[Xfce4-commits] <thunar:master> Drop README.thunarrc.

Nick Schermer noreply at xfce.org
Mon May 6 20:48:01 CEST 2013

Updating branch refs/heads/master
         to b0628882fc275da359937b2f1d302959446a8e74 (commit)
       from 9f673eb3f2de250c4bfb078da6cfb557af2e30cb (commit)

commit b0628882fc275da359937b2f1d302959446a8e74
Author: Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
Date:   Mon May 6 20:36:26 2013 +0200

    Drop README.thunarrc.

 docs/Makefile.am     |    3 +-
 docs/README.thunarrc |  253 --------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 255 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/Makefile.am b/docs/Makefile.am
index 5e7f742..237ccc8 100644
--- a/docs/Makefile.am
+++ b/docs/Makefile.am
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ SUBDIRS =								\
 doc_DATA =								\
-	README.gtkrc							\
-	README.thunarrc
+	README.gtkrc
 man_MANS =								\
diff --git a/docs/README.thunarrc b/docs/README.thunarrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0733542..0000000
--- a/docs/README.thunarrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-The Thunar Configuration File (thunarrc)
-  Thunar stores most of its preferences in the thunarrc file, which is located
-  in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Thunar/thunarrc. Many, but not all, of the settings are
-  configurable from the preferences dialog, which is available from the Edit
-  menu of every Thunar window.
-  The following list gives a brief overview of the preferences known to Thunar:
-   * DefaultView (ThunarDetailsView/ThunarIconView/void)
-     The name of the widget class, which should be used for the view pane
-     in new Thunar windows, or "void" to use the last selected view from
-     LastView preference.
-   * LastCompactViewZoomLevel (THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALLEST/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALLER/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALL/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_NORMAL/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGE/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGER/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGEST)
-     The last selected zoom level for the compact list view.
-   * LastDetailsViewZoomLevel (THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALLEST/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALLER/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALL/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_NORMAL/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGE/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGER/
-                               THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGEST)
-     The last selected zoom level for the detailed list view.
-   * LastDetailsViewColumnOrder
-     A comma separated list of columns, which specifies the order of
-     information that appears in the detailed list view. Valid names
-     for the detailed list columns are:
-   * LastDetailsViewColumnWidths
-     A comma separated list of column widths, used if the details view
-     is in fixed column mode. The exact format of this list should be
-     considered an implementation detail and may change in future
-     versions of Thunar.
-   * LastDetailsViewFixedColumns (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Whether to use fixed column widths in the detailed list view.
-   * LastDetailsViewVisibleColumns
-     The comma separated list of visible columns in the detailed list
-     view. Valid names for the detailed list columns are:
-   * LastIconViewZoomLevel (THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALLEST/
-                            THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALLER/
-                            THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALL/
-                            THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_NORMAL/
-                            THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGE/
-                            THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGER/
-                            THUNAR_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGEST)
-     The last selected zoom level for the icon view.
-   * LastLocationBar (ThunarLocationButtons/ThunarLocationEntry/void)
-     The name of the widget class which should be used for the location bar
-     in Thunar windows or "void" to hide the location bar completely.
-   * LastSeparatorPosition (0...)
-     The position of the gutter in the main window, which separates the
-     side pane from the main view.
-   * LastShowHidden (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Determines whether hidden files should be shown by default in newly
-     opened Thunar windows.
-   * LastSidePane (ThunarShortcutsPane/void)
-     The name of the widget class which should be used for the side pane
-     in Thunar windows or "void" to hide the side pane completely.
-                     THUNAR_COLUMN_DATE_MODIFIED/
-                     THUNAR_COLUMN_GROUP/
-                     THUNAR_COLUMN_MIME_TYPE/
-                     THUNAR_COLUMN_NAME/
-                     THUNAR_COLUMN_OWNER/
-                     THUNAR_COLUMN_PERMISSIONS/
-                     THUNAR_COLUMN_SIZE/
-                     THUNAR_COLUMN_TYPE)
-     The default sort column for new views.
-     The default sort order for new views.
-   * LastStatusbarVisible (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Determines whether to display a statusbar in new windows by
-     default.
-   * LastView (ThunarDetailsView/ThunarIconView)
-     The name of the widget class which should be used for the main view
-     component in Thunar windows if the DefaultView preference is "void".
-   * LastWindowHeight (1..4096)
-     The last known height of a Thunar window, which will be used as
-     default height for newly created windows.
-   * LastWindowWidth (1..4096)
-     The last known width of a Thunar window, which will be used as
-     default width for newly created windows.
-   * MiscVolumeManagement (FALSE/TRUE)
-     This option requires both HAL and the thunar-volman package
-     to be installed. If enabled and Thunar runs as daemon (see the
-     --daemon command line option), Thunar will watch for new devices
-     being added and perform appropriate volume management, which
-     means that if you plug in a new device, that is handled by the
-     volume manager, it will try to automatically spawn the appropriate
-     application or mount the device if it contains a mountable
-     volume (i.e. an USB stick).
-   * MiscCaseSensitive (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Determines whether the sorting should be done in a case-sensitive
-     manner. The default is FALSE.
-                    THUNAR_DATE_STYLE_SHORT/
-                    THUNAR_DATE_STYLE_LONG)
-     This option controls how dates are shown in the user interface
-     (i.e. the modification date of a file in the detailed list view).
-   * MiscFoldersFirst (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Determines whether folder should be sorted before files.
-   * MiscHorizontalWheelNavigates (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Controls whether the horizontal mouse wheel is used to navigate back
-     and forth within a Thunar view, or whether it should be used for
-     horizontal scrolling.
-   * MiscRecursivePermissions (THUNAR_RECURSIVE_PERMISSIONS_ASK/
-                               THUNAR_RECURSIVE_PERMISSIONS_ALWAYS/
-                               THUNAR_RECURSIVE_PERMISSIONS_NEVER)
-     Determines whether to apply permissions recursively everytime the
-     permissions are altered by the user.
-   * MiscRememberGeometry (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Whether Thunar should remember the size of windows and apply
-     that size to new windows. If TRUE the width and height are
-     saved to LastWindowWidth and LastWindowHeight. If FALSE the
-     user may specify the start size in LastWindowWith and
-     LastWindowHeight. This option is enabled by default.
-   * MiscShowAboutTemplates (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Whether to display the "About Templates" dialog, when opening the
-     Templates folder from the Go menu.
-   * MiscShowThumbnails (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Whether to generate and display thumbnails for previewable files.
-   * MiscSingleClick (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Whether to use single click navigation instead of the default double
-     click navigation.
-   * MiscSingleClickTimeout (0...2000)
-     If MiscSingleClick mode is enabled this is the amount of time in
-     milliseconds after which the item under the mouse pointer will be
-     selected automatically. A value of 0 disables the automatic selec-
-     tion.
-   * MiscTextBesidesIcons (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Controls whether the icon view should display the file names beside
-     the file icons instead of below the file icons.
-   * ShortcutsIconEmblems (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Determines whether to display emblems for file icons (if defined) in
-     the shortcuts side pane.
-   * ShortcutsIconSize (THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_SMALLEST/
-                        THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_SMALLER/
-                        THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_SMALL/
-                        THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_NORMAL/
-                        THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_LARGE/
-                        THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_LARGER/
-                        THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_LARGEST)
-     The icon size to use for the icons displayed in the shortcuts side
-     pane.
-   * TreeIconEmblems (FALSE/TRUE)
-     Determines whether to display emblems for file icons (if defined) in
-     the tree side pane.
-                   THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_SMALLER/
-                   THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_SMALL/
-                   THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_NORMAL/
-                   THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_LARGE/
-                   THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_LARGER/
-                   THUNAR_ICON_SIZE_LARGEST)
-     The icon size to use for the icons displayed in the tree side pane.
-Additional information can be found on the Thunar Project Wiki:

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