[Xfce4-commits] [panel-plugins/xfce4-genmon-plugin] 01/01: Add twit (Twitter Timeline Notifier) script
noreply at xfce.org
noreply at xfce.org
Sun Mar 5 20:36:21 CET 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ToZ pushed a commit to branch master
in repository panel-plugins/xfce4-genmon-plugin.
commit d8258a0b59452cf96e9ff1ea7c1c78984cc0c711
Author: ToZ <tony.paulic at gmail.com>
Date: Sun Mar 5 14:36:02 2017 -0500
Add twit (Twitter Timeline Notifier) script
scripts/twit | 193 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 193 insertions(+)
diff --git a/scripts/twit b/scripts/twit
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3664973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/twit
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# Twitter Timeline Notifier with tooltip tweet display
+# - will send notification of all new tweets
+# - tooltip will show new and (optionally) recent tweets to a max of NUM_TOOLTIP_TWEETS
+# - plugin will change icon if new tweets detected
+# - clicking on plugin will:
+# option 1: execute configurable command
+# option 2: display the saved recent tweets timeline
+# option 3: compose and send a tweet (untested)
+# Requires: xfce4-genmon
+# t (https://github.com/sferik/t/blob/master/README.md)
+# yad
+# NOTE: you must set up t (command line twitter client) properly for this script to work.
+# Instructions in link above.
+# xfce4-genmon-plugin properties:
+# Command = path to and name of this script
+# Label = optional label before icon (better unchecked)
+# Period = Time in seconds to check for new tweets (to run this script)
+# Default Font = (your choice)
+### configurable parameters
+ # debug mode (logged to /tmp/twit-log if set to 1)
+ # location of t
+ # number of tweets to show in tooltip
+ # have tooltip display new tweets only (1=yes, 0=also display recents tweets)
+ # icons
+ # notify-send icon
+ # On-click action (what to do when plugin icon is clicked)
+ #
+ # 1. Run a program (open twitter in browser window)
+#CLICK_ACTION="xdg-open https://www.twitter.com"
+ # 2. display list of recent tweets in yad dialog
+cat /tmp/.twit-all | awk '{ printf("%s %- 16s", $4, $5); out=$6; for(i=7;i<=NF;i++){out=out" "$i}; print out}' > /tmp/.twit-all-output
+CLICK_ACTION="yad --title Recent\ Twitter\ Timeline --center --width=1200 --height=500 --text-info --show-uri --filename=/tmp/.twit-all-output"
+ # 3. compose a new tweet (untested)
+#TWEET=$(yad --title "Compose a new message..." --height=200 --width=300 --text-info --editable --wrap)
+#CLICK_ACTION="t update '$TWEET'"
+# don't change anything below
+# get last processed ID and timeline
+if [ -s /tmp/.lastid ]
+ LASTID=$(cat /tmp/.lastid)
+ $TWIT_CMD timeline -lr -s $LASTID > /tmp/.twit
+ $TWIT_CMD timeline -lr > /tmp/.twit
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "01 .lastid=$(cat /tmp/.lastid)" > /tmp/twit-log
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "02 LASTID=$LASTID" >> /tmp/twit-log
+sleep 1
+# save the last processed ID
+cat /tmp/.twit | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}' > /tmp/.lastid
+if [ ! -s /tmp/.lastid ]
+ echo $LASTID > /tmp/.lastid
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "03 new.lastid=$(cat /tmp/.lastid)" >> /tmp/twit-log
+# get number of new tweets
+num_tweets=$(cat /tmp/.twit | wc -l)
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "04 num_tweets=$num_tweets" >> /tmp/twit-log
+# get the contents of the new tweets
+mapfile -t ids < <(awk '{print $1}' /tmp/.twit)
+mapfile -t from < <(awk '{print $5}' /tmp/.twit)
+mapfile -t text < <(awk '{for(i=6;i<=NF;i++){printf "%s ", $i}; printf "\n"}' /tmp/.twit)
+toolstr=$(for (( i=0; i<$num_tweets; i++ )); do echo "${from[i]} >> ${text[i]}"; echo ""; done)
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "05 toolstr=$toolstr" >> /tmp/twit-log
+##### set default plugin icon file and notify of new tweets
+#set default icon file to no new emails
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "06 ICON_FILE=$ICON_FILE" >> /tmp/twit-log
+if [ $num_tweets -gt 0 ]; then
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "07 num_tweets > 0" >> /tmp/twit-log
+ # set icon file to new emails image
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "08 ICON_FILE=$ICON_FILE" >> /tmp/twit-log
+ for (( i=0; i<$num_tweets; i++ ))
+ do
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "09 sending notification" >> /tmp/twit-log
+ notify-send -i "$NOTIFICATION_ICON" "$(echo ${from[i]} | sed -r 's/[&]+/&/g')" "$(echo ${text[i]} | sed -r 's/[&]+/&/g')"
+ done
+# append current to the all file
+cat /tmp/.twit /tmp/.twit-all > /tmp/.twit-tmp && mv /tmp/.twit-tmp /tmp/.twit-all
+# get last checked time stamp
+# prepare tooltip string (to show last NUM_TOOLTIP_TWEETS)
+if [ -s /tmp/.twit-all ]
+ mapfile -t from2 < <(awk '{print $5}' /tmp/.twit-all)
+ mapfile -t text2 < <(awk '{for(i=6;i<=NF;i++){printf "%s ", $i}; printf "\n"}' /tmp/.twit-all)
+ toolstr2=$(for (( i=$num_tweets; i<$NUM_TOOLTIP_TWEETS; i++ )); do if [ "${from2[i]}" != "" ]; then echo "${from2[i]} >> ${text2[i]}"; echo ""; fi; done)
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "10 toolstr2=$toolstr2" >> /tmp/twit-log
+##### do the genmon
+if [ $num_tweets -gt 0 ]
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "11 genmon:num_tweets > 0" >> /tmp/twit-log
+echo "<img>$ICON_FILE</img>
+<tool>New tweets:
+Recent tweets:
+Last checked: $last_checked</tool>"
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "12 genmon:num_tweets = 0" >> /tmp/twit-log
+echo "<img>$ICON_FILE</img>
+<tool>Recent tweets:
+Last checked: $last_checked</tool>"
+if [ $num_tweets -gt 0 ]
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "11 genmon:num_tweets > 0" >> /tmp/twit-log
+echo "<img>$ICON_FILE</img>
+<tool>New tweets:
+Last checked: $last_checked</tool>"
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "12 genmon:num_tweets = 0" >> /tmp/twit-log
+echo "<img>$ICON_FILE</img>
+<tool>No new tweets.
+Last checked: $last_checked</tool>"
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && echo "13 $(date)" >> /tmp/twit-log
+unset ids from text from2 text2
+exit 0
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