "-".
To access all the functions, you can check the hotkey to use by opening
the main menu elements. If any hotkey for a function is missing, that
should be reported as a bug. If it's not reported, then nobody needs it.
So far the only one reported was to use <return> instead of "+" and "-",
but I don't know how to do that.

> sorry but you asked me. asking me is like opening pandoras box (sometimes). :)

Doesn't look like it to me (so far ;).

> cya
> 	-toby
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