[Xfce4-commits] <xfce4-panel:devel> Move the object register macros to the macros file.

Nick Schermer noreply at xfce.org
Tue Nov 17 14:18:04 CET 2009

Updating branch refs/heads/devel
         to 2d56bd415a7a8b680c8b1354c090fab7a7c7976d (commit)
       from 91dfd3d3f37c27e82efd136a986c421fef99785e (commit)

commit 2d56bd415a7a8b680c8b1354c090fab7a7c7976d
Author: Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
Date:   Tue Nov 17 14:05:17 2009 +0100

    Move the object register macros to the macros file.

 libxfce4panel/libxfce4panel.h     |  181 ------------------------------------
 libxfce4panel/xfce-panel-macros.h |  182 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libxfce4panel/libxfce4panel.h b/libxfce4panel/libxfce4panel.h
index db5ac82..0be57fa 100644
--- a/libxfce4panel/libxfce4panel.h
+++ b/libxfce4panel/libxfce4panel.h
@@ -34,187 +34,6 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
-/* register a resident panel plugin */
-#define XFCE_PANEL_DEFINE_PLUGIN_RESIDENT(TypeName, type_name, args...) \
-  _XPP_DEFINE_PLUGIN (TypeName, type_name, TRUE, args)
-/* register a panel plugin that can unload the module */
-#define XFCE_PANEL_DEFINE_PLUGIN(TypeName, type_name, args...) \
-  _XPP_DEFINE_PLUGIN (TypeName, type_name, FALSE, args)
-#define XFCE_PANEL_DEFINE_TYPE(TypeName, type_name, TYPE_PARENT) \
-  static gpointer type_name##_parent_class = NULL; \
-  static GType    type_name##_type = 0; \
-  \
-  static void     type_name##_init              (TypeName        *self); \
-  static void     type_name##_class_init        (TypeName##Class *klass); \
-  static void     type_name##_class_intern_init (gpointer klass) \
-  { \
-    type_name##_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); \
-    type_name##_class_init ((TypeName##Class*) klass); \
-  } \
-  \
-  GType \
-  type_name##_get_type (void) \
-  { \
-    return type_name##_type; \
-  } \
-  \
-  void \
-  type_name##_register_type (XfcePanelTypeModule *type_module) \
-  { \
-    GType plugin_define_type_id; \
-    static const GTypeInfo plugin_define_type_info = \
-    { \
-      sizeof (TypeName##Class), \
-      NULL, \
-      NULL, \
-      (GClassInitFunc) type_name##_class_intern_init, \
-      NULL, \
-      NULL, \
-      sizeof (TypeName), \
-      0, \
-      (GInstanceInitFunc) type_name##_init, \
-      NULL, \
-    }; \
-    \
-    plugin_define_type_id = \
-        g_type_module_register_type (G_TYPE_MODULE (type_module), TYPE_PARENT, \
-                                     "Xfce" #TypeName, &plugin_define_type_info, 0); \
-    \
-    type_name##_type = plugin_define_type_id; \
-  }
-#define _XPP_DEFINE_PLUGIN(TypeName, type_name, resident, args...) \
-  GType xfce_panel_module_init (GTypeModule *type_module, gboolean *make_resident); \
-  \
-  \
-  xfce_panel_module_init (GTypeModule *type_module, \
-                          gboolean    *make_resident) \
-  { \
-    typedef void (*XppRegFunc) (GTypeModule *module); \
-    XppRegFunc reg_funcs[] = { type_name##_register_type, args }; \
-    guint      i; \
-    \
-    /* whether to make this plugin resident */ \
-    if (make_resident != NULL) \
-      *make_resident = resident; \
-    \
-    /* register the plugin types */ \
-    for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (reg_funcs); i++) \
-      (* reg_funcs[i]) (type_module); \
-    \
-    return type_name##_get_type (); \
-  }
-typedef void (*XfcePanelPluginFunc) (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin);
-typedef gboolean (*XfcePanelPluginPreInit) (gint argc, gchar **argv);
-typedef gboolean (*XfcePanelPluginCheck) (GdkScreen *screen);
-typedef GTypeModule XfcePanelTypeModule;
- * construct_func : name of the function that points to an
- *                  #XfcePanelPluginFunc function.
- *
- * Since: 4.8
- **/
-#define XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_REGISTER(construct_func) \
-  XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_REGISTER_EXTENDED (construct_func, /* foo */, /* foo */)
- * construct_func : name of the function that points to an
- *                  #XfcePanelPluginFunc function.
- * check_func     : name of the function that points to an
- *                  #XfcePanelPluginCheck function.
- *
- * Since: 4.8
- **/
-#define XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_REGISTER_WITH_CHECK(construct_func, check_func) \
-  XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_REGISTER_EXTENDED (construct_func, /* foo */, \
-    if (G_LIKELY ((*check_func) (xpp_screen) == TRUE)))
- * construct_func : name of the function that points to an
- *                  #XfcePanelPluginFunc function.
- * preinit_func   : name of the function that points to an
- *                  #XfcePanelPluginPreInit function.
- * check_func     : name of the function that points to an
- *                  #XfcePanelPluginCheck function.
- *
- * Since: 4.8
- **/
-#define XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL(construct_func, preinit_func, check_func) \
-    G_MODULE_EXPORT gboolean xfce_panel_module_preinit (gint argc, gchar **argv); \
-    \
-    G_MODULE_EXPORT gboolean \
-    xfce_panel_module_preinit (gint    argc, \
-                               gchar **argv) \
-    { \
-      return (*preinit_func) (argc, argv); \
-    }, \
-    \
-    if (G_LIKELY ((*check_func) (xpp_screen) == TRUE)))
-/* <private> */
-  static void \
-  xfce_panel_module_realize (XfcePanelPlugin *xpp) \
-  { \
-    panel_return_if_fail (XFCE_IS_PANEL_PLUGIN (xpp)); \
-    \
-    g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (xpp), \
-        G_CALLBACK (xfce_panel_module_realize), NULL); \
-    \
-    (*construct_func) (xpp); \
-  } \
-  \
-  \
-  G_MODULE_EXPORT XfcePanelPlugin * \
-  xfce_panel_module_construct (const gchar  *xpp_name, \
-                               gint          xpp_unique_id, \
-                               const gchar  *xpp_display_name, \
-                               const gchar  *xpp_comment, \
-                               gchar       **xpp_arguments, \
-                               GdkScreen    *xpp_screen); \
-  G_MODULE_EXPORT XfcePanelPlugin * \
-  xfce_panel_module_construct (const gchar  *xpp_name, \
-                               gint          xpp_unique_id, \
-                               const gchar  *xpp_display_name, \
-                               const gchar  *xpp_comment, \
-                               gchar       **xpp_arguments, \
-                               GdkScreen    *xpp_screen) \
-  { \
-    XfcePanelPlugin *xpp = NULL; \
-    \
-    panel_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_SCREEN (xpp_screen), NULL); \
-    panel_return_val_if_fail (xpp_name != NULL && xpp_unique_id != -1, NULL); \
-    \
-      { \
-        xpp = g_object_new (XFCE_TYPE_PANEL_PLUGIN, \
-                            "name", xpp_name, \
-                            "unique-id", xpp_unique_id, \
-                            "display-name", xpp_display_name, \
-                            "comment", xpp_comment, \
-                            "arguments", xpp_arguments, NULL); \
-        \
-        g_signal_connect_after (G_OBJECT (xpp), "realize", \
-            G_CALLBACK (xfce_panel_module_realize), NULL); \
-      } \
-    \
-    return xpp; \
-  }
 #endif /* !__LIBXFCE4PANEL__ */
diff --git a/libxfce4panel/xfce-panel-macros.h b/libxfce4panel/xfce-panel-macros.h
index be7624b..768de9e 100644
--- a/libxfce4panel/xfce-panel-macros.h
+++ b/libxfce4panel/xfce-panel-macros.h
@@ -24,9 +24,18 @@
 #define __XFCE_PANEL_MACROS_H__
 #include <glib.h>
+#include <libxfce4panel/xfce-panel-plugin.h>
+typedef void (*XfcePanelPluginFunc) (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin);
+typedef gboolean (*XfcePanelPluginPreInit) (gint argc, gchar **argv);
+typedef gboolean (*XfcePanelPluginCheck) (GdkScreen *screen);
+typedef GTypeModule XfcePanelTypeModule;
 /* xfconf channel for plugins */
 #define XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_CHANNEL_NAME ("xfce4-panel")
@@ -35,6 +44,179 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
   xfconf_channel_new_with_property_base (XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_CHANNEL_NAME, \
     xfce_panel_plugin_get_property_base (XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN (plugin)))
+/* register a resident panel plugin */
+#define XFCE_PANEL_DEFINE_PLUGIN_RESIDENT(TypeName, type_name, args...) \
+  _XPP_DEFINE_PLUGIN (TypeName, type_name, TRUE, args)
+/* register a panel plugin that can unload the module */
+#define XFCE_PANEL_DEFINE_PLUGIN(TypeName, type_name, args...) \
+  _XPP_DEFINE_PLUGIN (TypeName, type_name, FALSE, args)
+#define XFCE_PANEL_DEFINE_TYPE(TypeName, type_name, TYPE_PARENT) \
+  static gpointer type_name##_parent_class = NULL; \
+  static GType    type_name##_type = 0; \
+  \
+  static void     type_name##_init              (TypeName        *self); \
+  static void     type_name##_class_init        (TypeName##Class *klass); \
+  static void     type_name##_class_intern_init (gpointer klass) \
+  { \
+    type_name##_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); \
+    type_name##_class_init ((TypeName##Class*) klass); \
+  } \
+  \
+  GType \
+  type_name##_get_type (void) \
+  { \
+    return type_name##_type; \
+  } \
+  \
+  void \
+  type_name##_register_type (XfcePanelTypeModule *type_module) \
+  { \
+    GType plugin_define_type_id; \
+    static const GTypeInfo plugin_define_type_info = \
+    { \
+      sizeof (TypeName##Class), \
+      NULL, \
+      NULL, \
+      (GClassInitFunc) type_name##_class_intern_init, \
+      NULL, \
+      NULL, \
+      sizeof (TypeName), \
+      0, \
+      (GInstanceInitFunc) type_name##_init, \
+      NULL, \
+    }; \
+    \
+    plugin_define_type_id = \
+        g_type_module_register_type (G_TYPE_MODULE (type_module), TYPE_PARENT, \
+                                     "Xfce" #TypeName, &plugin_define_type_info, 0); \
+    \
+    type_name##_type = plugin_define_type_id; \
+  }
+#define _XPP_DEFINE_PLUGIN(TypeName, type_name, resident, args...) \
+  GType xfce_panel_module_init (GTypeModule *type_module, gboolean *make_resident); \
+  \
+  \
+  xfce_panel_module_init (GTypeModule *type_module, \
+                          gboolean    *make_resident) \
+  { \
+    typedef void (*XppRegFunc) (GTypeModule *module); \
+    XppRegFunc reg_funcs[] = { type_name##_register_type, args }; \
+    guint      i; \
+    \
+    /* whether to make this plugin resident */ \
+    if (make_resident != NULL) \
+      *make_resident = resident; \
+    \
+    /* register the plugin types */ \
+    for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (reg_funcs); i++) \
+      (* reg_funcs[i]) (type_module); \
+    \
+    return type_name##_get_type (); \
+  }
+ * construct_func : name of the function that points to an
+ *                  #XfcePanelPluginFunc function.
+ *
+ * Since: 4.8
+ **/
+#define XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_REGISTER(construct_func) \
+  XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_REGISTER_EXTENDED (construct_func, /* foo */, /* foo */)
+ * construct_func : name of the function that points to an
+ *                  #XfcePanelPluginFunc function.
+ * check_func     : name of the function that points to an
+ *                  #XfcePanelPluginCheck function.
+ *
+ * Since: 4.8
+ **/
+#define XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_REGISTER_WITH_CHECK(construct_func, check_func) \
+  XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_REGISTER_EXTENDED (construct_func, /* foo */, \
+    if (G_LIKELY ((*check_func) (xpp_screen) == TRUE)))
+ * construct_func : name of the function that points to an
+ *                  #XfcePanelPluginFunc function.
+ * preinit_func   : name of the function that points to an
+ *                  #XfcePanelPluginPreInit function.
+ * check_func     : name of the function that points to an
+ *                  #XfcePanelPluginCheck function.
+ *
+ * Since: 4.8
+ **/
+#define XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL(construct_func, preinit_func, check_func) \
+    G_MODULE_EXPORT gboolean xfce_panel_module_preinit (gint argc, gchar **argv); \
+    \
+    G_MODULE_EXPORT gboolean \
+    xfce_panel_module_preinit (gint    argc, \
+                               gchar **argv) \
+    { \
+      return (*preinit_func) (argc, argv); \
+    }, \
+    \
+    if (G_LIKELY ((*check_func) (xpp_screen) == TRUE)))
+/* <private> */
+  static void \
+  xfce_panel_module_realize (XfcePanelPlugin *xpp) \
+  { \
+    panel_return_if_fail (XFCE_IS_PANEL_PLUGIN (xpp)); \
+    \
+    g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (G_OBJECT (xpp), \
+        G_CALLBACK (xfce_panel_module_realize), NULL); \
+    \
+    (*construct_func) (xpp); \
+  } \
+  \
+  \
+  G_MODULE_EXPORT XfcePanelPlugin * \
+  xfce_panel_module_construct (const gchar  *xpp_name, \
+                               gint          xpp_unique_id, \
+                               const gchar  *xpp_display_name, \
+                               const gchar  *xpp_comment, \
+                               gchar       **xpp_arguments, \
+                               GdkScreen    *xpp_screen); \
+  G_MODULE_EXPORT XfcePanelPlugin * \
+  xfce_panel_module_construct (const gchar  *xpp_name, \
+                               gint          xpp_unique_id, \
+                               const gchar  *xpp_display_name, \
+                               const gchar  *xpp_comment, \
+                               gchar       **xpp_arguments, \
+                               GdkScreen    *xpp_screen) \
+  { \
+    XfcePanelPlugin *xpp = NULL; \
+    \
+    panel_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_SCREEN (xpp_screen), NULL); \
+    panel_return_val_if_fail (xpp_name != NULL && xpp_unique_id != -1, NULL); \
+    \
+      { \
+        xpp = g_object_new (XFCE_TYPE_PANEL_PLUGIN, \
+                            "name", xpp_name, \
+                            "unique-id", xpp_unique_id, \
+                            "display-name", xpp_display_name, \
+                            "comment", xpp_comment, \
+                            "arguments", xpp_arguments, NULL); \
+        \
+        g_signal_connect_after (G_OBJECT (xpp), "realize", \
+            G_CALLBACK (xfce_panel_module_realize), NULL); \
+      } \
+    \
+    return xpp; \
+  }
 #endif /* !__XFCE_PANEL_MACROS_H__ */

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