OT: Any employment offer ? :)

gardnerj at provide.net gardnerj at provide.net
Thu Oct 31 18:14:42 CET 2002

On 31 Oct 2002 09:22:17 +0100
 Mickaël Graf <mgf at bredband.net> wrote:
> Welcome to the club :(
> I have no job right now, so I can't help you to come into
> my company :(
> And I'm in Sweden where the weather is cold, the winter
> very dark, the
> wine incredibly expensive, but where the girls are *very*
> pretty.
> Bonne chance
> Mickaël
 Heh, you know, with the exception of the wine (which I
guess never occured to us) that's just about the typical
American's view of Sweden. Nice to know the US populace get
a little geographical info right from time to time. ;-)


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