[Xfce4-commits] [panel-plugins/xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin] 02/96: Initial import
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Thu Nov 27 22:20:07 CET 2014
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nick pushed a commit to branch master
in repository panel-plugins/xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin.
commit 94a6a9b4f5e8dee87b5d552a560094d4eacefc93
Author: Omega Weapon <OmegaPhil at gmail.com>
Date: Sun Sep 1 11:52:36 2013 +0100
Initial import
.cvsignore | 31 +
COPYING | 340 ++++++
ChangeLog | 748 +++++++++++++
HardwareMonitor.server.in.in | 30 +
Makefile.am | 19 +
NEWS | 173 +++
README | 48 +
autogen.sh | 20 +
configure.ac | 84 ++
hardware-monitor-applet.png | Bin 0 -> 2699 bytes
hardware-monitor.doap | 40 +
po/.cvsignore | 15 +
po/ChangeLog | 602 +++++++++++
po/POTFILES.in | 13 +
po/POTFILES.skip | 2 +
po/ar.po | 581 ++++++++++
po/as.po | 573 ++++++++++
po/az.po | 610 +++++++++++
po/be.po | 626 +++++++++++
po/bg.po | 580 ++++++++++
po/bn_IN.po | 573 ++++++++++
po/bs.po | 590 +++++++++++
po/ca.po | 649 ++++++++++++
po/cs.po | 575 ++++++++++
po/cy.po | 616 +++++++++++
po/da.po | 621 +++++++++++
po/de.po | 604 +++++++++++
po/dz.po | 581 ++++++++++
po/el.po | 650 ++++++++++++
po/en_CA.po | 591 +++++++++++
po/en_GB.po | 620 +++++++++++
po/es.po | 586 +++++++++++
po/eu.po | 575 ++++++++++
po/fi.po | 603 +++++++++++
po/fr.po | 587 +++++++++++
po/gl.po | 579 ++++++++++
po/gu.po | 577 ++++++++++
po/he.po | 584 +++++++++++
po/hi.po | 573 ++++++++++
po/hr.po | 618 +++++++++++
po/hu.po | 588 +++++++++++
po/it.po | 625 +++++++++++
po/ja.po | 577 ++++++++++
po/kn.po | 573 ++++++++++
po/ko.po | 635 +++++++++++
po/lv.po | 579 ++++++++++
po/mr.po | 572 ++++++++++
po/ms.po | 611 +++++++++++
po/nb.po | 571 ++++++++++
po/ne.po | 579 ++++++++++
po/nl.po | 595 +++++++++++
po/oc.po | 575 ++++++++++
po/pa.po | 655 ++++++++++++
po/pl.po | 583 +++++++++++
po/pt.po | 631 +++++++++++
po/pt_BR.po | 638 +++++++++++
po/ru.po | 589 +++++++++++
po/rw.po | 714 +++++++++++++
po/sl.po | 581 ++++++++++
po/sq.po | 641 ++++++++++++
po/sr.po | 630 +++++++++++
po/sr at Latn.po | 630 +++++++++++
po/sv.po | 607 +++++++++++
po/ta.po | 594 +++++++++++
po/te.po | 581 ++++++++++
po/th.po | 572 ++++++++++
po/tr.po | 629 +++++++++++
po/uk.po | 631 +++++++++++
po/vi.po | 582 +++++++++++
po/zh_CN.po | 626 +++++++++++
po/zh_HK.po | 612 +++++++++++
po/zh_TW.po | 612 +++++++++++
src/.cvsignore | 8 +
src/Makefile.am | 43 +
src/README.compose | 342 ++++++
src/TODO | 61 ++
src/applet.cpp | 518 +++++++++
src/applet.hpp | 113 ++
src/bar-view.cpp | 264 +++++
src/bar-view.hpp | 57 +
src/canvas-view.cpp | 132 +++
src/canvas-view.hpp | 68 ++
src/choose-monitor-window.cpp | 414 ++++++++
src/choose-monitor-window.hpp | 95 ++
src/column-view.cpp | 215 ++++
src/column-view.hpp | 56 +
src/curve-view.cpp | 185 ++++
src/curve-view.hpp | 56 +
src/flame-view.cpp | 298 ++++++
src/flame-view.hpp | 55 +
src/gui-helpers.hpp | 44 +
src/helpers.cpp | 51 +
src/helpers.hpp | 40 +
src/i18n.hpp | 43 +
src/main.cpp | 78 ++
src/monitor-impls.cpp | 1074 +++++++++++++++++++
src/monitor-impls.hpp | 261 +++++
src/monitor.hpp | 122 +++
src/pixbuf-drawing.hpp | 248 +++++
src/preferences-window.cpp | 694 ++++++++++++
src/preferences-window.hpp | 157 +++
src/text-view.cpp | 173 +++
src/text-view.hpp | 59 ++
src/ucompose.hpp | 442 ++++++++
src/ui.glade | 2328 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/ui.gladep | 11 +
src/value-history.cpp | 50 +
src/value-history.hpp | 47 +
src/view.cpp | 61 ++
src/view.hpp | 67 ++
112 files changed, 45543 insertions(+)
diff --git a/.cvsignore b/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad8076b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e21ce3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60c31a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb5fac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+2010-06-13 Neil Bird <neilbird at src.gnome.org>
+ Release 1.4.3
+ * configure.ac: bump version
+ * News: released 1.4.3
+2010-04-04 Neil Bird <neilbird at src.gnome.org>
+ Start-up crash fix when when used with newer GConf
+ * MAINTAINERS: Add myself as new maintainer
+ * src/applet.cpp: Cope will NULL return for non-existent prefs.
+2009-05-02 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Released v. 1.4.2.
+ * configure.ac: Bumped version to 1.4.2.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/Makefile.am: Ported to lm-sensors-3.x
+ API (reported by Francisco Pina Martins).
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Removed special-case for GCC < 3.x.
+ * src/applet.cpp: Fixed compiler warning about ambigious if-if-else.
+2009-05-01 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * hardware-monitor.doap: Added DOAP file as requested by sysadm team.
+ * src/main.cpp, configure.ac: Applied patch from Mike Auty to fix
+ compilation issues with the latest version of the GNOME libraries.
+2009-04-05 Mark Krapivner <mark125 at gmail.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added "he" to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2009-03-02 Sandeep Shedmake <sshedmak at redhat.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added "mr" to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2008-11-09 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Released version 1.4.1.
+ * configure.ac: Bumped version number.
+ * src/column-view.cpp, src/curve-view.cpp, src/flame-view.cpp,
+ src/bar-view.cpp, src/monitor.hpp: Try to prevent stray values
+ returned by the monitored devices from causing the charts to go
+ berserk by clamping them (inspired by an excellent trace by Karl
+ Chen).
+ * src/applet.cpp: Applied patch from Simon Wenner to fix the
+ now-not-closing About dialog.
+2007-09-05 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/ucompose.hpp: Updated to new version.
+ * MAINTAINERS: Updated to satisfy the new GNOME SVN requirements.
+2007-08-01 Raivis Dejus <orvils at gmail.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added Latvian Translation.
+2007-02-27 Pema Geyleg <pema.geyleg at gmail.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added "dz" to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2007-01-28 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.hpp, src/monitor-impls.cpp: Applied patch from
+ Christof Krüger to avoid counting IO wait time as CPU load.
+2007-01-13 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Version 1.4 released!
+ * configure.ac: Bumped version number.
+ * README: Removed reference to home page.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/monitor-impls.hpp,
+ src/choose-monitor-window.cpp: Ported to new interface in libgtop
+ to fix wrong counting of CPU time. Small refactor.
+ * src/canvas-view.hpp: Added a comment.
+2006-10-28 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Fixed a possible bug.
+2006-09-10 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/applet.cpp, src/bar-view.cpp, src/bar-view.hpp,
+ src/preferences-window.cpp, src/preferences-window.hpp,
+ src/ui.glade: Applied a slightly massaged patch from Emmanuel
+ Rodriguez to add a vertical version of the bar viewer.
+2006-08-28 Inaki Larranaga <dooteo at euskalgnu.org>
+ * configure.ac: Added 'eu' to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2006-07-18 Guntupalli Karunakar <karunakar at indlinux.org>
+ * configure.ac: Added 'hi' to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2006-07-10 Chao-Hsiung Liao <j_h_liau at yahoo.com.tw>
+ * configure.ac: Add "zh_HK" to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2006-04-18 Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas at gnome.org>
+ * configure.ac: Rename translation.
+ * po/nb.po: Add this
+ * po/no.po: Remove this.
+2006-02-11 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Changed b (for byte/bytes) to B.
+2006-01-24 Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>
+ * configure.in: Added vi in ALL_LINGUAS line.
+2005-10-09 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Version 1.3 released!
+ * README: New requirements.
+ * configure.ac: Bumped version no.
+ * src/main.cpp, src/ui.glade: Get rid of now artificial dependency on
+ libgnomemm and libgnomeuimm. Libgnomeui is still needed for the
+ panel applet library, though.
+ * configure.ac: Adjust dependencies accordingly.
+2005-09-18 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/preferences-window.cpp, src/preferences-window.hpp,
+ src/ui.glade: Use Gtk::FontButton and Gtk::ColorButton instead of
+ widgets from Gnome::UI::About.
+ * src/applet.cpp, src/applet.hpp: Use Gtk::AboutDialog instead of
+ Gnome::UI::About.
+2005-09-10 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Try to work-around the problem of
+ network connections being reset.
+2005-07-23 Pawan Chitrakar <pawan at nplinux.org>
+ * configure.ac: Added ne in ALL_LINGUAS
+2005-06-05 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <icq at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * configure.ac: Added 'gl' to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2005-04-01 Steve Murphy <murf at e-tools.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added "rw" to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2005-03-29 Alexander Shopov <ash at contact.bg>
+ * configure.in: Added "bg" (Bulgarian) to ALL_LINGUAS
+2005-03-13 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Version 1.2.1 released!
+ * README: Mention the problem with the applet not showing up in
+ the right-click menu.
+ * configure.ac: Bumped the version no.
+ * autogen.sh: Require at least Automake 1.7.
+ * src/Makefile.am: Fixed to work with later Automake.
+2005-02-13 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/monitor-impls.hpp: Fixed a
+ syntactic bug that GCC 4.0 catches.
+2004-12-29 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * configure.ac: Added "ru" to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-11-21 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/choose-monitor-window.cpp: Fixed a UI error that made the
+ CPU chooser default to a specific CPU when changing a monitored
+ CPU device.
+2004-10-13 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Fixed a bug in the disk usage monitor.
+ The calculated maximum value was wrong. This caused the bar viewer
+ to make the applet eat 100% CPU.
+2004-09-13 Jayaradha <njaya at redhat.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added "ta" ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-09-12 Abel Cheung <maddog at linuxhall.org>
+ * configure.ac: Added "bs" "tr" "zh_TW" to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-09-07 Ankit Patel <ankit at redhat.com>
+ * gu.po: Added gu to LC_LINGUAS in configure.ac.
+2004-09-05 Ilkka Tuohela <hile at iki.fi>
+ * fi.po: Added fi to LC_LINGUAS in configure.ac.
+2004-08-18 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/preferences-window.cpp: Fixed a silly variable shadowing bug
+ that GCC 3.4 catches.
+2004-07-13 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Version 1.2 released!
+ * configure.ac: Bumped the version no.
+2004-07-10 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/*.[ch]pp: Ported to gtkmm 2.4.
+ * configure.ac: Use gtkmm 2.4 and friends.
+ * src/Makefile.am: Removed some whitespace.
+ * NEWS: Version 1.1 released.
+ * configure.ac: Removed obsolete check for <sys/statfs.h>.
+2004-07-06 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * configure.ac: Bumped the version no.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Made the loading more robust by checking
+ whether the saved max. is actually available, and avoid reducing
+ the estimate of the max. whenever the monitor is inactive.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/applet.cpp:
+ Make use of virtual load() to load values.
+ * src/monitor.hpp: Added virtual load() for loading max. values.
+2004-07-04 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/curve-view.cpp, src/ui.glade, src/preferences-window.cpp,
+ src/preferences-window.cpp: Removed the line width preference,
+ fixed it at 1.5 pixels instead.
+2004-07-02 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Fixed a compilation bug.
+ * src/choose-monitor-window.[ch]pp: Small refactorings.
+ * src/preferences-window.[ch]pp, src/ui.glade: Removed the update
+ interval and the samples preferences.
+ * src/main.cpp: Set nice value to 5 instead of 10.
+ * src/Makefile.am, src/applet.[ch]pp, *view.[ch]pp,
+ monitor-impls.[ch]pp, monitor.hpp: Made the views display monitor
+ values with different update intervals and fixed a couple of bugs
+ meanwhile.
+ * src/canvas-view.hpp, src/canvas-view.cpp: Removed frame.
+ * src/ucompose.hpp: Updated to new bug-fixing release.
+2004-06-15 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Version 1.0.2 is out.
+ * configure.ac: Bumped version no.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/monitor-impls.hpp: Use block size
+ from libgtop.
+ * configure.ac: Require at least libgtop 2.6.
+ * autogen.sh: Use common GNOME autogen.sh.
+2004-05-27 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Version 1.0.1 is out.
+ * configure.ac: Bumped version no.
+ * src/canvas-view.cpp: Fixed AA bug.
+2004-05-24 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * Makefile.am: Add MAINTAINERS to EXTRA_DIST.
+2004-04-13 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/column-view.cpp: Fixed boundary condition so that columns
+ with value zero are not drawn.
+2004-04-08 Adam Weinberger <adamw at gnome.org>
+ * configure.ac: Added en_CA to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-03-25 Guntupalli Karunakar <karunakar at freedomink.org>
+ * configure.ac: Added "pa" (Punjabi) to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-03-25 Takeshi AIHANA <aihana at gnome.gr.jp>
+ * configure.ac; Added "ja" (Japanese) to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-03-23 Maxim Dziumanenko <mvd at mylinux.com.ua>
+ * configure.ac: Added "uk" (Ukrainian) to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-03-22 Gareth Owen <gowen72 at yahoo.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added en_GB to ALL_LINGUAS
+2004-03-22 Wang Jian <lark at linux.net.cn>
+ * configure.ac: Added "zh_CN" to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-03-17 Dafydd Harries <daf at muse.19inch.net>
+ * configure.ac: Added "cy" (Welsh) to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-03-15 Alessio Frusciante <algol at firenze.linux.it>
+ * configure.ac: Addded "it" (Italian) to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-03-04 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Version 1.0 released!
+ * configure.ac: Bumped version number.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Use available disk space for users
+ instead of total available disk space (including the root
+ reserved).
+2004-02-29 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/TODO, src/applet.cpp, src/choose-monitor-window.cpp,
+ src/choose-monitor-window.hpp, src/monitor-impls.cpp,
+ src/monitor-impls.hpp, src/ui.glade: Added an option to the disk
+ monitor to choose whether to show used space or free space.
+ * src/ui.glade, src/choose-monitor-window.cpp,
+ src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/TODO: Added support for wireless
+ connections (currently just one).
+ * src/Makefile.am: Renamed "hardware-monitor.glade" to "ui.glade".
+ * src/gui-helpers.hpp: Moved "hardware-monitor.glade" to "ui.glade".
+2004-02-25 Jordi Mallach <jordi at sindominio.net>
+ * configure.ac (ALL_LINGUAS): Added "ca" (Catalan).
+2004-02-07 Robert Sedak <robert.sedak at sk.htnet.hr>
+ * configure.ac: Added "hr" (Croatian) to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-01-25 Christophe Merlet <redfox at redfoxcenter.org>
+ * configure.ac: Added "fr" (French) to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-01-16 Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas at gnome.org>
+ * configure.ac: Added "no" to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2004-01-10 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/pixbuf-drawing.hpp: Fixed an uninitialised xpos.
+2003-12-29 Artur Flinta <aflinta at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * configure.ac: Added pl to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2003-12-12 Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <gdvieira at zaz.com.br>
+ * configure.ac: Added pt_BR to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2003-11-23 Christian Neumair <chris at gnome-de.org>
+ * configure.ac: Added German (de) to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2003-11-17 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/text-view.cpp: Fixed the problem with the text not being
+ aligned with the standard Gnome clock text.
+2003-11-11 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc at bigfoot.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added 'es' (Spanish) to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2003-11-03 Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol at ikhlas.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added 'ms' (Malay) to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2003-10-25 Metin Amiroff <metin at karegen.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added az to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2003-10-20 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Fixed LoadAverageMonitor to not drop
+ below 1 for estimated max value.
+2003-09-20 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/TODO: Updated with CORBA idea.
+2003-09-14 Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt at hotmail.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added Portuguese (pt) to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2003-09-14 Danilo Šegan <dsegan at gmx.net>
+ * configure.ac: Added "sr" and "sr at Latn" to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2003-09-14 Christian Rose <menthos at menthos.com>
+ * configure.ac: Added "sv" to ALL_LINGUAS.
+2003-09-13 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Removed help directory since there is
+ currently no help.
+2003-08-27 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Version 0.7 released!
+2003-08-26 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * configure.ac: Bumped version number.
+ * src/applet.cpp (main_loop): Added code to sync NetworkLoadMonitors.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/monitor-impls.hpp: Added
+ possibly_sync to NetworkLoadMonitor.
+ * src/column-view.cpp: Made the column view draw itself with a
+ pixbuf instead of the previous a-myriad-of-little-boxes approach.
+ Fixes the performance problem with the column view, and also makes
+ it more visually stable to look at due to a neat anti-aliasing
+ effect.
+2003-08-25 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Fixed the DiskUsageMonitor so that it
+ actually monitors used space as advertised instead of free space.
+ Doh.
+2003-07-28 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/Makefile.am: Removed DISK_BLOCK_SIZE definition as having it
+ here is completely wrong.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/monitor-impls.hpp: If <sys/statfs.h>
+ exists, try to discover the block size automatically to
+ work-around hard-coded value of 1024 (which is wrong for many
+ systems).
+ * configure.ac: Added detection of <sys/statfs.h>.
+2003-07-24 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Version 0.6 released!
+ * configure.ac: Bumped version no.
+ * README: Updated and corrected.
+ * src/monitor-impls.hpp, src/monitor-impls.cpp: Removed copied
+ code.
+2003-07-23 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/curve-view.cpp: Minor code cleanup.
+ * src/preferences-window.cpp: Added UI code for widgets for column
+ view.
+ * src/hardware-monitor.glade: Added widgets for column view.
+ * src/applet.cpp: Added support for column view.
+ * src/Makefile.am, src/column-view.cpp, src/column-view.hpp: Added
+ a column diagram viewer.
+2003-07-20 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/choose-monitor-window.cpp, src/choose-monitor-window.hpp,
+ src/applet.cpp, src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/monitor-impls.hpp,
+ src/hardware-monitor.glade: Added support for monitoring fan speed
+ via libsensors.
+2003-07-19 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/monitor-impls.hpp: Revamped Sensors
+ to add support for autodetecting the available temperature
+ sensors. Modified TemperatureMonitor to support that.
+ * src/choose-monitor-window.cpp: Added support for choosing
+ different temperature sensors. Fixed a bug related to swap usage.
+ * src/hardware-monitor.glade: Added support for choosing different
+ temperature sensors. Changed dialog to use a notebook to reduce
+ the visual clutter.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp (Sensors::find_feature): Ignore ignored
+ features.
+ * configure.ac: Added be to ALL_LINGUAS.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Made the monitors without known maximum
+ values reduce their maximum gradually (0.1% each iteration). Should
+ fix the problems with large fluctuations followed by long slow
+ periods.
+2003-06-01 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: Version 0.5.1 released!
+ * configure.ac: Bumped version no.
+ * src/text-view.cpp, src/monitor-impls.cpp: Remember to include
+ <cassert> (fixes building problem with GCC 3.3).
+2003-05-24 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp (LoadAverageMonitor): Set max_value to 1.0
+ initially.
+2003-05-14 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * configure.ac: Added Korean (ko) to the list in ALL_LINGUAS.
+2003-05-08 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp (get_short_name): Include "in"/"out" in
+ the name if monitoring incoming and outgoing connections.
+2003-05-01 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp (do_measure): Fix stupid bug - measuring
+ out really measured in.
+2003-04-24 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: V. 0.5 released!
+ * configure.ac: Bumped version no.
+ * src/bar-view.cpp (draw): Add small margin between bars.
+ * src/bar-view.cpp, src/curve-view.cpp, src/flame-view.cpp:
+ Changed to reflect changed get_fg_color interface.
+ * src/applet.cpp (get_fg_color): Changed interface to include
+ opacity, increased opacity for skin colour.
+ * src/curve-view.cpp (draw): Removed bogus assertion.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp (format_value): Don't use \uXXXX but use
+ \xXX instead. Fixes the temperature monitor crash.
+ * src/applet.cpp (on_about_activated): Use real copyright symbol.
+ * src/ucompose.hpp: Upgraded to v. 1.0.3.
+2003-04-22 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Suppress negative zero values (?) for the
+ NetworkLoad.
+ * src/canvas-view.cpp, src/applet.cpp: Moved frame from Applet to
+ CanvasView so that it doesn't appear in TextView.
+2003-04-21 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/bar-view.[ch]pp: Smoothed the bar drawing by separating the
+ update loop from the drawing loop. Also split each bar into little
+ boxes which looks much neater.
+2003-04-20 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/main.cpp: Show exceptions with a message box instead of just
+ printing them on std::cerr. Also nice the process to 10 so that we
+ don't get in the way of any actually productive processes.
+2003-04-19 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/curve-view.[ch]pp: Smoothed the curve drawing by separating
+ the updating loop from the drawing loop so that the curves are not
+ updated in chunks of the size of the update interval.
+ * src/hardware-monitor.glade: Set minimum for samples spinbutton
+ to 3 instead of 2 since the curve view doesn't seem to like only
+ two points.
+ * src/*view.[ch]pp: Refactored to use new facilities below,
+ reducing code size quite a lot.
+ * src/applet.[ch]pp: Moved tooltips code to applet, splitted
+ background setting into two methods.
+ * src/canvas-view.[ch]pp: Added middle class with canvas functionality.
+2003-04-15 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * NEWS: V. 0.4 released!
+ * README: Deleted comment about needing GCC 3.
+2003-04-13 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/hardware-monitor.glade: Added accelerator underscores to
+ option widgets in devices tab.
+ * src/*-view.[ch]pp: Added background color switching code.
+ * src/view.[ch]pp: Added virtual method to set background color.
+ * src/preferences-window.[ch]pp, src/applet.[ch]pp: Added support for
+ background color.
+2003-04-12 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/gui-helpers.hpp (get_glade_xml): Issue fatal warning when
+ Glade file isn't found.
+2003-04-06 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/hardware-monitor.glade: Revamped the viewer/options layout,
+ added widgets for background color.
+2003-04-02 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/curve-view.cpp (draw): Adjusted vertical interval so that
+ lines thicker than 1 pixel aren't cut off at the top.
+2003-03-30 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp (find_feature): Fixed a bug with reading
+ past end of buffer.
+ * src/ucompose.hpp: Updated to newer version to support GCC 2.95.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Inserted work-arounds for GCC 2.95.
+ * src/curve-view.cpp (draw): Increase the default line thickness
+ to 1.5.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Set a 50 degree default max value for
+ monitoring temperatures (will automatically be raised when necessary).
+2003-03-29 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/applet.cpp: Update the view immediately upon constructing
+ the applet so that we don't get a delay when starting the applet.
+ * configure.ac, NEWS: V. 0.3 released!
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Made the sensor code actually work.
+ * hardware-monitor-applet.png: Stole a better icon from
+ gnome-system.png.
+ * src/flame-view.cpp (recompute_fuel): Killed warnings.
+ * src/hardware-monitor.glade: Fixed add/remove/change button
+ layout in preferences window to circumvent bug in libglade.
+2003-03-25 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/bar-view.cpp, src/curve-view.cpp, src/flame-view.cpp: Ask
+ the applet for a default colour.
+ * src/applet.[ch]pp: Added Applet::get_fg_color.
+2003-03-22 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/hardware-monitor.glade: Fixed layout of preferences window.
+ * autogen.sh: Stolen from gnome-hello.
+ * configure.ac: Renamed from configure.in. Cleaned up build
+ system, now has --with-libsensors.
+2003-02-09 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * configure.in: Bumped the requirements for gconfmm to 2.0.1.
+2003-02-08 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/applet.cpp: Added support for the temperature monitor.
+ * src/hardware-monitor.glade, src/choose-monitor-window.cpp,
+ src/choose-monitor-window.hpp: Added support for choosing the
+ temperature monitor.
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp, src/monitor-impls.hpp: Added a new
+ temperature monitor which uses lm-sensors.
+ * configure.in: Autodetect whether the host has libsensors.
+2003-02-03 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * configure.in, README, NEWS: V. 0.2 released!
+ * src/flame-view.cpp, src/flame-view.hpp: Implemented a nice flame
+ view.
+ * src/hardware-monitor.glade, src/preferences-window.cpp: Added
+ support for setting the preferences for the flames.
+ * src/applet.cpp: Added support for the flame view.
+2003-02-01 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * src/monitor-impls.cpp: Made NetworkLoadMonitor::get_name append
+ the direction (in/out).
+ * src/preferences-window.cpp: Start out without selecting any
+ monitors so that a user can see that the grayed-out buttons become
+ active. Also gray-out the change button.
+2003-01-31 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * configure.in: V. 0.1 released!
diff --git a/HardwareMonitor.server.in.in b/HardwareMonitor.server.in.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa8cdd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HardwareMonitor.server.in.in
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<oaf_server iid="OAFIID:HardwareMonitor_Factory"
+ type="exe"
+ location="@LIBEXECDIR@/@PACKAGE@">
+ <oaf_attribute name="repo_ids" type="stringv">
+ <item value="IDL:Bonobo/GenericFactory:1.0"/>
+ <item value="IDL:Bonobo/Unknown:1.0"/>
+ </oaf_attribute>
+ <oaf_attribute name="name" type="string" value="Hardware Monitor Factory"/>
+ <oaf_attribute name="description" type="string" value="Factory for hardware monitor applet"/>
+<oaf_server iid="OAFIID:HardwareMonitor"
+ type="factory"
+ location="OAFIID:HardwareMonitor_Factory">
+ <oaf_attribute name="repo_ids" type="stringv">
+ <item value="IDL:GNOME/Vertigo/PanelAppletShell:1.0"/>
+ <item value="IDL:Bonobo/Control:1.0"/>
+ <item value="IDL:Bonobo/Unknown:1.0"/>
+ </oaf_attribute>
+ <oaf_attribute name="name" type="string" _value="Hardware Monitor"/>
+ <oaf_attribute name="description" type="string" _value="Monitor hardware devices"/>
+ <oaf_attribute name="panel:category" type="string" _value="Utility"/>
+ <oaf_attribute name="panel:icon" type="string" value="hardware-monitor-applet.png"/>
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a978c2c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Ole Laursen
+Email: olau at hardworking.dk
+Userid: olau
+Neil Bird
+Email: neilbird at src.gnome.org
+Userid: neilbird
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..627c9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+SUBDIRS = src po # help
+# server file
+serverdir = $(libdir)/bonobo/servers
+server_in_files = HardwareMonitor.server.in
+server_DATA = $(server_in_files:.server.in=.server)
+$(server_in_files): $(server_in_files:.server.in=.server.in.in) Makefile
+ sed -e "s|\@LIBEXECDIR\@|$(libexecdir)|" -e "s|\@PACKAGE\@|$(PACKAGE)|" $< > $@
+# icon
+icondir = $(datadir)/pixmaps
+icon_DATA = $(PACKAGE)-applet.png
+EXTRA_DIST = $(icon_DATA) $(server_DATA:.server=.server.in.in) \
+ intltool-merge.in intltool-extract.in intltool-update.in \
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53ba7eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+Version 1.4.3 (2010-06-13)
+Fix start-up crash with latest GNOME.
+Migrate maintenance to Neil Bird <neilbird at src.gmnome.org>
+Version 1.4.2 (2009-05-01)
+Fix compilation on latest GNOME (patch by Make Auty) and update to
+lm-sensors 3.x API (reported by Francisco Pina Martins). There are
+also a couple of translation updates.
+Version 1.4.1 (2008-11-09)
+Bug fixes (with patches from Simon Wenner and Christof Krüger) and
+lots of translation updates.
+Version 1.4 (2006-01-13)
+Added vertical version of the bar viewer with patch from Emmanuel
+Rodriguez. Fixed wrong counting of CPU time with new libgtop.
+Translation updates.
+Version 1.3 (2005-10-09)
+The applet now takes advantage of the new features in gtkmm 2.6 to
+drop the dependency on libgnomemm and libgnomeuimm. A few bugs have
+been fixed. Lots of translation updates.
+Version 1.2.1 (2005-03-13)
+A bug fix release. With lots of translation updates.
+Version 1.2 (2004-07-13)
+The applet has been ported to gtkmm 2.4 and the related gnomemm
+Version 1.1 (2004-07-10)
+The monitored devices now automatically choose an appropriate update
+interval - hopefully, this will fix the problem with the load average.
+The frame around the applet has been removed. Major preferences
+clean-up. The max. measured device value is now saved between
+sessions, and not decreased during periods of inactivity. Nice value
+is now set to 5 instead of 10.
+Version 1.0.2 (2004-06-15)
+Use block size from libgtop. Fixes wrong disk usage sizes.
+Version 1.0.1 (2004-05-27)
+Fixed a bug that caused the applet to not be anti-aliased with GTK+
+2.4 and fixed a bug so that columns with zero value are not drawn.
+Lots of translation updates.
+Version 1.0 (2004-03-04)
+Added an option to show free disk space instead of used. Added support
+for monitoring wireless network connections. Fixed an alignment bug
+for the text viewer (it was not aligned with the GNOME clock).
+Assorted other bug fixes.
+Version 0.7 (2003-08-27)
+Fixed the performance problem with the column diagram viewer. CPU
+usage back to zero again now.
+Fixed disk usage sometimes reporting the wrong values for disk size.
+Made it report disk usage rather than disk free.
+The scales of network monitors over the same network interface are now
+synchronized (so that e.g. incoming and outgoing data use the same scale).
+Version 0.6 (2003-07-24)
+Added a column diagram viewer like the System Monitor one in
+Added support for choosing all of the various temperature sensors in
+the system. Also added support for monitoring fan speeds with
+lm-sensors. Rearranged the UI for choosing a device to monitor to make
+room for these changes.
+Fixed a bug related to choosing the swap usage monitor. Really ignore
+ignored lm-sensors features. Made the monitors without predetermined
+maximum values reduce their maximum gradually.
+Version 0.5.1 (2003-06-01)
+Fixed bug with missing '#include <cassert>'. Fixed bug with measuring
+outgoing data with network load. Fixed the network tooltip to mention
+in/out. Added Korean translation.
+Version 0.5 (2003-04-24)
+Made the curve and the bar viewer update themselves continuously
+instead of in small jumps. And the bars are broken into little boxes
+which look much neater. Fixed some of the issues with the text viewer.
+The applet now renices itself to 10 so that it doesn't steal CPU time
+from Real Productive Processes.
+Code cleanup, taking more advantage of the class hierarchy to reduce
+duplicate code.
+Fixed a character set bug that made the applet crash when monitoring
+CPU temperature.
+Version 0.4 (2003-04-15)
+Added a feature for optionally changing the background color.
+Rearranged the preferences window quite heavily, hopefully it is more
+user-friendly now.
+Fixed a bug with the curve viewer displaying half lines.
+Other bug fixes, including build fixes (should now work with GCC 2.95).
+Version 0.3 (2003-03-29)
+Added support for lm-sensors monitoring of CPU temperature if you have
+Adding a monitor will now automatically choose a sensible colour for
+the monitor.
+Minor other UI enhancements.
+Version 0.2 (2003-02-03)
+A couple of minor bug fixes, and a brand-new beautiful flame view.
+Version 0.1 (2003-01-31)
+First public release. Supports bar view, curve view and textual view,
+and the various monitors supported by libgtop.
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ba5caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Hardware Monitor
+Hardware Monitor is a monitor applet for the Gnome panel. It supports
+a variety of monitoring capabilities (CPU usage, network throughput
+etc.) and different kinds of viewers (curves, bars, columns, text,
+It is licensed under the GNU GPL.
+You need a modern Gnome desktop (i.e. at least Gnome 2.6) with the
+related libraries and the C++ wrappers for GTK+ and Gnome libraries,
+gtkmm and gnomemm (more specifically gtkmm, gconfmm and libglademm).
+These can be fetched from http://www.gtkmm.org, or are alternatively
+probably available as packages from your distributor.
+Also, to compile the program you need the development files for the
+Gnome panel-applet library and libgtop.
+If you have libsensors from the lm-sensors package installed at
+compile time, the configure script will detect it and add support for
+monitoring temperatures and fan speeds (if the library is not found,
+the relevant UI is hidden).
+Compiling from source
+Note that when you compile from source, the file
+HardwareMonitor.server must end up a place where the panel can find
+it. Else you will not be able to find the applet in the right-click
+panel menu. This place is usually /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/. If you run
+configure with
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr
+and install the applet, it will most likely work.
+Report bugs and suggestions to the maintainer:
diff --git a/autogen.sh b/autogen.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..870e588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autogen.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Run this to generate all the initial makefiles, etc.
+srcdir=`dirname $0`
+test -z "$srcdir" && srcdir=.
+(test -f $srcdir/configure.ac) || {
+ echo -n "**Error**: Directory "\`$srcdir\'" does not look like the"
+ echo " top-level $PKG_NAME directory"
+ exit 1
+which gnome-autogen.sh || {
+ echo "You need to install gnome-common from the GNOME CVS"
+ exit 1
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa76fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+dnl package name and version number
+dnl checks for programs
+dnl checks for libraries
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DEPS, gconfmm-2.6 >= 2.6.0 \
+ gtkmm-2.4 >= 2.6.0 \
+ libgnomecanvasmm-2.6 >= 2.6.0 \
+ libgnomeui-2.0 >= 2.0.0 \
+ libglademm-2.4 >= 2.4.0 \
+ libpanelapplet-2.0 >= 2.0.0 \
+ libgtop-2.0 >= 2.6.0)
+[ --with-libsensors[=DIR] use libsensors in DIR],[
+ if test "$withval" != "no" -a "$withval" != "yes"; then
+ SENSORS_DIR=$withval
+ CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I$withval/include/sensors"
+ LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L$withval/lib"
+ fi
+if test "$with_libsensors" = "no"; then
+ echo "Disabling lmsensors support"
+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sensors/sensors.h,
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(sensors, sensors_init,[
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBSENSORS,1,[libsensors is available])
+ if test "x${SENSORS_DIR}" != "x"; then
+ SENSORS_LIBS="-L${SENSORS_DIR}/lib -lsensors"
+ [case ${host} in
+ *-*-solaris*)
+ SENSORS_LIBS="-L${SENSORS_DIR}/lib -R${SENSORS_DIR}/lib -lsensors"
+ ;;
+ esac]
+ else
+ SENSORS_LIBS="-lsensors"
+ fi]))
+dnl i18n
+ALL_LINGUAS="ar as az be bg bn_IN bs ca cs cy da de dz el en_CA en_GB es eu fi fr gl gu he hi hr hu it ja kn ko lv mr ms nb ne nl oc pa pl pt pt_BR ru rw sl sq sr sr at Latn sv ta th tr uk vi zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW"
+dnl extra stuff
+dnl create makefiles
+ Makefile
+ src/Makefile
+ po/Makefile.in
+dnl help/Makefile
+dnl help/C/Makefile
diff --git a/hardware-monitor-applet.png b/hardware-monitor-applet.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e19c735
Binary files /dev/null and b/hardware-monitor-applet.png differ
diff --git a/hardware-monitor.doap b/hardware-monitor.doap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cca488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware-monitor.doap
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<Project xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ xmlns:rdfs="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
+ xmlns:foaf="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"
+ xmlns:gnome="http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#"
+ xmlns="http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#">
+ <name xml:lang="en">Hardware Monitor</name>
+ <shortdesc xml:lang="en">Applet for monitoring hardware devices</shortdesc>
+ <!--
+ <homepage rdf:resource="http://www.gnome.org/" />
+ <mailing-list rdf:resource="http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/desktop-devel-list" />
+ <download-page rdf:resource="http://download.gnome.org/sources/empathy/" />
+ <bug-database rdf:resource="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=empathy" />
+ -->
+ <!-- DOAP category: This is used to categorize repositories in cgit.
+ Pulse could not find an appropriate category for this repository.
+ Set the rdf:resource attribute with one of the following:
+ http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#admin
+ http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#bindings
+ http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#deprecated
+ http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#desktop
+ http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#development
+ http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#infrastructure
+ http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#platform
+ http://api.gnome.org/doap-extensions#productivity
+ NOTE: There is an "Other" categorization on cgit, but we do not have a
+ DOAP category for it. If your module does not belong to one of these
+ groups, then do not include a category property in your DOAP file.
+ <category rdf:resource="FIXME" />
+ -->
+ <maintainer>
+ <foaf:Person>
+ <foaf:name>Ole Laursen</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:olau at hardworking.dk" />
+ <gnome:userid>olau</gnome:userid>
+ </foaf:Person>
+ </maintainer>
diff --git a/po/.cvsignore b/po/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a04d911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/po/ChangeLog b/po/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cdb297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+2009-06-09 I .Felix <ifelix at redhat.com>
+ * ta.po: Tamil translation updated.
+2009-04-05 Mark Krapivner <mark125 at gmail.com>
+ * he.po: Add Hebrew translation by Yaron Shahrabani.
+2009-03-02 Sandeep Shedmake <sshedmak at redhat.com>
+ * mr.po: Committed Marathi Translations.
+2008-12-26 Sweta Kothari <swkothar at redhat.com>
+ * gu.po: Committed Gujarati Translation.
+2008-11-02 Hendrik Richter <hendrikr at gnome.org>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation, by
+ Simon Wenner <simon at wenner.ch>
+2008-09-21 Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt at hotmail.com>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2008-07-31 Djihed Afifi <djihed at gmail.com>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2008-06-08 Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas at gnome.org>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian bokm�l translation.
+2008-03-04 Petr Kovar <pknbe at volny.cz>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation by Lucas Lommer.
+2008-02-12 Pawan Chitrakar <chautari at gmail.com>
+ * ne.po: Updated Nepali Translation.
+2008-02-07 Artur Flinta <aflinta at svn.gnome.org>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team.
+2008-01-29 Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <dooteo at euskalgnu.org>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2007-12-31 Yannig Marchegay <yannig at marchegay.org>
+ * oc.po: Updated Occitan translation.
+2008-01-01 Changwoo Ryu <cwryu at debian.org>
+ * ko.po: Updated Korean translation by Namhyung Kim.
+2007-11-21 Yannig Marchegay <yannig at marchegay.org>
+ * oc.po: Updated Occitan translation
+2007-10-22 Djihed Afifi <djihed at gmail.com>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2007-08-01 Raivis Dejus <orvils at gmail.com>
+ * lv.po: Added Latvian Translation.
+2007-07-07 Takeshi AIHANA <takeshi.aihana at gmail.com>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation.
+ * ChangeLog: formatted for the unix-base instead of msdos-base.
+2007-05-2 Djihed Afifi <djihed at gmail.com>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2007-04-21 Djihed Afifi <djihed at gmail.com>
+ * ar.po: Updated Arabic Translation by Djihed Afifi.
+2007-04-02 Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <dooteo at euskalgnu.org>
+ * eu.po: Updated Basque translation.
+2007-03-05 Raphael Higino <raphaelh at svn.gnome.org>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
+ by Andre Noel <andrenoel at ubuntu.com>.
+2007-02-23 Jordi Mas <jmas at softcatala.org>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation
+2007-01-26 Matic Zgur <mr.zgur at gmail.com>
+ * sl.po: Updated Slovenian translation.
+2007-01-14 Alexander Shopov <ash at contact.bg>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <ash at contact.bg>
+2007-01-14 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2006-12-02 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <nacho.resa at gmail.com>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2006-11-18 Djihed Afifi <djihed at gmail.com>
+ * ar.po: Added Arabic Translation.
+ * LINGUAS: Added ar.
+2006-10-18 Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2006-10-01 Christophe Merlet <redfox at redfoxcenter.org>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation from
+ Damien Durand <splinux at fedoraproject.org>.
+2006-09-29 Wouter Bolsterlee <wbolster at gnome.org>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Wouter Bolsterlee.
+2006-09-24 Pawan Chitrakar <pchitrakar at gmail.com>
+ * ne.po: Updated Nepali Translation
+2006-09-20 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador at openshine.com>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-09-15 Ilkka Tuohela <hile at iki.fi>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2006-09-14 Daniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2006-09-13 David Lodge <dave at cirt.net>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated English (British) translation
+2006-09-12 Kostas Papadimas <pkst at gnome.org>
+ * el.po: Fixed typos by Dimitris Glezos <dimitris at glezos.com>
+2006-08-28 Inaki Larranaga <dooteo at euskalgnu.org>
+ * eu.po: Added Basque translation.
+2006-08-17 Vincent van Adrighem <adrighem at gnome.org>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Tino Meinen.
+2006-08-10 �vind Hoel <ohoel at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * nb.po: Updated Norwegian Bokm�l translation.
+2006-07-31 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador at openshine.com>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-07-24 Christophe Merlet <redfox at redfoxcenter.org>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation from
+ Jonathan Ernst <jonathan at ernstfamily.ch>.
+2006-07-18 Guntupalli Karunakar <karunakar at indlinux.org>
+ * hi.po: Added Hindi translation.
+2006-07-10 Chao-Hsiung Liao <j_h_liau at yahoo.com.tw>
+ * zh_TW.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Taiwan).
+ * zh_HK.po: Updated Traditional Chinese translation(Hong Kong).
+2006-06-15 Hendrik Richter <hendrikr at gnome.org>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2006-04-26 Alexander Shopov <ash at contact.bg>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Alexander Shopov <ash at contact.bg>
+2006-04-12 Daniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2006-03-20 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <nacho.resa at gmail.com>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2006-03-14 Jens Seidel <jseidel at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2006-03-04 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-03-01 Daniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>
+ * po/sv.po: Swedish translation updated.
+2006-02-19 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2006-02-15 Ilkka Tuohela <hile at iki.fi>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2006-02-14 Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2005-11-21 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <nacho.resa at gmail.com>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician Translation.
+2005-09-16 Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2005-09-04 Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2005-08-27 Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>
+ * vi.po: Updated Vietnamese translation.
+2005-07-31 Ilkka Tuohela <hile at iki.fi>
+ * fi.po: Bulk updates to Finnish translation
+ for new gnome.fi website.
+2005-07-28 Ilkka Tuohela <hile at iki.fi>
+ * fi.po: Bulk change to some Finnish translations.
+2005-07-23 Pawan Chitrakar <pawan at nplinux.org>
+ * ne.po: Added Nepali Translation
+2005-06-26 Hendrik Brandt <heb at gnome-de.org>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2005-06-22 Abel Cheung <maddog at linuxhall.org>
+ * zh_TW.po: Fix language team reference.
+2005-06-05 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <icq at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * gl.po: Updated Galician translation.
+2005-04-29 Alexander Shopov <ash at contact.bg>
+ * bg.po: Updated Bulgarian translation by
+ Yavor Doganov <yavor at doganov.org>
+2005-04-01 Steve Murphy <murf at e-tools.com>
+ * rw.po: Added Kinyarwanda translation.
+2005-03-29 Alexander Shopov <ash at contact.bg>
+ * bg.po: Added Bulgarian translation by
+ Yavor Doganov <yavor at doganov.org>
+2005-03-26 Josep Puigdemont <josep at imatge-sintetica.com>
+ * ca.po: Updated Catalan translation by Aleix Badia i Bosch.
+2005-03-16 Adam Weinberger <adamw at gnome.org>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2005-02-15 Christophe Merlet <redfox at redfoxcenter.org>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation from
+ David Soulayrol <dsoulayrol at free.fr>.
+2004-12-29 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * ru.po: Added Russion translation by Vyacheslav Dikonov.
+2004-10-22 Hendrik Brandt <hebra at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * de.po: Updated German translation.
+2004-09-19 Wang Jian <lark at linux.net.cn>
+ * zh_CN.po: Updated Simplified Chinese translation by
+ Liu Songhe <jack at linux.net.cn>.
+2004-09-13 Ilkka Tuohela <hile at iki.fi>
+ * fi.po: Updated Finnish translation.
+2004-09-13 Jayaradha <njaya at redhat.com>
+ * ta.po: New Tamil translation added.
+2004-09-12 Abel Cheung <maddog at linuxhall.org>
+ * zh_TW.po: New traditional Chinese translation.
+2004-09-11 Baris Cicek <baris at teamforce.name.tr>
+ * tr.po: Updated Turkish Translation by Ridvan Can
+2004-09-07 Ankit Patel <ankit at redhat.com>
+ * gu.po: Added Gujarati translation.
+2004-09-05 Ilkka Tuohela <hile at iki.fi>
+ * fi.po: Added Finnish translation.
+2004-09-03 Danilo egan <dsegan at gmx.net>
+ * sr.po, sr at Latn.po: Updated Serbian translation.
+2004-09-03 Laurent Dhima <laurenti at alblinux.net>
+ * sq.po: Added Albanian translation.
+2004-09-03 Akagic Amila <bono at linux.org.ba>
+ * bs.po: Added Bosnian translation.
+2004-08-19 Artur Flinta <aflinta at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team.
+2004-08-17 Laszlo Dvornik <dvornik at gnome.hu>
+ * hu.po: Added Hungarian translation by Gabor Kelemen.
+2004-08-10 Takeshi AIHANA <aihana at gnome.gr.jp>
+ * ja.po: Updated Japanese translation by
+ Atsuo Igarashi <aigarashi at mvista.com>.
+2004-08-09 Vincent van Adrighem <adrighem at gnome.org>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Elros Cyriatan.
+2004-08-09 Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt at hotmail.com>
+ * pt.po: Updated Portuguese translation.
+2004-08-02 Adam Weinberger <adamw at gnome.org>
+ * en_CA.po: Updated Canadian English translation.
+2004-07-31 David Lodge <dave at cirt.net>
+ * en_GB.po: Updated British translation.
+2004-07-07 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * es.po: Updated Spanish translation.
+2004-07-06 Christian Rose <menthos at menthos.com>
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2004-07-06 Estvo Samuel Procpio <tevaum at ig.com.br>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+2004-07-06 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2004-07-05 Miloslav Trmac <mitr at volny.cz>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-04-21 Artur Flinta <aflinta at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team.
+2004-04-08 Adam Weinberger <adamw at gnome.org>
+ * en_CA.po: Added Canadian English translation.
+2004-03-26 Danilo Segan <dsegan at gmx.net>
+ * sr.po, sr at Latn.po: Updated Serbian translation.
+2004-03-25 Guntupalli Karunakar <karunakar at freedomink.org>
+ * pa.po: Added Punjabi translation by
+ Punjab Linux Technology <punjablinux at netscape.net>
+2004-03-25 Takeshi AIHANA <aihana at gnome.gr.jp>
+ * ja.po: Added Japanese translation by
+ Atsuo Igarashi <aigarashi at mvista.com>.
+2004-03-23 Maxim Dziumanenko <mvd at mylinux.com.ua>
+ * uk.po: Updated Ukrainian translation.
+2004-03-22 Gareth Owen <gowen72 at yahoo.com>
+ * en_GB.po: Added British translation
+2004-03-22 Wang Jian <lark at linux.net.cn>
+ * zh_CN.po: Added Simplified Chinese translation by
+ Zhang Xing <zhx at ustc.edu>.
+2004-03-18 Robert Sedak <robert.sedak at sk.htnet.hr>
+ * hr.po: Updated Croatian translation.
+2004-03-17 Dafydd Harries <daf at muse.19inch.net>
+ * cy.po: Added Welsh translation by Steve Griff.
+2004-03-15 Alessio Frusciante <algol at firenze.linux.it>
+ * it.po: Added Italian translation by
+ Alessio Dessi` <alessio.dessi at libero.it>.
+2004-03-14 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * es.po: Updated Spansih translation.
+2004-03-13 Christophe Merlet <redfox at redfoxcenter.org>
+ * fr.po: Updated French translation.
+2004-03-11 Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <gdvieira at zaz.com.br>
+ * pt_BR.po: Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation done by
+ Raphael Higino <raphaelh at uai.com.br>.
+2004-03-08 Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt at hotmail.com>
+ * pt.po: Updated and revised Portuguese translation.
+2004-03-04 Vincent van Adrighem <adrighem at gnome.org>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Elros Cyriatan.
+2004-03-01 Miloslav Trmac <mitr at volny.cz>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2004-02-29 Christian Rose <menthos at menthos.com>
+ * POTFILES.skip: Removed nonexisting file.
+ * sv.po: Updated Swedish translation.
+2004-02-29 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+ * POTFILES.in: Updated.
+2004-02-25 Jordi Mallach <jordi at sindominio.net>
+ * ca.po: Added Catalan translation by
+ Aleix Badia i Bosch <abadia at ica.es>.
+2004-02-07 Robert Sedak <robert.sedak at sk.htnet.hr>
+ * hr.po: Updated Croatian translation.
+2004-01-28 Miloslav Trmac <mitr at volny.cz>
+ * cs.po: Fixed Czech translation.
+2004-01-25 Christophe Merlet <redfox at redfoxcenter.org>
+ * fr.po: Added French translation from
+ David Soulayrol <david.soulayrol.2000 at anciens.enib.fr>.
+2004-01-16 Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas at gnome.org>
+ * no.po: Added Norwegian translation.
+2004-01-13 Vincent van Adrighem <adrighem at gnome.org>
+ * nl.po: Translation updated by Kees van den Broek.
+2003-12-29 Artur Flinta <aflinta at cvs.gnome.org>
+ * pl.po: Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team.
+2003-12-12 Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira <gdvieira at zaz.com.br>
+ * pt_BR.po: Added Brazilian Portuguese translation done by Tiago
+ Cardoso Menezes <zion at via-rs.net>.
+2003-11-23 Christian Neumair <chris at gnome-de.org>
+ * POTFILES.skip: Added missing file.
+ * de.po: Added German translation.
+2003-11-11 Pablo Gonzalo del Campo <pablodc at bigfoot.com>
+ * es.po: Added Spanish translation by Antonio Ognio
+ <antonio at linux.org.pe>
+2003-11-03 Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol at ikhlas.com>
+ * ms.po: Added Malay translation.
+2003-10-25 Metin Amiroff <metin at karegen.com>
+ * az.po: Added Azerbaijani translation.
+2003-10-25 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Fixed a string in Danish translation.
+2003-10-14 Kostas Papadimas <pkst at gnome.org>
+ * el.po: Added Greek translation.
+2003-09-20 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * ko.po: Converted to UTF-8.
+2003-09-15 Miloslav Trmac <mitr at volny.cz>
+ * cs.po: Updated Czech translation.
+2003-09-14 Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt at hotmail.com>
+ * pt.po: Added Portuguese translation.
+2003-09-14 Danilo egan <dsegan at gmx.net>
+ * sr.po, sr at Latn.po: Added Serbian translation.
+2003-09-14 Vincent van Adrighem <adrighem at gnome.org>
+ * nl.po: Dutch translation added by Elros Cyriatan.
+2003-09-14 Christian Rose <menthos at menthos.com>
+ * POTFILES.in, POTFILES.skip: Added comment.
+ * POTFILES.skip: Removed nonexisting file.
+ * .cvsignore: Added more entries.
+ * sv.po: Added Swedish translation.
+2003-07-23 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2003-07-19 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Fixed a string in the Danish translation.
+ * be.po: Added Belarusian translation from Vital Khilko
+ <dojlid at mova.org>.
+2003-05-14 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * ko.po: Added Korean translation from sinsh29a at yahoo.co.kr.
+2003-04-24 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2003-04-13 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2003-03-25 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2003-02-03 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2003-02-01 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
+2003-01-11 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>
+ * da.po: Updated Danish translation.
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca9ef9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# List of source files containing translatable strings.
+# Please keep this file sorted alphabetically.
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.skip b/po/POTFILES.skip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb3682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/POTFILES.skip
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# List of source files that should *not* be translated.
+# Please keep this file sorted alphabetically.
diff --git a/po/ar.po b/po/ar.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a26009e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ar.po
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor.HEAD.ar.po to Arabic
+# Automatically generated, 2007.
+# Djihed Afifi <djihed at gmail.com>, 2007.
+# Abderrahim Kitouni <a.kitouni at gmail.com>, 2007.
+# Arabic translations for THIS package.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as THIS package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.HEAD.ar\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-04-21 09:27+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-02 19:38+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Djihed Afifi <djihed at gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Arabic <doc at arabeyes.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "مراقب العتاد"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "يراقب العتاد"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "أداة"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "مراقب العتاد: لا يمكن تحميل الأيقونة \"%1\".\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "تفضيلات..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "مساعدة"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_حول..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "يراقب عدة معلومات متعلقة بالعتاد، مثل نسبة استعمال المعالج والذاكرة. يمكنه رسم منحنيات أو بيانات بشكل أشرطة عمودية أو أفقية أو شعلات متذبذبة إضافة إلى البيانات النصية"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "حقوق النسخ %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"""فريق عربآيز للترجمة http://www.arabeyes.org :\n"
+"عبد الرحيم قيطوني\t<a.kitouni at gmail.com>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "المجس %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "المجس %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "المروحة %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "المروحة %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>الخلفية</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>الأجهزة</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>الخط</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>الحجم</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>العارض</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>كبير</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>صغير</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "معدل عدد العمليات المتزامنة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "كل المعالجات"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "كل البيانات"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "الخلفية"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "استعمال المعالج"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_غيِّر"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "الل_ون:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "الأعمدة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "منحنيات"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "اختر جهازًا"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "اختر خطًّا"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "الإتصال:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "الأجهزة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "الإتجاه:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "أدخل مجلدا على القرص لمراقبته"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "إيثرنت (الأول)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "إيثرنت (الثاني)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "ايثرنت (الثالث)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "ال_مجلّد:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "تفضيلات مراقب العتاد"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "البيانات القادمة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "مودم"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "راقب كل المعالجات"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "راقب الأجهزة باستعمال الشعلات المتذبذبة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "راقب الأجهزة باستعمال أشرطة أفقية"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "راقب الأجهزة باستعمال منحنيات"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "راقب الأجهزة باستعمال أعمدة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "راقب الأجهزة باستعمال وصف نصي"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "راقب الأجهزة باستعمال أعمدة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "راقب معالجا واحدا فقط"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "الشبكة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "لم يُعثر على أيّ مجس"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "المعالج فقط:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "البيانات الخارجة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "اختر مجسًّا للمراقبة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "تحديد ما إذا تتم مراقبة البيانات الداخلة او الخارجة او كلاهما"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "وصلة تسلسلية"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "عرض المساحة الحرة بدل المستعملة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "تخزين"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "نظام"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "درجة الحرارة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "كمية البيانات المرسلة عبر اتصال شبكي"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "كمية المساحة المستعملة من القرص"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "كمية الذاكرة المبنية على القرص المستعملة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "كمية الذاكرة المستعملة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "نسبة الوقت المستعمل في تنفيذ العمليات الأمامية"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "سرعة المراوح"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "درجة الحرارة داخل النظام"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter type"
+msgstr "نوع الإتصال - إيثرنت هو نوع الإتصال الأكثر استعمالا في الشبكات المحلية"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "استخدم خلفية الشريط"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "استخدم هذا اللون"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "استخدم هذا الخط"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "العارض"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "رقم المعالج المُراقب"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "لاسلكيّة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "أ_ضف"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "استخدام القرص"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "سرعة المروحة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "الشعلات"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "أشرطة افقية"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "متوسط الحِمْل"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "استخدام الذاكرة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "الأجهزة المراقَبة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "سرعة التنقل لل_شبكة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "احذف"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "استعمال الذاكرة ال_بديلة"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "درجة الحرارة:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_نص"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "أشرطة عمودية"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "خطأ فادح"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "كل المعالجات"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "المعالج %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "المعالج"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "المعالج %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 م.ب."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "ذاكرة مبنية على القرص"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "الذاكرة البديلة"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "متوسط الحِمْل"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "الحِمل:"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "الذاكرة"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "الذاكرة"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 ج.ب."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 م.ب."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 ك.ب."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 بايت"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "القرص (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 ج.ب.\\ثا"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 م.ب.\\ثا"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 ك.ب.\\ثا"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 بايت\\ثا"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, داخل"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, خارج"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "إيثرنت %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "مودم"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "وصلة تسلسلية"
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "لاسلكيّة"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2°م"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "درجة الحرارة %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "درجة الحرارة %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "درجة الحرارة %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 د.د (دورة في الدقيقة)"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "سرعة المروحة %1 : \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "سرعة المروحة %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "الجهاز"
diff --git a/po/as.po b/po/as.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..106144f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/as.po
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor.po.master.as.po to Assamese
+# Assamese translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 hardware-monitor's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Amitakhya Phukan <aphukan at fedoraproject.org>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.po.master.as\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=hardware-monitor&component=general\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-12 09:15+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-16 16:25+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Amitakhya Phukan <aphukan at fedoraproject.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Assamese\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:471
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "যান্ত্ৰিক সামগ্ৰীৰ মণিটৰ"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "যান্ত্ৰিক সামগ্ৰী মণিটৰ কৰক"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "সৰঞ্জাম"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "যান্ত্ৰিক সামগ্ৰীৰ মণিটৰ: '%1' আইকণ তুলি ল'ব নোৱাৰি ।\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "পছন্দ (_P)..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "সহায় (_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "বিষয়ে (_A)..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "বিভিন্ন যান্ত্ৰিক সামগ্ৰী সম্বন্ধীয় তথ্য মণিটৰ কৰক, যেনে CPU ব্যৱহাৰ, স্মৃতিশক্তিৰ ব্যৱহাৰ ইত্যাদি । কাৰ্ভ গ্ৰাফ, বাৰ প্ল'ট, কলম ডায়েগ্ৰাম, টেক্সুৱেল মণিটৰিং আৰু ফ্লাক্সুৱেটিং ফ্লেমচৰ সমৰ্থন কৰে ।"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:474
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:481
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "অমিতাক্ষ ফুকন (aphukan at fedoraproject.org)"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Fan %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>পৃষ্ঠভূমি</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>যন্ত্ৰসমূহ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>আখৰ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>আকাৰ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>প্ৰদৰ্শক</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>ডাঙৰ</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>সৰু</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "একেলগে চলি থকা প্ৰক্ৰিয়াসমূহৰ সংখ্যাৰ এটা ৰানিং এভাৰেজ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "সকলো CPU সমূহ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "সকলো তথ্য"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "পৃষ্ঠভূমি"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "CPU ৰ ব্যৱহাৰ (_P)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "সলনি (_h)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "ৰং (_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "স্তম্ভসমূহ (_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "কাৰ্ভ (_u)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "এটা যন্ত্ৰৰ বাচি লওক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "এটা ফ'ন্ট বাচি লওক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "সংযোগ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "যন্ত্ৰসমূহ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "দিশ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "ডিষ্কৰ পৰা মণিটৰলৈ থকা এটা ফোল্ডাৰলৈ যাওক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:698
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "ইথাৰ্নে'ট (প্ৰথম)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:700
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "ইথাৰ্নে'ট (দ্বিতীয়)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "ইথাৰ্নে'ট (তৃতীয়)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "ফোল্ডাৰ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "যান্ত্ৰিক সামগ্ৰীৰ মণিটৰৰ পছন্দ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "অহা তথ্য"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "ম'ডেম"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "সকলো CPU সমূহ মণিটৰ কৰক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "ফ্লাক্সুৱেটিং ফ্লেম ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা যন্ত্ৰক মণিটৰ কৰক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "অনুভূমিক বাৰ প্ৰয়োগ কৰা যন্ত্ৰক মণিটৰ কৰক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "লাইন গ্ৰাফ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা যন্ত্ৰক মণিটৰ কৰক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "ছলিড স্তম্ভ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা যন্ত্ৰক মণিটৰ কৰক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "আখৰেৰে বিৱৰণ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা যন্ত্ৰক মণিটৰ কৰক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "উলম্ব বাৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা যন্ত্ৰক মণিটৰ কৰক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "এটামাত্ৰ CPU মণিটৰ কৰক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "নে'টৱৰ্ক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "কোনো চেন্সৰ সন্ধান কৰিব পৰা ন'গ'ল"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "অকল CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "বাহিৰলৈ যোৱা তথ্য"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "মণিটৰ কৰিব লগা চেন্সৰ নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "অহা নে যোৱা নে দুয়োটাকে মণিটৰ কৰিব লাগে সেইটো নিৰ্ব্বাচন কৰক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "ছিৰিয়েল লিঙ্ক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা স্থানৰ সলনি মুক্ত স্থান দেখুৱাওক (_f)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "ভঁৰাল"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "ব্যৱস্থাপ্ৰণালী"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "তাপ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "এটা নে'টৱ্ৰক সংযোগৰ মাধ্যমেৰে পঠিওৱা তথ্যৰ সংখ্যা"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা ডিষ্কৰ স্থান"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "ডিষ্ক-ভিত্তিক স্মৃতিশক্তি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা পৰিমাণ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা স্মৃতিশক্তিৰ পৰিমাণ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "ফোৰ্গ্ৰাউন্ড প্ৰক্ৰিয়া চলাওঁতে ব্যয় কৰা সময়ৰ শতাংশ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "ফেনৰ গতি"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "ব্যৱস্থাপ্ৰণালীৰ ভিতৰৰ তাপ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "সংযোগৰধৰন - সাধাৰণ স্থানীয় নে'টৱৰ্ক এডাপ্টাৰৰ ধৰণ হ'ল ইথাৰ্নে'ট"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "পেনেলৰ পৃষ্ঠভূমি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক (_p)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "এই ৰং ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক (_t):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "এই আখৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক (_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "প্ৰদৰ্শক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "কোনটো CPU সংখ্যা মণিটৰ কৰিব লাগে"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "বেতাঁৰ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "যোগ কৰক (_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "ডিষ্কৰ ব্যৱহাৰ (_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "ফেনৰ গতি (_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "ফ্লেমসমূহ (_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "অনুভূমিক বাৰসমূহ (_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "ল'ড এভাৰেজ (_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "স্মৃতিশক্তিৰ ব্যৱহাৰ (_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "মণিটৰ কৰা যন্ত্ৰ (_M):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "নে'টৱৰ্ক থ্ৰুপুট (_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "আঁতৰাওক (_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "শ্বেপৰ ব্যৱহাৰ (_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "তাপ (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "লিপি (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "উলম্ব বাৰসমূহ (_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "মাৰাত্মক ভুল"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:296
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:302
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "সকলো প্ৰচেচৰ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:304
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "প্ৰচেচৰ সংখ্যা %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:311
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:362 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:496
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:367
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "ডিষ্ক-ভিত্তিক স্মৃতিশক্তি"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:373
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "শ্বেপ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:431
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "ল'ত এভাৰেজ"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:438
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "ল'ড"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "স্মৃতিশক্তি"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:507
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:562
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:578
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "ডিষ্ক (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:679
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:716 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:746
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, in"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, out"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:731
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "W.less."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:952
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:959
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "তাপ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "তাপ %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1034
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1041
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ফেন %1 গতি: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "ফেন %1 গতি"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "যন্ত্ৰ"
diff --git a/po/az.po b/po/az.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ef15a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/az.po
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+# hardware-monitor.HEAD.po faylının Azərbaycan Dilinə tərcüməsi
+# hardware-monitor.HEAD.po faylının Azərbaycan dilinə tərcüməsi
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Mətin Əmirov <metin at karegen.com>, 2003
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-10-01 20:31+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-10-23 20:13+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mətin Əmirov <metin at karegen.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Azərbaycan Dili <gnome at azətt.com>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.0.1\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:592
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Avadanlıq İzləyicisi"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Avadanlıqlarınızı izləyin"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Tə'minat"
+#: src/applet.cpp:69
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Avadanlıq İzləyicisi : '%1' timsalı yüklənə bilmir.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Qurğular..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Yardım"
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Haqqında..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:203
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:210
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:584
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Mətin Əmirov <metin at karegen.com>"
+#: src/applet.cpp:587
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"CPU və yaddaş istifadəsi kimi müxtəlif avadanlıqları və onlarla əlaqəli olan "
+"mə'lumatları izləyin. Proqram əyri qrafikaları, üfüqi çubuqları, sütun "
+"diaqramlarını mətn ilə izləmə və yanan işıqlar ilə izləməyi dəstəkləyir."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:594
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Tə'lif Hüququ %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:113
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:137
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilyator %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139 src/monitor-impls.cpp:827
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventilyator %1"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Arxa plan</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Avadanlıqlar</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ümumi</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Seçimlər</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Nümayişçi</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:8
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Bir neçə ardıcıl gedişatların icrada olan ortalaması"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:9
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Bütün CPU-lar"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:10
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Bütün mə'lumat"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:11
+msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+msgstr "Ölçmələr arasındakı vaxt (saniyə olaraq)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:13
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "CPU: 15.0%"
+msgstr "CPU: 15.0%"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU istifadəsi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Də_yişdir"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "Rə_ng:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "Sü_tunlar"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "Ə_yrilər"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Avadanlıq Seç"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:20
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Yazı Növünü Seç"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:21
+msgid "Co_lumns:"
+msgstr "_Sütunlar:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:22
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Çubuğun rəngi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Əyrinin rəngi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "İşığın rəngi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:25
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Bağlantı:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:26
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Avadanlıqlar"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:27
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "İstiqamət:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:28
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Disk üstündə izlənəcək qovluğu bildirin"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:29 src/monitor-impls.cpp:520
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Eternet (birinci)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:522
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Eternet (ikinci)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:524
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Eternet (üçüncü)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:32
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Qovluq:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:33
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Ümumi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Avadanlıq İzləyicisi Qurğuları"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Gələn mə'lumat"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:526
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Bütün CPU-ları izlə"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Avadanlıqları dəyişən işıqlarla izlə"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Avadanlıqları üfüqi çubuqlarla izlə"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Avadanlıqları xətdi qrafikalarla izlə"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Avadanlıqları düz sütunlarla izlə"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Avadanlıqları mətn izahatı ilə izlə"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Ancaq tək CPU-nu izlə"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Şəbəkə"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Heç bir sensor tapılmadı"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:46
+msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Eyni anda göstəriləcək sütün miqdarı"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:47
+msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Eyni anda göstəriləcək ölçülən nöqtə"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:48
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Ancaq CPU:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:49
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Gedən mə'lumat"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:50
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Rəng Seç"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:51
+msgid "S_amples:"
+msgstr "_Nümünələr:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:52
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "İzlənəcək sensoru seçin"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:53
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Ancaq gələn, gedən yoxsa hər iki mə'lumatın da izlənəcəyini bildirin"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:54 src/monitor-impls.cpp:528
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Serial körpü"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:55
+msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+msgstr "Appletin piksel olaraq böyüklüyü"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:56
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Saxlama Yeri"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:57
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistem"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:58
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatur"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:59
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Şəbəkə üstündən göndərilən mə'lumat miqdarı"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:60
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "İşlədilən disk sahəsi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:61
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "İşlədilən disk bazalı yaddaşın miqdarı"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:62
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "İşlədilən yaddaş miqdarı"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:63
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Ön plan gedişatları işə salmada işlədilən vaxt faizi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:64
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Ventilyatorların sür'əti"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:65
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Sistemin daxilindəki istilik"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:66
+msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+msgstr "Əyrinin incəliyi (piksel olaraq)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:67
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Bağlantının növü - Eternet ən ümumi LAN adapteri növüdür"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:68
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "_Panel arxa planını işlət:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:69
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Bu _rəngi işlət:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:70
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Bu _yazı növünü işlət:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:71
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Nümayişçi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:72
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "İzlənəcək CPU nömrəsi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "Ə_lavə et"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "Ç_ubuqlar"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Disk istifadəsi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Ventilyatorun sür'əti"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_İşıqlar"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Line width:"
+msgstr "Sətir _eni:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Ortalama yük"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Yaddaş _istifadəsi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_İzlənən avadanlıqlar:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "Şəbəkə _fəaliyyəti"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:83
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Sil"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:84
+msgid "_Size:"
+msgstr "_Böyüklük:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:85
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Dəyiş-toqquş sahəsi istifadəsi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:86
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatur"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:87
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Mətn"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:88
+msgid "_Update interval:"
+msgstr "_Yeniləmə aralığı:"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Ölümcül xəta"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:168
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:174
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Bütün işlədicilər"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:176
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "İşlədici n. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:183
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:186
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:229 src/monitor-impls.cpp:339
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:406
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:234
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Disk bazalı yaddaş"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:240
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Dəyiş-toqquş"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:290
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Ortalama yük"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:297
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Yük"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:344
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Yaddaş"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:350
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Yad."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:402
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:410
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 kb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:413
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:418
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disk (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:509
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 kb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:512
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:536 src/monitor-impls.cpp:563
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, daxilə"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:540 src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, xaricə"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:551
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Et. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:554
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:557
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:755
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatur %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:758
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatur %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:764
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:812
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:819
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilyator %1 sür'ət: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:822
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Ventilyator %1 sür'ət"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:175
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Avadanlıq"
diff --git a/po/be.po b/po/be.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0779a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/be.po
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+# translation of be.po to Belarusian
+# translation of hardware-monitor.be.po to Belarusian
+# translation of hardware-monitor.po to Belarusian
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Vital Khilko <dojlid at mova.org>, 2003
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.be\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-08-27 14:23+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-03 14:46+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Vital Khilko <dojlid at mova.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Belarusian <i18n at mova.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.0\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:592
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Манітор загрузкі сыстэмы"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Манітор загрузкі прыладаў"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Загрузка"
+#: src/applet.cpp:69
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Манітор загрузкі сыстэмы: немагчыма загрузіць значку '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Перавагі..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Дапамога"
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Пра праграму..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:203
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:210
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:584
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Belarusian Language Linux Team \n"
+"mail: i18n at mova.org"
+#: src/applet.cpp:587
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Маніторынг рознае спэцыфічнае для прыладаў інфармацыі, як то загрузка "
+"працэсараў, выкарыстаньне памяці й свопу, і г.д. Падтрымлівае разнастайныя "
+"графікі й тэкставыя паведамленьні."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:594
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Аўтарскае права %1 2003 Оле Лаўрсэн"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:113
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr ""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr ""
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:137
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139 src/monitor-impls.cpp:827
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Тло</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Прылады</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Асноўнае</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Парамэтры</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Праглядальнік</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:8
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Сярэдняя загрузка працэсара"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:9
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Усе працэсары"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:10
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Усе даньні"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:11
+msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+msgstr "Час паміж атрыманьнем вымярэньняў (у сэкундах)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:13
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "CPU: 15.0%"
+msgstr "Працэсар: 15.0%"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Выкарыстаньне _працэсара"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Зьмяніць"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Колер:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Графікі"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Выбярыце прыладу"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:20
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Выбярыце шрыфт"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:21
+msgid "Co_lumns:"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:22
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Колер палоскі"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Колер графіка"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Колер полымя"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:25
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Далучэньне:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:26
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Прылады"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:27
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Накірунак:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:28
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Пазначце тэчку за якой будзе адбывацца сачэньне"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:29 src/monitor-impls.cpp:520
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (першы)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:522
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (другі)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:524
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (трэцьці)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:32
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Тэчка:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:33
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Асноўнае"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Перавагі манітора загрузкі сыстэмы"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Уваходныя даньні"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:526
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Мадэм"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Сачыць за усімі працэсарамі"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Выкарыстаньне графіка - полымя"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Выкарыстаньне графіка - гарызантальныя палоскі"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Выкарыстаньне графіка - рысы"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:41
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Выкарыстаньне графіка - рысы"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Выкарыстаньне тэкставых паведамленьняў"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Назіраць толькі за адным працэсарам"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:46
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Колькасьць пунктаў вымярэньня разрозьненьня"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:47
+msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Колькасьць пунктаў вымярэньня разрозьненьня"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:48
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Толькі працэсар:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:49
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Выходныя даньні"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:50
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Выбярыце колер"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:51
+msgid "S_amples:"
+msgstr "_Узоры:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:52
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Нумар працэсара"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:53
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr ""
+"Выбярыце сачэньне за уваходнымі ці выходнымі даньнямі, ці за усімі агулам"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:54 src/monitor-impls.cpp:528
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Пасьлядоўнае далучэньне"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:55
+msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+msgstr "Памер аплета ў піксэлях"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:56
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:57
+msgid "System"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:58
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Тэмпература"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:59
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Загрузка сеткавага далучэньня"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:60
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Выкарыстаньне дыскавае прасторы"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:61
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Выкарыстаньне памяці разьмешчанай на дыске"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:62
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Выкарыстаньне памяці"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:63
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Загрузка працэсара асноўнымі працэсамі"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:64
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:65
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Тэмпература сыстэмы"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:66
+msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+msgstr "Шырыня рысы графіка (у піксэлях)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:67
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Тып далучэньня - Ethernet"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:68
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Выкарыстоўваць _тло панэлі"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:69
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Выкарыстоўваць _гэты колер:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:70
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Выкарыстоўваць гэты _шрыфт:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:71
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Праглядальнік"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:72
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Нумар працэсара"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Дадаць"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "_Палоскі"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Выкарыстаньне дыска"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Полымя"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Line width:"
+msgstr "Шырыня _рысы"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Сярэдняя загрузка"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Загрузка _памяці"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Сачэньне за прыладамі:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "Загрузка _сеткі"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:83
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Выдаліць"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:84
+msgid "_Size:"
+msgstr "_Памер:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:85
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Выкарыстаньне _свопу"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:86
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Тэмпература"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:87
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Тэкст"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:88
+msgid "_Update interval:"
+msgstr "_Інтэрвал абнаўленьня:"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Фатальная памылка"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:168
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:174
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Усе працэсары"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:176
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Працэсар нумар %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:183
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "Працэсар"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:186
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "Працэсар %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:229 src/monitor-impls.cpp:339
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:406
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Мб"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:234
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Перанесеныя на дыск даньні з памяці"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:240
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Свап"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:290
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Сярэдняя загрузка"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:297
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Загрузка"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:344
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Памяць"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:350
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Памяць"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:402
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Гб"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:410
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 Кб"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:413
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 б"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:418
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Дыск (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Гб/с"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mб/с"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:509
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Кб/с"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:512
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 б/с"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:536 src/monitor-impls.cpp:563
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, у"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:540 src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, з"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:551
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Ethernet %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:554
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Мадэм"
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:557
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Пас. далуч."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:755
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Тэмпература"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:758
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Тэмпература"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:764
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Тэмпература"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:812
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 б"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:819
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:822
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:175
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Прылада"
+#~ msgid "<b>Choose what to monitor:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Выбярыце прыладу для сачэньня:</b>"
diff --git a/po/bg.po b/po/bg.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a650f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/bg.po
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+# Bulgarian translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Yavor Doganov <yavor at doganov.org>, 2005, 2007.
+# Alexander Shopov <ash at contact.bg>, 2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-01-14 21:11+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-01-11 17:31+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yavor Doganov <yavor at doganov.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Bulgarian <dict at fsa-bg.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Хардуерен датчик"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Следене на хардуерни устройства"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Инструмент"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Хардуерен датчик: не може да се зареди иконата „%1“.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Настройки..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Помощ"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Относно..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Следене на различна хардуерна информация, като използване на процесор, памет "
+"и т.н. Поддържа плавни графики, хоризонтални ленти, диаграми с колони, текст "
+"и движещи се пламъци."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Авторски права %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Явор Доганов <yavor at doganov.org>\n"
+"Проектът за превод на GNOME има нужда от подкрепа.\n"
+"Научете повече за нас на http://gnome.cult.bg\n"
+"Докладвайте за грешки на http://gnome.cult.bg/bugs"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Сензор %1: „%2“"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Сензор %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Вентилатор %1: „%2“"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1055
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Вентилатор %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Фон</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Устройства</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Шрифт</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Размер</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Изглед</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Голям</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Малък</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Текуща средна стойност на броя едновременни процеси"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Всички процесори"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Всички данни"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Фон"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Използване на _процесор"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "П_ромяна"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "Ц_вят:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "К_олони"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "К_риви линии"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Избор на устройство"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Избор на шрифт"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Свързване:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Устройства"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Посока:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Въведете папка на диска за следене"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:698
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Етернет (първа)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:700
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Етернет (втора)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Етернет (трета)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Папка:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Настройки на хардуерния датчик"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Входящ трафик"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Модем"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Следене на всички процесори"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Следене на устройствата с движещи се пламъци"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Следене на устройствата с хоризонтални ленти"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Следене на устройствата с линейни графики"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Следене на устройствата с плътни колони"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Следене на устройствата с текст"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Следене на устройствата с вертикални ленти"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Следене само на един процесор"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Мрежа"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Няма засечени сензори"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Само процесор:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Изходящ трафик"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Избор на сензор за следене"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Избиране дали да се следи входящия/изходящия трафик или и двата"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Серийна връзка"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Показване на _свободно пространство вместо използвано"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Запаси"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Система"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Температура"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Количеството данни, изпратено през мрежовата връзка"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Използваното дисково пространство"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Използваната дискова памет"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Използваната памет"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Процентно съотношение на времето, използвано за изпълнение на процеси"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Скоростта на вентилаторите"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Температурата в системата"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Тип връзка - Етернет е най-използвания тип адаптер за локални мрежи"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Използване на фона на _панела"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Използване на _този цвят:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Използване на този _шрифт:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Изглед"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Кой от всички процесори да се следи"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Безжична мрежа"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Добавяне"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Използване на диска"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Скорост на вентилатор"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Пламъци"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Хоризонтални ленти"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Средна натовареност"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Използване на паметта"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Следени устройства:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Мрежова производителност"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Премахване"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Използване на виртуалната памет"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Температура"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Текст"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Вертикални ленти"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Фатална грешка"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:296
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:302
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Всички процесори"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:304
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Процесор №%1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:311
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "Процесор"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "Процесор %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:362 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:496
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:367
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Дискова памет"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:373
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Виртуална памет"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:431
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Средна натовареност"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:438
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Натовареност"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Памет"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:507
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Памет"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:562
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:578
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Диск (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:679
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/сек"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/сек"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/сек"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/сек"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:716 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:746
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, вх."
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, изх."
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:731
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Ет. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Модем"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Серийна вр."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Безж."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:958
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:965
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Температура %1: „%2“"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Температура %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:974
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Темп. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1040
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 об/мин"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1047
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Скорост на вентилатор %1: „%2“"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Скорост на вентилатор %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Устройство"
diff --git a/po/bn_IN.po b/po/bn_IN.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b697d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/bn_IN.po
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+# translation of bn_IN.po to Bengali INDIA
+# Bengali (India) translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 hardware-monitor's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Runa Bhattacharjee <runab at redhat.com>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: bn_IN\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=hardware-monitor&component=general\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-16 10:59+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-17 12:02+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Runa Bhattacharjee <runab at redhat.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Bengali INDIA <discuss at lists.ankur.org.in>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:471
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "হার্ডওয়্যার নিরীক্ষণ ব্যবস্থা (Hardware Monitor)"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "হার্ডওয়্যার ডিভাইস নিরীক্ষণ করতে ব্যবহার করা যাবে"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "কার্যকারিতা"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Hardware Monitor: '%1' আইকন লোড করা যায়নি।\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "পছন্দসই মান...(_P)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "সাহায্য (_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "পরিচিতি...(_A)"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "হার্ডওয়্যার সংক্রান্ত বিভিন্ন তথ্য যেমন CPU-র ব্যবহার, মেমরির ব্যবহার ইত্যাদি নিরীক্ষণের সুবিধা। বক্র রেখাচিত্র, স্তম্ভচিত্রে বিন্দু সংস্থাপন, স্তম্ভচিত্র, লিখিত তথ্য সহযোগে নিরীক্ষণ ও স্পন্দিত শিখা সমর্থিত হবে।"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:474
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "স্বত্বাধিকা %1 ২০০৩ ওলে লওরসন"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:481
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "রুণা ভট্টাচার্য্য (runab at redhat.com)"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "সেনসর %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "সেনসর %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ফ্যান %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "ফ্যান %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>পটভূমি</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ডিভাইস</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ফন্ট</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>মাপ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>প্রদর্শন ব্যবস্থা</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>বড়</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>ছোট</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "একযোগে চলমান প্রসেস সংখ্যার চলমান গড় মান"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "সকল CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "সকল তথ্য"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "পটভূমি"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "CPU-র ব্যবহার (_P)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "পরিবর্তন করুন (_h)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "রং: (_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "কলাম (_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "বক্র রেখা (_u)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "একটি ডিভাইস নির্বাচন করুন"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "একটি ফন্ট নির্বাচন করুন"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "সংযোগ: "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "ডিভাইস"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "দিশা:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "নিরীক্ষণের উদ্দেশ্যে, ডিস্কের মধ্যে উপস্থিত ফোল্ডারের নাম লিখুন"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:698
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "ইথারনেট (প্রথম)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:700
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "ইথারনেট (দ্বিতীয়)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "ইথারনেট (তৃতীয়)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "ফোল্ডার:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Hardware Monitor সংক্রান্ত পছন্দ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "আগমনকারী তথ্য"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "মোডেম"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "সকল CPU নিরীক্ষণ করা হবে"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "স্পন্দিত শিখা সহযোগে ডিভাইস নিরীক্ষণ করুন"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "আনুভূমিক স্তম্ভচিত্র সহযোগে ডিভাইস নিরীক্ষণ করুন"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "রেখাচিত্র সহযোগে ডিভাইস নিরীক্ষণ করুন"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "স্তম্ভচিত্র সহযোগে ডিভাইস নিরীক্ষণ করুন"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "লিখিত বিবরণ সহযোগে ডিভাইস নিরীক্ষণ করুন"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "উলম্ব স্তম্ভচিত্র সহযোগে ডিভাইস নিরীক্ষণ করুন"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "শুধুমাত্র একটি CPU নিরীক্ষণ করা হবে"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "নেটওয়ার্ক"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "কোনো সেনসর সনাক্ত করা হয়নি"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "শুধুমাত্র CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "বাহিরগামি তথ্য"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "নিরীক্ষণের উদ্দেশ্যে সেনসর নির্বাচন করুন"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "শুধুমাত্র আগমনকারী তথ্য অথবা বাহিরগামী তথ্য অথবা উভয়ই নিরীক্ষণ করা হবে কি না তা নির্বাচন করুন"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "সিরিয়াল সংযোগ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "ব্যবহৃত স্থানের পরিবর্তে অবশিষ্ট স্থান প্রদর্শন করা হবে (_f)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "সংরক্ষণ স্থল"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "সিস্টেম"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "তাপমাত্রা"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "নেটওয়ার্ক যোগাযোগের মাধ্যমে পাঠানো তথ্যের পরিমাণ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "ব্যবহৃত ডিস্কের স্থানের পরিমাণ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "ব্যবহৃত ডিস্ক-ভিত্তিক মেমরির পরিমাণ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "ব্যবহৃত মেমরির পরিমাণ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "অগ্রভূমিতে চলমান প্রসেসগুলির জন্য ব্যয় হওয়া সময়ের পরিমাণের শতাংশ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "ফ্যানের গতি"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "সিস্টেমের অন্দরের তাপমাত্রা"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "সংযোগের ধরন - স্থানীয় নেটওয়ার্ক অঞ্চলের মধ্যে ব্যবহৃত নেটওয়ার্ক অ্যাডাপ্টারের ধরনের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে সাধারণ ধরন হল ইথারনেট"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "প্যানেলের পটভূমি ব্যবহার করা হবে (_p)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "চিহ্নিত রং ব্যবহার করা হবে: (_t)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "চিহ্নিত ফন্ট ব্যবহার করা হবে: (_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "প্রদর্শন ব্যবস্থা"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "নিরীক্ষণের জন্য চিহ্নিত CPU-টির সংখ্যা"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "বেতার"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "যোগ করুন (_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "ডিস্কের ব্যবহার (_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "ফ্যানের গতি (_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "শিখা (_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "আনুভূমিক স্তম্ভচিত্র (_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "চাপের গড় মাত্রা (_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "মেমরির ব্যবহার (_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "নিরীক্ষিত ডিভাইস: (_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "নেটওয়ার্কের সফল তথ্য বিনিময়ের হার (থ্রুপুট) (_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "সরিয়ে ফেলুন (_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Swap-র ব্যবহার (_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "তাপমাত্রা (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "টেক্সট (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "উলম্ব স্তম্ভচিত্র (_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "গুরুতর ত্রুটি"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:296
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:302
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "সকল প্রসেসর"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:304
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "প্রসেসর সংখ্যা %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:311
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:362 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:496
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 মেগাবাইট"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:367
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "ডিস্ক-ভিত্তিক মেমরি"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:373
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:431
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "চাপের গড় মাত্রা"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:438
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "চাপের মাত্রা"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "মেমরি"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:507
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "মেমরি"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:562
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 গিগাবাইট"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 মেগাবাইট"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 কিলোবাইট"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 বাইট"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:578
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "ডিস্ক (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:679
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 গিগাবাইট/সেকেন্ড"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 মেগাবাইট/সেকেন্ড"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 কিলোবাইট/সেকেন্ড"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 বাইট/সেকেন্ড"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:716 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:746
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, আগমনকারী"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, বাহিরগামি"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:731
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "ইথারনেট %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "মোডম"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "সিরিয়াল লিংক"
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "বেতার"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:952
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2সেলসিয়াস"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:959
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "তাপমাত্রা %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "তাপমাত্রা %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "তাপমাত্রা %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1034
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1041
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ফ্যান %1 গতি: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "ফ্যান %1 গতি"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "ডিভাইস"
diff --git a/po/bs.po b/po/bs.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..745b8cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/bs.po
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor.HEAD.po to Bosnian
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Kemal Šanjta <gomez at lugzdk.ba>, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-31 20:06+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-01 02:37+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Kemal Šanjta <gomez at lugzdk.ba>\n"
+"Language-Team: Bosnian <lokal at linux.org.ba>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:463
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Nadzor hardvera"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Nadzirite hardverske uređaje"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Alat"
+#: src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Nadzor hardvera: ne mogu učitati sličicu '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Osobine..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Pomoć"
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_O..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:455
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Kemal Šanjta"
+#: src/applet.cpp:458
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Nadziranje raznih podataka u vezi s hardverom, kao što je iskorištenost "
+"procesora, memorije itd. Podržava grafove, vodoravne trake, dijagrame u "
+"kolonama, tekstualno praćenje i promjenjive plamenove."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Senzor %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Senzor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilator %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventilator %1"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "15.0%"
+msgstr "15.0%"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pozadina</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Uređaji</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Opcije</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Veličina</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Preglednik</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Veliko</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Malo</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Prosjek broja uspoređenih procesa"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Svi procesori"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Svi podaci"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Pozadina"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Iskorištenost _procesora"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Promijeni"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Boja:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "K_olone"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Krivulje"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Izaberite uređaj"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Izaberite font"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Boja trake"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Boja krivulje"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:25
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Boja plamena"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:26
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Veza:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Uređaji"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Smjer:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Unesite direktorij na siku koji želite nadzirati"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:699
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (prvi)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (drugi)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:32 src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (treći)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Direktorij:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Osobine nadzora hardvera"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Ulazni sadržaji"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Nadziri sve procesore"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Nadziri uređaje pomoću promjenjivih plamenova"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Nadziri uređaje pomoću vodoravnih traka"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Nadziri uređaje pomoću linijskih grafova"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Nadziri uređaje pomoću ispunjenih kolona"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Nadziri uređaje pomoću tekstualnih opisa"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Nadziri samo jedan procesor"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Mreža"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Nisu pronađeni senzori"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Jedino procesor:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Izlazni sadržaji"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Izaberi boju"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Izaberite senzor koji želite nadzirati"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Izaberite treba li pratiti ulazne, izlazne sadržaje ili i jedne i druge"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:51 src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Serijska veza"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Prikaži _slobodan prostor umjesto zauzeti"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Prostor"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistem"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Količina sadržaja poslanih kroz mrežnu vezu"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Količina iskorištenog prostora na disku"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Količina iskorištene memorije na disku"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Količina iskorištene memorije"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Postotak vremena utrošen na izvršavanje nepozadinskih procesa"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Brzina ventilatora"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Temperatura unutar sistema"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:63
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Vrsta veze — ethernet je najčešća vrsta uređaja u lokalnim mrežama"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Koristi pozadinu _ploče"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Koristi _ovu boju:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Koristi ovaj f_ont"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Preglednik"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Broj procesora koji treba nadzirati"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:69 src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Wireless"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Dodaj"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "_Bars"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Iskorištenost _diska"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Brzina _ventilatora"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "P_lamenovi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Prosječno _opterećenje"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Iskorištenost _memorije"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Nadzirani uređaji:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Mrežni protok"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Obriši"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Iskorištenost _swap memorije"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatura"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Tekst"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Fatalna greška"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Svi procesori"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Procesor br. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "Procesor"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "Procesor %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Memorija na disku"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Prosječno opterećenje"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Učitaj"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memorija"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 kb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disk (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:680
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:684
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:688
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 kb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:717 src/monitor-impls.cpp:747
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, ušlo"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:721 src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, izašlo"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:732
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "W.less."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:957
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:964
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatura %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:967
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatura %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:973
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1039
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1046
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Brzina ventilatora %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Brzina ventilatora %1"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:129
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Uređaj"
diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0a972b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ca.po
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+# Hardware-monitor translation to Catalan.
+# Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Softcatalà <gnome at softcatala.net>, 2003,
+# Raul Cambeiro <rulet at menta.net>, 2004,
+# Aleix Badia i Bosch <a.badia at callusdigital.org>, 2003, 2004, 2005.
+# Jordi Mas i Hernàndez <jmas at softcatala.org>, 2007
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-22 21:20+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-23 14:20+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jordi Mas <jmas at softctala.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Catalan <tradgnome at softcatala.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor del maquinari"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Monitoritza els dispositius del maquinari"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Utilitat"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Monitor del maquinari: no s'ha pogut carregar la icona '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Preferències..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "A_juda"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "Qu_ant a..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Monitoritza diferents aspectes de la informació del maquinari com ara la "
+"utilització de la UCP, la utilització de la memòria, etc. Implementa "
+"gràfiques de corbes, gràfics de barra, diagrames de columnes, "
+"monotorització textual i flames fluctuants."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Aleix Badia i Bosch <abadia at ica.es>\n"
+"Raul Cambeiro <rulet at menta.net>\n"
+"Jordi Mas i Hernàndez <jmas at softcatala.org>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilador %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventilador %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fons</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dispositius</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tipus de lletra</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Mida</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Visualitzador</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Gran</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Petita</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Una mitjana del nombre de processos simultanis"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Totes les UCP"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Totes les dades"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Fons"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Utilització de la UC_P"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Ca_nvia"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "C_olor:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "C_olumnes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "C_orbes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu un dispositiu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu un tipus de lletra"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Connexió:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Dispositius"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Direcció:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Introduïu una carpeta del disc per a monitoritzar-la"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (primera)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (segona)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (tercera)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Carpeta:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferències del monitor del maquinari"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Dades d'entrada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Mòdem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitoritza totes les UCP"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Monitoritza els dispositius utilitzant flames fluctuants"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Monitoritza els dispositius utilitzant barres horitzontals"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Monitoritza els dispositius utilitzant gràfics de línies"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Monitoritza els dispositius utilitzant columnes sòlidesl"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Monitoritza els dispositius utilitzant descripcions de text"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Monitoritza els dispositius utilitzant barres verticals"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitoritza una única UCP"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Xarxa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "No s'ha detectat cap sensor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Només la UCP:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Dades de sortida"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu el sensor a monitoritzar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr ""
+"Seleccioneu si voleu monitoritzar les dades d'entrada, de sortida o ambdues"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Enllaç sèrie"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Mostra l'espa_i lliure en comptes de l'ocupat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Emmagatzematge"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "La quantitat de dades enviades a través d'una connexió de xarxa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "La quantitat d'espai de disc utilitzat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "La quantitat de memòria de disc utilitzada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "La quantitat de memòria utilitzada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr ""
+"El percentatge de temps utilitzat en l'execució de processos en primer pla"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "La velocitat dels ventiladors"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "La temperatura a l'interior del sistema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Tipus de connexió - l'Ethernet és el tipus d'adaptador de xarxa local més "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Utilitza el fons del tau_ler"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Utili_tza aquest color:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Utilitza aquest tipus de _lletra:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualitzador"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Número de la UCP a monitoritzar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Sense fil"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Afegeix"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Utilització del _disc"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "V_elocitat del ventilador"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Flames"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Barres horizontals"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Cà_rrega mitjana"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Utilització de la _memòria"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Dispositius _monitoritzats:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "Velocitat de tra_nsferència de dades de la xarxa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "Sup_rimeix"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Utilització de la memòria d'in_tercanvi"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Text"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "Barr_es verticals"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Error fatal"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Tots els processadors"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Processador no. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "UCP"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "UCP %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Memòria de disc"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Intercanvi"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Càrrega mitjana"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Càrrega"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memòria"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disc (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, entrada"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, sortida"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Sèr."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "S.fil."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatura %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatura %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Velocitat del ventilador %1 \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Velocitat del ventilador %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Dispositiu"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "Color de la barra"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "Color de la corba"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "Color de la flama"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Escolliu un color"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Barres"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "L'interval de temps entre mesures (en segons)"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "Co_lumnes:"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "General"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Nombre de columnes a mostrar simultàniament"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Nombre de punts mesurats a mostrar simultàniament"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "M_ostres:"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "Mida de l'aplicació en píxels"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "Gruix de la corba (en píxels)"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "Amplada de la _línia:"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "Mi_da:"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "Interval d'act_ualització:"
diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..748438f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/cs.po
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+# Czech translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Miloslav Trmac <mitr at volny.cz>, 2003.
+# Lucas Lommer <llommer at svn.gnome.org>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-04 22:39+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-02-29 18:51+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Lucas Lommer <llommer at svn.gnome.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Czech <gnome-cs-list at gnome.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Sledování hardware"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Sledovat zařízení hardware"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Nástroj"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Sledování hardware: nemohu načíst ikonu '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "Na_stavení..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Nápověda"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "O _aplikaci..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Sleduje různé informace související s hardware, např. využití CPU, paměti, "
+"atd. Podporuje křivkové grafy, pruhové vykreslení, sloupcové diagramy, "
+"textové sledování a fluktující plameny."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Miloslav Trmač <mitr at volny.cz>\n"
+"Lucas Lommer <llommer at svn.gnome.org>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Senzor %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Senzor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Větrák %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Větrák %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pozadí</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Zařízení</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Písmo</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Velikost</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Prohlížeč</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Velká</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Malá</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Průběžný průměr počtu souběžných procesů"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Všechny CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Všechna data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Pozadí"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Využití _CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Z_měna"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Barva:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "_Sloupce"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Křivky"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Vyberte zařízení"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Vyberte písmo"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Spojení:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Zařízení"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Směr:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Zadejte adresář umístěný na disku, který sledovat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (první)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (druhý)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (třetí)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Adresář:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Nastavení sledování hardware"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Příchozí data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Sledovat všechny CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Sledovat zařízení pomocí fluktujících plamenů"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Sledovat zařízení pomocí vodorovných pruhů"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Sledovat zařízení pomocí čárových grafů"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Sledovat zařízení pomocí jednolitých sloupců"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Sledovat zařízení pomocí textových popisů"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Sledovat zařízení pomocí vertikálních pruhů"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Sledovat jen jednu CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Síť"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Nedetekovány žádné senzory"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Jen CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Odchozí data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Vyberte senzor, který sledovat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Vyberte, jestli sledovat příchozí nebo odchozí data nebo obojí"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Sériová linka"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Zobrazovat _volné místo místo používaného"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Úložný prostor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Systém"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Teplota"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Objem dat poslaných síťovým spojením"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Objem použitého prostoru na disku"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Objem použité paměti na disku"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Objem použité paměti"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Procento času nestrávené prováděním procesů v popředí"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Rychlost větráků"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Teplota uvnitř systému"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Typ spojení - Ethernet je nejčastější typ adaptérů pro místní síť"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Použít pozadí _panelu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Použít _tuto barvu:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Použít toto pí_smo:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Prohlížeč"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Kterou CPU sledovat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Bezdrátové"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Přidat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Použití disku"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Rychlost větráků"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Plameny"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Horizontální pruhy"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Průměrná zátěž"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Použití paměti"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Sledovaná zařízení:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Propustnost sítě"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Odstranit"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Použití _odkládacího prostoru"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Teplota"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Text"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Vertikální pruhy"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Fatální chyba"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Všechny procesory"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Procesor č. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Paměť na disku"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Průměrná zátěž"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Zátěž"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Paměť"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Pam."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disk (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, dovnitř"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, ven"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Sér."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Bezdr."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Teplota %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Teplota %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Tepl. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 ot/m"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Rychlost větráku %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Rychlost větráku %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Zařízení"
diff --git a/po/cy.po b/po/cy.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81780b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/cy.po
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+# Hardware Monitor yn Gymraeg.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor
+# package.
+# Steve Griff <steve at stevegriff.com>, 2004.
+# Dafydd Harries <daf at muse.19inch.net>, 2004.
+# DAF! I've done all translations except line 78.
+# It's a meaty one and I didn't feel that I could translate it accurately
+# enough.
+# Hmm, pretty tricky. I've translated it, but it's slightly iffy.
+# - daf
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-02-07 04:24+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-08 15:55+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Steve Griff <steve at stevegriff.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Cymraeg <gnome-cy at pengwyn.linux.org.uk>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:592
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Arsylwydd Caledwedd"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Arsylwydd dyfeisiadau caledwedd"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Cyfleuster"
+#: src/applet.cpp:69
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Arsylwydd Caledwedd: ni ellir llwytho'r eicon '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Hoffiannau..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Cymorth"
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Ynghylch..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:203
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:210
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:584
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "diolchiadau_cyfieithwyr"
+#: src/applet.cpp:587
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Arsylwi gwahannol wybodaeth yn gysylltiedig â'r caledwedd, megis defnydd "
+"CPI, defnydd cof, a.y.y.b. Mae'n cefnogi graffiau cromlin, plotiau bar "
+"llorweddol, deiagramau colofn, arsylwi testun a fflamau."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:594
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Hawlfraint %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:113
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Synhwyrydd %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Synhwyrydd %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:137
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Gwyntyll %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139 src/monitor-impls.cpp:830
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Gwyntyll %1"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Cefndir</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dyfeisiadau</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Cyffredinol</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dewisiadau</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Gwelydd</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:8
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Cyfartaledd rhedeg o rhif o prosesau sy'n rhedeg ei gilydd"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:9
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Holl CPUs"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:10
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Holl ddata"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:11
+msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+msgstr "Faint o amser rhwng unedau (yn eiliadau)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:13
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "CPU: 15.0%"
+msgstr "CPU: 15.0%"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Defnydd C_PU"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Newid"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "Llyw"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "C_olofnau:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "C_romlinau"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Dewiswch Dyfais"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:20
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Dewiswch Ffont"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:21
+msgid "Co_lumns:"
+msgstr "Co_lofnau:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:22
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Lliw yr bar"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Lliw yr cromlin"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Lliw yr fflam"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:25
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Cysylltiad:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:26
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Dyfeisiau"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:27
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Cyfeiriad:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:28
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Rhowch plygell sydd ar yr ddisg yw arsylwyddo"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:29 src/monitor-impls.cpp:523
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (cyntaf)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:525
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (ail)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:527
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (trydydd)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:32
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Plygell:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:33
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Cyffredin"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Hoffiannau Arsylwydd Caledwedd"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Data i mewn"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:529
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Arsylwydd pob CPUs"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Arsylwydd dyfeisiau wrth defnyddio fflamiau symudol"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Arsylwydd dyfeisiau wrth defnyddio barrau llorweddol"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Arsylwydd dyfeisiau wrth defnyddio graffau llinell"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Arsylwydd dyfeisiau wrth defnyddio colofnau solet"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Arsylwydd dyfeisiau wrth defnyddio disgrifiadau testun"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Arsylwydd CPU unigol yn unig"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Rwydwaith"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Dim synwyryddion ei canfyddwyd"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:46
+msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Nifer o colofnau yw ddangos gyda'i gilydd"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:47
+msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Nifer o pwyntiau cymedrol yw ddangos gyda'i gilydd"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:48
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "CPU yn unig:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:49
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Data yn gadael"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:50
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Dewiswch liw"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:51
+msgid "S_amples:"
+msgstr "S_ampliau"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:52
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Dewiswch yr synhwyrydd i'w arsywi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:53
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Dewiswch os rydych chi eisiau arsywi yr data gadael neu gyraedd neu y ddau"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:54 src/monitor-impls.cpp:531
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Cyswllt cyfresol"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:55
+msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+msgstr "Maint yr rhaglennig yn picseli"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:56
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Storfa"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:57
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Cysawd"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:58
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Tymheredd"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:59
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Faint o data sydd wedi cael ei anfonir trwyddo'r cysylltiad rhwydwaith"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:60
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Faint o disg gofod a ddefnyddir"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:61
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Faint o cof disg eiliedig a ddefnyddir"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:62
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Faint o cof sydd wedi cael a ddefnyddir"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:63
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Canran o amser sy'n cael ei dylid yn rhedeg yr prosesau blaendir"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:64
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Gyflymder yr gwyntylliau"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:65
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Yr tymheredd tu fewn yr cysawd"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:66
+msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+msgstr "Trwch yr cromlin (yn picseli)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:67
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Math o cysylltiad - Ethernet yw'r addasydd rhwydwaith leol mwyaf cyffredin "
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:68
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Defyddiwch cefndir _panel"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:69
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Defnyddiwch lliw _yma:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:70
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Defnyddiwch _ffont yma:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:71
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Gwelydd"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:72
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Pwy rhif CPU i'w arsylwi"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Ychwanegu"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "_Bariau"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Defnydd ddisg"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Cyflymder _swyntyll"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Fflamau"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Line width:"
+msgstr "Lled _llinell"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Cyfartaledd _llwyth"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Defnydd _cof"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Dyfeisiadau arsylwedig:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "Dyfais _Rwydwaith"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:83
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Gwaredu"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:84
+msgid "_Size:"
+msgstr "_Maint:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:85
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Defnydd cyfnewidfa"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:86
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Tymheredd"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:87
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Testun"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:88
+msgid "_Update interval:"
+msgstr "Cyfnod diweddaru:"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Gwall angheuol"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:168
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:174
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Pob Prosesydd"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:176
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Prosesydd na. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:183
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:186
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:229 src/monitor-impls.cpp:342
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:409
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:234
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Seiliwyd Cof Disg"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:240
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Cyfnewidfa"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:293
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Cyfartaledd llwyth"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Llwyth"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:347
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Cof"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:353
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Cof"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:405
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:413
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 kb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:416
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:421
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disg (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gb/e"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:508
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/e"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:512
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 kb/e"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:515
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/e"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:539 src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, newn"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:543 src/monitor-impls.cpp:568
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, allan"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:554
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:557
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:560
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Cyf."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:758
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Tymheredd %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:761
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Tymheredd %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:767
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Tym. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:815
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:822
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Cyflymder gwyntyll %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:825
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Cyflymder gwyntyll %1"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:175
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Dyfais"
diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ed239b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/da.po
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+# Danish translation of Hardware Monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2003, 04 Free Software Foundation.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>, 2003, 04, 07.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-01-14 11:41+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-01-14 11:40+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>\n"
+"Language-Team: Danish <dansk at dansk-gruppen.dk>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Hardwareovervåger"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Overvåg hardwareenheder"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Værktøj"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Hardwareovervåger: kan ikke indlæse ikonet '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Indstillinger..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hjælp"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Om..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Overvåg forskellige hardware-oplysninger, såsom CPU-forbrug, "
+"hukommelsesforbrug osv. Understøtter kurvegrafer, bjælkegrafer, "
+"søjlediagrammer, tekstovervågning og bølgende flammer."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Blæser %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1055
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Blæser %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Baggrund</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Enheder</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Skrifttype</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Størrelse</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fremviser</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Stor</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Lille</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr ""
+"Et løbende gennemsnit over antallet af processer der kører på samme tid"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Alle processorer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Alle data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Baggrund"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "_Processorforbrug"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Skift"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Farve:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "Sø_jler"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Kurver"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Vælg en enhed"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Vælg en skrifttype"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Forbindelse:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Enheder"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Retning:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr ""
+"Indtast navnet på en mappe der er placeret på den disk som skal overvåges"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:698
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (første)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:700
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (anden)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (tredje)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Mappe:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Indstillinger for hardwareovervåger"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Indgående data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Overvåg alle processorer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Overvåg enheder vha. bølgende flammer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Overvåg enheder vha. vandrette bjælker"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Overvåg enheder vha. kurvegrafer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Overvåg enheder vha. søjlediagrammer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Overvåg enheder vha. tekstbeskrivelser"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Overvåg enheder vha. lodrette bjælker"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Overvåg kun en enkelt processor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Netværk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Ingen sensorer fundet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Kun CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Udgående data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Vælg hvilken sensor der skal overvåges"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Vælg om indgående eller udgående data eller begge skal overvåges"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Serielt kabel"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Vis _ledig plads i stedet for brugt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Lager"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "System"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Datamængden som sendes gennem en netværksforbindelse"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Hvor meget diskplads der er optaget"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Hvor meget diskbaseret hukommelse der er optaget"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Hvor meget hukommelse der er optaget"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Den procentdel af tiden der bliver brug på kørende foregrundsprocesser"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Hastigheden af blæsere"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Temperaturen af det indvendige af systemet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Forbindelsestypen - Ethernet er den almindeligste netkortstype for "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Benyt _panelbaggrund"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Benyt _denne farve:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Benyt denne _skrifttype:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Fremviser"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Hvilken processor der skal overvåges"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Trådløs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Tilføj"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Diskforbrug"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Blæserhastighed"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Flammer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Vandrette bjælker"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Belastningsgennemsnit"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Hukommelsesforbrug"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Overvågede enheder:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Netværksgennemstrømning"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Fjern"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Swapforbrug"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Tekst"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Lodrette bjælker"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Fatal fejl"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:296
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:302
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Alle processorer"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:304
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Processor nr. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:311
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:362 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:496
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:367
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Disk-baseret hukommelse"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:373
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:431
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Belastningsgennemsnit"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:438
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Belast."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Hukommelse"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:507
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Huk."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:562
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:578
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disk (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:679
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:716 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:746
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, ind"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, ud"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:731
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "T.løs."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:958
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:965
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatur %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatur %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:974
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1040
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1047
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Hastighed for blæser %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Hastighed for blæser %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Enhed"
+#~ msgid "15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "Farve for bjælken"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "Farve for kurven"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "Farve for flammen"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Vælg en farve"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "Tidsrum mellem målinger (i sekunder)"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "Generelt"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Antal kolonner der skal vises på samme tid"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Antal målepunkter der skal vises på samme tid"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "_Målinger:"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "Størrelsen af programmet i skærmpunkter"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "Tykkelsen af kurven (i skærmpunkter)"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "L_injetykkelse:"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "_Størrelse:"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "_Opdateringsinterval:"
diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..930b050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/de.po
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+# German hardware-monitor translation
+# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Christian Neumair <chris at gnome-de.org>, 2003.
+# Hendrik Richter <hendrikr at gnome.org>, 2008.
+# Simon Wenner <simon at wenner.ch>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor 0.7\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-11-02 09:48+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-11-02 09:50+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Simon Wenner <simon at wenner.ch>\n"
+"Language-Team: German <gnome-de at gnome.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Hardware-Überwachung"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Hardware-Geräte überwachen"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Werkzeug"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Hardware Monitor: Das Icon »%1« konnte nicht geladen werden.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Einstellungen …"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hilfe"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Info …"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Dient zur Überwachung verschiedenster Hardware-bezogener Informationen, wie "
+"z.B. Prozessorlast und Hauptspeicherbelegung. Unterstützt Graphen, "
+"horizontale und vertikale Balken, Spaltendiagramme, Textüberwachung und variable Flammen."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Christian Neumair <chris at gnome-de.org>\n"
+"Simon Wenner <simon at wenner.ch>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: »%2«"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Lüfter %1: »%2«"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Lüfter %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Hintergrund</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Geräte</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Schrift</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Größe</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ansicht</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Groß</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Klein</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Ein gleitender Mittelwert der Anzahl paralleler Prozesse"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Alle Prozessoren"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Gesamte Daten"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Hintergrund"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "_Prozessorlast"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Ä_ndern"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Farbe:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "_Spalten"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Graphen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Wählen Sie ein Gerät"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Schrift"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Verbindung:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Geräte"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Richtung:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Geben Sie einen auf der Platte liegenden, zu überwachenden Ordner an"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (erstes)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (zweites)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (drittes)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Ordner:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Hardware-Überwachungseinstellungen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Eingehende Daten"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Alle Prozessoren überwachen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Geräte mit Hilfe veränderlicher Flammen überwachen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Geräte mit Hilfe horizontaler Balken überwachen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Geräte mit Hilfe von Graphen überwachen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Geräte mit Hilfe gefüllter Balken überwachen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Geräte mit Hilfe von Textbeschreibungen überwachen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Geräte mit Hilfe vertikaler Balken überwachen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Ausschließlich einen einzigen Prozessor überwachen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Network"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Keine Sensoren erkannt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Ausschließlich Prozessor:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Ausgehende Daten"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Wählen Sie den zu überwachenden Sensor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr ""
+"Legt fest, ob eingehende, ausgehende oder die gesamten Daten überwacht "
+"werden sollen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Serielle Verbindung"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Den _freien Platz anstatt des genutzten anzeigen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Speicher"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "System"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Das durch eine Netzwerkverbindung verschickte Datenvolumen"
+# CHECK - Menge
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Die Menge des belegten Plattenplatzes"
+# CHECK - Menge
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Die Menge des belegten plattenbasierten Hauptspeichers"
+# CHECK - Menge
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Die Menge des belegten Hauptspeichers"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr ""
+"Der Zeitanteil, der für das Ausführen von Prozessen im Vordergrund "
+"aufgewendet wird"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Die Lüftergeschwindigkeit"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Die Innentemperatur des Systems"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Verbindungstyp - Ethernet ist der am weitesten verbreitete LAN-Adaptertyp."
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "_Panel-Hintergrund verwenden"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "F_olgende Farbe verwenden:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "F_olgende Schrift verwenden:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Ansicht"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Zu überwachende Prozessor-Nr."
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Drahtlos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Hinzufügen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Plattenbelegung"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Lüftergeschwindigkeit"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Flammen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Horizontale Balken"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Lastmittel"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Belegter _Hauptspeicher"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Ü_berwachte Geräte:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Netzwerkdurchsatz"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Entfernen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Belegter _Auslagerungsspeicher"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Text"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Vertikale Balken"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Schwerwiegender Fehler"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Alle Prozessoren"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Prozessor Nr. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "Proz."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "Proz. %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Plattenbasierter Hauptspeicher"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Auslag."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Lastmittel"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Last"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Hauptspeicher"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "RAM"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Platte (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, rein"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, raus"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "D.los."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatur %1: »%s«"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatur %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 upm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Lüftergeschwindigkeit %1: »%s«"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Lüftergeschwindigkeit %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Gerät"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Farbe"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Balken"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "Balkenfarbe"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "Kurvenfarbe"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "Flammenfarbe"
diff --git a/po/dz.po b/po/dz.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fd0d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/dz.po
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Hardware-monitro\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-26 03:20+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-26 23:00+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: translator <pemai_jurmey at hotmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Dzongkha <pgeyleg at dit.gov.bt>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2;plural=(n!=1);\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Dzongkha\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: Bhutan\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "སྲ་ཆས་གསལ་འཕྲུལ་"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "གསལ་འཕྲུལ་སྲ་ཆས་ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་ཚུ་"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "སྤྱོད་ཆས་"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "སྲ་ཆས་གསལ་འཕྲུལ་: ངོས་པར་ '%1'འདི་ མངོན་གསལ་འབད་མི་ཚུགས།\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "དགའ་གདམ་ཚུ་་་་་(_P)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "གྲོགས་རམ་(_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "སྐོར་ལས་་་་(_A)"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "སྲ་ཆས་དང་འབྲེལ་བ་ཡོད་པའི་བརྡ་དོན་འདྲ་མིན་སྣ་ཚོགས་ དཔེར་ན་ སི་པི་ཡུ་ བེད་སྤྱོད་དང་དྲན་ཚད་བེད་སྤྱོད་སོགས་ ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད། གུག་གུག་པའི་ཚད་ཁྲམ་ ཕྲ་རིང་བཀོད་རིས་ ཀེར་ཐིག་བཀོད་རིས་དང་ཚིག་ཡིག་ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་ནི་ དེ་ལས་ འགྱུར་བའི་མེ་ལྷབ་ཚུ་རྒྱབ་སྐྱོར་འབདཝ་ཨིན།"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "འདྲ་བཤུས་དབང་ཆ་ %1 ༢༠༠༣ ཨོ་ལི་ ལ་འུར་སེན་"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "སྐད་སྒྱུར་པ་-ངོ་བསྟོད་"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ཚོར་འཕྲུལ་ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "ཚོར་འཕྲུལ་ %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "རླུང་འཁོར་ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "རླུང་འཁོར་ %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>རྒྱབ་གཞི་</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་ཚུ་</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ཡིག་གཟུགས་</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ཚད་</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>སྟོན་མི་</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>སྦོམ་</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>ཆུང་ཀུ་</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "དུས་མཉམ་ལས་སྦྱོར་ཨང་གྲངས་ཀྱི་གཡོག་བཀོལ་བསྡོམས་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "སི་པི་ཡུ་ཨེསི་ ཆ་མཉམ་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "གནད་སྡུད་ཆ་མཉམ་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "རྒྱབ་གཞི་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "སི་པི་ཡུ་ བེད་སྤྱོད་(_P)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "བསྒྱུར་བཅོས་(_h)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "ཚོས་གཞི་:(_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "ཀེར་ཐིག་ཚུ་(_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "གུག་གུགཔ་ཚུ་(_u)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་ཅིག་ གདམ་ཁ་རྐྱབས་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "ཡིག་གཟུགས་ཅིག་ གདམ་ཁ་རྐྱབས་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "མཐུད་ལམ་:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་ཚུ་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "ཁ་ཕྱོགས་:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "ཌིཀསི་ལས་གསལ་འཕྲུལ་གུ་གནས་ཡོད་མི་ལུ་ སྣོད་འཛིན་ཅིག་བཙུགས་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "ཨི་ཐར་ནེཊི་(དང་པ་)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "ཨི་ཐར་ནེཊི་(གཉིས་པ་)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "ཨི་ཐར་ནེཊི་(གསུམ་པ་)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "སྣོད་འཛིན་:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "སྲ་ཆས་ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་དགའ་གདམ་ཚུ་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "ནང་འབྱོར་གནད་སྡུད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "མོ་ཌེམ་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "སི་པི་ཡུ་ཨེསི་ཆ་མཉམ་ ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "འགྱུར་བའི་མེ་ལྷབ་ལག་ལེན་གྱི་ཐོག་ལས་ གསལ་འཕྲུལ་ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "ཐད་སྙོམས་ཕྲ་རིང་ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་ཐོག་ལས་ ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་ཚུ་ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "གྲལ་ཐིག་ཚད་ཁྲམ་ལག་ལེན་གྱི་ཐོག་ལས་ ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་ཚུ་ ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "ཀེར་ཐིག་རགས་པ་ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་པའི་ཐོག་ལས་ ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་ཚུ་ ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "ཚིག་ཡིག་འགྲེལ་བཤད་ལག་ལེན་གྱི་ཐོག་ལས་ ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་ཚུ་ ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "ཀེར་ཕྲང་ཕྲ་རིང་ལག་ལེན་གྱི་ཐོག་ལས་ ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "སི་པི་ཡུ་རྐྱང་པ་རྐྱངམ་ཅིག་ ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "ཡོངས་འབྲེལ་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "ཚོར་འཕྲུལ་ཚུ་ སྐྱོན་འཛིན་མ་འབད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "སི་པི་ཡུ་ རྐྱངམ་ཅིག་:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "ཕྱིར་བསྐྱོད་གནད་སྡུད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "ཚོར་འཕྲུལ་འདི་ གསལ་འཕྲུལ་གྱི་དོན་ལུ་ སེལ་འཐུ་འབད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "ནང་འབྱོར་ ཡང་ན་ ཕྱིར་བསྐྱོད་གནད་སྡུད་ ཡངན་ གཉིས་ཀར་ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་ནི་ཨིན་ན་ སེལ་འཐུ་འབད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "ཨང་རིམ་འབྲེལ་ལམ་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་ཡོད་མི་གི་ཚབ་མ་ལུ་ བར་སྟོང་དལཝ་སྟོན་(_f)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "གསག་མཛོད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "རིམ་ལུགས་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "ཚ་དྲོད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "ཡོངས་འབྲེལ་མཐུད་ལམ་ལས་བརྒྱུད་དེ་བཏང་ཡོད་པའི་གནད་སྡུད་བསྡོམས་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་ཡོད་པའི་ཌིཀསི་བར་སྟོང་བསྡོམས་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "ལག་ལེན་་འཐབ་ཡོད་པའི་ཌིཀསི་ལུ་བརྟེན་པའི་དྲན་ཚད་བསྡོམས་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་ཡོད་པའི་དྲན་ཚད་བསྡོམས་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "གདོང་གཞིའི་ལས་སྦྱོར་གཡོག་བཀོལ་བའི་སྐབས་བཏང་ཡོད་པའི་ཆུ་ཚོད་ཀྱི་བརྒྱ་ཆ་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "རླུང་འཁོར་གྱི་མགྱོགས་ཚད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "རིམ་ལུགས་ནང་གི་ཚ་དྲོད་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter type"
+msgstr "མཐུད་ལམ་དབྱེ་བ་ - ཨི་ཐར་ནེཊི་འདི་ ཐུན་མོང་ཉེ་གནས་མངའ་ཁོངས་ཀྱི་ཡོངས་འབྲེལ་མཐུན་བྱེད་དབྱེ་བ་ཅིག་ཨིན་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "པེ་ནཱལ་རྒྱབ་གཞི་ ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་(_p)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "ཚོས་གཞི་འདི་ ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་:(_t)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "ཡིག་གཟུགས་འདི་ ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་:(_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "སྟོན་མི་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "སི་པི་ཡུ་ཨང་ག་འདི་ ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་ནི་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "རླུང་འཕྲིན་"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "ཁ་སྐོང་(_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "ཌིཀསི་བེད་སྤྱོད་(_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "རླུང་འཁོར་མགྱོགས་ཚད་(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "མེ་ལྷབ་(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "ཐད་སྙོམས་ཕྲ་རིང་ཚུ་(_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "མངོན་གསལ་ཆ་སྙོམས་(_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "དྲན་ཚད་བེད་སྤྱོད་(_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "ལྟ་རྟོག་འབད་ཡོད་པའི་ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་ཚུ་:(_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "ཡོངས་འབྲེལ་ཐུ་རུ་པུཊི་(_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "རྩ་བསྐྲད་གཏང་(_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "བརྗེ་སོར་ བེད་སྤྱོད་(_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "ཚ་དྲོད་(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "ཚིག་ཡིག་(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "ཀེར་ཕྲང་ཕྲ་རིང་(_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "འཛོལ་བ་འཚུབ་ཆེན་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "སྔ་གོང་ལས་སྦྱོར་འཕྲུལ་ཆས་ཆ་མཉམ་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "སྔ་གོང་ལས་སྦྱོར་འཕྲུལ་ཆས་ཨང་ %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "སི་པི་ཡུ་"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "སི་པི་ཡུ་ %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 ཨེམ་བི་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "ཌིཀསི་ལུ་བརྟེན་པའི་དྲན་ཚད་"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "བརྗེ་སོར་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "མངོན་གསལ་ཆ་སྙོམས་"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "མངོན་གསལ་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "དྲན་ཚད་"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "དྲན་ཚད་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 ཇི་བི་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 ཨེམ་བི་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 ཀེ་བི་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 བི་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "ཌིཀསི་ (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 ཇི་བི་/ཨེསི་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 ཨེམ་བི་/ཨེསི་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 ཀེ་བི་/ཨེསི་"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 བི་/ཨེསི་"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, ནང་"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, ཕྱི་"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "ཨི་ཐར་ནེཊི་ %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "མོ་ཌེམ་"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "ཞབས་ཏོག་"
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "རླུང་འཕྲིན་"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ཚ་དྲོད་ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "ཚ་དྲོད་ %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "ཚ་དྲོད་ %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 ཨར་པི་ཨེམ་"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "རླུང་འཁོར་ %1 མགྱོགས་ཚད་: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "རླུང་འཁོར་ %1 མགྱོགས་ཚད་"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "ཐབས་འཕྲུལ་"
diff --git a/po/el.po b/po/el.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79cdb21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/el.po
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+# translation of el.po to Greek
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, 2003
+# Kostas Papadimas <pkst at gnome.org>, 2003
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: el\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-12 13:55+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-10-14 10:47+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Kostas Papadimas <pkst at gnome.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Greek <nls at tux.hellug.gr>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.0\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Παρακολούθηση υλικού"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Συσκευές παρακολούθησης υλικού"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Εργαλείο"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Παρακολούθηση υλικού: Αδυναμία φόρτωσης του εικονιδίου '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Προτιμήσεις..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Βοήθεια"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "Πε_ρί..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Παρακολούθηση διαφόρων πληροφοριών σχετικών με το υλικό, όπως χρήση CPU, "
+"χρήση μνήμης κτλ. Υποστηρίζει γραφήματα, σχεδιαγράμματα με οριζόντιες "
+"μπάρες, διαγράμματα με στήλες, παρακολούθηση μέσω κειμένου και φλόγες που "
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Πνευματικά Δικαιώματα %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Κώστας Παπαδήμας <pkst at gnome.org>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Αισθητήρας %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Αισθητήρας %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ανεμιστήρας %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ανεμιστήρας %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Παρασκήνιο</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b> Συσκευές</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Επιλογές</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Εφαρμογή προβολής</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Εφαρμογή προβολής</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Ένας τρέχων μέσος όρος από τον αριθμό των εκτελούμενων διεργασιών"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Όλες οι CPUs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Όλα τα δεδομένα"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "<b>Παρασκήνιο</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Χρήση C_PU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Α_λλαγή"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "Χ_ρώμα:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "Σ_τήλες"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "Κα_μπύλες"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε μια συσκευή"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε μια γραμματοσειρά"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Σύνδεση:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Συσκευές"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Κατεύθυνση:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Είσαγετε ένα φάκελο που βρίσκεται στο δίσκο για παρακολούθηση"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (πρώτο)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (δεύτερο)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (τρίτο)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Φάκελος:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Προτιμήσεις Παρακολούθησης Υλικού"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Εισερχόμενα δεδομένα"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Παρακολούθηση όλων των CPUs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Παρακολούθηση συσκευών με τη χρήση κυμαινόμενων φλογών"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Παρακολούθηση συσκευών με τη χρήση οριζόντιων bars"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Παρακολούθηση συσκευών με τη χρήση γραμμικών γραφημάτων"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Παρακολούθηση συσκευών με τη χρήση στέρεων στηλών"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Παρακολούθηση συσκευών με τη χρήση περιγραφών κειμένου"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Παρακολούθηση συσκευών με τη χρήση οριζόντιων bars"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Παρακολούθηση μόνο μιας CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Δίκτυο"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Δεν εντοπίστηκαν αισθητήρες"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Μόνο CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Εξερχόμενα δεδομένα"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Επιλέξτε τον αισθητήρα για παρακολούθηση"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr ""
+"Επιλέξτε αν θα παρακολουθούνται τα εξερχόμενα ή τα εισερχόμενα δεδομένα ή "
+"και τα δύο"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Σειριακός δεσμός"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Αποθηκευτικός χώρος"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Σύστημα"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Θερμοκρασία"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Το μέγεθος των δεδομένων που στέλνονται μέσω μιας σύνδεσης δικτύου"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Το μέγεθος του χώρου του δίσκου που χρησιμοποιείται"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Το μέγεθος της μνήμης του δίσκου που χρησιμοποιείται"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Το μέγεθος της μνήμης που χρησιμοποιείται"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr ""
+"Το ποσοστό του χρόνου που ξοδεύεται στην εκτέλεση διεργασιών προσκηνίου"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Η ταχύτητα των ανεμιστήρων"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Η θερμοκρασία του εσωτερικού του συστήματος"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Τύπος σύνδεσης - Το Ethernet είναι ο πιό κοινός τύπος προσαρμοστή δικτύου "
+"τοπικού δικτύου"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Χρήση παρασκηνίου ταμ_πλώ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Χρή_ση αυτού του χρώματος:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Χρήση αυτής της γρα_μματοσειράς:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Εφαρμογή προβολής"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Ποιός αριθ. CPU θα παρακολουθείται"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Προσθήκη"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Χρήση _δίσκου"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Ταχύτητα α_νεμιστήρα"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Φλόγες"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Μέσος φό_ρτος"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Χρήση _μνήμης"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Παρακολου_θούμενες συσκευές:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Network throughput"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Απομάκρυνση"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Χρήση _Swap"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Θερμοκρασία"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "Κεί_μενο"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Μοιραίο σφάλμα"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Όλοι οι επεξεργαστές"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Επεξεργαστής αρ. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Μνήμη βασισμένη στο δίσκο"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Μέσος Φόρτος"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Φόρτος"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Μνήμη"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Μνήμη"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Δίσκος (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gb/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kb/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, in"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, out"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr ""
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Θερμοκρασία %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Θερμοκρασία %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Θερμοκ. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ανεμιστήρας %1 ταχύτητα: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Ανεμιστήρας %1 ταχύτητα"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Συσκευή"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Γενικά</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "Χρονικό διάστημα ανάμεσα στις μετρήσεις (σε δευτερόλεπτα)"
+#~ msgid "CPU: 15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "CPU: 15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "Στή_λες:"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "Χρώμα της μπάρας"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "Χρώμα της καμπύλης"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "Χρώμα της φλόγας"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "Γενικά"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Αριθμός από στήλες για ταυτόχρονη προβολή"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Αριθμός μετρήσιμων σημείων για ταυτόχρονη προβολή"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Διαλέξτε ένα χρώμα"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "_Δείγματα:"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "Μέγεθος του εφαρμογιδίου σε εικονοστοιχεία"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "Το πάχος των καμπυλών (σε εικονοστοιχεία)"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Μπάρες"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "Πάχος _γραμμής:"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "_Μέγεθος"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "_Διάστημα ανανέωσης:"
diff --git a/po/en_CA.po b/po/en_CA.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a53620a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/en_CA.po
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+# English/Canada translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Adam Weinberger and the GNOME Foundation
+# This file is distributed under the same licence as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Adam Weinberger <adamw at gnome.org>, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-02 14:45-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-02 10:37-0400\n"
+"Last-Translator: Adam Weinberger <adamw at gnome.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Canadian English <adamw at gnome.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:463
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Hardware Monitor"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Monitor hardware devices"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Utility"
+#: src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Preferences..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Help"
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_About..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:455
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Adam Weinberger <adamw at gnome.org>"
+#: src/applet.cpp:458
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Fan %1"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "15.0%"
+msgstr "15.0%"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Background</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Devices</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Font</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Size</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Viewer</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Large</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Small</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "All CPUs"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "All data"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Background"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU usage"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "C_hange"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "C_olor:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "C_olumns"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "C_urves"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Choose a Device"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Choose a Font"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Colour of the bar"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Colour of the curve"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:25
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Colour of the flame"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:26
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Connection:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Devices"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Direction:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:699
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (first)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (second)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:32 src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (third)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Folder:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Incoming data"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitor all CPUs"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitor only a single CPU"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Network"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "No sensors detected"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Only CPU:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Outgoing data"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Pick a Colour"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Select the sensor to monitor"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:51 src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Serial link"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Show _free space instead of used"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Storage"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "System"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperature"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "The amount of disk space used"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "The amount of memory used"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "The speed of the fans"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:63
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+#: src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Use _panel background"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Use _this colour:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Use this f_ont:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Viewer"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:69 src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Wireless"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Add"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "_Bars"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Disk usage"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Fan speed"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Flames"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Load average"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Memory usage"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Monitored devices:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Network throughput"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Remove"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Swap usage"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperature"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Text"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Fatal error"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "All processors"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Processor no. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Disk-based memory"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Load average"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Load"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memory"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 kb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disk (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:680
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:684
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:688
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 kb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:717 src/monitor-impls.cpp:747
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, in"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:721 src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, out"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:732
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "W.less."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:957
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:964
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:967
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperature %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:973
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1039
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1046
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Fan %1 speed"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:129
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Device"
diff --git a/po/en_GB.po b/po/en_GB.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..812760b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/en_GB.po
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+# English (British) translation.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 THE hardware-monitor'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Gareth Owen <gowen72 at yahoo.com>, David Lodge <dave at cirt.net>, 2004.
+# Gareth Owen <gowen72 at yahoo.comg>, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-13 21:02+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-13 21:02-0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: David Lodge <dave at cirt.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: English/GB <en at li.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Hardware Monitor"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Monitor hardware devices"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Utility"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Preferences..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Help"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_About..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Gareth Owen <gowen72 at yahoo.com>\n"
+"David Lodge <dave at cirt.net>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Fan %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Background</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Devices</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Font</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Size</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Viewer</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Large</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Small</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "A running average of the number of simultaneous processes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "All CPUs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "All data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Background"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU usage"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "C_hange"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "C_olour:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "C_olumns"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "C_urves"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Choose a Device"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Choose a Font"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Connection:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Devices"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Direction:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (first)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (second)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (third)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Folder:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Incoming data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitor all CPUs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitor only a single CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Network"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "No sensors detected"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Only CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Outgoing data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Select the sensor to monitor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Serial link"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Show _free space instead of used"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Storage"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "System"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperature"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "The amount of disk space used"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "The amount of memory used"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "The speed of the fans"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter type"
+msgstr "Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter type"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Use _panel background"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Use _this colour:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Use this f_ont:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Viewer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Wireless"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Add"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Disk usage"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Fan speed"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Flames"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Horizontal bars"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Load average"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Memory usage"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Monitored devices:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Network throughput"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Remove"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Swap usage"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperature"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Text"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Vertical bars"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Fatal error"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "All processors"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Processor no. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Disk-based memory"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Load average"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Load"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memory"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disk (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, in"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, out"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "W.less."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperature %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Fan %1 speed"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Device"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "Colour of the bar"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "Colour of the curve"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "Colour of the flame"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Pick a Colour"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Bars"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "General"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Number of columns to show simultaneously"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Number of measured points to show simultaneously"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "S_amples:"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "_Line width:"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "_Size:"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "_Update interval:"
diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01077e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/es.po
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+# traducción de es.po al Spanish
+# translation of es.po to Spanish
+# Copyright (C) 2003, The Free Software Foundation Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the HARDWARE MONITOR package.
+# Antonio Ognio <antonio at linux.org.pe>, 2003.
+# Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador at cvs.gnome.org>, 2004, 2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: es\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-20 22:22+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-20 22:24+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador at cvs.gnome.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Spanish <traductores at es.gnome.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor de hardware"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Monitoriza dispositivos de hardware"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Utilidad"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Monitor de hardware: no se pudo cargar el icono «%1».\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Preferencias..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Ay_uda"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "A_cerca de..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "Monitoriza información relacionada con el hardware como el uso de CPU, la memoria, etc. Soporta gráficas de curvas, dibujos de barras y diagramas de columnas, monitorización textual y llamas fluctuantes."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador at cvs-gnome.org>\n"
+"Antonio Ognio <antonio at linux.org.pe>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: «%2»"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilador %1: «%2»"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventilador %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Segundo plano</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dispositivos</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tipografía</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tamaño</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Visor</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Grande</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Pequeño</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Un promedio del número de procesos simultáneos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Todas las CPUs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Todos los datos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Fondo"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Uso de C_PU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Cambiar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "C_olor:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "C_olumnas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "C_urvas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Escoja un dispositivo"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Escoja una tipografía"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Conexión:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Dispositivos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Dirección:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Introduzca una carpeta que se encuentre en el disco a monitorizar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (primera)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (segunda)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (tercera)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Carpeta:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferencias del Monitor de hardware"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Datos entrantes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Módem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitorizar todas las CPUs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos usando llamas fluctuantes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos usando barras horizontales"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos usando gráficas de líneas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos usando columnas sólidas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos usando descripciones textuales"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos usando barras verticales"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitorizar sólo una única CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Red"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "No se detectaron sensores"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Sólo CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Datos salientes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Seleccione el sensor que monitorizar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Seleccione si se monitorizarán datos entrantes, salientes o ambos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Enlace serie"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Mostrar el espacio _libre en vez del usado"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Almacenamiento"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "La cantidad de datos enviados a través de la conexión de red"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "La cantidad de espacio de disco usado"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "La cantidad de memoria basada en disco usada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "La cantidad de memoria usada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr ""
+"El porcentaje de tiempo que se gasta ejecutando procesos en primer plano"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "La velocidad de los ventiladores"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "La temperatura del interior del sistema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Tipo de conexión - Ethernet es el tipo de adaptador de red de área local más "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Usar fondo del _panel"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Usar _este color:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Usar esta _tipografía:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Visor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Que nº de CPU monitorizar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Inalámbrico"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Añadir"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Uso del disco"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Velocidad del _ventilador"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Llamas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Barras _horizontales"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Promedio de _carga"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Uso de _memoria"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Dispositivos _monitorizados:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Caudal de red"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Quitar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Uso de _intercambio"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Texto"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "Barras _verticales"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Error fatal"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Todos los procesadores"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Procesador nº %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Memoria basada en disco"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Intercambio"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Promedio de carga"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Carga"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memoria"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 Gib"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 Mib"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 Kib"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disco (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gib/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mib/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kib/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, entrada"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, salida"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Inal.bric."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatura %1: «%2»"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatura %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Velocidad ventilador %1: «%2»"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Velocidad ventilador %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Dispositivo"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Escoja un color"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Barras"
diff --git a/po/eu.po b/po/eu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2bc789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/eu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor.HEAD.po to Basque
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo at euskalgnu.org>, 2006, 2007, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-01-29 16:54+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-01-25 19:13+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo at euskalgnu.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Basque <itzulpena at euskalgnu.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Hardwarearen monitorea"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Monitorizatu hardwareko gailuak"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Utilitatea"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Hardwarearen monitorea: ezin da '%1' ikonoa kargatu.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Hobespenak..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Laguntza"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "Honi _buruz..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Hardwarearekin zerikusia duen informazioa monitorizatzen du, PUZaren edo "
+"memoriaren erabilpena bezalakoak. Kurben grafikoak, barrak eta zutabeak, "
+"monitorizazio testuala eta sugar mugikorrak onartzen ditu."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright-a %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo at euskalgnu.org>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "%1 sentsorea: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "%1 sentsorea"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "%1 haizagailua: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "%1 haizagailua"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Atzeko planoa</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Gailuak</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Letra-tipoa</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tamaina</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ikustailea</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Handia</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Txikia</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Aldi bereko prozesuen batez bestekoa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "PUZ guztiak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Datu guztiak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Atzeko planoa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "_PUZ erabilpena"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Aldatu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Kolorea:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "_Zutabeak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Kurbak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Aukeratu gailua"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Aukeratu letra-tipoa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Konexioa:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Gailuak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Helbidea:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Sartu karpeta (monitorizatuko den diskokoa)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (aurrenekoa)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (bigarrena)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (hirugarrena)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Karpeta:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Hardwarearen monitorearen hobespenak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Sarrerako datuak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitorizatu PUZ guztiak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Monitorizatu gailuak sugar mugikorrak erabiliz"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Monitorizatu gailuak barra horizontalak erabiliz"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Monitorizatu gailuak marrak erabiliz"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Monitorizatu gailuak zutabeak erabiliz"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Monitorizatu gailuak testu-azalpenak erabiliz"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Monitorizatu gailuak barra bertikalak erabiliz"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitorizatu PUZ bakarra"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Sarea"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Ez da sentsorerik detektatu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "PUZ soilik:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Irteerako datuak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Hautatu sentsorea monitorizatzeko"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr ""
+"Hautatu sarrerako edo irteerako datuak monitorizatu behar den, edo biak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Serieko lotura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Erakutsi leku _librea erabilitakoaren ordez"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Biltegiratzea"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Tenperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Datu-kopurua, sareko konexioaren bidez bidalitakoa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Erabilitako diskoko lekuaren kopurua"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Diskoan oinarritutako erabilitako memoria-kopurua"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Erabilitako memoria-kopurua"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Denboraren ehunekoa aurreko planoko prozesuak exekuzioan erabilitakoa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Haizagailuen abiadura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Sistema barneko tenperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Konexio mota - Ethernet da sare lokaleko gailurik erabiliena"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Erabili _panelaren atzeko planoa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Erabili _kolore hau:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Erabili _letra-tipo hau:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Ikustailea"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Zenbatgarren PUZ monitorizatu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Haririk gabea"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Gehitu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Diskoaren erabilpena"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Haizagailuaren abiadura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Sugarrak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Barra _horizontalak"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Kargaren batez bestekoa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Memoriaren erabilpena"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "M_onitorizatutako gailuak:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Sareko errendimendua"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Kendu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Swap-en erabilera"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Tenperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Testua"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "Barra _bertikalak"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Errore larria"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%%%1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Prozesadore guztiak"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "%1. prozesadorea"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "PUZ"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "%1. PUZ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Disko-oinarriko memoria"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Trukea"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Kargaren batez bestekoa"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Kargatu"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memoria"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Diskoa (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, sar."
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, irt."
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Har.gabea"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "%1 tenperatura: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "%1 tenperatura"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "%1 tenp."
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 b/min"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "%1. haizagailuaren abiadura: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "%1 haizagailuaren abiadura"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Gailua"
diff --git a/po/fi.po b/po/fi.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc00f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/fi.po
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+# Finnish messages for hardware-monitor
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Ilkka Tuohela <hile at iki.fi> 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-15 15:34+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-15 15:36+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: hile at iki.fi <hile at iki.fi\n"
+"Language-Team: Finnish <gnome-fi-laatu at lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Laitteiston tarkkailu"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Tarkkaile järjestelmän laitteita"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Apuohjelma"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Laitteiston tarkkailu: kuvaketta '%1' ei voida ladata.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Asetukset..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "O_hje"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Tietoja..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Tarkkaile eri laitteestoon liittyviä tietoja, kuten prosessorin kuormaa, "
+"muistin käyttöä ja niin edelleen. Tukee käyrän piirtoa, vaakasuuntaisia "
+"palkkiesityksiä, sarakediagrammeja, tekstitulosteita ja liekehtivän tulen "
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Ilkka Tuohela, 2004\n"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Anturi %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Anturi %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Tuuletin %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Tuuletin %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tausta</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Laitteet</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Kirjasin</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Koko</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Esitysmuoto</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Suuri</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Pieni</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Muuttuva keskiarvo samanaikaisesti suoritettavista prosesseista"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Kaikki prosessorit"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Kaikki tieto"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Tausta"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "_Prosessorin käyttöaste"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Muutos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Väri"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "_Sarakkeet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Käyrät"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Valitse laite"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Valitse kirjasin"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Yhteys:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Laitteet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Suunta:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Anna kansio levyllä, jota tarkkaillaan"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (ensimmäinen)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (toinen)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (kolmas)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Kansio:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Laitteiston tarkkailun asetukset"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Saapuva data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modeemi"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Tarkkaile kaikkia prosessoreita"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Näytä tarkkailtava laite käyttäen liikkuvia tulenliekkejä"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Näytä tarkkailtava laite käyttäen vaakasuuntaisia palkkeja"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Näytä tarkkailtava laite käyttäen viivagraafeja"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Näytä tarkkailtava laite käyttäen kiinteitä sarakkeita"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Näytä tarkkailtava laite käyttäen tekstikuvauksia"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Tarkkaile laitteita käyttäen vaakasuuntaisia palkkeja"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Tarkkaile vain yhtä prosessoria"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Verkko"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Antureita ei havaittu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Ainoastaan prosessori:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Lähtevä data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Valitse tarkkailtava anturi"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr ""
+"Valitse tarkkaillaanko saapuvaa, lähtevää vai molempiin suuntiin kulkevaa "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Sarjalinkki"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Näytä _vapaa tila käytetyn sijasta"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Tilankäyttö"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Järjestelmä"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Lämpötila"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Verkkoyhteyden kautta siirretyn datan määrä"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Käytetyn levytilan määrä"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Käytetyn levyvirtuaalimuistin määrä"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Käytetyn muistin määrä"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr ""
+"Prosenttiosuus ajasta, joka käytetään suoritettaessa aktiivisia prosesseja"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Tuulettimien nopeus"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Lämpötila järjestelmän sisällä"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Yhteyden tyyppi - Ethernet on yleisin lähiverkkojen verkkosovitintyyppi"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Käytä _paneelin taustaa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Käytä _tätä väriä"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Käytä tätä _kirjasinta:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Esitysmuoto"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Mitä prosessoria tarkkaillaan (numero)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Langaton"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Lisää"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Levyn käyttö"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Tuulettimen nopeus"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Liekit"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Vaakapalkit"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Kuormituksen keskiarvo"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Muistin käyttö"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Tarkkailtavat laitteet:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Verkon kuormitus"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Poista"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Levyvirtuaalimuistin käyttö"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Lämpötila"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Teksti"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Pystypalkit"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Kriittinen virhe"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1 %%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Kaikki prosessorit"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Prosessori %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "Prosessori"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "Prosessori %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mt"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Levyvirtuaalimuisti"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Virtuaalimuisti"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Kuormituksen keskiarvo"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Kuormitus"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Muisti"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Muisti"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 Gt"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 Mt"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kt"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 t"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Levy (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gt/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mt/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kt/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 t/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, saapuva"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, lähtevä"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Ethernet %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Modeemi"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Sarjarportti"
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Langaton"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Lämpötila %1: \"%s\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Lämpötila %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Lämpö %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Tuulettimen %1 nopeus: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Tuulettimen %1 nopeus"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Laite"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Valitse väri"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Palkit"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "15.0 %"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "Palkin väri"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "Käyrän väri"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "Tulenlieskan väri"
diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66339ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/fr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+# French translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# David Soulayrol <david.soulayrol.2000 at anciens.enib.fr>, 2004-2005.
+# Christophe Merlet (RedFox) <redfox at redfoxcenter.org>, 2004-2006.
+# Jonathan Ernst <jonathan at ernstfamily.ch>, 2006.
+# Damien Durand <splinux at fedoraproject.org, 2006
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor 1.3\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-10-01 16:16+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-10-01 16:16+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Damien Durand <splinux at fedoraproject.>\n"
+"Language-Team: GNOME French Team <gnomefr at traduc.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Moniteur matériel"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Surveille les périphériques matériels"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Utilitaire"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Moniteur matériel : impossible de charger l'icône « %1 ».\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Préférences..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Aide"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "À _propos..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1 : %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Surveille diverses données relatives au matériel, telles que l'usage du "
+"processeur, de la mémoire, etc. Supporte les graphes sous forme de courbes "
+"de barres, les diagrammes à colonnes, l'affichage textuel et "
+"les flammes fluctuantes."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "David Soulayrol <david.soulayrol.2000 at anciens.enib.fr>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Capteur %1 : « %2 »"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Capteur %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilateur %1 : « %2 »"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventilateur %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Arrière-plan</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Périphériques</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Police</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Taille</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Visionneur</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Grand</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Petit</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Une moyenne du nombre de processus s'exécutant simultanément"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Tous les processeurs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Toutes les données"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Arrière-plan"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Utilisation du _processeur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Modifier"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Couleur :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "C_olonnes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Courbes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Choisir un périphérique"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Choisir une police"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Connexion :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Périphériques"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Direction :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Saisir un dossier résidant sur le disque à surveiller"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (premier)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (second)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (troisième)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Dossier :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Préférences du moniteur matériel"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Données entrantes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Surveiller tous les processeurs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Utiliser des flammes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Utiliser des barres horizontales"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Utiliser des graphes de lignes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Utiliser des graphes en colonnes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Utiliser des descriptions textuelles"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Utiliser des barres verticales"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Surveiller un seul processeur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Réseau"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Aucun capteur détecté"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Seulement le processeur :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Données sortantes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Sélectionner le capteur à surveiller"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Choisir de surveiller les données entrantes, sortantes ou les deux"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Liaison série"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Afficher l'espace _libre au lieu de l'espace utilisé"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Stockage"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Système"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Température"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "La quantité de données envoyée à travers une connexion réseau"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "La quantité d'espace disque utilisée"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "La quantité de mémoire sur disque utilisée"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "La quantité de mémoire utilisée"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr ""
+"Le pourcentage de durée passée à exécuter les processus de premier plan"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "La vitesse des ventilateurs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "La température à l'intérieur du système"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Type de connexion - Ethernet est le type d'adaptateur de réseau local le "
+"plus répandu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Utiliser l'_arrière-plan du tableau de bord"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Utiliser _cette couleur :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Utiliser cette p_olice :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Visionneur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Le numéro du processeur à surveiller"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Sans fil"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "A_jouter"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Utilisation du _disque"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Vitesse du ventilateur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "F_lammes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Barres _horizontales"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Charge moyenne"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Utilisation de la _mémoire"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Périphériques surveillés :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Sortie réseau"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Enlever"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Utilisation de la mém_oire d'échanges"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Température"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Texte"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "Barres _verticales"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Erreur fatale"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Tous les processeurs"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Processeur n° %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mo"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Mémoire sur disque"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Mémoire d'échanges"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Charge moyenne"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Charge"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Mémoire"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mém."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 Go"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 Mo"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 ko"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 o"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disque (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 Go/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mo/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 ko/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 o/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, entrant"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, sortant"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Sér."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Sans fil"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Température %1 : « %2 »"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Température %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Vitesse du ventilateur %1 : « %2 »"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Vitesse du ventilateur %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Périphérique"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Choisissez une couleur"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Barres"
diff --git a/po/gl.po b/po/gl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcf7d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/gl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor-master-po-gl-8615.po to Galician
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the HARDWARE MONITOR package.
+# Copyright (C) 2003, The Free Software Foundation Inc.
+# Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <adorador_del_heavy at hotmail.com>, 2004.
+# Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <nacho.resa at gmail.com>, 2005, 2006.
+# Francisco Diéguez <fran.dieguez at mabishu.com>, 2009.
+# Antón Méixome <meixome at mancomun.org>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor-master-po-gl-8615\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-26 20:29+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-25 13:51+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Antón Méixome <meixome at mancomun.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Galician <gnome at mancomun.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:471
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor de hardware"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos de hardware"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Utilidade"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Monitor de hardware: non puido cargar a icona '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Preferencias..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "A_xuda"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Acerca de..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Monitoriza variada información relacionada co hardware, así como o uso da "
+"CPU, a memoria usada etc. Permite gráficos de curvas, debuxos de barras, "
+"diagramas de columnas, monitorización textual e lapas flutuantes."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:474
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Dereitos de autor %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:481
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <adorador_del_heavy at hotmail.com>; Mancomún "
+"<g11n at mancomun.org>, 2009"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilador %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventilador %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fondo</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dispositivos</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tipo de letra</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tamaño</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Visor</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Grande</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Pequeno</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Un promedio do número de procesos simultáneos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Todas as CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Todos os datos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Fondo"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Uso da C_PU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Cambio"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "C_or:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "C_olumnas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "C_urvas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Escoller un dispositivo"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Escoller un tipo de letra"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Conexión:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Dispositivos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Dirección:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Introduce un directorio no disco monitorizábel"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:698
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (primeira)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:700
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (segunda)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (terceira)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Directorio:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferencias do monitor de hardware"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Datos entrantes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Módem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitorizar todas as CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos usando lapas flutuantes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Monitorizr dispositivos usando barras horizontais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos usando gráficos lineais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos usando columnas sólidas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos usando descricións textuais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos usando barras verticais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitorizar só unha CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Rede"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Non se detectaron sensores"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Só CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Datos saíntes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Seleccionar o sensor monitorizábel"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Seleccione monitorizar os datos entrantes, saíntes ou ambos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Enlace serial"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Mostrar o espazo _libre no canto do usado"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Almacenamento"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "A cantidade de datos enviados a través da conexión de rede"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "A cantidade de espazo de disco usada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "A cantidade de memoria baseada en disco usada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "A cantidade de memoria usada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "O porcentaxe de tempo que se gasta correndo procesos en primeiro plano"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "A velocidade dos ventiladores"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "A temperatura do interior do sistema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Tipo de conexión - Ethernet é o tipo de adaptador de rede máis común"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Usar fondo do _panel"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Usar _esta cor:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Usar este _tipo de letra:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Visor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Que número de CPU para monitorizar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Sen fíos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Engadir"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Uso do _disco"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Velocidade do _ventilador"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Lapas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Barras _horizontais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Promedio de _carga"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Uso da _memoria"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Dispositivos _monitorizados:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "A t_ravés da rede"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Eliminar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "U_so de memoria en disco"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Texto"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "Barras _verticais"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Erro fatal"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:296
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:302
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Todos os procesos"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:304
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Proceso nº. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:311
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:362 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:496
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:367
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Memoria baseada en disco"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:373
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Partición de intercambio"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:431
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Promedio de carga"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:438
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Carga"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memoria"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:507
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:562
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:578
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disco (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:679
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:716 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:746
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, entrada"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, saída"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:731
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Se.n fíos"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:952
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:959
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatura %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatura %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1034
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1041
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilador %1 velocidade: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Velocidade do ventilador %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Dispositivo"
diff --git a/po/gu.po b/po/gu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0f37cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/gu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor.HEAD.gu.po to Gujarati
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Ankit Patel <ankit at redhat.com>, 2004.
+# Sweta Kothari <swkothar at redhat.com>, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.HEAD.gu\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-11-07 14:27+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-26 15:36+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Sweta Kothari <swkothar at redhat.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Gujarati\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "હાર્ડવેર મોનિટર"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "હાર્ડવેર ઉપકરણો જુઓ"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "ઉપયોગિતા"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "હાર્ડવેર મોનિટર: ચિહ્ન '%1' લાવી શકતા નથી.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "પસંદગીઓ (_P)..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "મદદ (_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "વિશે (_A)..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"વિવિધ હાર્ડવેરને લગતી જાણકારીનું ધ્યાન રાખો, જેમ કે CPU નો વપરાશ, મેમરીનો વપરાશ, વગેરે. "
+"વળાંકવાળા આલેખો, આડી પટ્ટીવાળા વિભાગો, સ્તંભવાળી આકૃતિઓ, લખાણવાળા બાબતો અને ઝબુકતી "
+"તકતીઓને પણ આધાર આપે છે."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "મુદ્રણાધિકાર %1 ૨૦૦૩ ઓલે લોર્સન"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "અંકિત પટેલ <ankit at redhat.com>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "સેન્સર %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "સેન્સર %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "પંખો %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "પંખો %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>પાશ્વ ભાગ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ઉપકરણો</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ફોન્ટ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>માપ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>દર્શક</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>વિશાળ</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>નાનું</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "વારાફરતી પ્રક્રિયાઓની સંખ્યાનું સરેરાશ ચાલી રહ્યું છે"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "બધા CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "બધી માહિતી"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "પાશ્વ ભાગ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU નો વપરાશ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "બદલાવ (_h)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "રંગ (_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "સ્તંભો (_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "વળાંકો (_u)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "ઉપકરણ પસંદ કરો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "ફોન્ટ પસંદ કરો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "જોડાણ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "ઉપકરણો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "દિશા:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "ધ્યાન રાખવા માટે ડિસ્કમાં રહેલ ફોલ્ડર દાખલ કરો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "ઈથરનેટ (પહેલા)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "ઈથરનેટ (બીજું)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "ઈથરનેટ (ત્રીજું)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "ફોલ્ડર:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "હાર્ડવેર મોનિટર પસંદગીઓ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "આવતી માહિતી"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "મોડેમ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "બધા CPU નું ધ્યાન રાખો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "તકતીઓને ઝબકાવવાનું કામ કરતા ઉપકરણોને જુઓ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "આડી પટ્ટીઓ વાપરતા ઉપકરણોનું ધ્યાન રાખો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "લીટી આલેખો વાપરી રહેલા ઉપકરણો માટે ધ્યાન રાખો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "ઘટ્ટ સ્તંભો વાપરતા ઉપકરણો માટે ધ્યાન રાખો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "લખાણ વર્ણનો વાપરતા ઉપકરણો માટે ધ્યાન રાખો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "આડી પટ્ટીઓ વાપરતા ઉપકરણોનું ધ્યાન રાખો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "માત્ર એક CPU પર ધ્યાન રાખો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "નેટવર્ક"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "કોઈ સેન્સરો શોધાયેલ નથી"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "માત્ર CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "જતી માહિતી"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "ધ્યાન રાખવા માટે સેન્સર પસંદ કરો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "પસંદ કરો કે શું માત્ર જતા કે આવતા કે બંને માહિતી પર ધ્યાન રાખવું"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "શ્રેણીય કડી"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "વપરાયેલની જગ્યાએ માત્ર ખાલી જગ્યા બતાવો (_f)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "સંગ્રહસ્થાન"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "સિસ્ટમ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "તાપમાન"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "નેટવર્ક જોડાણ મારફતે પહોંચાડાયેલ માહિતીનો જથ્થો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "વપરાયેલ ડિસ્કની જગ્યાનો જથ્થો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "ડિસ્ક આધારિત વપરાયેલ મેમરીનો જથ્થો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "વપરાયેલ મેમરીનો જથ્થો"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "અગ્ર ભાગની પ્રક્રિયાઓ ચલાવવા માટે ફાળવેલ સમયની ટકાવારી"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "પંખાઓની ઝડપ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "સિસ્ટમની અંદરનું તાપમાન"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "જોડાણનો પ્રકાર - ઈથરનેટ એ મોટે ભાગના સ્થાનિક વિસ્તારના નેટવર્ક એડેપ્ટર પ્રકારમાં વપરાય છે"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "પેનલનો પાશ્વ ભાગ વાપરો (_p)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "આ રંગ વાપરો (_t):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "આ ફોન્ટ વાપરો (_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "દર્શક"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "ધ્યાન રાખવા માટે કયું CPU નંબર છે"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "વાયરલેસ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "ઉમેરો (_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "ડિસ્કનો વપરાશ (_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "પંખાની ઝડપ (_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "તકતીઓ (_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "ઊભી પટ્ટીઓ (_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "ભારનો સરેરાશ (_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "મેમરીનો વપરાશ (_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "ધ્યાન રખાયેલ ઉપકરણો (_M):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "નેટવર્ક માંથી પસાર થતી વસ્તુઓનો દર (_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "દૂર કરો (_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "સ્વેપનો વપરાશ (_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "તાપમાન (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "લખાણ (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "આડી પટ્ટીઓ (_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "મોટી ભૂલ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "બધા પ્રોસેસરો"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "પ્રોસેસર નંબર %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "ડિસ્ક આધારિત મેમરી"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "સ્વેપ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "ભારનો સરેરાશ"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "ભાર"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "મેમરી"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "મેમ."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "િડસ્ક (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, in"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, out"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "W.less."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "તાપમાન %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "તાપમાન %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "તાપમાન. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "પંખા %1 ઝડપ: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "પંખા %1 ઝડપ"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "ઉપકરણ"
diff --git a/po/he.po b/po/he.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3114ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/he.po
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: GNOME\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=hardware-monitor&component=general\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-03-02 11:46+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-04-05 01:37+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mark Krapivner <mark125 at gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: HEBREW <sh.yaron at gmail.com>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Hebrew\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: ISRAEL\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "צג החומרה"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "מעקב אחר התקני חומרה"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "כלי"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "צג החומרה: לא ניתן לטעון את הסמל '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_העדפות..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_עזרה"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_אודות..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "מעקב אחר נתונים שונים אודות החומרה, כגון פעילות המעבד, השימוש בזיכרון וכו'. תמיכה בגרפי עקומות, תרשימי טורים, תרשימי עמודות מעקב טקסטואלי ופיזור להבות."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "כל הזכויות שמורות %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"ירון שהרבני <sh.yaron at gmail.com>\n"
+"פרוייקט תרגום GNOME לעברית:\n"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "חיישן %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "חיישן %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "מאוורר %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "מאוורר %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>רקע</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>התקנים</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>גופן</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>נפח</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>מציג</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>גדול</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>קטן</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "ממוצע פעיל של מספר התהליכים הפעילים בו־זמנית"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "כל המעבדים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "כל הנתונים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "רקע"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "פעילות המ_עבד"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_שינוי"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_צבע:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "_עמודות"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "ע_קומות"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "בחירת התקן"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "בחירת גופן"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "חיבור:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "התקנים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "כיוון:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "הזנת תיקייה שבכונן לצורכי מעקב"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "אתרנט (ראשון)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "אתרנט (שני)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "אתרנט (שלישי)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "תיקייה:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "העדפות צג החומרה"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "נתונים נכנסים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "מודם"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "מעקב אחר כל המעבדים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "מעקב אחר התקנים באמצעות פיזור להבות"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "מעקב אחר התקנים באמצעות תרשים עמודות"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "מעקב אחר התקנים באמצעות תרשים קווים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "מעקב אחר התקנים באמצעות טורים אחידים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "מעקב אחר התקנים באמצעות תיאורי טקסט"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "מעקב אחר התקנים באמצעות טורים אנכיים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "מעקב אחר מעבד יחיד"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "רשת"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "לא נמצאו חיישנים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "המעבד היחיד:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "נתונים יוצאים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "בחירת החיישן למעקב"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "בחירה האם לעקוב אחרי הנתונים הנכנסים או היוצאים או שניהם"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "קישור טורי"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "הצגת השטח ה_פנוי במקום המנוצל"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "אחסון"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "מערכת"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "טמפרטורה"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "כמות הנתונים שנשלחו באמצעות חיבור הרשת"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "כמות שטח הכונן המנוצל"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "כמות הזיכרון מבוסס הכונן המנוצל"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "כמות הזיכרון המנוצל"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "אחוז הזמן המושקע בהרצת תהליכי שולחן עבודה"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "מהירות המאווררים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "הטמפרטורה שבתוך מערכת המחשב"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter type"
+msgstr "סוג החיבור - אתרנט הוא סוג מתאם חיבור הרשת המקומית הנפוץ ביותר"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "שימוש ברקע ה_לוח"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "שימוש בצבע _זה:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "שימוש ב_גופן זה:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "מציג"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "אחר כמה מעבדים לעקוב"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "אלחוטי"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_הוספה"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "שימוש ב_כונן"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_מהירות המאוורר"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "לה_בות"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "טורים _אופקיים"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_ממוצע העומס"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "שימוש ב_זכרון"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "ה_תקנים במעקב:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_תפוקת הרשת"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_הסרה"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "שימוש במחיצת הה_חלפה"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_טמפרטורה"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "ט_קסט"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "טורים א_נכיים"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "שגיאה חמורה"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "כל המעבדים"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "מעבד מס' %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "מעבד"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "מעבד %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "זכרון מבוסס כונן"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "החלפה"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "ממוצע עומס"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "עומס"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "זכרון"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "זכר'"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "כונן (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, פנימה"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, החוצה"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "את' %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "מוד'"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "טור'"
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "אלח'"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "טמפרטורה %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "טמפרטורה %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "טמפ' %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 סל\"ד"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "מהירות מאוורר %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "מהירות מאוורר %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "התקן"
diff --git a/po/hi.po b/po/hi.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c4912a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/hi.po
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor.master.po to Hindi
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# G Karunakar <karunakar at freedomink.org>, 2006.
+# Rajesh Ranjan <rajesh672 at gmail.com>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=hardware-monitor&component=general\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 15:33+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-02 15:20+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Rajesh Ranjan <rajesh672 at gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Hindi <hindi.sf.net>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "हार्डवेयर मॉनिटर"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "हार्डवेयर मॉनिटर उपकरण"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "उपयोगिता"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "हार्डवेयर मॉनिटर: प्रतीक '%1' लोड नहीं कर सकता है.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "प्राथमिकताएँ. (_P)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "मदद (_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "के बारे में... (_A)"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "कई हार्डवेयर संबंधित सूचना का निरीक्षण करता है, जैसे कि सीपीयू प्रयोग, स्मृति प्रयोग, आदि. समर्थन में आलेख, बार प्लॉट,ट स्तंभ चित्र, पाठ मॉनिटरिंग और बदलते फ्लैम हैं."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित %1 २००३ ओले लॉर्सेन"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "जी करुणाकर <karunakar at freedomink.org>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "संवेदक %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "संवेदक %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "पंख %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "पंखा %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>पृष्ठभूमि</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b> उपकरण</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फॉन्ट</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>आकार</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>प्रदर्शक</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>बडा</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>छोटा</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "एक साथ चल रही प्रक्रियाओं का चलन ओसत"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "सभी सीपीयू"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "सभी डॉटा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "पृष्ठभूमि"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "सीपीयू उपयोगिता (_P)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "बदलें (_h)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "रंग (_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "स्तम्भ (_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "वक्र (_u)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "उपकरण चुनें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "फॉन्ट चुनें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "कनेक्शन:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "उपकरण"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "दिशाः"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "मॉनिटर की डिस्क पर अवस्थित फोल्डर दाखिल करें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "इथरनेट (पहला)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "इथरनेट (दूसरा)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "इथरनेट (तीसरा)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "फ़ोल्डर:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "हार्डवेयर मॉनिटर प्राथमिकताएँ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "आनेवाला डेटा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "मोडेम"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "सभी सीपीयू मॉनीटर करें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "बदले फ्लैम के प्रयोग से युक्ति मॉनीटर करें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "क्षैतिज पट्टी के प्रयोग से युक्ति मॉनिटर करें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "पंक्ति आरेख के प्रयोग से युक्ति मॉनिटर करें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "ठोस स्तंभ के प्रयोग से युक्ति मॉनिटर करें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "पाठ विवरण के प्रयोग से युक्ति मॉनिटर करें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "लंबबक पट्टी के प्रयोग से युक्ति मॉनिटर करें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "एकल सीपीयू केवल मॉनिटर करें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "नेटवर्क"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "कोई संवेदक नही"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "सिर्फ सीपीयू:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr " जाने वाा डेटाे"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "मॉनिटर में यह सेंसर चुनें"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "चुनें कि क्या आने वाली या बाहर जाने वाली या दोनों आंकड़ों को चुनना है"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "सीरियल लिंक"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "उपयोगित की बजाए खाली स्थान दिखाएँान का"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "भंडारण"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "तंत्र"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "तापमान"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "नेटवर्क कनेक्शन पर भेजा गया कुल डेटा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "उपयोगित डिस्क स्थान"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "उपयोगित डिस् आधारित मेमोरीक"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "मेमोरी उपयोगित"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "अग्रभूमि प्रक्रिया को चलाने में बीता समय"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "पंखों की गति"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "तंत्र का अंदरूणी तापमान"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "कनेक्शन के प्रकार - इथरनेट सबसे सामान्य स्थानीय क्षेत्र संजाल एडाप्टर प्रकार है"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "पटल पृष्ठभूमि का प्रयोग करें (_p)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "इस रंग का प्रयोग करें (_t):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "इस रंग का प्रयोग करें (f_):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "प्रदर्शक"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "मॉनिटर में कौन सी सीपीयू संख्या"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "बेतार"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "जोड़ें (_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "डिस्क उपयोग (_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "पंखे की गति"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "फ्लैम (_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "क्षैतिज पट्टी (_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "भार ओसत (_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "मेमोरी उपयोग ुक्त (_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "मॉनिटर किया युक्त (_M):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "संजाल थोरोआउट (_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "हटाएँ एँ (_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "स्वेप उपयोग (_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "तापमान (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "पाठ (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "लंबबत पट्टी (_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "गंभीर त्रुटि"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "सभी प्रोसेसर"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "प्रोसेसर क्रं %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "सीपीयू"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "सीपीयू %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 एमबी"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "डिस्क आधारित मेमोरी"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "स्वेप"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "भार ओसत"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "भार"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "मेमोरी"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "मेमो."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 जीबी"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 एमबी"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 केबी"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 बा."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "डिस्क (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 गीबा/से."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 मेबा/से"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 किबा/से"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 बी/से."
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, इंच"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, बाहर"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "W.less."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "तापमान %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "तापमान %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "तापमान %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 आरपिएम"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "पंखा %1 गति:\"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "पंखा %1 गति"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "उपकरण"
diff --git a/po/hr.po b/po/hr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1fa7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/hr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+# Translation of hardware-monitor to Croatiann
+# Copyright (C) Croatiann team
+# Translators: Automatski Prijevod <>,Denis Lackovic <delacko at fly.srk.fer.hr>,pr pr <delacko at>,Robert Sedak <robert.sedak at sk.tel.hr>,Robert Vuković <robi at surfer.hr>,Vedran Vyroubal <vedran.vyroubal at inet.hr>,Vjekoslav Matausic <vjekoslav.matausic at zg.htnet.hr>,
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor 0\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-03-18 00:07+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-18 00:07+CET\n"
+"Last-Translator: auto\n"
+"Language-Team: Croatian <lokalizacija at linux.hr>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: TransDict server\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:600
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Praćenje hardvera"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Pratite hardverske uređaje"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Uslužni program"
+#: src/applet.cpp:69
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Praćenje hardvera: ne mogu učitati sličicu '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Podešenja..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Pomoć"
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_O..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:203
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2 "
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:210
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:592
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "lokalizacija at linux.hr"
+#: src/applet.cpp:595
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Praćenje raznih podataka u vezi s hardverom, kao što je iskorištenost "
+"procesora, memorije itd. Podržava grafove, vodoravne trake, dijagrame u "
+"stupcima, tekstualno praćenje i promijenjive plamenove."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:602
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Sva prava zadržana %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Senzor %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Senzor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilator %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 src/monitor-impls.cpp:844
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventilator %1"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "."
+#: src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pozadina</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Uređaji</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Opće</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Opcije</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Preglednik</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Prosijek broja usporednih procesa"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Svi procesori"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Svi podaci"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+msgstr "Vrijeme između dva mjerenja (u sekundama)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "CPU: 15.0%"
+msgstr "Procesor: 15,0%"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Iskorištenost _procesora"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Promijeni"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Boja:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "_Stupci"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Krivulje"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Odaberite uređaj"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Odaberite pismo"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Co_lumns:"
+msgstr "_Stupci:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Boja trake"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Boja krivulje"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Boja plamena"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:25
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Veza:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:26
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Uređaji"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Smjer:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Unesite mapu na disku koji želite pratiti"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:29 src/monitor-impls.cpp:532
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (prvi)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:534
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (drugi)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:536
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (treći)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Mapa:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Općenito"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Postavke praćenja hardvera"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Ulazni podaci"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:538
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Prati sve procesore"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Prati uređaje pomoću promjenjivih plamenova"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Prati uređaje pomoću vodoravnih traka"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Prati uređaje pomoću linijskih grafova"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Prati uređaje pomoću ispunjenih stupaca"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Prati uređaje pomoću tekstualnih opisa"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Prati samo jedan procesor"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Mreža"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Nisu pronađeni senzoru"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Koliko stupaca istovremeno prikazati"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Koliko izmjerenih točaka treba istovremeno prikazati"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Jedino procesor:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Izlazni podaci"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Odaberi boju"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "S_amples:"
+msgstr "U_zorci:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Odaberite senzor koji želite pratiti"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Odaberite treba li pratiti ulazne, izlazne podatke ili i jedne i druge"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:54 src/monitor-impls.cpp:540
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Serijska veza"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Prikaži _slobodan prostor umjesto zauzeti"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+msgstr "Veličina appleta u pikselima"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Spremište"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sustav"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Količina podataka poslanih kroz mrežnu vezu"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Količina iskorištenog prostora na disku"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Količina iskorištene memorije na disku"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:63
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Količina iskorištene memorije"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Postotak vremena utrošen na izvršavanje nepozadinskih procesa"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Brzina ventilatora"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Temperatura unutar sustava"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+msgstr "Debljina krivulje (u pikselima)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Vrsta veze — ethernet je najčešća vrsta uređaja u lokalnim mrežama"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Koristi pozadinu _ploče"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Koristi _ovu boju:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Koristi ovo _pismo:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Preglednik"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Broj procesora koji treba pratiti"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:74 src/monitor-impls.cpp:542
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Bežično"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Dodaj"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "_Stupci"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Iskorištenost _diska"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Brzina _ventilatora"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "P_lamenovi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Line width:"
+msgstr "_Širina linije:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Prosječno _opterećenje"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Iskorištenost _memorije"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:83
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Prać_eni uređaji:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:84
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Mrežni protok"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:85
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Ukloni"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:86
+msgid "_Size:"
+msgstr "_Veličina:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:87
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Iskorištenost swap memorije"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:88
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatura"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:89
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Tekstualni"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:90
+msgid "_Update interval:"
+msgstr "_Vrijeme obnavljanja:"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Ozbiljna greška"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:168
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:174
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Svi procesori"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:176
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Procesor br. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:183
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "Procesor"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:186
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "Procesor %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:229 src/monitor-impls.cpp:342
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:417
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:234
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Memorija na disku"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:240
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:293
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Prosječno opterećenje"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Učitaj"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:347
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memorija"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:353
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:413
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:421
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 kb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:424
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:429
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disk (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:513
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:517
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:521
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 kb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:524
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:550 src/monitor-impls.cpp:580
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, ušlo"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:554 src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, izašlo"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:568
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:571
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Bežično"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:765
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:772
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatura %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:775
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatura %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:781
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:829
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:836
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Brzina ventilatora %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:839
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Brzina ventilatora %1"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:175
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Uređaj"
diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f73720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/hu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+# Hungarian translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng at gnome.hu>, 2004, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=hardware-monitor&component=general\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 15:33+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-05-14 21:47+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng at gnome.hu>\n"
+"Language-Team: Hungarian <gnome at gnome.hu>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Hardverfigyelő"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Hardvereszközök megfigyelése"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Segédeszköz"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Hardverfigyelő: nem lehet betölteni a(z) „%1” ikont.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Beállítások…"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Súgó"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Névjegy…"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+#| "usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+#| "textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Különböző, hardverekkel kapcsolatos információk, például CPU- és "
+"memóriahasználat figyelése. A megjelenítéshez támogat vonal-, tűz- és "
+"oszlopdiagramokat, sávokat és szöveges megfigyelést."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Kelemen Gábor <kelemeng at gnome.hu>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "%1. érzékelő: „%2”"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "%1. érzékelő"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "%1. ventilátor: „%2”"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "%1. ventilátor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Háttér</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Eszközök</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Betűkészlet</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Méret</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Megjelenítő</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Nagy</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Kicsi</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Az egyszerre futó folyamatok átlagos száma"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Minden CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Minden adat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Háttér"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU használat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Változtat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Szín:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "_Oszlopok"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Görbék"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Válasszon eszközt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Válasszon betűkészletet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Kapcsolat:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Eszközök"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Irány:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Adja meg a megfigyelendő mappát a lemezen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (első)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (második)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (harmadik)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Mappa:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Hardverfigyelő beállításai"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Bejövő adat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Minden CPU megfigyelése"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Eszközök megfigyelése tűzdiagram használatával"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Eszközök megfigyelése vízszintes sávok használatával"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Eszközök megfigyelése vonaldiagram használatával"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Eszközök megfigyelése tömör oszlopok használatával"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Eszközök megfigyelése szöveges leírások használatával"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+#| msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Eszközök megfigyelése függőleges sávok használatával"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Egyetlen CPU megfigyelése"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Hálózat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Nem találtam érzékelőket"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Csak ez a CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Kimenő adat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Válassza ki a megfigyelendő érzékelőt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Válassza ki a megfigyelendő adatok fajtáját: bejövő, kimenő vagy mindkettő"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Soros kapcsolat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "_Szabad hely megjelenítése a használt helyett"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Tároló"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Rendszer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Hőmérséklet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "A hálózati kapcsolaton keresztülküldött adatok mennyisége"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "A használt lemezterület mennyisége"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "A használt lemezalapú memória mennyisége"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "A használt memória mennyisége"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Az előtérben futó folyamatok futtatásával töltött idő százalékos aránya"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "A ventilátorok sebessége"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "A hőmérséklet a rendszer belsejében"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "A kapcsolat típusa – Az Ethernet a legelterjedtebb helyi hálózati csatlakozótípus"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "_Panel hátterének használata"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Ezen _szín használata:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Ezen _betűkészlet használata:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Megjelenítő"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "A megfigyelendő CPU száma"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Vezeték nélküli"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "Hozzá_adás"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Lemezhasználat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Ventilátorsebesség"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Tűz"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Vízszintes sávok"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Á_tlagos terhelés"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Memóriahasználat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Megfigyelt _eszközök:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Hálózati átvitel"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Eltávolítás"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Lapozóterület-használat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Hőmérséklet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Szöveg"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Függőleges sávok"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Végzetes hiba"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Minden processzor"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "%1. számú processzor"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "%1. CPU"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Lemezalapú memória"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Lapozó"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Átlagos terhelés"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Terhelés"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memória"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+#| msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+#| msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+#| msgid "%1 kb"
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+#| msgid "%1 b"
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Lemez (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+#| msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+#| msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+#| msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+#| msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, be"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, ki"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Sor."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "V. nélk."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "%1. hőmérséklet: „%2”"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "%1. hőmérséklet"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "%1. hőm."
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "%1. ventilátor sebessége: „%2”"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "%1. ventilátor sebessége"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Eszköz"
diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5de2b2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/it.po
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+# This is the italian locale for hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Alessio Dessì <alkex at inwind.it>, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor 0.7\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-03-07 15:23+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-15 20:42+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Alessio Dessì <alkex at inwind.it>\n"
+"Language-Team: IT <tp at lists.linux.it>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:600
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Hardware Monitor"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Monitor dei dispositivi hardware"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Utilità"
+#: src/applet.cpp:69
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Hardware Monitor: impossibile caricare l'icona «%1».\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "Preferen_ze..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "A_iuto"
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "I_nformazioni..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:203
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:210
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:592
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Alessio Dessì <alkex at inwind.it>"
+#: src/applet.cpp:595
+#, aiuto
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Visualizza diverse informazioni relative all'hardware come l'utilizzo della "
+"CPU, della memoria, etc. Tipi di visualizzazione supportati sono grafici di curve, "
+"barre orizzontali, diagrammi a colonna, testo e fiamme fluttuanti."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:602
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensore %1: «%2»"
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensore %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventola %1: «%2»"
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 src/monitor-impls.cpp:844
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventola %1"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sfondo</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dispositivi</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Generale</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Opzioni</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Visualizzatore</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Una media del numero di processi in esecuzione simultanea"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Tutte le CPU"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Tutti i dati"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+msgstr "Intervallo di misura (in secondi)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:13
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "CPU: 15.0%"
+msgstr "CPU: 15.0%"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Utilizzo C_PU"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Modifica"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "C_olore:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "C_olonne"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "C_urve"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Scelta del dispositivo"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Scelta del tipo di carattere"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Co_lumns:"
+msgstr "Co_lonne:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Colore della barra"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Colore della curva"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Colore della fiamma"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:25
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Connessione:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:26
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Dispositivi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Direzione:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Inserire una cartella del disco da monitorare"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:29 src/monitor-impls.cpp:532
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (prima)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:534
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (seconda)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:536
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (terza)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Cartella:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Generale"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferenze di Hardware Monitor"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Dati in ingresso"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:538
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitorare tutte le CPU"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Monitora i dispositivi usando le fiamme fluttuanti"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Monitora i dispositivi usando le barre orizzontali"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Monitora i dispositivi usando grafici di linee"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Monitora i dispositivi usando colonne piene"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Monitora i dispositivi usando descrizioni di testo"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitora una sola CPU"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Rete"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Nessun sensore individuato"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Numero di colonne da mostrare simultaneamente"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Numero di punti di misura da mostrare simultaneamente"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Solo CPU:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Dati in uscita"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Seleziona un colore"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "S_amples:"
+msgstr "Ca_mpioni:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Seleziona il sensore da monitorare"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Seleziona se monitorare i dati in ingresso, in uscita o entrambi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:54 src/monitor-impls.cpp:540
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Collegamento seriale"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:55
+#, aiuto
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Mostra lo s_pazio libero anziché utilizzato"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+msgstr "Dimensione dell'applet in pixel"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Unità di memorizzazione"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistema"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "La quantità di dati inviati attraverso una connessione di rete"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "La quantità di spazio disco utilizzato"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "La quantità di memoria-disco utilizzata"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:63
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "La quantità di memoria utilizzata"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "La percentuale di tempo utilizzato per eseguire i processi in primo piano"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "La velocità delle ventole"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "La temperatura interna del sistema"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+msgstr "Lo spessore della curva (in pixel)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Tipo di connessione - ethernet è il tipo di scheda per reti locali più comune"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Usare _lo sfondo del pannello"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Usare _questo colore:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Usare questo cara_ttere:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualizzatore"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Il numero della CPU da monitorare"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:74 src/monitor-impls.cpp:542
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Wireless"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "A_ggiungi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "_Barre"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Utilizzo del _disco"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Velocità _ventola"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Fiamme"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Line width:"
+msgstr "_Larghezza linea:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Carico _medio"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Occupazione di _memoria"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:83
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Dispositivi _monitorati:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:84
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Portata di rete"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:85
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Rimuovi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:86
+msgid "_Size:"
+msgstr "_Dimensione:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:87
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Utilizzo dello s_wap"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:88
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatura"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:89
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Testo"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:90
+msgid "_Update interval:"
+msgstr "Inter_vallo di aggiornamento:"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Errore non recuperabile"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:168
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:174
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Tutti i processori"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:176
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Processore n° %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:183
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:186
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:229 src/monitor-impls.cpp:342
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:417
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:234
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Memoria-disco"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:240
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:293
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Carico medio"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Carico"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:347
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memoria"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:353
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:413
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:421
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 Kb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:424
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:429
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disco (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:513
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:517
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:521
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Kb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:524
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:550 src/monitor-impls.cpp:580
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, ingresso"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:554 src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, uscita"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:568
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:571
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "W.less"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:765
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:772
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatura %1: «%2»"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:775
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatura %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:781
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:829
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:836
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Velocità ventola %1: «%2»"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:839
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Velocità ventola %1"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:175
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Dispositivo"
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19056c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+# hardware-monitor ja.po
+# Copyright (C) 2004,2006,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Atsuo Igarashi <aigarashi at mvista.com>, 2004.
+# Takeshi AIHANA <takeshi.aihana at gmai.com>, 2006,2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor trunk\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-07-07 14:02+0900\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-07-07 14:01+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Takeshi AIHANA <takeshi.aihana at gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese <gnome-translation at gnome.gr.jp>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "ハードウェア・モニタ"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "ハードウェアのいろいろなデバイスを監視します"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "ユーティリティ"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "ハードウェア・モニタ: アイコン '%1' を読み込めません。\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "設定(_P)..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "ヘルプ(_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "情報(_A)..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+" %1\n"
+" %2"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"CPU の使用量やメモリ使用量等、いろいろなハードウェアに関する情報を監視しま"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"五十嵐 淳生 <aigarashi at mvista.com>\n"
+"相花 毅 <takeshi.aihana at gmail.com>\n"
+"日本GNOMEユーザー会 http://www.gnome.gr.jp"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "センサー %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "センサー %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ファン %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "ファン %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>背景</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>デバイス</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>フォント</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>サイズ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ビューア</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>大きい</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>小さい</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "同時に実行しているプロセス数の平均値です"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "全ての CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "全てのデータ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "背景"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "CPU使用量(_P)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "変更(_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "色(_O):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "円柱(_O)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "曲線(_U)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "デバイスの選択"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "フォントの選択"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "接続:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "デバイス"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "種類:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "監視するディスク上のフォルダを入力して下さい"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "イーサネット (1番目)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "イーサネット (2番目)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "イーサネット (3番目)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "フォルダ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "ハードウェア・モニタの設定"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "受信データ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "モデム"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "全ての CPU を監視します"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "デバイスの監視結果を波のように動いている炎で表示します"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "デバイスの監視結果を横向きのバーで表示します"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "デバイスの監視結果を線グラフで表示します"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "デバイスの監視結果を円柱グラフで表示します"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "デバイスの監視結果をテキストで表示します"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "デバイスの監視結果を縦向きのバーで表示します"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "一つの CPU のみを監視する"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "ネットワーク"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "センサーを検出しませんでした"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "単一の CPU のみ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "送信データ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "監視するセンサーの選択"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "入/出力データまたはその両方を監視するか選択して下さい"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "シリアル・リンク"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "未使用の値を表示する(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "ストレージ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "システム"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "温度"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "ネットワーク接続を介し得て送信するデータ量です"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "使用中のディスク容量です"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "使用中のディスク・スワップの量です"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "使用中のメモリ量です"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "フォアグランドで実行中のプロセスが費やした時間の割合いです"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "ファンの速度です"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "システム内部の温度です"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"接続の種類 - イーサネットは最も共通なローカル・エリア・ネットワーク・アダプタ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "パネルの背景を使用する(_P)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "この色を使用する(_T):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "このフォントを使用する(_O):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "ビューア"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "監視する CPU の番号です"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "無線 LAN"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "追加(_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "ディスク使用量(_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "ファン速度(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "炎(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "横向きのバー(_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "平均負荷(_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "メモリ使用量(_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "監視するデバイス(_M):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "ネットワークのスループット(_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "削除(_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "スワップ使用量(_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "温度(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "テキスト(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "縦向きのバー(_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "致命的なエラー"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "全てのプロセッサ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "プロセッサ #%1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mバイト"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "ディスクベース・メモリ"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "スワップ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "平均負荷"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "負荷"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "メモリ"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "メモリ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1Gバイト"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1Mバイト"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1Kバイト"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1バイト"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "ディスク (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1Gバイト/秒"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1Mバイト/秒"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1Kバイト/秒"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1バイト/秒"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "入力 %1"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "出力 %1"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "無線"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "温度 %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "温度 %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "温度 %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "回転数 %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ファン %1 速度: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "ファン %1 速度"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "デバイス"
diff --git a/po/kn.po b/po/kn.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1a1e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/kn.po
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor.po.master.kn.po to Kannada
+# Kannada translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 hardware-monitor's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Shankar Prasad <svenkate at redhat.com>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.po.master.kn\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=hardware-monitor&component=general\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-17 06:36+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-17 17:43+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Shankar Prasad <svenkate at redhat.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Kannada <en at li.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:471
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "ಯಂತ್ರಾಂಶ ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಕ(ಹಾರ್ಡ್-ವೇರ್ ಮಾನಿಟರ್)"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "ಯಂತ್ರಾಂಶ ಸಾಧನಗಳನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಿ"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "ಸವಲತ್ತು"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "ಯಂತ್ರಾಂಶ ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಕ: '%1' ಚಿಹ್ನೆಯನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "ಆದ್ಯತೆಗಳು(_P)..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "ಸಹಾಯ(_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "ಇದರ ಬಗ್ಗೆ.(_A)..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "CPU ಬಳಕೆ, ಮೆಮೊರಿ ಬಳಕೆ ಮುಂತಾದ ಹಲವಾರು ಯಂತ್ರಾಂಶ ಸಂಬಂಧಿ ಮಾಹಿತಿಗಳ ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸುತ್ತದೆ. ವಕ್ರ ರೇಖೆ ನಕಾಶೆಗಳನ್ನು, ಪಟ್ಟಿ ನಕಾಶೆಗಳನ್ನು, ಲಂಬ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು, ಪಠ್ಯ ರೂಪದ ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆಯನ್ನು ಹಾಗು ಸ್ಥಿರವಲ್ಲದ ಫ್ಲೇಮ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುತ್ತದೆ."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:474
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "ಹಕ್ಕು %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:481
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "ಶಂಕರ್ ಪ್ರಸಾದ್ <svenkate at redhat.com>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ಸಂವೇದಿ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "ಸಂವೇದಿ %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ಫ್ಯಾನ್ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "ಫ್ಯಾನ್ %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ಹಿನ್ನಲೆ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ಸಾಧನಗಳು</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ಅಕ್ಷರ ಶೈಲಿ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ಗಾತ್ರ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ನೋಡುಗ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>ದೊಡ್ಡದಾದ</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>ಚಿಕ್ಕದಾದ</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "ಏಕಕಾಲ ಪ್ರಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯ ಚಲಾಯಿತಗೊಳ್ಳುವ ಸರಾಸರಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ CPUಗಳು"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ದತ್ತಾಂಶ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "ಹಿನ್ನಲೆ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU ಬಳಕೆ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "ಬದಲಾಯಿಸು(_h)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "ಬಣ್ಣ(_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "ಲಂಬಸಾಲುಗಳು(_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "ವಕ್ರ ರೇಖೆಗಳು(_u)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "ಒಂದು ಸಾಧನವನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "ಒಂದು ಅಕ್ಷರಶೈಲಿಯನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "ಸಾಧನಗಳು"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "ದಿಕ್ಕು:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಲು ಡಿಸ್ಕಿನ ಒಳಗಿರುವ ಒಂದು ಕಡತಕೋಶವನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:698
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "ಎತರ್ನೆಟ್ (ಮೊದಲನೆಯ)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:700
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "ಎತರ್ನೆಟ್ (ಎರಡನೆಯ)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "ಎತರ್ನೆಟ್ (ಮೂರನೆಯ)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "ಕಡತಕೋಶ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "ಯಂತ್ರಾಂಶ ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆಯ ಆದ್ಯತೆಗಳು"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "ಒಳಬರುವ ದತ್ತಾಂಶ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "ಮಾಡೆಮ್:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ CPUಗಳನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "ಅಸ್ಥಿರ ಫ್ಲೇಮುಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಸಾಧನಗಳನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "ಅಡ್ಡ ಪಟ್ಟಿಕೆಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಸಾಧನಗಳನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "ರೇಖೆಯ ನಕಾಶೆಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಸಾಧನಗಳನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "ಗಟ್ಟಿ(ಸಾಲಿಡ್) ಕಾಲಂಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಸಾಧನಗಳನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "ಪಠ್ಯ ವಿವರಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಸಾಧನಗಳನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "ಲಂಬ ಪಟ್ಟಿಕೆಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಸಾಧನಗಳನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "ಕೇವಲ ಒಂದು CPU ಅನ್ನು ಮಾತ್ರ ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಂವೇದಿಯು ಕಂಡುಬಂದಿಲ್ಲ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "ಕೇವಲ CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "ಹೊರಹೋಗುವ ದತ್ತಾಂಶ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಲು ಸಂವೇದಿಯನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "ಒಳಬರುವ ಅಥವ ಹೊರಹೋಗುವ ದತ್ತಾಂಶವನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಎರಡನ್ನೂ ಮೇಲ್ವಿಚಾರಣೆ ನಡೆಸಬೇಕೆ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "ಅನುಕ್ರಮ ಕೊಂಡಿ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "ಬಳಸಲಾದ ಜಾಗಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸುವ ಬದಲು ಮುಕ್ತ ಜಾಗವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು(_f)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "ಶೇಖರಣೆ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "ಗಣಕ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "ಉಷ್ಣತೆ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕದ ಮೂಲಕ ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾದ ದತ್ತಾಂಶದ ಮೊತ್ತ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "ಬಳಸಲಾದ ಡಿಸ್ಕಿನ ಜಾಗ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "ಬಳಸಲಾದ ಡಿಸ್ಕ್ -ಆಧರಿತವಾದ ಮೆಮೊರಿಯ ಮೊತ್ತ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "ಬಳಸಲಾದ ಮೆಮೊರಿಯ ಮೊತ್ತ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "ಮುನ್ನೆಲೆಯ ಪ್ರಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳನ್ನು ಚಲಾಯಿಸಲು ತಗಲುವ ಸಮಯದ ಪ್ರತಿಶತ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "ಫ್ಯಾನುಗಳು ವೇಗ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "ಗಣಕದ ಒಳಗಿನ ಉಷ್ಣತೆ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕದ ಬಗೆ - ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗಿ ಬಳಸಲಾಗುವ ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ಜಾಲಬಂಧದ ಅಡಾಪ್ಟರ್ ಎಂದರೆ ಎತರ್ನೆಟ್ ಆಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "ಫಲಕದ ಹಿನ್ನಲೆಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸು(_p)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "ಈ ಬಣ್ಣವನ್ನು ಬಳಸು(_t):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "ಈ ಅಕ್ಷರಶೈಲಿಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸು (_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "ನೋಡುಗ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "ಯಾವ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ CPU ಅನ್ನು ನೋಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕು"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "ವೈರ್ಲೆಸ್"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "ಸೇರಿಸು(_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "ಡಿಸ್ಕಿನ ಬಳಕೆ(_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "ಫ್ಯಾನ್ನ ವೇಗ(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "ಫ್ಲೇಮುಗಳು(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "ಅಡ್ಡ ಪಟ್ಟಿಕೆಗಳು(_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "ಲೋಡ್ ಸರಾಸರಿ(_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "ಮೆಮೊರಿ ಬಳಕೆ(_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "ನೋಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾದ ಸಾಧನಗಳು(_M):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧದ ತ್ರೂಪುಟ್(_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕು(_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "ಸ್ವಾಪ್ ಬಳಕೆ(_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "ಉಷ್ಣತೆ(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "ಪಠ್ಯ(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "ಲಂಬ ಪಟ್ಟಿಕೆಗಳು(_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "ಮಾರಕ ದೋಷ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:296
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:302
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಂಸ್ಕಾರಕಗಳು"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:304
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "ಸಂಸ್ಕಾರಕ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:311
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:362 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:496
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:367
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "ಡಿಸ್ಕ್ -ಆಧರಿತವಾದ ಮೆಮೊರಿ"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:373
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "ಸ್ವಾಪ್"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:431
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "ಲೋಡ್ ಸರಾಸರಿ"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:438
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "ಲೋಡ್"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "ಮೆಮೊರಿ"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:507
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "ಮೆಮ್."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:562
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:578
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "ಡಿಸ್ಕ್ (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:679
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:716 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:746
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, ಒಳಕ್ಕೆ"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, ಹೊರಕ್ಕೆ"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:731
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "W.less."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:952
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:959
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ಉಷ್ಣತೆ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "ಉಷ್ಣತೆ %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "ಉಷ್ಣತೆ %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1034
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1041
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ಫ್ಯಾನ್ %1 ನ ವೇಗ: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "ಫ್ಯಾನ್ %1 ನ ವೇಗ"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "ಸಾಧನ"
diff --git a/po/ko.po b/po/ko.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7e3028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ko.po
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+# Danish translation of Hardware Monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package
+# sinsh <sinsh29a at yahoo.co.kr>, 2003.
+# Namhyung Kim <namhyung at gmail.com>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-01-02 03:13+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-12-27 19:02+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: Namhyung Kim <namhyung at gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: GNOME Korea <gnome-kr-hackers at lists.kldp.net>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "하드웨어 감시"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "하드웨어 장치 감시"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "유틸리티"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "하드웨어 감시: 아이콘을 읽을 수가 없습니다. '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "기본 설정(_P)..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "도움말(_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "정보(_A)..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"CPU 및 메모리 사용량과 같은 다양한 하드웨어와 관련된 정보를 감시합니다. "
+"곡선 및 막대 그래프, 컬럼 다이어그램, 움직이는 불꽃 형태 및 텍스트 기반의 "
+"감시를 지원합니다."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "저작권 %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "sinsh <sinsh29a at yahoo.co.kr>, 2003."
+"Namhyung Kim <namhyung at gmail.com>, 2007."
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "센서 %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "센서 %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "팬 %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "팬 %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>배경</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>장치</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>글꼴</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>크기</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>보기</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>크게</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>작게</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "동시에 실행하는 프로세스들의 평균 로드 수"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "모든 CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "모든 데이타"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "배경"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU 사용량(_P)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "바꾸기(_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "색상(_O):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "열(_O)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "곡선(_U)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "장치를 선택하세요"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "글꼴을 선택하세요"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "연결:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "장치"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "방향:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "감시할 디스크에 존재하는 폴더를 입력하세요"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "이더넷 (첫번째)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "이더넷 (두번째)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "이더넷 (세번째)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "폴더:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "하드웨어 감시 설정"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "들어오는 데이터"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "모뎀"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "모든 CPU감시"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "움직이는 불꽃 감시체계를 이용하여 장치를 감시"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "수평좌표 막대기 감시체계를 이용하여 장치를 감시"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "직선 그래프 감시체계를 이용하여 장치를 감시"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "고정 컬럼 감시체계를 이용하여 장치를 감시"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "텍스트 형태의 감시체계를 이용하여 장치를 감시"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "수직좌표 막대기 감시체계를 이용하여 장치를 감시"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "단일 CPU감시"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "네트워크"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "센서를 찾을 수 없음"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "단일 CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "나가는 데이터"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "감시할 센서를 선택"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "들어오는 데이터 또는 나가는 데이터 아니면 둘 모두를 감시할 것인지 선택하세요"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "시리얼 링크"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "사용량 대신 남은 공간을 보기(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "저장 장치"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "시스템"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "온도"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "네트워크 연결을 통해 보내는 데이타량"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "사용한 디스크 공간량"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "사용한 스왑량"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "사용한 메모리량"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "foreground 프로세스들이 소비한 시간의 백분율"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "팬의 속도"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "시스템 내부 온도"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"연결 형태 - 이더넷이 가장 일반적인 로컬 네트워크 어댑터 형태입니다"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "패널 배경사용(_P)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "이 색상 사용(_T):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "이 글꼴 사용(_O):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "감시체계"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "감시하지 않을 CPU 번호"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "무선"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "더하기(_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "디스크 사용량(_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "팬 속도(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "화염(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "수평 막대(_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "평균 로드(_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "메모리 사용량(_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "감시중인 장치(_M):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "네트워크 처리량(_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "지우기(_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "스왑 사용량(_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "온도(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "텍스트(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "수직 막대(_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "치명적인 오류"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "모든 프로세스"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "프로세스 번호 %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "스왑 메모리"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "스왑"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "평균 로드"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "로드"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "메모리"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "메모리"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 KB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "디스크 (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 KB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, in"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, out"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "이더넷 %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "모뎀"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "시리얼"
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "무선"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "온도 %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "온도 %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "온도 %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "팬 %1 속도: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "팬 %1 속도"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "장치"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>일반</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "측정치간의 시간량(초)"
+#~ msgid "CPU: 15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "CPU: 15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "막대기의 색깔"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "곡선의 색깔"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "화염의 색깔"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "일반"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "동시에 정확한 수치의 갯수를 보여주기"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "동시에 정확한 수치의 갯수를 보여주기"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "색깔 선택"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "샘플"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "애플릿의 픽셀 크기"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "곡선의 두께 (픽셀)"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "막대기(_B)"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "선 너비(_L)"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "크기(_S)"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "갱신 주기(_U)"
+#~ msgid "<b>Choose what to monitor:</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>무엇을 감시할 것인지 선택하세요:</b>"
diff --git a/po/lv.po b/po/lv.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c86b8cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/lv.po
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+# translation of lv.po to Latvian
+# translation of hardware-monitor.HEAD21.po to
+# translation of hardware-monitor.HEAD2.po to
+# translation of hardware-monitor.HEAD.po to
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Raivis Dejus <orvils at gmail.com>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: lv\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-08-01 18:10+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-01 18:13+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Raivis Dejus <orvils at gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Latvian <locale at laka.lv>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Aparatūras pārraugs"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Aparatūras pārraugs"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "servisprogramma"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Aparatūras pārraugs nespēj ieladēt ikonu '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Iestatījumi..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Palīdzība"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Par programmu..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Pārluko dažādu aparatūru informāciju, tādu ka CPU izmantojamību, atmiņas "
+"izmantojamību un t.t. Uztūr grafikus, kolonnas, diagrammas un svarīgas lāpas."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "autora tiesības %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "ag06008"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensors %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensors %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ventilators %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "ventilators %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>fons</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ierīces</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>fonts</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Izmērs</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>skatītājs</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Liels</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Mazs</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Videjais programmu skaits darbibā"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Visi CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Visi dati"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "fons"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU izmantojamība"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Maiņa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "K_rāsa:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "Kolonnas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "Līkne"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Izvelāties ierīci"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Izvēlaties fontu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Savienojums:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Ierices"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Virziens:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Izveijdojiet direktoriju uz diska lai parraudzīt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernets (first)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernets (second)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernets (third)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Mape:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Apparatūras parrauga opcijas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Ienakoši dati"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modems"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Parraugt visus CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Parraugt ierīces izmantojot fluctuating flames"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Parraugt ierīces izmantojot horizontalus stabiņus"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Parraugt ierīces izmantojot linearus grafus"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Parraugt ierīces izmantojot veselas kollonas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Parraugt ierīces izmantojot teksta aprakstu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Parraugt ierīces izmantojot vertikalus stabinus"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Parraugt tikai vienu CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Tīkli"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Sensori nav atrasti"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Tikai CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Aizejošie dati"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Izveleties sensoru lai to parraugt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Izvelaties kā parraaugt ieiejas vai izejas datus"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Seriāls tīkls"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Paradīt neaizņemto vietu pret aizņemto vietu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Krātuve"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistēma"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatūra"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Datas apjoms, ko nosutīja caur tīkla savienojumu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Izmantotas vietas apjoms cietājā diskā"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Cieta diskā bāzetās atmiņas apjoms"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Aizņemstas atmiņas apjoms"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Laika procents, kas ir izmantots fona procesiem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Ventilātoru ātrums"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Temperatūra sistemās iekšpusē"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Savienojuma tips - Ethernets ir vislietojamais adatapteru tips vietejos "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Izmantot_paneļa fons"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Izmantot_ šo krāsu:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Izmantot šo f_ontu:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Skatītājs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Kādu CPU parraugt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Bezvadu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Pievienot"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Cieta diska izmantošāna"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Ventilātora ātrums"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Lāpas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Horizontalais satbiņš"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Vidēja slodze"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Atmiņas izmantošāna"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Parraugāmās ierīces:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Tīkla caurlaidspēja"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Aizvākt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Swap izmantošana"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatūra"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Teksts"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Vertikālie stabiņi"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Neizlabojama klūda"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Visi processori"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Processors no. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Cietā diskā bāzetā atmiņa"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Vidēja slodze"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Slodze"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Atmiņa"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disks (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, iekšā"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, aizejā"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "W.less."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatūra %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatūra %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 Apgr/min"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilatora %1 ātrums: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Ventilatora %1 ātrums"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Ierīce"
diff --git a/po/mr.po b/po/mr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48040e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/mr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor.HEAD.po to marathi
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Sandeep Shedmake <sandeep.shedmake at gmail.com>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=hardware-monitor&component=general\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-12-26 10:07+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-03-02 16:49+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Sandeep Shedmake <sandeep.shedmake at gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: marathi\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "हार्डवेअर नियंत्रण"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "हार्डवेअर साधन नियंत्रीत करा"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "उपकार्यक्रम"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "हार्डवेअर नियंत्रण: चिन्ह '%1' दाखलन करायची आवश्यकता नाही.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "आवड-निवड (_P)..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "मदत (_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "विषयी (_A)..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "विविध हार्डवेअर-आधारीत माहिती नियंत्रीत करा, जसे की CPU वापरणी, स्मृती वापरणी इत्यादी. वक्रेरष ग्रॉफ, बार प्लॉट, रकाने चित्ररेखाटण, पाठ्य नियंत्रण व ज्योत करीता समर्थन पुरवतो."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "संदिप शेडमाके <sandeep.shedmake at gmail.com>, 2009."
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "सेनसर %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "सेनसर %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "फॅन %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "फॅन %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>पार्श्वभूमी</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>साधन</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फॉन्ट</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>आकार</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>प्रदर्शक</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>मोठे</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>लहान</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "एकाचवेळी कार्यरत क्रियांचे सरासरी क्रमांक"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "सर्व CPUs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "सर्व माहिती"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "पार्श्वभूमी"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "CPU वापरणी (_P)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "बदल (_h)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "रंग (_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "रकाने (_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "वक्ररेषा (_u)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "साधन निवडा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "फॉन्ट निवडा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "जुळवणी:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "साधन"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "दिशा:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "नियंत्रण करीता डिस्क वरील फोल्डर प्रविष्ट करा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (पहिला)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (दूसरा)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (तिसरा)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "फोल्डर:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "हार्डवेअर नियंत्रण आवड-निवड"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "येणारी माहिती"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "मोडेम"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "सर्व CPUs नियंत्रीत करा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "ज्योत चा वापर करून साधन नियंत्रीत करा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "आडवे पट्टींचा वापर करून साधन नियंत्रीत करा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "ओळ ग्रॉफचा वापर करून साधन नियंत्रीत करा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "रकानांचा वापर करून साधन नियंत्रीत करा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "पाठ्य वर्णनचा वापर करून साधन नियंत्रीत करा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "उभे पट्टींचा वापर करून साधन नियंत्रीत करा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "फक्त एक CPU नियंत्रीत करा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "जाळं"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "सेनसर आढळले नाही"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "फक्त CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "जाणारी माहिती"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "नियंत्रण करीता सेनसर निवडा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "आलेली माहिती किंवा जाणारी माहिती किंवा दोन्ही नियंत्रीत करण्याकरीता पर्याय निवडा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "सिरीयल लिंक"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "वापरलेले ऐवजी शिल्लक जागा दाखवा (_f)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "साठा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "प्रणाली"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "तापमान"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "जाळं जुळवणी द्वारे पाठविलेली माहिती"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "वापरलेली डिस्क जागा प्रमाण"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "वापरलेली डिस्क जागा आधारीत स्मृतीचे प्रमाण"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "वापरलेली स्मृती प्रमाण"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "अग्रभूमी क्रिया चालवितेवेळी कार्यरत टक्केवारीनुरूप वेळ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "फॅनची गती"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "प्रणालीच्या आत मधले तापमान"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "जुळवणी प्रकार - Ethernet सर्वात सामान्य स्थानीय क्षेत्र जाळं अडॅप्टर प्रकार आहे"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "पटल पार्श्वभूमी वापरा (_p)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "हा रंग वापरा (_t):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "हा फॉन्ट वापरा (_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "प्रदर्शक"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "कुठले CPU क्रमांक नियंत्रीत करायचे"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "वायरलेस"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "समावेष करा (_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "डिस्क वापरणी (_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "फॅन गती (_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "ज्योत (_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "आडव्या पट्ट्या (_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "सरासर भार (_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "स्मृती वापरणी (_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "नियंत्रीत साधन (_M):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "जाळं परिणाम (_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "काढूण टाका (_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "स्वॅप वापरणी (_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "तापमान (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "पाठ्य (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "उभ्या पट्ट्या (_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "गंभीर त्रुटी"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "सर्व प्रोसेसर"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "प्रोसेसर क्रमांक %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "डिस्क-आधारीत स्मृती"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "स्वॅप"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "सरासर भार"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "भार"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "स्मृती"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "डिस्क (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, in"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, out"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "W.less."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "तापमान %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "तापमान %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "फॅन %1 वेग: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "फॅन %1 वेग"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "साधन"
diff --git a/po/ms.po b/po/ms.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c25e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ms.po
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+# Malay message for hardware-monitor
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol) <sebol at ikhlas.com>, 2003.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-11-04 02:09+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-02-04 00:07+0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol at ikhlas.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Projek Gabai <gabai-penyumbang at lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:592
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor Perkakasan"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Peranti monitor perkakasan"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Utiliti"
+#: src/applet.cpp:69
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Monitor Perkakasan: tak dapat memuatkan ikon '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "Ke_utamaan..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Bantuan"
+#: src/applet.cpp:106
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Perihal..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:203
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:210
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:584
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol at ikhlas.com>\n"
+"I Love my wife "
+#: src/applet.cpp:587
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Monitor pelbagai maklumat kerkaitan perkakasan, seperti penggunaan CPU, "
+"penggunaan memori dll. Menyokong graf lekuk, plot bar mengufuk, diagram "
+"lajur, pengmonitoran tekstual dan api membara."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:594
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Hakcipta %l 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:113
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Penderia %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Penderia %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:137
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Kipas %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139 src/monitor-impls.cpp:830
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Kipas %1"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>LatarBelakang</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Peranti</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>General</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Umum</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Opsyen</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pelihat</b>"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:8
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Purata bergerak bagi bilangan proses serentak"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:9
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Semua CPU"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:10
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Semua data "
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:11
+msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+msgstr "Amaun masa diantara ukuran (dlm saat)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:13
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "CPU: 15.0%"
+msgstr "CPU: 15.0%"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Penggunaan C_PU"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Tukar"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Warna:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "K_olum"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "Kel_uk"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Pilih satu Peranti"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:20
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Pilih satu Font"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:21
+msgid "Co_lumns:"
+msgstr "Ko_lum:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:22
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Warna bagi bar"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Warna bagi keluk"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Warna bagi api"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:25
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Sambungan:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:26
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Peranti"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:27
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Hala:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:28
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Masukkan folrder yg bermastautin pada cakera untuk dimonitor"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:29 src/monitor-impls.cpp:523
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (pertama)"
+# ui/galeon.glade.h:153
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:525
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (kedua)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:527
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (ketiga)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:32
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Folder:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:33
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Umum"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Keutamaan Monitor Perkakasan"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Data masukan"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:529
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitor semua CPU"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Monitor peranti menggunakan api membara"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Monitor peranti menggunakan bar mengufuk"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Monitor peranti menggunakan graf garisan"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Monitor peranti menggunakan kolum tegar"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Monitor peranti menggunakan keterangan teks"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitor hanya satu CPU tunggal"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Rangkaian"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Tiada penderia dikesan"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:46
+msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Bilangan kolum untuk dipapar serentak"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:47
+msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+msgstr "Bilangan titik diukur untuk dipaparkan serentak"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:48
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Hanya CPU:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:49
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Data keluaran"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:50
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Pilih satu Warna"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:51
+msgid "S_amples:"
+msgstr "_Contoh:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:52
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Pilih penderia untuk dimonitor"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:53
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Pilih samada untuk monitor data masukan atau keluaran atau kedua-dua"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:54 src/monitor-impls.cpp:531
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Pautan bersiri"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:55
+msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+msgstr "Saiz bagi aplet dalam piksel"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:56
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Storan"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:57
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistem"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:58
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Suhu"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:59
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Jumlah data dihantar melalui sambungan rangkaian"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:60
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Jumlah bagi ruang cakera digunakan."
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:61
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Jumlah bagi memori berasaskan-cakera digunakan"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:62
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Jumlah memori digunakan"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:63
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Peratusan masa yang digunakan oleh proses latardepan yg terlaksana"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:64
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Kelajuan kipas"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:65
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Suhu bagi bahagian dalam sistem"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:66
+msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+msgstr "Tebal keluk (dalam piksel)"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:67
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Jenis sambungan - Ethernet adalah jenis penyesuai rangkaian kawasan setempat "
+"paling biasa"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:68
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Guna Latarbelakang _panel"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:69
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Guna _warna ini:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:70
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Guna _font ini:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:71
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Pelihat"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:72
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "CPU mana untuk dimonitor"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Tambah"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "_Bar"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Pengunaan _cakera"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Kelajuan _kipas"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Api"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Line width:"
+msgstr "_Lebar garisan:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Purata muatan"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Penggunaan _memori"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Peranti Di_monitor:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "Truput _rangkaian"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:83
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Buang"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:84
+msgid "_Size:"
+msgstr "_Saiz:"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:85
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Penggunaan _Swap"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:86
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Suhu"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:87
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Teks"
+#: src/hardware-monitor.glade.h:88
+msgid "_Update interval:"
+msgstr "Sela _kemaskini:"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Ralat Fatal"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:168
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:174
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Semua Pemproses"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:176
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Pemproses no. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:183
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:186
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPUi %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:229 src/monitor-impls.cpp:342
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:409
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:234
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Memori berasaskan-cakera"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:240
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:293
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Purata muatan"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Muatan"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:347
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memori"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:353
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:405
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:413
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 kb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:416
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:421
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Cakera (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gib/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:508
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:512
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 kb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:515
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:539 src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, masuk"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:543 src/monitor-impls.cpp:568
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, keluar"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:554
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:557
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:560
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Sir."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:758
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Suhu %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:761
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Suhu: %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:767
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Suhu. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:815
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:822
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Kielajuan kipas %1: \"%2\" "
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:825
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Kelajuan kipas %1"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:175
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Peranti"
diff --git a/po/nb.po b/po/nb.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4badd2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/nb.po
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+# Norwegian bokmål translations for the hardware-monitor package.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas at gnome.org>, 2004-2007.
+# Øivind Hoel <ohoel at cvs.gnome.org>, 2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor 0.5\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-11-02 10:43+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-02 10:47+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas at gnome.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål <i18n-nb at lister.ping.uio.no>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Maskinvaremonitor"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Overvåk maskinvareenheter"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Verktøy"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Maskinvareovervåking: kan ikke laste ikonet «%s».\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Brukervalg..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hjelp"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Om..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "Overvåk forskjellig maskinvarerelatert informasjon slik som CPU-bruk, minnebruk etc. Støtter kurvegrafer, søyleplott, kolonnediagrammer, tekstlig overvåking og bevegende flammer."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Opphavsrett %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Kjartan Maraas <kmaraas at gnome.org>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: «%2»"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Vifte %1: «%2»"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Vifte %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bakgrunn</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Enheter</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Skrift</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Størrelse</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Visning</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Stor</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Liten</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Et gjennomsnitt av kjørende prosesser"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Alle CPUer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Alle data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Bakgrunn"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Prosessorbruk (CPU)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "E_ndre"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "F_arge:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "K_olonner"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "K_urver"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Velg en enhtet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Velg en skrift"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Tilkobling:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Enheter"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Retning:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Oppgi en mappe på disken som skal overvåkes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (første)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (andre)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (tredje)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Mappe:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Brukervalg for Systemmonitor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Innkommende data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Overvåk alle CPUer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Overvåk enheter med bevegelige flammer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Overvåk enheter med horisontale søyler"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Overvåk enheter med linjegrafer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Overvåk enheter med helfylte kolonner"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Overvåk enheter med tekstbeskrivelser"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Overvåk enheter med vertikale søyler"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Overvåk bare én CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Nettverk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Ingen sensorer ble funnet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Kun CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Utgående data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Velg sensor som skal overvåkes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Velg mellom overvåking av innkommende, utgående eller begge typer data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Seriell forbindelse"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Vis _ledig plass istedenfor brukt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Lagring"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "System"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Mengde data sendt gjennom en nettverkstilkobling"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Mengde harddiskplass i bruk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Mengde harddiskbasert minne i bruk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Mengde minne i bruk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Prosentandel tid som blir brukt på kjøring av forgrunnsprosessene"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Viftehastighet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Temperatur på innsiden av datamaskinen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Tilkoblingstype - Ethernet er den mest vanlige typen nettverkskort"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Bruk _panelbakgrunn"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Bruk denne _fargen:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Bruk denne _skriften:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Visning"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Overvåk hvilken CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Trådløs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Legg til"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Diskbruk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Viftehastighet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Flammer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Horisontale søyler"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Snittbe_lastning"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Minnebruk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Overvåket utstyr:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Nettverksforbruk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "Fje_rn"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Swapforbruk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Tekst"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Vertikale søyler"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Fatal feil"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Alle prosessorer"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Prosessor nr. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Harddiskbasert minne"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Snittbelastning"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Last"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Minne"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Minne"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disk (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, inn"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, ut"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Trådløs"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatur %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatur %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Hastighet vifte %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Hastighet vifte %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Enhet"
diff --git a/po/ne.po b/po/ne.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c03c8fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ne.po
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor.HEAD.ne.po to Nepali
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Pawan Chitrakar <pawan at mpp.org.np>, 2005.
+# Jaydeep Bhusal <zaydeep at hotmail.com>, 2005.
+# Ganesh Ghimire <gghimire at gmail.com>, 2005.
+# Kapil Timilsina <lipak21 at gmail.com>, 2005.
+# Shyam Krishna Bal <shyamkrishna_bal at yahoo.com>, 2006, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.HEAD.ne\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-01-02 03:13+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-10-17 21:19+0545\n"
+"Last-Translator: Shyam Krishna Bal <shyamkrishna_bal at yahoo.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Nepali <info at mpp.org.np>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n !=1\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "हार्डवयेर मोनिटर"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "मोनिटर हार्डवयेर यन्त्रहरू"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "उपयोगिता"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "हार्डवयेर मोनिटर: प्रतिमा लोड गर्न सकेन '%1'।\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "प्राथमिकताहरू..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "मद्दत"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_बारेमा..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"विविध हार्डवयेर सम्बन्धि जानकारी मोनिटर गर्दछ, जस्तै सीपीयू उपयोग, स्मृति प्रयोग आदि । "
+"वक्ररेखा ग्राफ, पट्टी प्लटहरू,स्तम्भ चित्रहरू, बनावटी अनुगमण र अस्थिर फ्लेम समर्थन गर्दछ ।"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "प्रतिलिपि अधिकार %1 २००३ ओले लार्सन"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "shyam krishna ball<shyamkrishna_bal at yahoo.com>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "सेन्सर %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "सेन्सर %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "फ्यान %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "फ्यान %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>पृष्ठभूमि</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>यन्त्रहरू</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>फन्ट</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>साइज</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>दर्शक</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>ठूलो</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>सानो</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "संगसँगै का प्रक्रियो संख्यहरूाको चालु औसत"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "सबै CPU हरू"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "सबै डेटा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "पृष्ठभूमि"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "CPU प्रयोग"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "परिवर्तन"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "रङ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "स्तम्भहरू"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "वक्ररेखाहरू"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "एउटा यन्त्र रोज्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "एउटा फन्ट रोज्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "जडान:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "यन्त्रहरू"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "दिशा:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "डिस्कमा बसेको फोल्डरलाई मोनिटरमा प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "इदरनेट (पहिलो)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "इदरनेट (दोस्रो)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "इदरनेट (तेस्रो)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "फोल्डर:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "हार्डवयेर मोनिटर प्राथमिकताहरू"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "आउने डेटा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "मोडेम"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "सबै CPU हरू मोनिटर गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "अस्थिर ज्वालाहरू प्रयोग गर्ने यन्त्रहरू मोनिटर गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "तेर्सो पट्टिहरू प्रयोग गर्ने यन्त्रहरू मोनिटर गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "रेखा ग्राफहरू प्रयोग गर्ने यन्त्रहरू मोनिटर गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "ठोस स्तम्भहरू प्रयोग गर्ने यन्त्रहरू मोनिटर गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "पाठ वर्णनहरू प्रयोग गर्ने यन्त्रहरू मोनिटर गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "ठाडो पट्टीहरू प्रयोग गरेर यन्त्रहरू मोनिटर गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "एउटा एकल CPU मात्र मोनिटर गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "सञ्जाल"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "कुनै पनि सेन्सरहरू पत्ता लगाइएन"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "केवल CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "जाने डेटा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "मोनिटर गर्नका लागि सेन्सर छान्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "आउने अथवा जाने डेटा वा दुवै मोनिटर गर्ने कि नगर्ने चयन गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "सिरियल लिङ्क"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "प्रयोग गरिएको सट्टामा खाली स्थान देखाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "सङ्ग्रह"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "प्रणाली"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "तापक्रम"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "सञ्जाल जडान द्वारा पठाइएको डेटाको अनुपात"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "प्रयोग गरिएको डिस्क खाली स्थानको मात्रा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "प्रयोग गरिएको डिस्क-आधारित स्मृति को मात्रा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "प्रयोग गरिएको स्मृतिको मात्रा"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "अग्रभूमि प्रक्रियाहरू चल्दा खर्च भएको समयको प्रतिशत"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "पंखाहरूको गति"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "प्रणालीको भित्रपट्टिको तापक्रम"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "जडानको प्रकार - इदरनेट सबै भन्दा साधारण स्थानीय क्षेत्र सञ्जाल एडप्टर प्रकार हो "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "प्यानल पृष्ठभुमि प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "यो रङ प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "यो फन्ट प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "दर्शक"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "कुन CPU सङ्ख्या मोनिटर गर्ने"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "ताररहित"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_थप्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "डिस्क प्रयोग"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "पंखा गति"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "ज्वालाहरू"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "तेर्सो पट्टी"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "लोड औसत"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "स्मृति प्रयोग"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "मोनिटर गरिएको यन्त्रहरू"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "सञ्जाल थ्रोपुट"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_हटाउनुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "प्रयोग साटासाट गर्नुहोस्"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "तापक्रम"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "पाठ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "ठाडो पट्टी"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "भावि त्रुटि"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "सबै प्रोशेसरहरू"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "प्रोसेसर सङ्ख्या. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 एमबि"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "डिस्क आधारित स्मृति"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "साटासाट"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "लोड औसत"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "लोड"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "स्मृति"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "स्मृति"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "डिस्क (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, भित्र"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, बाहिर"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "इटिएच. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "मोड"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "श्रेणि"
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "ताररहित"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2सि"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "तापक्रम %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "तापक्रम %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "तापक्रम. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 आरपिएम"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "पंखा %1 गति: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "पंखा %1 गति"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "यन्त्र"
diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42ed7b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/nl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+# Dutch translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Elros Cyriatan <cyriatan at fastmail.fm>, 2003.
+# Tino Meinen <a.t.meinen at chello.nl>, 2006.
+# Wouter Bolsterlee <uws+gnome at xs4all.nl>, 2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor head\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-29 13:40+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-29 13:40+0200 \n"
+"Last-Translator: Wouter Bolsterlee <uws+gnome at xs4all.nl>\n"
+"Language-Team: Dutch <vertaling at nl.linux.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Hardware-informatie"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Hardware-apparaten volgen"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Programma"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Hardware-informatie: kan het pictogram '%1' niet laden.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Voorkeuren..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hulp"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "I_nfo..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Hardware-gerelateerde informatie in de gaten houden, zoals processorgebruik,"
+"geheugengebruik enz. Ondersteunt grafieken van krommen, horizontale balken,"
+"kolomdiagrammen, tekstuele informatie en fluctuerende vlammen."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Elros Cyriatan <cyriatan at fastmail.fm>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: ‘%2’"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilator %1: ‘%2’"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventilator %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Achtergrond</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Apparaten</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Lettertype</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Grootte</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Weergave</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Groot</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Klein</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Een lopend gemiddelde van het aantal gelijktijdig lopende processen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Alle processors"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Alle gegevens"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Achtergrond"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "_Processorgebruik"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Wijzigen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Kleur:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "K_olommen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "K_rommen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Kies een apparaat"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Kies een lettertype"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Verbinding:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Apparaten"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Richting:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Wijs een map op de schijf aan die gevolgd moet worden"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (eerste)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (tweede)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (derde)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Map:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Hardware-informatie voorkeuren"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Inkomende gegevens"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Alle processors volgen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Apparaten volgen met fluctuerende vlammen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Apparaten volgen met horizontale balken"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Apparaten bijhouden met lijngrafieken"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Apparaten volgen met gevulde kolommen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Apparaten volgen met tekstomschrijvingen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Apparaten volgen met verticale balken"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Alleen een enkele processor volgen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Netwerk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Geen sensors gevonden"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Alleen processor:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Uitgaande gegevens"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Selecteer een sensor om te volgen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr ""
+"Kies of de inkomende of uitgaande gegevens, of beiden gevolgd moeten worden"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Seriële verbinding"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "_Vrije ruimte weergeven in plaats van gebruikte"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Opslag"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Systeem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatuur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Hoeveelheid gegevens verzonden over een netwerkverbinding"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Hoeveelheid schijfruimte in gebruik"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Hoeveelheid schijf-gebaseerd geheugen in gebruik"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Hoeveelheid geheugen in gebruik"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Het percentage van de tijd dat voorgrond-processen hebben gebruikt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "De snelheid van de ventilators"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "De temperatuur in het systeem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Het soort verbinding - Ethernet is het meest gebruikte soort adapter voor "
+"lokale netwerken"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "_Paneelachtergrond gebruiken"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "_Deze kleur gebruiken:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Dit _lettertype gebruiken:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Weergave"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Welke processor gevolgd wordt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Draadloos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Toevoegen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Schijfgebruik"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Ventilatorsnelheid"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Vlammen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Horizontale balken"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Systeembelasting"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Geheugengebruik"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "G_evolgde apparaten:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Netwerk doorvoersnelheid"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Verwijderen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Wisselgeheugen gebruik"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatuur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Tekst"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Verticale balken"
+# ernstige fout (tino)
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Fatale fout"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Alle processors"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Processor no. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "Processor"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "Processor %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Schijf-gebaseerd geheugen"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Wisselgeheugen"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Systeembelasting"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Belasting"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Geheugen"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Geh."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+# KB
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Schijf (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, in"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, uit"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Draadl."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatuur %1: ‘%2’"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatuur %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilator %1 snelheid: ‘%2’"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Ventilator %1 snelheid"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Apparaat"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Kies een kleur"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Balken"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "Kleur van de balk"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "Kleur van de kromme"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "Kleur van de vlam"
diff --git a/po/oc.po b/po/oc.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c0c2d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/oc.po
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+# Occitan translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) <yannig at marchegay.org>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor 1.3\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-07 10:22+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-21 17:56+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) <yannig at marchegay.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Occitan <ubuntu-l10n-oci at lists.ubuntu.com>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Preferéncias..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ajuda"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_A prepaus..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr ""
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr ""
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Yannig Marchegay (Kokoyaya) <yannig at marchegay.org>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr ""
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fons</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Poliça</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Talha</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Pichon</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Fons"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Cambiar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "C_olor :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "C_olomnas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Connexion :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Periferics"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Direction :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Repertòri :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Ret"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistèma"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Visionaira"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Inalambric"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Apondre"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Suprimir"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Tèxt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr ""
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr ""
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr ""
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr ""
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Carga"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memòria"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 o"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr ""
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr ""
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr ""
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr ""
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr ""
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr ""
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr ""
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr ""
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr ""
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr ""
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr ""
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Periferic"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Choisissez une couleur"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Barres"
diff --git a/po/pa.po b/po/pa.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f15519f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pa.po
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+# Punjabi translation of hardware-monitor.HEAD.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 THE hardware-monitor.HEAD'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor.HEAD package.
+# , fuzzy
+# Punjab Linux Technology <punjablinux at netscape.net>, 2004.
+# A S Alam <aalam at users.sf.net>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.HEAD VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug."
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 15:33+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-20 06:30+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: A S Alam <aalam at users.sf.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: Punjabi/Panjabi <punjab-l10n at list.sf.net>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 0.3\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "ਹਾਰਡਵੇਅਰ ਮਾਨੀਟਰ"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "ਹਾਰਡਵੇਅਰ ਜੰਤਰ ਦੀ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "ਸਹੂਲਤ"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "ਹਾਰਡਵੇਅਰ ਮਾਨੀਟਰ: ਆਈਕਾਨ '%1' ਲੋਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ।\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "ਮੇਰੀ ਪਸੰਦ(_P)..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "ਮੱਦਦ(_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "ਇਸ ਬਾਰੇ(_A)..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+#| "usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+#| "textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"ਹਾਰਡਵੇਅਰ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਿਤ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ CPU ਵਰਤੋਂ, ਮੈਮੋਰੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਆਦਿ ਲਈ ਗਰਾਫ਼, ਬਾਰ "
+"ਬਣਾਉਣੇ, ਕਾਲਮ ਡਾਈਗਰਾਮ, ਟੈਕਸਟ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਅਤੇ ਦਹਿਕਦੀਆਂ ਲਪਟਾਂ ਬਣਾਉਣੀਆਂ।"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "ਹੱਕ ਰਾਖਵੇ ਹਨ %1 ੨੦੦੩ ਲੲੀ ਓਲੀ ਲਾਰਸਨ"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"ਅਮਨਪਰੀਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਆਲਮ\n"
+"Punjabi Open Source Team\n"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ਸੈਂਸਰ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "ਸੈਂਸਰ %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ਪੱਖਾ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "ਪੱਖਾ %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ਜੰਤਰ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+#| msgid "<b>Options</b>"
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ਫੋਂਟ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+#| msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ਸਾਈਜ਼</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ਦਰਸ਼ਕ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>ਵੱਡੇ</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>ਛੋਟੇ</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਸਮੇਂ ਚੱਲ ਰਹੇ ਪਰੋਸੈਂਸ ਦੀ ਗਿਣਤੀ ਦੀ ਔਸਤ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "ਸਭ CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "ਸਾਰਾ ਡਾਟਾ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+#| msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU ਵਰਤੋਂ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "ਬਦਲੋ(_h)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "ਰੰਗ(_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "ਕਾਲਮ(_o)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "ਗੋਲਾਈ(_u)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਚੁਣੋ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "ਫੋਂਟ ਚੁਣੋ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "ਦਿਸ਼ਾ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "ਨਿਗਾਰਨੀ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਡਿਸਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਫੋਲਡਰ ਦਿਓ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "ਈਥਰਨੈੱਟ (ਪਹਿਲਾਂ)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "ੲੀਥਰਨੈਟ (ਦੂਜਾ)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "ੲੀਥਰਨੈਟ (ਤੀਜਾ)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "ਫੋਲਡਰ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "ਹਾਰਡਵੇਅਰ ਮਾਨੀਟਰ ਪਸੰਦ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "ਆ ਰਿਹਾ ਡਾਟਾ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "ਮਾਡਮ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "ਸਭ CPU ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਨਿਗਾਰਨੀ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਲਪਟਾਂ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਲਈ ਹਰੀਜੱਟਲ ਬਾਰ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਲਈ ਲਾਈਨ ਗਰਾਫ਼"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਲਈ ਗੂੜ੍ਹੇ ਕਾਲਮ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਲਈ ਟੈਕਸਟ ਵੇਰਵਾ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+#| msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਲਈ ਵਰਟੀਕਲ ਬਾਰ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "ਕੇਵਲ ਇੱਕ CPU ਲਈ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਸੈਂਸਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਮਿਲਿਆ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "ਕੇਵਲ CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "ਬਾਹਰ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਡਾਟਾ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਲਈ ਸੈਂਸਰ ਚੁਣੋ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "ਚੁਣੋ ਕਿ ਕੀ ਆ ਰਹੇ ਜਾਂ ਜਾ ਡਾਟੇ ਜਾਂ ਦੋਵਾਂ ਦੀ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਕਰਨੀ ਹੈ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "ਸੀਰੀਅਲ ਲਿੰਕ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "ਵਰਤੀ ਦੀ ਬਜਾਏ ਖਾਲੀ ਥਾਂ ਵੇਖੋ(_f)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "ਸਟੋਰੇਜ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "ਸਿਸਟਮ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "ਤਾਪਮਾਨ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਭੇਜੇ ਡਾਟੇ ਦੀ ਮਾਤਰਾ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "ਵਰਤਣ ਲਈ ਡਿਸਕ ਥਾਂ ਦੀ ਮਾਤਰਾ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "ਵਰਤਣ ਲਈ ਡਿਸਕ-ਅਧਾਰਿਤ ਮੈਮੋਰੀ ਦੀ ਮਾਤਰਾ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "ਵਰਤੀ ਮੈਮੋਰੀ ਦੀ ਮਾਤਰਾ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "ਫਾਰਗਰਾਊਂਡ ਚੱਲ ਰਹੇ ਪਰੋਸੈੱਸ ਵਲੋਂ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਸਮਾਂ ਫੀਸਦੀ ਵਿੱਚ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "ਪੱਖਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਗਤੀ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "ਸਿਸਟਮ ਦੇ ਅੰਦਰ ਦਾ ਤਾਪਮਾਨ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਦੀ ਕਿਸਮ - ੲੀਥਰਨੈੱਟ ਆਮ ਤੌਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਲੋਕਲ-ੲੇਰੀਆ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਰਤਿਆ "
+"ਜਾਣ ਵਾਲਾ ਐਡਪਟਰ ਹੈ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "ਪੈਨਲ ਬੈਕਗਰਾਊਂਡ ਵਰਤੋਂ(_p)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "ਇਹ ਰੰਗ ਵਰਤੋਂ(_t):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "ਇਹ ਫੋਂਟ ਵਰਤੋਂ(_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "ਦਰਸ਼ਕ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "ਕਿਹੜੇ CPU ਨੰਬਰ ਦੀ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਕਰਨੀ ਹੈ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "ਬੇਤਾਰ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "ਸ਼ਾਮਲ(_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "ਡਿਸਕ ਵਰਤੋਂ(_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "ਪੱਖਾ ਗਤੀ(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "ਲਪਟਾਂ(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "ਹਰੀਜੱਟਲ ਬਾਰ(_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "ਔਸਤ ਲੋਡ(_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "ਮੈਮੋਰੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ(_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "ਨਿਗਾਰਨੀ ਅਧੀਨ ਜੰਤਰ(_M):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਥਰੂਪੁੱਟ(_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "ਹਟਾਓ(_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "ਸਵੈਪ ਵਰਤੋਂ(_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "ਤਾਪਮਾਨ(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "ਟੈਕਸਟ(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "ਵਰਟੀਕਲ ਬਾਰ(_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "ਘਾਤਕ ਗਲਤੀ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "ਸਭ ਪਰੋਸੈਸ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "ਪਰੋਸੈਸਰ ਨੰ %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "ਡਿਸਕ ਅਧਾਰਿਤ ਮੈਮੋਰੀ"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "ਸਵੈਪ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "ਲੋਡ ਔਸਤ"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "ਲੋਡ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "ਮੈਮੋਰੀ"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "ਮੈਮੋਰੀ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+#| msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+#| msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+#| msgid "%1 kb"
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+#| msgid "%1 b"
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "ਡਿਸਕ (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+#| msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+#| msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+#| msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+#| msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, ਆਏ"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, ਗਏ"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "ੲੀਥਰ %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "ਮਾਡ"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "ਸੀਰੀ"
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "ਬੇਤਾਰ"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ਤਾਪਮਾਨ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "ਤਾਪਮਾਨ %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "ਤਾਪਮਾਨ %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ਪੱਖਾ %1 ਗਤੀ: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "ਪੱਖਾ %1 ਗਤੀ"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>ਸਧਾਰਨ</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "ਮਾਪਣ ਵਿੱਚਕਾਰ ਸਮ ਅੰਤਰਾਲ (ਸਕਿੰਟ ਵਿੱਚ)"
+#~ msgid "CPU: 15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "ਪ੍ੋਸੈਸਰ: 15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "ਕਾਲਮਃ"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "ਪੱਟੀ ਦਾ ਰੰਗ"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "ਗੋਲਾੲੀ ਦਾ ਰੰਗ"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "ਫਰੇਮ ਦਾ ਰੰਗ"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "ਸਧਾਰਨ"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "ੲਿੱਕ ਸਮੇ ਵੇਖਾੳੁ ਵਾਲੇ ਕਾਲਮ ਦੀ ਗਿਣਤੀ"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "ੲਿੱਕ ਸਮੇ ਵੇਖਾੳੁਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਮਾਪੇ ਬਿੰਦੂਅ ਦੀ ਗਿਣਤੀ"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "ੲਿੱਕ ਰੰਗ ਚੁਣੋ"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "ਨਮੂਨਾਃ"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "ਅੈਪਲਿਟ ਦਾ ਅਕਾਰ ਪਿਕਸਲ ਵਿੱਚ"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "ਗੋਲਾੲੀ ਦੀ ਮੋਟਾੲੀ (ਪਿਕਸਲ ਵਿੱਚ)"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "ਪੱਟੀਅ"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "ਰੇਖਾ ਚੌੜਾੲੀਃ"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "ਅਕਾਰਃ"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "ਨਵੀਨੀਕਰਨ ਅੰਤਰਾਲਃ"
diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73a04ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
+# Aviary.pl
+# Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek uwagi odnoszące się do tłumaczenia lub chcesz
+# pomóc w jego rozwijaniu i pielęgnowaniu, napisz do nas:
+# gnomepl at aviary.pl
+# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
+# Aviary.pl <gnomepl at aviary.pl>, 2009
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-25 23:31+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-07 16:42+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Tomasz Dominikowski <dominikowski at gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Polish <gnomepl at aviary.pl>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 0.3\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
+"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:497
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor sprzętu"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Monitoruje urządzenia"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Narzędzie"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:89
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Monitor sprzętu: nie można wczytać ikony \"%1\".\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:122
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Preferencje..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:122
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "P_omoc"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:122
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_O programie..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:212
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:219
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+# rev: czemu nie po prostu "Obsługuje wykresy..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:491
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Monitoruje informacje związane ze sprzętem, takie jak wykorzystanie "
+"procesora, pamięci itp. Obrazowanie za pomocą wykresów krzywych, wykresów "
+"słupkowych, diagramów kolumnowych, tekstu czy też \"płomieni\"."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:500
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:507
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Aviary.pl <gnomepl at aviary.pl>, 2009\n"
+"Łukasz Jernaś <deejay1 at srem.org>, 2009"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Czujnik %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Czujnik %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Wentylator %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Wentylator %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tło</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Urządzenia</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Czcionka</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Rozmiar</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Przeglądarka</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Duży</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Mały</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Średnia liczba uruchomionych równocześnie procesów"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Wszystkie procesory"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Wszystkie dane"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Tło"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Użycie p_rocesora"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Zmień"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "K_olor:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "Kol_umny"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "Krzy_we"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Wybór urządzenia"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Wybór czcionki"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Połączenie:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Urządzenia"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Kierunek:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Proszę wprowadzić katalog do monitorowania znajdujący się na dysku"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:698
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (pierwszy)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:700
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (drugi)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (trzeci)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Katalog:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Właściwości monitora sprzętu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Dane przychodzące"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitorowanie wszystkich procesorów"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Monitorowanie urządzeń przy użyciu płomieni"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Monitorowanie urządzeń przy użyciu poziomych słupków"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Monitorowanie urządzeń przy użyciu wykresów liniowych"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Monitorowanie urządzeń przy użyciu jednorodnych kolumn"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Monitorowanie urządzeń przy użyciu opisów tekstowych"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Monitorowanie urządzeń przy użyciu poziomych słupków"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitorowanie tylko jednego procesora"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Sieć"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Nie wykryto czujników"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Tylko procesor:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Dane wychodzące"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Wybór czujnika do monitorowania"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Określa, czy monitorować dane przychodzące, wychodzące lub wszystkie"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Połączenie szeregowe"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Wyświetlanie _wolnego miejsca zamiast użytego"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Dyski"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "System"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Ilość danych przesłanych przez połączenie sieciowe"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Ilość użytego miejsca na dyskach"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Ilość użytej pamięci wymiany"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Ilość użytej pamięci"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Procent czasu zużywanego dla pierwszoplanowych zadań"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Prędkość obrotowa wentylatorów"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Temperatura wewnątrz komputera"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Rodzaj połączenia - Ethernet jest najpopularniejszym rodzajem karty dla "
+"sieci lokalnej"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "_Kolor tła panelu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "_Własny kolor:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Własna czci_onka:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Przeglądarka"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Numer monitorowanego procesora"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Bezprzewodowe"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Dodaj"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Użycie _dysku"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Prędkość wen_tylatora"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Płomienie"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "P_ionowe słupki"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Średnie o_bciążenie"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Użycie pamięci"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Monitoro_wane urządzenia:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "Przepustowość _sieci"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Usuń"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Użycie p_artycji wymiany"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "T_ekst"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Poziome słupki"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Poważny błąd"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:296
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:302
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Wszystkie procesory"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:304
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Procesor nr %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:311
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:362 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:496
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:367
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Pamięć wymiany"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:373
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Partycja wymiany"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:431
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Średnie obciążenie"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:438
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Obc."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Pamięć"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:507
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Pam."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:562
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:578
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Dysk (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:679
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:716 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:746
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, wejście"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, wyjście"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:731
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Szer."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "WLAN"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:952
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:959
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatura %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatura %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1034
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 obr/min"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1041
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Prędkość wentylatora %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Prędkość wentylatora %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Urządzenie"
diff --git a/po/pt.po b/po/pt.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c394b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pt.po
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+# hardware-monitor's Portuguese translation.
+# Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2008 hardware-monitor
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt at hotmail.com>, 2003, 2004, 2008.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: 2.24\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-21 14:53+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-21 15:00+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt at hotmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Portuguese <gnome_pt at yahoogroups.com>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor de Hardware"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Monitor de dispositivos de hardware"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Utilitário"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Monitor de Hardware: incapaz de ler o ícone '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Peferências..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ajuda"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Sobre..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Monitoriza vária informação relativa ao hardware, tal como a utilização de "
+"CPU, memória, etc. Suporta gráficos de curvas, barras horizontais, diagramas "
+"de colunas, monitorização de texto e chamas flutuantes."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Duarte Loreto <happyguy_pt at hotmail.com>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventoinha %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventoinha %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fundo</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dispositivos</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fonte</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tamanho</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Visualizador</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Grande</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Pequena</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Uma média deslizante do número simultâneo de processos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Todos os CPUs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Todos os dados"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Fundo"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Utilização de C_PU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Alteração"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "C_or:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "C_olunas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "C_urvas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Seleccione um Dispositivo"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Seleccione uma Fonte"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Ligação:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Dispositivos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Direcção:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Introduza uma pasta que resida no disco a monitorizar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (primeira)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (segunda)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (terceira)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Pasta:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferências do Monitor de Hardware"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Dados recebidos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitorizar todos os CPUs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos utilizando chamas flutuantes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos utilizando barras horizontais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos utilizando gráficos de linhas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos utilizando colunas sólidas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos utilizando descrições de texto"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Monitorizar dispositivos utilizando barras verticais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitorizar apenas um CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Rede"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Nenhum sensor detectado"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Apenas CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Dados enviados"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Seleccione o sensor a monitorizar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Seleccione se monitorizar dados recebidos, enviados ou ambos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Ligação série"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Apresentar o espaço _livre em vez do ocupado"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Armazenamento"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "A quantidade de dados enviados através de uma ligação de rede"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "A quantidade de espaço em disco utilizado"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "A quantidade de memória baseada em disco (swap) utilizada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "A quantidade de memória utilizada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "A percentagem de tempo dispendida a executar processos visíveis"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "A velocidade das ventoinhas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "A temperatura no interior do seu sistema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Tipo de ligação - Ethernet é o tipo de adaptador de rede para redes locais "
+"mais comum"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Utilizar fundo de _painel"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Utilizar es_ta cor:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Utilizar esta f_onte:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualizador"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Que nº de CPU monitorizar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Sem Fios"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Adicionar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Utilização de _disco"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Velocidade da _ventoinha"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Chamas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Barras _horizontais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Carga média"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Utilização de _memória"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Dispositivos _monitorizados:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Velocidade da rede"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Remover"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Utilização de _swap"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Texto"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "Barras _verticais"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Erro fatal"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Todos os processadores"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Processador nº %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Memória baseada em disco"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Carga média"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Carga"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memória"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disco (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, rec"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, env"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Sér."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Sem Fios"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2º"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatura %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatura %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Velocidade da ventoinha %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Velocidade da ventoinha %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Dispositivo"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "Cor da barra"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "Cor da curva"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "Cor da chama"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Seleccione uma Cor"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Barras"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Geral</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "Tempo entre medições (em segundos)"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "Co_lunas:"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "Geral"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Número de colunas a apresentar simultaneamente"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Número de pontos de medição a apresentar simultaneamente"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "_Amostras:"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "Tamanho da applet em pixels"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "A espessura da curva (em pixels)"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "Espessura da _linha:"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "_Tamanho:"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "_Intervalo de actualização:"
diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d45f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+# Brazilian Portuguese translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Tiago Cardoso Menezes <zion at via-rs.net>, 2003.
+# Raphael Higino <phhigino at gmail.com>, 2004.
+# Andre Noel <andrenoel at ubuntu.com>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-01-02 03:13+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-07-04 10:44-0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Andre Noel <andrenoel at ubuntu.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <gnome-l10n-br at listas.cipsga.org.br>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor do Hardware"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Monitor dos dispostivos de hardware"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Utilitário"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Monitor do Hardware: não pode carregar o ícone '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Preferências..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ajuda"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Sobre..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Monitora diversas informações sobre hardware, com uso da CPU, uso de "
+"memória, etc. Suporta gráficos de curva, com barras horizontais, diagrama em "
+"colunas, monitoramento textual e chamas flutuantes."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Tiago Cardoso Menezes <zion at via-rs.net>\n"
+"Raphael Higino <phhigino at gmail.com>\n"
+"Andre Noel <andrenoel at ubuntu.com>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilador %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventilador %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fundo</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Dispositivos</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Fonte</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tamanho</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Visualizador</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Grande</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Pequeno</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "A média de processos executando simultaneamente"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Todas as CPUs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Todos os dados"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Fundo"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Uso da C_PU "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Al_terar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "C_or:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "C_olunas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "C_urvas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Escolha um Dispositivo"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Escolha uma Fonte"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Conexão:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Dispositivos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Direção:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Adicione uma pasta do disco para monitorar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (primeira)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (segunda)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (terceira)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Pasta:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferências do Monitor do Hardware"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Dados recebidos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitora todas as CPUs"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Monitora dispositivos usando chamas flutuantes"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Monitora dispositivos usando barras horizontais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Monitora dispositivos usando gráficos de linha"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Monitora dispositivos usando colunas sólidas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Monitora dispositivos usando descrições textuais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Monitora dispositivos usando barras verticais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitora apenas uma CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Rede"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Nenhum sensor detectado"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Apenas a CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Dados enviados"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Selecione um sensor para monitorar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr ""
+"Seleciona se o monitoramento vai ser de entrada ou saída de dados ou ambos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Link serial"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Mostrar o espaço _livre ao invés do usado"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Armazenamento"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Quantidade de dados enviados pela conexão de rede"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Quantidade de espaço usado no disco"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Quantidade de memória baseada em disco utilizada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Quantidade de memória utilizada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Percentual de tempo gasto executando os processos ativos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Velocidade dos ventiladores"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Temperatura interna do sistema"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Tipo de conexão - Ethernet é o tipo de adaptador de rede normalmente "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Usar o fundo do _painel"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Usar _esta cor:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Usar esta f_onte:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Visualizador"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "O no. da CPU que deve ser monitorada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Sem fio"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Adicionar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Uso do disco"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Velocidade do ventilador"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Chamas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Barras _horizontais"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Carga _média"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Memória utilizada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Dispositivos _monitorados:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "Tráfego da _rede"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Remover"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Swap utilizada"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Texto"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "Barras _verticais"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Erro fatal"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Todos os processadores"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Processador no. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Memória baseada em disco"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Carga média"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Carga"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memória"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disco (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, entrando"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, saindo"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "S/ fio."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatura %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatura %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Velocidade do ventilador %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Velocidade do ventilador %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Dispositivo"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "Cor da barra"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "Cor da curva"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "Cor da chama"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Escolha uma Cor"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "Densidade da curva (em pixels)"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Barras"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "_Largura da linha"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Geral</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "Quantidade de tempo entre as medidas (em segundos)"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "Co_lunas:"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "Geral"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Número de colunas mostradas simultaneamente"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Número de pontos de medida mostrados simultaneamente"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "E_xemplos:"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "Tamanho do applet em pixels"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "_Tamanho:"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "_Intervalo de atualização:"
diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aef3e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ru.po
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+# Ukrainian translation to hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-07-06 17:50+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-12-24 23:28+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Вячеслав Диконов (Vyacheslav Dikonov) <slava at altlinux.ru>\n"
+"Language-Team: Russian <ru at li.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:463
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Сенсоры"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Информация о состоянии системы и аппаратуры компьютера"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Утилиты"
+#: src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Сенсоры: невозможно загрузить пиктограмму '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "Н_астройка..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Справка"
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_О программе..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:455
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Вячеслав Диконов <sdiconov at mail.ru>"
+#: src/applet.cpp:458
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Отображают разнообразную информацию о работе аппаратуры компьютера, "
+"например загрузку процессора, памяти и т.д.. Поддерживает отображение "
+"в форме кривых, полос, гистограмм, текста и языков пламени."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Уле Ларсен"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Сенсор %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Сенсор %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Вентилятор %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Вентилятор %1"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "15.0%"
+msgstr "15.0%"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Фон</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Устройства</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Шрифт</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Размер</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Отображение</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Большой</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Маленький</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Среднее число одновременных процессов"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Все процессоры"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Все данные"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Фон"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Использование _процессора"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Изменить"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Цвет:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "_Столбцы"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Кривые"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Выбор устройства"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Выбор шрифта"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Цвет полос"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Цвет кривой"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:25
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Цвет пламени"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:26
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Соединение:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Устройства"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Направление:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Укажите папку, за которой нужно следить"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:699
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (первое)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (второе)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:32 src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (третье)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Папка:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Настройка сенсоров"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Получаемые"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Модем"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Следить за всеми процессорами"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Отображение в виде языков пламени"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Отображение в виде полос"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Отображение в виде кривых"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Отображение в виде гистограммы"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Отображение текстом"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Следить лишь за одним процессором"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Сеть"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Не найдены сенсоры"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Только процессор:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Отправляемые"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Выбор цвета"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Выберите отслеживаемый сенсор"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Отслеживать данные на входе, на выходе или все"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:51 src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Последовательный канал"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Показывать объём свободного места вместо занятого"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Диск"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Система"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Температура"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Объём данных, переданных через сетевое соединение "
+#: src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Объём занятого дискового пространства"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Объём занятый виртуальной памятью на диске"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Объём использованной памяти"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Процент времени на выполнение активных процессов"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Скорость вращения вентилятора"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Температура внутри корпуса"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:63
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Тип соединения- Ethernet, наиболее часто используемый тип адаптера локальной сети"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Использовать цвет _панели"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Использовать _цвет:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Использовать _шрифт:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Отображение"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Номер отслеживаемого процессора"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:69 src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Беспроводное"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Добавить"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "_Полосы"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Использование диска"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Скорость вентилятора"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Пламя"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Средняя нагрузка"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Использование памяти"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Отслеживаемые устройства:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Скорость передачи"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Удалить"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Использование _виртуальной памяти"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Температура"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Текст"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Критическая ошибка"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Все процессоры"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Процессор № %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "Процессор"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "Процессор %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 МБ"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Дисковая память"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Виртуальная память"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Средняя нагрузка"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Нагрузка"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Память"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Пам."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Гб"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 кБ"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 байт"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Диск (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:680
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Гб/с"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:684
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Мб/с"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:688
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 кб/с"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 б/с"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:717 src/monitor-impls.cpp:747
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, вход"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:721 src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, выход"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:732
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Мод."
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Посл."
+#. short for wireless
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Беcпр."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:957
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:964
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Температура %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:967
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Температура %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:973
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Темпер. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1039
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 об/мин"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1046
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Скорость %1 вентилятора: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Скорость %1 вентилятора"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:129
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Устройство"
diff --git a/po/rw.po b/po/rw.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0880fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/rw.po
@@ -0,0 +1,714 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor to Kinyarwanda.
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Steve Murphy <murf at e-tools.com>, 2005
+# Steve performed initial rough translation from compendium built from translations provided by the following translators:
+# Philibert Ndandali <ndandali at yahoo.fr>, 2005.
+# Viateur MUGENZI <muvia1 at yahoo.fr>, 2005.
+# Noëlla Mupole <s24211045 at tuks.co.za>, 2005.
+# Carole Karema <karemacarole at hotmail.com>, 2005.
+# JEAN BAPTISTE NGENDAHAYO <ngenda_denis at yahoo.co.uk>, 2005.
+# Augustin KIBERWA <akiberwa at yahoo.co.uk>, 2005.
+# Donatien NSENGIYUMVA <ndonatienuk at yahoo.co.uk>, 2005..
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-04-01 20:49-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-03-31 20:55-0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Steve Murphy <murf at e-tools.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Kinyarwanda <translation-team-rw at lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:463
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr ""
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr ""
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/applet.cpp:70
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Ibirimo i Agashushondanga"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "Ibyahiswemo..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Ifashayobora"
+# offmgr/source\offapp\intro\intro.hrc:TEXT_DEFAULTABOUT.text
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "Ibyerekeye"
+# desktop/source\app\ssodlg.src:DLG_SSOLOGIN.text
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:186
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1:%2"
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:193
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr "%1%2"
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:455
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Umusemuzi"
+#: src/applet.cpp:458
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Ibisobanuro Nka Ikoresha: Ububiko Ikoresha: Agaheto Gitambitse Inkingi Na"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr ""
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr ""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr ""
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr ""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 src/monitor-impls.cpp:1056
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:4
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "15.0%"
+msgstr "15."
+#: src/ui.glade.h:5
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<B B"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<B B"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<B B"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:8
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<B B"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:9
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<B B"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:10
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i i"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:11
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i i"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:12
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "A Impuzandengo Bya i Umubare Bya"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:14
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Ibyatanzwe"
+# #-#-#-#-# officecfg.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+# officecfg/registry\schema\org\openoffice\Office\WriterWeb.xcs:....Print.Content.Background.text
+# #-#-#-#-# officecfg.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+# officecfg/registry\schema\org\openoffice\Office\Writer.xcs:....Print.Content.Background.text
+#: src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Mbuganyuma"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Ikoresha:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:17
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Guhindura"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:18
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "Ibara:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:19
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "Inkingi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:20
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "Imirongo Ihese"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:21
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "a"
+# Font Face SubMenu
+#: src/ui.glade.h:22
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Guhitamo Imyandikire"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:23
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Bya i"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:24
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Bya i Agaheto"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:25
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Bya i"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:26
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Ukwihuza"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr ""
+# #-#-#-#-# sc.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+# sc/source\ui\src\miscdlgs.src:RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES.FL_DIRECTION.text
+# #-#-#-#-# sc.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+# sc/source\ui\src\sortdlg.src:RID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS.FL_DIRECTION.text
+#: src/ui.glade.h:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Icyerekezo"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "a Ububiko ku i Kuri"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:699
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Itangira"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "ISEGONDA"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:32 src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:33
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Ububiko..."
+#: src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:35
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Ibyatanzwe"
+# # @loc None
+#: src/ui.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modemu"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:37
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Byose"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:38
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "ikoresha"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:39
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "ikoresha Gitambitse Imirongo- ntambike"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:40
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "ikoresha Umurongo"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:41
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "ikoresha Gikomeye Inkingi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:42
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "ikoresha Umwandiko"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:43
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "a UMWE"
+# 4032
+#: src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "urusobe"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:47
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Ibyatanzwe"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:48
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "a"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:49
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "i Kuri"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:50
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Kuri Cyangwa Ibyatanzwe Cyangwa Byombi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:51 src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Ihuza"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:52
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Kigenga Umwanya Bya"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sisitemu"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:56
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Igiteranyo Bya Ibyatanzwe Yoherejwe: Gihinguranya a urusobe Ukwihuza"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:57
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Igiteranyo Bya Umwanya"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:58
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Igiteranyo Bya Ububiko"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Igiteranyo Bya Ububiko"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:60
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Ijanisha Bya Igihe ni"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:61
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Umuvuduko Bya i"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:62
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Bya i Mo Imbere Bya i Sisitemu"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:63
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Bya Ukwihuza ni i Ubuso urusobe Ubwoko"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:64
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Mbuganyuma"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:65
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "iyi Ibara"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:66
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "iyi Intego- nyuguti"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:68
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Oya Kuri"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:69 src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:70
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "Kongeramo"
+# sch/source\ui\app\strings.src:STR_BARS.text
+#: src/ui.glade.h:71
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "Imirongo- ntambike"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:72
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Ikoresha:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:73
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Umuvuduko"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:75
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Impuzandengo"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:76
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Ikoresha:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr ""
+# #-#-#-#-# padmin.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+# padmin/source\rtsetup.src:RID_RTS_FONTSUBSTPAGE.RID_RTS_FS_REMOVE_BTN.text
+# #-#-#-#-# padmin.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+# padmin/source\rtsetup.src:RID_RTS_COMMANDPAGE.RID_RTS_CMD_BTN_REMOVE.text
+#: src/ui.glade.h:79
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "Gukuraho"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:80
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Ikoresha:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:82
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "Umwandiko"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Ikosa"
+# desktop/source\app\ssodlg.src:DLG_SSOLOGIN.text
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Oya"
+# 1227
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+# 1227
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Ububiko"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Impuzandengo"
+# basctl/source\basicide\basidesh.src:RID_STR_OPEN.text
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Ibirimo"
+# offmgr/source\offapp\dialog\treeopt.src:RID_OFADLG_OPTIONS_TREE_PAGES.SID_GENERAL_OPTIONS.4.text
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Ububiko"
+# sw/source\ui\wizard\wizmmdlg.src:TXT_DLG_Dok_Edit_AutoFN.text
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "mem"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1KB"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1B"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:680
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1S"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:684
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1S"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:688
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1KB S"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1B S"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:717 src/monitor-impls.cpp:747
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1,in"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:721 src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1,Inyuma"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:732
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr ""
+# sc/source\core\src\compiler.src:RID_SC_FUNCTION_NAMES.SC_OPCODE_MOD.text
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "MOD"
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr ""
+#. short for wireless
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Birutwa."
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+# #-#-#-#-# dbaccess.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:959
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:966
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr ""
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:975
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr ""
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1041
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr ""
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1048
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Umuvuduko"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Umuvuduko"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:129
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Ububiko"
diff --git a/po/sl.po b/po/sl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cba713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/sl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+# Slovenian translations for hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Matej Urbančič <mateju at svn.gnome.org>, 2006 - 2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-01-26 18:07+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-10 09:25+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Matej Urbančič <mateju at svn.gnome.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Slovenian GNOME Translation Team <gnome-si at googlegroups.com>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Slovenian\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: SLOVENIA\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Nadzornik strojne opreme"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Nadzornik strojnih naprav"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Pripomoček"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Nadzornik strojne opreme: ni mogoče naložiti ikone '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Možnosti ..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Pomo_č"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_O Programu ..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "Nadzor različnih strojnih podrobnosti; uporaba CPE, pomnilnik ... Podpira prikaz z grafikoni, progami, diagrami, besedilnimi opisi in s plameni."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Avtorske pravice %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Matej Urbančič <mateju at svn.gnome.org>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Senzor %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Senzor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilator %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1055
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventilator %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ozadje</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Naprave</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pisava</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Velikost</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pregledovalnik</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Veliko</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Majhno</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Povprečno število sočasnih procesov"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Vse CPE Enote"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Vsi podatki"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Ozadje"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PE uporaba"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "S_premeni"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Barva:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "St_olpci"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Zavoji"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Izbor naprave"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Izbor pisave"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Povezava:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Naprave"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Smer:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Določite mapo na disku, ki naj bo nadzorovana"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:698
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Eternet (prvi)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:700
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Eternet (drugi)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Eternet (tretji)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Mapa:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Možnosti strojnega nadzora"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Sprejeti podatki"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Nadzor vseh CPE"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Prikaz nadzora naprav s plameni"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Prikaz nadzora naprav z vodoravnimi progami"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Prikaz nadzora naprav z linijskimi grafikonom"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Prikaz nadzora naprav s polnimi stolpci"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Prikaz nadzora naprav z besedilnimi oznakami"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Prikaz nadzora naprav z navpičnimi progami"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Nadzor le ene CPE"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Omrežje"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Ni zaznanih tipal"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Samo CPE:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Poslani podatki"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Izbor tipala za nadzor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Izbor nadzora sprejetih, poslanih ali obojih podatkov."
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Serijska povezava"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Prikaz _prostega pomnilnika namesto zasedenega"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Skladiščenje"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Količina podatkov poslanih preko omrežne povezave"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Velikost uporabljenega prostora na disku"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Velikost uporabljenega diskovnega pomnilnika"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Količina uporabljenega pomnilnika"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Odstotek časa porabljenega za poganjanje prikaznih procesov"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Hitrost ventilatorjev"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Temperatura notranjosti sistema."
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter type"
+msgstr "Vrsta povezave - eternet je najpogostejša krajevna vrsta omrežne povezave"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Uporabi ozadje okna"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Uporabi _barvo:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Uporabi _pisavo:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Pregledovalnik"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Katera CPE naj bo nadzorovana"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Brezžično"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Dodaj"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Zasedenost diska"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Hitrost ventilatorja"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Plamen"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Vodoravne proge"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Povprečna obremenitev"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Poraba pomnilnika"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Nadzorovane naprave:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Omrežni prenos"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Odstrani"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Menjava uporabe"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatura"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Besedilo"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Navpične proge"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Usodna napaka"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:296
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:302
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Vsi procesorji"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:304
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Procesor št. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:311
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPE"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPE %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:362
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:496
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:367
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Diskovni pomnilnik"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:373
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Izmenjevalni razdelek"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:431
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Povprečna obremenitev"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:438
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Obremenjenost"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Pomnilnik"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:507
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Pomnilnik"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:562
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:578
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disk (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:679
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:716
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:746
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, sprejemanje"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, oddajanje"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:731
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Brezžično"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:958
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:965
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatura %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatura %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:974
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1040
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1047
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilator %1 hitrost: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Hitrost ventilatorja %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Naprava"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/sq.po b/po/sq.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc3f86b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/sq.po
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+# Përkthimi i mesazheve të hardware-monitor në shqip
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware monitor package.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Laurent Dhima <laurenti at alblinux.net>, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-02 12:14+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-03 16:32+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Laurent Dhima <laurenti at alblinux.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: Albanian <gnome-albanian-perkthyesit at lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:463
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Monitor i Hardware"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Monitori i dispozitivëve hardware"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Ndihmues"
+#: src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Monitori Hardware: i pamundur ngarkimi i ikonës '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Preferime..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Ndihmë"
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Informacione..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:455
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Laurent Dhima <laurenti at alblinux.net>"
+#: src/applet.cpp:458
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "Ekrani CPU dhe."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensori %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensori %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Fan %1"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "15.0%"
+msgstr "15.0%"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Sfondi</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b> Dispozitivët</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Gërmat</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Madhësia</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Shikues</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:10
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>E madhe</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>I vogël</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Mesatarja e numrit të proçeseve të njëkoshëm në ekzekutim"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Të gjith CPUtë"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Të gjitha të dhënat"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Sfondi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Përdorimi i C_PU"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "N_drysho"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "Ngjyr_a:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "K_ollonat"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "H_arqe"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Zgjidh një Dispozitiv"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Zgjidh një Gërmë"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Ngjyra e shtyllës"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Ngjyra e harkut"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:25
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Ngjyra nga"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:26
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Lidhja:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Dispozitivët"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Drejtimi:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Shto një kartelë nga disku për t'a monitoruar"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:699
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (i pari)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (e dyta)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:32 src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (e treta)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Kartela:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Preferimet e Monitoruesit Hardware"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Të dhënat në hyrje"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Monitoro të gjithë CPUtë"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:38
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Ekrani"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:39
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Ekrani"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:40
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Ekrani"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:41
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Ekrani kollonat"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:42
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Ekrani tekst"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Monitoro vetëm një CPU të veçantë"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:44
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Rrjeti"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:45
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Jo"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:46
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Vetëm CPU:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:48
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Zgjidh një ngjyrë"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:49
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Zgjidh"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:50
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Zgjidh në ardhje në dalje"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:51 src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "lidhje"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:52
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Shfaq hapësirë nga"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:53
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Magazinim"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:54
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistemi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:56
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "nga a"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:57
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "nga disk hapësirë"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:58
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "nga disk"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "nga"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:60
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "nga ora është në punim e sipër"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:61
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "nga"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:62
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "nga nga sistemi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:63
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Lloji nga Ethernet është lokal lloji"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:64
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "panel"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:68
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "CPU jo"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:69 src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Wireless (pa fije)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:70
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Shto"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:71
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "Bars"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:72
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Disku"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:75
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Ngarko mesatarë"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:76
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Kujtesa"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:78
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "Rrjeti"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:79
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "Hiq"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:80
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/ui.glade.h:82
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "Teksti"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Gabim fatal"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Gjithçka"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Proçesori jo"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Disku"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Ngarko mesatarë"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Ngarko"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Kujtesa"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disku"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:680
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:684
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:688
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr ""
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:717 src/monitor-impls.cpp:747
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "në"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:721 src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr ""
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:732
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr ""
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr ""
+#. short for wireless
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "W."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:957
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr ""
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:964
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:967
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:973
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1039
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr ""
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1046
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr ""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:129
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Dispozitivi"
diff --git a/po/sr.po b/po/sr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e513127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/sr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+# Serbian translation of hardware-monitor
+# Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://prevod.org/) -- 2003, 2004.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Maintainer: Данило Шеган <dsegan at gmx.net>
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-03 18:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-03 18:04+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Данило Шеган <danilo at prevod.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <gnom at prevod.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:463
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Праћење хардвера"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Пратите хардверске уређаје"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Користан алат"
+#: src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Праћење хардвера: не могу да учитам икону „%1“.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Поставке"
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Помоћ"
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_О програму..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:455
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Данило Шеган <danilo at prevod.org>\n"
+"Prevod.org — превод на српски језик."
+#: src/applet.cpp:458
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Праћење разних података у вези са хардвером, као што је искоришћеност "
+"процесора, меморије итд. Подржава графике, водоравне траке, дијаграме у "
+"колонама, текстуално праћење и променљиве пламенове."
+# bug: translators can insert © themselves (btw, this is different from monster-masher)
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Сва права задржана %1 2003 Оле Лаурсен"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Сензор %1: „%2“"
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Сензор %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Вентилатор %1: „%2“"
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Вентилатор %1"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "15.0%"
+msgstr "15.0%"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Позадина</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Уређаји</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Фонт</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Величина</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Прегледач</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Велики</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Мали</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Стални просек броја упоредних процеса"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Сви процесори"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Сви подаци"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Позадина"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Искоришћеност _процесора"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Про_мени"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Боја:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "К_олоне"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "К_риве"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Изаберите уређај"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Изаберите фонт"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Боја траке"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Боја криве линије"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:25
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Боја пламена"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:26
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Веза:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Уређаји"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Правац:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Унесите директоријум на диску који желите да пратите"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:699
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Мрежа (прва)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Мрежа (друга)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:32 src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Мрежа (трећа)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Директоријум:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Поставке праћења хардвера"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Улазни подаци"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Модем"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Прати све процесоре"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Прати уређаје помоћу променљиве ватрице"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Прати уређаје помоћу водоравних трака"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Прати уређаје помоћу линијских графика"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Прати уређаје помоћу испуњених колона"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Прати уређаје помоћу текстуалних описа"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Прати само један процесор"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Мрежа"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Нисам пронашао сензоре"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Једино процесор:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Излазни подаци"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Изаберите боју"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Изаберите сензор који желите да пратите"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Изаберите да ли да пратим улазне, излазне податке или и једне и друге"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:51 src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Серијска веза"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Прикажи _слободан простор уместо коришћеног"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Дискови"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Систем"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Температура"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Количина података послатих кроз мрежу"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Количина искоришћеног простора на диску"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Количина искоришћене меморије на диску"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Количина искоришћене меморије"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Постотак времена утрошен на извршавање главних процеса"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Брзина вентилатора"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Температура унутар система"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:63
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Врста везе — етернет је најчешћи врста уређаја у локалним мрежама"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Користи позадину _панела"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Користи _ову боју:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Користи овај _фонт:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Прегледач"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Процесор са којим бројем да пратим"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:69 src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Бежично"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Додај"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "_Траке"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Искоришћеност _диска"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Брзина _вентилатора"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "В_атрице"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Просечно _оптерећење"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Искоришћеност _меморије"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Праћ_ени уређаји:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Мрежни проток"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Уклони"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Искоришћеност _замене за меморију"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Температура"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Текст"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Кобна грешка"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Сви процесори"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Процесор бр. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "Проц."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "Процесор %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Меморија на диску"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Зам."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Просечно оптерећење"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Опт."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Меморија"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Мем."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 kb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Диск (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:680
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:684
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:688
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 kb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:717 src/monitor-impls.cpp:747
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, у"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:721 src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, из"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:732
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Мрж. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Мод."
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Сер."
+#. short for wireless
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Беж."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:957
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:964
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Температура %1: „%2“"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:967
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Температура %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:973
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Темп. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1039
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 рпм"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1046
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Брзина вентилатора %1: „%2“"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Брзина вентилатора %1"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:129
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Уређај"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Опште</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "Време између два мерења (у секундама)"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "Ко_лоне:"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "Опште"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Колико колона да прикажем истовремено"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Колико измерених тачака да прикажем истовремено"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "У_зорци:"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "Величина програмчета у тачкама"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "Дебљина криве линије (у тачкама)"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "Дебљина _линије:"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "_Величина:"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "_Време између два освежавања:"
diff --git a/po/sr at Latn.po b/po/sr at Latn.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9de932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/sr at Latn.po
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+# Serbian translation of hardware-monitor
+# Courtesy of Prevod.org team (http://prevod.org/) -- 2003, 2004.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Maintainer: Danilo Šegan <dsegan at gmx.net>
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-03 18:04+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-03 18:04+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Danilo Šegan <danilo at prevod.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: Serbian (sr) <gnom at prevod.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:463
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Praćenje hardvera"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Pratite hardverske uređaje"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Koristan alat"
+#: src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Praćenje hardvera: ne mogu da učitam ikonu „%1“.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Postavke"
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Pomoć"
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_O programu..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:455
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Danilo Šegan <danilo at prevod.org>\n"
+"Prevod.org — prevod na srpski jezik."
+#: src/applet.cpp:458
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Praćenje raznih podataka u vezi sa hardverom, kao što je iskorišćenost "
+"procesora, memorije itd. Podržava grafike, vodoravne trake, dijagrame u "
+"kolonama, tekstualno praćenje i promenljive plamenove."
+# bug: translators can insert © themselves (btw, this is different from monster-masher)
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Sva prava zadržana %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Senzor %1: „%2“"
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Senzor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Ventilator %1: „%2“"
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Ventilator %1"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "15.0%"
+msgstr "15.0%"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pozadina</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Uređaji</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Font</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Veličina</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Pregledač</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Veliki</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Mali</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Stalni prosek broja uporednih procesa"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Svi procesori"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Svi podaci"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Pozadina"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Iskorišćenost _procesora"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Pro_meni"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Boja:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "K_olone"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "K_rive"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Izaberite uređaj"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Izaberite font"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Boja trake"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Boja krive linije"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:25
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Boja plamena"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:26
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Veza:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Uređaji"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Pravac:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Unesite direktorijum na disku koji želite da pratite"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:699
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Mreža (prva)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Mreža (druga)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:32 src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Mreža (treća)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Direktorijum:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Postavke praćenja hardvera"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Ulazni podaci"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Prati sve procesore"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Prati uređaje pomoću promenljive vatrice"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Prati uređaje pomoću vodoravnih traka"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Prati uređaje pomoću linijskih grafika"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Prati uređaje pomoću ispunjenih kolona"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Prati uređaje pomoću tekstualnih opisa"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Prati samo jedan procesor"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Mreža"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Nisam pronašao senzore"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Jedino procesor:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Izlazni podaci"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Izaberite boju"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Izaberite senzor koji želite da pratite"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Izaberite da li da pratim ulazne, izlazne podatke ili i jedne i druge"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:51 src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Serijska veza"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Prikaži _slobodan prostor umesto korišćenog"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Diskovi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistem"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatura"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Količina podataka poslatih kroz mrežu"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Količina iskorišćenog prostora na disku"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Količina iskorišćene memorije na disku"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Količina iskorišćene memorije"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Postotak vremena utrošen na izvršavanje glavnih procesa"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Brzina ventilatora"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Temperatura unutar sistema"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:63
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Vrsta veze — eternet je najčešći vrsta uređaja u lokalnim mrežama"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Koristi pozadinu _panela"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Koristi _ovu boju:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Koristi ovaj _font:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Pregledač"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Procesor sa kojim brojem da pratim"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:69 src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Bežično"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Dodaj"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "_Trake"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Iskorišćenost _diska"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Brzina _ventilatora"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "V_atrice"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Prosečno _opterećenje"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Iskorišćenost _memorije"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Prać_eni uređaji:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Mrežni protok"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Ukloni"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Iskorišćenost _zamene za memoriju"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatura"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Tekst"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Kobna greška"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Svi procesori"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Procesor br. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "Proc."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "Procesor %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Memorija na disku"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Zam."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Prosečno opterećenje"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Opt."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memorija"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Mem."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 kb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disk (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:680
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:684
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:688
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 kb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:717 src/monitor-impls.cpp:747
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, u"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:721 src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, iz"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:732
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Mrž. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Bež."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:957
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:964
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatura %1: „%2“"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:967
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatura %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:973
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1039
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1046
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Brzina ventilatora %1: „%2“"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Brzina ventilatora %1"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:129
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Uređaj"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Opšte</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "Vreme između dva merenja (u sekundama)"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "Ko_lone:"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "Opšte"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Koliko kolona da prikažem istovremeno"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Koliko izmerenih tačaka da prikažem istovremeno"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "U_zorci:"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "Veličina programčeta u tačkama"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "Debljina krive linije (u tačkama)"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "Debljina _linije:"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "_Veličina:"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "_Vreme između dva osvežavanja:"
diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ca49f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/sv.po
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+# Swedish messages for hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Daniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>, 2006.
+# Christian Rose <menthos at menthos.com>, 2003, 2004.
+# $Id$
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-14 12:36+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-14 13:35+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>\n"
+"Language-Team: Swedish <tp-sv at listor.tp-sv.se>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Hårdvaruövervakare"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Övervaka hårdvaruenheter"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Verktyg"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Hårdvaruövervakare: kan inte läsa in ikonen \"%1\".\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Inställningar..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Hjälp"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Om..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "Övervaka diverse hårdvarurelaterad information som exempelvis processoranvändning m.m. Stöder kurvdiagram, horisontella stapeldiagram, kolumndiagram, textövervakning och pulserande lågor."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Daniel Nylander\n"
+"Christian Rose\n"
+"Skicka synpunkter på översättningen till\n"
+"tp-sv at listor.tp-sv.se"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Sensor %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Fläkt %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Fläkt %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bakgrund</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Enheter</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Typsnitt</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Storlek</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Visare</b>"
+# Osäker -- stor eller stort?
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Stor</i>"
+# Osäker -- liten eller litet?
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Liten</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Ett löpande medelvärde av antalet samtidiga processer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Alla processorer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "All data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Bakgrund"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "_Processoranvändning"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Ändra"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "F_ärg:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "K_olumner"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "K_urvor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Välj en enhet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Välj ett typsnitt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Anslutning:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Enheter"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Riktning:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Ange en mapp som finns på hårddisken att övervaka"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (första)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (andra)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (tredje)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Mapp:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Inställningar för hårdvaruövervakare"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Inkommande data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Övervaka alla processorer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Övervaka enheter genom användning av pulserande lågor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Övervaka enheter genom att använda horisontella staplar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Övervaka enheter genom användning av linjegrafer"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Övervaka enheter genom användning av fyllda kolumner"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Övervaka enheter genom användning av textbeskrivning"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Övervaka enheter genom att använda vertikala staplar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Övervaka endast en enda processor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Nätverk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Inga sensorer detekterades"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Endast processor:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Utgående data"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Välj den sensor som ska övervakas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Välj huruvida inkommande eller utgående data ska övervakas eller båda"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Serielänk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Visa _ledigt utrymme istället för använt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Lagring"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "System"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Temperatur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Mängden data som skickats genom en nätverksanslutning"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Mängden hårddiskutrymme som används"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Mängden hårddiskbaserat minne som används"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Mängden minne som används"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Andelen av tiden som spenderas körandes förgrundsprocesser"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Hastigheten på fläktarna"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Temperaturen hos insidan på systemet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter type"
+msgstr "Typ av anslutning - Ethernet är den vanligaste korttypen för lokala nätverk"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Använd _panelbakgrund"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Använd _denna färg:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Använd detta t_ypsnitt:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Visare"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Vilket processornummer som ska övervakas"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Trådlöst"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Lägg till"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Hårddiskanvändning"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Fläkthastighet"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Lågor"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Horisontella staplar"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Medelbelastning"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Minnesanvändning"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Övervakade enheter:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Nätverkgenomströmning"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Ta bort"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Vä_xlingsfilsanvändning"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Temperatur"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_Text"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Vertikala staplar"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Ödesdigert fel"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Alla processorer"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Processornummer %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+# Jag tror detta egentligen inte är bitar utan byte
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Hårddiskbaserat minne"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Växling"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Medelbelastning"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Belastning"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Minne"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Minne"
+# Jag tror detta egentligen inte är bitar utan byte
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+# Jag tror detta egentligen inte är bitar utan byte
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+# Jag tror detta egentligen inte är bitar utan byte
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+# Jag tror detta egentligen inte är bitar utan byte
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Hårddisk (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, in"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, ut"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Trådl."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Temperatur %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Temperatur %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Temp. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 varv/minut"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Hastighet för fläkt %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Hastighet för fläkt %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Enhet"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Välj en färg"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Staplar"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "15,0%"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "Färg på stapeln"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "Färg på kurvan"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "Färg på lågan"
diff --git a/po/ta.po b/po/ta.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa92d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ta.po
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor.master.ta.po to Tamil
+# translation of hardware-monitor.HEAD.po to
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# C.Annamalai,M.S.Ramya,Bannari Amman Institute,Tamilnadu,India <msramya at rediffmail.com>
+# root <root at LinuxCSE-36>, 2004.
+# I. Felix <ifelix at redhat.com>, 2009.
+# fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.master.ta\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=hardware-monitor&component=general\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-04-17 15:33+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-09 09:57+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: I. Felix <ifelix at redhat.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Tamil <fedora-trans-ta at redhat.com>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\\n\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "வன்பொருள் கண்காணிப்பு "
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "கண்காணிப்பு வன்பொருள் சாதனங்கள்"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "பயணமைப்பு"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "வன்பொருள் கண்காணிப்பு: ÌÚõÀ¼த்தை உள்ளிட முடியவில்லை '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_முன்னுரிமை..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_உதவி"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_பற்றி..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+#| "usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+#| "textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"சிபியு பயன்பாடு, நினைவகப் பயன்பாடு போன்ற பல்வேறு வன்பொருள் சம்பந்தமான தகவல்களை "
+"கண்காணிக்கோடுகள், பட்டை வரைவுகள், காலம் வரைபடங்கள்,உரை கண்காணிப்பு "
+"மற்றும் fluctuating flames அகியவற்றை ஆதரிக்கும்."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "படிஉரிமை %1 2003 ஒலீ லார்சன்"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "மொழிபெயர்ப்பவர்-வரவுகள்"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "உணரி %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "உணரி %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "மின்விசிறி %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1059
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "மின்விசிறி %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>À¢ýɽ¢</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>º¡¾Éங்கள்</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>±ØòÐÕ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>«Ç×</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>À¡÷¨Å¡Ç÷ ¸¡ðÊ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>¦ÀâÐ</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>சிறிது</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "உடன்நிகழ் செயல்பாடு என்னிகையின் சராசரி இயங்குநிலை "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "அனைத்து சிபியுகள்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "அனைத்து தரவு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "À¢ýɽ¢"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "சி_பியு பயன்பாடு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "மா_ற்றம்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "நி_றம்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "¦¿_ÎÅâ¸û"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "Å_¨Ç째¡Î¸û"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "º¡¾Éத்தை தேர்ந்துடு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "±ØòÐÕ தேர்ந்துடு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "இணைப்பு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "சாதனங்கள்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "திசை"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "வட்டில் இருக்கும் ஆவணத்தை உள்ளிட்டு கண்காணி "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "ஈதற்நெட் (முதல்)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "ஈதற்நெட் (இரண்டு)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "ஈதற்நெட் (மூன்று)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "ஆவணம்:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "வன்பொருள் கண்காணி முன்னுரிமைகள்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "உள்வரும் தரவு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "மோடம்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "எல்லா சிபியுக்களையும் கண்காணி"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "fluctuating flamesகளை உபயோகித்து சாதனங்களை கண்காணி"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "þ¼õÅÄ பட்டைகளை உபயோகித்து சாதனங்களை கண்காணி"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "கோடு வரைவியல்களை உபயோகித்து சாதனங்களை கண்காணி"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "திட நெடுவரிசைகளை உபயோகித்து சாதனங்களை கண்காணி"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "¯¨ÃÅ¢ÅÃங்களை உபயோகித்து சாதனங்களை கண்காணி"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+#| msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "செங்குத்து பட்டைகளை உபயோகித்து சாதனங்களை கண்காணி"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "ஒற்றை சிபியுவை மட்டும் கண்காணி"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "வலையமைப்பு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "எந்த உணரியும் கண்டுபிடிக்க படவில்லை"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "சிபியு மட்டும்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "வெளிசெல்லும் தரவு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "கண்காணிப்பதற்கான உணரியை தேர்ந்தெடு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr ""
+"உள்வரும் தரவு, வெளிசெல்லும் தரவு அல்லது இவை இரண்டும் ஆகியவற்றில் எதை கண்காணிப்பதென்று "
+"தேர்ந்தெடு "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:710
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "தொடர் þ¨½ôÒ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "உபயோகித்த இடங்களுக்குப் பதிலாக வெற்றிடத்தை காண்பி"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "§ºÁ¢ôÒ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "அமைப்பு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "வெப்பநிலை"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "வலையமைப்பு இணைப்பின் முலம் அனுப்பபட்ட தகவலின் தொகை"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "உபயோகப்படுத்தப்பட்ட வட்டு இடங்களின் தொகை"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "வட்டு-சம்மந்தபட்ட நினைவக பயன்பாட்டின் தொகை"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "பயன்படுத்தப்பட்ட நினைவக தொகை"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "முன்னணி செயல்பாடுகளை இயக்குவதில் செலவிடப்பட்ட நேரசதவிகிதம்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "மின்விசிறிகளின் வேகம்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "அமைப்பின் உள்ளே உள்ள வெப்பநிலை "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "தொடர்பின் வகை - குறும்பரப்பு வலையமைப்பு ஏற்பி வகையில் மிகவும் பொதுவானது ஈதற்நெட் ஆகும்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "_Àĸப் பின்னணியை உபயோகி "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "_இந்த நிரத்தை உபயோகி"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "_இந்த எழுத்துருவை உபயோகி"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "À¡÷¨Å¡Ç÷ ¸¡ðÊ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "எந்த சிபியு எண்னை கண்காணிப்பது "
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:712
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "கம்பியிலா"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_கூட்டு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_வட்ட பயன்பாடு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_மின்விசிறிகளின் வேகம்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Flames"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "கிடைமட்ட பட்டைகள் (_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_தொகை ஏற்று"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_நினைவக பயன்பாடு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_கண்காணிக்கப்பட்ட சாதனங்கள்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_வலையமைப்பு செய்வீதம்"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_நீக்கு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_பரிமாற்ற பயன்பாடு"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_வெப்பநிலை"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_உரை"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "செங்குத்து பட்டைகள் (_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "நாசமூட்டும் பிழை"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:300
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:306
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "அனைத்து செயலகங்களும்"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:308
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "செயலகம் என். %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:315
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "சிபியு"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:318
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "சிபியு %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:366 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:500
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 மெகாபைட்டு"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:371
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "வட்டு-சம்பந்தமான நினைவகம்"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:377
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "பரிமாற்றம்"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:435
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "உள்வங்குதலின் சராசரி"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:442
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "உள்வங்கு"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:505
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "நினைவகம்"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:511
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "நினைவு."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+#| msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+#| msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:574
+#| msgid "%1 kb"
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:577
+#| msgid "%1 b"
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:582
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "வட்டு (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+#| msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+#| msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+#| msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:694
+#| msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:750
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, உள்ளே "
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:724 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:752
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, வெளியே"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "ஈதற்நெட் %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "மோடம்"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "தொடர்"
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:744
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "கம்பியிலா"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2சி"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:969
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "வெப்பநிலை %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:972
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "வெப்பநிலை %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:978
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "வெப்பம். %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1051
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "மின்விசிறி %1 வேகம்: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "மின்விசிறி %1 வேகம்"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "சாதனம்"
diff --git a/po/te.po b/po/te.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8128717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/te.po
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+# translation of hardware-monitor.po.master.te.po to Telugu
+# Telugu translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 hardware-monitor's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Krishna Babu K <kkrothap at redhat.com>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.po.master.te\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=hardware-monitor&component=general\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-09 11:36+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-12 14:39+0530\n"
+"Last-Translator: Krishna Babu K <kkrothap at redhat.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Telugu <en at li.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:471
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "హార్డువేర్ పర్యవేక్షకి"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "హార్డువేరు పరికరాలను పర్యవేక్షిస్తుంది"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "సౌలభ్యము"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "హార్డువేర్ పర్యవేక్షకి: ప్రతిమ '%1'ను లోడు చేయలేదు.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "అభీష్టాలు... (_P)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "సహాయము (_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "గురించి... (_A)"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"వివిధ హార్డువేర్-సంభందిత సమాచారమును పర్యవేక్షిస్తుంది, CPU వినియోగము, మెమొరీ "
+"వినియోగము వంటివి. కర్వ్ గ్రాఫ్స్, బార్ ప్లాట్స్, కాలమ్ డయాగ్రమ్స్, టెక్సుయల్ మానిటరింగ్ "
+"మరియు ఫ్లక్చ్యుయేటింగ్ ఫ్లేమ్స్ మద్దతిస్తుంది."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:474
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "కాపీరైట్ %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:481
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "కృష్ణబాబు కె <kkrothap at redhat.com> 2009"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "సెన్సార్ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "సెన్సార్ %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ఫాన్ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "ఫాన్ %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>బ్యాక్గ్రౌండ్</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>పరికరాలు</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ఫాంట్</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>పరిమాణము</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>దర్శని</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>పెద్ద</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>చిన్న</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "సమకాలీనంగా జరిగే కార్యక్రమాల సంఖ్య సగటు"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "అన్ని CPUలు"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "మొత్తం డాటా"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "బ్యాక్గ్రౌండ్"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU వినియోగము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "మార్చు (_h)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "వర్ణము (_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "నిలువువరుసలు (_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "వంపులు (_u)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "ఒక పరికరాన్ని యెంచుకొనుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "ఒక ఫాంటును యెంచుకొనుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "అనుసంధానము:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "పరికరములు"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "దిశ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "పర్యవేక్షించుటకు డిస్కునందు వున్న ఫోల్డరును ప్రవేశపెట్టుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:698
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "ఈథర్నెట్ (మొదటి)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:700
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "ఈథర్నెట్ (రెండవ)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "ఈథర్నెట్ (మూడవ)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "ఫోల్డర్:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "హార్డువేర్ మానిటర్ అభీష్టాలు"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "లోనికివచ్చు డాటా"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "మోడెమ్"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "అన్ని CPUలను పర్యవేక్షించుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "ఫ్లక్చ్యుయేటింగ్ ఫ్లేమ్సును వుపయోగించి పరికరాలను పర్యవేక్షించుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "హారిజాంటల్ బార్సు వుపయోగించి పరికరాలను పర్యవేక్షించుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "లైన్ గ్రాఫ్స్ వుపయోగించి పరికరాలను పర్యవేక్షించుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "సాలిడ్ కాలమ్స్ వుపయోగించి పరికరాలను పర్యవేక్షించుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "టెక్స్ట్ డిస్క్రిప్షన్స్ వుపయోగించి పరికరాలను పర్యవేక్షించుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "వర్టికల్ బార్లను వుపయోగించి పరికరాలను పర్యవేక్షించుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "ఒంటరి CPU మాత్రమే పర్యవేక్షించుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "నెట్వర్కు"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "ఎటువంటి సెన్సార్సు గుర్తించబడలేదు"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "CPU మాత్రమే:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "బయటకుపోవు డాటా"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "పర్యవేక్షించుటకు సెన్సార్ను యెంపికచేయుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr ""
+"లోనికివచ్చు లేదా బయటకిపోవు లేదా రెండిటి డాటాను పర్యవేక్షించుటకు "
+"వాతావరణమును యెంపికచేసుకొనుము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "వరుస లింకు"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "ఉపయోగించినది బదులు ఖాళీగావున్న జాగాను చూపుము (_f)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "నిల్వ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "సిస్టమ్"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "ఉష్ణోగ్రత"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "నెట్వర్కు అనుసంధానము ద్వారా పంపబడిన డాటా"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "ఉపయోగించిన డిస్కు జాగా"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "ఉపయోగించిబడిన డిస్కు-ఆధారిత మెమొరి"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "ఉపయోగించబడిన మొమొరి"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "ఫోర్గ్రౌండ్ ప్రోసెసెస్ నడుపుటకు వెచ్చించబడిన సమయపు శాతం"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "ఫాన్స్ యొక్క వేగము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "సిస్టమ్ లోపలినందలి ఉష్ణోగ్రత"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"అనుసంధానము యొక్క రకము - ఈథర్నెట్ అనునది వుమ్మడి లోకల్ యేరియా నెట్వర్క్ "
+"యెడాప్టర్ రకము"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "పానల్ బ్యాక్గ్రౌండును వుపయోగించుము (_p)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "ఈ వర్ణమును వుపయోగించుము (_t):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "ఈ ఫాంటును వుపయోగించుము (_o):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "దర్శని"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "ఏ CPU సం. పర్యవేక్షించాలి"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "వైర్లెస్"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "జతచేయి (_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "డిస్కు వినియోగము (_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "ఫాన్ వేగము (_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "మంటలు (_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "హారిజాంటల్ బార్స్ (_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "లోడు సగటు (_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "మెమొరి వినియోగము (_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "పర్యవేక్షించిన పరికరములు (_M):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "నెట్వర్క్ త్రౌపుట్ (_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "తీసివేయి (_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "వినియోగము మార్చుము (_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "ఉష్ణోగ్రత (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "పాఠ్యము (_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "నిలువు పట్టీలు (_V)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "హానికరమైన దోషము"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:296
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:302
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "అన్ని ప్రోసెసర్లు"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:304
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "ప్రోసెసర్ సం. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:311
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:362 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:496
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:367
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "డిస్కు-ఆధారిత మెమొరి"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:373
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "మారకం"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:431
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "లోడు సగటు"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:438
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "లోడు"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "మెమొరి"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:507
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "మెమ్."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:562
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:578
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "డిస్క్ (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:679
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:716 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:746
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, లోనికి"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, బయటకు"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:731
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "మోడెమ్"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "వరుసలింకు"
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "వైర్లెస్"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:952
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:959
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ఉష్ణోగ్రత %1:\"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "ఉష్ణోగ్రత %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "ఉష్ణోగ్రత %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1034
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1041
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ఫాన్ %1 వేగము: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "ఫాన్ %1 వేగము"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "పరికరము"
diff --git a/po/th.po b/po/th.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09112a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/th.po
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+# Thai translation of hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Akom C. <knight2000 at gmail.com>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-14 19:48+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-02 17:05+0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Akom C. <knight2000 at gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Thai <thai-l10n at googlegroups.com>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:471
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "เครื่องมือเฝ้าสังเกตฮาร์ดแวร์"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "เฝ้าสังเกตอุปกรณ์ฮาร์ดแวร์"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "เครื่องมืออรรถประโยชน์"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "เครื่องมือเฝ้าสังเกตฮาร์ดแวร์: ไม่สามารถโหลดไอคอน '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_ปรับแต่ง..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_วิธีใช้"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "เ_กี่ยวกับ..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"เฝ้าสังเกตข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับฮาร์ดแวร์ต่างๆ เช่น การใช้ซีพียู การใช้หน่วยความจำ เป็นต้น "
+"รองรับการแสดงผลแบบกราฟเส้น กราฟแท่ง แผนภูมิขีดตั้ง การแสดงค่าด้วยตัวอักษร และเปลวกระเพื่อม"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:474
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:481
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "อาคม โชติพันธวานนท์ <knight2000 at gmail.com>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "เซนเซอร์ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "เซนเซอร์ %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "พัดลม %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "พัดลม %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>พื้นหลัง</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>อุปกรณ์</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>แบบอักษร</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ขนาด</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>การแสดงผล</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>ใหญ่</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>เล็ก</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "จำนวนเฉลี่ยของโพรเซสที่ทำงานพร้อมกัน"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "ทุกซีพียู"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "ทุกข้อมูล"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "พื้นหลัง"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "การใช้งานซี_พียู"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "เ_ปลี่ยน"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_สี:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "_คอลัมน์"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "กราฟเ_ส้น"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "เลือกอุปกรณ์"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "เลือกแบบอักษร"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "การเชื่อมต่อ:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "อุปกรณ์"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "ทิศทาง:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "ป้อนโฟลเดอร์ในดิสก์ที่จะเฝ้าสังเกต"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:698
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "อีเทอร์เน็ต (ตัวแรก)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:700
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "อีเทอร์เน็ต (ตัวที่สอง)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "อีเทอร์เน็ต (ตัวที่สาม)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "โฟลเดอร์:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "ปรับแต่งเครื่องมือเฝ้าสังเกตฮาร์ดแวร์"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "ข้อมูลขาเข้า"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "โมเด็ม"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "เฝ้าสังเกตทุกซีพียู"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "เฝ้าสังเกตอุปกรณ์โดยแสดงเป็นเปลวกระเพื่อม"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "เฝ้าสังเกตอุปกรณ์โดยแสดงเป็นขีดแนวนอน"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "เฝ้าสังเกตอุปกรณ์โดยแสดงเป็นกราฟเส้น"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "เฝ้าสังเกตอุปกรณ์โดยแสดงเป็นคอลัมน์ทึบ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "เฝ้าสังเกตอุปกรณ์โดยแสดงเป็นข้อความบรรยาย"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "เฝ้าสังเกตอุปกรณ์โดยแสดงเป็นขีดแนวตั้ง"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "เฝ้าสังเกตเฉพาะซีพียูเดียว"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "เครือข่าย"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "ไม่พบเซนเซอร์"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "เฉพาะซีพียู:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "ข้อมูลขาออก"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "เลือกเซนเซอร์ที่จะเฝ้าสังเกต"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "เลือกว่าจะเฝ้าสังเกตข้อมูลขาเข้าหรือขาออกหรือทั้งคู่"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "ลิงก์อนุกรม"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "แสดง_พื้นที่ว่างแทนพื้นที่ที่ใช้"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "หน่วยเก็บข้อมูล"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "ระบบ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "อุณหภูมิ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "ปริมาณข้อมูลที่ส่งผ่านการเชื่อมต่อเครือข่าย"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "พื้นที่ดิสก์ที่ใช้"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "ปริมาณหน่วยความจำแบบอาศัยดิสก์ที่ใช้"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "ปริมาณหน่วยความจำที่ใช้"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "เปอร์เซ็นต์ของเวลาที่ใช้ทำงานโพรเซสเบื้องหน้า"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "ความเร็วของพัดลม"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "อุณหภูมิภายในเครื่อง"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "ชนิดของการเชื่อมต่อ - อีเทอร์เน็ตเป็นการเชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายที่พบบ่อยที่สุด"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "ใช้พื้นหลังของ_พาเนล"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "ใช้_สีนี้:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "ใช้แ_บบอักษรนี้:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "การแสดงผล"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "หมายเลขซีพียูที่จะเฝ้าสังเกต"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "ไร้สาย"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "เ_พิ่ม"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "การใช้_ดิสก์"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "ความเร็ว_พัดลม"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "เ_ปลว"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "ขีดแนว_นอน"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "โ_หลดเฉลี่ย"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "การใช้_หน่วยความจำ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "อุปกรณ์ที่จะเ_ฝ้าสังเกต:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_ปริมาณข้อมูลเครือข่าย"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "เ_อาออก"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "การใช้พื้นที่_สลับ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "อุณ_หภูมิ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_ข้อความ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "ขีดแนว_ตั้ง"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "ข้อผิดพลาดร้ายแรง"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:296
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:302
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "ทุกโพรเซสเซอร์"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:304
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "โพรเซสเซอร์หมายเลข %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:311
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "ซีพียู"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "ซีพียู %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:362 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:496
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:367
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "หน่วยความจำแบบอาศัยดิสก์"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:373
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "สลับ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:431
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "โหลดเฉลี่ย"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:438
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "โหลด"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "หน่วยความจำ"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:507
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "ความจำ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:562
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:578
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "ดิสก์ (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:679
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:716 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:746
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, เข้า"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, ออก"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:731
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "อีเทอร์ %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "โมเด็ม"
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "อนุกรม"
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "ไร้สาย"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:952
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:959
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "อุณหภูมิ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "อุณหภูมิ %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "อุณหภูมิ %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1034
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1041
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "ความเร็วพัดลม %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "ความเร็วพัดลม %1"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "อุปกรณ์"
diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3c93e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/tr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+# Turkish translation of hardware.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Gorkem Cetin <gorkem at bahcesehir.edu.tr>, 2004.
+# Baris Cicek <baris at teamforce.name.tr>, 2004.
+# Rıdvan CAN <ridvan at gamebox.net>
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.HEAD.tr\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-11 18:14+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-11 17:32+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Rıdvan CAN <ridvan at gamebox.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: Turkish <gnome-turk at gnome.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:463
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Donanım Gözlemcisi"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Donanım aygıtlarını gözetler"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Yardımcı"
+#: src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Donanım Gözlemcisi: '%1' simgesi yüklenemedi.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "_Tercihler..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Yardım"
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "H_akkında..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:455
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Rıdvan CAN <ridvan at gamebox.net>"
+#: src/applet.cpp:458
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Çeşitli donanımla alakalı, işlemci kullanımı, bellek kullanımı gibi bilgiyi "
+"izler. Eğri grafiklerini, yatay çubuk çizimlerini, sütun diyagramlarını, "
+"metinsel izlemeyi ve değişken çerçeveleri destekler."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Telif Hakkı %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "%1 Algılayıcı: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "%1 Algılayıcı"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "%1 Fanı: \"%2\""
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "%1 Fanı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "15.0%"
+msgstr "%15.0"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Arkaplan</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Aygıtlar</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Yazıtipi</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Boyut</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Görüntüleyici</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Büyük</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Küçük</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Eş zamanlı süreç sayılarının çalışma ortalaması"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Bütün MİB'ler"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Bütün veri"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Arkaplan"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "_MİB kullanımı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "_Değiştir"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Renk:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "Süt_unlar"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "Eğ_riler"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Bir Aygıt Seç"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Yazı Tipi Seç"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "Çubuğun rengi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "Eğrinin rengi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:25
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "Çerçevenin rengi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:26
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Bağlantı:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Aygıtlar"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Yön:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Gözlemcinin disk üzerinde bulunduğu klasörü giriniz"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:699
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Eternet (birincil)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Eternet (ikincil)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:32 src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Eternet (üçüncül)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Klasör:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Donanım Gözlemcisi Tercihleri"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Gelen veri"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Modem"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Bütün MİB'leri Gözlemle"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Gözlemlenen aygıtlarda değişen çerçeveleri kullan"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Gözlemlenen aygıtlarda yatay çubuklar kullan"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Gözlemlenen aygıtlarda çizgi grafik kullan"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Gözlemlenen aygıtlarda kesiksiz sütunlar kullan"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Gözlemlenen aygıtlarda metin tanımları kullan"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Tek MİB gözlemle"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Ağ"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Hiçbir algılaıcı tesbit edilemedi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Sadece MİB:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Giden veri"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "Bir Renk Seç"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Gözlemciye algılayıcı seç"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Gözlemci için gelen ya da giden veri ya da her ikisini de seç"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:51 src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Seri bağlantı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Kullanılan _yerine boş alanı göster"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Depo"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Sistem"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Sıcaklık"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Bir ağ bağlantısı yoluyla gönderilen verinin miktarı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Kullanılan disk alanı miktarı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Disk üzerinden kullanılan bellek miktarı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Kullanılan bellek miktarı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Ön planda çalışan süreçlerin harcadığı zamanın yüzdesi"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Fanların hızı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Sistemin iç sıcaklığı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:63
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Bağlantı türü - Eternet en yaygın yerel iletişim ağı bağdaştırıcı türüdür"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Panel arka_planı kullan"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Bu _rengi kullan:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Bu _yazıtipini kullan:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Görüntüleyici"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Hangi işlemci izlensin"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:69 src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Kablosuz"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Ekle"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "Çu_buklar"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Disk kullanımı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Fan hızı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Çerçeveler"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "Orta_lama yük"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Bellek kullanı_mı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Gözle_mlenen aygıtlar:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "Ağ kulla_nım miktarı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Kaldır"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Takas alanı kullanımı"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Sıcaklık"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "Me_tin"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Önemli hata"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%%%1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Bütün işlemciler"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "İşlemci no. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "MİB"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "MİB %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Disk üzerindeki bellek"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Takas Alanı"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Ortalama yük"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Yük"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Bellek"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Bel."
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 kb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Disk (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:680
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:684
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:688
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 kb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:717 src/monitor-impls.cpp:747
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, içinde"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:721 src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, dışında"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:732
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "K.suz."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:957
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:964
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Sıcaklı %1: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:967
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Sıcaklık %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:973
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Sıc. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1039
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1046
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Fan %1 hızı: \"%2\""
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Fan %1 hızı"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:129
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Aygıt"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Genel</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "Ölçümler arasında zaman miktarı (saniye)"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "Süt_unlar:"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "Genel"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Sütun sayılarını eş zamanlı göster"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Ölçülen noktaları eş zamanlı göster"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "Örn_ekler:"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "Uygulamacığın benek olarak büyüklüğü"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "Eğrinin kalınlığı (benek olarak)"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "Ç_izgi genişliği:"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "B_oyut:"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "Gü_ncelleme aralığı:"
diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3538182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/uk.po
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+# Ukrainian translation to hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the hardware-monitor package.
+# Maxim Dziumanenko <mvd at mylinux.com.ua>, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-02 15:52+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-22 22:00+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Maxim Dziumanenko <mvd at mylinux.com.ua>\n"
+"Language-Team: Ukrainian <linux at linux.org.ua>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 ../src/applet.cpp:471
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Монітор обладнання"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Контроль апаратних пристроїв"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Утиліти"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Монітор обладнання: не вдається завантажити значок '%1'.\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "Н_астройка..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Довідка"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Про програму..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"Відображує різноманітну інформацію про обладнання, наприклад використання "
+"процесора, використання пам'яті. Підтримує відображення графіків, "
+"горизонтальних індикаторів, стовпчикових діаграм, текстове відображення та "
+"змінні світлові індикатори."
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:474
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:481
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Максим Дзюманенко <mvd at mylinux.com.ua>"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:115
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Сенсор %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:117
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Сенсор %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:139
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Вентилятор %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:141 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Вентилятор %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Тло</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Пристрої</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Шрифти</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Розмір</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Перегляд</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Великий</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Маленький</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Середня кількість процесів, що виконуються одночасно"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Всі процесори"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Всі дані"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Тло"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Використання _процесора"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "З_мінити"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Колір:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "_Стовпчики"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "_Криві"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Вибір пристрою"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Вибір шрифту"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "З'єднання:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Пристрої"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Напрямок:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Введіть теку на диску, яку слід контролювати"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:698
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (перше)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:700
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (друге)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:702
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (третє)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Тека:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Настройка монітора обладнання"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Дані на вході"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:704
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Модем"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Контролювати всі процесори"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Індикація світловими індикаторами"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Індикація горизонтальними смугами"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Індикація у вигляді графіків"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Індикація у вигляді стовпчиків"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Індикація у вигляді тестового опису"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Індикація пристроїв у вертикальних стовпчиках"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Контролювати лише один процесор"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Мережа"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Сенсорів не знайдено"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Лише процесор:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Дані на виході"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Виберіть сенсор, який контролюватиметься"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Виберіть, чи слід контролювати дані на вході, на виході, чи всі дані"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:706
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Послідовна лінія"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Показувати вільний простір замість використаного"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Пам'ять"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Система"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Температура"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Кількість відправлених даних через мережне з'єднання"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Кількість використаного дискового простору"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Кількість використаної пам'яті на диску"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Кількість використаної пам'яті"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Відсоток часу, витрачений на виконання активних процесів"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Швидкість обертання вентилятора"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Температура у системі"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr ""
+"Тип з'єднання - Ethernet найбільш уживаний тип адаптера локальної мережі"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Використовувати тло _панелі"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Використовувати _колір:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Використовувати _шрифт:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Перегляд"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Номер процесора, який контролюватиметься"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:708
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Бездротове"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Додати"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "_Використання диску"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "_Швидкість вентилятора"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "_Лампочки"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "_Горизонтальна панель"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Середнє навантаження"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "_Використання пам'яті"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "_Пристрої:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "_Швидкодія мережі"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "В_идалити"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "Використання _підкачки"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "_Температура"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "_текст"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "_Вертикальна панель"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Критична помилка"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:296
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:302
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Всі процесори"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:304
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Процесор № %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:311
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "Процесор"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "Процесор %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:362 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:496
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 МБ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:367
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Дискова пам'яті"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:373
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Підкачка"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:431
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Середнє навантаження"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:438
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Навантаження"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:501
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Пам'ять"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:507
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Пам."
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:562
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 ГБ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:566
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 Мб"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:570
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 Кб"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 байт"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:578
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Диск (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:679
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 Гб/с"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:683
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 Мб/с"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:687
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 кб/с"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 б/с"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:716 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:746
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, вхід"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:720 ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:748
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, вихід"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:731
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Мод."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Посл."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Бездр."
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:952
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:959
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Температура %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:962
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Температура %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Темпер. %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1034
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 об/хв"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1041
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Швидкість %1 вентилятора: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1044
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Швидкість %1 вентилятора"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Пристрій"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Загальне</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "Інтервал між вимірюваннями (у секундах)"
+#~ msgid "CPU: 15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "Процесор: 15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "_Стовпчиків:"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "Колір смуги"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "Колір кривої"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "Колір світлового індикатора"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "Загальне"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Кількість рядків, що відображаються одночасно"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "Кількість виміряних точок, що одночасно відображаються"
+#~ msgid "Pick a Color"
+#~ msgstr "Вибір кольору"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "_Вибірки:"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "Розмір аплету панелі у точках"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "Товщина кривої (у точках)"
+#~ msgid "_Bars"
+#~ msgstr "_Смуги"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "_Ширина рядка:"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "_Розмір:"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "_Інтервал оновлення:"
diff --git a/po/vi.po b/po/vi.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0ef7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/vi.po
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+# Vietnamese translation for Hardware Monitor.
+# Copyright © 2006 Gnome i18n Project for Vietnamese.
+# Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>, 2005-2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor.HEAD\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-10-18 04:46+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-10-18 17:32+0930\n"
+"Last-Translator: Clytie Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au>\n"
+"Language-Team: Vietnamese <gnomevi-list at lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"X-Generator: LocFactoryEditor 1.6fc1\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:470
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "Bộ Theo Dõi Phần Cứng"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "Theo dõi các thiết bị phần cứng"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "Tiện ích"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "Bộ theo dõi phần cứng: không thể nạp biểu tượng « %1 ».\n"
+#.pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "Tù_y thích..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "Trợ g_iúp"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "_Giới thiệu..."
+#.note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#.the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#.note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#.is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr "%1\n"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, column diagrams, textual "
+"monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "Theo dõi thông tin khác nhau liên quan đến phần cứng, chẳng hạn cách sử dụng đơn vị xử lý "
+"trung tâm (CPU) và bộ nhớ. Hỗ trợ khả năng tạo những đồ thị kiểu đường cong, thanh và cột; cũng theo dõi nguyên văn và kiểu ngọn lửa dao động."
+#.%1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:473
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "Tác quyền %1 năm 2003 của Ole Laursen"
+#.note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:480
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Nhóm Việt hóa Gnome <gnomevi-list at lists.sourceforge.net>"
+#.%2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Máy nhạy %1: « %2 »"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "Máy nhạy %1"
+#.%2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Quạt %1: « %2 »"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "Quạt %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Nền</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Thiết bị</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Phông</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Cỡ</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Bộ xem</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Lớn</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>Nhỏ</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "Số trung bình liền của các tiến trình đồng thời"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "Mọi CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "Mọi dữ liệu"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "Nền"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "Trọng tải C_PU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "Đổ_i"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "_Màu :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "Cộ_t:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "C_ong"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "Chọn thiết bị"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "Chọn phông"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "Kết nối:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "Thiết bị"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "Hướng:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "Hãy nhập thư mục nằm trên đĩa này cần theo dõi"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (thứ nhất)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (thứ hai)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "Ethernet (thứ ba)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Thư mục:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "Tùy Thích Bộ Thêo Dõi Phần Cứng"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "Dữ liệu gửi đến"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "Bộ phân giải"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "Theo dõi mọi CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "Theo dõi thiết bị bằng ngọn lửa dao động"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "Theo dõi thiết bị bằng thanh ngang"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "Theo dõi thiết bị bằng đồ thị đường"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "Theo dõi thiết bị bằng cột đặc"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "Theo dõi thiết bị bằng chuỗi diễn tả"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor devices using vertical bars"
+msgstr "Theo dõi thiết bị bằng thanh dọc"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "Theo dõi chỉ một CPU riêng lẻ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Mạng"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "Chưa phát hiện máy nhạy nào"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "Chỉ CPU :"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "Dữ liệu gửi đi"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "Chọn máy nhạy cần theo dõi"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "Chọn để theo dõi dữ liệu gửi đến, gửi đi hai cả hai"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "Liên kết nối tiếp"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "Hiện sức chứa còn _rảnh thay cho sức chứa đầy"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "Sức chứa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Hệ thống"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "Nhiệt độ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "Số lượng dữ liệu được gửi qua kết nối mạng"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "Sức chứa đĩa được chiếm"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "Số lượng bộ nhớ dựa vào đĩa được chiếm"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "Số lượng bộ nhớ được chiếm"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "Số phần trăm thời gian bị mất để chạy các tiến trình tiền cảnh"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "Tốc độ của máy quạt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "Nhiệt độ bên trong hệ thống"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "Kiểu kết nối — Ethernet là kiểu bộ phối hợp mạng địa phương thường nhất"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "Dùng nền _bảng"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "Dùng _màu này:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "Dùng _phông này:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "Bộ xem"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "Theo dõi số hiệu CPU nào"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "Vô tuyến"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "Thê_m"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "Cách dùng _đĩa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "Tốc độ _quạt"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "Ngọn _lửa"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Horizontal bars"
+msgstr "T_hanh ngang"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "_Trọng tải trung bình"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "Bộ _nhớ đầy"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "Thiết bị được th_eo dõi:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "Lưu tốc mạ_ng"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "Gỡ _bỏ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "_Sức chứa trao đổi đầy"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "Nhiệ_t độ"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "Ch_uỗi"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Vertical bars"
+msgstr "Thanh _dọc"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "Lỗi nghiệm trọng"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "Mọi bộ xử lý"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "Bộ xử lý số %1"
+#.must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#.note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "Bộ nhớ dựa vào đĩa"
+#.must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Trao đổi"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "Trọng tải trung bình"
+#.note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#.loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "Trọng tải"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Bộ nhớ"
+#.short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "Nhớ"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "Đĩa (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/g"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/g"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/g"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/g"
+#.%1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#.that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, đến"
+#.%1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#.that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, đi"
+#.short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#.short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Giải"
+#.short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Tiếp"
+#.short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "Vô_T"
+#.%2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#.%2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Nhiệt độ %1: \"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "Nhiệt độ %1"
+#.short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "Nhiệt độ %1"
+#.rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 xoay/phút"
+#.%2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "Quạt %1 tốc độ: « %2 »"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "Quạt %1 tốc độ"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:141
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "Thiết bị"
diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fc760f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/zh_CN.po
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2004 THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Zhang Xing <zhx at ustc.edu>, 2004.
+# Liu Songhe <jack at linux.net.cn>, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-19 18:17+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-19 18:29+0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: Zhang Xing <zhx at ustc.edu>\n"
+"Language-Team: zh_CN <i18n-translation at lists.linux.net.cn>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1 src/applet.cpp:463
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "硬件监视器"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "监视硬件设备"
+#: HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "工具"
+#: src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "硬件监视器:无法加载图标“%1”。\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "首选项(_P)..."
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "帮助(_H)"
+#: src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "关于(_A)..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1:%2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. add documenters here
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: src/applet.cpp:455
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"Zhang Xing <zhx at ustc.edu>"
+#: src/applet.cpp:458
+msgid ""
+"Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory "
+"usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, "
+"textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr ""
+"监视各种硬件相关信息,例如 CPU 使用,内存使用等等。支持曲线图,水平直方\n"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: src/applet.cpp:465
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "版权所有 %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "传感器 %1:“%2”"
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "传感器 %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "风扇 %1:“%2”"
+#: src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140 src/monitor-impls.cpp:1054
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "风扇 %1"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:4
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "15.0%"
+msgstr "15.0%"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>背景</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>设备</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>字体</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>大小</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>查看器</b>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>大</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>小</i>"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "一个运行中并行进程数量的平均值"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "全部 CPU"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "全部数据"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "背景"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "CPU 使用(_P)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "改变(_H)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "颜色(_O):"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "列(_O)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "曲线(_U)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "选择一个设备"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "选择一种字体"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Color of the bar"
+msgstr "直方条颜色"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:24
+msgid "Color of the curve"
+msgstr "曲线颜色"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:25
+msgid "Color of the flame"
+msgstr "火焰颜色"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:26
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "连接:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "设备"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "方向:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "输入一个磁盘上的文件夹以监测"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:30 src/monitor-impls.cpp:699
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "网卡(1)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:31 src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "网卡(2)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:32 src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "网卡(3)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "文件夹:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "设备监视器首选项"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "输入数据"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:36 src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "调制解调器"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "监视全部 CPU"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "使用动态火焰风格监视设备"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "使用水平直方图风格监视设备"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "使用折线图风格监视设备"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "使用柱状图风格监视设备"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "使用文本描述监视设备"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "监视单个 CPU"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "网络"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:45
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "没有检测到传感器"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "单个 CPU:"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "输出数据"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "选择一种颜色"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "选择传感器"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "选择监视输入或输出数据或两者都监视"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:51 src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "串行连接"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "显示未用空间而不是已用空间(_F)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "存储"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "系统"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "温度"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "通过一个网络连接发送出去的数据量"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "已用磁盘空间"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "已用虚拟内存"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "已用内存"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "运行前台程序所用的时间百分比"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "风扇速度"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "系统内部温度"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:63
+msgid ""
+"Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter "
+msgstr "连接类型 - 以太网卡是最常用的局域网适配器类型"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "使用面板背景(_P)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "使用该颜色(_T):"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "使用该字体(_O):"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "查看器"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "要监视的 CPU 序号"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:69 src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "无线"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "添加(_A)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "直方条(_B)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "磁盘使用(_D)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "风扇速度(_F)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "火焰(_F)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "平均负载(_L)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "内存使用(_M)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:77
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "被监视的设备(_M):"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:78
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "网络吞吐量(_N)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:79
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "删除(_R)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:80
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "交换分区使用(_S)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:81
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "温度(_T)"
+#: src/ui.glade.h:82
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "文本(_T)"
+#: src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "致命错误"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "全部处理器"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "处理器 %1"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:365 src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "虚拟内存"
+#. must be short
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "交换分区"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "平均负载"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "加载"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "内存"
+#. short for memory
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "内存"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 Gb"
+msgstr "%1 Gb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kb"
+msgstr "%1 kb"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 b"
+msgstr "%1 b"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "磁盘 (%1)"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:680
+msgid "%1 Gb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Gb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:684
+msgid "%1 Mb/s"
+msgstr "%1 Mb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:688
+msgid "%1 kb/s"
+msgstr "%1 kb/s"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:691
+msgid "%1 b/s"
+msgstr "%1 b/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:717 src/monitor-impls.cpp:747
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1,入"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:721 src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1,出"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:732
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "网卡 %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:735
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "调制解调器"
+#. short for serial link
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:738
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "串口"
+#. short for wireless
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:741
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "无线"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:957
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:964
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "温度 %1:“%2”"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:967
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "温度 %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:973
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "温度 %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1039
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1046
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "风扇 %1 速度:“%2”"
+#: src/monitor-impls.cpp:1049
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "风扇 %1 速度"
+#: src/preferences-window.cpp:129
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "设备"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>常规</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "测量间隔时间(单位:秒)"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "列(_L):"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "常规"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "同时显示的列数"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "同时显示的测量点"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "例子(_A):"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "小程序的大小(单位:像素)"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "曲线的粗度(单位:像素)"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "线条宽度(_L):"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "大小(_S):"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "更新间隔(_U):"
diff --git a/po/zh_HK.po b/po/zh_HK.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..771e5ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/zh_HK.po
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+# traditional Chinese translation for hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Chao-Hsiung Liao <pesder.liao at msa.hinet.net>, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor 1.3\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-06-24 20:30+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-07-05 07:39+0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: Chao-Hsiung Liao <j_h_liau at yahoo.com.tw>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <community at linuxhall.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:461
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "硬件監視器"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "監控硬件裝置"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "公用程式"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "硬件監視器:不能載入圖示‘%1’。\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "偏好設定(_P)..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "求助(_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "關於(_A)..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:455
+msgid "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "監控各式硬件相關資訊,像是 CPU 使用率、記憶體使用率等。支援曲線圖、水平長條圖、欄位圖表文字模式監控和不規則火焰圖。"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "版權 %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:471
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"以下地址,GNOME 翻譯隊伍會盡快回覆你:\n"
+"community at linuxhall.org\n"
+"Chao-Hsiung Liao<pesder.liao at msa.hinet.net>, 2004"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "偵測器 %1:“%2”"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "偵測器 %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "風扇 %1:“%2”"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "風扇 %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>背景</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>裝置</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>字型</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>尺寸</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>檢視器</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>大</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>小</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "虛擬處理器執行的平均數量"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "所有的 CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "所有的資料"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "背景"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU 使用率"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "更改(_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "色彩(_O):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "欄位(_O)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "曲線(_U)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "選擇一個裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "選擇字型"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "連線:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "方向:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "輸入磁碟上要監控的資料夾"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "乙太網絡 (第一)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "乙太網絡 (第二)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "乙太網絡 (第三)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "資料夾:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "硬件監控偏好設定"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "收到的資料"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "數據機"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "監控所有的 CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "使用不規則火焰圖監控裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "使用水平長條圖監控裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "使用折線圖監控裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "使用固體欄位監控裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "使用文字描述監控裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "只監控單顆 CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "網絡"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "找不到偵測器"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "只有 CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "送出的資料"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "選取色彩"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "選擇要監控的偵測器"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "選擇要監控收到或送出的資料或兩者都監控"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "序列埠連線"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "顯示可用空間而非使用空間(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "儲存區"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "系統"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "溫度"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "透過網絡連線送出的資料總數"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "已使用磁碟空間總數"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "已使用磁碟虛擬記憶體總數"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "已使用記憶體總數"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "執行前景程序花費的時間百分比"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "風扇的速度"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "系統內部的溫度"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter type"
+msgstr "連線的類型 - 乙太網絡是最常見的本地端區域網絡配接卡類型"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "使用面板背景(_P)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "使用此色彩(_T):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "使用此字型(_O):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "檢視器"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "要監控的 CPU 編號"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "無線網絡"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "加入(_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "長條(_B)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "磁碟使用率(_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "風扇速度(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "火焰(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "平均負載(_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "記憶體使用量(_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "已監控裝置(_M):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "網絡流量(_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "移除(_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "置換區使用量(_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "溫度(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "文字(_T)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "嚴重的錯誤"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "所有處理器"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "處理器 no. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "磁碟模擬的記憶體"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "平均負載"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "負載"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "記憶體"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "記憶"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "磁碟 (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, 入"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, 出"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "無線"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "溫度 %1:\"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "溫度 %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "溫度 %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "風扇 %1 速度:\"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "風扇 %1 速度"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:136
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "裝置"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "長條的色彩"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "曲線的色彩"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "火焰的色彩"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>一般</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "測量間隔時間(以秒為計)"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "欄(_L):"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "一般"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "同時顯示的欄數"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "同時顯示的測量點數"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "樣本(_A):"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "小程式的尺寸(以像素計)"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "曲線的粗細(以像素計)"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "線條粗細(_L):"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "大小(_S):"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "更新間隔(_U):"
diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e11c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/zh_TW.po
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+# traditional Chinese translation for hardware-monitor.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Chao-Hsiung Liao <pesder.liao at msa.hinet.net>, 2004.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hardware-monitor 1.3\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-06-24 20:30+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-07-05 07:39+0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: Chao-Hsiung Liao <j_h_liau at yahoo.com.tw>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <community at linuxhall.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:1
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:461
+msgid "Hardware Monitor"
+msgstr "硬體監視器"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:2
+msgid "Monitor hardware devices"
+msgstr "監控硬體裝置"
+#: ../HardwareMonitor.server.in.in.h:3
+msgid "Utility"
+msgstr "公用程式"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:70
+msgid "Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"
+msgstr "硬體監視器:不能載入圖示‘%1’。\n"
+#. pop-up menu strings
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Preferences..."
+msgstr "偏好設定(_P)..."
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "求助(_H)"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:103
+msgid "_About..."
+msgstr "關於(_A)..."
+#. note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+#. the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:186
+msgid "%1: %2"
+msgstr "%1: %2"
+#. note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+#. is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:455
+msgid "Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, memory usage etc. Supports curve graphs, horizontal bar plots, column diagrams, textual monitoring and fluctuating flames."
+msgstr "監控各式硬體相關資訊,像是 CPU 使用率、記憶體使用率等。支援曲線圖、水平長條圖、欄位圖表文字模式監控和不規則火焰圖。"
+#. %1 is the copyright symbol
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:464
+msgid "Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+msgstr "版權 %1 2003 Ole Laursen"
+#. note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+#: ../src/applet.cpp:471
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr ""
+"以下地址,GNOME 翻譯團隊會盡快回覆您:\n"
+"community at linuxhall.org\n"
+"Chao-Hsiung Liao<pesder.liao at msa.hinet.net>, 2004"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:114
+msgid "Sensor %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "偵測器 %1:“%2”"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:116
+msgid "Sensor %1"
+msgstr "偵測器 %1"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:138
+msgid "Fan %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "風扇 %1:“%2”"
+#: ../src/choose-monitor-window.cpp:140
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1058
+msgid "Fan %1"
+msgstr "風扇 %1"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:1
+msgid "/"
+msgstr "/"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Background</b>"
+msgstr "<b>背景</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:3
+msgid "<b>Devices</b>"
+msgstr "<b>裝置</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:4
+msgid "<b>Font</b>"
+msgstr "<b>字型</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Size</b>"
+msgstr "<b>尺寸</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:6
+msgid "<b>Viewer</b>"
+msgstr "<b>檢視器</b>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:7
+msgid "<i>Large</i>"
+msgstr "<i>大</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:8
+msgid "<i>Small</i>"
+msgstr "<i>小</i>"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:9
+msgid "A running average of the number of simultanous processes"
+msgstr "虛擬處理器執行的平均數量"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:10
+msgid "All CPUs"
+msgstr "所有的 CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:11
+msgid "All data"
+msgstr "所有的資料"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:12
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "背景"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:13
+msgid "C_PU usage"
+msgstr "C_PU 使用率"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:14
+msgid "C_hange"
+msgstr "變更(_H)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:15
+msgid "C_olor:"
+msgstr "色彩(_O):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:16
+msgid "C_olumns"
+msgstr "欄位(_O)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:17
+msgid "C_urves"
+msgstr "曲線(_U)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:18
+msgid "Choose a Device"
+msgstr "選擇一個裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:19
+msgid "Choose a Font"
+msgstr "選擇字型"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:20
+msgid "Connection:"
+msgstr "連線:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:21
+msgid "Devices"
+msgstr "裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:22
+msgid "Direction:"
+msgstr "方向:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:23
+msgid "Enter a folder residing on the disk to monitor"
+msgstr "輸入磁碟上要監控的資料夾"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:24
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:701
+msgid "Ethernet (first)"
+msgstr "乙太網路 (第一)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:25
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:703
+msgid "Ethernet (second)"
+msgstr "乙太網路 (第二)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:26
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:705
+msgid "Ethernet (third)"
+msgstr "乙太網路 (第三)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:27
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "資料夾:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:28
+msgid "Hardware Monitor Preferences"
+msgstr "硬體監控偏好設定"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:29
+msgid "Incoming data"
+msgstr "收到的資料"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:30
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:707
+msgid "Modem"
+msgstr "數據機"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:31
+msgid "Monitor all CPUs"
+msgstr "監控所有的 CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:32
+msgid "Monitor devices using fluctuating flames"
+msgstr "使用不規則火焰圖監控裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:33
+msgid "Monitor devices using horizontal bars"
+msgstr "使用水平長條圖監控裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:34
+msgid "Monitor devices using line graphs"
+msgstr "使用折線圖監控裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:35
+msgid "Monitor devices using solid columns"
+msgstr "使用固體欄位監控裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:36
+msgid "Monitor devices using text descriptions"
+msgstr "使用文字描述監控裝置"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:37
+msgid "Monitor only a single CPU"
+msgstr "只監控單顆 CPU"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:38
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "網路"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:39
+msgid "No sensors detected"
+msgstr "找不到偵測器"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:40
+msgid "Only CPU:"
+msgstr "只有 CPU:"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:41
+msgid "Outgoing data"
+msgstr "送出的資料"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:42
+msgid "Pick a Color"
+msgstr "選取色彩"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:43
+msgid "Select the sensor to monitor"
+msgstr "選擇要監控的偵測器"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:44
+msgid "Select whether to monitor incoming or outgoing data or both"
+msgstr "選擇要監控收到或送出的資料或兩者都監控"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:45
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:709
+msgid "Serial link"
+msgstr "序列埠連線"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:46
+msgid "Show _free space instead of used"
+msgstr "顯示可用空間而非使用空間(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:47
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "儲存區"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:48
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "系統"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:49
+msgid "Temperature"
+msgstr "溫度"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:50
+msgid "The amount of data sent through a network connection"
+msgstr "透過網路連線送出的資料總數"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:51
+msgid "The amount of disk space used"
+msgstr "已使用磁碟空間總數"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:52
+msgid "The amount of disk-based memory used"
+msgstr "已使用磁碟虛擬記憶體總數"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:53
+msgid "The amount of memory used"
+msgstr "已使用記憶體總數"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:54
+msgid "The percentage of time that is spent running foreground processes"
+msgstr "執行前景程序花費的時間百分比"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:55
+msgid "The speed of the fans"
+msgstr "風扇的速度"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:56
+msgid "The temperature of the inside of the system"
+msgstr "系統內部的溫度"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:57
+msgid "Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter type"
+msgstr "連線的類型 - 乙太網路是最常見的本地端區域網路配接卡類型"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:58
+msgid "Use _panel background"
+msgstr "使用面板背景(_P)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:59
+msgid "Use _this color:"
+msgstr "使用此色彩(_T):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:60
+msgid "Use this f_ont:"
+msgstr "使用此字型(_O):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:61
+msgid "Viewer"
+msgstr "檢視器"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:62
+msgid "Which CPU no. to monitor"
+msgstr "要監控的 CPU 編號"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:63
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:711
+msgid "Wireless"
+msgstr "無線網路"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:64
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "加入(_A)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:65
+msgid "_Bars"
+msgstr "長條(_B)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:66
+msgid "_Disk usage"
+msgstr "磁碟使用率(_D)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:67
+msgid "_Fan speed"
+msgstr "風扇速度(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:68
+msgid "_Flames"
+msgstr "火焰(_F)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:69
+msgid "_Load average"
+msgstr "平均負載(_L)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:70
+msgid "_Memory usage"
+msgstr "記憶體使用量(_M)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:71
+msgid "_Monitored devices:"
+msgstr "已監控裝置(_M):"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:72
+msgid "_Network throughput"
+msgstr "網路流量(_N)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:73
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "移除(_R)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:74
+msgid "_Swap usage"
+msgstr "置換區使用量(_S)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:75
+msgid "_Temperature"
+msgstr "溫度(_T)"
+#: ../src/ui.glade.h:76
+msgid "_Text"
+msgstr "文字(_T)"
+#: ../src/helpers.cpp:34
+msgid "Fatal error"
+msgstr "嚴重的錯誤"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:299
+msgid "%1%%"
+msgstr "%1%%"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:305
+msgid "All processors"
+msgstr "所有處理器"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:307
+msgid "Processor no. %1"
+msgstr "處理器 no. %1"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:314
+msgid "CPU"
+msgstr "CPU"
+#. note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:317
+msgid "CPU %1"
+msgstr "CPU %1"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:365
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:499
+msgid "%1 Mb"
+msgstr "%1 Mb"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:370
+msgid "Disk-based memory"
+msgstr "磁碟模擬的記憶體"
+#. must be short
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:376
+msgid "Swap"
+msgstr "Swap"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:434
+msgid "Load average"
+msgstr "平均負載"
+#. note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+#. loading data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:441
+msgid "Load"
+msgstr "負載"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:504
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "記憶體"
+#. short for memory
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:510
+msgid "Mem."
+msgstr "記憶"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:565
+msgid "%1 GB"
+msgstr "%1 GB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:569
+msgid "%1 MB"
+msgstr "%1 MB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:573
+msgid "%1 kB"
+msgstr "%1 kB"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:576
+msgid "%1 B"
+msgstr "%1 B"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:581
+msgid "Disk (%1)"
+msgstr "磁碟 (%1)"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:682
+msgid "%1 GB/s"
+msgstr "%1 GB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:686
+msgid "%1 MB/s"
+msgstr "%1 MB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:690
+msgid "%1 kB/s"
+msgstr "%1 kB/s"
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:693
+msgid "%1 B/s"
+msgstr "%1 B/s"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+#. that this is incoming data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:719
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:749
+msgid "%1, in"
+msgstr "%1, 入"
+#. %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+#. that this is outgoing data
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:723
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:751
+msgid "%1, out"
+msgstr "%1, 出"
+#. short for an ethernet card
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:734
+msgid "Eth. %1"
+msgstr "Eth. %1"
+#. short for modem
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:737
+msgid "Mod."
+msgstr "Mod."
+#. short for serial link
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:740
+msgid "Ser."
+msgstr "Ser."
+#. short for wireless
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:743
+msgid "W.less."
+msgstr "無線"
+#. %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:961
+#, c-format
+msgid "%1%2C"
+msgstr "%1%2C"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:968
+msgid "Temperature %1: \"%2\""
+msgstr "溫度 %1:\"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:971
+msgid "Temperature %1"
+msgstr "溫度 %1"
+#. short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:977
+msgid "Temp. %1"
+msgstr "溫度 %1"
+#. rpm is rotations per minute
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1043
+msgid "%1 rpm"
+msgstr "%1 rpm"
+#. %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1050
+msgid "Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""
+msgstr "風扇 %1 速度:\"%2\""
+#: ../src/monitor-impls.cpp:1053
+msgid "Fan %1 speed"
+msgstr "風扇 %1 速度"
+#: ../src/preferences-window.cpp:136
+msgid "Device"
+msgstr "裝置"
+#~ msgid "*"
+#~ msgstr "*"
+#~ msgid "15.0%"
+#~ msgstr "15.0%"
+#~ msgid "Color of the bar"
+#~ msgstr "長條的色彩"
+#~ msgid "Color of the curve"
+#~ msgstr "曲線的色彩"
+#~ msgid "Color of the flame"
+#~ msgstr "火焰的色彩"
+#~ msgid "<b>General</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>一般</b>"
+#~ msgid "Amount of time between measurements (in seconds)"
+#~ msgstr "測量間隔時間(以秒為計)"
+#~ msgid "Co_lumns:"
+#~ msgstr "欄(_L):"
+#~ msgid "General"
+#~ msgstr "一般"
+#~ msgid "Number of columns to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "同時顯示的欄數"
+#~ msgid "Number of measured points to show simultanously"
+#~ msgstr "同時顯示的測量點數"
+#~ msgid "S_amples:"
+#~ msgstr "樣本(_A):"
+#~ msgid "Size of the applet in pixels"
+#~ msgstr "小程式的尺寸(以像素計)"
+#~ msgid "Thickness of the curve (in pixels)"
+#~ msgstr "曲線的粗細(以像素計)"
+#~ msgid "_Line width:"
+#~ msgstr "線條粗細(_L):"
+#~ msgid "_Size:"
+#~ msgstr "大小(_S):"
+#~ msgid "_Update interval:"
+#~ msgstr "更新間隔(_U):"
diff --git a/src/.cvsignore b/src/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cc1a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7917772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# pass info on to source
+-DHARDWARE_MONITOR_GLADEDIR=\""$(gladedir)/"\" \
+-DGNOMELOCALEDIR=\""$(gnomelocaledir)"\" \
+libexec_PROGRAMS = hardware-monitor
+# list of source files needed to build the executable
+hardware_monitor_SOURCES = \
+ applet.cpp applet.hpp \
+ bar-view.cpp bar-view.hpp \
+ choose-monitor-window.cpp choose-monitor-window.hpp \
+ canvas-view.cpp canvas-view.hpp \
+ column-view.cpp column-view.hpp \
+ curve-view.cpp curve-view.hpp \
+ flame-view.cpp flame-view.hpp \
+ gui-helpers.hpp \
+ helpers.cpp helpers.hpp \
+ i18n.hpp \
+ main.cpp \
+ monitor.hpp \
+ monitor-impls.cpp monitor-impls.hpp \
+ preferences-window.cpp preferences-window.hpp \
+ pixbuf-drawing.hpp \
+ text-view.cpp text-view.hpp \
+ view.cpp view.hpp \
+ value-history.cpp value-history.hpp \
+ ucompose.hpp
+glade_DATA = ui.glade
+gladedir = $(datadir)/$(PACKAGE)/glade
+# FIXME: both here and in ../Makefile.am?
+icondir = $(datadir)/pixmaps
+gnomelocaledir = $(datadir)/locale
+EXTRA_DIST = $(glade_DATA)
diff --git a/src/README.compose b/src/README.compose
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4946352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/README.compose
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+Documentation for the compose library
+The file compose.hpp contains the source for a small C++ library for
+composition of strings from arbitrary objects convertible to strings
+(such as integers, floats etc.). This is the documentation for that
+library. The utility of the library is thought to be greatest for
+programmers needing translation of their programs, but in fact it can
+be used for its mere convenience.
+The file ucompose.hpp has a front-end that uses Glib::ustrings which
+come from the C++ GUI library Gtkmm (see www.gtkmm.org). Use
+ucompose.hpp and String::ucompose if you are using Gtkmm - else your
+ustrings will end up corrupted someday.
+The initiating problem - a prelude
+The basic problem this library solves is that of creating strings such
+as "Fact is that 10 gobbles are worth 100$ of troubles." where the two
+numbers, 10 and 100, are to be determined at runtime and may vary. C++
+doesn't have a good solution for this problem - unless you use
+something like itoa() (which isn't really portable and doesn't work
+for arbitrary objects, say GobbliGobs, that define their own
+conversion routines by overloading "ostream & operator<<(ostream &,
+Object)"), the best option you have is to aggregate an ostringstream:
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << gobble_no;
+ std::string gobble_no_as_string = os.str();
+But even Bjarne Stroustrup thinks this is embarrassing for ordinary
+integer-to-string conversion. The Boost family of libraries (see
+www.boost.org) defines a lexical_cast<T>() which one may use to
+conveniently compose a complex string (in fact it uses a stringstream
+ #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+ std::string s = "Fact is that " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(gobble_no)
+ + " gobbles are worth "
+ + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(gobble_price)
+ + "$ of troubles.";
+However, this is prone to subtle errors when written (one may easily
+forget a '+' or a space on one side of a converted object, both
+annoyingly requiring recompilation and attention), hard to read, and a
+real internationalisation killer. Imagine translating the strings
+ "Fact is that "
+ " gobbles are worth "
+ "$ of troubles."
+not quite sure whether the strings actually form an entity and with
+only fragmented clues of what is inserted between them. What is worse,
+most languages do not order the different parts of sentences the same
+way English does. And by chopping up the string, we have more or less
+enforced a particular order (or at least made the changing of it most
+difficult for the translator). Also, one now has to mark up three
+strings in the program to get one string translated - another source
+of errors.
+Furthermore, the lexical cast of Boost doesn't allow us to control
+even simple formatting requests, such as increased (or, often more
+importantly, decreased) precision of floating point numbers.
+Interlude: The Solution that isn't really a Solution
+So, one might think, isn't this string composition problem already
+solved? Does our inheritage from C not already provide us with the
+solution, the end to all these troubles? Upon thinking this, one
+probably has the dreaded printf, "print formatted", family in mind.
+Except from the type insecurity resulting from usage of such
+functions, a problem already partly solved by modern compiler
+warnings, suffice to say that they mix badly with ordinary C++ style
+of programming. For good reason, they don't return proper
+std::string's and usually even require one to worry about memory
+management. Needless worries.
+Finale: An end to the problem
+So what we need really need is something like
+ std::string s = compose("Fact is that %1 gobbles are worth %2$ of troubles.",
+ gobble_no, gobble_price);
+This is what this library gives.
+Semantics in details (...and there was much rejoice)
+Actually, what the library really gives is 15 overloaded template
+functions like
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ inline std::string compose(const std::string &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2);
+declared in the namespace String - each allowing one extra parameter
+to join the composition - and some implementation details in the
+namespace StringPrivate (notably a class that defines a generic,
+unlimited parameter substitution mechanism).
+The first parameter is the format string containing percent
+specifications (%1, %2 etc.) and the following generically typed
+parameters are the objects to be inserted in the string. The 15
+functions allow up to 15 parameters to be inserted. For instance:
+ String::compose("%1 times %2 equals %3", 1.5, 2, 3);
+ // "1.5 times 2 equals 3"
+A percent specification consists of a percent sign followed by an
+integer. The format string is parsed at first so any possible new
+percent specifications that may be constructed halfway through the
+composition by the inserted strings, aren't interpreted as such:
+ String::compose("1st: %1 2nd: %2", "%2", 1234);
+ // "1st: %2 2nd: 1234"
+Of course, this format allows one to easily swap the specification
+ String::compose("No. %2 is better than no. %1", 1, 2);
+ // "No. 2 is better than no. 1"
+One may silently leave out a specification string:
+ String::compose("%1, %3", "Hey", "hi", "ho");
+ // "Hey, ho"
+Or even an object (all percent specifications are always erased):
+ String::compose("%1 %2: '%3'", "Twin", "geeks");
+ // "Twin geeks: ''"
+And specifications may be repeated:
+ String::compose("I am feeling so %1, %1, %1!", "happy");
+ // "I am feeling so happy, happy, happy!"
+This gives potential translators of the strings considerable freedom.
+Conversion of objects, the art of
+Internally the template functions use an object that stores a
+stringstream for converting arguments. Thus adding an extra parameter
+to the compose function is very much like appending an extra "<< arg"
+to a stream output statement.
+This implies seamless support for manipulators and that user-supplied
+conversions are supported for free. To add output support for one of
+your own classes, simply add the appropriate operator<< overload, just
+as you would for std::cout:
+ ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const MyType &my_obj)
+ {
+ // ...
+ }
+The manipulator support imply that constructions like the following
+are possible:
+ #include <iomanip>
+ // ...
+ double r = 1.0 / 6;
+ String::compose("1/6 app. equals %1, %2, and %3", r,
+ std::setprecision(10), r,
+ std::setprecision(3), r);
+ // "1/6 app. equals 0.166667, 0.1666666667, and 0.167"
+Note that within the same call of compose the stringstream is not
+cleared, so the same rules governs whether the settings are remembered
+as for ordinary ostreams (look up the rules in your favourite C++
+standard iostream documentation):
+ String::compose("1/6 app. equals %1, %2, and %3", r,
+ std::setprecision(10), r, r);
+ // "1/6 app. equals 0.166667, 0.1666666667, and 0.1666666667"
+Each call of compose constructs a new stringstream so settings are not
+preserved across these.
+Internally, the manipulator detection works by examining the output
+from the stringstream - if it is empty, then the parameter is not
+considered real output, and the specification number is not
+incremented. This behaviour is needed to give the above semantics, but
+it also implies that if your insert the empty string, "", the compose
+object will not consider it output; as a consequence the following
+example does not work as expected:
+ String::compose("I'm a%1 alien at the age of %2.",
+ happiness > 10 ? " happy" : "", 99800);
+ // "I'm a happy alien at the age of 99800."
+ // "I'm a99800 alien at the age of ."
+But read below for why you really should not do this anyway, and for
+the simple remedy.
+Escaping the parse
+All double percent signs are replaced with a single sign; if the
+double signs appears in front of an integer, the resulting single
+percent sign followed by the integer isn't considered a specification.
+Thus, to get a percent specification:
+ String::compose("This is a %1: %%1", "specification");
+ // "This is a specification: %1"
+Single percent signs are left untouched in case they aren't followed
+by a number:
+ String::compose("%1% done", 0.98 * 100);
+ // "98% done"
+To get two percent signs in a row:
+ String::compose("%1 %2 signs: %%%%", 2, '%');
+ // "2 % signs: %%"
+A final advice against cleverness
+Do not let the techniques this library offers tempt you into trying
+overly clever string compositions, or the translators of your program
+will curse you in eternity! For instance:
+ String::compose("A%1 man", man.is_angry() ? "n angry" : " content");
+ // "An angry man"
+ // "A happy man"
+The inherent problem with this approach is that it hardcodes the way
+the sentence is constructed; obviously this is only guaranteed to work
+for English. It also makes the code harder to read. Instead, fork the
+code on a slightly higher level and repeat the whole string:
+ std::string description;
+ if (man.is_angry())
+ description = String::compose("An angry man");
+ else
+ description = String::compose("A content man");
+Now the code is also much easier to read. This (slightly contrived,
+but realistic, I have seen it in real code) example is of course quite
+easy to spot, but in generel one needs to be very careful as soon as
+one substitute strings into ordinary text. One more example:
+ String::compose("This is a %1", thing->got_wheels() ? "car" : "house");
+Innocent looking, but absolutely wrong. Most languages will need to
+change the part "a " of the string too (e.g. in Danish it is "en bil"
+(a car) but "et hus" (a house)).
+Completely decoupled words should of course not cause any problems:
+ String::compose("The XML error was caused by the element '%1'",
+ element.name);
+In fact, factoring out the common part of such strings (e.g. putting
+it in a xml_error function) may be much of a convenience for the
+Often, you would want to use constructions such as the above ones when
+some part of the string sometime needs to be in plural form:
+ String::compose("There is a total of %1 %2.", n, n == 1 ? "hen" : "hens");
+But do not do this - for some languages, a two-way branch isn't
+enough. Instead the translation system should have some means of
+solving this (for gettext, look up the function 'ngettext').
+Practically speaking, the art of improvement
+The latest, super-duper-improved (hah!) version of the library should
+always be available together with a small test example from
+ http://www.cs.aau.dk/~olau/compose/
+Note that the license of the library is GNU Lesser General Public
+License. For the uninitiated, this basically means that you may use
+the library freely in any way you want, but if you change any of the
+code of it and distribute it in binary form, you _must_ also release
+the source for the modified library under the LGPL. Thus you must
+share your improvements with the rest of the world, just like I shared
+my code with you. No big deal. If you have any comments, suggestions
+for improvements, critics, (good) jokes, portability fixes,
+interesting uses, or perhaps just a word of wisdom, let me know.
+Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>, 2003.
+A short historical anecdote - postlude
+One might think that the name of the namespace "String::" is pretty
+lame; and, indeed, I agree. However, the library was initially born
+because the Gtkmm family of libraries doesn't help with composition of
+strings and e.g. integers in a way so that the placement of the
+integers is decoupled from the conversion to strings; a procedure that
+is frequently badly needed in a GUI-intensitive program.
+So when I got the idea of using a stringstream together with a
+template member function, I promptly implemented the Composition class
+(defined in the StringPrivate namespace). But, alas, the functionality
+isn't conceived to be important enough for Gtkmm users to be put into
+Glibmm (a support library for Gtkmm that contains various helpers), so
+instead I'm placing it here. Unfortunately, this left me without a
+proper namespace (formerly "Glib::") to wrap the functionality in -
+thus the current "String::".
+My apologies. Maybe the situation will change one day. Suggestions are
diff --git a/src/TODO b/src/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d41925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Things that should be done:
+* Add help
+* Implement reordering of monitors in devices tab
+* Persuade someone to make an icon
+* Fix bug with modem, apparently there's an integer overflow when the
+ connection is stopped.
+* Find out why the panel is lying about its size
+* Add Fahrenheit support
+* The applet displays Eth. 1 for eth0, Eth. 2 for eth1, etc. in
+ tooltip
+* Add support for launching gnome-system-monitor
+* Add a pause menu item
+* Add checkbox for CPU viewer whether to include nice'd processes
+ ("Include background processes").
+* Add HAL integration
+Things to consider:
+* Disk activity monitor like gkremll - seems really useful for silent
+ hard drives
+* Bubbling load monitor (check out http://www.nongnu.org/libbubblemon/)
+* Use option widgets inside the monitor list view instead of below it
+ (just needs a color tree view cell renderer)
+* Change DiskUsage to present a list of available mount points to
+ choose from in device chooser dialog, perhaps this should simply be
+ a ComboBox
+* Inject love into the text view
+ - The labels don't really respect the panel size
+ - It isn't possible to change the font (or color)
+ - The labels are changing their size all the time (fix by fixing
+ the size to the maximal attained size)
+* Convert monitors to a plug-in architecture to break
+ down binary dependencies and support monitoring another host
+* Change the name to something more descriptive
+* Be included with standard GNOME instead of the stock system monitor applet
+External things:
+* Write to libsensors team and make them improve the API so that the
+ descriptive names can be unified and translated
diff --git a/src/applet.cpp b/src/applet.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3555ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/applet.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+/* Implementation of the Applet class.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04, 05 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <gtkmm/main.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "ucompose.hpp"
+#include "applet.hpp"
+#include "column-view.hpp"
+#include "curve-view.hpp"
+#include "bar-view.hpp"
+#include "text-view.hpp"
+#include "flame-view.hpp"
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+#include "preferences-window.hpp"
+#include "i18n.hpp"
+// helpers for popping up the various things
+void display_preferences(BonoboUIComponent *, void *applet, const gchar *)
+ static_cast<Applet *>(applet)->on_preferences_activated();
+void display_help(BonoboUIComponent *, void *applet, const gchar *)
+ static_cast<Applet *>(applet)->on_help_activated();
+void display_about(BonoboUIComponent *, void *applet, const gchar *)
+ static_cast<Applet *>(applet)->on_about_activated();
+ template <typename T>
+ Gnome::Conf::Entry get_entry_with_default(
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &gconf_client,
+ const Glib::ustring &key,
+ const T &value )
+ {
+ Gnome::Conf::Entry entry = gconf_client->get_entry(key);
+ if (!entry.gobj())
+ {
+ gconf_client->set( key, value );
+ entry = gconf_client->get_entry(key);
+ }
+ return entry;
+ }
+Applet::Applet(PanelApplet *a)
+ : panel_applet(a)
+ // load icon
+ std::string icon_name = GNOMEICONDIR "/hardware-monitor-applet.png";
+ try {
+ icon = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file(icon_name);
+ }
+ catch(...) {
+ std::cerr <<
+ String::ucompose(_("Hardware Monitor: cannot load the icon '%1'.\n"),
+ icon_name);
+ // it's a minor problem if we can't find the icon
+ icon = Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>();
+ }
+ // setup GConf
+ gconf_dir = panel_applet_get_preferences_key(panel_applet);
+ gconf_client = Gnome::Conf::Client::get_default_client();
+ gconf_client->add_dir(gconf_dir);
+ // circumvent GConf bug (FIXME: report it)
+ gconf_client->set(gconf_dir + "/dummy", 0);
+ gconf_client->set(gconf_dir + "/monitors/dummy", 0);
+ // connect GConf
+ gconf_client->notify_add(gconf_dir + "/viewer_type",
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Applet::viewer_type_listener));
+ gconf_client->notify_add(gconf_dir + "/background_color",
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Applet::
+ background_color_listener));
+ gconf_client->notify_add(gconf_dir + "/use_background_color",
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Applet::
+ use_background_color_listener));
+ monitor_seq mon = load_monitors(gconf_client, gconf_dir);
+ for (monitor_iter i = mon.begin(), end = mon.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ add_monitor(*i);
+ // we need this #if 0 so the strings will be in the message catalog for
+ // translation below in menu_xml
+#if 0
+ // pop-up menu strings
+ _("_Preferences...") _("_Help") _("_About...")
+ // setup menu
+ static const char menu_xml[] =
+ "<popup name=\"button3\">\n"
+ " <menuitem name=\"Properties Item\"\n"
+ " verb=\"HardwareMonitorPreferences\" _label=\"_Preferences...\"\n"
+ " pixtype=\"stock\" pixname=\"gtk-properties\"/>\n"
+ " <menuitem name=\"Help Item\"\n"
+ " verb=\"HardwareMonitorHelp\" _label=\"_Help\"\n"
+ " pixtype=\"stock\" pixname=\"gtk-help\"/>\n"
+ " <menuitem name=\"About Item\"\n"
+ " verb=\"HardwareMonitorAbout\" _label=\"_About...\"\n"
+ " pixtype=\"stock\" pixname=\"gnome-stock-about\"/>\n"
+ "</popup>\n";
+ static const BonoboUIVerb menu_verbs[] = {
+ BONOBO_UI_VERB("HardwareMonitorPreferences", &display_preferences),
+ BONOBO_UI_VERB("HardwareMonitorHelp", &display_help),
+ BONOBO_UI_VERB("HardwareMonitorAbout", &display_about),
+ };
+ panel_applet_setup_menu(panel_applet, menu_xml, menu_verbs, this);
+ // start displaying something
+ // Ensure config values aren't null
+ get_entry_with_default( gconf_client, gconf_dir + "/viewer_type",
+ Glib::ustring("curve") );
+ get_entry_with_default( gconf_client, gconf_dir + "/background_color",
+ 0x00000000 );
+ get_entry_with_default( gconf_client, gconf_dir + "/use_background_color",
+ false );
+ viewer_type_listener(0, gconf_client->get_entry(gconf_dir + "/viewer_type"));
+ background_color_listener(0, gconf_client->get_entry(gconf_dir
+ + "/background_color"));
+ use_background_color_listener(0, gconf_client->get_entry(gconf_dir
+ + "/use_background_color"));
+ timer =
+ Glib::signal_timeout().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Applet::main_loop),
+ update_interval);
+ main_loop();
+ timer.disconnect();
+ // make sure noone is trying to read the monitors before we kill them
+ if (view.get())
+ for (monitor_iter i = monitors.begin(), end = monitors.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ view->detach(*i);
+ view.reset();
+ for (monitor_iter i = monitors.begin(), end = monitors.end(); i != end; ++i) {
+ (*i)->save(gconf_client); // save max. values
+ delete *i;
+ }
+void Applet::set_view(View *v)
+ if (view.get())
+ for (monitor_iter i = monitors.begin(), end = monitors.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ view->detach(*i);
+ view.reset(v);
+ view->display(*this);
+ for (monitor_iter i = monitors.begin(), end = monitors.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ view->attach(*i);
+bool Applet::main_loop()
+ // update view
+ if (view.get())
+ view->update();
+ // update tooltip
+ Glib::ustring tip;
+ for (monitor_iter i = monitors.begin(), end = monitors.end(); i != end; ++i) {
+ Monitor &mon = **i;
+ // note to translators: %1 is the name of a monitor, e.g. "CPU 1", and %2 is
+ // the current measurement, e.g. "78%"
+ Glib::ustring next = String::ucompose(_("%1: %2"), mon.get_short_name(),
+ mon.format_value(mon.value()));
+ if (tip.empty())
+ tip = next;
+ else
+ // note to translators: this is used for composing a list of monitors; %1
+ // is the previous part of the list and %2 is the part to append
+ tip = String::ucompose(_("%1\n%2"), tip, next);
+ }
+ tooltips.set_tip(get_container(), tip);
+ return true;
+Gtk::Container &Applet::get_container()
+ return *this;
+unsigned int Applet::get_fg_color()
+ static unsigned int colors[] = {
+ 0x83A67FB0, 0xC1665AB0, 0x7590AEB0, 0xE0C39ED0, 0x887FA3B0
+ };
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v = gconf_client->get(gconf_dir + "/next_color");
+ int c;
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ c = v.get_int();
+ else
+ c = 0;
+ gconf_client->set(gconf_dir + "/next_color",
+ int((c + 1) % (sizeof(colors) / sizeof(unsigned int))));
+ return colors[c];
+int Applet::get_size() const
+ // FIXME: the panel appears to lie about its true size
+ // 2 pixels of frame decoration on both sides
+ return panel_applet_get_size(panel_applet) - 2 * 2;
+bool Applet::horizontal() const
+ PanelAppletOrient orient = panel_applet_get_orient(panel_applet);
+ return orient == PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_UP || orient == PANEL_APPLET_ORIENT_DOWN;
+Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &Applet::get_gconf_client()
+ return gconf_client;
+Glib::ustring Applet::get_gconf_dir() const
+ return gconf_dir;
+Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> Applet::get_icon()
+ return icon;
+void Applet::add_monitor(Monitor *monitor)
+ add_sync_for(monitor);
+ monitors.push_back(monitor);
+ if (monitor->get_gconf_dir().empty()) {
+ monitor->set_gconf_dir(find_empty_monitor_dir());
+ monitor->save(gconf_client);
+ }
+ else
+ monitor->load(gconf_client);
+ if (view.get())
+ view->attach(monitor);
+void Applet::remove_monitor(Monitor *monitor)
+ if (view.get())
+ view->detach(monitor);
+ // delete the GConf keys
+ Glib::SListHandle<Gnome::Conf::Entry> list
+ = gconf_client->all_entries(monitor->get_gconf_dir());
+ for (Glib::SListHandle<Gnome::Conf::Entry>::const_iterator i = list.begin(),
+ end = list.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ gconf_client->unset((*i).get_key());
+ // everyone has been notified, it's now safe to remove and delete
+ // the monitor
+ monitors.remove(monitor);
+ remove_sync_for(monitor);
+ delete monitor;
+void Applet::replace_monitor(Monitor *prev_mon, Monitor *new_mon)
+ monitor_iter i = std::find(monitors.begin(), monitors.end(), prev_mon);
+ assert(i != monitors.end());
+ add_sync_for(new_mon);
+ *i = new_mon;
+ new_mon->set_gconf_dir(prev_mon->get_gconf_dir());
+ new_mon->load(gconf_client);
+ new_mon->save(gconf_client);
+ if (view.get()) {
+ view->detach(prev_mon);
+ view->attach(new_mon);
+ }
+ remove_sync_for(prev_mon);
+ delete prev_mon;
+void Applet::add_sync_for(Monitor *monitor)
+ for (monitor_iter i = monitors.begin(), end = monitors.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ (*i)->possibly_add_sync_with(monitor);
+void Applet::remove_sync_for(Monitor *monitor)
+ for (monitor_iter i = monitors.begin(), end = monitors.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ (*i)->remove_sync_with(monitor);
+void Applet::viewer_type_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry)
+ if (entry.get_value().get_type() != Gnome::Conf::VALUE_STRING) {
+ // FIXME: use schema for this?
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v(Gnome::Conf::VALUE_STRING);
+ v.set(Glib::ustring("curve"));
+ entry.set_value(v);
+ gconf_client->set(entry.get_key(), Glib::ustring("curve"));
+ }
+ Glib::ustring s = entry.get_value().get_string();
+ // FIXME: move this
+ if (s == "curve") {
+ if (!dynamic_cast<CurveView *>(view.get()))
+ set_view(new CurveView);
+ }
+ else if (s == "bar") {
+ // It get's tricky here because them BarView can render 2 viewers.
+ // Thus, we much also check the oriententation
+ BarView *bar_view = dynamic_cast<BarView *>(view.get());
+ if (!(bar_view && bar_view->is_horizontal()) )
+ set_view(new BarView);
+ }
+ else if (s == "vbar") {
+ // Same situation as with "bar"
+ BarView *bar_view = dynamic_cast<BarView *>(view.get());
+ if (!(bar_view && !bar_view->is_horizontal()) )
+ set_view(new BarView(false));
+ }
+ else if (s == "text") {
+ if (!dynamic_cast<TextView *>(view.get()))
+ set_view(new TextView);
+ }
+ else if (s == "flame") {
+ if (!dynamic_cast<FlameView *>(view.get()))
+ set_view(new FlameView);
+ }
+ else if (s == "column") {
+ if (!dynamic_cast<ColumnView *>(view.get()))
+ set_view(new ColumnView);
+ }
+ // make sure the view sets the background
+ background_color_listener(0, gconf_client->get_entry(gconf_dir
+ + "/background_color"));
+void Applet::background_color_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry)
+ if (entry.get_value().get_type() != Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT) {
+ // FIXME: use schema for this?
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v(Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT);
+ v.set(0x00000000); // black as the night
+ entry.set_value(v);
+ }
+ unsigned int color = entry.get_value().get_int();
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v
+ = gconf_client->get(gconf_dir + "/use_background_color");
+ bool use;
+ if (v.get_type() != Gnome::Conf::VALUE_BOOL)
+ use = false;
+ else
+ use = v.get_bool();
+ if (view.get())
+ if (use)
+ view->set_background(color);
+void Applet::use_background_color_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry)
+ if (entry.get_value().get_type() != Gnome::Conf::VALUE_BOOL) {
+ // FIXME: use schema for this?
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v(Gnome::Conf::VALUE_BOOL);
+ v.set(false);
+ entry.set_value(v);
+ }
+ bool use = entry.get_value().get_bool();
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v
+ = gconf_client->get(gconf_dir + "/background_color");
+ unsigned int color;
+ if (v.get_type() != Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ color = 0x00000000;
+ else
+ color = v.get_int();
+ if (view.get()) {
+ if (use)
+ view->set_background(color);
+ else
+ view->unset_background();
+ }
+Glib::ustring Applet::find_empty_monitor_dir()
+ Glib::SListHandle<Glib::ustring> list
+ = gconf_client->all_dirs(gconf_dir + "/monitors");
+ Glib::SListHandle<Glib::ustring>::const_iterator
+ begin = list.begin(),
+ end = list.end();
+ int c = 1;
+ Glib::ustring mon_dir;
+ do {
+ mon_dir = String::ucompose(gconf_dir + "/monitors/%1", c++);
+ } while (std::find(begin, end, mon_dir) != end);
+ return mon_dir;
+void Applet::on_preferences_activated()
+ preferences_window.reset(new PreferencesWindow(*this, monitors));
+ preferences_window->show();
+void Applet::on_help_activated()
+ // FIXME: do something
+void Applet::on_about_activated()
+ std::vector<Glib::ustring> authors;
+ authors.push_back("Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>");
+ std::vector<Glib::ustring> documenters;
+ // add documenters here
+ Glib::ustring description =
+ _("Monitor various hardware-related information, such as CPU usage, "
+ "memory usage etc. Supports curve graphs, bar plots, "
+ "column diagrams, textual monitoring and fluctuating flames.");
+ if (about.get() == 0) {
+ about.reset(new Gtk::AboutDialog());
+ about->set_name(_("Hardware Monitor"));
+ about->set_version(VERSION);
+ // %1 is the copyright symbol
+ about->set_copyright(String::ucompose(_("Copyright %1 2003 Ole Laursen"),
+ "\xc2\xa9"));
+ about->set_authors(authors);
+ if (!documenters.empty())
+ about->set_documenters(documenters);
+ about->set_comments(description);
+ // note to translators: please fill in your names and email addresses
+ about->set_translator_credits(_("translator-credits"));
+ about->set_logo(icon);
+ about->set_icon(icon);
+ about->signal_response().connect(
+ sigc::hide(sigc::mem_fun(*about, &Gtk::Widget::hide)));
+ about->show();
+ }
+ else {
+ about->show();
+ about->raise();
+ }
diff --git a/src/applet.hpp b/src/applet.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a75905f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/applet.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* The applet class which coordinates everything.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04, 05 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#ifndef APPLET_HPP
+#define APPLET_HPP
+#include <memory>
+#include <list>
+#include <sigc++/connection.h>
+#include <gtkmm/eventbox.h>
+#include <gtkmm/window.h>
+#include <gtkmm/tooltips.h>
+#include <gtkmm/aboutdialog.h>
+#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
+#include <gconfmm/client.h>
+#include <gconfmm/entry.h>
+#include <panel-applet.h>
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+class PreferencesWindow;
+class View;
+// main monster GUI class
+class Applet: public Gtk::EventBox
+ Applet(PanelApplet *panel_applet);
+ ~Applet();
+ Gtk::Container &get_container();
+ unsigned int get_fg_color(); // return varying foreground colours
+ int get_size() const; // in pixels
+ bool horizontal() const; // whether we're in horizontal mode
+ void set_view(View *view); // use this view to monitor
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring get_gconf_dir() const;
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> get_icon(); // get the application icon
+ void add_monitor(Monitor *monitor); // take over ownership of monitor
+ void remove_monitor(Monitor *monitor); // get rid of the monitor
+ void replace_monitor(Monitor *prev_monitor, Monitor *new_monitor);
+ static int const update_interval = 1000;
+ // monitors
+ monitor_seq monitors;
+ void add_sync_for(Monitor *monitor);
+ void remove_sync_for(Monitor *monitor);
+ // the context menu
+ void on_preferences_activated();
+ void on_help_activated();
+ void on_about_activated();
+ // looping
+ bool main_loop();
+ sigc::connection timer;
+ // GConf
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> gconf_client;
+ Glib::ustring gconf_dir;
+ void viewer_type_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry);
+ void background_color_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry);
+ void use_background_color_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry);
+ Glib::ustring find_empty_monitor_dir();
+ // data
+ PanelApplet *panel_applet;
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> icon;
+ std::auto_ptr<Gtk::AboutDialog> about;
+ std::auto_ptr<View> view;
+ std::auto_ptr<PreferencesWindow> preferences_window;
+ Gtk::Tooltips tooltips;
+ friend void display_preferences(BonoboUIComponent *, void *applet, const gchar *);
+ friend void display_help(BonoboUIComponent *, void *applet, const gchar *);
+ friend void display_about(BonoboUIComponent *, void *applet, const gchar *);
diff --git a/src/bar-view.cpp b/src/bar-view.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2310d0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bar-view.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+/* Implementation of the bar view.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath> // for ceil/floor
+#include <algorithm> // for max/min
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/rect.h>
+#include <gconfmm/client.h>
+#include "bar-view.hpp"
+#include "applet.hpp"
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+// class Bar - represents a single bar graph
+class Bar
+ Bar(Monitor *monitor, bool horizontal = false);
+ ~Bar();
+ void update();
+ void draw(Gnome::Canvas::Canvas &canvas,
+ Applet *applet, int width, int height, int no, int total,
+ double time_offset);
+ Monitor *monitor;
+ typedef std::vector<Gnome::Canvas::Rect *> box_sequence;
+ box_sequence boxes;
+ double old_value, new_value;
+ bool horizontal;
+Bar::Bar(Monitor *m, bool horizontal)
+ : monitor(m), old_value(0), new_value(0)
+ this->horizontal = horizontal;
+ for (box_sequence::iterator i = boxes.begin(), end = boxes.end(); i != end;
+ ++i)
+ delete *i;
+void Bar::update()
+ monitor->measure();
+ old_value = new_value;
+ new_value = monitor->value();
+unsigned int outlineified(unsigned int color)
+ int
+ r = (color >> 24) & 0xff,
+ g = (color >> 16) & 0xff,
+ b = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
+ if ((r + g + b) / 3 < 50) {
+ // enlight instead of darken
+ r = std::min(255, int(r * 1.2));
+ g = std::min(255, int(g * 1.2));
+ b = std::min(255, int(b * 1.2));
+ }
+ else {
+ r = std::max(0, int(r * 0.8));
+ g = std::max(0, int(g * 0.8));
+ b = std::max(0, int(b * 0.8));
+ }
+ return (r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | (color & 0xff);
+void Bar::draw(Gnome::Canvas::Canvas &canvas,
+ Applet *applet, int width, int height, int no, int total,
+ double time_offset)
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet->get_gconf_client();
+ // get drawing attributes
+ unsigned int fill_color;
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v;
+ v = client->get(monitor->get_gconf_dir() + "/color");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ fill_color = v.get_int();
+ else {
+ fill_color = applet->get_fg_color();
+ client->set(monitor->get_gconf_dir() + "/color", int(fill_color));
+ }
+ unsigned int outline_color = outlineified(fill_color);
+ // calculate parameters
+ int box_size;
+ // use min_spacing at least, except for last box which doesn't need spacing
+ int total_no_boxes;
+ double box_spacing;
+ if (this->horizontal) {
+ box_size = 3;
+ int const min_spacing = 2;
+ total_no_boxes = (width + min_spacing) / (box_size + min_spacing);
+ box_spacing = (double(width) - box_size * total_no_boxes) / (total_no_boxes - 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Assume that a vertical view has limited space, thus the number of boxes
+ // is hardcoded
+ total_no_boxes = 5;
+ box_spacing = 2;
+ int const total_no_spacings = total_no_boxes - 1;
+ box_size = int(double(height - (total_no_spacings * box_spacing)) / total_no_boxes);
+ }
+ // don't attain new value immediately
+ double value = old_value * (1 - time_offset) + new_value * time_offset;
+ double max = monitor->max();
+ if (max <= 0)
+ max = 0.0000001;
+ double box_frac = total_no_boxes * value / max;
+ if (box_frac > total_no_boxes)
+ box_frac = total_no_boxes;
+ unsigned int no_boxes = int(std::ceil(box_frac));
+ double alpha = box_frac - std::floor(box_frac);
+ if (alpha == 0) // x.0 should give an opaque last box
+ alpha = 1;
+ // trim/expand boxes list
+ while (boxes.size() < no_boxes)
+ boxes.push_back(new Gnome::Canvas::Rect(*canvas.root()));
+ while (boxes.size() > no_boxes) {
+ delete boxes.back();
+ boxes.pop_back();
+ }
+ double coord = this->horizontal ? 0 : height;
+ // update parameters, starting from left
+ for (box_sequence::iterator i = boxes.begin(), end = boxes.end(); i != end;
+ ++i) {
+ Gnome::Canvas::Rect &rect = **i;
+ rect.property_fill_color_rgba() = fill_color;
+ rect.property_outline_color_rgba() = outline_color;
+ if (this->horizontal) {
+ rect.property_x1() = coord;
+ rect.property_x2() = coord + box_size;
+ rect.property_y1() = double(height) * no / total + 1;
+ rect.property_y2() = double(height) * (no + 1) / total - 1;
+ coord += box_size + box_spacing;
+ }
+ else {
+ rect.property_x1() = double(width) * no / total + 1;
+ rect.property_x2() = double(width) * (no + 1) / total - 1;
+ rect.property_y1() = coord;
+ rect.property_y2() = coord - box_size;
+ coord -= (box_size + box_spacing);
+ }
+ }
+ // tint last box
+ if (!boxes.empty()) {
+ Gnome::Canvas::Rect &last = *boxes.back();
+ last.property_fill_color_rgba()
+ = (fill_color & 0xffffff00) |
+ static_cast<unsigned int>((fill_color & 0xff) * alpha);
+ last.property_outline_color_rgba()
+ = (outline_color & 0xffffff00) |
+ static_cast<unsigned int>((outline_color & 0xff) * alpha);
+ }
+// class BarView
+BarView::BarView(bool _horizontal)
+ : CanvasView(false), draws_since_update(0)
+ horizontal = _horizontal;
+ for (bar_iterator i = bars.begin(), end = bars.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ delete *i;
+void BarView::do_update()
+ CanvasView::do_update();
+ draws_since_update = 0;
+ for (bar_iterator i = bars.begin(), end = bars.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ (*i)->update();
+void BarView::do_attach(Monitor *monitor)
+ bars.push_back(new Bar(monitor, this->horizontal));
+void BarView::do_detach(Monitor *monitor)
+ for (bar_iterator i = bars.begin(), end = bars.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ if ((*i)->monitor == monitor) {
+ delete *i;
+ bars.erase(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ g_assert_not_reached();
+void BarView::do_draw_loop()
+ double time_offset = double(draws_since_update) / CanvasView::draw_iterations;
+ int total = bars.size();
+ int no = 0;
+ for (bar_iterator i = bars.begin(), end = bars.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ (*i)->draw(*canvas, applet, width(), height(), no++, total, time_offset);
+ ++draws_since_update;
+bool BarView::is_horizontal() {
+ return this->horizontal;
diff --git a/src/bar-view.hpp b/src/bar-view.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd458b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bar-view.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* A view which displays a bar plot.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#ifndef BAR_VIEW_HPP
+#define BAR_VIEW_HPP
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/canvas.h>
+#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
+#include "canvas-view.hpp"
+class Bar;
+class BarView: public CanvasView
+ BarView(bool horizontal = true);
+ ~BarView();
+ virtual bool is_horizontal();
+ virtual void do_update();
+ virtual void do_attach(Monitor *monitor);
+ virtual void do_detach(Monitor *monitor);
+ virtual void do_draw_loop();
+ // must be destroyed before the canvas
+ typedef std::list<Bar *> bar_sequence;
+ typedef bar_sequence::iterator bar_iterator;
+ bar_sequence bars;
+ int draws_since_update;
+ bool horizontal;
diff --git a/src/canvas-view.cpp b/src/canvas-view.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d17c895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/canvas-view.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+/* Implementation of the non-abstract parts of canvas view.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/pixbuf.h>
+#include <gconfmm/client.h>
+#include "canvas-view.hpp"
+#include "applet.hpp"
+int const CanvasView::draw_interval = 100;
+int const CanvasView::draw_iterations = 10;
+CanvasView::CanvasView(bool keeps_history)
+ : View(keeps_history)
+ draw_timer.disconnect(); // FIXME: is this enough to prevent crash?
+void CanvasView::do_display()
+ // canvas creation magic
+ canvas.reset(new Gnome::Canvas::CanvasAA);
+ applet->get_container().add(*canvas);
+ draw_timer = Glib::signal_timeout()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &CanvasView::draw_loop), draw_interval);
+ do_update();
+ canvas->show();
+void CanvasView::do_update()
+ // first update the configured attributes
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet->get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet->get_gconf_dir();
+ // FIXME: use schemas?
+ if (client->get(dir + "/viewer/size").get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ size = client->get_int(dir + "/viewer/size");
+ else {
+ size = 60;
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer/size", size);
+ }
+ // ensure the canvas is shown
+ resize_canvas();
+void CanvasView::do_set_background(unsigned int color)
+ Gdk::Color c;
+ c.set_rgb(((color >> 24) & 0xff) * 256,
+ ((color >> 16) & 0xff) * 256,
+ ((color >> 8) & 0xff) * 256);
+ canvas->modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, c);
+ canvas->modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_ACTIVE, c);
+ canvas->modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_PRELIGHT, c);
+ canvas->modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_SELECTED, c);
+ canvas->modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_INSENSITIVE, c);
+void CanvasView::do_unset_background()
+ // FIXME: convert to C++ code in gtkmm 2.4
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(canvas->Gtk::Widget::gobj(), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, 0);
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(canvas->Gtk::Widget::gobj(), GTK_STATE_ACTIVE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(canvas->Gtk::Widget::gobj(), GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, 0);
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(canvas->Gtk::Widget::gobj(), GTK_STATE_SELECTED, 0);
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(canvas->Gtk::Widget::gobj(), GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE, 0);
+int CanvasView::width() const
+ if (applet->horizontal())
+ return size;
+ else
+ return applet->get_size();
+int CanvasView::height() const
+ if (applet->horizontal())
+ return applet->get_size();
+ else
+ return size;
+void CanvasView::resize_canvas()
+ int w = width(), h = height();
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ canvas->get_scroll_region(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ if (x1 != 0 || y1 != 0 || x2 != w || y2 != h) {
+ canvas->set_scroll_region(0, 0, w, h);
+ canvas->set_size_request(w, h);
+ }
+bool CanvasView::draw_loop()
+ do_draw_loop();
+ return true;
diff --git a/src/canvas-view.hpp b/src/canvas-view.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21cd20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/canvas-view.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* An abstract base class for canvas-based views.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/canvas.h>
+#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
+#include <gtkmm/frame.h>
+#include "view.hpp"
+class Canvas;
+class CanvasView: public View, public sigc::trackable
+ CanvasView(bool keeps_history);
+ ~CanvasView();
+ static int const draw_interval;
+ // for animation, number of drawings to break an update into
+ static int const draw_iterations;
+ virtual void do_display();
+ virtual void do_update();
+ virtual void do_set_background(unsigned int color);
+ virtual void do_unset_background();
+ int width() const;
+ int height() const;
+ void resize_canvas(); // resize canvas according to width and height
+ int size; // in pixels, width when vertical, else height
+ std::auto_ptr<Gnome::Canvas::Canvas> canvas;
+ sigc::connection draw_timer;
+ bool draw_loop();
+ virtual void do_draw_loop() = 0;
diff --git a/src/choose-monitor-window.cpp b/src/choose-monitor-window.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e5e70a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/choose-monitor-window.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+/* Implementation of the ChooseMonitorWindow class.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <gconfmm/client.h>
+#include "choose-monitor-window.hpp"
+#include "gui-helpers.hpp"
+#include "monitor-impls.hpp"
+#include "i18n.hpp"
+#include "ucompose.hpp"
+ChooseMonitorWindow::ChooseMonitorWindow(Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> icon,
+ Gtk::Window &parent)
+ ui = get_glade_xml("choose_monitor_window");
+ ui->get_widget("choose_monitor_window", window);
+ window->set_type_hint(Gdk::WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG);
+ window->set_icon(icon);
+ window->set_transient_for(parent);
+ ui->get_widget("device_notebook", device_notebook);
+ ui->get_widget("cpu_usage_radiobutton", cpu_usage_radiobutton);
+ ui->get_widget("memory_usage_radiobutton", memory_usage_radiobutton);
+ ui->get_widget("swap_usage_radiobutton", swap_usage_radiobutton);
+ ui->get_widget("load_average_radiobutton", load_average_radiobutton);
+ ui->get_widget("disk_usage_radiobutton", disk_usage_radiobutton);
+ ui->get_widget("network_load_radiobutton", network_load_radiobutton);
+ ui->get_widget("temperature_radiobutton", temperature_radiobutton);
+ ui->get_widget("fan_speed_radiobutton", fan_speed_radiobutton);
+ ui->get_widget("cpu_usage_options", cpu_usage_options);
+ ui->get_widget("disk_usage_options", disk_usage_options);
+ ui->get_widget("network_load_options", network_load_options);
+ ui->get_widget("all_cpus_radiobutton", all_cpus_radiobutton);
+ ui->get_widget("one_cpu_radiobutton", one_cpu_radiobutton);
+ ui->get_widget("cpu_no_spinbutton", cpu_no_spinbutton);
+ ui->get_widget("mount_dir_entry", mount_dir_entry);
+ ui->get_widget("show_free_checkbutton", show_free_checkbutton);
+ ui->get_widget("network_type_optionmenu", network_type_optionmenu);
+ ui->get_widget("network_direction_optionmenu", network_direction_optionmenu);
+ ui->get_widget("temperature_box", temperature_box);
+ ui->get_widget("temperature_options", temperature_options);
+ ui->get_widget("temperature_optionmenu", temperature_optionmenu);
+ ui->get_widget("fan_speed_box", fan_speed_box);
+ ui->get_widget("fan_speed_options", fan_speed_options);
+ ui->get_widget("fan_speed_optionmenu", fan_speed_optionmenu);
+ cpu_usage_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ChooseMonitorWindow::
+ on_cpu_usage_radiobutton_toggled));
+ disk_usage_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ChooseMonitorWindow::
+ on_disk_usage_radiobutton_toggled));
+ network_load_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ChooseMonitorWindow::
+ on_network_load_radiobutton_toggled));
+ temperature_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ChooseMonitorWindow::
+ on_temperature_radiobutton_toggled));
+ fan_speed_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ChooseMonitorWindow::
+ on_fan_speed_radiobutton_toggled));
+ // note 1 off to avoid counting from zero in the interface
+ cpu_no_spinbutton->set_range(1, CpuUsageMonitor::max_no_cpus);
+#if !HAVE_LIBSENSORS // no sensors support, no options for it
+ device_notebook->get_nth_page(3)->hide();
+ // setup temperature option menu
+ Sensors::FeatureInfoSequence seq
+ = Sensors::instance().get_temperature_features();
+ if (!seq.empty()) {
+ temperature_box->set_sensitive(true);
+ Gtk::Menu *menu = manage(new Gtk::Menu());
+ int counter = 1;
+ for (Sensors::FeatureInfoSequence::iterator i = seq.begin(),
+ end = seq.end(); i != end; ++i) {
+ Glib::ustring s;
+ if (!i->description.empty())
+ // %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+ s = String::ucompose(_("Sensor %1: \"%2\""), counter, i->description);
+ else
+ s = String::ucompose(_("Sensor %1"), counter);
+ menu->append(*manage(new Gtk::MenuItem(s)));
+ ++counter;
+ }
+ temperature_optionmenu->set_menu(*menu);
+ menu->show_all();
+ }
+ // setup fan option menu
+ seq = Sensors::instance().get_fan_features();
+ if (!seq.empty()) {
+ fan_speed_box->set_sensitive(true);
+ Gtk::Menu *menu = manage(new Gtk::Menu());
+ int counter = 1;
+ for (Sensors::FeatureInfoSequence::iterator i = seq.begin(),
+ end = seq.end(); i != end; ++i) {
+ Glib::ustring s;
+ if (!i->description.empty())
+ // %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+ s = String::ucompose(_("Fan %1: \"%2\""), counter, i->description);
+ else
+ s = String::ucompose(_("Fan %1"), counter);
+ menu->append(*manage(new Gtk::MenuItem(s)));
+ ++counter;
+ }
+ fan_speed_optionmenu->set_menu(*menu);
+ menu->show_all();
+ }
+ // connect close operations
+ Gtk::Button *help_button;
+ ui->get_widget("help_button", help_button);
+ help_button->signal_clicked()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ChooseMonitorWindow::on_help_button_clicked));
+ window->signal_delete_event()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ChooseMonitorWindow::on_closed));
+ window->hide();
+Monitor *ChooseMonitorWindow::run(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client,
+ const Glib::ustring &mon_dir)
+ // setup dialog
+ if (!mon_dir.empty()) {
+ Glib::ustring type = client->get_string(mon_dir + "/type");
+ if (type == "memory_usage") {
+ device_notebook->set_current_page(1);
+ memory_usage_radiobutton->set_active();
+ }
+ else if (type == "load_average") {
+ device_notebook->set_current_page(0);
+ load_average_radiobutton->set_active();
+ }
+ else if (type == "disk_usage") {
+ device_notebook->set_current_page(1);
+ disk_usage_radiobutton->set_active();
+ }
+ else if (type == "swap_usage") {
+ device_notebook->set_current_page(1);
+ swap_usage_radiobutton->set_active();
+ }
+ else if (type == "network_load") {
+ device_notebook->set_current_page(2);
+ network_load_radiobutton->set_active();
+ }
+ else if (type == "temperature") {
+ device_notebook->set_current_page(3);
+ temperature_radiobutton->set_active();
+ }
+ else {
+ device_notebook->set_current_page(0);
+ // FIXME: use schema?
+ cpu_usage_radiobutton->set_active();
+ }
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v;
+ // fill in cpu info
+ v = client->get(mon_dir + "/cpu_no");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT) {
+ int no = v.get_int();
+ if (no >= 0 && no < CpuUsageMonitor::max_no_cpus) {
+ one_cpu_radiobutton->set_active();
+ cpu_no_spinbutton->set_value(no + 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ all_cpus_radiobutton->set_active();
+ }
+ }
+ // fill in disk usage info
+ v = client->get(mon_dir + "/mount_dir");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_STRING)
+ mount_dir_entry->set_text(v.get_string());
+ v = client->get(mon_dir + "/show_free");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_BOOL)
+ show_free_checkbutton->set_active(v.get_bool());
+ // fill in network load info
+ v = client->get(mon_dir + "/interface");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_STRING) {
+ Glib::ustring interface = v.get_string();
+ int interface_no = 0;
+ v = client->get(mon_dir + "/interface_no");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ interface_no = v.get_int();
+ if (interface == "eth" && interface_no == 0)
+ network_type_optionmenu->set_history(0);
+ else if (interface == "eth" && interface_no == 1)
+ network_type_optionmenu->set_history(1);
+ else if (interface == "eth" && interface_no == 2)
+ network_type_optionmenu->set_history(2);
+ else if (interface == "ppp")
+ network_type_optionmenu->set_history(3);
+ else if (interface == "slip")
+ network_type_optionmenu->set_history(4);
+ else if (interface == "wlan")
+ network_type_optionmenu->set_history(5);
+ else
+ network_type_optionmenu->set_history(0);
+ }
+ v = client->get(mon_dir + "/interface_direction");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT) {
+ int direction = v.get_int();
+ if (direction == NetworkLoadMonitor::incoming_data)
+ network_direction_optionmenu->set_history(1);
+ else if (direction == NetworkLoadMonitor::outgoing_data)
+ network_direction_optionmenu->set_history(2);
+ else if (direction == NetworkLoadMonitor::all_data)
+ network_direction_optionmenu->set_history(0);
+ }
+ int temperature_no = 0;
+ v = client->get(mon_dir + "/temperature_no");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ temperature_no = v.get_int();
+ temperature_optionmenu->set_history(temperature_no);
+ }
+ if (cpu_usage_radiobutton->get_active())
+ cpu_usage_radiobutton->toggled(); // send a signal
+ // then ask the user
+ int response;
+ do {
+ response = window->run();
+ if (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) {
+ Monitor *mon = 0;
+ if (cpu_usage_radiobutton->get_active())
+ if (one_cpu_radiobutton->get_active())
+ mon = new CpuUsageMonitor(int(cpu_no_spinbutton->get_value()) - 1);
+ else
+ mon = new CpuUsageMonitor;
+ else if (memory_usage_radiobutton->get_active())
+ mon = new MemoryUsageMonitor;
+ else if (swap_usage_radiobutton->get_active())
+ mon = new SwapUsageMonitor;
+ else if (load_average_radiobutton->get_active())
+ mon = new LoadAverageMonitor;
+ else if (disk_usage_radiobutton->get_active()) {
+ Glib::ustring mount_dir = mount_dir_entry->get_text();
+ bool show_free = show_free_checkbutton->get_active();
+ // FIXME: check that mount_dir is valid
+ mon = new DiskUsageMonitor(mount_dir, show_free);
+ }
+ else if (network_load_radiobutton->get_active()) {
+ Glib::ustring interface;
+ int interface_no;
+ switch (network_type_optionmenu->get_history()) {
+ case 1:
+ interface = "eth";
+ interface_no = 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ interface = "eth";
+ interface_no = 2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ interface = "ppp";
+ interface_no = 0;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ interface = "slip";
+ interface_no = 0;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ interface = "wlan";
+ interface_no = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ interface = "eth";
+ interface_no = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ NetworkLoadMonitor::Direction dir;
+ switch (network_direction_optionmenu->get_history()) {
+ case NetworkLoadMonitor::incoming_data:
+ dir = NetworkLoadMonitor::incoming_data;
+ break;
+ case NetworkLoadMonitor::outgoing_data:
+ dir = NetworkLoadMonitor::outgoing_data;
+ break;
+ default:
+ dir = NetworkLoadMonitor::all_data;
+ break;
+ }
+ mon = new NetworkLoadMonitor(interface, interface_no, dir);
+ }
+ else if (temperature_radiobutton->get_active())
+ mon = new TemperatureMonitor(temperature_optionmenu->get_history());
+ else if (fan_speed_radiobutton->get_active())
+ mon = new FanSpeedMonitor(fan_speed_optionmenu->get_history());
+ return mon;
+ }
+ }
+ while (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_HELP);
+ return 0;
+// UI callbacks
+void ChooseMonitorWindow::on_cpu_usage_radiobutton_toggled()
+ cpu_usage_options->property_sensitive()
+ = cpu_usage_radiobutton->get_active();
+void ChooseMonitorWindow::on_disk_usage_radiobutton_toggled()
+ disk_usage_options->property_sensitive()
+ = disk_usage_radiobutton->get_active();
+void ChooseMonitorWindow::on_network_load_radiobutton_toggled()
+ network_load_options->property_sensitive()
+ = network_load_radiobutton->get_active();
+void ChooseMonitorWindow::on_temperature_radiobutton_toggled()
+ temperature_options->property_sensitive()
+ = temperature_radiobutton->get_active();
+void ChooseMonitorWindow::on_fan_speed_radiobutton_toggled()
+ fan_speed_options->property_sensitive()
+ = fan_speed_radiobutton->get_active();
+void ChooseMonitorWindow::on_help_button_clicked()
+ // FIXME: do something
+bool ChooseMonitorWindow::on_closed(GdkEventAny *)
+ window->hide();
+ return false;
diff --git a/src/choose-monitor-window.hpp b/src/choose-monitor-window.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069937f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/choose-monitor-window.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+/* The choose monitor window.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <memory>
+#include <libglademm/xml.h>
+#include <sigc++/trackable.h>
+#include <gtkmm/box.h>
+#include <gtkmm/button.h>
+#include <gtkmm/checkbutton.h>
+#include <gtkmm/dialog.h>
+#include <gtkmm/entry.h>
+#include <gtkmm/notebook.h>
+#include <gtkmm/optionmenu.h>
+#include <gtkmm/radiobutton.h>
+#include <gtkmm/spinbutton.h>
+class Applet;
+class Monitor;
+class ChooseMonitorWindow: public sigc::trackable
+ ChooseMonitorWindow(Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> icon, Gtk::Window &parent);
+ ~ChooseMonitorWindow();
+ // given a monitor directory (may be ""), return a new monitor or 0
+ Monitor *run(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client,
+ const Glib::ustring &mon_dir);
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> ui;
+ Gtk::Dialog *window;
+ Gtk::Notebook *device_notebook;
+ Gtk::RadioButton *cpu_usage_radiobutton,
+ *memory_usage_radiobutton,
+ *swap_usage_radiobutton,
+ *load_average_radiobutton,
+ *disk_usage_radiobutton,
+ *network_load_radiobutton,
+ *temperature_radiobutton,
+ *fan_speed_radiobutton;
+ Gtk::Box *cpu_usage_options;
+ Gtk::RadioButton *all_cpus_radiobutton;
+ Gtk::RadioButton *one_cpu_radiobutton;
+ Gtk::SpinButton *cpu_no_spinbutton;
+ Gtk::Box *disk_usage_options;
+ Gtk::Entry *mount_dir_entry;
+ Gtk::CheckButton *show_free_checkbutton;
+ Gtk::Box *network_load_options;
+ Gtk::OptionMenu *network_type_optionmenu;
+ Gtk::OptionMenu *network_direction_optionmenu;
+ Gtk::Box *temperature_box, *temperature_options;
+ Gtk::OptionMenu *temperature_optionmenu;
+ Gtk::Box *fan_speed_box, *fan_speed_options;
+ Gtk::OptionMenu *fan_speed_optionmenu;
+ // GUI
+ void on_cpu_usage_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_disk_usage_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_network_load_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_temperature_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_fan_speed_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_help_button_clicked();
+ bool on_closed(GdkEventAny *);
diff --git a/src/column-view.cpp b/src/column-view.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d40212f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/column-view.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+/* Implementation of the column view.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/pixbuf.h>
+#include <gconfmm/client.h>
+#include "column-view.hpp"
+#include "applet.hpp"
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+#include "value-history.hpp"
+#include "pixbuf-drawing.hpp"
+// class ColumnGraph - represents the columns in a column diagram
+class ColumnGraph
+ ColumnGraph(Monitor *monitor);
+ void update(unsigned int max_samples); // gather info from monitor
+ void draw(Gnome::Canvas::Canvas &canvas, // redraw columns on canvas
+ Applet *applet, int width, int height);
+ Monitor *monitor;
+ // a pixbuf is used for the columns
+ std::auto_ptr<Gnome::Canvas::Pixbuf> columns;
+ ValueHistory value_history;
+ int remaining_draws;
+ColumnGraph::ColumnGraph(Monitor *m)
+ : monitor(m), value_history(m), remaining_draws(0)
+void ColumnGraph::update(unsigned int max_samples)
+ bool new_value;
+ value_history.update(max_samples, new_value);
+ if (new_value)
+ remaining_draws = CanvasView::draw_iterations;
+void ColumnGraph::draw(Gnome::Canvas::Canvas &canvas,
+ Applet *applet, int width, int height)
+ if (remaining_draws <= 0)
+ return;
+ --remaining_draws;
+ double time_offset = double(remaining_draws) / CanvasView::draw_iterations;
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet->get_gconf_client();
+ ValueHistory::iterator vi = value_history.values.begin(),
+ vend = value_history.values.end();
+ if (vi == vend) // there must be at least one point
+ return;
+ // get colour
+ unsigned int color;
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v;
+ v = client->get(monitor->get_gconf_dir() + "/color");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ color = v.get_int();
+ else {
+ color = applet->get_fg_color();
+ client->set(monitor->get_gconf_dir() + "/color", int(color));
+ }
+ // make sure we got a pixbuf and that it has the right size
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pixbuf;
+ if (columns.get() == 0)
+ pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf::create(Gdk::COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8, width, height);
+ else {
+ pixbuf = columns->property_pixbuf();
+ // but perhaps the dimensions have changed
+ if (pixbuf->get_width() != width || pixbuf->get_height() != height)
+ pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf::create(Gdk::COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8, width, height);
+ }
+ pixbuf->fill(color & 0xFFFFFF00);
+ double max = monitor->max();
+ if (max <= 0)
+ max = 0.0000001;
+ // start from right
+ double l = width - ColumnView::pixels_per_sample
+ + ColumnView::pixels_per_sample * time_offset;
+ do {
+ if (*vi >= 0) {
+ // FIXME: the uppermost pixel should be scaled down too to avoid aliasing
+ double r = l + ColumnView::pixels_per_sample;
+ int
+ t = int((1 - (*vi / max)) * (height - 1)),
+ b = height - 1;
+ if (t < 0)
+ t = 0;
+ for (int x = std::max(int(l), 0); x < std::min(r, double(width)); ++x) {
+ PixelPosition pos = get_position(pixbuf, x, t);
+ // anti-aliasing effect; if we are partly on a pixel, scale alpha down
+ double scale = 1.0;
+ if (x < l)
+ scale -= l - std::floor(l);
+ if (x + 1 > r)
+ scale -= std::ceil(r) - r;
+ int alpha = int((color & 0xFF) * scale);
+ for (int y = t; y <= b; ++y, pos.down())
+ pos.pixel().alpha() = std::min(pos.pixel().alpha() + alpha, 255);
+ }
+ }
+ l -= ColumnView::pixels_per_sample;
+ } while (++vi != vend);
+ // update columns
+ if (columns.get() == 0)
+ columns.reset(new Gnome::Canvas::Pixbuf(*canvas.root(), 0, 0, pixbuf));
+ else
+ columns->property_pixbuf() = pixbuf;
+// class ColumnView
+int const ColumnView::pixels_per_sample = 2;
+ : CanvasView(true)
+ for (column_iterator i = columns.begin(), end = columns.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ delete *i;
+void ColumnView::do_update()
+ CanvasView::do_update();
+ // update each column graph
+ for (column_iterator i = columns.begin(), end = columns.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ // one extra because of animation
+ (*i)->update(width() / pixels_per_sample + 1);
+void ColumnView::do_attach(Monitor *monitor)
+ columns.push_back(new ColumnGraph(monitor));
+void ColumnView::do_detach(Monitor *monitor)
+ for (column_iterator i = columns.begin(), end = columns.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ if ((*i)->monitor == monitor) {
+ delete *i;
+ columns.erase(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ g_assert_not_reached();
+void ColumnView::do_draw_loop()
+ for (column_iterator i = columns.begin(), end = columns.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ (*i)->draw(*canvas, applet, width(), height());
diff --git a/src/column-view.hpp b/src/column-view.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03d67f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/column-view.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* A view which displays a (time, value) column plot.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/canvas.h>
+#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
+#include "canvas-view.hpp"
+class ColumnGraph;
+class ColumnView: public CanvasView
+ ColumnView();
+ ~ColumnView();
+ static int const pixels_per_sample;
+ virtual void do_update();
+ virtual void do_attach(Monitor *monitor);
+ virtual void do_detach(Monitor *monitor);
+ virtual void do_draw_loop();
+ // must be destroyed before the canvas
+ typedef std::list<ColumnGraph *> column_sequence;
+ typedef column_sequence::iterator column_iterator;
+ column_sequence columns;
diff --git a/src/curve-view.cpp b/src/curve-view.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca11182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/curve-view.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* Implementation of the curve view.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <algorithm> // for max/min[_element]()
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/line.h>
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/point.h>
+#include <gconfmm/client.h>
+#include "curve-view.hpp"
+#include "applet.hpp"
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+#include "value-history.hpp"
+// class Curve - represents a line curve
+class Curve
+ Curve(Monitor *monitor);
+ void update(unsigned int max_samples); // gather info from monitor
+ void draw(Gnome::Canvas::Canvas &canvas, // redraw curve on canvas
+ Applet *applet, int width, int height);
+ Monitor *monitor;
+ std::auto_ptr<Gnome::Canvas::Line> line;
+ ValueHistory value_history;
+ int remaining_draws;
+Curve::Curve(Monitor *m)
+ : monitor(m), value_history(m), remaining_draws(0)
+void Curve::update(unsigned int max_samples)
+ bool new_value;
+ value_history.update(max_samples, new_value);
+ if (new_value)
+ remaining_draws = CanvasView::draw_iterations;
+void Curve::draw(Gnome::Canvas::Canvas &canvas,
+ Applet *applet, int width, int height)
+ if (remaining_draws <= 0)
+ return;
+ --remaining_draws;
+ double time_offset = double(remaining_draws) / CanvasView::draw_iterations;
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet->get_gconf_client();
+ ValueHistory::iterator vi = value_history.values.begin(),
+ vend = value_history.values.end();
+ // only one point is pointless
+ if (std::distance(vi, vend) < 2)
+ return;
+ // make sure line is initialised
+ if (line.get() == 0) {
+ line.reset(new Gnome::Canvas::Line(*canvas.root()));
+ line->property_smooth() = true;
+ line->property_join_style() = Gdk::JOIN_ROUND;
+ }
+ // get drawing attributes
+ unsigned int color;
+ double const line_width = 1.5;
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v;
+ v = client->get(monitor->get_gconf_dir() + "/color");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ color = v.get_int();
+ else {
+ color = applet->get_fg_color();
+ client->set(monitor->get_gconf_dir() + "/color", int(color));
+ }
+ line->property_fill_color_rgba() = color;
+ line->property_width_units() = line_width;
+ double max = monitor->max();
+ if (max <= 0)
+ max = 0.0000001;
+ Gnome::Canvas::Points points;
+ points.reserve(value_history.values.size());
+ // start from right
+ double x = width + CurveView::pixels_per_sample * time_offset;
+ do {
+ double y = line_width/2 + (1 - (*vi / max)) * (height - line_width/2);
+ if (y < 0)
+ y = 0;
+ points.push_back(Gnome::Art::Point(x, y));
+ x -= CurveView::pixels_per_sample;
+ } while (++vi != vend);
+ line->property_points() = points;
+// class CurveView
+int const CurveView::pixels_per_sample = 2;
+ : CanvasView(true)
+ for (curve_iterator i = curves.begin(), end = curves.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ delete *i;
+void CurveView::do_update()
+ CanvasView::do_update();
+ // then loop through each curve
+ for (curve_iterator i = curves.begin(), end = curves.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ // two extra because two points are end-points
+ (*i)->update(width() / pixels_per_sample + 2);
+void CurveView::do_attach(Monitor *monitor)
+ curves.push_back(new Curve(monitor));
+void CurveView::do_detach(Monitor *monitor)
+ for (curve_iterator i = curves.begin(), end = curves.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ if ((*i)->monitor == monitor) {
+ delete *i;
+ curves.erase(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ g_assert_not_reached();
+void CurveView::do_draw_loop()
+ for (curve_iterator i = curves.begin(), end = curves.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ (*i)->draw(*canvas, applet, width(), height());
diff --git a/src/curve-view.hpp b/src/curve-view.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..314f623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/curve-view.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* A view which displays a (time, value) curve plot.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/canvas.h>
+#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
+#include "canvas-view.hpp"
+class Curve;
+class CurveView: public CanvasView
+ CurveView();
+ ~CurveView();
+ static int const pixels_per_sample;
+ virtual void do_update();
+ virtual void do_attach(Monitor *monitor);
+ virtual void do_detach(Monitor *monitor);
+ virtual void do_draw_loop();
+ // must be destroyed before the canvas
+ typedef std::list<Curve *> curve_sequence;
+ typedef curve_sequence::iterator curve_iterator;
+ curve_sequence curves;
diff --git a/src/flame-view.cpp b/src/flame-view.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0365e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/flame-view.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+/* Implementation of the flame view.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <vector>
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/pixbuf.h>
+#include <gconfmm/client.h>
+#include "pixbuf-drawing.hpp"
+#include "flame-view.hpp"
+#include "applet.hpp"
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+// class Flame - represents a flame layer
+class Flame
+ Flame(Monitor *monitor);
+ void update(Gnome::Canvas::Canvas &canvas,
+ Applet *applet, int width, int height, int no, int total);
+ void burn();
+ Monitor *monitor;
+ std::auto_ptr<Gnome::Canvas::Pixbuf> flame;
+ double value, max;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> fuel;
+ int next_refuel;
+ int cooling; // cooling factor
+ void recompute_fuel();
+Flame::Flame(Monitor *m)
+ : monitor(m), value(0), next_refuel(0)
+void Flame::update(Gnome::Canvas::Canvas &canvas,
+ Applet *applet, int width, int height, int no, int total)
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet->get_gconf_client();
+ // get color
+ unsigned int color;
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v;
+ v = client->get(monitor->get_gconf_dir() + "/color");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ color = v.get_int();
+ else {
+ color = applet->get_fg_color();
+ client->set(monitor->get_gconf_dir() + "/color", int(color));
+ }
+ // then make sure layer is correctly setup
+ if (flame.get() == 0) {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> p =
+ Gdk::Pixbuf::create(Gdk::COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8, width, height);
+ p->fill(color & 0xFFFFFF00);
+ flame.reset(new Gnome::Canvas::Pixbuf(*canvas.root(), 0, 0, p));
+ }
+ else {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pixbuf = flame->property_pixbuf();
+ // perhaps the dimensions have changed
+ if (pixbuf->get_width() != width || pixbuf->get_height() != height) {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> new_pixbuf =
+ Gdk::Pixbuf::create(Gdk::COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8, width, height);
+ new_pixbuf->fill(color & 0xFFFFFF00);
+ flame->property_pixbuf() = new_pixbuf;
+ }
+ else {
+ // perhaps the color has changed
+ PixelIterator i = begin(pixbuf);
+ unsigned char
+ red = color >> 24,
+ green = color >> 16,
+ blue = color >> 8;
+ if (i->red() != red || i->green() != green || i->blue() != blue) {
+ for (PixelIterator e = end(pixbuf); i != e; ++i) {
+ Pixel pixel = *i;
+ pixel.red() = red;
+ pixel.green() = green;
+ pixel.blue() = blue;
+ }
+ flame->property_pixbuf() = pixbuf;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // finally just extract values, we don't draw here
+ monitor->measure();
+ value = monitor->value();
+ max = monitor->max();
+ if (max <= 0)
+ max = 0.0000001;
+ cooling =
+ int((std::pow(-1.0 / (0.30 - 1), 1.0 / height) - 1) * 256);
+ if (width != int(fuel.size()))
+ fuel.resize(width);
+unsigned int random_between(unsigned int min, unsigned int max)
+ return min + std::rand() % (max - min);
+void Flame::recompute_fuel()
+ int ratio = int(value / max * 255);
+ if (ratio > 255)
+ ratio = 255;
+ if (next_refuel <= 0) {
+ next_refuel = random_between(5, 20);
+ // the fuel values are calculated from parabels with the branches
+ // turning downwards, concatenated at the roots; span is the
+ // distance between the roots and max is the value at the summit
+ int span = 0, max = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (std::vector<unsigned char>::iterator x = fuel.begin(),
+ end = fuel.end(); x != end; ++x) {
+ if (i <= 0) {
+ // new graph, new parameters
+ i = span = random_between(6, 16);
+ max = random_between(255 + ratio * 3, 255 * 2 + ratio * 6) / 8;
+ }
+ else {
+ // y = -(x - |r1-r2|/2)^2 + y_max
+ *x = - (i - span / 2) * (i - span / 2) + max;
+ --i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ --next_refuel;
+void Flame::burn()
+ if (!flame.get())
+ return;
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pixbuf = flame->property_pixbuf();
+ int width = pixbuf->get_width();
+ int height = pixbuf->get_height();
+ recompute_fuel();
+ // process the lowest row
+ PixelPosition lowest = get_position(pixbuf, 0, height - 1);
+ for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+ lowest.pixel().alpha() = (lowest.pixel().alpha() * 3 + fuel[x]) / 4;
+ lowest.right();
+ }
+ // then process the rest of the pixbuf
+ for (int y = height - 2; y >= 0; --y) {
+ // setup positions
+ PixelPosition
+ pos = get_position(pixbuf, 0, y),
+ right = get_position(pixbuf, 2, y),
+ below = get_position(pixbuf, 1, y + 1);
+ unsigned char left_alpha = pos.pixel().alpha();
+ pos.right();
+ // process row
+ for (int x = 1; x < width - 1; ++x) {
+ // this is int to ensure enough precision in sum below
+ unsigned int
+ pos_alpha = pos.pixel().alpha(),
+ right_alpha = right.pixel().alpha(),
+ below_alpha = below.pixel().alpha();
+ int tmp =
+ (left_alpha + 6 * pos_alpha + right_alpha + 8 * below_alpha) / 16;
+ pos.pixel().alpha()
+ = std::max(((256 + cooling) * tmp - cooling * 256) / 256, 0);
+#if 0
+ if (std::rand() / 4 == 0)
+ pos.pixel().alpha()
+ = (pos.pixel().alpha() * y * 2
+ + random_between(0, 255) * (height - y)) / height / 3;
+ left_alpha = pos_alpha;
+ pos.right();
+ right.right();
+ below.right();
+ }
+ }
+ flame->property_pixbuf() = pixbuf;
+// class FlameView
+ : CanvasView(false)
+ for (flame_iterator i = flames.begin(), end = flames.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ delete *i;
+void FlameView::do_update()
+ CanvasView::do_update();
+ int total = flames.size();
+ int no = 0;
+ for (flame_iterator i = flames.begin(), end = flames.end(); i != end; ++i) {
+ Flame &flame = **i;
+ flame.update(*canvas, applet, width(), height(), no++, total);
+ }
+void FlameView::do_attach(Monitor *monitor)
+ flames.push_back(new Flame(monitor));
+void FlameView::do_detach(Monitor *monitor)
+ for (flame_iterator i = flames.begin(), end = flames.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ if ((*i)->monitor == monitor) {
+ delete *i;
+ flames.erase(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ g_assert_not_reached();
+void FlameView::do_draw_loop()
+ for (flame_iterator i = flames.begin(), end = flames.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ (*i)->burn();
diff --git a/src/flame-view.hpp b/src/flame-view.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e3f1fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/flame-view.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* A view which displays steady flames, the sizes of which are determined by the
+ * monitor values.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/canvas.h>
+#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
+#include "canvas-view.hpp"
+class Flame;
+class FlameView: public CanvasView
+ FlameView();
+ ~FlameView();
+ virtual void do_update();
+ virtual void do_attach(Monitor *monitor);
+ virtual void do_detach(Monitor *monitor);
+ virtual void do_draw_loop();
+ // must be destroyed before the canvas
+ typedef std::list<Flame *> flame_sequence;
+ typedef flame_sequence::iterator flame_iterator;
+ flame_sequence flames;
diff --git a/src/gui-helpers.hpp b/src/gui-helpers.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e96755d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui-helpers.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+/* Helper functions.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
+#include <libglademm/xml.h>
+#include "helpers.hpp"
+// helper for loading a Glade XML file
+inline Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> get_glade_xml(Glib::ustring root)
+ try {
+ return Gnome::Glade::Xml::create(HARDWARE_MONITOR_GLADEDIR
+ "ui.glade", root);
+ }
+ catch (Gnome::Glade::XmlError &error) {
+ fatal_error(error.what());
+ return Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml>();
+ }
diff --git a/src/helpers.cpp b/src/helpers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f3010c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/helpers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* Helper functions.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <gtkmm/messagedialog.h>
+#include "helpers.hpp"
+#include "i18n.hpp"
+void fatal_error(const Glib::ustring &msg)
+ Gtk::MessageDialog d(msg, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR);
+ d.set_modal();
+ d.set_title(_("Fatal error"));
+ d.run();
+ exit(1);
+Glib::ustring truncate_string(Glib::ustring s, unsigned int n)
+ // for when a string needs to be truncated
+ Glib::ustring ellipsis = "...";
+ if (s.length() > n && n - ellipsis.length() > 0)
+ s.replace(n - ellipsis.length(), Glib::ustring::npos, ellipsis);
+ return s;
diff --git a/src/helpers.hpp b/src/helpers.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bd4ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/helpers.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* Helper functions.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#ifndef HELPERS_HPP
+#define HELPERS_HPP
+#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
+// from www.boost.org - derivation from this class makes the derived class
+// noncopyable
+class noncopyable
+ noncopyable() {}
+ ~noncopyable() {}
+ noncopyable(const noncopyable&);
+ const noncopyable& operator=(const noncopyable&);
+void fatal_error(const Glib::ustring &msg);
diff --git a/src/i18n.hpp b/src/i18n.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2ce5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/i18n.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* Internationalisation functions.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#error "config.h must be included prior to i18n.hpp"
+#include <libintl.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#ifdef _
+#undef _
+#ifdef N_
+#undef N_
+//#define _(x) dgettext (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, x)
+#define _(x) gettext (x)
+#define N_(x) x
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7f8a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/* Main program.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <unistd.h> // for nice
+#include <libintl.h>
+#include <libgnomecanvasmm/init.h>
+#include <gconfmm/init.h>
+#include <gtkmm/main.h>
+#include <libgnomeui/gnome-ui-init.h>
+#include <libgnomeui/gnome-client.h>
+#include <panel-applet.h>
+#include "applet.hpp"
+#include "helpers.hpp"
+#include "i18n.hpp"
+gboolean hardware_monitor_factory(PanelApplet *panel_applet, const gchar *iid,
+ void *)
+ // construct applet
+ Applet *applet = manage(new Applet(panel_applet));
+ applet->show();
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(panel_applet), GTK_WIDGET(applet->gobj()));
+ gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(panel_applet));
+ return true;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ nice(5); // don't eat up too much CPU
+ Gtk::Main main(argc, argv);
+ Gnome::Conf::init();
+ Gnome::Canvas::init();
+ // this is necessary for panel applets
+ gnome_program_init(PACKAGE, VERSION,
+ NULL);
+ try {
+ // i18n
+ bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
+ textdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
+ panel_applet_factory_main("OAFIID:HardwareMonitor_Factory",
+ &hardware_monitor_factory, 0);
+ }
+ catch(const Glib::Error &ex) {
+ fatal_error(ex.what());
+ }
diff --git a/src/monitor-impls.cpp b/src/monitor-impls.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c658491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/monitor-impls.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1074 @@
+/* The various system statistics - adapters of the libgtop interface.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04, 05 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <sys/time.h> // for high-precision timing for the network load
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <glibtop.h>
+#include <glibtop/cpu.h>
+#include <glibtop/mem.h>
+#include <glibtop/swap.h>
+#include <glibtop/loadavg.h>
+#include <glibtop/fsusage.h>
+#include <glibtop/netload.h>
+#include "monitor-impls.hpp"
+#include "ucompose.hpp"
+#include "i18n.hpp"
+// decay factor for maximum values (log_0.999(0.9) = 105 iterations before
+// reduced 10%)
+double const max_decay = 0.999;
+// functions from monitor.hpp
+std::list<Monitor *>
+load_monitors(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client,
+ const Glib::ustring &dir)
+ std::list<Monitor *> monitors;
+ Glib::SListHandle<Glib::ustring> gconf_list
+ = client->all_dirs(dir + "/monitors");
+ for (Glib::SListHandle<Glib::ustring>::const_iterator i = gconf_list.begin(),
+ end = gconf_list.end(); i != end; ++i) {
+ const Glib::ustring &mon_dir = *i;
+ Glib::ustring type = client->get_string(mon_dir + "/type");
+ if (type == "cpu_usage") {
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v = client->get(mon_dir + "/cpu_no");
+ int cpu_no;
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ cpu_no = v.get_int();
+ else
+ cpu_no = -1;
+ if (cpu_no == -1)
+ monitors.push_back(new CpuUsageMonitor);
+ else
+ monitors.push_back(new CpuUsageMonitor(cpu_no));
+ }
+ else if (type == "memory_usage")
+ monitors.push_back(new MemoryUsageMonitor);
+ else if (type == "swap_usage")
+ monitors.push_back(new SwapUsageMonitor);
+ else if (type == "load_average")
+ monitors.push_back(new LoadAverageMonitor);
+ else if (type == "disk_usage") {
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v = client->get(mon_dir + "/mount_dir");
+ Glib::ustring mount_dir;
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_STRING)
+ mount_dir = v.get_string();
+ else
+ mount_dir = "/"; // FIXME: use schema?
+ v = client->get(mon_dir + "/show_free");
+ bool show_free;
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_BOOL)
+ show_free = v.get_bool();
+ else
+ show_free = false; // FIXME: use schema?
+ monitors.push_back(new DiskUsageMonitor(mount_dir, show_free));
+ }
+ else if (type == "network_load") {
+ Glib::ustring inter;
+ int inter_no, inter_direction;
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v = client->get(mon_dir + "/interface");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_STRING)
+ inter = v.get_string();
+ else
+ inter = "eth"; // FIXME: use schema?
+ v = client->get(mon_dir + "/interface_no");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ inter_no = v.get_int();
+ else
+ inter_no = 0; // FIXME: use schema?
+ v = client->get(mon_dir + "/interface_direction");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ inter_direction = v.get_int();
+ else
+ inter_direction = NetworkLoadMonitor::all_data; // FIXME: use schema?
+ NetworkLoadMonitor::Direction dir;
+ if (inter_direction == NetworkLoadMonitor::incoming_data)
+ dir = NetworkLoadMonitor::incoming_data;
+ else if (inter_direction == NetworkLoadMonitor::outgoing_data)
+ dir = NetworkLoadMonitor::outgoing_data;
+ else
+ dir = NetworkLoadMonitor::all_data;
+ monitors.push_back(new NetworkLoadMonitor(inter, inter_no, dir));
+ }
+ else if (type == "temperature") {
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v = client->get(mon_dir + "/temperature_no");
+ int temperature_no;
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ temperature_no = v.get_int();
+ else
+ temperature_no = 0; // FIXME: use schema?
+ monitors.push_back(new TemperatureMonitor(temperature_no));
+ }
+ else if (type == "fan_speed") {
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v = client->get(mon_dir + "/fan_no");
+ int fan_no;
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ fan_no = v.get_int();
+ else
+ fan_no = 0; // FIXME: use schema?
+ monitors.push_back(new FanSpeedMonitor(fan_no));
+ }
+ monitors.back()->set_gconf_dir(mon_dir);
+ }
+ // always start with a CpuUsageMonitor - FIXME: use schema?
+ if (monitors.empty())
+ monitors.push_back(new CpuUsageMonitor);
+ return monitors;
+// helpers
+// for setting precision
+struct Precision
+ int n;
+template <typename T>
+T &operator <<(T& os, const Precision &p)
+#if __GNUC__ < 3
+ os << std::setprecision(p.n) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
+ os << std::setprecision(p.n) << std::setiosflags(std::ios_base::fixed);
+ return os;
+Precision precision(int n)
+ Precision p;
+ p.n = n;
+ return p;
+// for getting max no. of decimal digits
+Precision decimal_digits(double val, int n)
+ Precision p;
+ if (val == 0)
+ p.n = 1;
+ else {
+ while (val > 1 && n > 0) {
+ val /= 10;
+ --n;
+ }
+ p.n = n;
+ }
+ return p;
+// class CpuUsageMonitor
+int const CpuUsageMonitor::max_no_cpus = GLIBTOP_NCPU;
+ : cpu_no(all_cpus), total_time(0), nice_time(0), idle_time(0), iowait_time(0)
+CpuUsageMonitor::CpuUsageMonitor(int cpu)
+ : cpu_no(cpu), total_time(0), nice_time(0), idle_time(0), iowait_time(0)
+ if (cpu_no < 0 || cpu_no >= max_no_cpus)
+ cpu_no = all_cpus;
+double CpuUsageMonitor::do_measure()
+ glibtop_cpu cpu;
+ glibtop_get_cpu(&cpu);
+ guint64 t, n, i, io;
+ if (cpu_no == all_cpus) {
+ t = cpu.total;
+ n = cpu.nice;
+ i = cpu.idle;
+ io = cpu.iowait;
+ }
+ else {
+ t = cpu.xcpu_total[cpu_no];
+ n = cpu.xcpu_nice[cpu_no];
+ i = cpu.xcpu_idle[cpu_no];
+ io = cpu.xcpu_iowait[cpu_no];
+ }
+ // calculate ticks since last call
+ guint64
+ dtotal = t - total_time,
+ dnice = n - nice_time,
+ didle = i - idle_time,
+ diowait = io - iowait_time;
+ // and save the new values
+ total_time = t;
+ nice_time = n;
+ idle_time = i;
+ iowait_time = io;
+ // don't count in dnice to avoid always showing 100% with SETI at home and
+ // similar applications running
+ double res = double(dtotal - dnice - didle - diowait) / dtotal;
+ if (res > 0)
+ return res;
+ else
+ return 0;
+double CpuUsageMonitor::max()
+ return 1;
+Glib::ustring CpuUsageMonitor::format_value(double val)
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1%%"), precision(1), 100 * val);
+Glib::ustring CpuUsageMonitor::get_name()
+ if (cpu_no == all_cpus)
+ return _("All processors");
+ else
+ return String::ucompose(_("Processor no. %1"), cpu_no + 1);
+Glib::ustring CpuUsageMonitor::get_short_name()
+ if (cpu_no == all_cpus)
+ // must be short
+ return _("CPU");
+ else
+ // note to translators: %1 is the cpu no, e.g. "CPU 1"
+ return String::ucompose(_("CPU %1"), cpu_no + 1);
+int CpuUsageMonitor::update_interval()
+ return 1000;
+void CpuUsageMonitor::save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ client->set(dir + "/type", Glib::ustring("cpu_usage"));
+ client->set(dir + "/cpu_no", cpu_no);
+// class SwapUsageMonitor
+ : max_value(0)
+double SwapUsageMonitor::do_measure()
+ glibtop_swap swp;
+ glibtop_get_swap(&swp);
+ max_value = swp.total;
+ if (swp.total > 0)
+ return swp.used;
+ else
+ return 0;
+double SwapUsageMonitor::max()
+ return max_value;
+Glib::ustring SwapUsageMonitor::format_value(double val)
+ val /= 1000000;
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1 Mb"), decimal_digits(val, 3), val);
+Glib::ustring SwapUsageMonitor::get_name()
+ return _("Disk-based memory");
+Glib::ustring SwapUsageMonitor::get_short_name()
+ // must be short
+ return _("Swap");
+int SwapUsageMonitor::update_interval()
+ return 10 * 1000;
+void SwapUsageMonitor::save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ client->set(dir + "/type", Glib::ustring("swap_usage"));
+// class LoadAverageMonitor
+ : max_value(1.0)
+double LoadAverageMonitor::do_measure()
+ glibtop_loadavg loadavg;
+ glibtop_get_loadavg (&loadavg);
+ double val = loadavg.loadavg[0];
+ max_value *= max_decay; // reduce gradually
+ if (max_value < 1) // make sure we don't get below 1
+ max_value = 1;
+ if (val > max_value)
+ max_value = val * 1.05;
+ if (max_value > 0)
+ return val;
+ else
+ return 0;
+double LoadAverageMonitor::max()
+ return max_value;
+Glib::ustring LoadAverageMonitor::format_value(double val)
+ return String::ucompose("%1", precision(1), val);
+Glib::ustring LoadAverageMonitor::get_name()
+ return _("Load average");
+Glib::ustring LoadAverageMonitor::get_short_name()
+ // note to translators: short for "load average" - it has nothing to do with
+ // loading data
+ return _("Load");
+int LoadAverageMonitor::update_interval()
+ return 30 * 1000;
+void LoadAverageMonitor::save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ client->set(dir + "/type", Glib::ustring("load_average"));
+ client->set(dir + "/max", max_value);
+void LoadAverageMonitor::load(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ if (client->get_string(dir + "/type") == "load_average") {
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v = client->get(dir + "/max");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_FLOAT)
+ max_value = v.get_float();
+ }
+// class MemoryUsageMonitor
+ : max_value(0)
+double MemoryUsageMonitor::do_measure()
+ glibtop_mem mem;
+ glibtop_get_mem (&mem);
+ max_value = mem.total;
+ if (mem.total > 0)
+ return mem.used - (mem.buffer + mem.cached);
+ else
+ return 0;
+double MemoryUsageMonitor::max()
+ return max_value;
+Glib::ustring MemoryUsageMonitor::format_value(double val)
+ val /= 1000000;
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1 Mb"), decimal_digits(val, 3), val);
+Glib::ustring MemoryUsageMonitor::get_name()
+ return _("Memory");
+Glib::ustring MemoryUsageMonitor::get_short_name()
+ // short for memory
+ return _("Mem.");
+int MemoryUsageMonitor::update_interval()
+ return 10 * 1000;
+void MemoryUsageMonitor::save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ client->set(dir + "/type", Glib::ustring("memory_usage"));
+// class DiskUsageMonitor
+DiskUsageMonitor::DiskUsageMonitor(const std::string &dir, bool free)
+ : max_value(0), mount_dir(dir), show_free(free)
+double DiskUsageMonitor::do_measure()
+ glibtop_fsusage fsusage;
+ glibtop_get_fsusage(&fsusage, mount_dir.c_str());
+ max_value = fsusage.blocks * fsusage.block_size;
+ double v = 0;
+ if (show_free) {
+ if (fsusage.bavail > 0)
+ v = fsusage.bavail * fsusage.block_size;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (fsusage.blocks > 0)
+ v = (fsusage.blocks - fsusage.bfree) * fsusage.block_size;
+ }
+ return v;
+double DiskUsageMonitor::max()
+ return max_value;
+Glib::ustring DiskUsageMonitor::format_value(double val)
+ if (val >= 1000 * 1000 * 1000) {
+ val /= 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1 GB"), decimal_digits(val, 3), val);
+ }
+ else if (val >= 1000 * 1000) {
+ val /= 1000 * 1000;
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1 MB"), decimal_digits(val, 3), val);
+ }
+ else if (val >= 1000) {
+ val /= 1000;
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1 kB"), decimal_digits(val, 3), val);
+ }
+ else
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1 B"), decimal_digits(val, 3), val);
+Glib::ustring DiskUsageMonitor::get_name()
+ return String::ucompose(_("Disk (%1)"), mount_dir);
+Glib::ustring DiskUsageMonitor::get_short_name()
+ return String::ucompose("%1", mount_dir);
+int DiskUsageMonitor::update_interval()
+ return 60 * 1000;
+void DiskUsageMonitor::save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ client->set(dir + "/type", Glib::ustring("disk_usage"));
+ client->set(dir + "/mount_dir", mount_dir);
+ client->set(dir + "/show_free", show_free);
+// class NetworkLoadMonitor
+NetworkLoadMonitor::NetworkLoadMonitor(const Glib::ustring &inter, int inter_no,
+ Direction dir)
+ : max_value(1), byte_count(0), time_stamp_secs(0), time_stamp_usecs(0),
+ interface(inter), interface_no(inter_no), direction(dir)
+double NetworkLoadMonitor::do_measure()
+ glibtop_netload netload;
+ glibtop_get_netload(&netload,
+ String::ucompose("%1%2", interface, interface_no).c_str());
+ guint64 val, measured_bytes;
+ if (direction == all_data)
+ measured_bytes = netload.bytes_total;
+ else if (direction == incoming_data)
+ measured_bytes = netload.bytes_in;
+ else
+ measured_bytes = netload.bytes_out;
+ if (byte_count == 0) // no estimate initially
+ val = 0;
+ else if (measured_bytes < byte_count) // interface was reset
+ val = 0;
+ else
+ val = measured_bytes - byte_count;
+ byte_count = measured_bytes;
+ if (val != 0) // reduce scale gradually
+ max_value = guint64(max_value * max_decay);
+ if (val > max_value)
+ max_value = guint64(val * 1.05);
+ for (nlm_seq::iterator i = sync_monitors.begin(), end = sync_monitors.end();
+ i != end; ++i) {
+ NetworkLoadMonitor &other = **i;
+ if (other.max_value > max_value)
+ max_value = other.max_value;
+ else if (max_value > other.max_value)
+ other.max_value = max_value;
+ }
+ // calculate difference in msecs
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if (gettimeofday(&tv, 0) == 0) {
+ time_difference =
+ (tv.tv_sec - time_stamp_secs) * 1000 +
+ (tv.tv_usec - time_stamp_usecs) / 1000;
+ time_stamp_secs = tv.tv_sec;
+ time_stamp_usecs = tv.tv_usec;
+ }
+ return val;
+double NetworkLoadMonitor::max()
+ return max_value;
+Glib::ustring NetworkLoadMonitor::format_value(double val)
+ // 1000 ms = 1 s
+ val = val / time_difference * 1000;
+ if (val <= 0) // fix weird problem with negative values
+ val = 0;
+ if (val >= 1000 * 1000 * 1000) {
+ val /= 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1 GB/s"), decimal_digits(val, 3), val);
+ }
+ else if (val >= 1000 * 1000) {
+ val /= 1000 * 1000;
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1 MB/s"), decimal_digits(val, 3), val);
+ }
+ else if (val >= 1000) {
+ val /= 1000;
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1 kB/s"), decimal_digits(val, 3), val);
+ }
+ else
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1 B/s"), decimal_digits(val, 3), val);
+Glib::ustring NetworkLoadMonitor::get_name()
+ Glib::ustring str;
+ if (interface == "eth" && interface_no == 0)
+ str = _("Ethernet (first)");
+ else if (interface == "eth" && interface_no == 1)
+ str = _("Ethernet (second)");
+ else if (interface == "eth" && interface_no == 2)
+ str = _("Ethernet (third)");
+ else if (interface == "ppp" && interface_no == 0)
+ str = _("Modem");
+ else if (interface == "slip" && interface_no == 0)
+ str = _("Serial link");
+ else if (interface == "wlan" && interface_no == 0)
+ str = _("Wireless");
+ else
+ // unknown, someone must have been fiddling with GConf
+ str = String::ucompose("%1%2", interface, interface_no);
+ if (direction == incoming_data)
+ // %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", in signifies
+ // that this is incoming data
+ str = String::ucompose(_("%1, in"), str);
+ else if (direction == outgoing_data)
+ // %1 is the network connection, e.g. "Ethernet (first)", out signifies
+ // that this is outgoing data
+ str = String::ucompose(_("%1, out"), str);
+ return str;
+Glib::ustring NetworkLoadMonitor::get_short_name()
+ Glib::ustring str;
+ if (interface == "eth")
+ // short for an ethernet card
+ str = String::ucompose(_("Eth. %1"), interface_no + 1);
+ else if (interface == "ppp" && interface_no == 0)
+ // short for modem
+ str = _("Mod.");
+ else if (interface == "slip" && interface_no == 0)
+ // short for serial link
+ str = _("Ser.");
+ else if (interface == "wlan" && interface_no == 0)
+ // short for wireless
+ str = _("W.less.");
+ else
+ // unknown, someone must have been fiddling with GConf
+ str = String::ucompose("%1%2", interface, interface_no);
+ if (direction == incoming_data)
+ str = String::ucompose(_("%1, in"), str);
+ else if (direction == outgoing_data)
+ str = String::ucompose(_("%1, out"), str);
+ return str;
+int NetworkLoadMonitor::update_interval()
+ return 1000;
+void NetworkLoadMonitor::save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ client->set(dir + "/type", Glib::ustring("network_load"));
+ client->set(dir + "/interface", interface);
+ client->set(dir + "/interface_no", interface_no);
+ client->set(dir + "/interface_direction", int(direction));
+ client->set(dir + "/max", int(max_value)); // hopefully 32 bits is enough
+void NetworkLoadMonitor::load(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ if (client->get_string(dir + "/type") == "network_load"
+ && client->get_string(dir + "/interface") == interface
+ && client->get_int(dir + "/interface_no") == interface_no
+ && client->get_int(dir + "/interface_direction") == int(direction)) {
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v = client->get(dir + "/max");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ max_value = v.get_int();
+ }
+void NetworkLoadMonitor::possibly_add_sync_with(Monitor *other)
+ if (NetworkLoadMonitor *o = dynamic_cast<NetworkLoadMonitor *>(other))
+ if (interface == o->interface && interface_no == o->interface_no
+ && direction != o->direction)
+ sync_monitors.push_back(o);
+void NetworkLoadMonitor::remove_sync_with(Monitor *other)
+ nlm_seq::iterator i
+ = std::find(sync_monitors.begin(), sync_monitors.end(), other);
+ if (i != sync_monitors.end())
+ sync_monitors.erase(i);
+// implementation of sensors wrapper
+ if (sensors_init(0) != 0)
+ return;
+ int i = 0;
+ const sensors_chip_name *c;
+ while ((c = sensors_get_detected_chips(0, &i)))
+ chips.push_back(*c);
+ chips.clear();
+ sensors_cleanup();
+Sensors &Sensors::instance()
+ static Sensors s;
+ return s;
+Sensors::FeatureInfoSequence Sensors::get_features(std::string base)
+ FeatureInfoSequence vec;
+ const sensors_feature *feature;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chips.size(); ++i) {
+ sensors_chip_name *chip = &chips[i];
+ int i1 = 0;
+ while ((feature = sensors_get_features(chip, &i1))) {
+ std::string name = feature->name;
+ if (name.find(base) != std::string::npos) {
+ FeatureInfo info;
+ info.chip_no = i;
+ info.feature_no = feature->number;
+ info.max = invalid_max;
+ char *desc = sensors_get_label(chip, feature);
+ if (desc) {
+ info.description = desc;
+ std::free(desc);
+ }
+ vec.push_back(info);
+ // now see if we can find a max
+ const sensors_subfeature *subfeature;
+ int i2 = 0;
+ while ((subfeature = sensors_get_all_subfeatures(chip, feature, &i2))) {
+ std::string subname = subfeature->name;
+ // check whether this is a max value for the last feature
+ if (subname.find(name) != std::string::npos
+ && subname.find("_over") != std::string::npos) {
+ double max;
+ if (sensors_get_value(chip, subfeature->number, &max) == 0)
+ vec.back().max = max;
+ else
+ vec.back().max = invalid_max;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return vec;
+Sensors::FeatureInfoSequence Sensors::get_temperature_features()
+ return get_features("temp");
+Sensors::FeatureInfoSequence Sensors::get_fan_features()
+ return get_features("fan");
+double Sensors::get_value(int chip_no, int feature_no)
+ if (chip_no < 0 || chip_no >= int(chips.size()))
+ return 0;
+ double res;
+ if (sensors_get_value(&chips[chip_no], feature_no, &res) == 0)
+ return res;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ return 0;
+// class TemperatureMonitor
+double const Sensors::invalid_max = -1000000;
+TemperatureMonitor::TemperatureMonitor(int no)
+ : sensors_no(no)
+ Sensors::FeatureInfo info
+ = Sensors::instance().get_temperature_features()[sensors_no];
+ chip_no = info.chip_no;
+ feature_no = info.feature_no;
+ description = info.description;
+ if (info.max != Sensors::invalid_max)
+ max_value = info.max;
+ else
+ max_value = 40; // set a reasonable default (40 Celcius degrees)
+double TemperatureMonitor::do_measure()
+ double val = Sensors::instance().get_value(chip_no, feature_no);
+ if (val > max_value)
+ max_value = val;
+ return val;
+double TemperatureMonitor::max()
+ return max_value;
+Glib::ustring TemperatureMonitor::format_value(double val)
+ // %2 contains the degree sign (the following 'C' stands for Celsius)
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1%2C"), decimal_digits(val, 3), val, "\xc2\xb0");
+Glib::ustring TemperatureMonitor::get_name()
+ if (!description.empty())
+ // %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+ return String::ucompose(_("Temperature %1: \"%2\""),
+ sensors_no + 1, description);
+ else
+ return String::ucompose(_("Temperature %1"), sensors_no + 1);
+Glib::ustring TemperatureMonitor::get_short_name()
+ // short for "temperature", %1 is sensor no.
+ return String::ucompose(_("Temp. %1"), sensors_no + 1);
+int TemperatureMonitor::update_interval()
+ return 20 * 1000;
+void TemperatureMonitor::save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ client->set(dir + "/type", Glib::ustring("temperature"));
+ client->set(dir + "/temperature_no", sensors_no);
+ client->set(dir + "/max", max_value);
+void TemperatureMonitor::load(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ if (client->get_string(dir + "/type") == "temperature"
+ && client->get_int(dir + "/temperature_no") == sensors_no) {
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v = client->get(dir + "/max");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_FLOAT)
+ max_value = v.get_float();
+ }
+// class FanSpeedMonitor
+FanSpeedMonitor::FanSpeedMonitor(int no)
+ : sensors_no(no)
+ Sensors::FeatureInfo info
+ = Sensors::instance().get_fan_features()[sensors_no];
+ chip_no = info.chip_no;
+ feature_no = info.feature_no;
+ description = info.description;
+ if (info.max != Sensors::invalid_max)
+ max_value = info.max;
+ else
+ max_value = 1; // 1 rpm isn't realistic, but whatever
+double FanSpeedMonitor::do_measure()
+ double val = Sensors::instance().get_value(chip_no, feature_no);
+ if (val > max_value)
+ max_value = val;
+ return val;
+double FanSpeedMonitor::max()
+ return max_value;
+Glib::ustring FanSpeedMonitor::format_value(double val)
+ // rpm is rotations per minute
+ return String::ucompose(_("%1 rpm"), val, val);
+Glib::ustring FanSpeedMonitor::get_name()
+ if (!description.empty())
+ // %2 is a descriptive string from sensors.conf
+ return String::ucompose(_("Fan %1 speed: \"%2\""),
+ sensors_no + 1, description);
+ else
+ return String::ucompose(_("Fan %1 speed"), sensors_no + 1);
+Glib::ustring FanSpeedMonitor::get_short_name()
+ return String::ucompose(_("Fan %1"), sensors_no + 1);
+int FanSpeedMonitor::update_interval()
+ return 20 * 1000;
+void FanSpeedMonitor::save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ client->set(dir + "/type", Glib::ustring("fan_speed"));
+ client->set(dir + "/fan_no", sensors_no);
+ client->set(dir + "/max", max_value);
+void FanSpeedMonitor::load(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ Glib::ustring dir = get_gconf_dir();
+ if (client->get_string(dir + "/type") == "fan_speed"
+ && client->get_int(dir + "/fan_no") == sensors_no) {
+ Gnome::Conf::Value v = client->get(dir + "/max");
+ if (v.get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_FLOAT)
+ max_value = v.get_float();
+ }
diff --git a/src/monitor-impls.hpp b/src/monitor-impls.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09cd7e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/monitor-impls.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+/* Implementation of the various system statistics.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04, 05 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <glib/gtypes.h>
+#include <sensors/sensors.h>
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+// concrete Monitor classes
+class CpuUsageMonitor: public Monitor
+ CpuUsageMonitor(); // monitor all cpus
+ CpuUsageMonitor(int cpu_no); // monitor only cpu no.
+ virtual double max();
+ virtual Glib::ustring format_value(double val);
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_name();
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_short_name();
+ virtual int update_interval();
+ virtual void save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ static int const max_no_cpus;
+ virtual double do_measure();
+ static int const all_cpus = -1;
+ int cpu_no;
+ // we need to save these values to compute the difference next time the
+ // monitor is updated
+ guint64 total_time, nice_time, idle_time, iowait_time;
+class SwapUsageMonitor: public Monitor
+ SwapUsageMonitor();
+ virtual double max();
+ virtual Glib::ustring format_value(double val);
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_name();
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_short_name();
+ virtual int update_interval();
+ virtual void save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ virtual double do_measure();
+ guint64 max_value; // maximum available swap
+class LoadAverageMonitor: public Monitor
+ LoadAverageMonitor();
+ virtual double max();
+ virtual Glib::ustring format_value(double val);
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_name();
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_short_name();
+ virtual int update_interval();
+ virtual void save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ virtual void load(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ virtual double do_measure();
+ double max_value; // currently monitored max number of processes
+class MemoryUsageMonitor: public Monitor
+ MemoryUsageMonitor();
+ virtual double max();
+ virtual Glib::ustring format_value(double val);
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_name();
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_short_name();
+ virtual int update_interval();
+ virtual void save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ virtual double do_measure();
+ guint64 max_value; // maximum available physical RAM
+class DiskUsageMonitor: public Monitor
+ DiskUsageMonitor(const std::string &mount_dir, bool show_free);
+ virtual double max();
+ virtual Glib::ustring format_value(double val);
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_name();
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_short_name();
+ virtual int update_interval();
+ virtual void save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ virtual double do_measure();
+ guint64 max_value; // maximum available disk blocks
+ std::string mount_dir;
+ bool show_free;
+class NetworkLoadMonitor: public Monitor
+ enum Direction {
+ all_data, incoming_data, outgoing_data
+ };
+ NetworkLoadMonitor(const Glib::ustring &interface, int interface_no,
+ Direction direction);
+ virtual double max();
+ virtual Glib::ustring format_value(double val);
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_name();
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_short_name();
+ virtual int update_interval();
+ virtual void save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ virtual void load(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ virtual void possibly_add_sync_with(Monitor *other);
+ virtual void remove_sync_with(Monitor *other);
+ virtual double do_measure();
+ guint64 max_value; // maximum measured capacity of line
+ long int time_difference; // no. of msecs. between the last two calls
+ guint64 byte_count; // number of bytes at last call
+ long int time_stamp_secs, time_stamp_usecs; // time stamp for last call
+ Glib::ustring interface; // e.g. "eth"
+ int interface_no; // e.g. 0
+ Direction direction;
+ typedef std::list<NetworkLoadMonitor *> nlm_seq;
+ nlm_seq sync_monitors;
+class TemperatureMonitor: public Monitor
+ TemperatureMonitor(int no); // no. in the temperature features
+ virtual double max();
+ virtual Glib::ustring format_value(double val);
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_name();
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_short_name();
+ virtual int update_interval();
+ virtual void save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ virtual void load(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ virtual double do_measure();
+ double max_value;
+ int chip_no, feature_no, sensors_no;
+ std::string description;
+class FanSpeedMonitor: public Monitor
+ FanSpeedMonitor(int no); // no. in the fan features
+ virtual double max();
+ virtual Glib::ustring format_value(double val);
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_name();
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_short_name();
+ virtual int update_interval();
+ virtual void save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ virtual void load(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client);
+ virtual double do_measure();
+ double max_value;
+ int chip_no, feature_no, sensors_no;
+ std::string description;
+// a singleton for initializing the sensors library
+class Sensors: noncopyable
+ static Sensors &instance();
+ static double const invalid_max;
+ struct FeatureInfo
+ {
+ int chip_no, feature_no;
+ std::string description; // description from sensors.conf
+ double max;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<FeatureInfo> FeatureInfoSequence;
+ FeatureInfoSequence get_temperature_features();
+ FeatureInfoSequence get_fan_features();
+ // return value for feature, or 0 if not available
+ double get_value(int chip_no, int feature_no);
+ Sensors();
+ ~Sensors();
+ // get a list of available features that contains base (e.g. "temp")
+ FeatureInfoSequence get_features(std::string base);
+ std::vector<sensors_chip_name> chips;
diff --git a/src/monitor.hpp b/src/monitor.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f514fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/monitor.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/* Interface base class for the monitors.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#ifndef MONITOR_HPP
+#define MONITOR_HPP
+#include <string>
+#include <list>
+#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
+#include <gconfmm/client.h>
+#include "helpers.hpp"
+class Monitor: noncopyable
+ Monitor()
+ : measured_value(0)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~Monitor()
+ {}
+ // update the measured value from device
+ void measure()
+ {
+ measured_value = do_measure();
+ if (measured_value < 0) // safety check
+ measured_value = 0;
+ }
+ // fetch the currently measured value
+ double value()
+ {
+ return measured_value;
+ }
+ void set_gconf_dir(const Glib::ustring &new_dir)
+ {
+ gconf_dir = new_dir;
+ }
+ Glib::ustring get_gconf_dir()
+ {
+ return gconf_dir;
+ }
+ // the max value that the monitor may attain
+ virtual double max() = 0;
+ // convert float to string which represents an actual number with the
+ // appropriate unit
+ virtual Glib::ustring format_value(double val) = 0;
+ // return a descriptive name
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_name() = 0;
+ // return a short name
+ virtual Glib::ustring get_short_name() = 0;
+ // the interval between updates in milliseconds
+ virtual int update_interval() = 0;
+ // save information about the monitor
+ virtual void save(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client) = 0;
+ // load any internal monitor state
+ virtual void load(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client)
+ {
+ }
+ // if other is watching the same thing as this monitor, it might be
+ // a good idea to sync maxima with it
+ virtual void possibly_add_sync_with(Monitor *other)
+ {
+ }
+ // remove a synchronisation
+ virtual void remove_sync_with(Monitor *other)
+ {
+ }
+ double measured_value;
+ // perform actual measurement, for derived classes
+ virtual double do_measure() = 0;
+ Glib::ustring gconf_dir;
+// helpers implemented in monitor-impls.cpp
+typedef std::list<Monitor *> monitor_seq;
+typedef monitor_seq::iterator monitor_iter;
+monitor_seq load_monitors(const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client,
+ const Glib::ustring &dir);
diff --git a/src/pixbuf-drawing.hpp b/src/pixbuf-drawing.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b88e067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pixbuf-drawing.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+/* Pixbuf-drawing helpers.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2002, 03, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <iterator>
+#include <gdkmm/pixbuf.h>
+#include <glib/gtypes.h>
+// scale pixbuf alpha values by scale / 256 (where scale <= 256)
+void scale_alpha(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> &pixbuf, int scale);
+// shift hue of the pixels by the given shift amount
+// which is in { 0, 1, ..., 6 * 256 - 1 }
+void shift_hue(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> &pixbuf, int shift);
+class Pixel
+ Pixel()
+ {}
+ explicit Pixel(unsigned char *pixel)
+ : data(pixel)
+ {}
+ // to facilitate -> on PixelIterators
+ Pixel *operator->()
+ {
+ return this;
+ }
+ unsigned char &red()
+ {
+ return *data;
+ }
+ unsigned char const &red() const
+ {
+ return *data;
+ }
+ unsigned char &green()
+ {
+ return *(data + 1);
+ }
+ unsigned char const &green() const
+ {
+ return *(data + 1);
+ }
+ unsigned char &blue()
+ {
+ return *(data + 2);
+ }
+ unsigned char const &blue() const
+ {
+ return *(data + 2);
+ }
+ unsigned char &alpha()
+ {
+ return *(data + 3);
+ }
+ unsigned char const &alpha() const
+ {
+ return *(data + 3);
+ }
+ unsigned char * data;
+class PixelPosition
+ PixelPosition()
+ {}
+ PixelPosition(unsigned char *pixel, int rs, int chnls)
+ : data(pixel), rowstride(rs), channels(chnls)
+ {}
+ Pixel pixel()
+ {
+ return Pixel(data);
+ }
+ PixelPosition &left(int n = 1)
+ {
+ data -= n * channels;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ PixelPosition &right(int n = 1)
+ {
+ data += n * channels;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ PixelPosition &up(int n = 1)
+ {
+ data -= n * rowstride;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ PixelPosition &down(int n = 1)
+ {
+ data += n * rowstride;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ unsigned char *data;
+ int rowstride, channels;
+inline PixelPosition get_position(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> &pixbuf,
+ int x, int y)
+ unsigned char *data = pixbuf->get_pixels();
+ int rowstride = pixbuf->get_rowstride();
+ int channels = pixbuf->get_n_channels();
+ data += rowstride * y + channels * x;
+ return PixelPosition(data, rowstride, channels);
+class PixelIterator {
+ typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef Pixel value_type;
+ typedef Pixel pointer;
+ typedef Pixel reference;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ PixelIterator()
+ {}
+ PixelIterator(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> &p,
+ unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
+ : xpos(x), width(p->get_width()), channels(p->get_n_channels()),
+ padding(p->get_rowstride() - width * channels)
+ {
+ data = p->get_pixels() + p->get_rowstride() * y + channels * x;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const PixelIterator& other) const
+ {
+ return data == other.data;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const PixelIterator& other) const
+ {
+ return !(*this == other);
+ }
+ reference operator*() const
+ {
+ return Pixel(data);
+ }
+ pointer operator->() const
+ {
+ return operator*();
+ }
+ PixelIterator &operator++()
+ {
+ if (xpos == width) {
+ data += padding;
+ xpos = 0;
+ }
+ data += channels;
+ ++xpos;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ PixelIterator operator++(int)
+ {
+ PixelIterator tmp = *this;
+ ++*this;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ PixelIterator &operator--()
+ {
+ if (xpos == 0) {
+ data -= padding;
+ xpos = width;
+ }
+ data -= channels;
+ --xpos;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ PixelIterator operator--(int)
+ {
+ PixelIterator tmp = *this;
+ --*this;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ unsigned char *data;
+ int xpos;
+ int width, channels, padding;
+inline PixelIterator begin(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> &pixbuf)
+ return PixelIterator(pixbuf, 0, 0);
+inline PixelIterator end(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> &pixbuf)
+ return PixelIterator(pixbuf, 0, pixbuf->get_height());
diff --git a/src/preferences-window.cpp b/src/preferences-window.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f49a4d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/preferences-window.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
+/* Implementation of the PreferencesWindow class.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <sigc++/bind.h>
+#include <gtkmm/button.h>
+#include <gconfmm/client.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "preferences-window.hpp"
+#include "choose-monitor-window.hpp"
+#include "gui-helpers.hpp"
+#include "applet.hpp"
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+#include "i18n.hpp"
+void PreferencesWindow::connect_monitor_colorbutton(Gtk::ColorButton
+ *colorbutton)
+ colorbutton->signal_color_set()
+ .connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::on_monitor_colorbutton_set),
+ colorbutton));
+PreferencesWindow::PreferencesWindow(Applet &applet_, monitor_seq monitors)
+ : applet(applet_)
+ ui = get_glade_xml("preferences_window");
+ ui->get_widget("preferences_window", window);
+ window->set_type_hint(Gdk::WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG);
+ window->set_icon(applet.get_icon());
+ // connect the Viewer tab widgets
+ ui->get_widget("curve_radiobutton", curve_radiobutton);
+ curve_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ on_curve_radiobutton_toggled));
+ ui->get_widget("bar_radiobutton", bar_radiobutton);
+ bar_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ on_bar_radiobutton_toggled));
+ ui->get_widget("vbar_radiobutton", vbar_radiobutton);
+ vbar_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ on_vbar_radiobutton_toggled));
+ ui->get_widget("column_radiobutton", column_radiobutton);
+ column_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ on_column_radiobutton_toggled));
+ ui->get_widget("text_radiobutton", text_radiobutton);
+ text_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ on_text_radiobutton_toggled));
+ ui->get_widget("flame_radiobutton", flame_radiobutton);
+ flame_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ on_flame_radiobutton_toggled));
+ ui->get_widget("size_outer_vbox", size_outer_vbox);
+ ui->get_widget("size_scale", size_scale);
+ size_scale_cb = size_scale->signal_value_changed()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::on_size_scale_changed));
+ ui->get_widget("font_outer_vbox", font_outer_vbox);
+ ui->get_widget("font_checkbutton", font_checkbutton);
+ font_checkbutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ on_font_checkbutton_toggled));
+ ui->get_widget("fontbutton", fontbutton);
+ fontbutton->signal_font_set()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::on_fontbutton_set));
+ ui->get_widget("background_colorbutton", background_colorbutton);
+ background_colorbutton->signal_color_set()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ on_background_colorbutton_set));
+ ui->get_widget("panel_background_radiobutton", panel_background_radiobutton);
+ ui->get_widget("background_color_radiobutton", background_color_radiobutton);
+ background_color_radiobutton->signal_toggled()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ on_background_color_radiobutton_toggled));
+ // connect the Monitor tab widgets
+ Gtk::Button *add_button;
+ ui->get_widget("add_button", add_button);
+ add_button->signal_clicked()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::on_add_button_clicked));
+ ui->get_widget("remove_button", remove_button);
+ remove_button->signal_clicked()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::on_remove_button_clicked));
+ ui->get_widget("change_button", change_button);
+ change_button->signal_clicked()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::on_change_button_clicked));
+ ui->get_widget("monitor_treeview", monitor_treeview);
+ monitor_treeview->get_selection()->signal_changed()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::on_selection_changed));
+ ui->get_widget("monitor_options", monitor_options);
+ static MonitorColumns mc;
+ monitor_store = Gtk::ListStore::create(mc);
+ monitor_treeview->set_model(monitor_store);
+ monitor_treeview->append_column(_("Device"), mc.name);
+ ui->get_widget("monitor_curve_options", monitor_curve_options);
+ ui->get_widget("line_colorbutton", line_colorbutton);
+ connect_monitor_colorbutton(line_colorbutton);
+ ui->get_widget("monitor_bar_options", monitor_bar_options);
+ ui->get_widget("bar_colorbutton", bar_colorbutton);
+ connect_monitor_colorbutton(bar_colorbutton);
+ ui->get_widget("monitor_vbar_options", monitor_vbar_options);
+ ui->get_widget("vbar_colorbutton", vbar_colorbutton);
+ connect_monitor_colorbutton(vbar_colorbutton);
+ ui->get_widget("monitor_column_options", monitor_column_options);
+ ui->get_widget("column_colorbutton", column_colorbutton);
+ connect_monitor_colorbutton(column_colorbutton);
+ ui->get_widget("monitor_flame_options", monitor_flame_options);
+ ui->get_widget("flame_colorbutton", flame_colorbutton);
+ connect_monitor_colorbutton(flame_colorbutton);
+ // connect GConf
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet.get_gconf_dir();
+ client->notify_add(dir + "/viewer_type",
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ viewer_type_listener));
+ client->notify_add(dir + "/background_interval",
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ background_color_listener));
+ client->notify_add(dir + "/viewer/size",
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::size_listener));
+ client->notify_add(dir + "/viewer/font",
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::font_listener));
+ // fill in values
+ viewer_type_listener(0, client->get_entry(dir + "/viewer_type"));
+ background_color_listener(0, client->get_entry(dir + "/background_color"));
+ use_background_color_listener(0, client
+ ->get_entry(dir + "/use_background_color"));
+ size_listener(0, client->get_entry(dir + "/viewer/size"));
+ font_listener(0, client->get_entry(dir + "/viewer/font"));
+ for (monitor_iter i = monitors.begin(), end = monitors.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ add_to_monitors_list(*i);
+ // deselect all to allow the user to discover the relationship
+ // between the greyed-out buttons and the treeview
+ monitor_treeview->get_selection()->unselect_all();
+ // make sure background colorbutton is grayed out
+ background_color_radiobutton->toggled();
+ // connect close operations
+ Gtk::Button *close_button;
+ ui->get_widget("close_button", close_button);
+ close_button->signal_clicked()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::on_close_button_clicked));
+ window->signal_delete_event()
+ .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::on_closed));
+ window->hide();
+ stop_monitor_listeners();
+void PreferencesWindow::show()
+ window->show();
+ window->raise();
+ void update_colorbutton_if_different(Gtk::ColorButton *colorbutton,
+ unsigned char r,
+ unsigned char g,
+ unsigned char b,
+ unsigned char a)
+ {
+ unsigned char pa, pr, pg, pb;
+ pa = colorbutton->get_alpha() >> 8;
+ Gdk::Color c = colorbutton->get_color();
+ pr = c.get_red() >> 8;
+ pg = c.get_green() >> 8;
+ pb = c.get_blue() >> 8;
+ if (pr != r || pg != g || pb != b) {
+ Gdk::Color new_c;
+ new_c.set_rgb(gushort(r) << 8, gushort(g) << 8, gushort(b) << 8);
+ colorbutton->set_color(new_c);
+ }
+ else if (pa != a)
+ colorbutton->set_alpha(gushort(a) << 8);
+ }
+// GConf callbacks
+void PreferencesWindow::viewer_type_listener(unsigned int,
+ Gnome::Conf::Entry entry)
+ if (entry.get_value().get_type() != Gnome::Conf::VALUE_STRING)
+ return;
+ Glib::ustring s = entry.get_value().get_string();
+ if (s == "curve") {
+ if (!curve_radiobutton->get_active())
+ curve_radiobutton->property_active() = true;
+ size_outer_vbox->property_visible() = true;
+ monitor_curve_options->property_visible() = true;
+ }
+ else if (s == "bar") {
+ if (!bar_radiobutton->get_active())
+ bar_radiobutton->property_active() = true;
+ size_outer_vbox->property_visible() = true;
+ monitor_bar_options->property_visible() = true;
+ }
+ else if (s == "vbar") {
+ if (!vbar_radiobutton->get_active())
+ vbar_radiobutton->property_active() = true;
+ size_outer_vbox->property_visible() = true;
+ monitor_vbar_options->property_visible() = true;
+ }
+ else if (s == "column") {
+ if (!column_radiobutton->get_active())
+ column_radiobutton->property_active() = true;
+ size_outer_vbox->property_visible() = true;
+ monitor_column_options->property_visible() = true;
+ }
+ else if (s == "text") {
+ if (!text_radiobutton->get_active())
+ text_radiobutton->property_active() = true;
+ font_outer_vbox->property_visible() = true;
+ }
+ else if (s == "flame") {
+ if (!flame_radiobutton->get_active())
+ flame_radiobutton->property_active() = true;
+ size_outer_vbox->property_visible() = true;
+ monitor_flame_options->property_visible() = true;
+ }
+void PreferencesWindow::background_color_listener(unsigned int,
+ Gnome::Conf::Entry entry)
+ if (entry.get_value().get_type() != Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ return;
+ unsigned int i = entry.get_value().get_int();
+ unsigned char r = i >> 24, g = i >> 16, b = i >> 8, a = i;
+ update_colorbutton_if_different(background_colorbutton, r, g, b, a);
+void PreferencesWindow::use_background_color_listener(unsigned int,
+ Gnome::Conf::Entry entry)
+ if (entry.get_value().get_type() != Gnome::Conf::VALUE_BOOL)
+ return;
+ bool b = entry.get_value().get_bool();
+ if (b)
+ background_color_radiobutton->set_active();
+ else
+ panel_background_radiobutton->set_active();
+void PreferencesWindow::size_listener(unsigned int,
+ Gnome::Conf::Entry entry)
+ if (entry.get_value().get_type() != Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ return;
+ int i = entry.get_value().get_int();
+ if (size_scale_to_pixels(int(size_scale->get_value())) != i)
+ size_scale->set_value(pixels_to_size_scale(i));
+void PreferencesWindow::font_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry)
+ if (entry.get_value().get_type() != Gnome::Conf::VALUE_STRING)
+ return;
+ Glib::ustring font = entry.get_value().get_string();
+ if (font.empty())
+ font_checkbutton->set_active(false);
+ else {
+ font_checkbutton->set_active(true);
+ if (fontbutton->get_font_name() != font)
+ fontbutton->set_font_name(font);
+ }
+void PreferencesWindow::monitor_color_listener(unsigned int,
+ Gnome::Conf::Entry entry)
+ if (entry.get_value().get_type() != Gnome::Conf::VALUE_INT)
+ return;
+ unsigned int i = entry.get_value().get_int();
+ unsigned char r = i >> 24, g = i >> 16, b = i >> 8, a = i;
+ update_colorbutton_if_different(line_colorbutton, r, g, b, a);
+ update_colorbutton_if_different(bar_colorbutton, r, g, b, a);
+ update_colorbutton_if_different(vbar_colorbutton, r, g, b, a);
+ update_colorbutton_if_different(column_colorbutton, r, g, b, a);
+ update_colorbutton_if_different(flame_colorbutton, r, g, b, a);
+// UI callbacks
+ // helper for avoiding clipping when shifting values
+ unsigned int pack_int(unsigned int r, unsigned int g, unsigned int b,
+ unsigned int a)
+ {
+ return ((r & 255) << 24) | ((g & 255) << 16) | ((b & 255) << 8) | (a & 255);
+ }
+void PreferencesWindow::sync_conf_with_colorbutton(std::string path,
+ Gtk::ColorButton *button)
+ // extract info from button
+ unsigned char a, r, g, b;
+ a = button->get_alpha() >> 8;
+ Gdk::Color c = button->get_color();
+ r = c.get_red() >> 8;
+ g = c.get_green() >> 8;
+ b = c.get_blue() >> 8;
+ // update configuration
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ client->set(path, int(pack_int(r, g, b, a)));
+void PreferencesWindow::on_background_colorbutton_set()
+ sync_conf_with_colorbutton(applet.get_gconf_dir() + "/background_color",
+ background_colorbutton);
+void PreferencesWindow::on_background_color_radiobutton_toggled()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet.get_gconf_dir();
+ bool on = background_color_radiobutton->get_active();
+ background_colorbutton->set_sensitive(on);
+ client->set(dir + "/use_background_color", on);
+void PreferencesWindow::on_curve_radiobutton_toggled()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet.get_gconf_dir();
+ bool active = curve_radiobutton->get_active();
+ if (active)
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer_type", Glib::ustring("curve"));
+ size_outer_vbox->property_visible() = active;
+ monitor_curve_options->property_visible() = active;
+void PreferencesWindow::on_bar_radiobutton_toggled()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet.get_gconf_dir();
+ bool active = bar_radiobutton->get_active();
+ if (active)
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer_type", Glib::ustring("bar"));
+ size_outer_vbox->property_visible() = active;
+ monitor_bar_options->property_visible() = active;
+void PreferencesWindow::on_vbar_radiobutton_toggled()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet.get_gconf_dir();
+ bool active = vbar_radiobutton->get_active();
+ if (active)
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer_type", Glib::ustring("vbar"));
+ size_outer_vbox->property_visible() = active;
+ monitor_vbar_options->property_visible() = active;
+void PreferencesWindow::on_column_radiobutton_toggled()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet.get_gconf_dir();
+ bool active = column_radiobutton->get_active();
+ if (active)
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer_type", Glib::ustring("column"));
+ size_outer_vbox->property_visible() = active;
+ monitor_column_options->property_visible() = active;
+void PreferencesWindow::on_text_radiobutton_toggled()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet.get_gconf_dir();
+ bool active = text_radiobutton->get_active();
+ if (active)
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer_type", Glib::ustring("text"));
+ font_outer_vbox->property_visible() = active;
+void PreferencesWindow::on_flame_radiobutton_toggled()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet.get_gconf_dir();
+ bool active = flame_radiobutton->get_active();
+ if (active)
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer_type", Glib::ustring("flame"));
+ size_outer_vbox->property_visible() = active;
+ monitor_flame_options->property_visible() = active;
+void PreferencesWindow::on_size_scale_changed()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet.get_gconf_dir();
+ size_scale_cb.block();
+ int i = int(size_scale->get_value() + 0.5);
+ size_scale->set_value(i);
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer/size", size_scale_to_pixels(i));
+ size_scale_cb.unblock();
+void PreferencesWindow::on_font_checkbutton_toggled()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet.get_gconf_dir();
+ bool active = font_checkbutton->get_active();
+ fontbutton->set_sensitive(active);
+ if (active)
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer/font", fontbutton->get_font_name());
+ else
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer/font", Glib::ustring(""));
+void PreferencesWindow::on_fontbutton_set()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet.get_gconf_dir();
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer/font", fontbutton->get_font_name());
+void PreferencesWindow::on_add_button_clicked()
+ Monitor *monitor = run_choose_monitor_window(Glib::ustring());
+ if (monitor) {
+ applet.add_monitor(monitor);
+ add_to_monitors_list(monitor);
+ }
+void PreferencesWindow::on_remove_button_clicked()
+ static MonitorColumns mc;
+ store_iter i = monitor_treeview->get_selection()->get_selected();
+ if (i) {
+ Monitor *mon = (*i)[mc.monitor];
+ monitor_store->erase(i);
+ applet.remove_monitor(mon);
+ }
+void PreferencesWindow::on_change_button_clicked()
+ static MonitorColumns mc;
+ store_iter i = monitor_treeview->get_selection()->get_selected();
+ if (i) {
+ Monitor *prev_monitor = (*i)[mc.monitor];
+ Monitor *new_monitor
+ = run_choose_monitor_window(prev_monitor->get_gconf_dir());
+ if (new_monitor) {
+ applet.replace_monitor(prev_monitor, new_monitor);
+ (*i)[mc.name] = new_monitor->get_name();
+ (*i)[mc.monitor] = new_monitor;
+ }
+ }
+void PreferencesWindow::stop_monitor_listeners()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ for (std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator i = monitor_listeners.begin(),
+ end = monitor_listeners.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ client->notify_remove(*i);
+ monitor_listeners.clear();
+void PreferencesWindow::on_selection_changed()
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet.get_gconf_client();
+ static MonitorColumns mc;
+ store_iter i = monitor_treeview->get_selection()->get_selected();
+ bool sel = i;
+ stop_monitor_listeners();
+ if (sel) {
+ Glib::ustring key, mon_dir = (*(*i)[mc.monitor]).get_gconf_dir();
+ unsigned int con;
+ key = mon_dir + "/color";
+ con = client->notify_add(key, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PreferencesWindow::
+ monitor_color_listener));
+ monitor_color_listener(0, client->get_entry(key));
+ monitor_listeners.push_back(con);
+ }
+ remove_button->set_sensitive(sel);
+ change_button->set_sensitive(sel);
+ monitor_options->set_sensitive(sel);
+void PreferencesWindow::on_monitor_colorbutton_set(Gtk::ColorButton *colorbutton)
+ static MonitorColumns mc;
+ store_iter i = monitor_treeview->get_selection()->get_selected();
+ if (i) {
+ Glib::ustring mon_dir = (*(*i)[mc.monitor]).get_gconf_dir();
+ sync_conf_with_colorbutton(mon_dir + "/color", colorbutton);
+ }
+void PreferencesWindow::on_close_button_clicked()
+ window->hide();
+bool PreferencesWindow::on_closed(GdkEventAny *)
+ window->hide();
+ return false;
+Monitor *PreferencesWindow::run_choose_monitor_window(const Glib::ustring &str)
+ ChooseMonitorWindow chooser(applet.get_icon(), *window);
+ return chooser.run(applet.get_gconf_client(), str);
+void PreferencesWindow::add_to_monitors_list(Monitor *mon)
+ MonitorColumns mc;
+ store_iter i = monitor_store->append();
+ (*i)[mc.name] = mon->get_name();
+ (*i)[mc.monitor] = mon;
+ monitor_treeview->get_selection()->select(i);
+// for converting between size_scale units and pixels
+int const pixel_size_table_size = 10;
+int pixel_size_table[pixel_size_table_size]
+ = { 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384, 512, 1024 };
+int PreferencesWindow::size_scale_to_pixels(int size)
+ assert(size >= 0 && size < pixel_size_table_size);
+ return pixel_size_table[size];
+int PreferencesWindow::pixels_to_size_scale(int pixels)
+ // we may not have an exact match, so just find the nearest
+ int min_diff = 1000000, min_i = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < pixel_size_table_size; ++i) {
+ int diff = std::abs(pixel_size_table[i] - pixels);
+ if (diff < min_diff) {
+ min_diff = diff;
+ min_i = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return min_i;
diff --git a/src/preferences-window.hpp b/src/preferences-window.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7396712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/preferences-window.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+/* The preferences window.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <libglademm/xml.h>
+#include <sigc++/trackable.h>
+#include <sigc++/connection.h>
+#include <gconfmm/entry.h>
+#include <gtkmm/button.h>
+#include <gtkmm/checkbutton.h>
+#include <gtkmm/colorbutton.h>
+#include <gtkmm/fontbutton.h>
+#include <gtkmm/label.h>
+#include <gtkmm/liststore.h>
+#include <gtkmm/radiobutton.h>
+#include <gtkmm/spinbutton.h>
+#include <gtkmm/scale.h>
+#include <gtkmm/treeview.h>
+#include <gtkmm/window.h>
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+class Applet;
+class PreferencesWindow: public sigc::trackable
+ PreferencesWindow(Applet &applet, monitor_seq monitors);
+ ~PreferencesWindow();
+ void show();
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> ui;
+ Gtk::Window *window;
+ Gtk::SpinButton *update_interval_spinbutton;
+ Gtk::RadioButton *panel_background_radiobutton;
+ Gtk::RadioButton *background_color_radiobutton;
+ Gtk::ColorButton *background_colorbutton;
+ Gtk::RadioButton *curve_radiobutton;
+ Gtk::RadioButton *bar_radiobutton;
+ Gtk::RadioButton *vbar_radiobutton;
+ Gtk::RadioButton *column_radiobutton;
+ Gtk::RadioButton *text_radiobutton;
+ Gtk::RadioButton *flame_radiobutton;
+ Gtk::Widget *size_outer_vbox;
+ Gtk::Scale *size_scale;
+ Gtk::Widget *font_outer_vbox;
+ Gtk::CheckButton *font_checkbutton;
+ Gtk::FontButton *fontbutton;
+ Gtk::Button *remove_button;
+ Gtk::Button *change_button;
+ Gtk::TreeView *monitor_treeview;
+ Gtk::Widget *monitor_options;
+ Gtk::Widget *monitor_curve_options;
+ Gtk::ColorButton *line_colorbutton;
+ Gtk::Widget *monitor_bar_options;
+ Gtk::ColorButton *bar_colorbutton;
+ Gtk::Widget *monitor_vbar_options;
+ Gtk::ColorButton *vbar_colorbutton;
+ Gtk::Widget *monitor_column_options;
+ Gtk::ColorButton *column_colorbutton;
+ Gtk::Widget *monitor_flame_options;
+ Gtk::ColorButton *flame_colorbutton;
+ class MonitorColumns: public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord
+ {
+ public:
+ Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> name;
+ Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Monitor *> monitor;
+ MonitorColumns() { add(name); add(monitor); }
+ };
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> monitor_store;
+ typedef Gtk::ListStore::iterator store_iter;
+ // GConf
+ void viewer_type_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry);
+ void background_color_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry);
+ void use_background_color_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry);
+ void size_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry);
+ void font_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry);
+ void monitor_color_listener(unsigned int, Gnome::Conf::Entry entry);
+ void stop_monitor_listeners();
+ std::vector<unsigned int> monitor_listeners;
+ // GUI
+ void on_background_colorbutton_set();
+ void on_background_color_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_curve_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_bar_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_vbar_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_column_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_text_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_flame_radiobutton_toggled();
+ void on_size_scale_changed();
+ sigc::connection size_scale_cb;
+ void on_font_checkbutton_toggled();
+ void on_fontbutton_set();
+ void on_add_button_clicked();
+ void on_remove_button_clicked();
+ void on_change_button_clicked();
+ void on_selection_changed();
+ void on_monitor_colorbutton_set(Gtk::ColorButton *colorbutton);
+ void on_close_button_clicked();
+ bool on_closed(GdkEventAny *);
+ Monitor *run_choose_monitor_window(const Glib::ustring &str);
+ void add_to_monitors_list(Monitor *monitor);
+ // for converting between size_scale units and pixels
+ int size_scale_to_pixels(int size);
+ int pixels_to_size_scale(int pixels);
+ void sync_conf_with_colorbutton(std::string gconf_path,
+ Gtk::ColorButton *button);
+ void connect_monitor_colorbutton(Gtk::ColorButton *colorbutton);
+ Applet &applet;
diff --git a/src/text-view.cpp b/src/text-view.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f457b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/text-view.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+/* Implementation of textual monitoring view.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <gtkmm/label.h>
+#include <pangomm/fontdescription.h>
+#include <pangomm/attributes.h>
+#include <pangomm/attrlist.h>
+#include "text-view.hpp"
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+#include "applet.hpp"
+#include "ucompose.hpp"
+#include "i18n.hpp"
+class Text
+ Text(Monitor *monitor);
+ void add_to_table(Gtk::Table &table, int col, int row);
+ void update(const Glib::ustring &font);
+ Monitor *monitor;
+ std::auto_ptr<Gtk::Label> label;
+Text::Text(Monitor *mon)
+ : monitor(mon)
+void Text::add_to_table(Gtk::Table &table, int col, int row)
+ label.reset(new Gtk::Label);
+ table.attach(*label, col, col + 1, row, row + 1,
+ Gtk::EXPAND | Gtk::FILL | Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ label->set_alignment(0, 0.5);
+void Text::update(const Glib::ustring &font)
+ assert(label.get());
+ Pango::AttrList attrlist;
+ if (!font.empty()) {
+ Pango::AttrFontDesc attr =
+ Pango::Attribute::create_attr_font_desc(Pango::FontDescription(font));
+ attrlist.insert(attr);
+ }
+ label->property_attributes() = attrlist;
+ monitor->measure();
+ label->set_text(monitor->format_value(monitor->value()));
+ label->show();
+ : View(false)
+void TextView::do_display()
+ background_box.add(table);
+ applet->get_container().add(background_box);
+ table.show();
+ background_box.show();
+void TextView::do_update()
+ // first update font
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Conf::Client> &client = applet->get_gconf_client();
+ Glib::ustring dir = applet->get_gconf_dir();
+ // FIXME: use schemas?
+ if (client->get(dir + "/viewer/font").get_type() == Gnome::Conf::VALUE_STRING)
+ font = client->get_string(dir + "/viewer/font");
+ else {
+ font = "";
+ client->set(dir + "/viewer/font", font);
+ }
+ // then update
+ for (text_iterator i = texts.begin(), end = texts.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ (*i)->update(font);
+void TextView::do_attach(Monitor *monitor)
+ texts.push_back(new Text(monitor));
+ texts.back()->add_to_table(table, 1, texts.size());
+ // FIXME: consider space restraints
+#if 0
+ int row = 1;
+ for (text_iterator i = texts.begin(), end = texts.end(); i != end; ++i) {
+ (*i)->add_to_table(table, 1, row++);
+ }
+void TextView::do_detach(Monitor *monitor)
+ for (text_iterator i = texts.begin(), end = texts.end(); i != end; ++i)
+ if ((*i)->monitor == monitor) {
+ delete *i;
+ texts.erase(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ g_assert_not_reached();
+void TextView::do_set_background(unsigned int color)
+ Gdk::Color c;
+ c.set_rgb(((color >> 24) & 0xff) * 256,
+ ((color >> 16) & 0xff) * 256,
+ ((color >> 8) & 0xff) * 256);
+ background_box.modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, c);
+ background_box.modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_ACTIVE, c);
+ background_box.modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_PRELIGHT, c);
+ background_box.modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_SELECTED, c);
+ background_box.modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_INSENSITIVE, c);
+void TextView::do_unset_background()
+ // FIXME: convert to C++ code in gtkmm 2.4
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(background_box.Gtk::Widget::gobj(), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, 0);
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(background_box.Gtk::Widget::gobj(), GTK_STATE_ACTIVE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(background_box.Gtk::Widget::gobj(), GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, 0);
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(background_box.Gtk::Widget::gobj(), GTK_STATE_SELECTED, 0);
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(background_box.Gtk::Widget::gobj(), GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE, 0);
+int TextView::get_height() const
+ // FIXME: determine from panel size
+ return 44;
diff --git a/src/text-view.hpp b/src/text-view.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d55da5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/text-view.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* A textual monitoring view.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#ifndef TEXT_VIEW_HPP
+#define TEXT_VIEW_HPP
+#include <memory>
+#include <gtkmm/eventbox.h>
+#include <gtkmm/table.h>
+#include "view.hpp"
+class Text;
+class TextView: public View
+ TextView();
+ virtual void do_display();
+ virtual void do_update();
+ virtual void do_attach(Monitor *monitor);
+ virtual void do_detach(Monitor *monitor);
+ virtual void do_set_background(unsigned int color);
+ virtual void do_unset_background();
+ int get_height() const;
+ Gtk::EventBox background_box;
+ Gtk::Table table;
+ Glib::ustring font;
+ typedef std::list<Text *> text_sequence;
+ typedef text_sequence::iterator text_iterator;
+ text_sequence texts;
diff --git a/src/ucompose.hpp b/src/ucompose.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5f1cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ucompose.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+/* Defines String::ucompose(fmt, arg...) for easy, i18n-friendly
+ * composition of strings with Gtkmm >= 1.3.* (see www.gtkmm.org).
+ * Uses Glib::ustring instead of std::string which doesn't work with
+ * Gtkmm due to character encoding troubles with stringstreams.
+ *
+ * Version 1.0.5.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2002, 03, 04, 07 Ole Laursen <olau at hardworking.dk>.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+// Basic usage is like
+// String::ucompose("This is a %1x%2 matrix.", rows, cols);
+// See http://people.iola.dk/olau/compose/ or the included
+// README.compose for more details.
+#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
+#include <glibmm/convert.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <list>
+#include <map> // for multimap
+namespace UStringPrivate
+ // the actual composition class - using String::ucompose is cleaner, so we
+ // hide it here
+ class Composition
+ {
+ public:
+ // initialize and prepare format string on the form "text %1 text %2 etc."
+ explicit Composition(std::string fmt);
+ // supply an replacement argument starting from %1
+ template <typename T>
+ Composition &arg(const T &obj);
+ // compose and return string
+ Glib::ustring str() const;
+ private:
+ std::wostringstream os;
+ int arg_no;
+ // we store the output as a list - when the output string is requested, the
+ // list is concatenated to a string; this way we can keep iterators into
+ // the list instead of into a string where they're possibly invalidated
+ // when inserting a specification string
+ typedef std::list<std::string> output_list;
+ output_list output;
+ // the initial parse of the format string fills in the specification map
+ // with positions for each of the various %?s
+ typedef std::multimap<int, output_list::iterator> specification_map;
+ specification_map specs;
+ template <typename T>
+ std::string stringify(T obj);
+ };
+ // helper for converting spec string numbers
+ inline int char_to_int(char c)
+ {
+ switch (c) {
+ case '0': return 0;
+ case '1': return 1;
+ case '2': return 2;
+ case '3': return 3;
+ case '4': return 4;
+ case '5': return 5;
+ case '6': return 6;
+ case '7': return 7;
+ case '8': return 8;
+ case '9': return 9;
+ default: return -1000;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool is_number(int n)
+ {
+ switch (n) {
+ case '0':
+ case '1':
+ case '2':
+ case '3':
+ case '4':
+ case '5':
+ case '6':
+ case '7':
+ case '8':
+ case '9':
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline std::string Composition::stringify(T obj)
+ {
+ os << obj;
+ std::wstring str = os.str();
+ return Glib::convert(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(str.data()),
+ str.size() * sizeof(wchar_t)),
+ "UTF-8", "WCHAR_T");
+ }
+ // specialisations for the common string types
+ template <>
+ inline std::string
+ Composition::stringify<std::string>(std::string obj)
+ {
+ return obj;
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string
+ Composition::stringify<Glib::ustring>(Glib::ustring obj)
+ {
+ return obj;
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string
+ Composition::stringify<const char *>(const char *obj)
+ {
+ return obj;
+ }
+ template <>
+ inline std::string
+ Composition::stringify<char *>(char *obj)
+ {
+ return obj;
+ }
+ // implementation of class Composition
+ template <typename T>
+ inline Composition &Composition::arg(const T &obj)
+ {
+ Glib::ustring rep = stringify(obj);
+ if (!rep.empty()) { // manipulators don't produce output
+ for (specification_map::const_iterator i = specs.lower_bound(arg_no),
+ end = specs.upper_bound(arg_no); i != end; ++i) {
+ output_list::iterator pos = i->second;
+ ++pos;
+ output.insert(pos, rep);
+ }
+ os.str(std::wstring());
+ //os.clear();
+ ++arg_no;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline Composition::Composition(std::string fmt)
+ : arg_no(1)
+ {
+#if __GNUC__ >= 3
+ os.imbue(std::locale("")); // use the user's locale for the stream
+ std::string::size_type b = 0, i = 0;
+ // fill in output with the strings between the %1 %2 %3 etc. and
+ // fill in specs with the positions
+ while (i < fmt.length()) {
+ if (fmt[i] == '%' && i + 1 < fmt.length()) {
+ if (fmt[i + 1] == '%') { // catch %%
+ fmt.replace(i, 2, "%");
+ ++i;
+ }
+ else if (is_number(fmt[i + 1])) { // aha! a spec!
+ // save string
+ output.push_back(fmt.substr(b, i - b));
+ int n = 1; // number of digits
+ int spec_no = 0;
+ do {
+ spec_no += char_to_int(fmt[i + n]);
+ spec_no *= 10;
+ ++n;
+ } while (i + n < fmt.length() && is_number(fmt[i + n]));
+ spec_no /= 10;
+ output_list::iterator pos = output.end();
+ --pos; // safe since we have just inserted a string
+ specs.insert(specification_map::value_type(spec_no, pos));
+ // jump over spec string
+ i += n;
+ b = i;
+ }
+ else
+ ++i;
+ }
+ else
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if (i - b > 0) // add the rest of the string
+ output.push_back(fmt.substr(b, i - b));
+ }
+ inline Glib::ustring Composition::str() const
+ {
+ // assemble string
+ std::string str;
+ for (output_list::const_iterator i = output.begin(), end = output.end();
+ i != end; ++i)
+ str += *i;
+ return str;
+ }
+namespace String
+ // a series of functions which accept a format string on the form "text %1
+ // more %2 less %3" and a number of templated parameters and spits out the
+ // composited string
+ template <typename T1>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt, const T1 &o1)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4, const T5 &o5)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4).arg(o5);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4, const T5 &o5, const T6 &o6)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4).arg(o5).arg(o6);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4, const T5 &o5, const T6 &o6,
+ const T7 &o7)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4).arg(o5).arg(o6).arg(o7);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4, const T5 &o5, const T6 &o6,
+ const T7 &o7, const T8 &o8)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4).arg(o5).arg(o6).arg(o7).arg(o8);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4, const T5 &o5, const T6 &o6,
+ const T7 &o7, const T8 &o8, const T9 &o9)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4).arg(o5).arg(o6).arg(o7).arg(o8).arg(o9);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4, const T5 &o5, const T6 &o6,
+ const T7 &o7, const T8 &o8, const T9 &o9,
+ const T10 &o10)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4).arg(o5).arg(o6).arg(o7).arg(o8).arg(o9)
+ .arg(o10);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10,
+ typename T11>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4, const T5 &o5, const T6 &o6,
+ const T7 &o7, const T8 &o8, const T9 &o9,
+ const T10 &o10, const T11 &o11)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4).arg(o5).arg(o6).arg(o7).arg(o8).arg(o9)
+ .arg(o10).arg(o11);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10,
+ typename T11, typename T12>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4, const T5 &o5, const T6 &o6,
+ const T7 &o7, const T8 &o8, const T9 &o9,
+ const T10 &o10, const T11 &o11, const T12 &o12)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4).arg(o5).arg(o6).arg(o7).arg(o8).arg(o9)
+ .arg(o10).arg(o11).arg(o12);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10,
+ typename T11, typename T12, typename T13>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4, const T5 &o5, const T6 &o6,
+ const T7 &o7, const T8 &o8, const T9 &o9,
+ const T10 &o10, const T11 &o11, const T12 &o12,
+ const T13 &o13)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4).arg(o5).arg(o6).arg(o7).arg(o8).arg(o9)
+ .arg(o10).arg(o11).arg(o12).arg(o13);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10,
+ typename T11, typename T12, typename T13, typename T14>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4, const T5 &o5, const T6 &o6,
+ const T7 &o7, const T8 &o8, const T9 &o9,
+ const T10 &o10, const T11 &o11, const T12 &o12,
+ const T13 &o13, const T14 &o14)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4).arg(o5).arg(o6).arg(o7).arg(o8).arg(o9)
+ .arg(o10).arg(o11).arg(o12).arg(o13).arg(o14);
+ return c.str();
+ }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
+ typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename T10,
+ typename T11, typename T12, typename T13, typename T14,
+ typename T15>
+ inline Glib::ustring ucompose(const Glib::ustring &fmt,
+ const T1 &o1, const T2 &o2, const T3 &o3,
+ const T4 &o4, const T5 &o5, const T6 &o6,
+ const T7 &o7, const T8 &o8, const T9 &o9,
+ const T10 &o10, const T11 &o11, const T12 &o12,
+ const T13 &o13, const T14 &o14, const T15 &o15)
+ {
+ UStringPrivate::Composition c(fmt);
+ c.arg(o1).arg(o2).arg(o3).arg(o4).arg(o5).arg(o6).arg(o7).arg(o8).arg(o9)
+ .arg(o10).arg(o11).arg(o12).arg(o13).arg(o14).arg(o15);
+ return c.str();
+ }
diff --git a/src/ui.glade b/src/ui.glade
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f13b4e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui.glade
@@ -0,0 +1,2328 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!--*- mode: xml -*-->
+<!DOCTYPE glade-interface SYSTEM "http://glade.gnome.org/glade-2.0.dtd">
+<requires lib="gnome"/>
+<widget class="GtkWindow" id="preferences_window">
+ <property name="border_width">12</property>
+ <property name="title" translatable="yes">Hardware Monitor Preferences</property>
+ <property name="type">GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL</property>
+ <property name="window_position">GTK_WIN_POS_NONE</property>
+ <property name="modal">False</property>
+ <property name="resizable">True</property>
+ <property name="destroy_with_parent">False</property>
+ <property name="decorated">True</property>
+ <property name="skip_taskbar_hint">False</property>
+ <property name="skip_pager_hint">False</property>
+ <property name="type_hint">GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL</property>
+ <property name="gravity">GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST</property>
+ <property name="focus_on_map">True</property>
+ <property name="urgency_hint">False</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkVBox" id="outer_vbox">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
+ <property name="spacing">12</property>
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+ <widget class="GtkNotebook" id="notebook">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
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+ <property name="show_tabs">True</property>
+ <property name="show_border">True</property>
+ <property name="tab_pos">GTK_POS_TOP</property>
+ <property name="scrollable">False</property>
+ <property name="enable_popup">False</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkVBox" id="devices_outer_vbox">
+ <property name="border_width">12</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
+ <property name="spacing">12</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkLabel" id="devices_label">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes"><b>Devices</b></property>
+ <property name="use_underline">False</property>
+ <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+ <property name="justify">GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT</property>
+ <property name="wrap">False</property>
+ <property name="selectable">False</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="yalign">0.5</property>
+ <property name="xpad">0</property>
+ <property name="ypad">0</property>
+ <property name="ellipsize">PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE</property>
+ <property name="width_chars">-1</property>
+ <property name="single_line_mode">False</property>
+ <property name="angle">0</property>
+ </widget>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="padding">0</property>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkHBox" id="monitors_hbox">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
+ <property name="spacing">0</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkVBox" id="monitors_vbox">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
+ <property name="spacing">6</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkLabel" id="monitors_header">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Monitored devices:</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+ <property name="use_markup">False</property>
+ <property name="justify">GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT</property>
+ <property name="wrap">False</property>
+ <property name="selectable">False</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="yalign">0.5</property>
+ <property name="xpad">0</property>
+ <property name="ypad">0</property>
+ <property name="mnemonic_widget">monitor_treeview</property>
+ <property name="ellipsize">PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE</property>
+ <property name="width_chars">-1</property>
+ <property name="single_line_mode">False</property>
+ <property name="angle">0</property>
+ </widget>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="padding">0</property>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkTable" id="monitors_table">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="n_rows">2</property>
+ <property name="n_columns">2</property>
+ <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
+ <property name="row_spacing">6</property>
+ <property name="column_spacing">18</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="scrolledwindow">
+ <property name="width_request">250</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="hscrollbar_policy">GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC</property>
+ <property name="vscrollbar_policy">GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC</property>
+ <property name="shadow_type">GTK_SHADOW_IN</property>
+ <property name="window_placement">GTK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkTreeView" id="monitor_treeview">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="headers_visible">False</property>
+ <property name="rules_hint">False</property>
+ <property name="reorderable">False</property>
+ <property name="enable_search">True</property>
+ <property name="fixed_height_mode">False</property>
+ <property name="hover_selection">False</property>
+ <property name="hover_expand">False</property>
+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="left_attach">0</property>
+ <property name="right_attach">1</property>
+ <property name="top_attach">0</property>
+ <property name="bottom_attach">1</property>
+ <property name="y_options">fill</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkVButtonBox" id="monitor_buttonbox">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="layout_style">GTK_BUTTONBOX_START</property>
+ <property name="spacing">6</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkButton" id="add_button">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="relief">GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL</property>
+ <property name="focus_on_click">True</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkHBox" id="add_dummy">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
+ <property name="spacing">0</property>
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+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Add</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+ <property name="use_markup">False</property>
+ <property name="justify">GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT</property>
+ <property name="wrap">False</property>
+ <property name="selectable">False</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="yalign">0.5</property>
+ <property name="xpad">12</property>
+ <property name="ypad">0</property>
+ <property name="ellipsize">PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE</property>
+ <property name="width_chars">-1</property>
+ <property name="single_line_mode">False</property>
+ <property name="angle">0</property>
+ </widget>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="padding">0</property>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkButton" id="remove_button">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="relief">GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL</property>
+ <property name="focus_on_click">True</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkHBox" id="remove_dummy">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
+ <property name="spacing">0</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkLabel" id="remove_label">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Remove</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+ <property name="use_markup">False</property>
+ <property name="justify">GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT</property>
+ <property name="wrap">False</property>
+ <property name="selectable">False</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="yalign">0.5</property>
+ <property name="xpad">12</property>
+ <property name="ypad">0</property>
+ <property name="ellipsize">PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE</property>
+ <property name="width_chars">-1</property>
+ <property name="single_line_mode">False</property>
+ <property name="angle">0</property>
+ </widget>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="padding">0</property>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkButton" id="change_button">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="relief">GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL</property>
+ <property name="focus_on_click">True</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkHBox" id="change_dummy">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
+ <property name="spacing">0</property>
+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkLabel" id="change_label">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">C_hange</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+ <property name="use_markup">False</property>
+ <property name="justify">GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT</property>
+ <property name="wrap">False</property>
+ <property name="selectable">False</property>
+ <property name="xalign">0</property>
+ <property name="yalign">0.5</property>
+ <property name="xpad">12</property>
+ <property name="ypad">0</property>
+ <property name="ellipsize">PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE</property>
+ <property name="width_chars">-1</property>
+ <property name="single_line_mode">False</property>
+ <property name="angle">0</property>
+ </widget>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="padding">0</property>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="left_attach">1</property>
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+ <property name="bottom_attach">1</property>
+ <property name="x_options">shrink</property>
+ <property name="y_options">shrink</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ <child>
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+ <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">The amount of memory used</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Memory usage</property>
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+ <property name="relief">GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL</property>
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+ <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">The amount of disk-based memory used</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Swap usage</property>
+ <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+ <property name="relief">GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL</property>
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+ <child>
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+ <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">The amount of data sent through a network connection</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Network throughput</property>
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+ <property name="relief">GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL</property>
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+ <property name="tooltip" translatable="yes">Type of connection - Ethernet is the most common local area network adapter type</property>
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+ <property name="history">0</property>
+ <child>
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+ <child>
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+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ <child>
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+ </widget>
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+ <child>
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+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ </widget>
+ </child>
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+ <child>
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+ <child>
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+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ <child>
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+ </widget>
+ </child>
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+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
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+ <property name="group">cpu_usage_radiobutton</property>
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+ <widget class="GtkOptionMenu" id="temperature_optionmenu">
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+ <child>
+ <widget class="GtkMenu" id="menu3">
+ <child>
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+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
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+ <child>
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+ </widget>
+ </child>
+ </widget>
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diff --git a/src/ui.gladep b/src/ui.gladep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f541ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui.gladep
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!--*- mode: xml -*-->
+<!DOCTYPE glade-project SYSTEM "http://glade.gnome.org/glade-project-2.0.dtd">
+ <name>Hardware Monitor</name>
+ <program_name>hardware-monitor</program_name>
+ <language>C++</language>
+ <output_main_file>FALSE</output_main_file>
+ <output_support_files>FALSE</output_support_files>
+ <output_build_files>FALSE</output_build_files>
diff --git a/src/value-history.cpp b/src/value-history.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a58a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/value-history.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* Implementation of value history class.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include "value-history.hpp"
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+#include "applet.hpp"
+ValueHistory::ValueHistory(Monitor *mon)
+ : monitor(mon)
+ wait_iterations = monitor->update_interval() / Applet::update_interval;
+ waits_remaining = 0;
+void ValueHistory::update(unsigned int max_samples, bool &new_value)
+ --waits_remaining;
+ if (waits_remaining <= 0) {
+ new_value = true;
+ monitor->measure();
+ values.push_front(monitor->value());
+ waits_remaining = wait_iterations;
+ }
+ else
+ new_value = false;
+ // get rid of extra samples (there may be more than one if user changes
+ // configuration)
+ while (values.size() > max_samples)
+ values.pop_back();
diff --git a/src/value-history.hpp b/src/value-history.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee94a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/value-history.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* A value history class for measuring and keeping track of monitor values.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <deque>
+class Monitor;
+class ValueHistory
+ ValueHistory(Monitor *monitor);
+ // perform a measurement if needed, new_value is set to true if it was
+ void update(unsigned int max_samples, bool &new_value);
+ // the past values
+ typedef std::deque<double> sequence;
+ typedef sequence::iterator iterator;
+ sequence values;
+ Monitor *monitor;
+ int wait_iterations, waits_remaining;
diff --git a/src/view.cpp b/src/view.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c819dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/view.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* Implementation of view base class.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include "view.hpp"
+View::View(bool kh)
+ : keeps_history(kh)
+void View::display(Applet &a)
+ applet = &a;
+ do_display();
+void View::update()
+ do_update();
+void View::attach(Monitor *monitor)
+ do_attach(monitor);
+void View::detach(Monitor *monitor)
+ do_detach(monitor);
+void View::set_background(unsigned int color)
+ do_set_background(color);
+void View::unset_background()
+ do_unset_background();
diff --git a/src/view.hpp b/src/view.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..497ecf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/view.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/* Abstract base class for all views. Also contains some data.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 04 Ole Laursen.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+ * USA.
+ */
+#ifndef VIEW_HPP
+#define VIEW_HPP
+#include <config.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <list>
+#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
+#include "helpers.hpp"
+class Applet;
+class Monitor;
+// something that can show something in an applet widget
+class View: noncopyable
+ View(bool keeps_history);
+ virtual ~View();
+ void display(Applet &applet);
+ void update();
+ void attach(Monitor *monitor);
+ void detach(Monitor *monitor);
+ void set_background(unsigned int color);
+ void unset_background();
+ bool const keeps_history;
+ Applet *applet; // store pointer for reference
+ // for derived classes to override
+ virtual void do_display() = 0;
+ virtual void do_update() = 0;
+ virtual void do_attach(Monitor *monitor) = 0;
+ virtual void do_detach(Monitor *monitor) = 0;
+ virtual void do_set_background(unsigned int color) = 0;
+ virtual void do_unset_background() = 0;
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