[Xfce4-commits] r29954 - in xfcalendar/trunk: . libical/src/libical src
Juha Kautto
juha at xfce.org
Tue May 12 15:58:25 CEST 2009
Author: juha
Date: 2009-05-12 13:58:24 +0000 (Tue, 12 May 2009)
New Revision: 29954
Version 4.7.3:
Possible to use RDATE and EXDATE to add or omit EVENTs or TODOs
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/NEWS
--- xfcalendar/trunk/NEWS 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/NEWS 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
-20091504: differences between 4.7.1 and 4.6 Version or Orage
+20090512: Version 4.7.3
+ * Use RDATE and EXDATE to add or omit EVENTs or TODOs
+ * added tz_convert for timezone conversion from os (tz) format
+ to Orage (ical) format
+20090415: differences between 4.7.1 and 4.6 Version or Orage
* Removed Xfce trayicon code and replaced it with gtk trayicon
* Now dependent on GTK 2.10
* Removed 4.4 Xfce dependency MCS
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/configure.in.in
--- xfcalendar/trunk/configure.in.in 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/configure.in.in 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
dnl Version information
-m4_define([orage_version], [])
+m4_define([orage_version], [])
m4_define([gtk_minimum_version], [2.10.0])
m4_define([xfce_minimum_version], [4.6.0])
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c
--- xfcalendar/trunk/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/libical/src/libical/icalcomponent.c 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -19,9 +19,17 @@
The original code is icalcomponent.c
+ /* JK 11-Feb-2009: Changed icalproperty_recurrence_is_excluded to compare
+ * only dates. Like EXDATE says, it really makes more sense to exclude
+ * full dates instead of times. Standard seems to disagree to this and
+ * say that this can be time also */
+ /* JK: 02-Mar-2009 Added test to icalcomponent_foreach_recurrence to check
+ * that RDATE is within the limits also */
#include "config.h"
@@ -839,7 +847,14 @@
struct icaltimetype exdatetime = icalproperty_get_exdate(exdate);
+ /* JK 11-Feb-2009: Changed this to compare only dates. Like EXDATE
+ * says, it really makes more sense to exclude full dates instead of
+ * times. Standard seems to disagree to this and say that this can be
+ * time also */
+ /*
if (icaltime_compare(*recurtime, exdatetime) == 0) {
+ */
+ if (icaltime_compare_date_only(*recurtime, exdatetime) == 0) {
/** MATCHED **/
return 1;
@@ -1069,6 +1084,9 @@
if (!icalproperty_recurrence_is_excluded(comp, &dtstart, &rdate_period.time)) {
/** call callback action **/
+ /* JK: 02-Mar-2009 Added test to check that this RDATE is
+ * within the limits */
+ if (icaltime_span_overlaps(&recurspan, &limit_span))
(*callback) (comp, &recurspan, callback_data);
comp->property_iterator = property_iterator;
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/src/appointment.c
--- xfcalendar/trunk/src/appointment.c 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/src/appointment.c 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -112,9 +112,11 @@
gtk_widget_set_size_request(spin_mm, 40, -1);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), spin_mm, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- space_label = gtk_label_new(" ");
- gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), space_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), timezone_button, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ if (timezone_button) {
+ space_label = gtk_label_new(" ");
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), space_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), timezone_button, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ }
@@ -279,6 +281,8 @@
gtk_widget_set_sensitive(apptw->Recur_int_spin_label1, FALSE);
gtk_widget_set_sensitive(apptw->Recur_int_spin_label2, FALSE);
gtk_widget_set_sensitive(apptw->Recur_todo_base_hbox, FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(apptw->Recur_exception_hbox, FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(apptw->Recur_calendar_hbox, FALSE);
else {
gtk_widget_set_sensitive(apptw->Recur_limit_rb, TRUE);
@@ -317,6 +321,8 @@
gtk_widget_set_sensitive(apptw->Recur_int_spin_label1, TRUE);
gtk_widget_set_sensitive(apptw->Recur_int_spin_label2, TRUE);
gtk_widget_set_sensitive(apptw->Recur_todo_base_hbox, TRUE);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(apptw->Recur_exception_hbox, TRUE);
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive(apptw->Recur_calendar_hbox, TRUE);
@@ -915,6 +921,9 @@
gchar starttime[6], endtime[6], completedtime[6];
gint i;
gchar *tmp, *tmp2;
+ /*
+ GList *tmp_gl;
+ */
/* Next line is fix for bug 2811.
* We need to make sure spin buttons do not have values which are not
@@ -1100,6 +1109,17 @@
appt->recur_todo_base_start = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(
+ /* recurrence exceptions */
+ /* is kept upto date all the time */
+ /*
+ g_print("fill_appt_from_apptw: checking data start\n");
+ for (tmp_gl = g_list_first(appt->recur_exceptions);
+ tmp_gl != NULL;
+ tmp_gl = g_list_next(tmp_gl)) {
+ g_print("fill_appt_from_apptw: checking data (%s)\n", ((xfical_exception *)tmp_gl->data)->time);
+ }
+ */
@@ -1308,6 +1328,133 @@
+static gint check_exists(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
+ /* We actually only care about match or no match.*/
+ if (!strcmp(((xfical_exception *)a)->time
+ , ((xfical_exception *)b)->time)) {
+ return(strcmp(((xfical_exception *)a)->type
+ , ((xfical_exception *)b)->type));
+ }
+ else {
+ return(1); /* does not matter if it is smaller or bigger */
+ }
+static xfical_exception *new_exception(char *text)
+ xfical_exception *recur_exception;
+ gint i;
+ recur_exception = g_new(xfical_exception, 1);
+ i = strlen(text);
+ text[i-2] = '\0';
+ if (text[i-1] == '+') {
+ strcpy(recur_exception->type, "RDATE");
+ strcpy(recur_exception->time, orage_i18_time_to_icaltime(text));
+ }
+ else {
+ strcpy(recur_exception->type, "EXDATE");
+ strcpy(recur_exception->time, orage_i18_date_to_icaltime(text));
+ }
+ text[i-2] = ' ';
+ return(recur_exception);
+static void recur_row_clicked(GtkWidget *widget
+ , GdkEventButton *event, gpointer *user_data)
+ appt_win *apptw = (appt_win *)user_data;
+ xfical_appt *appt;
+ gchar *text;
+ GList *children;
+ GtkWidget *lab;
+ xfical_exception *recur_exception, *recur_exception_cur;
+ GList *gl_pos;
+ if (event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) {
+ /* first find the text */
+ children = gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(widget));
+ children = g_list_first(children);
+ lab = (GtkWidget *)children->data;
+ text = g_strdup(gtk_label_get_text(GTK_LABEL(lab)));
+ /* Then, let's keep the GList updated */
+ recur_exception = new_exception(text);
+ appt = (xfical_appt *)apptw->xf_appt;
+ g_free(text);
+ if (gl_pos = g_list_find_custom(appt->recur_exceptions
+ , recur_exception, check_exists)) {
+ /* let's remove it */
+ recur_exception_cur = gl_pos->data;
+ appt->recur_exceptions =
+ g_list_remove(appt->recur_exceptions, recur_exception_cur);
+ g_free(recur_exception_cur);
+ }
+ else {
+ g_warning("recur_row_clicked: non existent row (%s)\n", recur_exception->time);
+ }
+ g_free(recur_exception);
+ /* and finally update the display */
+ gtk_widget_destroy(widget);
+ mark_appointment_changed(apptw);
+ refresh_recur_calendars(apptw);
+ }
+static gboolean add_recur_exception_row(char *p_time, char *p_type
+ , appt_win *apptw, gboolean only_window)
+ GtkWidget *ev, *label;
+ gchar *text, tmp_type[2];
+ xfical_appt *appt;
+ xfical_exception *recur_exception;
+ /* First build the data */
+ if (!strcmp(p_type, "EXDATE"))
+ strcpy(tmp_type, "-");
+ else if (!strcmp(p_type, "RDATE"))
+ strcpy(tmp_type, "+");
+ else
+ strcpy(tmp_type, p_type);
+ text = g_strdup_printf("%s %s", p_time, tmp_type);
+ /* Then, let's keep the GList updated */
+ if (!only_window) {
+ recur_exception = new_exception(text);
+ appt = (xfical_appt *)apptw->xf_appt;
+ if (g_list_find_custom(appt->recur_exceptions, recur_exception
+ , check_exists)) {
+ /* this element is already in the list, so no need to add it again.
+ * we just clean the memory and leave */
+ g_free(recur_exception);
+ g_free(text);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ else { /* need to add it */
+ appt->recur_exceptions = g_list_prepend(appt->recur_exceptions
+ , recur_exception);
+ }
+ }
+ /* finally put the value visible also */
+ label = gtk_label_new(text);
+ g_free(text);
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 0, 0.5);
+ ev = gtk_event_box_new();
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(ev), label);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(apptw->Recur_exception_rows_vbox), ev
+ , FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ g_signal_connect((gpointer)ev, "button-press-event"
+ , G_CALLBACK(recur_row_clicked), apptw);
+ gtk_widget_show(label);
+ gtk_widget_show(ev);
+ return(TRUE); /* we added the value */
static void recur_month_changed_cb(GtkCalendar *calendar, gpointer user_data)
appt_win *apptw = (appt_win *)user_data;
@@ -1320,6 +1467,36 @@
xfical_mark_calendar_recur(calendar, appt);
+static void recur_day_selected_double_click_cb(GtkCalendar *calendar
+ , gpointer user_data)
+ appt_win *apptw = (appt_win *)user_data;
+ char *cal_date, *type;
+ gint hh, mm;
+ if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active(
+ GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(apptw->Recur_exception_excl_rb))) {
+ type = "-";
+ cal_date = g_strdup(orage_cal_to_i18_date(calendar));
+ }
+ else { /* extra day. This needs also time */
+ type = "+";
+ hh = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(apptw->Recur_exception_incl_spin_hh));
+ mm = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(apptw->Recur_exception_incl_spin_mm));
+ g_print("recur_day_selected_double_click_cb: hour:%d\n", hh);
+ cal_date = g_strdup(orage_cal_to_i18_time(calendar, hh, mm));
+ g_print("recur_day_selected_double_click_cb: hour:(%s)\n", cal_date);
+ }
+ if (add_recur_exception_row(cal_date, type, apptw, FALSE)) { /* new data */
+ mark_appointment_changed((appt_win *)user_data);
+ refresh_recur_calendars((appt_win *)user_data);
+ }
+ g_free(cal_date);
static void fill_appt_window_times(appt_win *apptw, xfical_appt *appt)
char *startdate_to_display, *enddate_to_display, *completeddate_to_display;
@@ -1340,8 +1517,14 @@
, (gdouble)tm_date.tm_hour);
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(apptw->Recur_exception_incl_spin_hh)
+ , (gdouble)tm_date.tm_hour);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value(
, (gdouble)tm_date.tm_min);
+ gtk_spin_button_set_value(
+ GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(apptw->Recur_exception_incl_spin_mm)
+ , (gdouble)tm_date.tm_min);
if (appt->start_tz_loc)
, _(appt->start_tz_loc));
@@ -1989,6 +2172,8 @@
static void fill_appt_window_recurrence(appt_win *apptw, xfical_appt *appt)
char *untildate_to_display, *text;
+ GList *tmp;
+ xfical_exception *recur_exception;
struct tm tm_date;
int i;
@@ -2063,6 +2248,17 @@
GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(apptw->Recur_todo_base_done_rb), TRUE);
+ /* exceptions */
+ for (tmp = g_list_first(appt->recur_exceptions);
+ tmp != NULL;
+ tmp = g_list_next(tmp)) {
+ recur_exception = (xfical_exception *)tmp->data;
+ text = g_strdup(orage_icaltime_to_i18_time(recur_exception->time));
+ add_recur_exception_row(text, recur_exception->type, apptw, TRUE);
+ g_free(text);
+ }
+ /* note: include times is setup in the fill_appt_window_times */
/* Fill appointment window with data */
@@ -2507,8 +2703,6 @@
gtk_spin_button_set_wrap(GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(apptw->Priority_spin), TRUE);
hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), apptw->Priority_spin, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- label = gtk_label_new(_("(0 = undefined, 1 = highest, 9 = lowest)"));
- gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 5);
, apptw->Priority_label, hbox
, ++row, (GTK_FILL), (GTK_FILL));
@@ -3058,6 +3252,52 @@
, apptw->Recur_todo_base_label, apptw->Recur_todo_base_hbox
, ++row ,(GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL), (0));
+ /* exceptions */
+ apptw->Recur_exception_label = gtk_label_new(_("Exceptions"));
+ apptw->Recur_exception_hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+ apptw->Recur_exception_scroll_win = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(apptw->Recur_exception_hbox)
+ , apptw->Recur_exception_scroll_win, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(
+ GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(apptw->Recur_exception_scroll_win)
+ apptw->Recur_exception_rows_vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(
+ GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(apptw->Recur_exception_scroll_win)
+ , apptw->Recur_exception_rows_vbox);
+ gtk_tooltips_set_tip(apptw->Tooltips, apptw->Recur_exception_scroll_win
+ , _("Add more exception dates by clicking the calendar days below.\nException is either exclusion(-) or inclusion(+) depending on the selection.\nRemove by clicking the data."), NULL);
+ apptw->Recur_exception_type_vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(apptw->Recur_exception_hbox)
+ , apptw->Recur_exception_type_vbox, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
+ apptw->Recur_exception_excl_rb = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(NULL
+ , _("Add excluded date (-)"));
+ gtk_tooltips_set_tip(apptw->Tooltips, apptw->Recur_exception_excl_rb
+ , _("Excluded days are full days where this appointment is not happening"), NULL);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(apptw->Recur_exception_type_vbox)
+ , apptw->Recur_exception_excl_rb, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ apptw->Recur_exception_incl_rb =
+ gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic_from_widget(
+ GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(apptw->Recur_exception_excl_rb)
+ , _("Add included time (+)"));
+ gtk_tooltips_set_tip(apptw->Tooltips, apptw->Recur_exception_incl_rb
+ , _("Included times have same timezone than start time, but they may have different time"), NULL);
+ apptw->Recur_exception_incl_spin_hh =
+ gtk_spin_button_new_with_range(0, 23, 1);
+ apptw->Recur_exception_incl_spin_mm =
+ gtk_spin_button_new_with_range(0, 59, 1);
+ apptw->Recur_exception_incl_time_hbox = datetime_hbox_new(
+ apptw->Recur_exception_incl_rb
+ , apptw->Recur_exception_incl_spin_hh
+ , apptw->Recur_exception_incl_spin_mm, NULL);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(apptw->Recur_exception_type_vbox)
+ , apptw->Recur_exception_incl_time_hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ orage_table_add_row(apptw->TableRecur
+ , apptw->Recur_exception_label, apptw->Recur_exception_hbox
+ , ++row ,(GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL), (0));
+ /* calendars showing the action days */
apptw->Recur_calendar_label = gtk_label_new(_("Action dates"));
apptw->Recur_calendar_hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
apptw->Recur_calendar1 = gtk_calendar_new();
@@ -3133,6 +3373,15 @@
, G_CALLBACK(recur_month_changed_cb), apptw);
g_signal_connect((gpointer)apptw->Recur_calendar3, "month-changed"
, G_CALLBACK(recur_month_changed_cb), apptw);
+ g_signal_connect((gpointer)apptw->Recur_calendar1
+ , "day_selected_double_click"
+ , G_CALLBACK(recur_day_selected_double_click_cb), apptw);
+ g_signal_connect((gpointer)apptw->Recur_calendar2
+ , "day_selected_double_click"
+ , G_CALLBACK(recur_day_selected_double_click_cb), apptw);
+ g_signal_connect((gpointer)apptw->Recur_calendar3
+ , "day_selected_double_click"
+ , G_CALLBACK(recur_day_selected_double_click_cb), apptw);
appt_win *create_appt_win(char *action, char *par)
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/src/appointment.h
--- xfcalendar/trunk/src/appointment.h 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/src/appointment.h 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -184,6 +184,16 @@
GtkWidget *Recur_todo_base_hbox;
GtkWidget *Recur_todo_base_start_rb;
GtkWidget *Recur_todo_base_done_rb;
+ GtkWidget *Recur_exception_label;
+ GtkWidget *Recur_exception_hbox;
+ GtkWidget *Recur_exception_scroll_win;
+ GtkWidget *Recur_exception_rows_vbox;
+ GtkWidget *Recur_exception_type_vbox;
+ GtkWidget *Recur_exception_excl_rb;
+ GtkWidget *Recur_exception_incl_rb;
+ GtkWidget *Recur_exception_incl_time_hbox;;
+ GtkWidget *Recur_exception_incl_spin_hh;
+ GtkWidget *Recur_exception_incl_spin_mm;
GtkWidget *Recur_calendar_label;
GtkWidget *Recur_calendar_hbox;
GtkWidget *Recur_calendar1;
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/src/day-view.c
--- xfcalendar/trunk/src/day-view.c 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/src/day-view.c 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -561,43 +561,21 @@
static void app_rows(day_win *dw, xfical_type ical_type, gchar *file_type)
+ GList *appt_list=NULL, *tmp;
xfical_appt *appt;
- GList *date_list, *tmp; /* recurring event times */
- struct time_data {
- char starttimecur[17];
- char endtimecur[17];
- } *time_datap;
- /* xfical_appt_get_next_on_day uses extra days so to show 7 days we need
- * to pass days=6, which means 6 days in addition to the one */
- for (appt = xfical_appt_get_next_on_day(dw->a_day, TRUE, dw->days-1
- , ical_type , file_type);
- appt;
- appt = xfical_appt_get_next_on_day(dw->a_day, FALSE, dw->days-1
- , ical_type , file_type)) {
- if (appt->priority < g_par.priority_list_limit) {
- /* we only show high enough priority and 0 (=undefned) */
- if (appt->freq) { /* complex, need to process all events */
- date_list = NULL;
- xfical_process_each_app(appt, dw->a_day, dw->days, &date_list);
- for (tmp = g_list_first(date_list);
- tmp != NULL;
- tmp = g_list_next(tmp)) {
- time_datap = (struct time_data *)tmp->data;
- /* Only use date since time is the same always */
- strncpy(appt->starttimecur, time_datap->starttimecur, 8);
- strncpy(appt->endtimecur, time_datap->endtimecur, 8);
- add_row(dw, appt);
- g_free(time_datap);
- }
- g_list_free(date_list);
- }
- else { /* simple case, only one event */
- add_row(dw, appt);
- }
+ xfical_get_each_app_within_time(dw->a_day, dw->days
+ , ical_type, file_type, &appt_list);
+ for (tmp = g_list_first(appt_list);
+ tmp != NULL;
+ tmp = g_list_next(tmp)) {
+ appt = (xfical_appt *)tmp->data;
+ if (appt->priority < g_par.priority_list_limit) {
+ add_row(dw, appt);
+ g_list_free(appt_list);
static void app_data(day_win *dw)
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/src/event-list.c
--- xfcalendar/trunk/src/event-list.c 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/src/event-list.c 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -491,16 +491,31 @@
static void app_rows(el_win *el, char *a_day, char *par, xfical_type ical_type
, gchar *file_type)
+ GList *appt_list=NULL, *tmp;
xfical_appt *appt;
- for (appt = xfical_appt_get_next_on_day(a_day, TRUE, el->days
- , ical_type , file_type);
- appt;
- appt = xfical_appt_get_next_on_day(a_day, FALSE, el->days
- , ical_type , file_type)) {
- add_el_row(el, appt, par);
- xfical_appt_free(appt);
+ if (ical_type == XFICAL_TYPE_EVENT) {
+ xfical_get_each_app_within_time(a_day, el->days+1
+ , ical_type, file_type, &appt_list);
+ for (tmp = g_list_first(appt_list);
+ tmp != NULL;
+ tmp = g_list_next(tmp)) {
+ appt = (xfical_appt *)tmp->data;
+ add_el_row(el, appt, par);
+ xfical_appt_free(appt);
+ }
+ g_list_free(appt_list);
+ else {
+ for (appt = xfical_appt_get_next_on_day(a_day, TRUE, el->days
+ , ical_type, file_type);
+ appt;
+ appt = xfical_appt_get_next_on_day(a_day, FALSE, el->days
+ , ical_type, file_type)) {
+ add_el_row(el, appt, par);
+ xfical_appt_free(appt);
+ }
+ }
static void app_data(el_win *el, char *a_day, char *par)
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/src/functions.c
--- xfcalendar/trunk/src/functions.c 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/src/functions.c 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -308,6 +308,20 @@
return menu_item;
+struct tm orage_i18_time_to_tm_time(const char *i18_time)
+ char *ret;
+ struct tm tm_time = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+ ret = (char *)strptime(i18_time, "%x %R", &tm_time);
+ if (ret == NULL)
+ g_error("Orage: orage_i18_time_to_tm_time wrong format (%s)", i18_time);
+ else if (ret[0] != '\0')
+ g_error("Orage: orage_i18_time_to_tm_time too long format (%s-%s)"
+ , i18_time, ret);
+ return(tm_time);
struct tm orage_i18_date_to_tm_date(const char *i18_date)
char *ret;
@@ -340,9 +354,35 @@
+char *orage_cal_to_i18_time(GtkCalendar *cal, gint hh, gint mm)
+ /* dst needs to -1 or mktime adjusts time if we are in another
+ * dst setting */
+ struct tm tm_date = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1};
+ gtk_calendar_get_date(cal
+ , (unsigned int *)&tm_date.tm_year
+ , (unsigned int *)&tm_date.tm_mon
+ , (unsigned int *)&tm_date.tm_mday);
+ tm_date.tm_year -= 1900;
+ tm_date.tm_hour = hh;
+ tm_date.tm_min = mm;
+ g_print("***** orage_cal_to_i18_time: hour:%d dst:%d\n", tm_date.tm_hour, tm_date.tm_isdst);
+ /* need to fill missing tm_wday and tm_yday, which are in use
+ * in some locale's default date. For example in en_IN. mktime does it */
+ if (mktime(&tm_date) == (time_t) -1) {
+ g_warning("orage: orage_cal_to_i18_time mktime failed %d %d %d"
+ , tm_date.tm_year, tm_date.tm_mon, tm_date.tm_mday);
+ }
+ g_print("***** orage_cal_to_i18_time: hour:%d dst:%d\n", tm_date.tm_hour, tm_date.tm_isdst);
+ return(orage_tm_time_to_i18_time(&tm_date));
char *orage_cal_to_i18_date(GtkCalendar *cal)
- struct tm tm_date = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+ /* dst needs to -1 or mktime adjusts time if we are in another
+ * dst setting */
+ struct tm tm_date = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1};
, (unsigned int *)&tm_date.tm_year
@@ -440,6 +480,16 @@
+char *orage_i18_time_to_icaltime(const char *i18_time)
+ struct tm t;
+ char *ct;
+ t = orage_i18_time_to_tm_time(i18_time);
+ ct = orage_tm_time_to_icaltime(&t);
+ return(ct);
char *orage_i18_date_to_icaltime(const char *i18_date)
struct tm t;
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/src/functions.h
--- xfcalendar/trunk/src/functions.h 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/src/functions.h 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -76,13 +76,16 @@
, GtkWidget *menu);
struct tm *orage_localtime();
-struct tm orage_i18_date_to_tm_date(const char *display);
+struct tm orage_i18_time_to_tm_time(const char *i18_time);
+struct tm orage_i18_date_to_tm_date(const char *i18_date);
char *orage_tm_time_to_i18_time(struct tm *tm_date);
char *orage_tm_date_to_i18_date(struct tm *tm_date);
struct tm orage_icaltime_to_tm_time(const char *i18_date, gboolean real_tm);
char *orage_tm_time_to_icaltime(struct tm *t);
char *orage_icaltime_to_i18_time(const char *icaltime);
+char *orage_i18_time_to_icaltime(const char *i18_time);
char *orage_i18_date_to_icaltime(const char *i18_date);
+char *orage_cal_to_i18_time(GtkCalendar *cal, gint hh, gint mm);
char *orage_cal_to_i18_date(GtkCalendar *cal);
char *orage_localdate_i18();
void orage_move_day(struct tm *t, int day);
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/src/ical-code.c
--- xfcalendar/trunk/src/ical-code.c 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/src/ical-code.c 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -1262,7 +1262,6 @@
appt->interval = 1;
for (i=0; i <= 6; i++)
appt->recur_byday[i] = TRUE;
- appt->recur_todo_base_start = TRUE;
@@ -1534,6 +1533,44 @@
+static void appt_add_exception_internal(xfical_appt *appt
+ , icalcomponent *icmp)
+#undef P_N
+#define P_N "appt_add_excep_internal: "
+ struct icaltimetype wtime;
+ GList *gl_tmp;
+ xfical_exception *excp;
+ struct icaldatetimeperiodtype rdate;
+ orage_message(-200, P_N);
+ for (gl_tmp = g_list_first(appt->recur_exceptions);
+ gl_tmp != NULL;
+ gl_tmp = g_list_next(gl_tmp)) {
+ excp = (xfical_exception *)gl_tmp->data;
+ wtime = icaltime_from_string(excp->time);
+ if (strcmp(excp->type, "EXDATE") == 0) {
+ /* Orage only supports date as EXDATE */
+ if (icaltime_is_date(wtime))
+ icalcomponent_add_property(icmp
+ , icalproperty_new_exdate(wtime));
+ else /* error */
+ orage_message(110, "appt_add_exceptions_internal: EXDATE/RDATE not date (%s) (%d), ignoring", excp->time, strlen(excp->time));
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(excp->type, "RDATE") == 0) {
+ /* Orage does not support rdate periods */
+ rdate.period = icalperiodtype_null_period();
+ rdate.time = wtime;
+ icalcomponent_add_property(icmp
+ , icalproperty_new_rdate(rdate));
+ }
+ else
+ orage_message(110, "appt_add_exceptions_internal: unknown exception type %s, ignoring", excp->type);
+ }
static void appt_add_recur_internal(xfical_appt *appt, icalcomponent *icmp)
#undef P_N
@@ -1582,8 +1619,7 @@
if ORAGE_STR_EXISTS(appt->start_tz_loc) {
/* Null == floating => no special action needed */
if (strcmp(appt->start_tz_loc, "floating") == 0) {
- wtime = icaltime_convert_to_zone(wtime
- , local_icaltimezone);
+ wtime = icaltime_convert_to_zone(wtime, local_icaltimezone);
else if (strcmp(appt->start_tz_loc, "UTC") != 0) {
/* FIXME: add this vtimezone to vcalendar if it is not there */
@@ -1668,18 +1704,18 @@
if (strcmp(appt->start_tz_loc, "UTC") == 0) {
wtime=icaltime_convert_to_zone(wtime, utc_icaltimezone);
- , icalproperty_new_dtstart(wtime));
+ , icalproperty_new_dtstart(wtime));
else if (strcmp(appt->start_tz_loc, "floating") == 0) {
- , icalproperty_new_dtstart(wtime));
+ , icalproperty_new_dtstart(wtime));
else {
/* FIXME: add this vtimezone to vcalendar if it is not there */
- , icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(wtime
- , icalparameter_new_tzid(appt->start_tz_loc)
- , 0));
+ , icalproperty_vanew_dtstart(wtime
+ , icalparameter_new_tzid(appt->start_tz_loc)
+ , 0));
else { /* floating time */
@@ -1879,6 +1915,7 @@
* but I can't understand how it could be usefull,
* so Orage takes it away */
appt_add_recur_internal(appt, icmp);
+ appt_add_exception_internal(appt, icmp);
appt_add_alarm_internal(appt, icmp);
@@ -2074,10 +2111,11 @@
-static void ical_appt_get_alarm_internal(icalcomponent *c, xfical_appt *appt)
+static void get_appt_alarm_from_icalcomponent(icalcomponent *c
+ , xfical_appt *appt)
#undef P_N
-#define P_N "ical_appt_get_alarm_internal: "
+#define P_N "get_appt_alarm_from_icalcomponent: "
icalcomponent *ca = NULL;
icalcompiter ci;
gboolean trg_processed = FALSE;
@@ -2278,6 +2316,284 @@
appt->interval = rrule.interval;
+static gint alarm_order(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
+#undef P_N
+#define P_N "alarm_order: "
+ orage_message(-300, P_N);
+ return(strcmp(((alarm_struct *)a)->alarm_time
+ , ((alarm_struct *)b)->alarm_time));
+gboolean get_appt_from_icalcomponent(icalcomponent *c, xfical_appt *appt)
+#undef P_N
+#define P_N "get_appt_from_icalcomponent: "
+ gboolean key_found = TRUE;
+ const char *text;
+ icalproperty *p = NULL;
+ struct icaltimetype itime, stime, etime, sltime, eltime, wtime;
+ icaltimezone *l_icaltimezone = NULL;
+ icalproperty_transp xf_transp;
+ struct icaldurationtype duration, duration_tmp;
+ int i;
+ gboolean stime_found = FALSE, etime_found = FALSE;
+ xfical_exception *excp;
+ struct icaldatetimeperiodtype rdate;
+ orage_message(-200, P_N);
+ /********** Component type ********/
+ /* we want isolate all libical calls and features into this file,
+ * so need to remap component type to our own defines */
+ if (icalcomponent_isa(c) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT)
+ appt->type = XFICAL_TYPE_EVENT;
+ else if (icalcomponent_isa(c) == ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT)
+ appt->type = XFICAL_TYPE_TODO;
+ else if (icalcomponent_isa(c) == ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT)
+ appt->type = XFICAL_TYPE_JOURNAL;
+ else {
+ orage_message(160, P_N "Unknown component");
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ /*********** Defaults ***********/
+ stime = icaltime_null_time();
+ sltime = icaltime_null_time();
+ eltime = icaltime_null_time();
+ duration = icaldurationtype_null_duration();
+ appt->uid = NULL;
+ appt->title = NULL;
+ appt->location = NULL;
+ appt->allDay = FALSE;
+ appt->starttime[0] = '\0';
+ appt->start_tz_loc = NULL;
+ appt->use_due_time = FALSE;
+ appt->endtime[0] = '\0';
+ appt->end_tz_loc = NULL;
+ appt->use_duration = FALSE;
+ appt->duration = 0;
+ appt->completed = FALSE;
+ appt->completedtime[0] = '\0';
+ appt->completed_tz_loc = NULL;
+ appt->availability = -1;
+ appt->priority = 0;
+ appt->categories = NULL;
+ appt->note = NULL;
+ appt->alarmtime = 0;
+ appt->alarm_before = TRUE;
+ appt->alarm_related_start = TRUE;
+ appt->alarm_persistent = FALSE;
+ appt->sound_alarm = FALSE;
+ appt->sound = NULL;
+ appt->soundrepeat = FALSE;
+ appt->soundrepeat_cnt = 500;
+ appt->soundrepeat_len = 2;
+ appt->display_alarm_orage = FALSE;
+ appt->display_alarm_notify = FALSE;
+ appt->display_notify_timeout = 0;
+ appt->procedure_alarm = FALSE;
+ appt->procedure_cmd = NULL;
+ appt->procedure_params = NULL;
+ appt->starttimecur[0] = '\0';
+ appt->endtimecur[0] = '\0';
+ appt->freq = XFICAL_FREQ_NONE;
+ appt->recur_limit = 0;
+ appt->recur_count = 0;
+ appt->recur_until[0] = '\0';
+ appt->email_alarm = FALSE;
+ appt->email_attendees = NULL;
+ for (i=0; i <= 6; i++) {
+ appt->recur_byday[i] = TRUE;
+ appt->recur_byday_cnt[i] = 0;
+ }
+ appt->interval = 1;
+ appt->recur_todo_base_start = TRUE;
+ appt->recur_exceptions = NULL;
+/*********** Properties ***********/
+ for (p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
+ p != 0;
+ p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY)) {
+ /* these are in icalderivedproperty.h */
+ switch (icalproperty_isa(p)) {
+ appt->title = (char *)icalproperty_get_summary(p);
+ break;
+ appt->location = (char *)icalproperty_get_location(p);
+ break;
+ appt->note = (char *)icalproperty_get_description(p);
+ break;
+ appt->uid = (char *)icalproperty_get_uid(p);
+ break;
+ xf_transp = icalproperty_get_transp(p);
+ if (xf_transp == ICAL_TRANSP_TRANSPARENT)
+ appt->availability = 0;
+ else if (xf_transp == ICAL_TRANSP_OPAQUE)
+ appt->availability = 1;
+ else
+ appt->availability = -1;
+ break;
+ if (!stime_found)
+ process_start_date(appt, p
+ , &itime, &stime, &sltime, &etime);
+ break;
+ if (!etime_found)
+ process_end_date(appt, p, &itime, &etime, &eltime);
+ break;
+ process_completed_date(appt, p);
+ break;
+ appt->use_duration = TRUE;
+ appt->use_due_time = TRUE;
+ duration = icalproperty_get_duration(p);
+ appt->duration = icaldurationtype_as_int(duration);
+ break;
+ ical_appt_get_rrule_internal(c, appt, p);
+ break;
+ /*
+text = icalproperty_get_value_as_string(p);
+g_print("X PROPERTY: %s\n", text);
+ text = icalproperty_get_x_name(p);
+ if (g_str_has_prefix(text, "X-ORAGE-ORIG-DTSTART")) {
+ process_start_date(appt, p
+ , &itime, &stime, &sltime, &etime);
+ stime_found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (g_str_has_prefix(text, "X-ORAGE-ORIG-DTEND")) {
+ process_end_date(appt, p, &itime, &etime, &eltime);
+ etime_found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (g_str_has_prefix(text, "X-ORAGE-TODO-BASE")) {
+ text = icalproperty_get_value_as_string(p);
+ if (strcmp(text, "START") == 0)
+ appt->recur_todo_base_start = TRUE;
+ else
+ appt->recur_todo_base_start = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ orage_message(160, P_N "unknown X property %s", (char *)text);
+ break; /* ICAL_X_PROPERTY: */
+ appt->priority = icalproperty_get_priority(p);
+ break;
+ if (appt->categories == NULL)
+ appt->categories = g_strdup(icalproperty_get_categories(p));
+ else {
+ text = appt->categories;
+ appt->categories = g_strjoin(","
+ , appt->categories
+ , icalproperty_get_categories(p), NULL);
+ g_free((char *)text);
+ }
+ break;
+ text = icalproperty_get_value_as_string(p);
+ if (strlen(text) > 16)
+ orage_message(55, P_N "invalid EXDATE %s. Ignoring", text);
+ else {
+ excp = g_new(xfical_exception, 1);
+ strcpy(excp->type, "EXDATE");
+ g_strlcpy(excp->time, text, 17);
+ appt->recur_exceptions =
+ g_list_prepend(appt->recur_exceptions, excp);
+ }
+ break;
+ rdate = icalproperty_get_rdate(p);
+ /* Orage does not support rdate periods */
+ if (!icalperiodtype_is_null_period(rdate.period)) {
+ orage_message(55, P_N "Orage does not support rdate periods, but only simple rdate. Ignoring %s"
+ , (char *)icalproperty_get_value_as_string(p));
+ }
+ else {
+ text = icalproperty_get_value_as_string(p);
+ if (strlen(text) > 16)
+ orage_message(55, P_N "invalid RDATE %s. Ignoring"
+ , text);
+ else {
+ excp = g_new(xfical_exception, 1);
+ strcpy(excp->type, "RDATE");
+ g_strlcpy(excp->time, text, 17);
+ appt->recur_exceptions =
+ g_list_prepend(appt->recur_exceptions, excp);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ orage_message(55, P_N "unknown property %s"
+ , (char *)icalproperty_get_property_name(p));
+ break;
+ }
+ } /* Property for loop */
+ get_appt_alarm_from_icalcomponent(c, appt);
+ /* need to set missing endtime or duration */
+ if (appt->use_duration) {
+ etime = icaltime_add(stime, duration);
+ text = icaltime_as_ical_string(etime);
+ g_strlcpy(appt->endtime, text, 17);
+ appt->end_tz_loc = appt->start_tz_loc;
+ }
+ else {
+ duration = icaltime_subtract(eltime, sltime);
+ appt->duration = icaldurationtype_as_int(duration);
+ if (appt->allDay && appt->duration) {
+ /* need to subtract 1 day.
+ * read explanation from appt_add_internal: appt.endtime processing */
+ duration_tmp = icaldurationtype_from_int(60*60*24);
+ appt->duration -= icaldurationtype_as_int(duration_tmp);
+ duration = icaldurationtype_from_int(appt->duration);
+ etime = icaltime_add(stime, duration);
+ text = icaltime_as_ical_string(etime);
+ g_strlcpy(appt->endtime, text, 17);
+ }
+ }
+ if (appt->recur_limit == 2) { /* BUG 2937: convert back from UTC */
+ wtime = icaltime_from_string(appt->recur_until);
+ if (! ORAGE_STR_EXISTS(appt->start_tz_loc) )
+ wtime = icaltime_convert_to_zone(wtime, local_icaltimezone);
+ else if (strcmp(appt->start_tz_loc, "floating") == 0)
+ wtime = icaltime_convert_to_zone(wtime, local_icaltimezone);
+ else if (strcmp(appt->start_tz_loc, "UTC") != 0) {
+ /* done if in UTC, but real conversion needed if not */
+ l_icaltimezone = icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone(
+ appt->start_tz_loc);
+ wtime = icaltime_convert_to_zone(wtime, l_icaltimezone);
+ }
+ text = icaltime_as_ical_string(wtime);
+ g_strlcpy(appt->recur_until, text, 17);
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
/* Read EVENT/TODO/JOURNAL component from ical datafile.
* ical_uid: key of ical comp appt-> is to be read
* returns: if failed: NULL
@@ -2294,15 +2610,8 @@
#define P_N "xfical_appt_get_internal: "
xfical_appt appt;
icalcomponent *c = NULL;
- icalproperty *p = NULL;
gboolean key_found = FALSE;
const char *text;
- struct icaltimetype itime, stime, etime, sltime, eltime, wtime;
- icaltimezone *l_icaltimezone = NULL;
- icalproperty_transp xf_transp;
- struct icaldurationtype duration, duration_tmp;
- int i;
- gboolean stime_found = FALSE, etime_found = FALSE;
orage_message(-200, P_N);
@@ -2314,221 +2623,10 @@
if (ORAGE_STR_EXISTS(text) && strcmp(text, ical_uid) == 0) {
/* we found our uid (=component) */
- key_found = TRUE;
- /********** Component type ********/
- /* we want isolate all libical calls and features into this file,
- * so need to remap component type to our own defines */
- if (icalcomponent_isa(c) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT)
- appt.type = XFICAL_TYPE_EVENT;
- else if (icalcomponent_isa(c) == ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT)
- appt.type = XFICAL_TYPE_TODO;
- else if (icalcomponent_isa(c) == ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT)
- appt.type = XFICAL_TYPE_JOURNAL;
- else {
- orage_message(160, P_N "Unknown component");
- key_found = FALSE;
- break; /* end for loop */
- }
- /*********** Defaults ***********/
- stime = icaltime_null_time();
- sltime = icaltime_null_time();
- eltime = icaltime_null_time();
- duration = icaldurationtype_null_duration();
- appt.uid = NULL;
- appt.title = NULL;
- appt.location = NULL;
- appt.allDay = FALSE;
- appt.starttime[0] = '\0';
- appt.start_tz_loc = NULL;
- appt.use_due_time = FALSE;
- appt.endtime[0] = '\0';
- appt.end_tz_loc = NULL;
- appt.use_duration = FALSE;
- appt.duration = 0;
- appt.completed = FALSE;
- appt.completedtime[0] = '\0';
- appt.completed_tz_loc = NULL;
- appt.availability = -1;
- appt.priority = 0;
- appt.categories = NULL;
- appt.note = NULL;
- appt.alarmtime = 0;
- appt.alarm_before = TRUE;
- appt.alarm_related_start = TRUE;
- appt.alarm_persistent = FALSE;
- appt.sound_alarm = FALSE;
- appt.sound = NULL;
- appt.soundrepeat = FALSE;
- appt.soundrepeat_cnt = 500;
- appt.soundrepeat_len = 2;
- appt.display_alarm_orage = FALSE;
- appt.display_alarm_notify = FALSE;
- appt.display_notify_timeout = 0;
- appt.procedure_alarm = FALSE;
- appt.procedure_cmd = NULL;
- appt.procedure_params = NULL;
- appt.starttimecur[0] = '\0';
- appt.endtimecur[0] = '\0';
- appt.freq = XFICAL_FREQ_NONE;
- appt.recur_limit = 0;
- appt.recur_count = 0;
- appt.recur_until[0] = '\0';
- appt.email_alarm = FALSE;
- appt.email_attendees = NULL;
- for (i=0; i <= 6; i++) {
- appt.recur_byday[i] = TRUE;
- appt.recur_byday_cnt[i] = 0;
- }
- appt.interval = 1;
- appt.recur_todo_base_start = TRUE;
- /*********** Properties ***********/
- for (p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY);
- p != 0;
- p = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c, ICAL_ANY_PROPERTY)) {
- /* these are in icalderivedproperty.h */
- switch (icalproperty_isa(p)) {
- appt.title = (char *)icalproperty_get_summary(p);
- break;
- appt.location = (char *)icalproperty_get_location(p);
- break;
- appt.note = (char *)icalproperty_get_description(p);
- break;
- appt.uid = (char *)icalproperty_get_uid(p);
- break;
- xf_transp = icalproperty_get_transp(p);
- if (xf_transp == ICAL_TRANSP_TRANSPARENT)
- appt.availability = 0;
- else if (xf_transp == ICAL_TRANSP_OPAQUE)
- appt.availability = 1;
- else
- appt.availability = -1;
- break;
- if (!stime_found)
- process_start_date(&appt, p
- , &itime, &stime, &sltime, &etime);
- break;
- if (!etime_found)
- process_end_date(&appt, p
- , &itime, &etime, &eltime);
- break;
- process_completed_date(&appt, p);
- break;
- appt.use_duration = TRUE;
- appt.use_due_time = TRUE;
- duration = icalproperty_get_duration(p);
- appt.duration = icaldurationtype_as_int(duration);
- break;
- ical_appt_get_rrule_internal(c, &appt, p);
- break;
- /*
- text = icalproperty_get_value_as_string(p);
- g_print("X PROPERTY: %s\n", text);
- */
- text = icalproperty_get_x_name(p);
- if (g_str_has_prefix(text, "X-ORAGE-ORIG-DTSTART")) {
- process_start_date(&appt, p
- , &itime, &stime, &sltime, &etime);
- stime_found = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if (g_str_has_prefix(text, "X-ORAGE-ORIG-DTEND")) {
- process_end_date(&appt, p
- , &itime, &etime, &eltime);
- etime_found = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if (g_str_has_prefix(text, "X-ORAGE-TODO-BASE")) {
- text = icalproperty_get_value_as_string(p);
- if (strcmp(text, "START") == 0)
- appt.recur_todo_base_start = TRUE;
- else
- appt.recur_todo_base_start = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- orage_message(160, P_N "unknown X property %s", (char *)text);
- break; /* ICAL_X_PROPERTY: */
- appt.priority = icalproperty_get_priority(p);
- break;
- if (appt.categories == NULL)
- appt.categories = g_strdup(icalproperty_get_categories(p));
- else {
- text = appt.categories;
- appt.categories = g_strjoin(","
- , appt.categories
- , icalproperty_get_categories(p), NULL);
- g_free((char *)text);
- }
- break;
- break;
- default:
- orage_message(55, P_N "unknown property %s"
- , (char *)icalproperty_get_property_name(p));
- break;
- }
- }
- ical_appt_get_alarm_internal(c, &appt);
+ key_found = get_appt_from_icalcomponent(c, &appt);
- } /* for loop */
+ }
if (key_found) {
- /* need to set missing endtime or duration */
- if (appt.use_duration) {
- etime = icaltime_add(stime, duration);
- text = icaltime_as_ical_string(etime);
- g_strlcpy(appt.endtime, text, 17);
- appt.end_tz_loc = appt.start_tz_loc;
- }
- else {
- duration = icaltime_subtract(eltime, sltime);
- appt.duration = icaldurationtype_as_int(duration);
- if (appt.allDay && appt.duration) {
- /* need to subtract 1 day.
- * read explanation from appt_add_internal: appt.endtime processing */
- duration_tmp = icaldurationtype_from_int(60*60*24);
- appt.duration -= icaldurationtype_as_int(duration_tmp);
- duration = icaldurationtype_from_int(appt.duration);
- etime = icaltime_add(stime, duration);
- text = icaltime_as_ical_string(etime);
- g_strlcpy(appt.endtime, text, 17);
- }
- }
- if (appt.recur_limit == 2) { /* BUG 2937: convert back from UTC */
- wtime = icaltime_from_string(appt.recur_until);
- if (! ORAGE_STR_EXISTS(appt.start_tz_loc) )
- wtime = icaltime_convert_to_zone(wtime, local_icaltimezone);
- else if (strcmp(appt.start_tz_loc, "floating") == 0)
- wtime = icaltime_convert_to_zone(wtime, local_icaltimezone);
- else if (strcmp(appt.start_tz_loc, "UTC") != 0) {
- /* done if in UTC, but real conversion needed if not */
- l_icaltimezone = icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone(
- appt.start_tz_loc);
- wtime = icaltime_convert_to_zone(wtime, l_icaltimezone);
- }
- text = icaltime_as_ical_string(wtime);
- g_strlcpy(appt.recur_until, text, 17);
- }
return(g_memdup(&appt, sizeof(xfical_appt)));
else {
@@ -2596,7 +2694,7 @@
#undef P_N
#define P_N "xfical_appt_get: "
- xfical_appt *appt = NULL;
+ xfical_appt *appt;
char *ical_uid;
char file_type[8];
gint i;
@@ -2608,23 +2706,25 @@
file_type[4] = '\0';
ical_uid = uid+4; /* skip file id */
if (uid[0] == 'O') {
- appt = appt_get_any(ical_uid, ical, file_type);
+ return(appt_get_any(ical_uid, ical, file_type));
else if (uid[0] == 'A') {
- appt = appt_get_any(ical_uid, aical, file_type);
+ return(appt_get_any(ical_uid, aical, file_type));
else if (uid[0] == 'F') {
sscanf(uid, "F%02d", &i);
if (i < g_par.foreign_count && f_ical[i].ical != NULL)
- appt = appt_get_any(ical_uid, f_ical[i].ical, file_type);
+ return(appt_get_any(ical_uid, f_ical[i].ical, file_type));
else {
orage_message(250, P_N "unknown foreign file number %s", uid);
+ return(NULL);
else {
orage_message(250, P_N "unknown file type %s", uid);
+ return(NULL);
@@ -2636,6 +2736,8 @@
orage_message(-100, P_N);
+ GList *tmp;
if (!appt)
@@ -2652,6 +2754,12 @@
+ for (tmp = g_list_first(appt->recur_exceptions);
+ tmp != NULL;
+ tmp = g_list_next(tmp)) {
+ g_free(tmp->data);
+ }
+ g_list_free(appt->recur_exceptions);
@@ -2784,19 +2892,6 @@
-static gint alarm_order(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
-#undef P_N
-#define P_N "alarm_order: "
- orage_message(-300, P_N);
- return(strcmp(((alarm_struct *)a)->alarm_time
- , ((alarm_struct *)b)->alarm_time));
static void set_todo_times(icalcomponent *c, xfical_period *per)
char *text;
@@ -2865,20 +2960,22 @@
static alarm_struct *process_alarm_trigger(icalcomponent *c
, icalcomponent *ca, struct icaltimetype cur_time, int *cnt_repeat)
+{ /* c == main component; ca == alarm component */
#undef P_N
#define P_N "process_alarm_trigger: "
- icalproperty *p;
+ icalproperty *p, *rdate;
struct icaltriggertype trg;
icalparameter *trg_related_par;
icalparameter_related rel;
struct icalrecurrencetype rrule;
icalrecur_iterator* ri;
xfical_period per;
- struct icaltimetype next_alarm_time, next_start_time;
+ struct icaltimetype next_alarm_time, next_start_time, rdate_alarm_time;
gboolean trg_active = FALSE;
alarm_struct *new_alarm;
struct icaldurationtype alarm_start_diff;
+ struct icaldatetimeperiodtype rdate_period;
+ pvl_elem property_iterator; /* for saving the iterator */
orage_message(-200, P_N);
@@ -2897,6 +2994,7 @@
per = get_period(c);
next_alarm_time = count_alarm_time(per, cur_time, trg.duration, rel);
+ alarm_start_diff = icaltime_subtract(per.stime, next_alarm_time);
/* we only have ctime for TODOs and only if todo has been completed.
* So if we have ctime, we need to compare against it instead of
* current date */
@@ -2914,8 +3012,9 @@
else if (icaltime_compare(cur_time, next_alarm_time) <= 0) { /* active */
trg_active = TRUE;
if (!trg_active
- && (p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c , ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY)) != 0) {
+ && (p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c, ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY)) != 0) {
/* check recurring EVENTs */
rrule = icalproperty_get_rrule(p);
set_todo_times(c, &per); /* may change per.stime to be per.ctime */
@@ -2924,18 +3023,20 @@
ri = icalrecur_iterator_new(rrule, next_alarm_time);
for (next_alarm_time = icalrecur_iterator_next(ri),
next_start_time = icaltime_add(next_alarm_time, alarm_start_diff);
- (!icaltime_is_null_time(next_alarm_time)
+ !icaltime_is_null_time(next_alarm_time)
&& ((per.ikind == ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT
&& local_compare(next_start_time, per.ctime) <= 0)
|| (per.ikind != ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT
- && local_compare(next_alarm_time, cur_time) <= 0)));
+ && local_compare(next_alarm_time, cur_time) <= 0)
+ || icalproperty_recurrence_is_excluded(c
+ , &per.stime, &next_start_time));
next_alarm_time = icalrecur_iterator_next(ri),
next_start_time = icaltime_add(next_alarm_time, alarm_start_diff)) {
/* we loop = search next active alarm time as long as
* next_alarm_time is not null = real alarm time still found
* and if TODO and next_alarm_time before complete time
- * or if not TODO (= EVENT) and next_alarm_time before current time
- * */
+ * or if not TODO (= EVENT) and next_alarm_time before current time
+ */
@@ -2943,6 +3044,76 @@
trg_active = TRUE;
+ if (!trg_active)
+ next_alarm_time = icaltime_null_time();
+ /* alarm_start_diff goes from alarm to start, so we need to revert it
+ * 1) here (temporarily) since rdate is start time and we need to get the
+ * alarm time. We do not use it after this so we can leave it wrong. */
+ if (alarm_start_diff.is_neg)
+ alarm_start_diff.is_neg = 0;
+ else
+ alarm_start_diff.is_neg = 1;
+ /* this is used to convert rdate to local time. We need to read it here
+ * so that it does not break the loop handling since it resets the
+ * iterator */
+ p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c, ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY);
+ next_start_time = icalproperty_get_dtstart(p);
+ for (rdate = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c, ICAL_RDATE_PROPERTY);
+ rdate != NULL;
+ rdate = icalcomponent_get_next_property(c, ICAL_RDATE_PROPERTY)) {
+ rdate_period = icalproperty_get_rdate(rdate);
+ /* we only support normal times (not periods etc) */
+ if (!icalperiodtype_is_null_period(rdate_period.period)) {
+ orage_message(55, P_N "Orage does not support rdate periods, but only simple rdate. Ignoring %s"
+ , (char *)icalproperty_get_value_as_string(rdate));
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ g_print(P_N "found RDATE exception in alarm handling (%s)\n", icalproperty_get_value_as_string(rdate));
+ */
+ if (icaltime_is_null_time(rdate_period.time))
+ continue;
+ /* it has same timezone than startdate, convert to local time */
+ if (icaltime_is_utc(next_start_time)) {
+ /* FIXME: tarkista että convert_to_local_timezone toimii oikein
+ * UTC:llä. se ei toimi kuten tässä */
+ rdate_period.time = icaltime_convert_to_zone(rdate_period.time, utc_icaltimezone);
+ rdate_period.time = icaltime_convert_to_zone(rdate_period.time, local_icaltimezone);
+ }
+ else {
+ rdate_period.time = convert_to_local_timezone(rdate_period.time, p);
+ }
+ /* 1) then we still need to convert it from start time to alarm time */
+ rdate_alarm_time = icaltime_add(rdate_period.time, alarm_start_diff);
+ /*
+ g_print(P_N "**** RDATE alarm time (%s) next alarm time (%s) period time (%s)(%s)\n", icaltime_as_ical_string(rdate_alarm_time), icaltime_as_ical_string(next_alarm_time), icaltime_as_ical_string(rdate_period.time), get_char_timezone(p));
+ */
+ if (icaltime_compare(cur_time, rdate_alarm_time) <= 0) {
+ /* this alarm is still active */
+ /* save the iterator since excluded check changes it */
+ /* FIXME: how to store the iterator??
+ property_iterator = c->property_iterator;
+ if (!icalproperty_recurrence_is_excluded(c
+ , &per.stime, &rdate_period.time)) {
+ */
+ /* not excluded, so it really is active */
+ trg_active = TRUE;
+ if (icaltime_compare(rdate_alarm_time, next_alarm_time) < 0
+ || icaltime_is_null_time(next_alarm_time)) {
+ /* it is earlier than our previous alarm, so we use this */
+ next_alarm_time = rdate_alarm_time;
+ }
+ /*
+ }
+ c->property_iterator = property_iterator;
+ */
+ }
+ }
if (trg_active) {
new_alarm = g_new0(alarm_struct, 1);
new_alarm->alarm_time = g_strdup(icaltime_as_ical_string(next_alarm_time));
@@ -3143,6 +3314,9 @@
(char *)icalcomponent_get_description(c));
g_par.alarm_list = g_list_prepend(g_par.alarm_list, new_alarm);
+ /*
+ g_print(P_N "added alarm (%s) at (%s)\n", new_alarm->title, new_alarm->alarm_time);
+ */
if (first_list_today) {
@@ -3259,12 +3433,16 @@
|| local_compare(per.ctime, per.stime) <= 0)
/* VTODO is never completed */
/* or it has completed before start, so
- * this one is not done and needs to be counted */
- date_found = TRUE;
+ * this one is not done and needs to be counted
+ * unless it is excluded */
+ if (!icalproperty_recurrence_is_excluded(c
+ , &per.stime, &per.stime))
+ date_found = TRUE;
else { /* VEVENT or VJOURNAL */
if (local_compare_date_only(per.stime, aedate) <= 0
- && local_compare_date_only(asdate, per.etime) <= 0) {
+ && local_compare_date_only(asdate, per.etime) <= 0
+ && !icalproperty_recurrence_is_excluded(c, &per.stime, &asdate)) {
date_found = TRUE;
@@ -3280,7 +3458,9 @@
&& ((type == XFICAL_TYPE_TODO
&& local_compare(nsdate, per.ctime) <= 0)
|| (type != XFICAL_TYPE_TODO
- && local_compare_date_only(nedate, asdate) < 0));
+ && local_compare_date_only(nedate, asdate) < 0)
+ || icalproperty_recurrence_is_excluded(c
+ , &per.stime, &nsdate));
nsdate = icalrecur_iterator_next(ri),
nedate = icaltime_add(nsdate, per.duration)) {
@@ -3379,6 +3559,9 @@
orage_message(-100, P_N);
+ /* FIXME:
+ g_print(P_N "old code called, replace with xfical_get_each_app_within_time\n");
+ * */
if (file_type[0] == 'O') {
return(xfical_appt_get_next_on_day_internal(a_day, first
, days, type, ical, file_type));
@@ -3420,7 +3603,7 @@
orage_message(-200, P_N);
if ((s_year*12+s_month) <= (cur_year*12+cur_month)
- && (cur_year*12+cur_month) <= (e_year*12+e_month)) {
+ && (cur_year*12+cur_month) <= (e_year*12+e_month)) {
/* event is in our year+month = visible in calendar */
if (s_year == cur_year && s_month == cur_month)
start_day = s_day;
@@ -3428,8 +3611,16 @@
start_day = 1;
if (e_year == cur_year && e_month == cur_month)
end_day = e_day;
- else
- end_day = 31;
+ else { /* to the end of this month */
+ guint monthdays[12] =
+ {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
+ if (((cur_year%4) == 0) && (cur_month == 2)
+ && (((cur_year%100) != 0) || ((cur_year%400) == 0)))
+ ++monthdays[1]; /* we are on February leap year so 29 days */
+ end_day = monthdays[cur_month-1]; /* monthdays is 0...11 */
+ }
for (day_cnt = start_day; day_cnt <= end_day; day_cnt++) {
gtk_calendar_mark_day(gtkcal, day_cnt);
marked = TRUE;
@@ -3438,34 +3629,107 @@
+/* note that this not understand timezones, but gets always raw time,
+ * which we need to convert to correct timezone */
+void mark_calendar(icalcomponent *c, struct icaltime_span *span , void *data)
+#undef P_N
+#define P_N "mark_calendar: "
+ struct icaltimetype sdate, edate;
+ struct tm start_tm, end_tm;
+ gboolean key_found;
+ struct mark_calendar_data {
+ GtkCalendar *cal;
+ guint year;
+ guint month;
+ xfical_appt appt;
+ } *cal_data;
+ orage_message(-100, P_N);
+ /*FIXME: find times from the span */
+ cal_data = (struct mark_calendar_data *)data;
+ gmtime_r(&span->start, &start_tm);
+ gmtime_r(&span->end, &end_tm);
+ sdate = icaltime_from_string(orage_tm_time_to_icaltime(&start_tm));
+ sdate = convert_to_zone(sdate, cal_data->appt.start_tz_loc);
+ sdate = icaltime_convert_to_zone(sdate, local_icaltimezone);
+ edate = icaltime_from_string(orage_tm_time_to_icaltime(&end_tm));
+ edate = convert_to_zone(edate, cal_data->appt.end_tz_loc);
+ edate = icaltime_convert_to_zone(edate, local_icaltimezone);
+ /*
+ g_print(P_N "sdate(day, mon, year):%d %d %d edate:%d %d %d\n"
+ , sdate.day , sdate.month , sdate.year
+ , edate.day , edate.month , edate.year);
+ */
+ xfical_mark_calendar_days(cal_data->cal, cal_data->year, cal_data->month
+ , sdate.year, sdate.month, sdate.day
+ , edate.year, edate.month, edate.day);
/* Mark days from appointment c into calendar
* year: Year to be searched
* month: Month to be searched
-static void xfical_mark_calendar_internal(GtkCalendar *gtkcal
+static void xfical_mark_calendar_from_component(GtkCalendar *gtkcal
, icalcomponent *c, int year, int month)
#undef P_N
-#define P_N "xfical_mark_calendar_internal: "
+#define P_N "xfical_mark_calendar_from_component: "
xfical_period per;
struct icaltimetype nsdate, nedate;
struct icalrecurrencetype rrule;
icalrecur_iterator* ri;
icalproperty *p = NULL;
gboolean marked;
+ gboolean key_found;
+ icalcomponent_kind kind;
+ char *tmp;
+ struct mark_calendar_data {
+ GtkCalendar *cal;
+ guint year;
+ guint month;
+ xfical_appt appt;
+ } cal_data;
orage_message(-200, P_N);
/* Note that all VEVENTS are marked, but only the first VTODO
* end date is marked */
- per = get_period(c);
- if (per.ikind == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT) {
+ kind = icalcomponent_isa(c);
+ if (kind == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT) {
+ tmp = g_strdup_printf("%04d%02d01T000000", year, month);
+ nsdate = icaltime_from_string(tmp);
+ g_free(tmp);
+ nedate = nsdate;
+ nedate.month++;
+ if (nedate.month > 12) { /* next year */
+ nedate.month = 1;
+ nedate.year++;
+ }
+ /*
+ icaltime_adjust(&nedate, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ */
+ cal_data.cal = gtkcal;
+ cal_data.year = year;
+ cal_data.month = month;
+ /* FIXME: we read the whole appointent just to get start and end
+ * timezones. too heavy? */
+ key_found = get_appt_from_icalcomponent(c, &cal_data.appt);
+ icalcomponent_foreach_recurrence(c, nsdate, nedate, mark_calendar
+ , (void *)&cal_data);
+ /*
+ , (void *)gtkcal);
xfical_mark_calendar_days(gtkcal, year, month
, per.stime.year, per.stime.month, per.stime.day
, per.etime.year, per.etime.month, per.etime.day);
if ((p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c
- , ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY)) != 0) { /* check recurring EVENTs */
nsdate = icaltime_null_time();
rrule = icalproperty_get_rrule(p);
ri = icalrecur_iterator_new(rrule, per.stime);
@@ -3475,14 +3739,18 @@
&& (nsdate.year*12+nsdate.month) <= (year*12+month);
nsdate = icalrecur_iterator_next(ri),
nedate = icaltime_add(nsdate, per.duration)) {
- xfical_mark_calendar_days(gtkcal, year, month
- , nsdate.year, nsdate.month, nsdate.day
- , nedate.year, nedate.month, nedate.day);
+ if (!icalproperty_recurrence_is_excluded(c, &per.stime
+ , &nsdate))
+ xfical_mark_calendar_days(gtkcal, year, month
+ , nsdate.year, nsdate.month, nsdate.day
+ , nedate.year, nedate.month, nedate.day);
+ */
- else if (per.ikind == ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT) {
+ else if (kind == ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT) {
+ per = get_period(c);
marked = FALSE;
if (icaltime_is_null_time(per.ctime)
|| (local_compare(per.ctime, per.stime) < 0)) {
@@ -3501,8 +3769,10 @@
ri = icalrecur_iterator_new(rrule, per.stime);
for (nsdate = icalrecur_iterator_next(ri);
- && (nsdate.year*12+nsdate.month) <= (year*12+month)
- && (local_compare(nsdate, per.ctime) <= 0);
+ && (((nsdate.year*12+nsdate.month) <= (year*12+month)
+ && (local_compare(nsdate, per.ctime) <= 0))
+ || icalproperty_recurrence_is_excluded(c, &per.stime
+ , &nsdate));
nsdate = icalrecur_iterator_next(ri)) {
/* find the active one like in
* xfical_appt_get_next_on_day_internal */
@@ -3518,6 +3788,40 @@
+void xfical_mark_calendar_recur(GtkCalendar *gtkcal, xfical_appt *appt)
+#undef P_N
+#define P_N "xfical_mark_calendar_recur: "
+ guint year, month, day;
+ icalcomponent_kind ikind = ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT;
+ icalcomponent *icmp;
+ orage_message(-100, P_N);
+ gtk_calendar_get_date(gtkcal, &year, &month, &day);
+ gtk_calendar_clear_marks(gtkcal);
+ if (appt->type == XFICAL_TYPE_EVENT)
+ else if (appt->type == XFICAL_TYPE_TODO)
+ else if (appt->type == XFICAL_TYPE_JOURNAL)
+ else
+ orage_message(260, P_N "Unsupported Type");
+ icmp = icalcomponent_vanew(ikind
+ , icalproperty_new_uid("RECUR_TEST")
+ , NULL);
+ appt_add_starttime_internal(appt, icmp);
+ appt_add_endtime_internal(appt, icmp);
+ appt_add_completedtime_internal(appt, icmp);
+ appt_add_recur_internal(appt, icmp);
+ appt_add_exception_internal(appt, icmp);
+ xfical_mark_calendar_from_component(gtkcal, icmp, year, month+1);
+ icalcomponent_free(icmp);
/* Get all appointments from the file and mark calendar for EVENTs and TODOs
static void xfical_mark_calendar_file(GtkCalendar *gtkcal
@@ -3526,20 +3830,11 @@
#undef P_N
#define P_N "xfical_mark_calendar_file: "
icalcomponent *c;
- icalcomponent_kind kind;
- icalproperty *p = NULL;
for (c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(base, ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
c != 0;
c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(base, ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)) {
- kind = icalcomponent_isa(c);
- /* need to check that priority either does not exist or is high
- * enough (=smaller than threshhold) */
- p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(c, ICAL_PRIORITY_PROPERTY);
- if (!p || icalproperty_get_priority(p) < g_par.priority_list_limit)
- xfical_mark_calendar_internal(gtkcal, c, year, month);
- }
+ xfical_mark_calendar_from_component(gtkcal, c, year, month);
@@ -3561,106 +3856,136 @@
-/* FIXME: seems like this does not understand timezones, but returns
- * always raw time */
-void process_one_app(icalcomponent *comp, struct icaltime_span *span
- , void *data)
+/* note that this not understand timezones, but gets always raw time,
+ * which we need to convert to correct timezone */
+void add_appt_to_list(icalcomponent *c, struct icaltime_span *span , void *data)
#undef P_N
-#define P_N "process_one_app: "
- time_t start, end;
+#define P_N "add_appt_to_list: "
+ xfical_appt *appt;
+ GList **list = (GList **)data;
+ struct icaltimetype start, end;
struct tm start_tm, end_tm;
- struct time_data {
- char starttimecur[17];
- char endtimecur[17];
- } *time_datap;
- GList **list;
+ gboolean key_found;
+ typedef struct _app_data
+ {
+ GList **list;
+ gchar *file_type;
+ } app_data;
+ app_data *data1;
orage_message(-100, P_N);
- list = (GList **)data;
- /*
- start = span->start;
- end = span->end;
- */
+ data1 = (app_data *)data;
+ appt = g_new0(xfical_appt, 1);
+ /* FIXME: we could check if UID is the same and only get all data
+ * when UID changes. This seems to be fast enough as it is though */
+ key_found = get_appt_from_icalcomponent(c, appt);
+ xfical_appt_get_fill_internal(appt, data1->file_type);
gmtime_r(&span->start, &start_tm);
gmtime_r(&span->end, &end_tm);
- time_datap = g_new0(struct time_data, 1);
- strcpy(time_datap->starttimecur, orage_tm_time_to_icaltime(&start_tm));
- strcpy(time_datap->endtimecur, orage_tm_time_to_icaltime(&end_tm));
- *list = g_list_prepend(*list, time_datap);
+ start = icaltime_from_string(orage_tm_time_to_icaltime(&start_tm));
+ start = convert_to_zone(start, appt->start_tz_loc);
+ start = icaltime_convert_to_zone(start, local_icaltimezone);
+ /* FIXME: should we use interval instead ? */
+ end = icaltime_from_string(orage_tm_time_to_icaltime(&end_tm));
+ end = convert_to_zone(end, appt->end_tz_loc);
+ end = icaltime_convert_to_zone(end, local_icaltimezone);
+ strcpy(appt->starttimecur, icaltime_as_ical_string(start));
+ strcpy(appt->endtimecur, icaltime_as_ical_string(end));
+ *data1->list = g_list_prepend(*data1->list, appt);
- g_print("callme: Start:%s End:%s \n"
- , time_datap->starttimecur, time_datap->endtimecur);
+ orage_message(10, P_N "Title (%s) Start:%s End:%s \n"
+ , appt->title, appt->starttimecur, appt->endtimecur);
-void xfical_process_each_app(xfical_appt *appt, char *a_day, int days
- , GList **data)
+/* Fetch each appointment within the specified time period and add those
+ * to the data GList. Note that each repeating appointment is real full
+ * appt */
+static void xfical_get_each_app_within_time_internal(char *a_day, gint days
+ , xfical_type type, icalcomponent *base, gchar *file_type, GList **data)
#undef P_N
-#define P_N "xfical_process_each_app: "
+#define P_N "xfical_get_each_app_within_time_internal: "
+ struct icaltimetype asdate, aedate /* period to check */
+ , nsdate, nedate; /* repeating event occurrency start and end */
+ xfical_period per; /* event start and end times with duration */
+ icalcomponent *c=NULL;
+ char *uid;
+ xfical_appt *appt;
icalcomponent_kind ikind = ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT;
- icalcomponent *icmp;
- struct icaltimetype asdate, aedate;
+ typedef struct _app_data
+ {
+ GList **list;
+ gchar *file_type;
+ } app_data;
+ app_data data1;
- orage_message(-100, P_N);
+ orage_message(-200, P_N);
- icmp = icalcomponent_vanew(ikind
- , icalproperty_new_uid("RECUR_TEST")
- , NULL);
- appt_add_starttime_internal(appt, icmp);
- appt_add_endtime_internal(appt, icmp);
- appt_add_recur_internal(appt, icmp);
+ /* setup period to test */
asdate = icaltime_from_string(a_day);
aedate = asdate;
- if (days)
- icaltime_adjust(&aedate, days, 0, 0, 0);
+ icaltime_adjust(&aedate, days, 0, 0, 0);
- icalcomponent_foreach_recurrence(icmp, asdate, aedate, process_one_app
- , (void *)data);
- icalcomponent_free(icmp);
+ if (type == XFICAL_TYPE_EVENT)
+ else if (type == XFICAL_TYPE_TODO)
+ else if (type == XFICAL_TYPE_JOURNAL)
+ else
+ orage_message(240, P_N "Unsupported Type");
+ data1.list = data;
+ data1.file_type = file_type;
+ for (c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(base, ikind);
+ c != 0;
+ c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(base, ikind)) {
+ icalcomponent_foreach_recurrence(c, asdate, aedate, add_appt_to_list
+ , (void *)&data1);
+ }
-void xfical_mark_calendar_recur(GtkCalendar *gtkcal, xfical_appt *appt)
+/* This will (probably) replace xfical_appt_get_next_on_day */
+void xfical_get_each_app_within_time(char *a_day, gint days
+ , xfical_type type, gchar *file_type, GList **data)
#undef P_N
-#define P_N "xfical_mark_calendar_recur: "
- guint year, month, day;
- icalcomponent_kind ikind = ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT;
- icalcomponent *icmp;
+#define P_N "xfical_get_each_app_within_time: "
+ gint i;
orage_message(-100, P_N);
- gtk_calendar_get_date(gtkcal, &year, &month, &day);
- gtk_calendar_clear_marks(gtkcal);
- if (appt->type == XFICAL_TYPE_EVENT)
- else if (appt->type == XFICAL_TYPE_TODO)
- else if (appt->type == XFICAL_TYPE_JOURNAL)
- else
- orage_message(260, P_N "Unsupported Type");
- icmp = icalcomponent_vanew(ikind
- , icalproperty_new_uid("RECUR_TEST")
- , NULL);
- appt_add_starttime_internal(appt, icmp);
- appt_add_endtime_internal(appt, icmp);
- appt_add_completedtime_internal(appt, icmp);
- appt_add_recur_internal(appt, icmp);
- xfical_mark_calendar_internal(gtkcal, icmp, year, month+1);
- icalcomponent_free(icmp);
+ if (file_type[0] == 'O') {
+ xfical_get_each_app_within_time_internal(a_day
+ , days, type, ical, file_type, data);
+ }
+ else if (file_type[0] == 'A') {
+ xfical_get_each_app_within_time_internal(a_day
+ , days, type, aical, file_type, data);
+ }
+ else if (file_type[0] == 'F') {
+ sscanf(file_type, "F%02d", &i);
+ if (i < g_par.foreign_count && f_ical[i].ical != NULL)
+ xfical_get_each_app_within_time_internal(a_day
+ , days, type, f_ical[i].ical, file_type, data);
+ else {
+ orage_message(250, P_N "unknown foreign file number %s", file_type);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ orage_message(250, P_N "unknown file type");
+ }
-/* FIXME: check that it is not already achived.
- * Should not happen, but worth being a bit more robust here */
static void xfical_icalcomponent_archive_normal(icalcomponent *e)
#undef P_N
@@ -4023,96 +4348,40 @@
file_modified = TRUE;
- if (key_found) {
- icalset_mark(afical);
- icalset_commit(afical);
- icalset_mark(fical);
- icalset_commit(fical);
- }
+ icalset_mark(afical);
+ icalset_commit(afical);
+ icalset_mark(fical);
+ icalset_commit(fical);
-static icalcomponent *get_ical_component_uid(char *new_uid, icalcomponent *base)
- icalcomponent *c;
- char *old_uid;
- for (c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(base, ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
- c != 0;
- c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(base, ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT)) {
- old_uid = (char *)icalcomponent_get_uid(c);
- if (ORAGE_STR_EXISTS(old_uid) && (strcmp(old_uid, new_uid) == 0)) {
- return(c);
- }
- }
- return(NULL);
static gboolean add_event(icalcomponent *c)
#undef P_N
#define P_N "add_event: "
- icalcomponent *new_c = NULL, *old_c = NULL;
- char *uid, *ext_uid;
- struct icaltimetype old_mod_time = icaltime_null_time(),
- new_mod_time = icaltime_null_time();
- icalproperty *p;
+ icalcomponent *ca = NULL;
+ char *uid;
orage_message(-300, P_N);
- new_c = icalcomponent_new_clone(c);
- if ((uid = (char *)icalcomponent_get_uid(new_c)) == NULL) {
+ ca = icalcomponent_new_clone(c);
+ if ((uid = (char *)icalcomponent_get_uid(ca)) == NULL) {
uid = generate_uid();
- icalcomponent_add_property(new_c, icalproperty_new_uid(uid));
- orage_message(15, _("Generated UID %s"), uid);
+ icalcomponent_add_property(ca, icalproperty_new_uid(uid));
+ orage_message(15, "Generated UID %s", uid);
- if ((uid = (char *)icalcomponent_get_uid(new_c)) == NULL) {
- orage_message(150, "Add event failed %s", uid);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- orage_message(50, _("import: adding component %s"), uid);
- /* we need to make sure it is not archived, so let's try to
- * unarchive it just to play it safe */
- ext_uid = g_strconcat("A00.", uid, NULL);
- if (xfical_unarchive_uid(ext_uid))
- orage_message(50, _("\timport: Unarchived component"));
- g_free(ext_uid);
if (!xfical_file_open(FALSE)) {
orage_message(250, P_N "ical file open failed");
- if (old_c = get_ical_component_uid(uid, ical)) {
- orage_message(50, _("\timport: component exists already"));
- /* component exists already */
- if ((p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(old_c
- old_mod_time = icalproperty_get_lastmodified(p);
- if ((p = icalcomponent_get_first_property(new_c
- new_mod_time = icalproperty_get_lastmodified(p);
- orage_message(50, _("\timport: new last modified time %s old last modified time %s")
- , icaltime_as_ical_string(new_mod_time)
- , icaltime_as_ical_string(old_mod_time));
- if (icaltime_compare(new_mod_time, old_mod_time) > 0) {
- /* new time is more fresh, so we need to remove the old
- * and add the new one. Adding happens later as it is teh standard
- * method */
- icalcomponent_remove_component(ical, old_c);
- }
- else { /* old is more fresh, so we do nothing */
- orage_message(50, _("import: Not added as the new appointment is not newer than the old"));
- xfical_file_close(FALSE);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- icalcomponent_add_component(ical, new_c);
- orage_message(50, _("import: added"));
+ icalcomponent_add_component(ical, ca);
file_modified = TRUE;
@@ -4141,7 +4410,7 @@
- /***** Check utf8 conformtability *****/
+ /***** Check utf8 coformtability *****/
if (!g_utf8_validate(text, -1, NULL)) {
orage_message(250, P_N "is not in utf8 format. Conversion needed.\n (Use iconv and convert it into UTF-8 and import it again.)\n");
@@ -4225,26 +4494,26 @@
#undef P_N
#define P_N "xfical_import_file: "
- icalset *imp_file_ical = NULL;
- char *imp_ical_file_name = NULL;
+ icalset *file_ical = NULL;
+ char *ical_file_name = NULL;
icalcomponent *c1, *c2;
int cnt1 = 0, cnt2 = 0;
orage_message(-100, P_N);
- imp_ical_file_name = g_strdup_printf("%s.orage", file_name);
- if (!pre_format(file_name, imp_ical_file_name)) {
+ ical_file_name = g_strdup_printf("%s.orage", file_name);
+ if (!pre_format(file_name, ical_file_name)) {
- if ((imp_file_ical = icalset_new_file(imp_ical_file_name)) == NULL) {
+ if ((file_ical = icalset_new_file(ical_file_name)) == NULL) {
orage_message(250, P_N "Could not open ical file (%s) %s"
- , imp_ical_file_name, icalerror_strerror(icalerrno));
+ , ical_file_name, icalerror_strerror(icalerrno));
- for (c1 = icalset_get_first_component(imp_file_ical);
+ for (c1 = icalset_get_first_component(file_ical);
c1 != 0;
- c1 = icalset_get_next_component(imp_file_ical)) {
+ c1 = icalset_get_next_component(file_ical)) {
if (icalcomponent_isa(c1) == ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT) {
for (c2=icalcomponent_get_first_component(c1, ICAL_ANY_COMPONENT);
@@ -4253,8 +4522,8 @@
if ((icalcomponent_isa(c2) == ICAL_VEVENT_COMPONENT)
|| (icalcomponent_isa(c2) == ICAL_VTODO_COMPONENT)
|| (icalcomponent_isa(c2) == ICAL_VJOURNAL_COMPONENT)) {
- if (add_event(c2))
- cnt2++;
+ cnt2++;
+ add_event(c2);
/* we ignore TIMEZONE component; Orage only uses internal
* timezones from libical */
@@ -4262,26 +4531,25 @@
orage_message(140, P_N "unknown component %s %s"
, icalcomponent_kind_to_string(
- , imp_ical_file_name);
+ , ical_file_name);
orage_message(140, P_N "unknown icalset component %s in %s"
, icalcomponent_kind_to_string(icalcomponent_isa(c1))
- , imp_ical_file_name);
+ , ical_file_name);
if (cnt1 == 0) {
orage_message(150, P_N "No valid icalset components found");
if (cnt2 == 0) {
- orage_message(150, P_N "No valid ical components imported");
+ orage_message(150, P_N "No valid ical components found");
+ return(FALSE);
- orage_message(40, _("Imported %d calendars including %d appointments")
- , cnt1, cnt2);
- g_free(imp_ical_file_name);
+ g_free(ical_file_name);
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/src/ical-code.h
--- xfcalendar/trunk/src/ical-code.h 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/src/ical-code.h 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@
} xfical_type;
+typedef struct _xfical_exception
+ gchar time[17]; /* Orage uses no timezones here */
+ gchar type[7]; /* EXDATE, RDATE */
+} xfical_exception;
typedef struct _xfical_appt
xfical_type type;
@@ -120,6 +126,7 @@
gint recur_byday_cnt[7]; /* monthly/early: 1=first -1=last 2=second... */
gint interval; /* 1=every day/week..., 2=every second day/week,... */
gboolean recur_todo_base_start; /* TRUE=start time, FALSE=completed time */
+ GList *recur_exceptions; /* EXDATE and RDATE list xfical_exception */
} xfical_appt;
gboolean xfical_set_local_timezone(gboolean testing);
@@ -138,8 +145,8 @@
, xfical_type type, gchar *file_type);
xfical_appt *xfical_appt_get_next_with_string(char *str, gboolean first
, gchar *file_type);
-void xfical_process_each_app(xfical_appt *appt, char *a_day, int days
- , GList **data);
+void xfical_get_each_app_within_time(char *a_day, int days
+ , xfical_type type, gchar *file_type , GList **data);
void xfical_mark_calendar(GtkCalendar *gtkcal);
void xfical_mark_calendar_recur(GtkCalendar *gtkcal, xfical_appt *appt);
Modified: xfcalendar/trunk/src/mainbox.c
--- xfcalendar/trunk/src/mainbox.c 2009-05-12 09:34:56 UTC (rev 29953)
+++ xfcalendar/trunk/src/mainbox.c 2009-05-12 13:58:24 UTC (rev 29954)
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
-static void insert_rows(GList **todo_list, char *a_day, xfical_type ical_type
+static void insert_rows(GList **list, char *a_day, xfical_type ical_type
, gchar *file_type)
#undef P_N
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
appt = xfical_appt_get_next_on_day(a_day, FALSE, 0
, ical_type , file_type)) {
- *todo_list = g_list_prepend(*todo_list, appt);
+ *list = g_list_prepend(*list, appt);
@@ -500,10 +500,10 @@
GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(cal->mTodo_scrolledWin), cal->mTodo_rows_vbox);
-static void create_mainbox_event_info(void)
+static void create_mainbox_event_info_box(void)
#undef P_N
-#define P_N "create_mainbox_event_info: "
+#define P_N "create_mainbox_event_info_box: "
CalWin *cal = (CalWin *)g_par.xfcal;
gchar *tmp;
@@ -530,7 +530,8 @@
, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
cal->mEvent_rows_vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
- GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(cal->mEvent_scrolledWin), cal->mEvent_rows_vbox);
+ GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(cal->mEvent_scrolledWin)
+ , cal->mEvent_rows_vbox);
static void build_mainbox_todo_info(void)
@@ -608,15 +609,23 @@
ical_type = XFICAL_TYPE_EVENT;
strcpy(file_type, "O00.");
+ /*
insert_rows(&event_list, a_day, ical_type, file_type);
+ */
+ xfical_get_each_app_within_time(a_day, 1
+ , ical_type, file_type, &event_list);
for (i = 0; i < g_par.foreign_count; i++) {
g_sprintf(file_type, "F%02d.", i);
+ /*
insert_rows(&event_list, a_day, ical_type, file_type);
+ */
+ xfical_get_each_app_within_time(a_day, 1
+ , ical_type, file_type, &event_list);
if (event_list) {
- create_mainbox_event_info();
+ create_mainbox_event_info_box();
event_list = g_list_sort(event_list, list_order);
g_list_foreach(event_list, (GFunc)info_process
, cal->mEvent_rows_vbox);
@@ -715,7 +724,7 @@
/* Build the Info boxes */
- create_mainbox_event_info();
+ create_mainbox_event_info_box();
/* Signals */
g_signal_connect((gpointer) cal->mCalendar, "day_selected_double_click"
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