[Xfce4-commits] <xfce4-session:master> Remove manual and link to docs.xfce.org.

Nick Schermer noreply at xfce.org
Thu Jan 12 20:16:01 CET 2012

Updating branch refs/heads/master
         to 2966a25c33d4b725e939699ca4fa3554ad80219e (commit)
       from 6f39a32897da81a7677f1db1d4ebe7b23ad9c75f (commit)

commit 2966a25c33d4b725e939699ca4fa3554ad80219e
Author: Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
Date:   Thu Jan 12 20:13:10 2012 +0100

    Remove manual and link to docs.xfce.org.

 Makefile.am                            |    7 +-
 configure.in.in                        |   13 +-
 doc/Makefile.am                        |    7 -
 doc/manual/Makefile.am                 |  132 ------
 doc/manual/images/Makefile.am          |   13 -
 doc/manual/images/el/Makefile.am       |   11 -
 doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-advanced.png |  Bin 34603 -> 0 bytes
 doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-general.png  |  Bin 28014 -> 0 bytes
 doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-splash.png   |  Bin 80614 -> 0 bytes
 doc/manual/images/xfsm-advanced.png    |  Bin 20340 -> 0 bytes
 doc/manual/images/xfsm-general.png     |  Bin 14242 -> 0 bytes
 doc/manual/images/xfsm-splash.png      |  Bin 79083 -> 0 bytes
 doc/manual/po/Makefile.am              |    7 -
 doc/manual/po/da.po                    |  442 -------------------
 doc/manual/po/el.po                    |  480 --------------------
 doc/manual/po/es.po                    |  473 --------------------
 doc/manual/po/fr.po                    |  446 -------------------
 doc/manual/po/gl.po                    |  605 -------------------------
 doc/manual/po/hr.po                    |  665 ----------------------------
 doc/manual/po/it.po                    |  463 -------------------
 doc/manual/po/ja.po                    |  596 -------------------------
 doc/manual/po/pt_BR.po                 |  437 ------------------
 doc/manual/po/ru.po                    |  463 -------------------
 doc/manual/po/sv.po                    |  614 --------------------------
 doc/manual/po/tr.po                    |  626 --------------------------
 doc/manual/po/ug.po                    |  595 -------------------------
 doc/manual/po/uk.po                    |  417 ------------------
 doc/manual/po/xfce4-session.pot        |  413 -----------------
 doc/manual/po/zh_CN.po                 |  758 --------------------------------
 doc/manual/xfce4-session-html.xsl      |  256 -----------
 doc/manual/xfce4-session.css           |   15 -
 doc/manual/xfce4-session.xml           |  493 ---------------------
 settings/main.c                        |    2 +-
 33 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 9444 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index ce99958..904f6db 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ desktop_in_files = xfce.desktop.in
 desktop_DATA = $(desktop_in_files:.desktop.in=.desktop)
+distuninstallcheck_listfiles = 						\ 
+	find . -type f -print | grep -v ./share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache
 EXTRA_DIST =								\
 	BUGS								\
 	intltool-extract.in						\
@@ -30,9 +33,6 @@ DISTCLEANFILES =							\
 	intltool-update							\
-	(cd doc && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) html)
 	1.8								\
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ ChangeLog: Makefile
 dist-hook: ChangeLog
-	--enable-gen-doc						\
 # vi:set ts=8 sw=8 noet ai nocindent:
diff --git a/configure.in.in b/configure.in.in
index e928453..ebd36d5 100644
--- a/configure.in.in
+++ b/configure.in.in
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ XDT_I18N([@LINGUAS@])
 dnl Check for required packages
 XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([LIBXFCE4UTIL], [libxfce4util-1.0], [4.8.0])
-XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([LIBXFCE4UI], [libxfce4ui-1], [4.8.0])
+XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([LIBXFCE4UI], [libxfce4ui-1], [4.9.0])
 XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([GTK], [gtk+-2.0], [2.14.0])
 XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([LIBWNCK], [libwnck-1.0], [2.22])
 XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([DBUS], [dbus-1], [1.0.0])
@@ -264,10 +264,6 @@ AC_OUTPUT([
@@ -299,13 +295,6 @@ echo
 echo "Build Configuration:"
 echo " * Debugging support:              $enable_debug"
-if test x"$enable_gen_doc" = x"yes"; then
-echo " * Documentation:                  yes (generate)"
-elif test -d "${srcdir}/doc/manual/html"; then
-echo " * Documentation:                  yes (in tarball)"
-echo " * Documentation:                  no"
 if test x"$enable_upower" = x"yes"; then
 echo " * UPower support:                 yes"
diff --git a/doc/Makefile.am b/doc/Makefile.am
index eca067f..986ff73 100644
--- a/doc/Makefile.am
+++ b/doc/Makefile.am
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
-SUBDIRS =								\
-	manual
 noinst_DATA =								\
 	FAQ								\
 	NEWS.pre-4.3							\
@@ -10,7 +7,3 @@ noinst_DATA =								\
 EXTRA_DIST =								\
-	(cd C && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) html)
-	(cd fr && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) html)
diff --git a/doc/manual/Makefile.am b/doc/manual/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index 45c490a..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-	images \
-	po
-LINGUAS = $(shell cd $(srcdir)/po && echo `/bin/ls *.po | sed 's,[.]po,,g'`)
-# install the html files to the destdir
-	for lang in $(ALL_LINGUAS); do \
-		if test -d $(srcdir)/html/$$lang; then \
-			dest=$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html/$$lang; \
-			$(mkinstalldirs) $$dest; \
-			installfiles=`echo $(srcdir)/html/$$lang/*`; \
-			for file in $$installfiles; do \
-				echo "--- Installing "$$file; \
-				$(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $$dest; \
-			done; \
-			if test x"$$lang" != x"C" -a ! -d $(srcdir)/images/$$lang; then \
-				echo "--- Creating symlink to C images for $$lang"; \
-				ln -sf ../C/images $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html/$$lang/images; \
-			fi \
-		fi \
-	done;
-# remove installed files from the destdir
-	for lang in $(ALL_LINGUAS); do \
-		dest=$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html/$$lang; \
-		if test -d $$dest; then \
-			if test -L $$dest/images; then \
-				rm -rf $$dest; \
-			else \
-				rm -f $$dest/*.html; \
-			fi \
-		fi \
-	done
-# remove generate html from the srcdir
-	rm -rf $(srcdir)/html
-# regenerate po(t) files
-	rm -f $(srcdir)/po/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).pot; \
-	$(XML2PO) -o $(srcdir)/po/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).pot $(srcdir)/$(DOCUMENT); \
-	for lang in $(LINGUAS); do \
-		pofile=$(srcdir)/po/$$lang.po; \
-		$(XML2PO) -u $(srcdir)/po/$$lang.po $(srcdir)/$(DOCUMENT); \
-	done
-# build the translated help files
-doc-build.stamp: $(srcdir)/$(DOCUMENT) $(srcdir)/$(STYLESHEET)
-	@chmod -R u+w $(srcdir); \
-	rm -rf $(srcdir)/html; \
-	echo; \
-	for lang in $(ALL_LINGUAS); do \
-		pofile=$(srcdir)/po/$$lang.po; \
-		echo "*** Generating $$lang documentation"; \
-		if test x"$$lang" = x"C"; then \
-			cp $(srcdir)/$(DOCUMENT) xgen-doc; \
-		else \
-			echo "Building the translated DocBook XML file"; \
-			$(XML2PO) -e -l $$lang -p $$pofile $(srcdir)/$(DOCUMENT) > xgen-doc; \
-			rm -f .xml2po.mo; \
-		fi; \
-		sed -e "s,\@PACKAGE_NAME\@,$(PACKAGE_NAME),g" \
-			-i xgen-doc; \
-		echo "Validating DocBook XML file"; \
-		$(XMLLINT) --noout --valid xgen-doc || exit 1; \
-		echo "Creating the HTML pages"; \
-		$(XSLTPROC) --nonet -o $(srcdir)/html/$$lang/ $(srcdir)/$(STYLESHEET) xgen-doc; \
-		chmod -R u+w $(srcdir)/html/$$lang; \
-		rm -f xgen-doc; \
-		echo; \
-	done; \
-	touch doc-build.stamp
-dist-check-doc: all
-	@echo "*** You need to compile with --enable-gen-doc in order to make update-po"
-	@false
-	@if test ! -d $(srcdir)/html; then \
-		echo; \
-		echo "*** No generated documentation found. If you want to"; \
-		echo "*** generate the (translated) documentation, run configure"; \
-		echo "*** with --enable-gen-doc."; \
-		echo; \
-	fi
-	@echo "*** You need to compile with --enable-gen-doc in order to make dist"
-	@false
-# always try to build (if compiling with --enable-build-doc) or print
-# a message if no html files were found in the tarball
-all: doc-build.stamp
-# include the html and man files in the dist
-dist-hook: dist-check-doc doc-build.stamp
-	for lang in $(ALL_LINGUAS); do \
-		if test -d $(srcdir)/html/$$lang; then \
-			mkdir -p $(distdir)/html/$$lang; \
-			cp $(srcdir)/html/$$lang/* $(distdir)/html/$$lang/; \
-		fi \
-	done
-# css file
-cssdir = $(docdir)/html
-css_DATA = \
-	xfce4-session.css
-	$(css_DATA) \
-	xgen-doc \
-	doc-build.stamp
diff --git a/doc/manual/images/Makefile.am b/doc/manual/images/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index c66bcfb..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/images/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-	el
-imagesdir = $(docdir)/html/C/images
-images_DATA = \
-	xfsm-splash.png \
-	xfsm-general.png \
-	xfsm-advanced.png
-	$(images_DATA)
-# vi:set ts=8 sw=8 noet ai nocindent syntax=automake:
diff --git a/doc/manual/images/el/Makefile.am b/doc/manual/images/el/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index 2638618..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/images/el/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-imagesdir = $(docdir)/html/el/images
-images_DATA = \
-	xfsm-splash.png \
-	xfsm-general.png \
-	xfsm-advanced.png
-	$(images_DATA)
-# vi:set ts=8 sw=8 noet ai nocindent syntax=automake:
diff --git a/doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-advanced.png b/doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-advanced.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f0ec510..0000000
Binary files a/doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-advanced.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-general.png b/doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-general.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c12ad1..0000000
Binary files a/doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-general.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-splash.png b/doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-splash.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0911bd6..0000000
Binary files a/doc/manual/images/el/xfsm-splash.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/manual/images/xfsm-advanced.png b/doc/manual/images/xfsm-advanced.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 28a7fb0..0000000
Binary files a/doc/manual/images/xfsm-advanced.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/manual/images/xfsm-general.png b/doc/manual/images/xfsm-general.png
deleted file mode 100644
index c74c5c5..0000000
Binary files a/doc/manual/images/xfsm-general.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/manual/images/xfsm-splash.png b/doc/manual/images/xfsm-splash.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 06012ba..0000000
Binary files a/doc/manual/images/xfsm-splash.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/Makefile.am b/doc/manual/po/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cde12b..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-PO_FILES=$(shell cd $(srcdir) && echo `/bin/ls *.po`)
-	$(PO_FILES) \
-# vi:set ts=8 sw=8 noet ai nocindent syntax=automake:
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/da.po b/doc/manual/po/da.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c49fb5..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/da.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-session 4.7.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-01-21 11:52+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Per Kongstad <p_kongstad at op.pl>\n"
-"Language-Team: Danish <dansk at dansk-gruppen.dk>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: da\n"
-"X-Poedit-Language: Danish\n"
-"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Country: DENMARK\n"
-"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml94(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml142(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-#: xfce4-session.xml14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr "Sessionshåndtering til Xfce 4"
-#: xfce4-session.xml17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: xfce4-session.xml18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: xfce4-session.xml19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: xfce4-session.xml20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml33(para)
-msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: xfce4-session.xml46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "Softwareudvikler"
-#: xfce4-session.xml49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr "os-cillation"
-#: xfce4-session.xml50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "Systemudvikling"
-#: xfce4-session.xml51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: xfce4-session.xml56(releaseinfo)
-msgid "This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr "Denne manual dækker pakken @PACKAGE_NAME@, version @PACKAGE_NAME at ."
-#: xfce4-session.xml65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Indledning"
-#: xfce4-session.xml67(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml73(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run <application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The included legacy session management does everything that <application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr "Indstillinger til sessionshåndtering"
-#: xfce4-session.xml87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "Generelle indstillinger"
-#: xfce4-session.xml90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr "<application> @ PACKAGE_NAME @ </application> generelle indstillinger"
-#: xfce4-session.xml98(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml108(para)
-msgid "If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you log in to Xfce."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr "Gem automatisk session ved logud"
-#: xfce4-session.xml116(para)
-msgid "This option instructs the session manager to save the current session automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml126(para)
-msgid "This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Avancerede indstillinger"
-#: xfce4-session.xml138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr "<application> @ PACKAGE_NAME @ </application> avancerede indstillinger"
-#: xfce4-session.xml146(phrase)
-msgid "Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr "Start Gnome-tjenester ved start op"
-#: xfce4-session.xml156(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more information on this topic."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr "Start KDE-tjenester ved start op"
-#: xfce4-session.xml166(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr "Håndter fjernstyringsprogrammer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml176(para)
-msgid "Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml180(para)
-msgid "System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK capabilities</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr "Tilpas sessionshåndteringen"
-#: xfce4-session.xml193(para)
-msgid "You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml209(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml215(para)
-msgid "On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml221(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml229(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command <filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml239(para)
-msgid "For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file (remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml259(para)
-msgid "Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml269(para)
-msgid "The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml278(para)
-msgid "A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml291(para)
-msgid "Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml300(para)
-msgid "This is the location where the list of applications that should be automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml306(para)
-msgid "Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml319(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml328(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml337(para)
-msgid "The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and <application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml345(para)
-msgid "Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml351(para)
-msgid "None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml356(para)
-msgid "System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the <application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml380(para)
-msgid "The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml385(para)
-msgid "The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml399(para)
-msgid "This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml417(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml431(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings (KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml439(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP port."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml448(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml460(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml466(para)
-msgid "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml472(para)
-msgid "If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml481(para)
-msgid "This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml486(para)
-msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: xfce4-session.xml0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/el.po b/doc/manual/po/el.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 9984751..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/el.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-session\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
-"Last-Translator: George Vasilakos <forfolias at linuxteam.cs.teilar.gr>\n"
-"Language-Team: Greek <nls at tux.hellug.gr>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Poedit-Country: GREECE\n"
-"Language: el\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\\n\\nX-Poedit-Language: Greek\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml94(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml142(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-#: xfce4-session.xml14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: xfce4-session.xml18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: xfce4-session.xml19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: xfce4-session.xml20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml33(para)
-msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: xfce4-session.xml46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml48(jobtitle)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "Προγραμματιστής"
-#: xfce4-session.xml49(orgname)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr "os-cillation"
-#: xfce4-session.xml50(orgdiv)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "Σύστημα ανάπτυξης"
-#: xfce4-session.xml51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: xfce4-session.xml56(releaseinfo)
-msgid "This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr "Αυτό το εγχειρίδιο περιγράφει το πακέτο @PACKAGE_NAME@, έκδοση @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-#: xfce4-session.xml65(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Εισαγωγή"
-#: xfce4-session.xml67(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml73(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run <application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The included legacy session management does everything that <application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml84(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις Διαχειριστή συνεδρίας"
-#: xfce4-session.xml87(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "Γενικές προτιμήσεις"
-#: xfce4-session.xml90(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> γενικές προτιμήσεις"
-#: xfce4-session.xml98(phrase)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Εμφανίζει την καρτέλα Γενικά στο παράθυρο ρυθμίσεων του <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml106(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση επιλογέα για σύνδεση"
-#: xfce4-session.xml108(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you log in to Xfce."
-msgstr "Εάν επιλεχτεί, ο διαχειριστής συνεδρίας θα σας ζητήσει να επιλέξετε μία συνεδρία κάθε φορά που συνδέεστε στο Xfce."
-#: xfce4-session.xml114(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr "Αυτόματη αποθήκευση συνεδρίας στην αποσύνδεση"
-#: xfce4-session.xml116(para)
-msgid "This option instructs the session manager to save the current session automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml124(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr "Προτροπή κατά την αποσύνδεση"
-#: xfce4-session.xml126(para)
-msgid "This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml135(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Προχωρημένες ρυθμίσεις"
-#: xfce4-session.xml138(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Προχωρημένες ρυθμίσεις του <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml146(phrase)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Εμφανίζει την καρτέλα για προχωρημένους του παραθύρου διαλόγου ρυθμίσεων του <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr "Έναρξη υπηρεσιών Gnome κατά την εκκίνηση"
-#: xfce4-session.xml156(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more information on this topic."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml164(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr "Έναρξη υπηρεσιών KDE κατά την εκκίνηση"
-#: xfce4-session.xml166(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml174(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr "Διαχείριση απομακρυσμένων εφαρμογών"
-#: xfce4-session.xml176(para)
-msgid "Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml180(para)
-msgid "System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK capabilities</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml191(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr "Προσαρμογή του Διαχειριστή συνεδρίας"
-#: xfce4-session.xml193(para)
-msgid "You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml198(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις οθόνης εκκίνησης"
-#: xfce4-session.xml201(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr "Παράθυρο διαλόγου ρυθμίσεων οθόνης εκκίνησης"
-#: xfce4-session.xml209(phrase)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings dialog."
-msgstr "Εμφανίζει το παράθυρο διαλόγου ρυθμίσεων της αρχικής οθόνης του <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml215(para)
-msgid "On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml221(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml227(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr "Επιλογές απενεργοποίησης/επανεκκίνησης"
-#: xfce4-session.xml229(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command <filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml239(para)
-msgid "For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file (remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-#: xfce4-session.xml254(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Για προχωρημένους"
-#: xfce4-session.xml257(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr "Αρχεία και Μεταβλητές Περιβάλλοντος"
-#: xfce4-session.xml259(para)
-msgid "Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml267(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml269(para)
-msgid "The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml276(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml278(para)
-msgid "A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml289(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml291(para)
-msgid "Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml298(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml300(para)
-msgid "This is the location where the list of applications that should be automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml306(para)
-msgid "Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml317(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml319(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml326(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml328(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml335(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml337(para)
-msgid "The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and <application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml343(term)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml345(para)
-msgid "Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml351(para)
-msgid "None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml356(para)
-msgid "System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the <application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml378(title)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr "Λειτουργία για κιόσκι"
-#: xfce4-session.xml380(para)
-msgid "The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml385(para)
-msgid "The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml399(para)
-msgid "This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml404(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr "Ο διαχειριστής συνεδρίας υποστηρίζει τις ακόλουθες δυνατότητες για κιόσκι::"
-#: xfce4-session.xml408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml410(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr "Αν επιτρέπεται ή όχι στο χρήστη να ρυθμίσει την οθόνη εκκίνησης."
-#: xfce4-session.xml415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml417(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr "Αν επιτρέπεται ή όχι στον χρήστη να ρυθμίσει τον επιλογέα συνεδρίας"
-#: xfce4-session.xml422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml424(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr "Αν επιτρέπεται ή όχι στο χρήστη να ρυθμίσει τις επιλογές αποσύνδεσης"
-#: xfce4-session.xml429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml431(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings (KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr "Αν επιτρέπεται ή όχι στο χρήστη να ρυθμίσει τις επιλογές συμβατότητας ((KDE/Gnome)"
-#: xfce4-session.xml437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml439(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP port."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml448(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml460(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml466(para)
-msgid "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml472(para)
-msgid "If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml481(para)
-msgid "This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml486(para)
-msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: xfce4-session.xml0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/es.po b/doc/manual/po/es.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 01a1e29..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/es.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-19 07:48-0500\n"
-"Last-Translator: Andres Sanchez <afsanchez93 at gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish <kde-i18n-doc at kde.org>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: es\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml94(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml142(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr "Gestor de sesiones de Xfce 4"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml33(para)
-msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr "Los permisos de copia, distribución y/o modificación de este documento están concedidos bajos los términos de la licencia GNU Free Documentation, versión 1.1 o posterior, publicada por la Free Software Foundation; sin secciones invariante y sin textos de portadas ni de contraportadas. El texto completo de la licencia está disponible en la página web de la <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "Desarrollador de software"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr "os-cillation"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "Desarrollo de sistemas"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml56(releaseinfo)
-msgid "This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr "Este manual trata sobre el paquete @PACKAGE_NAME@, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Introducción"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml67(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> es un gestor de sesiones para Xfce 4. Su función es la de guardar el estado de su escritorio (aplicaciones abiertas y sus posiciones) y reestablecerlo en el siguiente inicio de sesión. Usted puede crear varias y diferentes sesiones y elegir una de ellas para el inicio."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml73(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run <application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The included legacy session management does everything that <application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> proporciona gestionamiento de sesiones tanto para los antiguos protocolos X11R6 como para los aún más X11R5. Si no necesita soporte para antiguas versiones, puede deshabilitar esta característica al compilar añadiendo \"--disable-legacy-sm\" al comando ./configure. <emphasis>NUNCA</emphasis> ejecute <application>smproxy</application> en alguna sesión gestionada por <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, o podrían suceder cosas extrañas. El soporte para versiones antiguas hace todo lo que <application>smproxy</application> puede hacer, además de ofrecer soporte multipantalla."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr "Configuración del gestor de sesiones"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "Preferencias generales"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr "Preferencias generales de <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml98(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Muestra la pestaña General de la ventana de configuración del <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr "Muestra el selector al inicio de la sesión"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml108(para)
-msgid "If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you log in to Xfce."
-msgstr "Si está activada, el gestor de sesiones le preguntará qué sesión desea iniciar cada vez que entre a Xfce"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr "Guarda automáticamente la sesión al salir"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml116(para)
-msgid "This option instructs the session manager to save the current session automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr "Esta opción obliga al gestor de sesiones a guardar la sesión actual automáticamente cuando salga de Xfce. Si no selecciona esta opción, cada vez que salga se le preguntará si desea guardar la sesión actual. "
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr "Confirmar a la salida"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml126(para)
-msgid "This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr "Esta opción deshabilita la ventana de confirmación a la salida. El que la sesión sea guardada o no depende de si está activa la opción guardado automático de las sesiones al salir."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Preferencias avanzadas"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Preferencias avanzadas de <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml146(phrase)
-msgid "Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Muestra la pestaña Avanzado de la ventana de configuración del <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr "Lanzar servicios de Gnome al inicio"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml156(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more information on this topic."
-msgstr "Habilite esta opción si necesita que el demonio de GNOME Keyring sea ejecutado al inicio. Esta opción también instruye a <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> a lanzar las tecnologías de asistencia de GNOME (sólo si están activadas en el panel de control de GNOME). Vea la documentación de GNOME para más información respecto a este tema."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr "Lanzar servicios KDE al inicio"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml166(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr "Habilite esta opción si planea usar aplicaciones de KDE frecuentemente como parte de su sesión de Xfce. Tenga en cuenta que esto aumentará considerablemente el tiempo de partida de Xfce, pero por otro lado las aplicaciones KDE cargarán mucho más rápido. Algunas aplicaciones KDE podrían incluso no correr si no activa esta opción."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr "Administrar aplicaciones remotas"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml176(para)
-msgid "Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr "Permite al gestor de sesiones administrar aplicaciones corriendo en servidores remotos. Dado que esta opción puede constituir un riesgo en la seguridad, al abrir un puerto TCP en el sistema, no la habilite a menos que esté completamente seguro(a) de lo que está haciendo."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml180(para)
-msgid "System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK capabilities</ulink>."
-msgstr "Administradores de sistema: si requieren desactivar esta opción de manera global, lo pueden hacer utilizando los gestores de sesión de <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">capacidades de KIOSK</ulink>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr "Personalizando el gestor de sesiones"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml193(para)
-msgid "You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr "Puede escoger la pantalla de bienvenida que <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> usará cuando inicie la sesión. Hay una sección exclusivamente dedicada a este tópico en el <emphasis>panel de control de Xfce 4r</emphasis>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de la pantalla de bienvenida"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr "Ventana de configuración de la pantalla de bienvenida"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml209(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings dialog."
-msgstr "Muestra la ventana de configuración de la pantalla de bienvenida de <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml215(para)
-msgid "On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr "A la izquierda, la ventana muestra una lista de todos los motores instalados. Si desea saber información y ver una previsualización sobre un motor específico, sólo haga click sobre éste. Puede hacer click en el botón <guibutton>Probar</guibutton> para ver una demostración del motor de pantalla de bienvenida seleccionado."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml221(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provee de tres motores de pantallas de bienvenida por defecto. Sus configuraciones respectivas - si hay alguna - están disponibles desde el botón <guibutton>Configurar</guibutton>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr "Opciones de apagado/reinicio"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml229(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command <filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr "<application> @ @ Nombre_paquete </application> apoya el cierre de su computadora cuando usted salga de su sesión de escritorio. Para ser capaz de apagar la computadora, usted tiene que estar lista en los sistemas de <filename> sudoers </filename> archivo, en particular, usted debe ser permitido para ejecutar el comando <filename> $ {} HELPERDIR / xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper </filename> ( <filename> / Usr / sbin / shutdown-xfsm-ayuda </filename> en Debian GNU / Linux) como root (donde <filename> $ {} HELPERDIR </filename> es el directorio que se pasa a configurar con la opción - with-helper-path-prefix opción o <filename role=\"directory\"> / Usr/local/lib/xfce4/session </filename> por defecto."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml239(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file (remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr "Por ejemplo, digamos, que construyó <application> @ @ Nombre_paquete </application> con las opciones por defecto, su nombre es <emphasis> myhost </emphasis> y su cuenta de usuario se denomina <emphasis> miusuario </emphasis> , Entonces habría que añadir la siguiente línea a su <filename> sudoers </filename> archivo (recuerde usar <application> visudo </application> para editar el archivo):"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avanzado"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr "Archivos y variables de entorno"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml259(para)
-msgid "Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml269(para)
-msgid "The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr "El primer directorio base para mirar por los archivos de configuración. Por defecto es establecido a <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml278(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr "Una lista de directorios del sistema que contienen datos de configuración. Por defecto, el panel examinará en <filename role=\"directory\"> $ {Sysconfdir} / xdg / </filename> y <filename role=\"directory\"> / Etc / xdg / </filename> . El valor de $ {sysconfdir} depende de cómo el programa fue construido y será a menudo <filename role=\"directory\"> / Etc / </filename> para paquetes binarios."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml291(para)
-msgid "Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml300(para)
-msgid "This is the location where the list of applications that should be automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml306(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr "Antes de Xfce 4.3, la lista de aplicaciones autostarted se almacenan en <filename role=\"directory\"> ~ / Desktop / Autostart </filename> , Que contiene los scripts y los enlaces simbólicos a las aplicaciones. Si se ejecuta <application> @ @ Nombre_paquete </application> @ @ Versión_del_paquete o por encima, por primera vez, se migrará automáticamente los puntos de inicio automático de la ubicación anterior de la ubicación estándar y un lugar <filename> UBICACIÓN-CHANGED.txt </filename> archivo en el directorio anterior, que describe el cambio de ubicación."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml319(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml328(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr "Esta es la ubicación del archivo de configuración que incluye la configuración para la pantalla de bienvenida, la cual puede ser cambiada desde el dialogo de preferencias."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml337(para)
-msgid "The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and <application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr "El directorio donde <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> y <application>xfwm4</application> almacena los datos de sesión."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml345(para)
-msgid "Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr "Archivo de configuración del modo Kiosk. Mire la <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">siguiente sección</ulink> para una explicación."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml351(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or the settings managers are running."
-msgstr "Ninguno de los archivos de configuración, a excepción de la <filename> kioskrc </filename> , Están diseñados para ser editado a mano durante una sesión de Xfce, de hecho, los cambios se sobrescribirán si se edita, mientras que el gestor de sesiones o los administradores de valores se están ejecutando."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml356(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the <application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr "Los administradores del sistema que desee para personalizar el archivo <filename> $ {Sysconfdir} / xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc </filename> para cambiar las aplicaciones predeterminadas que se ejecutan en el arranque Xfce. Por ejemplo, si desea iniciar la <application> xfce4-caja de iconos </application> en lugar de la <application> xftaskbar4 </application> , Tendría que cambiar la <emphasis> [Sesión a prueba de fallos] </emphasis> sección como a algo como esto:"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Kiosk"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml380(para)
-msgid "The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml385(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr "La manera de explicar el formato de este fichero es con un ejemplo. La sección de xfce4-session de su <filename> kioskrc </filename> podría tener este aspecto:"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml399(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr "Esto permite a los usuarios a cambiar sus salpicaduras, selector de cierre de sesión y la configuración, pero permite a los usuarios sólo en el grupo <emphasis> rueda </emphasis> para personalizar la configuración de compatibilidad y apagar el sistema. A nadie se le permite ajustar la configuración de seguridad."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr "El manejador de sesiones soporta las siguientes capacidades de KIOSK:"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr "PersonalizarInicio"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr "PersonalizarSelector"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml417(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr "PersonalizarCerrarSesion"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr "PersonalizarCompatibilidad"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml431(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings (KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr "PersonalizarSeguridad"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml439(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP port."
-msgstr "Independientemente de que el usuario puede personalizar la configuración de seguridad. Este es uno de los más <emphasis> IMPORTANTE </emphasis> configuración, ya que evita que los usuarios (en realidad <filename> Libice </filename> ) Se una a un puerto TCP."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr "Apagar"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml448(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr "Si el usuario tiene permiso para apagar (o reiniciar poweroff) del sistema. Si un usuario no tiene esta capacidad de reiniciar y opciones poweroff en el diálogo de cierre será de color gris."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr "Sobre <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml460(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> fue escrito por Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). Para buscar más información, por favor visite <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">el sitio web de Xfce</ulink>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml466(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr "Para informar de un error o hacer alguna sugerencia concerniente esta aplicación o este manual, el uso del sistema de seguimiento de errores en <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\"> http://bugzilla.xfce.org/ </ulink> ."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml472(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr "Si usted tiene preguntas sobre el uso o la instalación de este paquete, por favor pregunte en la <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\"> xfce </ulink> listas de correo. Discusión sobre el desarrollo se lleva a cabo en el <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\"> xfce4-dev </ulink> listas de correo."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml481(para)
-msgid "This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr "Este programa es distribuido de acuerdo a los términos de la Licencia Pública General de GNU como es publicado por la Free Software Foundation; con la versión 2 de la Licencia, o (en su elección) cualquier otra versión posterior."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml486(para)
-msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr "Debió recibir una copia de Licencia Pública General de GNU con este programa; si no es asi, escriba a la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Bostion, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "créditos-traductor"
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/fr.po b/doc/manual/po/fr.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 549c6c8..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/fr.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-# French translation of xfce4-session (docs).
-# Jean-Philippe Fleury <contact at jpfleury.net>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-session (docs)\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-29 10:07-0500\n"
-"Last-Translator: Jean-Philippe Fleury <contact at jpfleury.net>\n"
-"Language-Team: French <xfce-i18n at xfce.org>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: fr\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml94(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr " "
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml142(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr " "
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr " "
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr "Gestionnaire de session de Xfce 4"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml33(para)
-msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml48(jobtitle)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "Développeur du logiciel"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml50(orgdiv)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "Développement du système"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml56(releaseinfo)
-msgid "This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr "Ce manuel décrit le paquet @PACKAGE_NAME@, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Introduction"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml67(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> est un gestionnaire de session pour Xfce 4. Sa tâche est de sauvegarder l'état de votre bureau (applications ouvertes et position des fenêtres) et de le restaurer au démarrage suivant. Vous pouvez créer plusieurs sessions différentes et en choisir une au démarrage."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml73(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run <application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The included legacy session management does everything that <application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr "Paramètres du Gestionnaire de Session"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "Préférences générales"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr "Préférences générales de <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml98(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Montre l'onglet Général du dialogue de configuration de <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml108(para)
-msgid "If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you log in to Xfce."
-msgstr "Si activé, le gestionnaire de session va vous proposer de choisir une session chaque fois que vous vous connecterez dans Xfce."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr "Enregistrer automatiquement la session à la déconnexion"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml116(para)
-msgid "This option instructs the session manager to save the current session automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr "Cette option charge le gestionnaire de session d'enregistrer la session courante automatiquement quand vous vous déconnectez. Si vous ne sélectionnez pas cette option il va vous être demandé si vous voulez enregistrer le session courante à chaque déconnexion."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr "Confirmation à la déconnexion"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml126(para)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr "Cette option désactive le dialogue de confirmation à la déconnexion. L'enregistrement de la session dépend alors de l'activation de l'enregistrement automatique."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Préférences avancées"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Préférences avancées de <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml146(phrase)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Montre l'onglet « Avancé » du dialogue des paramètres de <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr "Lance les services Gnome au démarrage"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml156(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more information on this topic."
-msgstr "Activez cette option si vous avez besoin que démon porte-clé de Gnome soit lancé au démarrage. Cette option fait aussi lancer par <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> les technologies d'assistance de GNOME au démarrage (si activées dans le centre de contrôle de GNOME). Voyez la documentation de GNOME pour plus d'information sur ce sujet."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr "Lance les services de KDE au démarrage"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml166(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr "Activez cette option si vous voulez utiliser des applications KDE dans votre session Xfce. Ceci va augmenter notablement le temps de démarrage, mais par contre, les applications KDE vont démarrer plus vite. Certaines applications KDE peuvent ne pas fonctionner si vous n'activez pas cette option."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr "Gérer des applications à distance"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml176(para)
-msgid "Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr "Autorise au gestionnaire de session la gestion d'applications tournant sur des hôtes distants. Puisque cette option peut constituer un risque de sécurité, en écoutant sur un port TCP sur votre système, n'activez pas ceci si vous ne comprenez pas ce que vous faites."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml180(para)
-msgid "System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK capabilities</ulink>."
-msgstr "Les administrateurs système peuvent vouloir désactiver cette option globalement en utilisant les <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">capacités KIOSK</ulink> du gestionnaires de session"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr "Personnaliser le Gestionnaire de Session"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml193(para)
-msgid "You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr "Vous pouvez personnaliser l'écran de démarrage qu'utilisera <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> quand vous vous connectez dans Xfce 4. Il existe un dialogue dédié disponible dans le <emphasis>Gestionnaire de Paramètres de Xfce 4</emphasis>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr "Paramètres de l'écran de démarrage"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr "Dialogue des paramètres de l'écran de démarrage"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml209(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings dialog."
-msgstr "Affiche le dialogue de l'écran de démarrage de <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml215(para)
-msgid "On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr "Sur la gauche, le dialogue affiche une liste de tous les moteurs installés. Sélectionnez un moteur, et vous verrez, si disponible, un aperçu et de l'information à propos de lui. Vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton <guibutton>Tester</guibutton> pour voir une démonstration du moteur d'écran de démarrage sélectionné."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml221(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr "<guibutton>Test</guibutton> fournit trois thèmes d'Écran de démarrage par défaut. Leurs options de configuration respectives - s'il y en a - sont disponibles à partir du bouton <guibutton>Configurer</guibutton>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr "Options d'extinction / de redémarrage"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml229(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command <filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml239(para)
-msgid "For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file (remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml259(para)
-msgid "Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml269(para)
-msgid "The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml278(para)
-msgid "A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml291(para)
-msgid "Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml300(para)
-msgid "This is the location where the list of applications that should be automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml306(para)
-msgid "Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml319(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml328(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml337(para)
-msgid "The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and <application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml345(para)
-msgid "Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml351(para)
-msgid "None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml356(para)
-msgid "System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the <application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml380(para)
-msgid "The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml385(para)
-msgid "The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml399(para)
-msgid "This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml417(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml431(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings (KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml439(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP port."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml448(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml460(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml466(para)
-msgid "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml472(para)
-msgid "If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml481(para)
-msgid "This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml486(para)
-msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/gl.po b/doc/manual/po/gl.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b6d3e8..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/gl.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
-# Galician translation of xfce4-session-doc
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Leandro Regueiro
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the xfce package.
-# Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro at gmail.com>, 2010.
-# Proxecto Trasno - Adaptación do software libre á lingua galega:  Se desexas
-# colaborar connosco, podes atopar máis información en <http://trasno.net>
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-session-doc\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-19 18:34+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro at gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Galician <proxecto at trasno.net>\n"
-"Language: gl\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:94(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr ""
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:142(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr ""
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr "Xestor de sesións de Xfce 4"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:33(para)
-msgid ""
-"Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under "
-"the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later "
-"version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant "
-"Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The "
-"complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url="
-"\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "Desenvolvedor de software"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr "os-cillation"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "Desenvolvemento do sistema"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:56(releaseinfo)
-msgid ""
-"This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Introdución"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:67(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. "
-"Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their "
-"location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several "
-"different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:73(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for "
-"both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session "
-"management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-"
-"legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run "
-"<application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The "
-"included legacy session management does everything that "
-"<application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also "
-"supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr "Configuración do xestor de sesións"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "Preferencias xerais"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr "Preferencias xerais de <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:98(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:108(para)
-msgid ""
-"If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you "
-"log in to Xfce."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr "Gardar a sesión automaticamente ao rematar a sesión"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:116(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option instructs the session manager to save the current session "
-"automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be "
-"prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr "Preguntar ao rematar a sesión"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:126(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session "
-"will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of "
-"sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Preferencias avanzadas"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:146(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr "Iniciar os servizos de GNOME ao iniciar"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:156(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on "
-"startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if "
-"enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more "
-"information on this topic."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr "Iniciar os servizos de KDE ao iniciar"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:166(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce "
-"Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the "
-"other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may "
-"not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:176(para)
-msgid ""
-"Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. "
-"Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port "
-"on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:180(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the "
-"session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr "Personalizar o xestor de sesións"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:193(para)
-msgid ""
-"You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog "
-"available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:209(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:215(para)
-msgid ""
-"On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an "
-"engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. "
-"You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a "
-"demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:221(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes "
-"engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are "
-"available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr "Opcións de apagado/reinicio"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:229(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your "
-"computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown "
-"the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</"
-"filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command "
-"<filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> "
-"(<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as "
-"user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed "
-"to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role="
-"\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:239(para)
-msgid ""
-"For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and "
-"your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have "
-"to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file "
-"(remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avanzado"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr "Ficheiros e variables de contorno"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:259(para)
-msgid ""
-"Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://"
-"freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data "
-"and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as "
-"a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:269(para)
-msgid ""
-"The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is "
-"set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:278(para)
-msgid ""
-"A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the "
-"panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</"
-"filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value "
-"of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:291(para)
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment "
-"variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:300(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location where the list of applications that should be "
-"automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is "
-"represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type="
-"\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-"
-"entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:306(para)
-msgid ""
-"Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained "
-"scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the "
-"first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old "
-"location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED."
-"txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:319(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various "
-"settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed "
-"from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:328(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the "
-"configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:337(para)
-msgid ""
-"The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and "
-"<application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:345(para)
-msgid ""
-"Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next "
-"section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:351(para)
-msgid ""
-"None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, "
-"are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the "
-"changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or "
-"the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:356(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>"
-"${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the "
-"default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want "
-"to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the "
-"<application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>"
-"[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:380(para)
-msgid ""
-"The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent "
-"users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to "
-"edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:385(para)
-msgid ""
-"The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-"
-"session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:399(para)
-msgid ""
-"This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, "
-"but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize "
-"the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed "
-"to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr "CustomizeSplash"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr "CustomizeChooser"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:417(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr "CustomizeLogout"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr "CustomizeCompatibility"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:431(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings "
-"(KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr "CustomizeSecurity"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:439(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This "
-"is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it "
-"prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:448(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the "
-"system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in "
-"the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr "Acerca de <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:460(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer "
-"(<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the "
-"<ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> foi escrito por Benedikt Meurer "
-"(<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). Para atopar máis información visite o "
-"<ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">sitio web de Xfce</ulink>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml:466(para)
-msgid ""
-"To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this "
-"manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/"
-"\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:472(para)
-msgid ""
-"If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please "
-"ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on "
-"the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:481(para)
-msgid ""
-"This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public "
-"License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of "
-"the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:486(para)
-msgid ""
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
-"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
-"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: xfce4-session.xml:0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro at gmail.com>, 2010."
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/hr.po b/doc/manual/po/hr.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 37d53ef..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/hr.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
-# # Croatian translations for xfce4-session-docs package.
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 The Xfce development team.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the xfce4-session-docs package.
-# Ivica Kolić <ikoli at yahoo.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-session-docs\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-10 22:54+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Ivica Kolić <ikoli at yahoo.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Hrvatski <>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bits\n"
-"X-Poedit-Country: CROATIA\n"
-"Language: \n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
-"X-Poedit-Language: Croatian\n"
-"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml94(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml142(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-#: xfce4-session.xml14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr "Xfce upravitelj sesijama"
-#: xfce4-session.xml17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: xfce4-session.xml18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: xfce4-session.xml19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: xfce4-session.xml20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml33(para)
-msgid ""
-"Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under "
-"the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later "
-"version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant "
-"Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The "
-"complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url="
-"\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: xfce4-session.xml46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "Razvijatelj software-a"
-#: xfce4-session.xml49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr "os-cillation"
-#: xfce4-session.xml50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "Razvoj sustava"
-#: xfce4-session.xml51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: xfce4-session.xml56(releaseinfo)
-msgid ""
-"This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr "Ovaj priručnik opisuje @ PACKAGE_NAME@ paketa, inačica PACKAGE_VERSION@ ."
-#: xfce4-session.xml65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Uvod"
-#: xfce4-session.xml67(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. "
-"Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their "
-"location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several "
-"different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> je upravitelj sesijama za Xfce 4."
-"Njegov zadatak je spremiti stanje vašega zaslona (otvoreni programi i "
-"njihove lokacije) i obnoviti ga tijekom slijedećeg pokretanja.Možete "
-"napraviti nekoliko različitih sesija i izabrati jednu od njih prilikom "
-#: xfce4-session.xml73(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for "
-"both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session "
-"management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-"
-"legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run "
-"<application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The "
-"included legacy session management does everything that "
-"<application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also "
-"supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr "Postavke upravitelja sesijama"
-#: xfce4-session.xml87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "Osnovne osobitosti"
-#: xfce4-session.xml90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> osnovne osobitosti"
-#: xfce4-session.xml98(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-"Prikazuje Osnovnu karticu <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> dijaloga "
-#: xfce4-session.xml106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr "Prikaži izbor kod prijave"
-#: xfce4-session.xml108(para)
-msgid ""
-"If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you "
-"log in to Xfce."
-msgstr ""
-"Ako je postavljen,upravitelj sesijama će vas pitati da odaberete sesiju "
-"svaki put kada se prijavite u Xfce."
-#: xfce4-session.xml114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr "Automatski spremi sesiju kod odjave"
-#: xfce4-session.xml116(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option instructs the session manager to save the current session "
-"automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be "
-"prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr ""
-"Ova opcija upućuje upravitelja sesijama da automatski spremi trenutnu sesiju "
-"kada se odjavite.Ako ne odaberete ovu opciju kod svake odjave će biti "
-"tražena potvrda želite li spremiti trenutnu sesiju."
-#: xfce4-session.xml124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr "Traženje potvrde kod odjave"
-#: xfce4-session.xml126(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session "
-"will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of "
-"sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr ""
-"Ova opcija onemogućuje potvrdni dijalog odjave.Hoće li sesija biti "
-"spremljena ili ne ovisi o tome jeste li omogućili automatsko spremanje "
-"sesija ili ne."
-#: xfce4-session.xml135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Napredne osobitosti"
-#: xfce4-session.xml138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> napredne osobitosti"
-#: xfce4-session.xml146(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings "
-msgstr ""
-"Pokazuje Naprednu karticu <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> dijaloga "
-#: xfce4-session.xml154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr "Pokreće Gnome servise pri pokretanju"
-#: xfce4-session.xml156(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on "
-"startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if "
-"enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more "
-"information on this topic."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr "Pokreće KDE servisee pri pokretanju"
-#: xfce4-session.xml166(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce "
-"Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the "
-"other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may "
-"not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"Omogućite ovu opciju ako pkanirate pokretati KDE programe kao dio Xfce "
-"sesije.Ovo će vidno povećati vrijeme pokretanja ali u  drugu ruku,KDE "
-"programi će sepokretati brže.Neki KDE programi možda uopće neće raditi ako "
-"ne omogućite ovu opciju."
-#: xfce4-session.xml174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr "Upravlja udaljenim programima"
-#: xfce4-session.xml176(para)
-msgid ""
-"Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. "
-"Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port "
-"on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr ""
-"Omogućava upravitelju sesijama da upravlja programima pokrenutim na "
-"udaljenim računalima.Kako ova opcija predstavlja sigurnosni rizik zbog "
-"slušanja TCP porta na vašem sustavu, ne omogućujte ovo ukoliko ne znate što "
-#: xfce4-session.xml180(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the "
-"session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr "Prilagođavanje Upravitelja sesijama"
-#: xfce4-session.xml193(para)
-msgid ""
-"You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog "
-"available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml209(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml215(para)
-msgid ""
-"On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an "
-"engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. "
-"You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a "
-"demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml221(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes "
-"engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are "
-"available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr "Isključi/ponovno pokreni opcije"
-#: xfce4-session.xml229(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your "
-"computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown "
-"the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</"
-"filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command "
-"<filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> "
-"(<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as "
-"user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed "
-"to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role="
-"\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml239(para)
-msgid ""
-"For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and "
-"your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have "
-"to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file "
-"(remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-"Na primjer,recimo da ste instalirali <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> u <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local</filename>, ime vašeg "
-"računala je <emphasis>računalo</emphasis> i vaš korisnički račun je "
-"<emphasis>korisnik</emphasis>, tada morate dodati slijedeći redak u vašu "
-"<filename>sudoers</filename> datoteku (koristite <application>visudo</"
-"application> za uređivanje datoteke):"
-#: xfce4-session.xml246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-"korisnik računalo=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-#: xfce4-session.xml254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Napredno"
-#: xfce4-session.xml257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml259(para)
-msgid ""
-"Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://"
-"freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data "
-"and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as "
-"a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml269(para)
-msgid ""
-"The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is "
-"set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml278(para)
-msgid ""
-"A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the "
-"panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</"
-"filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value "
-"of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-"Lista direktorija sustava koji sadrže konfiguracijske podatke.Kao zadano,"
-"ploča će gledati u <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</"
-"filename> i <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>.Vrijednost "
-"${sysconfdir} zavisi o tome kako je program napravljen i često će biti "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename za binarne pakete."
-#: xfce4-session.xml289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml291(para)
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment "
-"variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml300(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location where the list of applications that should be "
-"automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is "
-"represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type="
-"\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-"
-"entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml306(para)
-msgid ""
-"Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained "
-"scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the "
-"first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old "
-"location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED."
-"txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml319(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various "
-"settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed "
-"from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-"Ovo je lokacija konfiguracijske datoteke koja uključuje različite postavke "
-"za <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, koje se mogu promijeniti iz "
-"dijaloga postavki."
-#: xfce4-session.xml326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml328(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the "
-"configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml337(para)
-msgid ""
-"The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and "
-"<application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-"Direktorij u kojem <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> i "
-"<application>xfwm4</application> pohranjuju podatke o sesijama."
-#: xfce4-session.xml343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml345(para)
-msgid ""
-"Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next "
-"section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr "Konfiguracijska datoteka Kiosk načina rada. Vidjeti <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\"> sljedeći odjeljak </ulink> za objašnjenje."
-#: xfce4-session.xml351(para)
-msgid ""
-"None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, "
-"are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the "
-"changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or "
-"the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-"Nijedna konfiguracijska datoteka,osim <filename>kioskrc</filename>,nije "
-"oblikovana za ručno uređivanje tijekom Xfce sesije; promjene će biti "
-"prebrisane ako ih uređujete kada je upravitelj sesijama ili upravitelji "
-"sesijama pokrenut."
-#: xfce4-session.xml356(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>"
-"${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the "
-"default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want "
-"to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the "
-"<application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>"
-"[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr "Kiosk način rada"
-#: xfce4-session.xml380(para)
-msgid ""
-"The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent "
-"users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to "
-"edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml385(para)
-msgid ""
-"The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-"
-"session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-"Način objašnjenja formata ove datoteke je korištenje primjera.Postavke xfce4-"
-"sesije vašega <filename>kioskrc</filename> mogu izgledati ovako:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml399(para)
-msgid ""
-"This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, "
-"but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize "
-"the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed "
-"to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml417(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr "Prilagodi odjavu"
-#: xfce4-session.xml424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml431(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings "
-"(KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml439(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This "
-"is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it "
-"prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr "Isključi"
-#: xfce4-session.xml448(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the "
-"system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in "
-"the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr "O programu <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml460(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer "
-"(<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the "
-"<ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> je napisao Benedikt Meurer "
-"(<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). Das biste našli više informacija,molimo "
-"posjetite <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</"
-#: xfce4-session.xml466(para)
-msgid ""
-"To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this "
-"manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/"
-"\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml472(para)
-msgid ""
-"If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please "
-"ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on "
-"the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-"Ako imate pitanja o korištenju ili instalaciji ovoga pakete, molim pitajte "
-"na <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http"
-"\">xfce</ulink> mailing list.Diskusije o razvoju su na <ulink url=\"http://"
-"lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> "
-"mailing list."
-#: xfce4-session.xml481(para)
-msgid ""
-"This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public "
-"License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of "
-"the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml486(para)
-msgid ""
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
-"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
-"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: xfce4-session.xml0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Ivica Kolić <ikoli at yahoo.com>"
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/it.po b/doc/manual/po/it.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bfc0ff..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/it.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-# Italian translations for xfce4-session-docs package.
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 The Xfce development team.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the xfce4-session-docs package.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-session-docs\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-27 15:58+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Cristian Marchi <cri.penta at gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Italian <xfce-it-translators at googlegroups.com>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: it\n"
-"X-Poedit-Language: Italian\n"
-"X-Poedit-Country: ITALY\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml94(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml142(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-#: xfce4-session.xml14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr "Gestore di sessione di Xfce 4"
-#: xfce4-session.xml17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: xfce4-session.xml18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: xfce4-session.xml19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: xfce4-session.xml20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml33(para)
-msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr "È garantito il diritto di copiare, distribuire e/o modificare questo documento nel rispetto dei termini della licenza GNU Free Documentation License, versione 1.1 o qualsiasi versione successiva pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation; senza Invariant Section senza testi di Front-Cover e senza testi di Back-Cover. Il testo della licenza completa è reso disponibile dalla <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>. "
-#: xfce4-session.xml45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: xfce4-session.xml46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "Sviluppatore di programmi"
-#: xfce4-session.xml49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr "os-cillation"
-#: xfce4-session.xml50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "Sviluppatore di sistema"
-#: xfce4-session.xml51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: xfce4-session.xml56(releaseinfo)
-msgid "This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr "Questo manuale descrive il pacchetto @PACKAGE_NAME@, versione @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-#: xfce4-session.xml65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Introduzione"
-#: xfce4-session.xml67(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> è un gestore di sessione per Xfce 4. Il suo compito è quello di salvare lo stato della propria scrivania (applicazioni aperte e loro posizioni) e di ricrearlo al successivo riavvio. Si possono creare diverse sessioni e sceglierne poi una all'avvio."
-#: xfce4-session.xml73(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run <application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The included legacy session management does everything that <application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> fornisce la gestione della sessione per i protocolli X11R6 e X11R5 compatibile. Se non si ha bisogno del supporto all gestione della sessione compatibile, è possibile disabilitarla al momento della compilazione, fornendo l'opzione --disable-legacy-sm allo script ./configure. <emphasis>NON</emphasis> avviare mai <application>smproxy</application> in una sessione gestita da <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>: potrebbero accadere cose strane. Il gestore della sessione compatibile incluso è in grado di compiere le stesse operazioni di <application>smproxy</application> e, per di più, supporta la visualizzazione a più schermi."
-#: xfce4-session.xml84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr "Impostazioni del gestore di sessione"
-#: xfce4-session.xml87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "Preferenze generali"
-#: xfce4-session.xml90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr "Preferenze generali di <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml98(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Mostra la scheda \"Generali\" della finestra delle impostazioni di <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr "Mostra il selettore all'accesso"
-#: xfce4-session.xml108(para)
-msgid "If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you log in to Xfce."
-msgstr "Se attivata, il gestore di sessione richiederà la scelta di una sessione per ogni accesso a Xfce."
-#: xfce4-session.xml114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr "Salva automaticamente la sessione all'uscita"
-#: xfce4-session.xml116(para)
-msgid "This option instructs the session manager to save the current session automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr "Questa opzione impone al gestore di sessione di salvare automaticamente la sessione corrente all'uscita. Se questa opzione non viene selezionata, a ogni uscita verrà richiesto se si intende o no salvare la sessione corrente."
-#: xfce4-session.xml124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr "Conferma l'uscita"
-#: xfce4-session.xml126(para)
-msgid "This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr "Questa opzione disabilita la finestra di conferma dell'uscita. La sessione verrà salvata o non salvata a seconda che sia stata o non sia stata abilitata l'opzione di salvataggio automatico della sessione all'uscita."
-#: xfce4-session.xml135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Preferenze avanzate"
-#: xfce4-session.xml138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Preferenze avanzate di <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml146(phrase)
-msgid "Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Mostra la scheda \"Avanzate\" della finestra delle impostazioni di <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr "Lancia i servizi di GNOME all'avvio"
-#: xfce4-session.xml156(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more information on this topic."
-msgstr "Abilitare questa opzione se si ha bisogno che il demone del portachiavi di GNOME venga avviato all'avvio. Questa opzione inoltre istruisce <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> ad avviare le tecnologie assistive di GNOME all'avvio (se abilitate nel centro controllo di GNOME). Consultare la documentazione di GNOME per maggiori informazioni sull'argomento."
-#: xfce4-session.xml164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr "Lancia i servizi di KDE all'avvio"
-#: xfce4-session.xml166(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr "Abilitare questa opzione se si intendono eseguire le applicazioni di KDE come parte della sessione di Xfce. In questo modo aumenterà sensibilmente il tempo di avvio, ma le applicazioni KDE si avvieranno più velocemente. Alcune applicazioni di KDE potrebbero non avviarsi se non si abilita questa opzione."
-#: xfce4-session.xml174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr "Gestisci le applicazioni remote"
-#: xfce4-session.xml176(para)
-msgid "Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr "Permette al gestore di sessione di gestire le applicazioni eseguite su host remoti. Dato che questa opzione può costituire un rischio per la sicurezza ascoltando una porta TCP del proprio sistema, si consiglia di non abilitarla a meno che non si sia coscienti di ciò che si sta facendo."
-#: xfce4-session.xml180(para)
-msgid "System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK capabilities</ulink>."
-msgstr "Gli amministratori di sistema potrebbero voler disabilitare questa opzione a livello globale utilizzando le <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">caratteristiche di protezione</ulink> del gestore di sessione."
-#: xfce4-session.xml191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr "Personalizzazione del gestore di sessione"
-#: xfce4-session.xml193(para)
-msgid "You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr "È possibile personalizzare la schermata di avvio che <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> utilizzerà all'accesso in Xfce 4. A questo scopo è disponibile una finestra dedicata dal <emphasis>gestore delle impostazioni di Xfce 4</emphasis>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr "Impostazioni della schermata di avvio"
-#: xfce4-session.xml201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr "Finestra delle impostazioni della schermata di avvio"
-#: xfce4-session.xml209(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings dialog."
-msgstr "Mostra la finestra di <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> per la configurazione della schermata d'avvio."
-#: xfce4-session.xml215(para)
-msgid "On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr "A sinistra, la finestra mostra una lista di motori installati. Selezionandone uno, se presente, verrà visualizzata un'anteprima e le relative informazioni. Premendo il pulsante <guibutton>Prova</guibutton> verrà fornita una dimostrazione del tema di avvio selezionato."
-#: xfce4-session.xml221(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> fornisce tre temi di avvio. Le rispettive opzioni di configurazione, se presenti, sono disponibili premendo il pulsante <guibutton>Configura</guibutton>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr "Opzioni di spegnimento e riavvio"
-#: xfce4-session.xml229(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command <filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supporta lo spegnimento del computer all'uscita dalla propria sessione. Per poter spegnere il computer, occorre essere elencato nel file <filename>sudoers</filename> del sistema e, in particolare, si deve essere abilitati a eseguire il comando <filename>${libdir}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> su Debian GNU/Linux) come utente root (dove <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> è la cartella passata al comando configure con l'opzione --with-helper-path-prefix oppure <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> di default"
-#: xfce4-session.xml239(para)
-msgid "For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file (remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr "Per esempio, si ipotizzi di aver installato <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> con l'opzione predefinita, che il proprio nome host sia <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> e che il proprio account utente sia  <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>; in questo caso si dovrà aggiungere la linea seguente al proprio file <filename>sudoers</filename> (si ricordi di utilizzare l'applicazione <application>visudo</application> per modificare questo file):"
-#: xfce4-session.xml246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-#: xfce4-session.xml254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avanzate"
-#: xfce4-session.xml257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr "File e variabili di sistema"
-#: xfce4-session.xml259(para)
-msgid "Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr "Xfce ora utilizza le specifiche Basedir come definite in <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> per individuare i sui dati e i file di configurazione. Questo significa che la posizione dei file sarà specificata come percorso relativo alle cartelle descritte nella specifica."
-#: xfce4-session.xml267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml269(para)
-msgid "The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr "La prima cartella base da controllare per i file di configurazione. Di norma è impostata a <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml278(para)
-msgid "A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr "Un elenco delle cartelle che contengono i dati di configurazione. Di norma il pannello controlla in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> e <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. Il valore di ${sysconfdir} dipende da come il programma è stato compilato e spesso è <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> per i pacchetti binari."
-#: xfce4-session.xml289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml291(para)
-msgid "Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>."
-msgstr "Indica la radice per la cache di dati di ogni utente. Se questa variabile di ambiente non è configurata, viene impostata a <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml300(para)
-msgid "This is the location where the list of applications that should be automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr "Questa è la posizione dove è salvata la lista delle applicazioni da eseguire automaticamente all'avvio. Ogni applicazione è rappresentata da un file <filename>.desktop</filename> (consultare le <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">specifiche per gli elementi desktop</ulink> per maggiori dettagli)."
-#: xfce4-session.xml306(para)
-msgid "Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr "Prima di Xfce 4.3, l'elenco delle applicazioni avviate automaticamente era salvato nel file <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, che conteneva gli script e i collegamenti simbolici alle applicazioni. Se si avvia <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ o una versione successiva per la prima volta, gli elementi ad avvio automatico verranno automaticamente migrati dalla vecchia posizione a quella standard e verrà scritto un file <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename> nella vecchia posizione che descrive le modifiche effettuate."
-#: xfce4-session.xml317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml319(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr "Questa è la posizione del file di configurazione che include le varie impostazioni di <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, che possono essere cambiate dalla finestra delle impostazioni."
-#: xfce4-session.xml326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml328(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr "Questa è la posizione del file di configurazione che include le varie impostazioni della schermata di avvio, che possono essere cambiate dalla finestra delle impostazioni."
-#: xfce4-session.xml335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml337(para)
-msgid "The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and <application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr "La cartella in cui <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> e <application>xfwm4</application> salvano i dati della sessione."
-#: xfce4-session.xml343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml345(para)
-msgid "Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr "File di configurazione della modalità protetta. Consultare la <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">sezione successiva</ulink> per una spiegazione."
-#: xfce4-session.xml351(para)
-msgid "None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or the settings managers are running."
-msgstr "Nessuno dei file di configurazione, a eccezione di <filename>kioskrc</filename>, è progettato per essere modificato manualmente durante una sessione di Xfce; infatti i cambiamenti vengono sovrascritti se si modificano i file manualmente mentre il gestore di sessione o il gestore delle impostazioni è in esecuzione."
-#: xfce4-session.xml356(para)
-msgid "System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the <application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr "Gli amministratori di sistema potrebbero voler personalizzare il file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> per cambiare le applicazioni che vengono eseguite di default all'avvio di Xfce. Per esempio, se si vuole avviare <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> in luogo di <application>xftaskbar4</application>, si dovrà cambiare la sezione <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> in qualcosa di simile:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-#: xfce4-session.xml378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr "Modalità protetta"
-#: xfce4-session.xml380(para)
-msgid "The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>."
-msgstr "Il gestore di sessione offre il supporto alla modalità protetta, che aiuta a evitare che l'utente possa effettuare delle modifiche alle impostazioni della propria sessione. Per utilizzarla occorre modificare o creare il file ${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml385(para)
-msgid "The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr "Il modo migliore per spiegare il formato di questo file è facendo un esempio; la sezione xfce4-session del file <filename>kioskrc</filename> potrebbe assomigliare a questa:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml399(para)
-msgid "This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr "Questo permette a tutti gli utenti di cambiare la schermata di avvio, il selettore e le impostazioni di uscita, ma permette ai soli utenti nel gruppo <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> di personalizzare le impostazioni di compatibilità e di spegnere il sistema. A nessuno è permesso di modificare le impostazioni di sicurezza."
-#: xfce4-session.xml404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr "Il gestore di sessione supporta le seguenti caratteristiche di protezione:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr "CustomizeSplash"
-#: xfce4-session.xml410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr "Se all'utente è permesso personalizzare la schermata di avvio."
-#: xfce4-session.xml415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr "CustomizeChooser"
-#: xfce4-session.xml417(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr "Se all'utente è permesso personalizzare le impostazioni del selettore di sessione."
-#: xfce4-session.xml422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr "CustomizeLogout"
-#: xfce4-session.xml424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr "Se all'utente è permesso personalizzare le impostazioni di uscita."
-#: xfce4-session.xml429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr "CustomizeCompatibility"
-#: xfce4-session.xml431(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings (KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr "Se all'utente è permesso personalizzare le impostazioni di compatibilità (KDE/Gnome compat)."
-#: xfce4-session.xml437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr "CustomizeSecurity"
-#: xfce4-session.xml439(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP port."
-msgstr "Se all'utente è permesso personalizzare le impostazioni di sicurezza. Questa è una delle impostazioni più <emphasis>IMPORTANTI</emphasis> dato che impedisce agli utenti (effettivamente <filename>libICE</filename>) di collegarsi a una porta TCP."
-#: xfce4-session.xml446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr "Shutdown"
-#: xfce4-session.xml448(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr "Se all'utente è permesso spegnere (o riavviare) il sistema. Se un utente non ha questa capacità le opzioni di spegnimento e di riavvio non saranno selezionabili nella finestra di uscita."
-#: xfce4-session.xml458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr "Informazioni su <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml460(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> è stato scritto da Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). Per ricevere ulteriori informazioni, visitare il <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">sito web di Xfce</ulink>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml466(para)
-msgid "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr "Per segnalare un problema o per avanzare una proposta relativa a questo programma o al manuale, utilizzare il sistema di tracciamento dei bug all'indirizzo <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml472(para)
-msgid "If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr "Se si hanno domande relative all'utilizzo o all'installazione di questo pacchetto, rivolgersi alla lista di discussione di <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink>. Le discussioni relative allo sviluppo si svolgono nella lista di discussione <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml481(para)
-msgid "This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr "Questo programma è distribuito nel rispetto dei termini della licenza GNU GPL (General Public License) come pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation, sia questa la versione 2 o, a propria scelta, una qualsiasi versione successiva."
-#: xfce4-session.xml486(para)
-msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr "Con il programma dovrebbe essere stata anche fornita una copia della GNU General Public License; se così non fosse, scrivere alla: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: xfce4-session.xml0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Cristian Marchi <cri.penta at gmail.com>, 2010."
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/ja.po b/doc/manual/po/ja.po
deleted file mode 100644
index fd27b8d..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/ja.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-session 4.7.1git-ec6f119\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-04 21:11+0900\n"
-"Last-Translator: Masato Hashimoto <cabezon.hashimoto at gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Japanese\n"
-"Language: ja\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:94(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:142(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:33(para)
-msgid ""
-"Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under "
-"the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later "
-"version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant "
-"Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The "
-"complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url="
-"\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:56(releaseinfo)
-msgid ""
-"This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:67(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. "
-"Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their "
-"location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several "
-"different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:73(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for "
-"both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session "
-"management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-"
-"legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run "
-"<application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The "
-"included legacy session management does everything that "
-"<application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also "
-"supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:98(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:108(para)
-msgid ""
-"If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you "
-"log in to Xfce."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:116(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option instructs the session manager to save the current session "
-"automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be "
-"prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:126(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session "
-"will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of "
-"sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:146(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:156(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on "
-"startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if "
-"enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more "
-"information on this topic."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:166(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce "
-"Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the "
-"other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may "
-"not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:176(para)
-msgid ""
-"Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. "
-"Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port "
-"on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:180(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the "
-"session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:193(para)
-msgid ""
-"You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog "
-"available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:209(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:215(para)
-msgid ""
-"On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an "
-"engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. "
-"You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a "
-"demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:221(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes "
-"engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are "
-"available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:229(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your "
-"computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown "
-"the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</"
-"filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command "
-"<filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> "
-"(<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as "
-"user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed "
-"to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role="
-"\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:239(para)
-msgid ""
-"For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and "
-"your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have "
-"to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file "
-"(remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:259(para)
-msgid ""
-"Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://"
-"freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data "
-"and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as "
-"a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:269(para)
-msgid ""
-"The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is "
-"set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:278(para)
-msgid ""
-"A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the "
-"panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</"
-"filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value "
-"of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:291(para)
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment "
-"variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:300(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location where the list of applications that should be "
-"automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is "
-"represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type="
-"\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-"
-"entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:306(para)
-msgid ""
-"Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained "
-"scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the "
-"first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old "
-"location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED."
-"txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:319(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various "
-"settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed "
-"from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:328(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the "
-"configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:337(para)
-msgid ""
-"The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and "
-"<application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:345(para)
-msgid ""
-"Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next "
-"section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:351(para)
-msgid ""
-"None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, "
-"are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the "
-"changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or "
-"the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:356(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>"
-"${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the "
-"default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want "
-"to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the "
-"<application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>"
-"[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:380(para)
-msgid ""
-"The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent "
-"users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to "
-"edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:385(para)
-msgid ""
-"The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-"
-"session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:399(para)
-msgid ""
-"This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, "
-"but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize "
-"the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed "
-"to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:417(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:431(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings "
-"(KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:439(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This "
-"is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it "
-"prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:448(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the "
-"system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in "
-"the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:460(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer "
-"(<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the "
-"<ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:466(para)
-msgid ""
-"To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this "
-"manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/"
-"\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:472(para)
-msgid ""
-"If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please "
-"ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on "
-"the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:481(para)
-msgid ""
-"This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public "
-"License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of "
-"the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:486(para)
-msgid ""
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
-"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
-"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: xfce4-session.xml:0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/pt_BR.po b/doc/manual/po/pt_BR.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 60a97aa..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/pt_BR.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml94(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml142(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr "Gerenciador de Sessão Xfce 4"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml33(para)
-msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr "É Permissão é concedida copiar, distribuir e/ou modificar este documento sob os termos da GNU Free Documentation License, Versão 1.1 ou qualquer versão posterior publicada pela Free Software Foundation; sem Seções Invariantes, sem textos de capa, e sem textos de contra capa. A licença completa esta disponível na <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "Desenvolvedor do software"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr "os-cillation"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "Desenvolvimento do sistema"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml56(releaseinfo)
-msgid "This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr "Este manual descreve o pacote @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, versão @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Introdução"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml67(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> é um gerenciador de sessão para Xfce 4. Sua tarefa é salvar o estado da sua área de trabalho (aplicativos abertos e suas localizações) e restaurá-lo durante a próxima inicialização. Você pode criar várias sessões diferentes e escolher uma delas na próxima inicialização."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml73(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run <application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The included legacy session management does everything that <application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> oferece gerenciamento de sessão para ambos protocolos X11R6 e X11R5 legado. Se você não precisar de suporte a gerenciamento de sessão legada, você pode desabilitar esta opção na compilação, passando o parâmetro --disable-legacy-sm ao ./configure <emphasis>NUNCA</emphasis> execute <application>smproxy</application> numa sessão que é gerenciada pelo <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, ou coisas estranhas ocorrerão. o gerenciamento de sessão legada faz tudo que o  <application>smproxy</application> faria, e além disso, também suporta múltiplos monitores."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr "Configurações do Gerenciador de Sessão"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências gerais"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências gerais do <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml98(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Mostra a aba Geral do diálogo de configurações do <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr "Exibe o seletor na entrada"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml108(para)
-msgid "If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you log in to Xfce."
-msgstr "Se selecionado, o gerenciador de sessão lhe pedirá para escolher uma sessão toda vez que você entrar no Xfce"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr "Salva automaticamente a sessão na saída"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml116(para)
-msgid "This option instructs the session manager to save the current session automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr "Esta opção instrui o gerenciador de sessão a salvar a sessão atual automaticamente quando você sair. Se você não selecionar esta opção você será notificado cada vez que você sair se deseja salvar a sessão atual."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr "Notificar ao sair"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml126(para)
-msgid "This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr "Esta opção desabilita o diálogo de confirmação de saída. Se a sessão será salva ou não depende se você habilitou ou não a opção de salva automática de sessões."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências avançadas"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências avançadas do <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml146(phrase)
-msgid "Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Mostra a aba Avançado do diálogo de configurações do <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr "Iniciar os serviços Gnomes na inicialização"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml156(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more information on this topic."
-msgstr "Ative esta opção se você precisa que o serviço keyring do GNOME  seja executado na inicialização. Esta opção também instrui o  <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> a apresentar as tecnologias assistivas do GNOME na inicialização (se ativas no centro de controle do GNOME). Consulte a documentação do GNOME para mais informações deste tópico."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr "Iniciar os serviços KDE na inicialização"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml166(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr "Ative esta opção se você pretende executar aplicativos KDE como parte de sua sessão de Área de Trabalho Xfce. Isto aumentará notavelmente o tempo de inicialização, mas por outro lado, os aplicativos KDE iniciarão mais rápido. Alguns aplicativos do KDE podem não funcionar se você não ativar esta opção."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr "Gerencie aplicativos remotos"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml176(para)
-msgid "Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr "Permitir que o gerenciador de sessão gerencie os aplicativos em execução em hosts remotos. Como esta opção pode constituir um risco de segurança, por escutar uma porta TCP no seu sistema, não ative esta opção se você não sabe o que está fazendo."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml180(para)
-msgid "System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK capabilities</ulink>."
-msgstr "Administradores de sistemas podem querer desativar globalmente essa opção usando gerenciadores de sessão <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK capabilities</ulink>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr "Personalizando o Gerenciador de Sessão"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml193(para)
-msgid "You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr "Você pode personalizar a tela de abertura que o <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> usará quando você entrar no Xfce 4. Há um diálogo dedicato disponível no <emphasis>Gerenciador de Sessão do Xfce 4</emphasis>."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr "Configurações da tela de abertura"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr "Diálogo de configurações da tela de abertura"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml209(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings dialog."
-msgstr "Mostra o diálogo de configurações da tela de abertura do <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml215(para)
-msgid "On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr "À esquerda, o diálogo mostra uma lista de todos os mecanismos instalados. Selecione um mecanismo, e você verá, se disponível, uma pré-visualização e informações sobre ele. Você pode clicar no botão <guibutton>Teste</ guibutton> para ver uma demonstração do mecanismo selecionado de tela de abertura."
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml221(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr "Opções de desligar/reiniciar"
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml229(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command <filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml239(para)
-msgid "For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file (remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml259(para)
-msgid "Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml269(para)
-msgid "The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml278(para)
-msgid "A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml291(para)
-msgid "Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml300(para)
-msgid "This is the location where the list of applications that should be automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml306(para)
-msgid "Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml319(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml328(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml337(para)
-msgid "The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and <application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml345(para)
-msgid "Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml351(para)
-msgid "None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml356(para)
-msgid "System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the <application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml380(para)
-msgid "The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml385(para)
-msgid "The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml399(para)
-msgid "This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml417(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml431(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings (KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml439(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP port."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml448(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml460(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml466(para)
-msgid "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml472(para)
-msgid "If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml481(para)
-msgid "This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml486(para)
-msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/ru.po b/doc/manual/po/ru.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ce263b..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/ru.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-session\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-02 13:53+0300\n"
-"Last-Translator: Artem Zolochevskiy <artem.zolochevskiy at gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Russian\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: ru\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml94(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml142(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-#: xfce4-session.xml14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr "Менеджер сеансов Xfce 4"
-#: xfce4-session.xml17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: xfce4-session.xml18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: xfce4-session.xml19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: xfce4-session.xml20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml33(para)
-msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr "Разрешено копировать, распространять и/или модифицировать данный документ на условиях лицензии GNU Free Documentation License, версии 1.1 или более поздней версии, опубликованной Фондом Свободного ПО (Free Software Foundation). Документ не содержит неизменяемых разделов, не содержит текста, помещаемого на первую и последнюю страницу обложки. Полный текст лицензии доступен на сайте <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: xfce4-session.xml46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "Разработчик ПО"
-#: xfce4-session.xml49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr "os-cillation"
-#: xfce4-session.xml50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "Системная разработка"
-#: xfce4-session.xml51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: xfce4-session.xml56(releaseinfo)
-msgid "This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr "Данное руководство описывает пакет @PACKAGE_NAME@ версии @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-#: xfce4-session.xml65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Введение"
-#: xfce4-session.xml67(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> — это менеджер сеансов для Xfce 4. Его задача — сохранять состояние вашего рабочего стола (открытые приложения и расположение окон) и восстановать его при следующей загрузке. Вы можете создать несколько различных сеансов и выбрать один из них при загрузке."
-#: xfce4-session.xml73(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run <application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The included legacy session management does everything that <application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> обеспечивает управление сеансами как для X11R6, так и для устаревших X11R5 протоколов. Если вам не нужна поддержка управления устаревшими сеансами, вы можете отключить её при сборке, передав аргумент --disable-legacy-sm в ./configure. Во избежание проблем <emphasis>НИКОГДА</emphasis> не запускайте smproxy в сеансе, управляемом <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>. Входящая в настоящее время в состав функция управления сеансами делает то же самое, что и smproxy, и, кроме этого, поддерживает многоэкранный вывод."
-#: xfce4-session.xml84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr "Настройка менеджера сеансов"
-#: xfce4-session.xml87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "Общие параметры"
-#: xfce4-session.xml90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr "Общие параметры <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml98(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Показывает вкладку «Общие» диалогового окна настроек <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr "Показывать диалог выбора при входе в систему"
-#: xfce4-session.xml108(para)
-msgid "If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you log in to Xfce."
-msgstr "Если параметр установлен, менеджер сеансов будет просить вас выбрать сеанс каждый раз при входе в Xfce."
-#: xfce4-session.xml114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr "Автоматически сохранять сеанс при выходе"
-#: xfce4-session.xml116(para)
-msgid "This option instructs the session manager to save the current session automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr "Выбор данного параметра заставляет менеджер сеансов автоматически сохранять текущий сеанс при выходе из системы. Если параметр не выбран, запрос о сохранении текущей сессии будет выводиться каждый раз при выходе из системы."
-#: xfce4-session.xml124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr "Запрашивать при выходе"
-#: xfce4-session.xml126(para)
-msgid "This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr "Данный параметр включает/отключает диалоговое окно подтверждения выхода из системы. Если параметр отключён, то сохранение сеанса зависит от того, включили вы автоматическое сохранение сеанса при выходе из системы или нет."
-#: xfce4-session.xml135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Дополнительные настройки"
-#: xfce4-session.xml138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Дополнительные настройки <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml146(phrase)
-msgid "Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr "Показывает вкладку «Дополнительные» диалогового окна настроек <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr "Запускать службы GNOME при входе в систему"
-#: xfce4-session.xml156(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more information on this topic."
-msgstr "Установите этот параметр, если вам нужно, чтобы при загрузке запускался сервис keyring из GNOME. Также этот параметр приводит к задействованию при старте вспомогательных технологий GNOME (если включено в центре управления GNOME). Обратитесь к документации GNOME для получения более подробной информации по этой теме."
-#: xfce4-session.xml164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr "Запускать службы KDE при входе в систему"
-#: xfce4-session.xml166(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr "Установите этот параметр, если вы планируете запускать приложения KDE в сеансе Xfce. Это заметно увеличит время загрузки, но с другой стороны, приложения KDE будут быстрее запускаться. Некоторые приложения KDE могут совсем не работать, если не установить этот параметр."
-#: xfce4-session.xml174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr "Управлять удалёнными приложениями"
-#: xfce4-session.xml176(para)
-msgid "Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr "Позволяет менеджеру сеансов управлять приложениями, запущенными на удалённых компьютерах. Так как этот параметр может представлять собой угрозу безопасности из-за прослушивания порта TCP на вашей системе, не устанавливайте его, если не уверены."
-#: xfce4-session.xml180(para)
-msgid "System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK capabilities</ulink>."
-msgstr "Системные администраторы могут глобально запретить эту возможность с использованием <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">режима киоска</ulink> менеджера сеансов."
-#: xfce4-session.xml191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr "Тонкая настройка менеджера сеансов"
-#: xfce4-session.xml193(para)
-msgid "You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr "Вы можете настроить заставку, которую <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> отображает при входе в Xfce 4. Этот диалог доступен из <emphasis>диспетчера настроек Xfce 4</emphasis>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr "Настройки заставки"
-#: xfce4-session.xml201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr "Диалоговое окно настроек заставки"
-#: xfce4-session.xml209(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings dialog."
-msgstr "Показывает диалоговое окно настроек заставки <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml215(para)
-msgid "On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr "В левой части окна приведён список всех установленных заставок. Выберите заставку и вы увидите её предварительный просмотр и сведения о ней (при их доступности). Просмотреть демонстрацию выбранной заставки вы можете, нажав кнопку <guibutton>Проверить</guibutton>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml221(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> по умолчанию предоставляет три заставки. Их параметры (если они есть) доступны по нажатию кнопки <guibutton>Настроить</guibutton>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr "Параметры выключения/перезагрузки"
-#: xfce4-session.xml229(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command <filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> поддерживает возможность выключения вашего компьютера при завершении сеанса работы. Чтобы иметь возможность выключить компьютер, сведения о вашей учётной записи должны присутствовать в системном файле <filename>sudoers</filename>, в частности, вам должно быть разрешено выполнять команды <filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> в Debian GNU/Linux) с правами администратора (где <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> – это каталог, переданный скрипту configure в параметре --with-helper-path-prefix или <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename>
  по умолчанию)."
-#: xfce4-session.xml239(para)
-msgid "For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file (remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr "Например, вы собрали <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> с опциями по умолчанию, имя вашего компьютера <emphasis>myhost</emphasis>, а имя пользователя – <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>. В этом случае вам следует добавить следующую строку в файл <filename>sudoers</filename> (не забудьте использовать <application>visudo</application> для редактирования этого файла):"
-#: xfce4-session.xml246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-#: xfce4-session.xml254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Настройки для опытных пользователей"
-#: xfce4-session.xml257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr "Файлы и переменные окружения"
-#: xfce4-session.xml259(para)
-msgid "Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr "Для размещения данных и конфигурационных файлов Xfce использует стандарт Basedir Specification, определённый <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink>. Это означает, что расположение файлов будет определяться как относительный путь от каталогов, описанных в спецификации."
-#: xfce4-session.xml267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml269(para)
-msgid "The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr "Первый базовый каталог для поиска конфигурационных файлов. По умолчанию установлен в <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml278(para)
-msgid "A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr "Список системных каталогов, содержащих данные конфигурации. По умолчанию это <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> и <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. Значение ${sysconfdir} зависит от того, как программа была собрана, и в случае бинарных пакетов часто устанавливается в <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml291(para)
-msgid "Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>."
-msgstr "Определяет корневой каталог для кэшированных данных пользователя. Если данная переменная окружения не определена, то она по умолчанию устанавливается в <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml300(para)
-msgid "This is the location where the list of applications that should be automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr "Это место, в котором хранится список приложений, которые должны быть запущены автоматически при входе в систему. Каждое автоматически запускаемое приложение представлено файлом <filename>.desktop</filename> (см. <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> для более подробной информации)."
-#: xfce4-session.xml306(para)
-msgid "Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr "До версии Xfce 4.3 список автоматически запускаемых приложений хранился в каталоге <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename> и состоял из скриптов и символических ссылок на приложения. При первом запуске <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> версии @PACKAGE_VERSION@ или выше он автоматически переместит элементы автозапуска из старого месторасположения в стандартное, а в старый каталог поместит файл <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename>, описывающий изменение месторасположения."
-#: xfce4-session.xml317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml319(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr "Месторасположение конфигурационного файла, содержащего различные настройки <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, которые могут быть изменены из диалогового окна настроек."
-#: xfce4-session.xml326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml328(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr "Месторасположение конфигурационного файла, содержащего настройки заставки, которые могут быть изменены из диалогового окна настроек."
-#: xfce4-session.xml335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml337(para)
-msgid "The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and <application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr "Каталог, в котором <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> и <application>xfwm4</application> сохраняют данные сеанса."
-#: xfce4-session.xml343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml345(para)
-msgid "Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr "Конфигурационный файл режима киоска. Пояснения содержатся в <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">следующем разделе</ulink>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml351(para)
-msgid "None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or the settings managers are running."
-msgstr "Ни один из конфигурационных файлов, за исключением <filename>kioskrc</filename>, не следует редактировать вручную во время сеанса работы Xfce. Изменения, сделанные во время работы менеджера сеансов или менеджера настроек, будут перезаписаны."
-#: xfce4-session.xml356(para)
-msgid "System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the <application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr "Системным администраторам может понадобиться настроить файл <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> для изменения приложений, по умолчанию запускаемых при загрузке Xfce. Например, если вы хотите запускать <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> вместо <application>xftaskbar4</application>, вам следует изменить раздел <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> похожим образом:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-#: xfce4-session.xml378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr "Режим киоска"
-#: xfce4-session.xml380(para)
-msgid "The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>."
-msgstr "Менеджер сеансов обеспечивает поддержку режима киоска, который предотвращает внесение пользователями изменений в настройки сеанса. Для того чтобы его использовать, вам необходимо отредактировать или создать файл <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml385(para)
-msgid "The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr "Объясним формат этого файла на примере. Раздел xfce4-session вашего файла <filename>kioskrc</filename> может выглядеть следующим образом:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml399(para)
-msgid "This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr "Это позволяет всем пользователям изменять их заставку, настройки выбора сеанса и выхода из системы. Однако настраивать параметры совместимости и выключать систему позволено только пользователям из группы <emphasis>wheel</emphasis>. Никому не разрешено устанавливать параметры безопасности."
-#: xfce4-session.xml404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr "Менеджер сеансов поддерживает следующие возможности режима киоска:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr "CustomizeSplash"
-#: xfce4-session.xml410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr "Будет ли разрешено пользователю настраивать заставку."
-#: xfce4-session.xml415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr "CustomizeChooser"
-#: xfce4-session.xml417(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr "Будет ли разрешено пользователю настраивать параметры выбора сеанса."
-#: xfce4-session.xml422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr "CustomizeLogout"
-#: xfce4-session.xml424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr "Будет ли разрешено пользователю настраивать параметры выхода из системы."
-#: xfce4-session.xml429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr "CustomizeCompatibility"
-#: xfce4-session.xml431(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings (KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr "Будет ли разрешено пользователю настраивать параметры совместимости (с KDE/Gnome)"
-#: xfce4-session.xml437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr "CustomizeSecurity"
-#: xfce4-session.xml439(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP port."
-msgstr "Будет ли разрешено пользователю настраивать параметры безопасности. Этот одна из наиболее <emphasis>ВАЖНЫХ</emphasis> настроек, так как не позволяет пользователям (на самом деле <filename>libICE</filename>) прослушивать TCP порт."
-#: xfce4-session.xml446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr "Shutdown"
-#: xfce4-session.xml448(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr "Будет ли разрешено пользователю завершать работу системы (перезагружать или выключать). Если у пользователя нет такой возможности, варианты перезагрузки и выключения в диалоговом окне завершения работы будут неактивны."
-#: xfce4-session.xml458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr "О программе <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml460(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> написал Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). Посетите <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">сайт Xfce</ulink> для получения более подробной информации."
-#: xfce4-session.xml466(para)
-msgid "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr "Чтобы сообщить об ошибке или внести предложение, относящееся к этой программе или данному руководству, используйте систему отслеживания ошибок <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml472(para)
-msgid "If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr "Если у вас есть вопросы по использованию или установке этого пакета, пожалуйста, задайте их в <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">списке рассылки xfce</ulink>. Обсуждение разработки происходит в <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">списке рассылки xfce4-dev</ulink>."
-#: xfce4-session.xml481(para)
-msgid "This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr "Это программное обеспечение распространяется на условиях лицензии GNU General Public License, опубликованной Free Software Foundation, версии 2 или (по вашему выбору) любой более поздней версии."
-#: xfce4-session.xml486(para)
-msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr "Вы должны были получить копию лицензии GNU General Public License вместе с этой программой. Если это не так, напишите во Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: xfce4-session.xml0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr ""
-"Denis Koryavov <dkoryavov at yandex.ru>, 2010\n"
-"Alexandr Boltris <alex at altlinux.org>, 2011\n"
-"Artem Zolochevskiy <artem.zolochevskiy at gmail.com>, 2011"
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/sv.po b/doc/manual/po/sv.po
deleted file mode 100644
index d2b083b..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/sv.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-session doc\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-17 18:33+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>\n"
-"Language-Team: Swedish <tp-sv at listor.tp-sv.se>\n"
-"Language: sv\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:94(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr ""
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:142(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr ""
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:33(para)
-msgid ""
-"Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under "
-"the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later "
-"version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant "
-"Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The "
-"complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url="
-"\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "Programutvecklare"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr "os-cillation"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "Systemutveckling"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:56(releaseinfo)
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr ""
-"Denna handbok beskriver paketet <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, "
-"version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-#: xfce4-session.xml:65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Introduktion"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:67(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. "
-"Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their "
-"location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several "
-"different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:73(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for "
-"both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session "
-"management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-"
-"legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run "
-"<application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The "
-"included legacy session management does everything that "
-"<application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also "
-"supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "Allmänna inställningar"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:98(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:108(para)
-msgid ""
-"If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you "
-"log in to Xfce."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:116(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option instructs the session manager to save the current session "
-"automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be "
-"prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:126(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session "
-"will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of "
-"sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Avancerade inställningar"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:146(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:156(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on "
-"startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if "
-"enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more "
-"information on this topic."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:166(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce "
-"Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the "
-"other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may "
-"not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:176(para)
-msgid ""
-"Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. "
-"Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port "
-"on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:180(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the "
-"session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:193(para)
-msgid ""
-"You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog "
-"available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:209(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:215(para)
-msgid ""
-"On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an "
-"engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. "
-"You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a "
-"demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:221(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes "
-"engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are "
-"available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:229(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your "
-"computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown "
-"the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</"
-"filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command "
-"<filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> "
-"(<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as "
-"user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed "
-"to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role="
-"\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:239(para)
-msgid ""
-"For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and "
-"your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have "
-"to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file "
-"(remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avancerat"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:259(para)
-msgid ""
-"Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://"
-"freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data "
-"and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as "
-"a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:269(para)
-msgid ""
-"The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is "
-"set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:278(para)
-msgid ""
-"A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the "
-"panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</"
-"filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value "
-"of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:291(para)
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment "
-"variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:300(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location where the list of applications that should be "
-"automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is "
-"represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type="
-"\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-"
-"entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:306(para)
-msgid ""
-"Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained "
-"scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the "
-"first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old "
-"location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED."
-"txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:319(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various "
-"settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed "
-"from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:328(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the "
-"configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:337(para)
-msgid ""
-"The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and "
-"<application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:345(para)
-msgid ""
-"Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next "
-"section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:351(para)
-msgid ""
-"None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, "
-"are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the "
-"changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or "
-"the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:356(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>"
-"${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the "
-"default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want "
-"to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the "
-"<application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>"
-"[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr "Kioskläge"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:380(para)
-msgid ""
-"The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent "
-"users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to "
-"edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:385(para)
-msgid ""
-"The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-"
-"session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:399(para)
-msgid ""
-"This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, "
-"but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize "
-"the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed "
-"to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:417(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:431(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings "
-"(KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:439(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This "
-"is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it "
-"prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:448(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the "
-"system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in "
-"the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr "Om <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:460(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer "
-"(<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the "
-"<ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:466(para)
-msgid ""
-"To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this "
-"manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/"
-"\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:472(para)
-msgid ""
-"If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please "
-"ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on "
-"the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:481(para)
-msgid ""
-"This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public "
-"License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of "
-"the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:486(para)
-msgid ""
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
-"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
-"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: xfce4-session.xml:0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Daniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>, 2010"
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/tr.po b/doc/manual/po/tr.po
deleted file mode 100644
index a7148fb..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/tr.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-15 23:40+0300\n"
-"Last-Translator: Alper Tekinalp <alper.tekinalp at gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Turkish\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: tr\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml94(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml142(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for
-#. you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-#: xfce4-session.xml14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr "Xfce 4 Oturum Yöneticisi"
-#: xfce4-session.xml17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: xfce4-session.xml18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: xfce4-session.xml19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: xfce4-session.xml20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml33(para)
-msgid ""
-"Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under "
-"the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later "
-"version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant "
-"Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The "
-"complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url="
-"\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr "Bu dokümanın dağıtımı, kopyalanması ve/veya düzenlenmesi GNU Özgür Belgeleme Lisansı 1.1 sürümü ve daha sonraki sürümleri de dahil olmak üzere, ancak değişmesi imkansız biçimde olmamak kaydı ile serbesttir.  Lisansın tamamına <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Özgür Yazılım Vakfı</ulink> sitesinden ulaşabilirsiniz."
-#: xfce4-session.xml45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: xfce4-session.xml46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "Yazılım geliştiricisi"
-#: xfce4-session.xml49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr "salınım"
-#: xfce4-session.xml50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "Sistem geliştirme"
-#: xfce4-session.xml51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: xfce4-session.xml56(releaseinfo)
-msgid ""
-"This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr "Bu kılavuz <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> paketinin @PACKAGE_VERSION@ sürümünü anlatır."
-#: xfce4-session.xml65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "Giriş"
-#: xfce4-session.xml67(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. "
-"Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their "
-"location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several "
-"different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> Xfce 4 için bir oturum yöneticisidir. Görevi masaüstünüzün durumunu kaydetmek (açılmış uygulamalar ve bunların konumları) ve bir sonraki açılışta bu düzeni geri yüklemektir. Birden fazla farklı oturum yaratabilir ve bunlardan bir tanesini başlangıçta seçebilirsiniz."
-#: xfce4-session.xml73(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for "
-"both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session "
-"management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-"
-"legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run "
-"<application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The "
-"included legacy session management does everything that "
-"<application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also "
-"supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> hem X11R6, hem de tarihi X11R5 protokollerine oturum yönetimi sağlar. Eğer tarihi oturum yöneticisine sağlanan desteğe ihtiyacınız yoksa, bunu derleme sırasında, --disable-legacy-sm seçeneğini ./configure komutuna vererek, sağlayabilirsiniz. <emphasis>SAKIN</emphasis> <application>smproxy</application> uygulamasını  <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> tarafından yünetilen bir oturum sırasında çalıştırmayın, çalıştırırsanız garip şeyler olacaktır. Dahil edilen tarihi oturum yöneticisi  <application>smproxy</application>'nin yapabileceği her şeyi yapabilir ve bunun yanında ayrıca çoklu ekran gösterimini destekler."
-#: xfce4-session.xml84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr "Oturum Yöneticisi ayarları"
-#: xfce4-session.xml87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "Genel tercihler"
-#: xfce4-session.xml90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> genel tercihler"
-#: xfce4-session.xml98(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"settings dialog."
-msgstr "Ayarlar iletişim penceresinin  <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> Genel sekmesini göster."
-#: xfce4-session.xml106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr "Giriş ekranında seçiciyi göster"
-#: xfce4-session.xml108(para)
-msgid ""
-"If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you "
-"log in to Xfce."
-msgstr "Seçilirse, oturum yöneticisi Xfce'ye her girdiğinizde bir oturum seçmenizi isteyecektir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr "Çıkışta otomatik olarak oturumu kaydet"
-#: xfce4-session.xml116(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option instructs the session manager to save the current session "
-"automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be "
-"prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr "Bu seçenek oturum yöneticisinin çıkışta mevcut oturumu otomatik olarak kaydetmesini sağlar. Eğer bu seçeneği seçmezseniz her çıkışta oturum kaydedilip edilmeyeceği size sorulur."
-#: xfce4-session.xml124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr "Çıkışta sor"
-#: xfce4-session.xml126(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session "
-"will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of "
-"sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr "Bu seçenek çıkıştaki onaylama penceresini pasif hale getirir. Çıkışta oturumu kaydedip kaydetmeyeceği otomatik kayıt seçeneğinin durumuna bağlıdır."
-#: xfce4-session.xml135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "Gelişmiş tercihler"
-#: xfce4-session.xml138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> gelişmiş tercihler"
-#: xfce4-session.xml146(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings "
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> ayarlar iletişim penceresinin Gelişmiş sekmesini gösterir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr "Başlangıçta Gnome servislerini çalıştır"
-#: xfce4-session.xml156(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on "
-"startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if "
-"enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more "
-"information on this topic."
-msgstr ""
-"GNOME keyring hizmetini başlangıçta çalıştırmaya ihtiyaç duyarsanız bu seçeneği etkinleştirin. \r\n"
-"Bu seçenek aynı zamanda <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>  uygulamasını başlangıçta GNOME yardımcı teknolojilerine getirmeyi sağlar (eğer GNOME kontrol merkezinde etkinleştirildiyse).\r\n"
-"Bu konu hakkında daha fazla bilgi için GNOME belgelendirmesine bakın."
-#: xfce4-session.xml164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr "Açılışta KDE servislerini başlat"
-#: xfce4-session.xml166(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce "
-"Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the "
-"other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may "
-"not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr "Eğer Xfce Masaüstü oturumunuzda KDE uygulamaları çalıştırmak istiyorsanız bu seçeneği aktif hale getirin. Bu ilk açılış zamanını uzatmasına rağmen KDE uygulamalarının açılışını hızlandıracaktır.Bazı KDE uygulamaları bu seçeneği aktif etmemeniz durumunda çalışmayabilecektir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr "Uzaktaki uygulamaları yönet"
-#: xfce4-session.xml176(para)
-msgid ""
-"Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. "
-"Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port "
-"on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr "Oturum yöneticisinin uzak bilgisayarlardaki uygulamaları yönetmesine izin ver. Bu seçenek bilgisayarınızdaki bir TCP portunu dinleyeceğinden bazı güzenlik riskleri taşıyabilir. Ne yaptığınızı bilmiyorsanız aktif etmeyin."
-#: xfce4-session.xml180(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the "
-"session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK "
-msgstr "Sistem yöneticileri bu seçeneği oturum yöneticisinin <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK yeteneklerini</ulink> kullanarak genel olarak kapatmak isteyebilirler."
-#: xfce4-session.xml191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr "Oturum Yöneticisini Kişiselleştirmek"
-#: xfce4-session.xml193(para)
-msgid ""
-"You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog "
-"available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr "Xfce'de oturum açtığınızda <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>'nin kullanacağı açılış resmini özelleştirebilirsiniz. <emphasis>Xfce 4 Yapılandırma Yöneticisi</emphasis>ni bunun için kullanabilirisiniz."
-#: xfce4-session.xml198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr "Karşılama ekranı ayarları"
-#: xfce4-session.xml201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr "Karşılama ekranı ayarları iletişim penceresi"
-#: xfce4-session.xml209(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings "
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>  uygulamasının karşılama ekran ayarları iletişim penceresini gösterir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml215(para)
-msgid ""
-"On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an "
-"engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. "
-"You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a "
-"demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr "Sol tarafta yüklenmiş bütün motorları göreceksiniz. Bir motoru seçtiğinizde, eğer mevcutsa, bir ön izleme ve hakkında kısa bilgi gösterilecektir. <guibutton>Test</guibutton> düğmesine tıkladığınızda bir ön izleme yapılacaktır."
-#: xfce4-session.xml221(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes "
-"engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are "
-"available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> varsayılan olarak üç adet Açılış teması motoru sağlar. Kendi yapılandırma seçeneklerine - varsa - <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> düğmesinden ulaşılabilir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr "Kapatma/yeniden başlatma seçenekleri"
-#: xfce4-session.xml229(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your "
-"computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown "
-"the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</"
-"filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command "
-"<filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> "
-"(<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as "
-"user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed "
-"to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role="
-"\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> masaüstü oturumunuzdan çıkış yaptığınızda bilgisayarınızı kapatmayı sağlar. Bilgisayarı kapatabilmek için, sistemin <filename>sudoers</filename> dosyasındaki listesinde olmanız gerekmektedir, özellikle <filename>${libdir}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename>(Debian GNU/Linux'da <filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename>) komutunu çalıştırmak için root kullanıcısı olarak izinli olmasınız (<filename>${libdir}</filename> dizinin  <filename role=\"directory\">lib</filename> olduğu yüklediğiniz önekteki alt dizin <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, örnek olarak <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename>)."
-#: xfce4-session.xml239(para)
-msgid ""
-"For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and "
-"your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have "
-"to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file "
-"(remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr "Örneğin, <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> uygulamasını <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local</filename> dizinine yüklemişseniz ve kullanıcı adınız <emphasis>myuser</emphasis> ise <filename>sudoers</filename> dosyasında (bu dosyayı düzenlemek için <application>visudo</application> kullanabilirsiniz) aşağıdaki gibi bir satır olacaktır:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-#: xfce4-session.xml254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Gelişmiş"
-#: xfce4-session.xml257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr "Dosya ve Çevre Değişkenleri"
-#: xfce4-session.xml259(para)
-msgid ""
-"Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://"
-"freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data "
-"and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as "
-"a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr "<ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> adresinde tanımlandığı üzere, Xfce artık verilerini ve yapılandırma dosyalarını konumlandırmak için Ana Dizin spesifikasyonunu kullanıyor. Bunun anlamı dosya konumları, spesifikasyonda tanımlanan dizine göre belirlenecektir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml269(para)
-msgid ""
-"The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is "
-"set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr "Yapılandırma dosyalarının aranacağı ilk temel dizin. Varsayılan olarak bu <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename> dizinidir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml278(para)
-msgid ""
-"A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the "
-"panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</"
-"filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value "
-"of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr "Yapılandırma verisi içeren sistem dizinlerinin listesi. Panel varsayılan olarak <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> ve <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename> dizinlerinin içerisine bakacak. ${sysconfdir} değeri programın nasıl derlendiğine ve genellikle ikili paketler için <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> olacaktır."
-#: xfce4-session.xml289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml291(para)
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment "
-"variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</"
-msgstr "Kullanıcıya özel önbellek verilerinin kök konumunu belirler. Bu ortam değişkeni ayarlanmamış ise, varsayılan olarak <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename> seçilir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml300(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location where the list of applications that should be "
-"automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is "
-"represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type="
-"\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-"
-"entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr "Burası giriş yapıldığında otomatik olarak çalışması gereken uygulamaların listesinın tutulduğu yerdir. Her otomatik başlayan uygulama bir<filename>.desktop</filename> dosyası ile temsil edilir. (detaylar için bkz. <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink>)."
-#: xfce4-session.xml306(para)
-msgid ""
-"Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained "
-"scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the "
-"first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old "
-"location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED."
-"txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr "Xfce 4.3 ile, otomatik başlayan uygulamaların listesi, betikler ve uygulamalara kısayollar içeren, <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename> dosyasında saklanır. Eğer <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ veya daha yeni bir sürümünü ilk defa çalıştıracak olursanız, otomatik başlayan uygulamalara ait maddeleriniz eski konumlarından kendiliğinden standart konumlarına taşınacak ve eski konumlarına, yapılan konum değişikliklerini belirten <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename> adında bir dosya yerleştirilecek."
-#: xfce4-session.xml317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml319(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various "
-"settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed "
-"from the settings dialog."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> için çeşitli ayarların da bulunduğu yapılandırma dosyasının konumu. Ayarlar penceresinden değiştirilebilir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml328(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the "
-"configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings "
-msgstr "Açılış penceresininde yapılandırmasını içeren, yapılandırma dosyasının konumu. Ayarlar penceresinden değiştirilebilir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml337(para)
-msgid ""
-"The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and "
-"<application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and <application>xfwm4</application>'un oturum verilerini depoladığı dizin."
-#: xfce4-session.xml343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml345(para)
-msgid ""
-"Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next "
-"section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr "Kiosk kipi yapılandırma dosyası. Açıklama için <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">sonraki bölüm</ulink>e bakınız."
-#: xfce4-session.xml351(para)
-msgid ""
-"None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, "
-"are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the "
-"changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or "
-"the settings managers are running."
-msgstr "Yapılandırma dosyalarının <filename>kioskrc</filename> hariç hiç biri, bir Xfce oturumunda elle değiştirilmek için tasarlanmamıştır; aslında oturum yöneticisi veya ayar yöneticisi çalışırken yapacağınız değişikliklerin üstüne yazılacaktır."
-#: xfce4-session.xml356(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>"
-"${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the "
-"default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want "
-"to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the "
-"<application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>"
-"[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr "Sistem yöneticileri <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> dosyasını, Xfce başladığında çalışacak uygulamaları değiştirmek için özelleştirmek isteyebilirler. Örneğin eğer <application>xftaskbar4</application> uygulaması yerine, <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> uygulamasının başlamasını istiyorsanız. <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> bölümünü şu şekilde değiştirebilirsiniz:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-#: xfce4-session.xml378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr "Kiosk Kipi"
-#: xfce4-session.xml380(para)
-msgid ""
-"The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent "
-"users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to "
-"edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</"
-msgstr "Oturum yöneticisi, kullanıcıların kendi oturum ayarlarını değiştirmelerine engel olan Kiosk Modu'nu destekler. Kullanmak için <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename> dosyasını değiştirmeniz veya oluşturmanız gerekir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml385(para)
-msgid ""
-"The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-"
-"session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr "Bu dosyanın biçimini açıklamanın yolu bir örnek kullanarak  açıklamaktır. <filename>kioskrc</filename> dosyanızın xfce4-session bölümü aşağıdaki gibi görünebilir:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml399(para)
-msgid ""
-"This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, "
-"but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize "
-"the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed "
-"to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr "Bu tüm kullanıcıların açılış görüntülerini, oturum seçici ve çıkış yapma  ayarlarını değiştirmelerine olanak tanır. Fakat uyumluluk ayarları ve sistemi kapatmayı <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> gurubundaki kullanıcılar düzenleyebilir. Hiç kimsenin güvenlik ayarlarını değiştirmesine izin verilmeyecek."
-#: xfce4-session.xml404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr "Oturum yöneticisi aşağıdaki KIOSK özelliklerini destekliyor:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr "AçılışResminiÖzelleştir"
-#: xfce4-session.xml410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr "Kullanıcının açılış resmini özelleştirmeye yetkisinin olup olmadığı"
-#: xfce4-session.xml415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr "SeçiciyiDüzenle"
-#: xfce4-session.xml417(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr "Kullanıcının oturum seçici ayarlarını değiştirip değiştiremeyeceği."
-#: xfce4-session.xml422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr "ÇıkışKişiselleştir"
-#: xfce4-session.xml424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr "Kullanıcının çıkış ayarlarını kişiselleştirmesine izin verip vermeyeceği."
-#: xfce4-session.xml429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr "UygunluğuDüzenle"
-#: xfce4-session.xml431(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings "
-"(KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr "Kullanıcının (KDE/Gnome) uyumluluk ayarlarını değiştirip değiştiremeyeceği"
-#: xfce4-session.xml437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr "GüvenliğiDüzenle"
-#: xfce4-session.xml439(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This "
-"is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it "
-"prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP "
-msgstr "Kullanıcının güvenlik ayarlarını değiştirmeye yetkili olup olmadığı. Bu en <emphasis>ÖNEMLİ</emphasis> ayardır çünkü kullanıcları (gerçekte <filename>libICE</filename>ı) bir TCP portuna bağlanmaktan alıkoyabilir"
-#: xfce4-session.xml446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr "Kapat"
-#: xfce4-session.xml448(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the "
-"system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in "
-"the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr "Kullanıcının sistemi kapatma veya yeniden başlatma yetkisinin olup olmadığı. Eğer kullanıcının yetkisi yoksa kapatma penceresi etkisiz hale gelecektir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml460(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer "
-"(<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the "
-"<ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> paketi Benedikt Meurer tarafından yazılmıştır (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). Daha fazla bilgi almak için, lütfen <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce internet sitesi</ulink>ni ziyaret edin."
-#: xfce4-session.xml466(para)
-msgid ""
-"To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this "
-"manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/"
-"\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr "Bu uygulama veya bu el kitabı hakkında bir hata raporlamak veya bir öneride bulunmak için <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink> adresindeki hata takip sistemini kullanın."
-#: xfce4-session.xml472(para)
-msgid ""
-"If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please "
-"ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on "
-"the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr "Bu paketin kullanımı veya kurulu hakkında bir sorunuz varsa bunu <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink> listesine yazabilirsiniz. Geliştirme tartışmaları <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> listesinde sürdürülmektedir."
-#: xfce4-session.xml481(para)
-msgid ""
-"This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public "
-"License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of "
-"the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr "Bu program Özgür Yazılım Vakfı tarafından yayınlanan GNU Genel Kamu Lisansının sürüm 2 ya da (isteğinize bağlı olarak) daha sonraki koşulları altında dağıtılmaktadır."
-#: xfce4-session.xml486(para)
-msgid ""
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
-"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
-"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr "Bu programla birlikte GNU Genel Kamu Lisansı'nın bir kopyasını almış olmalısınız. Aksi taktirde Özgür Yazılım Vakfı, Şti., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, ABD'ye yazın."
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: xfce4-session.xml0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Gökmen Görgen <gkmngrgn at gmail.com>, 2011"
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/ug.po b/doc/manual/po/ug.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 9db72e2..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/ug.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-session 4.7.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-01-21 11:52+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Gheyret T.Kenji <gheyret at gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team:Uyghur Computer Science Association <UKIJ at yahoogroups.com>\n"
-"Language: \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:94(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:142(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr "Xfce 4  "
-#: xfce4-session.xml:17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:33(para)
-msgid ""
-"Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under "
-"the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later "
-"version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant "
-"Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The "
-"complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url="
-"\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:56(releaseinfo)
-msgid ""
-"This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:67(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. "
-"Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their "
-"location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several "
-"different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:73(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for "
-"both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session "
-"management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-"
-"legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run "
-"<application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The "
-"included legacy session management does everything that "
-"<application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also "
-"supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:98(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:108(para)
-msgid ""
-"If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you "
-"log in to Xfce."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:116(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option instructs the session manager to save the current session "
-"automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be "
-"prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:126(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session "
-"will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of "
-"sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:146(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:156(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on "
-"startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if "
-"enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more "
-"information on this topic."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:166(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce "
-"Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the "
-"other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may "
-"not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:176(para)
-msgid ""
-"Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. "
-"Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port "
-"on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:180(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the "
-"session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:193(para)
-msgid ""
-"You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog "
-"available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:209(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:215(para)
-msgid ""
-"On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an "
-"engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. "
-"You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a "
-"demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:221(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes "
-"engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are "
-"available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:229(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your "
-"computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown "
-"the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</"
-"filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command "
-"<filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> "
-"(<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as "
-"user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed "
-"to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role="
-"\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:239(para)
-msgid ""
-"For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and "
-"your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have "
-"to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file "
-"(remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:259(para)
-msgid ""
-"Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://"
-"freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data "
-"and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as "
-"a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:269(para)
-msgid ""
-"The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is "
-"set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:278(para)
-msgid ""
-"A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the "
-"panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</"
-"filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value "
-"of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:291(para)
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment "
-"variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:300(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location where the list of applications that should be "
-"automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is "
-"represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type="
-"\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-"
-"entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:306(para)
-msgid ""
-"Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained "
-"scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the "
-"first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old "
-"location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED."
-"txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:319(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various "
-"settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed "
-"from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:328(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the "
-"configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:337(para)
-msgid ""
-"The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and "
-"<application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:345(para)
-msgid ""
-"Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next "
-"section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:351(para)
-msgid ""
-"None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, "
-"are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the "
-"changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or "
-"the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:356(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>"
-"${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the "
-"default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want "
-"to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the "
-"<application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>"
-"[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:380(para)
-msgid ""
-"The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent "
-"users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to "
-"edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:385(para)
-msgid ""
-"The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-"
-"session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:399(para)
-msgid ""
-"This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, "
-"but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize "
-"the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed "
-"to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:417(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:431(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings "
-"(KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:439(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This "
-"is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it "
-"prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:448(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the "
-"system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in "
-"the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:460(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer "
-"(<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the "
-"<ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:466(para)
-msgid ""
-"To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this "
-"manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/"
-"\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:472(para)
-msgid ""
-"If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please "
-"ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on "
-"the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:481(para)
-msgid ""
-"This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public "
-"License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of "
-"the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:486(para)
-msgid ""
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
-"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
-"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: xfce4-session.xml:0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Gheyret T.Kenji <gheyret at gmail.com>"
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/uk.po b/doc/manual/po/uk.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 19323c4..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/uk.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Terminal\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-26 21:32+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-26 21:41+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Yarema aka Knedlyk <yupadmin at gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Ukrainian <translation at linux.org.ua>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: uk\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\\n\\n\\n\\n\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:94(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:142(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr ""
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:33(para)
-msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:56(releaseinfo)
-msgid "This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:67(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:73(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run <application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The included legacy session management does everything that <application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:98(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:108(para)
-msgid "If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you log in to Xfce."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:116(para)
-msgid "This option instructs the session manager to save the current session automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:126(para)
-msgid "This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:146(phrase)
-msgid "Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:156(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more information on this topic."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:166(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:176(para)
-msgid "Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:180(para)
-msgid "System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK capabilities</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:193(para)
-msgid "You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:209(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:215(para)
-msgid "On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:221(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:229(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command <filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:239(para)
-msgid "For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file (remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "\nmyuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:259(para)
-msgid "Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:269(para)
-msgid "The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:278(para)
-msgid "A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:291(para)
-msgid "Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:300(para)
-msgid "This is the location where the list of applications that should be automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:306(para)
-msgid "Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:319(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:328(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:337(para)
-msgid "The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and <application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:345(para)
-msgid "Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:351(para)
-msgid "None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:356(para)
-msgid "System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the <application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "\n[Failsafe Session]\nCount=4\nClient0_Command=xfwm4\nClient0_PerScreen=False\nClient1_Command=xfce4-panel\nClient1_PerScreen=True\nClient2_Command=xfce4-iconbox\nClient2_PerScreen=True\nClient3_Command=xfdesktop\nClient3_PerScreen=False\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:380(para)
-msgid "The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:385(para)
-msgid "The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "\n[xfce4-session]\nCustomizeSplash=ALL\nCustomizeChooser=ALL\nCustomizeLogout=ALL\nCustomizeCompatibility=%wheel\nShutdown=%wheel\nCustomizeSecurity=NONE\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:399(para)
-msgid "This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:417(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:431(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings (KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:439(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP port."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:448(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:460(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:466(para)
-msgid "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:472(para)
-msgid "If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:481(para)
-msgid "This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:486(para)
-msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/xfce4-session.pot b/doc/manual/po/xfce4-session.pot
deleted file mode 100644
index 8491ffe..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/xfce4-session.pot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:94(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr ""
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:142(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr ""
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:33(para)
-msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:56(releaseinfo)
-msgid "This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:67(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:73(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run <application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The included legacy session management does everything that <application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:98(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:108(para)
-msgid "If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you log in to Xfce."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:116(para)
-msgid "This option instructs the session manager to save the current session automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:126(para)
-msgid "This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:146(phrase)
-msgid "Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:156(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more information on this topic."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:166(para)
-msgid "Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:176(para)
-msgid "Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:180(para)
-msgid "System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK capabilities</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:193(para)
-msgid "You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:209(phrase)
-msgid "Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:215(para)
-msgid "On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:221(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:229(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command <filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role=\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:239(para)
-msgid "For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file (remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "\nmyuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:259(para)
-msgid "Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:269(para)
-msgid "The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:278(para)
-msgid "A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:291(para)
-msgid "Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:300(para)
-msgid "This is the location where the list of applications that should be automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:306(para)
-msgid "Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:319(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:328(para)
-msgid "This is the location of the configuration file that includes the configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:337(para)
-msgid "The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and <application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:345(para)
-msgid "Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:351(para)
-msgid "None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:356(para)
-msgid "System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the <application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "\n[Failsafe Session]\nCount=4\nClient0_Command=xfwm4\nClient0_PerScreen=False\nClient1_Command=xfce4-panel\nClient1_PerScreen=True\nClient2_Command=xfce4-iconbox\nClient2_PerScreen=True\nClient3_Command=xfdesktop\nClient3_PerScreen=False\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:380(para)
-msgid "The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:385(para)
-msgid "The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "\n[xfce4-session]\nCustomizeSplash=ALL\nCustomizeChooser=ALL\nCustomizeLogout=ALL\nCustomizeCompatibility=%wheel\nShutdown=%wheel\nCustomizeSecurity=NONE\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:399(para)
-msgid "This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:417(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:431(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings (KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:439(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP port."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:448(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:460(para)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the <ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:466(para)
-msgid "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:472(para)
-msgid "If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type=\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:481(para)
-msgid "This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:486(para)
-msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: ./xfce4-session.xml:0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/doc/manual/po/zh_CN.po b/doc/manual/po/zh_CN.po
deleted file mode 100644
index cb35b32..0000000
--- a/doc/manual/po/zh_CN.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,758 +0,0 @@
-# Simplified Chinese translations for
-# the xfce4-session.docs package.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as
-# the xfce4-session.docs package.
-# Chipong Luo <chipong_l at yahoo.com>, 2011.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-session.docs\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-12 17:50+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Chipong Luo <chipong_l at yahoo.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <xfce-i18n at xfce.org>\n"
-"Language: zh_CN\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:94(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-general.png'; md5=f99eebd11a391ab3ecd0c038c0683b13"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:142(None)
-msgid ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-advanced.png'; md5=ce9a552111026488b3ae76233eaa69d4"
-#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
-#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
-#: xfce4-session.xml:205(None)
-msgid "@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-msgstr ""
-"@@image: 'images/xfsm-splash.png'; md5=126a4b2c7239f53cfa475468eac8cd99"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:14(title)
-msgid "Xfce 4 Session Manager"
-msgstr "Xfce 4 会话管理器"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:17(year)
-msgid "2003"
-msgstr "2003"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:18(year)
-msgid "2004"
-msgstr "2004"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:19(year)
-msgid "2005"
-msgstr "2005"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:20(holder)
-msgid "Benedikt Meurer"
-msgstr "Benedikt Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:33(para)
-msgid ""
-"Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under "
-"the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later "
-"version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant "
-"Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The "
-"complete license text is available from the <ulink type=\"http\" url="
-"\"http://www.gnu.org/\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-"以自由软件基金会发布的 GNU 自由文档许可协议 1.1 "
-"许可协议文本在:<ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://www.gnu.org/"
-"\">Free Software Foundation</ulink>。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:45(firstname)
-msgid "Benedikt"
-msgstr "Benedikt"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:46(surname)
-msgid "Meurer"
-msgstr "Meurer"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:48(jobtitle)
-msgid "Software developer"
-msgstr "软件开发者"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:49(orgname)
-msgid "os-cillation"
-msgstr "os-cillation"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:50(orgdiv)
-msgid "System development"
-msgstr "系统开发"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:51(email)
-msgid "benny at xfce.org"
-msgstr "benny at xfce.org"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:56(releaseinfo)
-msgid ""
-"This manual describes the @PACKAGE_NAME@ package, version @PACKAGE_VERSION at ."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:65(title)
-msgid "Introduction"
-msgstr "导言"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:67(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. "
-"Its task is to save the state of your desktop (opened applications and their "
-"location) and restore it during a next startup. You can create several "
-"different sessions and choose one of them on startup."
-msgstr ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 是 Xfce 4 的会话管理器。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:73(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides session management for "
-"both X11R6 and legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session "
-"management support, you can disable it at compile time, giving --disable-"
-"legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run "
-"<application>smproxy</application> in session that is managed by "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, or weird things will happen. The "
-"included legacy session management does everything that "
-"<application>smproxy</application> would do, and besides that, it also "
-"supports multiscreen display."
-msgstr ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 提供 X11R6 和旧 X11R5 "
-"支持,编译时您可以在 ./configure 中加 "
-"--disable-legacy-sm 禁用它。<emphasis>千万不要</emphasis> "
-"在 <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 管理的会话中运行 "
-"管理会做一切 <application>smproxy</application> 该做的事情,另外,"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:84(title)
-msgid "Session Manager settings"
-msgstr "会话管理器设置"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:87(title)
-msgid "General preferences"
-msgstr "一般首选项"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:90(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> general preferences"
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 一般首选项"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:98(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the General tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-"显示 <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 设置对话框的一般标签。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:106(term)
-msgid "Display chooser on login"
-msgstr "登录时显示会话选择器"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:108(para)
-msgid ""
-"If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you "
-"log in to Xfce."
-msgstr ""
-"设置后,每次登录 Xfce 时会话管理器都会让您选择"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:114(term)
-msgid "Automatically save session on logout"
-msgstr "注销时自动保存会话"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:116(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option instructs the session manager to save the current session "
-"automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be "
-"prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:124(term)
-msgid "Prompt on logout"
-msgstr "注销时提示"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:126(para)
-msgid ""
-"This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session "
-"will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of "
-"sessions on logout or not."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:135(title)
-msgid "Advanced preferences"
-msgstr "高级首选项"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:138(title)
-msgid "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> advanced preferences"
-msgstr "<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 高级首选项"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:146(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows Advanced tab of the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> settings "
-msgstr "显示 <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 设置对话框的高级标签。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:154(term)
-msgid "Launch Gnome services on startup"
-msgstr "桌面启动时启动 Gnome 服务"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:156(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on "
-"startup. This option also instructs <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> to bring up the GNOME assistive technologies at startup (if "
-"enabled in the GNOME control center). See the GNOME documentation for more "
-"information on this topic."
-msgstr ""
-"如果您需要在桌面启动时运行 GNOME keyring 守护"
-"进程,启用此项。此项还会指示 <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"在桌面启动时启用 Gnome 辅助技术(如果已在 Gnome "
-"控制中心中启用)。参看 Gnome 文档获取有关此主题的"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:164(term)
-msgid "Launch KDE services on startup"
-msgstr "桌面启动时启动 KDE 服务"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:166(para)
-msgid ""
-"Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce "
-"Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the "
-"other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may "
-"not work at all if you don't enable this option."
-msgstr ""
-"如果您打算将 KDE 应用程序作为 Xfce 桌面会话的"
-"时间,但另一方面,KDE 应用程序会启动得快些。"
-"如果您没有启用此项,一些 KDE 应用程序可能压根"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:174(term)
-msgid "Manage remote applications"
-msgstr "管理远程应用程序"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:176(para)
-msgid ""
-"Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. "
-"Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port "
-"on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing."
-msgstr ""
-"此项会监听您系统上的 TCP 端口,这会导致安全风险,"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:180(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the "
-"session managers <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" type=\"html\">KIOSK "
-msgstr ""
-"系统管理员可能要使用 <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\" "
-"会话管理器 type=\"html\">KIOSK 功能</ulink> 全局禁用此项。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:191(title)
-msgid "Customizing the Session Manager"
-msgstr "自定义会话管理器"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:193(para)
-msgid ""
-"You can customize the splash-screen that <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</"
-"application> will use when you log in to Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog "
-"available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4 Settings Manager</emphasis>."
-msgstr ""
-"您可以自定义登录 Xfce 4 时 <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"要使用的启动屏幕。 <emphasis>Xfce 4 设置管理器</emphasis> 里有个"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:198(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings"
-msgstr "启动屏幕设置"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:201(title)
-msgid "Splash screen settings dialog"
-msgstr "启动屏幕设置对话框"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:209(phrase)
-msgid ""
-"Shows the <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> splash screen settings "
-msgstr "显示 <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 启动屏幕设置对话框"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:215(para)
-msgid ""
-"On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines. Select an "
-"engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and information about it. "
-"You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton> button to see a "
-"demonstration of the selected splash screen engine."
-msgstr ""
-"引擎,如果可用,您会看到预览和其相关信息,点击 <guibutton>测试</guibutton> "
-#: xfce4-session.xml:221(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> provides three Splash themes "
-"engines by default. Their respective configuration options - if any - are "
-"available from the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button."
-msgstr ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 默认有三个启动画面主题引擎。如果有的话,"
-"点击 <guibutton>配置</guibutton> 按钮可以得到它们各自的配置选项。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:227(title)
-msgid "Shutdown/reboot options"
-msgstr "关机/重启选项"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:229(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> supports shutting down your "
-"computer when you log out of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown "
-"the computer, you have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</"
-"filename> file, in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command "
-"<filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> "
-"(<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux) as "
-"user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed "
-"to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or <filename role="
-"\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default."
-msgstr ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 支持在您注销桌面会话时关闭您的计算机。"
-"要能关闭计算机,您必须列在 <filename>sudoers</filename> 文件里,特别是,"
-"必须允许您以用户 root 执行命令 <filename>${HELPERDIR}"
-"(在 Debian GNU/Linux 上为 <filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-"
-"shutdown-helper</filename>)。(<filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> 是默认传给 "
-"--with-helper-path-prefix 选项或 <filename role="
-"\"directory\">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> 配置的目录)。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:239(para)
-msgid ""
-"For example, lets say, you built <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> "
-"with the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis> and "
-"your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you would have "
-"to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename> file "
-"(remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit that file):"
-msgstr ""
-"比如,假如您以默认选项编译 <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>,"
-"您的主机名是 <emphasis>myhost</emphasis>、您的用户帐号命名为 "
-"<emphasis>myuser</emphasis>,那么您必须在 <filename>sudoers</filename> 文件"
-"(记住用 <application>visudo</application> 编辑那个文件)中添加如下行:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:246(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-msgstr ""
-"myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper\n"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:254(title)
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "高级"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:257(title)
-msgid "Files and Environment Variables"
-msgstr "文件和环境变量"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:259(para)
-msgid ""
-"Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink url=\"http://"
-"freedesktop.org/\" type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to locate its data "
-"and configuration files. This means that file locations will be specified as "
-"a path relative to the directories described in the specification."
-msgstr ""
-"Xfce 现在使用 <ulink url=\"http://freedesktop.org/\" "
-"type=\"http\">Freedesktop.org</ulink> 中定义的基本目录规定放置其"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:267(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:269(para)
-msgid ""
-"The first base directory to look for configuration files. By default this is "
-"set to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>."
-msgstr ""
-"查找配置文件的第一个基本目录。默认位于 "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">~/.config/</filename>。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:276(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:278(para)
-msgid ""
-"A list of system directories that contain configuration data. By default the "
-"panel will look in <filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</"
-"filename> and <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value "
-"of ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename> for binary packages."
-msgstr ""
-"包含配置数据的系统目录列表。面板默认会在 "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> 和 "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">/etc/xdg/</filename> 下找。 "
-"${sysconfdir} 的值取决于程序如何编译,"
-"对于二进制文件包通常是 <filename role=\"directory\">/etc/</filename>。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:289(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:291(para)
-msgid ""
-"Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If this environment "
-"variable is unset, it defaults to <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</"
-msgstr ""
-"未设置,默认是 <filename role=\"directory\">~/.cache</filename>。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:298(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:300(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location where the list of applications that should be "
-"automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted application is "
-"represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename> file (see the <ulink type="
-"\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-"
-"entry-spec-latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink> for details)."
-msgstr ""
-"每个自启动应用程序都用 <filename>.desktop</filename> 文件表示"
-"(细节参看 <ulink type=\"http\" url=\"http://standards.freedesktop."
-"latest.html\">Desktop Entry Specification</ulink>)。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:306(para)
-msgid ""
-"Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications was stored in "
-"<filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>, which contained "
-"scripts and symbolic links to applications. If you run "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> @PACKAGE_VERSION@ or above for the "
-"first time, it will automatically migrate the autostart items from the old "
-"location to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED."
-"txt</filename> file in the old directory, that describes the location change."
-msgstr ""
-"Xfce 4.3 以前,自启动应用程序列表存储在包含脚本"
-"和应用程序符号链接的 <filename role=\"directory\">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename> 中。"
-"如果您第一次运行 @PACKAGE_VERSION@ 或更高版本的 "
-"标准位置,并在原目录下存放一个描述位置更改的文件 "
-#: xfce4-session.xml:317(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:319(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the various "
-"settings for <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>, which can be changed "
-"from the settings dialog."
-msgstr ""
-"此处是可以在设置对话框中更改的、包含各种 "
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 设置的配置文件的位置。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:326(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-msgstr "${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:328(para)
-msgid ""
-"This is the location of the configuration file that includes the "
-"configuration for the splash screen, which can be changed from the settings "
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:335(term)
-msgid "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-msgstr "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:337(para)
-msgid ""
-"The directory where <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> and "
-"<application>xfwm4</application> store the session data to."
-msgstr ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 和 "
-"<application>xfwm4</application> 存储会话数据的目录。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:343(term)
-msgid "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-msgstr "${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:345(para)
-msgid ""
-"Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">next "
-"section</ulink> for an explanation."
-msgstr ""
-"Kiosk 模式配置文件。说明参看 "
-"<ulink url=\"#xfsm-kiosk-mode\">下一章</ulink>。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:351(para)
-msgid ""
-"None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>, "
-"are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the "
-"changes will be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or "
-"the settings managers are running."
-msgstr ""
-"在设计上,除了 <filename>kioskrc</filename>,配置文件不能在 "
-"Xfce 会话过程中手动编辑;事实上,如果会话"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:356(para)
-msgid ""
-"System administrators might want to customize the file <filename>"
-"${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change the "
-"default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want "
-"to start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the "
-"<application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>"
-"[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:"
-msgstr ""
-"系统管理员可能要自定义文件 <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/"
-"xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> 来更改 "
-"Xfce 在启动时运行的默认应用程序。比如,如果您"
-"要启动 <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> 而不是 "
-"如下更改 <emphasis>[Failsafe Session]</emphasis> 一段:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:363(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-msgstr ""
-"[Failsafe Session]\n"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:378(title)
-msgid "Kiosk Mode"
-msgstr "全屏模式"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:380(para)
-msgid ""
-"The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to prevent "
-"users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you have to "
-"edit or create the file <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</"
-msgstr ""
-"会话管理器还提供 Kiosk 模式支持,它能帮助用户"
-"避免更改他们的会话设置。您必须编辑或创建文件 "
-"<filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename> "
-#: xfce4-session.xml:385(para)
-msgid ""
-"The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The xfce4-"
-"session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like this:"
-msgstr ""
-"解释此文件的格式的方法使用一个模板。<filename>kioskrc</filename> 的 "
-"xfce4-session 一段看起来应该如此:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:389(programlisting)
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:399(para)
-msgid ""
-"This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings, "
-"but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize "
-"the compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed "
-"to adjust the security settings."
-msgstr ""
-"方式设置,但只有 <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> 组中的用户才可以自定义"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:404(para)
-msgid "The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:"
-msgstr "会话管理器支持以下 KIOSK 功能:"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:408(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSplash"
-msgstr "自定义启动画面"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:410(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen."
-msgstr "是否允许用户自定义启动屏幕。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:415(term)
-msgid "CustomizeChooser"
-msgstr "自定义会话选择器"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:417(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings."
-msgstr "是否允许用户自定义会话选择器设置。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:422(term)
-msgid "CustomizeLogout"
-msgstr "自定义注销方式"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:424(para)
-msgid "Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings."
-msgstr "是否允许用户自定义注销方式设置。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:429(term)
-msgid "CustomizeCompatibility"
-msgstr "自定义兼容性"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:431(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility settings "
-"(KDE/Gnome compat)"
-msgstr "是否允许用户自定义兼容性设置(KDE/Gnome 兼容)"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:437(term)
-msgid "CustomizeSecurity"
-msgstr "自定义安全性"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:439(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings. This "
-"is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it "
-"prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP "
-msgstr ""
-"(实际上是 <filename>libICE</filename>)与 TCP 端口绑定,"
-"所以这是 <emphasis>最重要</emphasis> 的设置。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:446(term)
-msgid "Shutdown"
-msgstr "关机"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:448(para)
-msgid ""
-"Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the "
-"system. If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in "
-"the shutdown dialog will be greyed out."
-msgstr ""
-#: xfce4-session.xml:458(title)
-msgid "About <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-msgstr "关于 <application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application>"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:460(para)
-msgid ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer "
-"(<email>benny at xfce.org</email>). To find more information, please visit the "
-"<ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce web site</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-"<application>@PACKAGE_NAME@</application> 由 Benedikt Meurer"
-"(<email>benny at xfce.org</email>)撰写。要查找更多信息,请访问"
-"<ulink url=\"http://www.xfce.org\" type=\"http\">Xfce 网络站点</ulink>。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:466(para)
-msgid ""
-"To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this "
-"manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/"
-"\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>."
-msgstr ""
-"使用位于 <ulink url=\"http://bugzilla.xfce.org/"
-"\" type=\"http\">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink> "
-#: xfce4-session.xml:472(para)
-msgid ""
-"If you have questions about the use or installation of this package, please "
-"ask on the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes place on "
-"the <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list."
-msgstr ""
-"提问请到邮件列表 <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux."
-"org/mailman/listinfo/xfce\" type=\"http\">xfce</ulink>。"
-"开发讨论在邮件列表 <ulink url=\"http://lunar-linux."
-"org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev\" type="
-"\"http\">xfce4-dev</ulink> 中进行。"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:481(para)
-msgid ""
-"This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public "
-"License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of "
-"the License, or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
-"此程序以自由软件基金会发布的 GNU 通用公共许可"
-#: xfce4-session.xml:486(para)
-msgid ""
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
-"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
-"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-"您应该与此程序一道收到了一份 GUN 通用公共许可"
-"协议的副本;如果没有,致信给 "
-"the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,"
-"59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, "
-"MA 02111-1307, USA."
-#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
-#: xfce4-session.xml:0(None)
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Chipong Luo <chipong_l at yahoo.com>, 2011."
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-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
-          "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd" [
-  <!ENTITY date "July 2005">
-  <!ENTITY version "@PACKAGE_VERSION@">
-<article id="index" lang="en">
-<!-- Header -->
-  <title>Xfce 4 Session Manager</title>
-  <copyright>
-    <year>2003</year>
-    <year>2004</year>
-    <year>2005</year>
-    <holder>Benedikt Meurer</holder>
-  </copyright>
-<!-- translators: uncomment this:
-  <copyright>
-   <year>2002</year> <holder>ME-THE-TRANSLATOR (Latin
-   translation)</holder>
-  </copyright>
- -->
-  <legalnotice id="legalnotice">
-    <para>
-      Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-      under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
-      any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
-      Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover
-      Texts. The complete license text is available from the <ulink
-      type="http" url="http://www.gnu.org/">Free Software Foundation</ulink>.
-    </para>
-  </legalnotice>
-  <authorgroup>
-    <author>
-      <firstname>Benedikt</firstname>
-      <surname>Meurer</surname>
-      <affiliation>
-        <jobtitle>Software developer</jobtitle>
-        <orgname>os-cillation</orgname>
-        <orgdiv>System development</orgdiv>
-        <address><email>benny at xfce.org</email></address>
-      </affiliation>
-    </author>
-  </authorgroup>
-  <releaseinfo>
-    This manual describes the &app; package, version &version;.
-  </releaseinfo>
-  <pubdate>&date;</pubdate>
-<sect1 id="xfsm-intro">
-  <title>Introduction</title>
-  <para><application>&app;</application> is a session manager for Xfce 4. Its task is to save the state of
-  your desktop (opened applications and their location) and restore it during a next
-  startup. You can create several different sessions and choose one of them on
-  startup.
-  </para>
-  <para><application>&app;</application> provides session management for both X11R6 and
-  legacy X11R5 protocols. If you don't need legacy session management
-  support, you can disable it at compile time, giving
-  --disable-legacy-sm to ./configure. Do <emphasis>NOT EVER</emphasis> run <application>smproxy</application> in
-  session that is managed by <application>&app;</application>, or weird things will happen.
-  The included legacy session management does everything that <application>smproxy</application>
-  would do, and besides that, it also supports multiscreen display.</para>
-<sect1 id="xfce4-session-settings">
-  <title>Session Manager settings</title>
-  <sect2 id="xfsm-general-settings">
-  	<title>General preferences</title>
-    <figure id="xfsm-general-fig">
-      <title><application>&app;</application> general preferences</title>
-      <screenshot>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="images/xfsm-general.png" format="PNG" />
-          </imageobject>
-          <textobject>
-            <phrase>Shows the General tab of the <application>&app;</application> settings dialog.</phrase>
-          </textobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </screenshot>
-    </figure>
-  	<variablelist>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>Display chooser on login</term>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every
-            time you log in to Xfce.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>Automatically save session on logout</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>This option instructs the session manager to save the current
-          session automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option
-          you'll be prompted whether you want to save the current session on
-          each logout.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>Prompt on logout</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether
-          the session will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the
-          automatic saving of sessions on logout or not.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-    </variablelist>
-	</sect2>
-	<sect2 id="xfsm-advanced-settings">
-	  <title>Advanced preferences</title>
-    <figure id="xfsm-advanced-fig">
-      <title><application>&app;</application> advanced preferences</title>
-      <screenshot>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="images/xfsm-advanced.png" format="PNG" />
-          </imageobject>
-          <textobject>
-            <phrase>Shows Advanced tab of the <application>&app;</application> settings dialog.</phrase>
-          </textobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </screenshot>
-    </figure>
-    <variablelist>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>Launch Gnome services on startup</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run
-          on startup.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>Launch KDE services on startup</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of
-          your Xfce Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time,
-          but on the other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE
-          applications may not work at all if you don't enable this option.</para>
-        </listitem>
-  		</varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>Manage remote applications</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Allow the session manager to manage applications running on
-          remote hosts. Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to
-          a TCP port on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are
-          doing.</para>
-          <para>System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the
-          session managers <ulink url="#xfsm-kiosk-mode" type="html">KIOSK
-          capabilities</ulink>.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-    </variablelist>
-	</sect2>
-<sect1 id="xfsm-customize">
-	<title>Customizing the Session Manager</title>
-	<para>You can customize the splash-screen that <application>&app;</application> will use when you log in to
-	Xfce 4. There is a dedicated dialog available from the <emphasis>Xfce 4
-  Settings Manager</emphasis>.</para>
-	<sect2 id="xfsm-engines">
-		<title>Splash screen settings</title>
-    <figure id="splash-screen-settings-fig">
-      <title>Splash screen settings dialog</title>
-      <screenshot>
-        <mediaobject>
-          <imageobject>
-            <imagedata fileref="images/xfsm-splash.png" format="PNG" />
-          </imageobject>
-          <textobject>
-            <phrase>Shows the <application>&app;</application> splash screen settings dialog.</phrase>
-          </textobject>
-        </mediaobject>
-      </screenshot>
-    </figure>
-    <para>On the left, the dialog shows a list of all installed engines.
-    Select an engine, and you will see, if available, a preview and
-    information about it. You can click on the <guibutton>Test</guibutton>
-    button to see a demonstration of the selected splash screen
-    engine.</para>
-    <para><application>&app;</application> provides three Splash themes engines by default. Their
-    respective configuration options - if any - are available from the
-    <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button.</para>
-	</sect2>
-	<sect2 id="xfsm-shutdown">
-		<title>Shutdown/reboot options</title>
-    <para><application>&app;</application> supports shutting down your computer when you log out
-    of your desktop session. To be able to shutdown the computer, you
-    have to be listed in the systems <filename>sudoers</filename> file,
-    in particular, you must be allowed to execute the command
-    <filename>${HELPERDIR}/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename>
-    (<filename>/usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper</filename> on Debian GNU/Linux)
-    as user root (where <filename>${HELPERDIR}</filename> is the directory passed
-    to configure with the --with-helper-path-prefix option or
-    <filename role="directory">/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session</filename> by default.</para>
-    <para>For example, lets say, you built <application>&app;</application> with
-    the default options, your hostname is <emphasis>myhost</emphasis>
-    and your user account is named <emphasis>myuser</emphasis>, then you
-    would have to add the following line to your <filename>sudoers</filename>
-    file (remember to use <application>visudo</application> to edit
-    that file):</para>
-myuser myhost=/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper
-	</sect2>
-<sect1 id="xfsm-advanced">
-  <title>Advanced</title>
-  <sect2 id="files-and-env-vars">
-    <title>Files and Environment Variables</title>
-    <para>Xfce now uses the Basedir Specification as defined on <ulink
-    url="http://freedesktop.org/" type="http">Freedesktop.org</ulink> to
-    locate its data and configuration files. This means that file locations
-    will be specified as a path relative to the directories described in
-    the specification.</para>
-    <variablelist>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>The first base directory to look for configuration
-          files. By default this is set to <filename
-          role="directory">~/.config/</filename>.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>A list of system directories that contain configuration
-          data. By default the panel will look in <filename
-          role="directory">${sysconfdir}/xdg/</filename> and
-          <filename role="directory">/etc/xdg/</filename>. The value of
-          ${sysconfdir} depends on how the program was build and will often be
-          <filename role="directory">/etc/</filename> for binary
-          packages.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>${XDG_CACHE_HOME}</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Specifies the root for all user-specific cache data. If
-          this environment variable is unset, it defaults to <filename
-          role="directory">~/.cache</filename>.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/autostart/</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>This is the location where the list of applications that
-          should be automatically run on login is stored. Each autostarted
-          application is represented by a <filename>.desktop</filename>
-          file (see the <ulink type="http"
-          url="http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html">Desktop
-          Entry Specification</ulink> for details).</para>
-          <para>Prior to Xfce 4.3, the list of autostarted applications
-          was stored in <filename role="directory">~/Desktop/Autostart</filename>,
-          which contained scripts and symbolic links to applications. If
-          you run <application>&app;</application> &version; or above for the first time, it will
-          automatically migrate the autostart items from the old location
-          to the standard location and place a <filename>LOCATION-CHANGED.txt</filename>
-          file in the old directory, that describes the location change.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>This is the location of the configuration file that
-          includes the various settings for <application>&app;</application>, which can be changed
-          from the settings dialog.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>This is the location of the configuration file that
-          includes the configuration for the splash screen, which
-          can be changed from the settings dialog.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions/</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>The directory where <application>&app;</application> and <application>xfwm4</application>
-          store the session data to.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Kiosk mode configuration file. See <ulink url="#xfsm-kiosk-mode">next
-          section</ulink> for an explanation.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-    </variablelist>
-    <para>None of the configuration files, except the <filename>kioskrc</filename>,
-    are designed to be edited by hand during a Xfce session; in fact, the changes will
-    be overwritten if you edit them while the session manager or the settings managers
-    are running.</para>
-    <para>System administrators might want to customize the file
-    <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc</filename> to change
-    the default applications that are run on Xfce startup. For example, if you want to
-    start the <application>xfce4-iconbox</application> instead of the
-    <application>xftaskbar4</application>, you would change the <emphasis>[Failsafe
-    Session]</emphasis> section like to something like this:</para>
-[Failsafe Session]
-  </sect2>
-  <sect2 id="xfsm-kiosk-mode">
-    <title>Kiosk Mode</title>
-    <para>The session manager offers support for the Kiosk Mode, that helps to
-    prevent users from making changes to their session settings. To use it you
-    have to edit or create the file
-    <filename>${sysconfdir}/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc</filename>.</para>
-    <para>The way to explain the format of this file is by using an example. The
-    xfce4-session section of your <filename>kioskrc</filename> might look like
-    this:</para>
-    <para>This allows all users to change their splash, chooser and logout settings,
-    but allows only users in the group <emphasis>wheel</emphasis> to customize the
-    compatibility settings and shutdown the system. No one will be allowed to adjust
-    the security settings.</para>
-    <para>The session manager supports the following KIOSK capabilities:</para>
-    <variablelist>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>CustomizeSplash</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the splash screen.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>CustomizeChooser</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the session chooser settings.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>CustomizeLogout</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the logout settings.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>CustomizeCompatibility</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the compatibility
-          settings (KDE/Gnome compat)</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>CustomizeSecurity</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Whether or not the user is allowed to customize the security settings.
-          This is one of the most <emphasis>IMPORTANT</emphasis> settings, since it
-          prevents users (actually <filename>libICE</filename>) from binding to a TCP port.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-      <varlistentry>
-        <term>Shutdown</term>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Whether or not the user is allowed to shutdown (reboot or poweroff) the system.
-          If a user lacks this capability the reboot and poweroff options in the shutdown
-          dialog will be greyed out.</para>
-        </listitem>
-      </varlistentry>
-    </variablelist>
-  </sect2>
-<sect1 id="xfsm-copyright">
-  <title>About <application>&app;</application></title>
-  <para><application>&app;</application> was written by Benedikt Meurer
-  (<email>benny at xfce.org</email>).
-    To find more information, please visit the
-    <ulink url="http://www.xfce.org" type="http">Xfce web site</ulink>.
-  </para>
-  <para>To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or
-    this manual, use the bug tracking system at <ulink
-      url="http://bugzilla.xfce.org/"
-      type="http">http://bugzilla.xfce.org/</ulink>.
-  </para>
-  <para>If you have questions about the use or installation of this package,
-    please ask on the <ulink
-      url="http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce"
-      type="http">xfce</ulink> mailing list. Development discussion takes
-    place on the <ulink
-      url="http://lunar-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev"
-      type="http">xfce4-dev</ulink> mailing list.
-  </para>
-  <para> This program is distributed under the terms of the
-    GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
-    either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-  </para>
-  <para>You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
-    USA.
-  </para>
diff --git a/settings/main.c b/settings/main.c
index f845438..b831acd 100644
--- a/settings/main.c
+++ b/settings/main.c
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ static GOptionEntry option_entries[] =
 static void xfce4_session_settings_dialog_response (GtkDialog *dialog, gint response, gpointer userdata)
     if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_HELP) {
-       g_spawn_command_line_async("xfhelp4 xfce4-session.html", NULL);
+       xfce_dialog_show_help (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), "xfce4-session", "preferences", NULL);
     else {

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