xmms / xfwm4 problems

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Sat Jul 13 23:45:32 CEST 2002


This really looks like a bug in xmms. The WM_LAYER seems to be cleared
by xmms.

Note that this bug showed already in xfce3 (which do not share any code
with xfwm4) and a trivial worksarround is to set "always on top" in xmms
(in which case xmms sets its layer to 6).


On Sat, 2002-07-13 at 20:59, Jens Luedicke wrote:
> hi ...
> xfwm4 mixes the three parts of xmms up and displays
> them not properly.
> I attached a screenshot ti illustrate the problem.
> 	jens
Olivier               <fourdan at xfce.org>            http://www.xfce.org
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