libxfcegui4 progress

Jonathan Gardner gardnerj at
Sun Oct 27 02:44:58 CEST 2002

On Friday, the 25th day of October, in the year of our Lord 2002, at 11:43
PM the esteemed person of letters, Olivier Fourdan quoth:

OF> Hi all,
OF> I keep working on libxfcegui4.
OF> - I've fixed and improved session management, no more hangs at logout.
OF> - I've added a fileselector with a preview pane (usefull for icons and
OF> image selection in xfce panel, backdrop manager, etc)
OF> - I've also added a bunch of hooks to netk lib internals to manage
OF> plenty of WM spec (see netk-util.h)
OF> - I've added margins (aka "strut") query/set as per Jasper request
OF> along with an example on how to use them (pretty funny to play with
OF> margins)

Sounds like a bunch of fun, but one simple question. I see these things
hanging out in the samples directory. . . how do I build and use them?



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