[Xfce4-commits] [apps/xfdashboard] 01/01: Split function to determine desktop ID via environment variables from PID of newly opened windows in application tracker into operating system dependent functions.
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noreply at xfce.org
Wed Dec 16 12:49:34 CET 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
nomad pushed a commit to branch master
in repository apps/xfdashboard.
commit 200e82af251d135cdeb9bede3145673110cb8363
Author: Stephan Haller <nomad at froevel.de>
Date: Wed Dec 16 12:42:36 2015 +0100
Split function to determine desktop ID via environment variables from PID of newly opened windows in application tracker into operating system dependent functions.
The current implementation does not respect the operating system for which is was compiled. It is assumed that a proc filesystem does exist and provides a file at /proc/$PID/environ. But this is only true for Linux but not for *BSD systems. To support *BSD (if anyone using a BSD system would implement it) different operating system and their specific way to retrieve environment variables of a process the originate function was split into a independent and an OS-specified function. The [...]
A fallback "OS-depending" function also exist just printed a warning once that this system is unsupported.
xfdashboard/application-tracker.c | 336 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
1 file changed, 207 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
diff --git a/xfdashboard/application-tracker.c b/xfdashboard/application-tracker.c
index 65a348d..e418c98 100644
--- a/xfdashboard/application-tracker.c
+++ b/xfdashboard/application-tracker.c
@@ -258,37 +258,28 @@ static XfdashboardApplicationTrackerItem* _xfdashboard_application_tracker_find_
-/* Get desktop ID from process' environment which owns window.
- * Callee is responsible to free result with g_object_unref().
+#if defined(__linux__)
+/* Get process' environment set from requested PID when running at Linux
+ * by reading in file in proc filesystem.
-static GAppInfo* _xfdashboard_application_tracker_get_desktop_id_from_environment(XfdashboardApplicationTracker *self,
- XfdashboardWindowTrackerWindow *inWindow)
+static GHashTable* _xfdashboard_application_tracker_get_environment_from_pid(gint inPID)
- XfdashboardApplicationTrackerPrivate *priv;
- GAppInfo *foundAppInfo;
- gint windowPID;
- gchar *procEnvFile;
- gchar *envContent;
- gsize envLength;
- GError *error;
- gchar *iter;
- const gchar *gioLaunchedPID;
- const gchar *gioLaunchedDesktopFile;
+ GHashTable *environments;
+ gchar *procEnvFile;
+ gchar *envContent;
+ gsize envLength;
+ GError *error;
+ gchar *iter;
- g_return_val_if_fail(XFDASHBOARD_IS_APPLICATION_TRACKER(self), NULL);
- g_return_val_if_fail(XFDASHBOARD_IS_WINDOW_TRACKER_WINDOW(inWindow), NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(inPID>0, NULL);
- priv=self->priv;
- foundAppInfo=NULL;
- /* Get process ID running this window */
- windowPID=xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_pid(inWindow);
- if(windowPID<=0)
+ /* Create environment hash-table which will be returned on success */
+ environments=g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
+ if(!environments)
- g_debug("Could not get PID for window '%s' of a running application to parse environment variables",
- xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_title(inWindow));
+ g_warning(_("Could not create environment lookup table for PID %d"), inPID);
@@ -300,12 +291,11 @@ static GAppInfo* _xfdashboard_application_tracker_get_desktop_id_from_environmen
- procEnvFile=g_strdup_printf("/proc/%d/environ", windowPID);
+ procEnvFile=g_strdup_printf("/proc/%d/environ", inPID);
if(!g_file_get_contents(procEnvFile, &envContent, &envLength, &error))
- g_debug("Could read in enviroment varibles for PID %d of window '%s' at %s: %s",
- windowPID,
- xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_title(inWindow),
+ g_debug("Could not read enviroment varibles for PID %d at %s: %s",
+ inPID,
error ? error->message : _("Unknown error"));
@@ -313,26 +303,25 @@ static GAppInfo* _xfdashboard_application_tracker_get_desktop_id_from_environmen
if(error) g_error_free(error);
if(procEnvFile) g_free(procEnvFile);
if(envContent) g_free(envContent);
+ if(environments) g_hash_table_destroy(environments);
/* Return NULL result */
- g_debug("Enviroment set at %s is %lu bytes long for window '%s'",
+ g_debug("Enviroment set for PID %d at %s is %lu bytes long",
+ inPID,
- envLength,
- xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_title(inWindow));
+ envLength);
- /* Iterate through enviroment variables and lookup GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE
+ /* Iterate through enviroment variables and insert copy of environment
+ * variable's name as key and the copy of its value as value into hash-table.
- gioLaunchedPID=NULL;
- gioLaunchedDesktopFile=NULL;
- gsize len;
+ const gchar *name;
+ const gchar *value;
/* Skip NULL-termination */
@@ -342,118 +331,207 @@ static GAppInfo* _xfdashboard_application_tracker_get_desktop_id_from_environmen
- /* Check current iterated enviroment variable matches a requested one */
- if(g_str_has_prefix(iter, "GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE="))
+ /* Split string up to next NULL termination into environment
+ * name and value.
+ * Current position of iterator is begin of environment variable's
+ * name. Next step is to iterate further until the first '=' is found
+ * which is the seperator for name and value of environment. This
+ * character is replace with NULL to mark end of name so it can be
+ * simply copied with g_strdup() later. After this is done iterate
+ * through string up to NULL termination or end of file but the
+ * first character iterated marks begin of value.
+ */
+ name=iter;
+ while(*iter && *iter!='=' && envLength>0)
- /* Each enviroment variable should be listed only once
- * otherwise is an error.
- */
- if(gioLaunchedDesktopFile)
- {
- g_debug("Could parse in enviroment varibles for PID %d of window '%s' at %s because GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE exists more than once",
- windowPID,
- xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_title(inWindow),
- procEnvFile);
+ iter++;
+ envLength--;
+ }
+ if(*iter!='=')
+ {
+ g_warning(_("Malformed enviroment '%s' in environment set for PID %d at %s"),
+ name,
+ inPID,
+ procEnvFile);
- /* Release allocated resources */
- if(foundAppInfo) g_object_unref(foundAppInfo);
- if(procEnvFile) g_free(procEnvFile);
- if(envContent) g_free(envContent);
+ /* Release allocated resources */
+ if(procEnvFile) g_free(procEnvFile);
+ if(envContent) g_free(envContent);
+ if(environments) g_hash_table_destroy(environments);
- /* Return NULL result */
- return(NULL);
- }
+ /* Return NULL result */
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ *iter=0;
- /* Remember value of environment variable */
- gioLaunchedDesktopFile=iter;
+ value=NULL;
+ do
+ {
+ iter++;
+ envLength--;
+ if(!value) value=iter;
- else if(g_str_has_prefix(iter, "GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID="))
- {
- /* Each enviroment variable should be listed only once
- * otherwise is an error.
- */
- if(gioLaunchedPID)
- {
- g_debug("Could parse in enviroment varibles for PID %d of window '%s' at %s because GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID exists more than once",
- windowPID,
- xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_title(inWindow),
- procEnvFile);
- /* Release allocated resources */
- if(foundAppInfo) g_object_unref(foundAppInfo);
- if(procEnvFile) g_free(procEnvFile);
- if(envContent) g_free(envContent);
- /* Return NULL result */
- return(NULL);
- }
+ while(*iter && envLength>0);
- /* Remember value of environment variable */
- gioLaunchedPID=iter;
- }
+ /* Insert environment name and value into hash-table but fail on
+ * duplicate key as a environment variable's name should not be
+ * found twice.
+ */
+ if(!g_hash_table_insert(environments, g_strdup(name), g_strdup(value)))
+ {
+ g_warning(_("Unexpected duplicate name '%s' in environment set for PID %d at %s: %s = %s"),
+ name,
+ inPID,
+ procEnvFile,
+ name,
+ value);
+ /* Release allocated resources */
+ if(procEnvFile) g_free(procEnvFile);
+ if(envContent) g_free(envContent);
+ if(environments) g_hash_table_destroy(environments);
+ /* Return NULL result */
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Release allocated resources */
+ if(procEnvFile) g_free(procEnvFile);
+ if(envContent) g_free(envContent);
+ /* Return hash-table with environment variables found */
+ return(environments);
+/* Fallback funtion to get process' environment set from requested PID
+ * when running at an unsupported system. It just simply returns NULL.
+ */
+static GHashTable* _xfdashboard_application_tracker_get_environment_from_pid(gint inPID)
+ static gboolean wasWarningPrinted=FALSE;
+ if(!wasWarningPrinted)
+ {
+ g_warning("Determination of application by checking environment variables is not supported at this system.");
+ wasWarningPrinted=TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Return NULL to not check environment by callee */
+ return(NULL);
+/* Get desktop ID from process' environment which owns window.
+ * Callee is responsible to free result with g_object_unref().
+ */
+static GAppInfo* _xfdashboard_application_tracker_get_desktop_id_from_environment(XfdashboardApplicationTracker *self,
+ XfdashboardWindowTrackerWindow *inWindow)
+ XfdashboardApplicationTrackerPrivate *priv;
+ GAppInfo *foundAppInfo;
+ gint windowPID;
+ GHashTable *environments;
+ gchar *value;
+ gint checkPID;
+ g_return_val_if_fail(XFDASHBOARD_IS_APPLICATION_TRACKER(self), NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(XFDASHBOARD_IS_WINDOW_TRACKER_WINDOW(inWindow), NULL);
+ priv=self->priv;
+ foundAppInfo=NULL;
+ /* Get process ID running this window */
+ windowPID=xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_pid(inWindow);
+ if(windowPID<=0)
+ {
+ g_debug("Could not get PID for window '%s' of a running application to parse environment variables",
+ xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_title(inWindow));
- /* If all requested environment variable has been found stop iterating */
- if(gioLaunchedPID && gioLaunchedDesktopFile) break;
+ /* Return NULL result */
+ return(NULL);
+ }
- /* Continue with next environment variable */
- len=strlen(iter);
- iter+=len;
- envLength-=len;
+ /* Get hash-table with environment variables found for window's PID */
+ environments=_xfdashboard_application_tracker_get_environment_from_pid(windowPID);
+ if(!environments)
+ {
+ g_debug("Could not get environments for PID %d of windows '%s'",
+ windowPID,
+ xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_title(inWindow));
+ /* Return NULL result */
+ return(NULL);
- /* If all requested environment variable has been found then check if
- * GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID matches window owner's process ID.
+ /* Check that environment variable GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID exists.
+ * Also check that the PID in value matches the requested window's PID
+ * as the process may inherit the environments of its parent process
+ * but then this one is not the initial process for this application.
- if(gioLaunchedPID && gioLaunchedDesktopFile)
+ if(!g_hash_table_lookup_extended(environments, "GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID", NULL, (gpointer)&value))
- /* Move pointer of environment variables to value */
- while(*gioLaunchedPID && *gioLaunchedPID!='=') gioLaunchedPID++;
- while(*gioLaunchedDesktopFile && *gioLaunchedDesktopFile!='=') gioLaunchedDesktopFile++;
+ g_debug("Missing 'GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID' in environment variables for PID %d of windows '%s'",
+ windowPID,
+ xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_title(inWindow));
- /* Check if pointers points to value assignment character */
- if(*gioLaunchedPID=='=' &&
- *gioLaunchedDesktopFile=='=')
- {
- gint checkPID;
+ /* Release allocated resources */
+ if(environments) g_hash_table_destroy(environments);
+ /* Return NULL result */
+ return(NULL);
+ }
- /* Move pointer one byte further where value begins really */
- gioLaunchedPID++;
- gioLaunchedDesktopFile++;
+ checkPID=atoi(value);
+ if(checkPID!=windowPID)
+ {
+ g_debug("PID %d of environment variables does not match requested window PID %d for '%s'",
+ checkPID,
+ windowPID,
+ xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_title(inWindow));
- /* Check if PID of enviroment variable matches window owner's
- * process ID.
- */
- checkPID=atoi(gioLaunchedPID);
- if(checkPID==windowPID)
- {
- /* Lookup application from full path */
- foundAppInfo=xfdashboard_application_database_lookup_desktop_id(priv->appDatabase, gioLaunchedDesktopFile);
- if(!foundAppInfo)
- {
- /* Lookup application from basename of path */
- gioLaunchedDesktopFile=g_strrstr(gioLaunchedDesktopFile, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
- if(gioLaunchedDesktopFile)
- {
- gioLaunchedDesktopFile++;
- foundAppInfo=xfdashboard_application_database_lookup_desktop_id(priv->appDatabase, gioLaunchedDesktopFile);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- g_debug("PID %d of environment variable does not match window PID %d for '%s'",
- checkPID,
- windowPID,
- xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_title(inWindow));
- }
+ /* Release allocated resources */
+ if(environments) g_hash_table_destroy(environments);
+ /* Return NULL result */
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ /* Check that environment variable GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE exists and
+ * lookup application from full path as set in environment's value.
+ */
+ if(!g_hash_table_lookup_extended(environments, "GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE", NULL, (gpointer)&value))
+ {
+ g_debug("Missing 'GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE' in environment variables for PID %d of windows '%s'",
+ windowPID,
+ xfdashboard_window_tracker_window_get_title(inWindow));
+ /* Release allocated resources */
+ if(environments) g_hash_table_destroy(environments);
+ /* Return NULL result */
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ foundAppInfo=xfdashboard_application_database_lookup_desktop_id(priv->appDatabase, value);
+ if(!foundAppInfo)
+ {
+ /* Lookup application from basename of path */
+ value=g_strrstr(value, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S);
+ if(value)
+ {
+ value++;
+ foundAppInfo=xfdashboard_application_database_lookup_desktop_id(priv->appDatabase, value);
/* Release allocated resources */
- if(procEnvFile) g_free(procEnvFile);
- if(envContent) g_free(envContent);
+ if(environments) g_hash_table_destroy(environments);
- /* Return found application info */
+ /* Return found application info which may be NULL if not found in
+ * application database.
+ */
g_debug("Resolved enviroment variables of window '%s' to desktop ID '%s'",
foundAppInfo ? g_app_info_get_id(foundAppInfo) : "<nil>");
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