[Xfce4-commits] r30058 - / thunar-vfs thunar-vfs/trunk thunar-vfs/trunk/docs thunar-vfs/trunk/docs/reference thunar-vfs/trunk/thunar-vfs

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at xfce.org
Sat Jun 20 03:53:28 CEST 2009

Author: jannis
Date: 2009-06-20 01:53:28 +0000 (Sat, 20 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 30058

	* Create separate repository for thunar-vfs, as in the future, it will
	  no longer be part of Thunar any more. Instead, there will be a
	  separate thunar-vfs package for compatiblity reasons. As soon as the
	  next version of thunar-vfs is released, all applications/libraries 
	  that still need it should change their dependency to this package
	  instead of Thunar.

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/AUTHORS (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/AUTHORS)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/AUTHORS	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/AUTHORS	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+Jeffs Franks <jcfranks at xfce.org>
+The tdb library, which is included with the Thunar distribution, was originally
+written as part of the Samba suite. My understanding is that the majority of
+the code was written by Andrew Trigell <tridge at linuxcare.com> with the help of
+Paul "Rusty" Russell <rusty at linuxcare.com>. Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
+<luke at samba.org> also contributed a few patches. Sorted freelist merge code
+added by Jeremy Allison <jeremy at valinux.com>.

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/COPYING (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/COPYING)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/COPYING	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/COPYING	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    		    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the library GPL.  It is
+ numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.]
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+  This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any
+other libraries whose authors decide to use it.  You can use it for
+your libraries, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if
+you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code.  If you link a program with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
+with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+  Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright
+the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+  Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+library.  If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original
+version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on
+the original authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free
+software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect
+transforming the program into proprietary software.  To prevent this,
+we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
+free use or not licensed at all.
+  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary
+GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs.  This
+license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain
+designated libraries.  This license is quite different from the ordinary
+one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is
+the same as in the ordinary license.
+  The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
+they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
+program and simply using it.  Linking a program with a library, without
+changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
+analogous to running a utility program or application program.  However, in
+a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
+derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
+treats it as such.
+  Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General
+Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software
+sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries.  We
+concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better.
+  However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the
+users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the
+libraries themselves.  This Library General Public License is intended to
+permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while
+preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free
+libraries that are incorporated in them.  (We have not seen how to achieve
+this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards
+changes in the actual functions of the Library.)  The hope is that this
+will lead to faster development of free libraries.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
+former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only
+works together with the library.
+  Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary
+General Public License rather than by this special one.
+  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
+party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library
+General Public License (also called "this License").  Each licensee is
+addressed as "you".
+  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+    in the event an application does not supply such function or
+    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+    its purpose remains meaningful.
+    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+    root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
+these notices.
+  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
+  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
+    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+    to use the modified definitions.)
+    b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+    least three years, to give the same user the materials
+    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+    than the cost of performing this distribution.
+    c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+    specified materials from the same place.
+    d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
+the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
+distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
+  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
+    Sections above.
+    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Library General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.
+  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/ChangeLog (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/ChangeLog)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/ChangeLog	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/ChangeLog	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,7509 @@
+2009-06-20	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* Create separate repository for thunar-vfs, as in the future, it will
+	  no longer be part of Thunar any more. Instead, there will be a
+	  separate thunar-vfs package for compatiblity reasons. As soon as the
+	  next version of thunar-vfs is released, all applications/libraries 
+	  that still need it should change their dependency to this package
+	  instead of Thunar.
+2009-04-18  Stephan Arts <stephan at xfce.org>
+	* == Released 1.0.1 ==
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version number 
+	* NEWS: Update NEWS for the release
+	* plugins/thunar-wallpaper/twp-provider.c(twp_action_set_wallpaper):
+	  Escape spaces in filename (bug #5056) and set style auto (bug #5057) -
+	  Patch by Mike Massonnet
+	* plugins/thunar-wallpaper/twp-provider.c(twp_action_set_wallpaper),
+	  plugins/thunar-wallpaper/twp-provider.c(check_cli_tools):
+	  Don't pretend gconftool exists (if it exists it is just a symlink),
+	  instead look for gconftool-2 - Patch by Mike Massonnet
+2009-04-08  Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, docs/manual/gl/images/: Fix broken build due
+	  to incomplete integration of the Galician manual translations.
+2009-03-12  Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-jobs.c: Apply umask properly when
+	  creating files/directories. Patch by Giovanni Bechis (bug 
+	  #3532).
+2009-02-24  Stephan Arts <stephan at xfce.org>
+	* == Released 1.0.0 ==
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version number and dependency versions
+	* NEWS: Update NEWS for the release
+2009-02-04	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-font-thumbnailer-1.desktop.in: Use
+	  Type=X-Thumbnailer instead of Type=X-XFCE-Thumbnailer and 
+	  X-Thumbnailer-Exec instead of Exec (bug #4821).
+2009-01-25	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c: Fix crash when entering the same 
+	  hidden directory twice in the location entry (bug #4847).
+2009-01-25	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* == Released ==
+	* NEWS: Update NEWS for the release.
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version number.
+2009-01-14	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add the 'svn' version tag again.
+2009-01-12	Stephan Arts <stephan at xfce.org>
+	* === Release 0.9.93 ===
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version number
+2009-01-11	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add missing docs subdirectories.
+2009-01-10	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* NEWS: Update NEWS for the upcoming 0.9.93 release.
+2009-01-02	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dialogs.c, thunar/main.c, configure.in.in:
+	  Update copyright to 2009.
+2008-12-25	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* NEWS: Update.
+2008-12-08	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Go back and forward using the
+	  8th and 9th button on the mouse. Merge this with the scroll
+	  left and right event handling. Bug #4687.
+2008-12-07	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c, thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-path-entry.c, thunar/thunar-application.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-private.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c, 
+	  plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-model.c: Fix compilation with 
+	  -Wformat-security.
+2008-12-04	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* Thunar.desktop.in.in: Change Name string to "Thunar File Manager" so
+	  that people don't have to guess what Thunar is good for.
+2008-12-03	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-renamer-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-renamer-model.h: Implement reorder, rubber banding
+	  and position dnd in the renamer dialog. Bug #3325.
+2008-12-02	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c, thunar/thunar-tree-view.c:
+	  Use get_folder_actions for the provider actions in the sidepane
+	  since it makes more sence.
+2008-12-02	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-button.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c, thunar/thunar-tree-view.c:
+	  Use gdk_atom_intern_static_string() in the main program.
+2008-11-30	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dialogs.c: Add function description.
+2008-11-30	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dialogs.c, thunar/thunar-dialogs.h,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Move the rename dialog to
+	  thunar-dialog.c so we can share it with the treeview.
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: Add rename option to the tree pane.
+2008-11-30	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-history.c (thunar_history_set_current_directory): 
+	  Don't go back in the history anymore if the new directory is the 
+	  first one in the backward history as this results in unexpected
+	  behavior (bug #4660).
+2008-11-30	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-model.c: Fix a possible crash discovered by
+	  Jannis. Also add some extra debug checks.
+2008-11-29	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c, thunar/thunar-tree-view.c:
+	  Use thunarx_menu_provider_get_file_actions() instead of
+	  thunarx_menu_provider_get_folder_actions().
+2008-11-29	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: Implement menu providers in the
+	  tree side pane too.
+2008-11-29	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c: Implement menu providers in
+	  the shortcuts menu. Bug #2740.
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-icon-renderer.c: Make unmounted volumes
+	  50% translucent in the bookmarks and treeview, to give some
+	  visualization whether the device is mounted or not.
+2008-11-29	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c, thunar/thunar-tree-view.c:
+	  Don't respond to the predefined keybindings when the user
+	  has set a custom accelerator for delete. The difference with 
+	  the previous patch is that Shift + Delete still counts as a valid 
+	  action, so when you set Ctrl + Delete as custom accelerator, 
+	  we don't respond to Delete, but Shift + Delete still works,
+	  since you probably don't press that accidentally... The only 
+	  exception is Shift + Delete as custom accelerator for delete: 
+	  this will always result in a permanent delete.
+2008-11-29	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-model.c, thunar/thunar-tree-model.h,
+	  thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: Instead of unloading folders
+	  when their ref count is zero, we schedule a tree cleanup when
+	  a row is collapsed. The reason is simple: the reffing the
+	  treeview does is weird which results in glitches when scrolling
+	  a large tree.
+	  Also added some extra debug code.
+2008-11-28	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* Revert pervious commit, not a good way to fix this.
+2008-11-28	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c, thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: Only
+	  respond to the predefined key bindings for deleting files when
+	  the user has not set a custom accelerator. Bug #4173.
+2008-11-28	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* Thunar.desktop.in.in: Use "Thunar" for Name. This fixes bug #4084.
+2008-11-28	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/thunarx-docs.sgml: Update links to the
+	  glib reference manual in the docs. Patch by Mike Massonnet.
+	  Bug #4555.
+2008-11-27	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-info.c: Fix crash when unreffing the
+	  mime info. This happens here sometimes when unknown files were
+	  found in /proc.
+2008-11-27	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c: Implement a simpler version of
+	  the /proc and /dev ignore test.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c: Use a GSList for the handles
+	  since we only walk forwards.
+2008-11-27	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-sbr/thunar-sbr-case-renamer.c: Apply patch from
+	  Mathias Brodala to make the first character after a paranthesis
+	  uppercase. Bug #3559.
+2008-11-27	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-chooser.c: Open a question dialog
+	  before removing a custom action. Bug #3838.
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-model.c: Return an empty string
+	  when the name is not set instead of null, so the action always
+	  has a valid name and gtk does not send a critical warning.
+	* po/*: Merge new strings.
+2008-11-27	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c: Instead of using a transient
+	  window, we do a fake-center-on-parent. So it looks like the
+	  window belongs to the parent, but it is a standalone window. This
+	  should fix the last part of bug #3586.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Register the properties dialog with
+	  thunar_application_take_window() so it will get a new
+	  GtkWindowGroup.
+2008-11-27	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c: Add HAVE_LINUX
+	  define to config.h and implement support for excluding certain base
+	  paths (such as /dev and /proc) from being monitored. Gamin does the
+	  same but only for dnotify and inotify, not for polling.
+2008-11-26	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-application.c: Create a new window group for
+	  windows added with thunar_application_take_window() that don't have
+	  a transient window. This will make different windows work
+	  independant when a modal dialog is created.
+2008-11-26	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c, thunar/thunar-tree-model.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: Apply tree view pane improvements written
+	  by Nick. It implements a GtkTreeModelFilter inside the tree model
+	  and improves CPU performance when expanding folders in the tree
+	  view. It also stops monitoring tree view folders when they are
+	  closed. It improves thread safety in ThunarVfsMonitor and a few
+	  other things. Should fix bug #4051.
+2008-11-25	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Make the location selector pop up
+	  with the home directory pre-entered when GDK_dead_tilde is pressed.
+	  This allows people with dead keys to use the location selector just
+	  like people which don't use dead keys.
+2008-11-25	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-tpa/thunar-tpa-icon.c: Change the tooltip text
+	  of the tpa plugin when the trash is 'full' to "Trash contains 
+	  files". Bug #3266.
+	* po/*: Regenerate po files.
+2008-11-25	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-util.c: Fix completion when ~/ is used.
+	  Patch by Peter de Ridder. Bug #2973.
+2008-11-25	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Store the option name used for
+	  the thunarrc file in the nickname of the GParamSpec so we
+	  don't have to generate it during load/save.
+	  When debugging is enabled property_name_to_option_name() is
+	  still used to check for typos between the name and nickname.
+2008-11-25	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Remove the display-name property from
+	  ThunarFile. It's not used and some say g_property_notify() is
+	  not the fastest glib function, so we probably don't want to
+	  call it every file change.
+2008-11-25	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Restore the selection after deleting
+	  a file/folder. This is done by connecting to the "row-deleted"
+	  signal of the model twice. The first handler saves the tree path to
+	  be selected after the removal in the selection_before_delete member.
+	  The second handler (which is called after the signal is emitted)
+	  selects this path. Selection is not modified if there are two or
+	  more files selected. This should fix bug #3884.
+2008-11-24	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local-xfer.c: Use
+	  posix_fadvise when available.
+2008-11-23	Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/main.c: Use -V for version information.
+2008-11-23	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Check if volumes are != NULL
+	  when handling "EjectPressed" events. This should fix bug #4257.
+	  Patch again supplied by Nick.
+2008-11-23	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_volume_hal_is_ejectable): Return TRUE if and only if
+	  requires_eject is TRUE. This should fix bug #3978.
+2008-11-23	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.c, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add ifdefs
+	  around includes to fix make distcheck. Spotted by Nick.
+2008-11-20	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-application.c (thunar_application_process_filenames):
+	  Always show an error dialog if one of the files passed via the
+	  command line cannot be opened. Required for exo-open to give proper
+	  visual feedback because spawning Thunar asynchronously will always
+	  make exo-open think that the file(s) were opened successfully.
+	  Ideally Thunar would display an error dialog with a tree view
+	  listing all the files that could not be opened (I'll file a bug for
+	  this).
+2008-11-15	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/, tdb/, thunar-vfs/, thunar/: Fix several compiler warnings.
+	  Patch again provided by Nick Schermer.
+2008-11-15	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-model.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: Fix
+	  freeze in the tree view pane when the visibility of hidden files is
+	  toggled. Kudos to Nick Schermer for the patch. This fixes bug #2502.
+2008-11-06	Brian Tarricone <bjt23 at cornell.edu>
+	* thunar/thunar-private.h,
+	  thunar/thunar-{shortcuts-model,templates-action,window}.c: Fix
+	  compilation with glib < 2.14.
+2008-11-05	Olivier Fourdan <olivier at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Remove portion including a C_() macro.
+2008-10-31	Jannis Pohlmann <jannis at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-settings.desktop.in: Remove GenericName and
+	  X-XfceSettingsName. Use more generic "File Manager" string in the
+	  Name field.
+2008-10-29	Brian Tarricone <kelnos at xfce.org>
+	* *: Patch mostly from Andrea Santilli <yawara at quipo.it> (bug 4365).
+	* thunar/{thunar-file.c,thunar-file.h}: Replace
+	  thunar_file_is_desktop() macro with a function that
+	  recognizes the xdg user Desktop folder. The old macro is still
+	  available for glib < 2.14.0
+	* thunar/thunar-private.h: Add macros to better support
+	  GUserDirectory and an array containing the xdg user dir defaults.
+	* thunar/thunar-{launcher.c,shortcuts-model.c,templates-action.c}:
+	  Address to the right Desktop and Templates directories.  Don't
+	  list templates in submenus if the templates dir points to $HOME.
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.c: Creation and translation of
+	  links to some xdg user dirs in the sidebar in case of unexisting
+	  ~/.gtk-bookmarks. Entries pointing to $HOME are disabled.
+	* thunar/{thunar-shortcuts-model.c,thunar-private.h}: Add
+	  _thunar_get_xdg_user_dirs_locale() to translate the xdg user dir
+	  names (package xdg-user-dirs needed for that).
+	* thunar/thunar-stock.h: Add icon name for normal directories.
+	* thunar/{thunar-window.c,thunar-window-ui.xml}: Add new menu
+	  entries, hide the ones related to unused directories and
+	  translate their labels. Entries pointing to $HOME are disabled.
+2008-10-28	Brian Tarricone <kelnos at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Don't symlink thunar -> Thunar on case-
+	  insensitive filesystems (bug 4430).
+2008-10-28	Brian Tarricone <kelnos at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: Fix usage of
+	  fgetxattr() on MacOS X.  Patch from Anders Björklund
+	  <afb at users.sourceforge.net> (bug 4433).
+2008-10-25  Stephan Arts <stephan at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-wallpaper:
+	  Add thunar-wallpaper-plugin which can be used to set the wallpaper
+	  on xfdesktop >= 4.5.90
+2008-08-25	Brian Tarricone <kelnos at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/{Makefile.am,thunar-settings,thunar-settings.desktop.in}:
+	  Include script and .desktop file to launch thunar settings dialog.
+2007-12-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c, thunar/thunar-tree-view.c:
+	  Display "Eject" in the context menu if the device of the
+	  volume requires an eject.
+2007-12-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-exec.c: Make sure, processes spawned from
+	  Thunar and xfdesktop are properly joined. Bug #2983.
+2007-12-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Make sure to pass volumes
+	  without mountable file systems to thunar-volman.
+2007-12-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Post-release version bump.
+2007-12-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* === Released 0.9.0 ===
+	* NEWS, configure.in.in: Bump version.
+	* README, configure.in.in: Depend on exo 0.3.4.
+	* THANKS: Add missing translator credits.
+	* po/*.po: Update Project-Id-Version.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  docs/reference/thunarx/Makefile.am: Fix dist building.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-docs.sgml,
+	  docs/reference/thunarx/thunarx-docs.sgml: Update documentation dates.
+2007-11-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Ignore volumes that do
+	  not mountable file systems. Bug #3555.
+2007-11-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-model.c: Properly recognize
+	  OGG files as audio files. Bug #3604.
+2007-11-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-sbr/: Import new date renamer based on patch
+	  from Nick Schermer <nick at xfce.org>. Bug #3656.
+	* docs/manual/: Update the user manual.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new file here.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+	* po-doc/Thunar.pot, po-doc/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2007-11-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-exec.c(thunar_vfs_exec_on_screen):
+	  Make sure to pass the correct $DISPLAY value to processes
+	  spawned by Thunar and xfdesktop. Bug #3667.
+2007-08-24	Jean-François Wauthy <pollux at xfce.org>
+	* docs/manual/fr/Thunar.xml.in: minor corrections in French
+	translation of the manual (patch by Adrien Grellier
+	<adrien.grellier at laposte.net>)
+2007-08-23	Jean-François Wauthy <pollux at xfce.org>
+	* docs/manual/pl/images/file-manager-window.png,
+	docs/manual/pl/images/preferences-views.png,
+	docs/manual/pl/images/removable-media-unmount.png,
+	docs/manual/pl/images/preferences-behavior.png,
+	docs/manual/pl/images/sendto-menu.png,
+	docs/manual/pl/images/bulk-rename.png,
+	docs/manual/pl/images/removable-drives-and-media.png,
+	docs/manual/pl/images/preferences-advanced.png,
+	docs/manual/pl/images/preferences-side-pane.png,
+	docs/manual/pl/images/file-properties.png,
+	docs/manual/pl/images/visible-columns.png: Updated Polish translation
+	of the manual
+2007-08-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Preselect the complete filename when
+	  renaming a folder. Bug #3057.
+2007-08-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c: Better way to detect recursion
+	  in exif IFDs.
+2007-08-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c: Prevent infinite recursion
+	  on JPEG files with broken exif directories. Bug #3452.
+2007-06-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.c: Fix crash on amd64 because of
+	  invalid size of integer constants. Bug #3303.
+2007-05-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dialogs.c(thunar_dialogs_show_about): Add support
+	  for new GTK+ 2.11 API.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/thunar-vfs-job.sgml: Add new
+	  signal "ask-replace" to the reference manual.
+2007-05-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-jobs.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job-private.h, thunar/thunar-dialogs.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c: Add support to retry job
+	  based operations.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job-private.h, thunar-vfs-job.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c, thunar/thunar-dialogs.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-marshal.list:
+	  Display more details when asking the user whether to replace an
+	  existing file with another file. Bug #3268.
+	* po/tr.po: Revert broken file.
+	* po/*.po, po/*.pot: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2007-05-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/: Add support for
+	  different date/time formats. Bug #3265.
+	* po/*.po, po/*.pot: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2007-05-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.c: Fix unaligned access in ThunarVfsPath
+	  on sparc64. Bug #2815.
+	* docs/reference/: Update reference manual.
+2007-05-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c(thunar_preferences_set_property):
+	  Properly initialize value to its default prior to comparing
+	  with a (probably) new value.
+2007-05-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-editor.c: Properly quote files
+	  selected via the file chooser if necessary. Bug #3105.
+2007-05-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-freebsd.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols:
+	  Apply patch from Brian Tarricone <bjt23 at cornell.edu> to fix
+	  invalid invocation of thunar-volman for devices that should be
+	  ignored, and add a MOUNTABLE flag for volumes. Bug #2789.
+	* configure.in.in: Bump library interface version.
+2007-05-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Strip unused characters from the user
+	  interface description files. Bug #3094.
+2007-05-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* INSTALL, configure.in.in: Update for latest autoconf.
+2007-05-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_volume_manager_hal_device_removed): Emit the correct
+	  signal when removing devices. Patch from Brian Tarricone.
+	  Bug #3205.
+2007-04-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-freebsd.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-private.h,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.c: Use the requires_eject HAL
+	  property to determine whether a given volume is ejectable.
+	  Bug #3119.
+2007-04-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-util.c(thunar_util_humanize_file_time): Use larger
+	  date buffer. Bug #3127.
+2007-04-08      Jean-Francois Wauthy <pollux at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add support for nl translations into 
+	  configure.in.in (patch by Maximilian Schleiss)
+2007-03-19	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c: Automatically disable thumbnailing
+	  if storing of thumbnails failes because of a fatal error (i.e.
+	  broken setup). Bug #3020.
+2007-02-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c: Fix unaligned memory access in
+	  exif code. Bug #2880.
+2007-02-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path-private.h: Fix compilation with the
+	  Sun Studio 11 compiler based on patch from William Bonnet
+	  <william at wbonnet.net>. Bug #2899.
+2007-02-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c: Fix compilation with the
+	  Sun Studio 11 compiler based on patch from William Bonnet
+	  <william at wbonnet.net>. Bug #2900.
+2007-01-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* acinclude.m4: Fix switches to disable plugins, thanks to Oliver
+	  Lehmann <oliver at FreeBSD.org>.
+2007-01-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Post-release version bump.
+2007-01-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* === Released 0.8.0 ===
+	* NEWS, configure.in.in: Bump version.
+	* README, configure.in.in: Depend on exo 0.3.2.
+	* THANKS: Add missing translator credits.
+	* po/*.po: Update Project-Id-Version.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, docs/reference/thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/Makefile.am, plugins/thunar-sendto-email/Makefile.am,
+	  tests/Makefile.am, plugins/thunar-apr/Makefile.am,
+	  plugins/thunar-sbr/Makefile.am, plugins/thunar-tpa/Makefile.am,
+	  plugins/thunar-uca/Makefile.am: No need to define
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-docs.sgml,
+	  docs/reference/thunarx/thunarx-docs.sgml: Update documentation dates.
+2007-01-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po-doc/*.po: Regenerate the translations.
+	* docs/manual/pl/Thunar.xml.in, po-doc/pl.po: Updated the polish
+	  translations of the user manual by Szymon Kałasz
+	  <szymon_maestro at gazeta.pl>.
+2007-01-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, docs/manual/: Integrate the polish translations
+	  of the user manual.
+2007-01-18	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c(thunar_vfs_volume_hal_update):
+	  Treat hotplugged drives as removable, so they are displayed in
+	  the side pane.
+2007-01-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/manual/C/Thunar.xml.in, docs/manual/C/images/bulk-rename.png:
+	  Add documentation for the bulk renamer. Bug #1594.
+	* docs/manual/C/: Improve the user manual. Bug #1365.
+	* thunar/: Connect the various "Help" buttons. Bug #1230.
+	* po-doc/Thunar.pot, po-doc/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* docs/manual/: Merge the new strings into the translated XML files.
+2007-01-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c: Automatically add removable devices as
+	  targets to the "Send To" menu. Bug #2683.
+2007-01-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-private.h, thunar/thunar-application.c:
+	  Allow to use "Eject" button on CD-ROM drives to unmount and eject
+	  the media. Bug #2759.
+2007-01-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/manual/: Fix thunar-volman website URL.
+	* po-doc/Thunar.pot, po-doc/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2007-01-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/manual/: Add documentation for removable drive and media
+	  handling in Thunar.
+	* po-doc/Thunar.pot, po-doc/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2007-01-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, docs/manual/Makefile.am, docs/manual/eu/:
+	  Integrate the basque translations of the manual.
+2007-01-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c: Fix data parameter types for
+	  tvtj_exif_get_ushort() and tvtj_exif_get_ulong().
+2007-01-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c: Use Exif embedded thumbnails
+	  if available, which reduces the amount of data that must be
+	  retrieved from a camera to around 50k instead of the whole JPEG
+	  image, which can be up to several mega bytes.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_thumb_factory_generate_thumbnail): Do not scale down
+	  thumbnails extracted from JPEG images that use the rather common
+	  size 160x120 pixels, to save some time and avoid messing up the
+	  thumbnail.
+2007-01-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-exec.c: Improve startup notification handling,
+	  based on a patch from Gregoire Gentil <gregoire at gentil.com>.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-exec.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-handler.c: Allow to pass in icon_name
+	  of the application to start, which can be used by window managers
+	  that detailed support startup notification feedback.
+2007-01-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local.c(_thunar_vfs_io_local_listdir):
+	  Use g_list_free_1() instead of g_list_free1().
+2007-01-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-trash.{c,h}: Add support
+	  for $top_dir-Trashes, as described in the Desktop Trash Specifica-
+	  tion. Bug #2132.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.c(thunar_vfs_volume_changed): Rescan
+	  the active mount points whenever a volume changes.
+2007-01-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local-xfer.c(tvilx_copy_regular): Drop
+	  unused variable.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c: Properly report errors if
+	  copying a file fails for some reason. Also fix a memory leak that
+	  wasn't detected previously.
+2007-01-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Finally fix crash on platforms where
+	  sizeof(GType) != sizeof(gint). Bug #2726.
+2007-01-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-gdk-extensions.{c,h}: Add new helper function 
+	  thunar_gdk_screen_get_active(), which returns the currently
+	  active screen, i.e. the screen which currently contains the
+	  mouse pointer.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Use the new ExoMountPoint
+	  module to query active and configured mount points.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Add new signals "device-added"
+	  and "device-removed", which correspond to the HAL signals of the
+	  same name, and are emitted by the volume manager whenever a new
+	  device is added or an existing device is removed. This is an
+	  internal support mechanism for the volume manager integration of
+	  Thunar and should not be used by other applications.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.c: Add hooks for the thunar-volman,
+	  which, if installed and enabled, will be spawned whenever a new
+	  device is reported by HAL. This enables lightweight volume management
+	  avoiding an additional daemon, as Thunar already listens for HAL
+	  events anyway. Note that Thunar doesn't provide any functionality
+	  by itself here. It just acts a proxy between HAL and thunar-volman.
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add preference
+	  MiscVolumeManagement, which controls whether volume manager should
+	  be enabled.
+	* docs/references/thunar-vfs/: Add missing enums to the manual.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c, thunar/sexy-url-label.{c,h},
+	  thunar/Makefile.am: Extend the preferences dialog with options
+	  to control the volume manager.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2007-01-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local.c(_thunar_vfs_io_local_listdir):
+	  Change back to the previous working directory after listing the
+	  directory contents.
+2007-01-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c(thunar_shortcuts_view_init): Ellipsize
+	  long shortcut names, but make sure "File System" still fits into the
+	  side pane.
+2007-01-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.{c,h}: Add support for memory cards and
+	  generic removable disk drives. Bug #2652.
+2007-01-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c,
+	  acinclude.m4: Use exo-hal to determine icons and display names
+	  for the volumes.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.{c,h}: Do not discard blank discs and
+	  pure audio discs. Bug #2599.
+2007-01-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* README, configure.in.in: Requires libexo
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-exec.c(thunar_vfs_exec_sync): Strip trailing
+	  dots from the error message.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-freebsd.c, docs/README.volumes,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Use exo-mount to mount, eject
+	  and unmount volumes instead of relying on external utilities that
+	  don't always behave properly. Bug #2715.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Add ability to mount floppy
+	  drives using exo-mount. Bug #2075.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Fix distcheck.
+	* po/de.po: Some german translation love.
+2007-01-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, docs/manual/, thunar/main.c, thunar/thunar-dialogs.c:
+	  Update copyright dates.
+	* po-doc/Thunar.pot, po-doc/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Drop obsolete strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2007-01-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/main.c(main): Need to initialize GThread first.
+2006-12-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-update-thumbnailers-cache.c: Add ability to
+	  load custom thumbnailers from .desktop files. Drop the hardcoded
+	  font thumbnailer.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-font-thumbnailer-1.desktop.in,
+	  thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Install a .desktop file for the font
+	  thumbnailer.
+	* docs/manual/, po-doc/: Update the user guide with detailed information
+	  about the custom thumbnailers.
+2006-12-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.c(_thunar_vfs_init): Do not maintain more than
+	  four unused threads, and stop unused threads after ten seconds of
+	  idle time (requires GLib 2.10).
+2006-12-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local-xfer.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-os-bsd.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-os-generic.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path-private.h,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c: Add _thunar_vfs_path_child()
+	  as internal implementation of thunar_vfs_path_relative(), that does
+	  not perform the expensive sanity checking for release builds.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local.{c,h}: List folders parallel again,
+	  with up to four threads collecting file infos at the same time.
+	  Additionally, in order to avoid the costly inode lookups when
+	  listing folder contents, we change to the requested folder and
+	  use relative file names (requires locking, since the current
+	  working directory is per-process rather than per-thread). Last,
+	  the executable sanity checking was optimized for the common case
+	  of a binary or shellscript, which should further improve the
+	  loading performance of large folders with binaries.
+2006-12-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/: Several improvements to the GtkTreeModel implementations
+	  that should further speed up loading really large folders. For the
+	  icon view, the real bottleneck is still Pango.
+2006-12-21	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.c: Apply Brian's
+	  patch to properly initialize the gettext textdomain for thunar-vfs.
+	  Bug #2543.
+2006-12-21	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-entry.c(thunar_location_entry_init):
+	  Make sure the down button in the location bar doesn't get too
+	  large. Bug #2582.
+2006-12-21	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_statusbar_text):
+	  Don't try to open non-regular files to gather detailed statistics
+	  to avoid hanging Thunar forever while trying to read from a named
+	  pipe. Bug #2655.
+2006-11-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_init): Add shortcuts <control>1,
+	  <control>2 and <control>3 to switch between icon, detailed list and
+	  compact list view. Bug #2600.
+2006-11-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c(thunar_launcher_dispose): Fix a possible
+	  crash if thunar_launcher_update() is called while disposing the
+	  launcher.
+2006-11-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c(thunar_launcher_set_selected_files): Do
+	  not force an update of the launcher actions if the list of selected
+	  files did not change to avoid flicker in menus for files being
+	  downloaded, etc.
+2006-11-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c(thunar_launcher_sendto_idle): Do not
+	  display the "Desktop (Create Link)" sendto-action for trashed
+	  files, because symbolic links cannot be created for files in
+	  the trash. Bug #2539.
+2006-11-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Set word-wrap-width depending on the
+	  current zoom-level. Bug #2505.
+2006-11-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.c(thunar_vfs_path_list_to_string): Fix
+	  crash when transfering a lot of files via DnD or clipbord. Bug #2356.
+2006-11-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-tpa/Makefile.am: Starting with version 0.72
+	  dbus-binding-tool now requires the --prefix command line option
+	  even though it isn't used for anything. Bug #2528.
+2006-11-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/README.volumes, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Apply patch
+	  from Bernhard Walle <bernhard.walle at gmx.de> to add support for
+	  halmount to ThunarVfsVolumeHAL. Bug #2556.
+2006-11-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dialogs.c(thunar_dialogs_show_about): Modal about
+	  dialog seems to block all other windows as well. Bug #2545.
+2006-11-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, thunar/Makefile.am: Fix installation on case
+	  insensitive file systems. Bug #2521.
+2006-11-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_changed): Changing the
+	  model currently in used by a GtkEntryCompletion is very slow with
+	  recent GTK+ versions. Therefore we disconnect the model first when
+	  changing the folder and reconnect it to the entry completion after-
+	  wards. Bug #1681.
+2006-11-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c(thunar_shortcuts_view_drag_leave):
+	  Schedule a repaint of the shortcuts pane after resetting the folder
+	  drop icon. Bug #2498.
+2006-11-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Post-release version bump.
+2006-11-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* === Released 0.5.0rc2 ===
+	* configure.in.in, NEWS: Bump version.
+	* configure.in.in, README: Depend on libexo
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/: Regenerate API docs.
+	* THANKS: Add missing translator credits.
+	* po/*.po: Update Project-Id-Version.
+	* tests/: Drop the FreeBSD fstab check, as the default volume manager
+	  backend for FreeBSD is HAL.
+2006-11-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c(thunar_vfs_volume_hal_update):
+	  Do not use the deprecated HAL policy framework. Bug #2475.
+2006-11-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-button.c, thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c:
+	  Properly clean up the path bar when a folder on the path bar is
+	  deleted.
+2006-11-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-model.c(thunar_tree_model_item_files_removed):
+	  The "row-has-child-toggled" signal must not be emitted if the
+	  children of the row did not change, otherwise newer GtkTreeView's
+	  will loose sync with the model and probably crash. Bug #2372.
+2006-11-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-entry.c: Merge drop-down menu making shortcuts
+	  accessible even if the classic file manager look'n'feel is being
+	  used. Bug #2024.
+2006-11-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/xfce-heading.{c,h}, thunar/xfce-titled-dialog.{c,h},
+	  thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c: Adjust the
+	  preferences dialog to match the look of the other Xfce preferences
+	  dialogs. Bug #2379.
+2006-11-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_set_current_directory): Place
+	  focus on the main view after changing the currently displayed
+	  folder. Bug #2367.
+2006-11-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Make sure
+	  emblems don't get too large with SVG icon themes. Bug #2466.
+2006-11-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-trash-action.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-stock.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c: Add a "Trash" entry to the "Go" menu.
+	  Bug #2486.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files here.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-10-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-model.c(thunar_chooser_model_import):
+	  Use preferences-desktop-default-applications for the "Recommended
+	  Applications" group.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-chooser-model.{c,h}:
+	  Use the ExoCellRendererIcon to render the icons instead of preloading
+	  the icons in the model. Don't display the expanders with GTK+ 2.9
+	  and above.
+2006-10-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job-private.h, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.c:
+	  Handle file names with printf(3)-style format arguments properly
+	  when emitting the "info-message" signal from a job. Bug #2468.
+2006-10-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cache.c(thunar_vfs_mime_cache_finalize):
+	  Fix compiler warning if mmap() is not available.
+	* configure.in.in, thunar/Makefile.am: Do not install the symlink from
+	  thunar to Thunar on Win32 platforms. Bug #2432.
+2006-10-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local.c(_thunar_vfs_io_local_get_free_space):
+	  Apply patch from Tim van der Molen <tbvdm at xs4all.nl> to calculate
+	  free space properly on OpenBSD/amd64. Bug #2383.
+2006-10-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c(thunar_properties_dialog_init):
+	  Use an input-only window to trap mouse events for mime type tooltip.
+2006-10-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Display the real mime type as
+	  tooltip for the "Kind" label. Bug #2369.
+2006-10-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c
+	  (thunar_standard_view_set_selected_files): Place the cursor on the
+	  first selected file. Bug #2368.
+2006-10-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Depend on exo because thunar-uca requires
+	  exo-open to support the --working-directory switch.
+2006-09-21	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dbus-client.c, thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c: Fix build
+	  with latest dbus-glib. Bug #2263.
+2006-09-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local.c(_thunar_vfs_io_local_get_info):
+	  Properly validate the Name of .desktop files. Bug #2227.
+2006-09-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunarx/thunarx-config.h.in, thunarx/thunarx-file-info.h: Fix build
+	  with GLib 2.6.x. Bug #2317.
+2006-09-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunarx/thunarx-menu-provider.{c,h}, thunarx/thunarx.symbols: Add a
+	  new method get_dnd_actions() to the ThunarxMenuProvider, which allows
+	  menu providers to install additional actions into the Drag'n'Drop
+	  menu of the file manager.
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/: Update the thunarx reference manual.
+	* thunar/thunar-dnd.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-location-button.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: Insert the additional actions supplied
+	  by the installed menu providers into the Drag'n'Drop menu.
+2006-09-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c:
+	  Fix several race conditions that were introduced over time and
+	  prevented the "new-files" job handling from working properly with
+	  Gamin and automatic folder reload. Bug #2199.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: The file must not be dropped from the hash
+	  table in the dispose() function, but only when finalize is called,
+	  because dispose() may be invoked more than once and hence we might
+	  drop a newly created ThunarFile object with the same path from
+	  the hash table.
+2006-09-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, Makefile.am: Place automake options into
+	  configure.in.in instead of Makefile.am and add the tar-ustar
+	  option to fix building distributions on system where tar defaults
+	  to the deprecated V7 format. Bug #2304.
+2006-09-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dbus-client.c: Use default dbus connection timeout.
+	  Bug #2243.
+2006-09-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-model.c(thunar_renamer_model_iter_n_children):
+	  Fix typo.
+2006-09-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local-xfer.c
+	  (_thunar_vfs_io_local_xfer_next_path): Remove duplicate const.
+	  Bug #2300.
+2006-09-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/uca.xml.in: Use exo-open for the default "Open
+	  Terminal Here" action. Bug #2256.
+2006-09-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-private.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols,
+	  thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Allow
+	  to change the icon of .desktop files. Bug #2150.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-09-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local-xfer.c: Keep the
+	  modification time when copying files. Bug #2244.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local-xfer.c
+	  (_thunar_vfs_io_local_xfer_next_path): Further reduce the number
+	  of relocations.
+2006-09-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add missing check for setmntent().
+2006-09-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-os-bsd.c(_thunar_vfs_os_scandir): Allocate the
+	  directory scan buffer on the heap rather than the stack to avoid
+	  crashes on systems with very small thread stacks. Bug #2269.
+2006-09-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* acinclude.m4, configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c:
+	  Add support for FreeBSD to the HAL based volume manager.
+2006-09-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Fix typo, -DNDEBUG instead of -NDEBUG.
+2006-09-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-session-client.c(thunar_session_client_connect): Make
+	  sure Thunar is restarted prior to xfdesktop, so the trash support
+	  in xfdesktop works as expected even if D-Bus autoactivation is not
+	  setup properly.
+2006-09-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-info.c: Update the icon mime icon lookup
+	  to try icon names from Icon Naming Spec first, and fallback to
+	  legacy GNOME icon names.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c: Use the thumbnail database to load
+	  SVG icons from the icon theme, because loading SVG is quite slow
+	  and takes a lot more memory than loading and scaling PNG icons
+	  from the thumbnail database.
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c(thunar_properties_dialog_init):
+	  Ellipsize the kind label at the end.
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: No need to keep the "reload"
+	  signal id around.
+2006-09-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Post-release version bump.
+2006-09-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* === Released 0.4.0rc1 ===
+	* configure.in.in, NEWS: Bump version.
+	* configure.in.in, README: Depend on libexo
+	* THANKS: Add missing translator credits.
+	* po/*.po, po-doc/*.po: Update Project-Id-Version.
+2006-09-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/, thunar-vfs/: Update the thunar-vfs
+	  reference manual.
+	* po/cs.po: Update czech translations by Michal Várady
+	  <miko.vaji at gmail.com>.
+	* po/it.po: Update italian translations by Roberto Pariset
+	  <robdebian at gmail.com>.
+	* po/pl.po: Update polish translations by Szymon Kałasz
+	  <szymon_maestro at gazeta.pl>.
+2006-09-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: GMemChunk in GLib 2.10 and above is not
+	  only inefficient, but also continously leaks memory. Therefore we
+	  don't use GMemChunk anymore, but use GSList directly.
+2006-09-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/Thunar.xml, docs/Makefile.am: Add manual page for Thunar.
+	  Bug #1650.
+2006-08-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c(thunar_vfs_volume_hal_eject):
+	  Unmount volumes prior to ejecting them if they are currently
+	  mounted. Bug #2236.
+2006-08-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-os-generic.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c(thunar_shortcuts_view_drag_leave),
+	  thunar/thunar-tree-view.c(thunar_tree_view_drag_leave): Enable
+	  compilation with Sun Studio Pro. Bug #1852.
+2006-08-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c: Add "Empty Trash" action to "File" and
+	  folder context menu, which is only visible when displaying the
+	  trash root folder. Bug #2238.
+2006-08-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-column-editor.c, thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-location-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c, thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c:
+	  Add helper function thunar_gtk_label_set_a11y_relation(), which sets
+	  up the ATK_RELATION_LABEL_FOR for a label and a widget, so we don't
+	  need to repeat the same code over and over again.
+2006-08-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-location-button.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.c: Add desktop shortcut to the
+	  shortcuts pane, and use a special icon for the desktop folder.
+	  Bug #2235.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-button.c, thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c, thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: Add helper
+	  method thunar_gtk_menu_run(), which takes care of running a GtkMenu
+	  in a separate main loop, placing the menu on the appropriate screen
+	  first.
+2006-08-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/README.gtkrc, docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/: Revert location bar
+	  related changes to the previous user interface, because the new user
+	  interface wastes too much space, and makes the file manager look busy.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Synchronize file list.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-08-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Add warning text to the window when running
+	  as super user. Bug #2218.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-08-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(action_entries), thunar/thunar-stock.{c,h}:
+	  Use "gnome-fs-home" instead of "gtk-home" as icon for Home for
+	  consistency.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(action_entries): Fix a mnemonic clash.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_current_directory_changed):
+	  Use "<folder> - File Manager" for the title to make it easier to
+	  indentify file manager windows in the taskbar.
+	* thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: No need to include thunar-stock.h
+	  here anymore.
+	* thunar/thunar-history.c(thunar_history_init): Consider "back" as
+	  an important action wrt to the appearance in the toolbar.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Decouple the
+	  location bar from the toolbar by separating them into "Location Bar"
+	  and "Main Toolbar". Bug #1349.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c, docs/README.thunarrc: Add new options
+	  LastLocationBarVisible and LastToolbarVisible, which control the
+	  visibility of the "Location Bar" and "Main Toolbar". Add new option
+	  LastNavigationBarEntry, which controls whether the navigation bar
+	  will display the path entry widget by default.
+	* thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.{c,h}: Add new helper function
+	  thunar_gtk_action_set_tooltip(), which changes the tooltip of
+	  a GtkAction.
+	* thunar/thunar-navigation-bar.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-path-button.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-navigation-bar-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-path-bar.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-location-button.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-location-bar.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-location-buttons-ui.xml, docs/README.gtkrc,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-buttons.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-entry.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-marshal.list,
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-pane.c, thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-tree-pane.c, thunar/thunar-tree-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Synchronize
+	  the latest user interface changes in GtkFileChooser. This way the
+	  location bar will be used for both the path bar and the path entry
+	  widgets, and a simple toggle button controls whether the path entry
+	  is visible. This way (nearly) the full width of the window is avail-
+	  able for the path bar. Bug #2060.
+	* thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.{c,h}: Drop now obsolete helper function
+	  thunar_gtk_action_group_create_tool_item() as it's no longer used.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-dialog.c(thunar_location_dialog_init): Reduce
+	  translation overhead and don't use a mnemonic here. It was pretty
+	  useless anyway.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c, docs/README.thunarrc: Remove now
+	  obsolete option LastLocationBar.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Synchronize file list.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-08-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(action_entries): Do not register an
+	  additional accelerator for "Select all Files", instead rely on the
+	  key bindings registered by ExoIconView/GtkTreeView. Bug #2036.
+2006-08-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-model.c(thunar_uca_model_parse_argv):
+	  Substitute %d properly. Bug #2214.
+	* thunar/thunar-gdk-pixbuf-extensions.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c, thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c: Use
+	  exo_gdk_pixbuf_frame() instead of thunar_gdk_pixbuf_frame() and drop
+	  the GdkPixbuf extensions.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-pixbuf-thumbnailer.c, thunar/Makefile.am: Use
+	  exo_gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_max_size() for the pixbuf thumbnai-
+	  ler.
+	* configure.in.in, README, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-font-thumbnailer.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-update-thumbnailers-cache.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Import the font thumbnailer, which uses
+	  freetype 2.x (if available) to generate a thumbnail of a font file.
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-editor.c: Use ExoIconChooserDialog to
+	  select an icon for a custom action.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files here.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-08-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-model.c, thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.c: Fix
+	  two typos in the tree model implementations.
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-private.h,
+	  thunar/thunar-private.h: Use -DNDEBUG in release builds and
+	  -GG_ENABLE_DEBUG only for full debug builds.
+2006-08-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.c(thunar_vfs_path_list_to_string): Use
+	  CRLF for text/uri-list, as specified by RFC 2483. Bug #2166.
+2006-08-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-private.h, thunar-vfs/*.c: Several cleanups
+	  in the error handling.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-08-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-history-action.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-history.c,
+	  thunar/Makefile.am: Add "back" and "forward" menus to the history
+	  support module. Bug #1782.
+	* thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-stock.{c,h}: We don't really need stock items for
+	  create and rename. Instead use labels with mnemonics.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-08-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Fix typo.
+2006-08-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-exec.c(tvsn_get_active_workspace_number),
+	  configure.in.in: Enable compilation with -fstrict-aliasing without
+	  breaking the strict aliasing rules of the compiler.
+	* configure.in.in: Enable compilation with --enable-debug=yes or
+	  --enable-debug=full and compilers other than gcc.
+	* configure.in.in, thunar/thunar-private.h, thunar/thunar-*.c:
+	  Disable extra debugging in release builds, Thunar received
+	  quite a lot of stabilization now. This affects only the internals
+	  of the binary. The public API is still fully sanity checked.
+	* thunar/thunar-column-model.c, thunar/thunar-renamer-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.c, thunar/thunar-tree-model.c:
+	  Remove unused variables when building with --enable-debug=no or
+	  --enable-debug=minimum now.
+2006-08-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_init): Enable
+	  rubberband selection with GTK+ 2.9.0 and above. Bug #1996.
+	* configure.in.in: Depend on exo
+2006-08-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, docs/ThumbnailersCacheFormat.txt, docs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-update-thumbnailers-cache.c: Drop the dependen-
+	  cy of libthunar-vfs on GConf, which was required to load the GNOME
+	  thumbnailers. Instead there's now an external program, which genera-
+	  tes an mmap()able file that contains a mapping between a mime type
+	  and the thumbnailer used to generate thumbnails for that mime type.
+	  Bug #2131.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-pixbuf-thumbnailer.c, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb-pixbuf.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c: Put the gdk-pixbuf thumbnailer into
+	  a separate program, which gets registered via the thumbnailers.cache
+	  file, so we don't need any extra overhead for thumbnails that can be
+	  generated using gdk-pixbuf.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor-private.h,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c: Add a simple helper method
+	  _thunar_vfs_monitor_handle_get_path() that returns the path for
+	  a given monitor handle so we don't need to keep around both the
+	  path and the handle.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: Do not keep both the handle
+	  and the path around for monitored resources.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-jobs.c(_thunar_vfs_io_jobs_chown): Fix
+	  typo. Thanks to Roberto Pariset <robdebian at gmail.com> for the hint.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Remove no longer existing file.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Update translations.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+	* po/it.po: Update italian translations by Roberto Pariset
+	  <robdebian at gmail.com>.
+2006-08-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c(thunar_launcher_update): Place additional
+	  "Open With" action into a submenu if either more than 2 are available
+	  or the default action for the file is "Execute".
+2006-08-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_thumb_factory_lookup_thumbnail): Fix an invalid return
+	  value.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_thumb_factory_generate_thumbnail),
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c(thunar_icon_factory_load_file_icon):
+	  Add support for generating and loading thumbnails for files in the
+	  trash.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(_thunar_vfs_io_local_rename),
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_application_new_from_file),
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cleaner.c(main),
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-handler.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_handler_set_icon),
+	  thunar/thunar-dialogs.c(thunar_dialogs_show_job_error),
+	  thunar/thunar-launcher.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_check_completion_idle):
+	  Use strncmp() instead of g_str_has_prefix() where it makes sense. Try
+	  to avoid g_str_has_suffix() if checking only for a single character.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_drag_motion):
+	  Deny XdndDirectSave0 and _NETSCAPE_URL drops to locations in the
+	  trash.
+2006-08-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-application.c(thunar_application_unlink_files): Unlink
+	  permanently if atleast one non-local (not necessary trash) file is
+	  included in the file list.
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_changed): Do not try
+	  to autocomplete non-local paths, as that's not going to work pro-
+	  perly with trash paths anyway.
+2006-08-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_info_get_uri_scheme): Use a more
+	  generic implementation here.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-button.c(thunar_location_button_file_changed):
+	  Hide the label only for the file system root node.
+2006-08-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-os-bsd.c: OpenBSD doesn't
+	  support getdents() and whiteout inodes, instead getdirentries()
+	  will be used on OpenBSD.
+2006-08-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-util.c(thunar_util_time_from_rfc3339): Fix typo.
+2006-08-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c, thunar/thunar-util.{c,h}: Add new helper method
+	  thunar_util_time_from_rfc3339(), which parses a date string to a time
+	  value, using strptime() if available. Use the method to parse the
+	  deletion date string for trashed resources, so the deletion date will
+	  be displayed properly even on systems that lack strptime().
+	* thunar/thunar-util.c(thunar_util_humanize_file_time): Use
+	  g_date_set_time() to enable compilation with GLib 2.6/2.8.
+	  Hopefully nobody will still use GLib 2.6/2.8 in 2038.
+2006-07-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local-xfer.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local.c: Use statvfs1()/fstatvfs1() on
+	  NetBSD 2.99 and above.
+2006-07-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c
+	  (thunar_permissions_chooser_file_changed): Make sure that the file's
+	  group is included in the "Group" box. Bug #1838.
+2006-07-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c, thunar/thunar-dialogs.c:
+	  Add "No to all" response to the transfer progress dialog, which
+	  allows to skip all further overwrite dialogs. Bug #1666.
+2006-07-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml, thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c:
+	  Add DisplayChooserDialog() to the org.xfce.FileManager interface,
+	  which pops up the "Open With" dialog, optionally allowing the user
+	  to open the file with the choosen application. Bug #1811.
+2006-07-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, plugins/thunar-sendto-email/main.c: Check for
+	  missing mkdtemp, and use a fallback implementation if missing
+	  from the system. Bug #2070.
+2006-07-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-model.c: Emit "row-deleted" prior to deleting the
+	  node from the tree structure, as required for GTK+ 2.10.
+2006-07-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* acinclude.m4(BM_THUNAR_PLUGIN_TPA): Display "no" if the tpa plugin
+	  should not be build.
+	* configure.in.in: Finally fix the glibc detection.
+2006-07-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-application.c(thunar_application_collect_and_launch):
+	  Always sanity check the list of paths when collecting files for a
+	  copy or move operation, as applications might provide invalid URI
+	  lists during a DnD operation.
+2006-07-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c(thunar_icon_factory_load_file_icon): Do
+	  not try to load or generate thumbnails for files in the trash.
+2006-07-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c, thunar/thunar-tree-model.c: Monitor
+	  the trash bin for changes.
+2006-07-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-model.c(thunar_tree_model_node_drop_dummy): We
+	  can avoid an additional path lookup here.
+2006-07-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb-pixbuf.c(thunar_vfs_thumb_pixbuf_load):
+	  Properly close the pixbuf loader prior to releasing it, even if the
+	  pixbuf wasn't loaded successfully.
+	* configure.in.in: The glibc specified work-arounds break other the
+	  build on other systems. Instead try to guess whether glibc-style
+	  work-arounds are required.
+2006-07-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-io-local-xfer.c,
+	  tdb/Makefile.am: Work-around various glibc oddities.
+2006-07-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* README, acinclude.m4, configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/, thunar/,
+	  plugins/thunar-apr/thunar-apr-provider.c,
+	  plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-model.c: Import the trash framework,
+	  based on the XDG trash specification, but currently limited to the
+	  home trash.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c
+	  (thunar_standard_view_merge_custom_actions): Remove obsolete
+	  thunar_file_get_actions(). Bug #1241.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c, thunar/thunar-util.{c,h}: Use localized
+	  human readable format for file dates. Bug #2057.
+	* thunar/thunar-private.h, thunar/thunar-tree-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-thumbnail-generator.c, thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-renamer-pair.c, thunar/thunar-renamer-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c: Use the slice allocator to reduce
+	  the memory overhead.
+	* thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-chooser-button.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c, thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-size-label.c: Use a single shared GtkTooltips instance
+	  for the whole application.
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c: Update the path entry icon and text
+	  whenever the current file changes.
+	* README, acinclude.m4, configure.in.in, plugins/thunar-tpa/: Add a
+	  trash panel applet, that communicates with Thunar via D-BUS to
+	  display the current state of the trash can and move files to the
+	  trash by dropping them to the panel applet.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c(thunar_preferences_class_init),
+	  docs/README.thunarrc: Disable case-sensitive sorting of the
+	  files by default. Bug #2064.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update the API documentation.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files here.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-07-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-progress.c(thunar_renamer_progress_next_idle):
+	  Pass the error pointer to thunar_file_rename().
+2006-07-21	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-handler.h(ThunarVfsMimeHandlerFlags): Add
+	  THUNAR_VFS_MIME_HANDLER_SUPPORTS_URIS to indicate that the handler
+	  supports URIs.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_application_new_from_file): Test whether the
+	  application launcher and the associated desktop actions support
+	  URIs.
+2006-07-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-apr/thunar-apr-image-page.c: Add ISO Speed Ratings
+	  to the Image page.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c(thunar_preferences_dialog_init):
+	  Avoid duplication in the user interface, as suggested by Eugenia
+	  Loli-Queru <eloli at hotmail.com>.
+2006-07-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb-pixbuf.c: sys/types.h must be included
+	  before sys/mman.h to compile properly on OpenBSD.
+	* thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c(thunar_progress_dialog_percent): Do
+	  not truncate the text in the progress bar. Bug #2003.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Fix improper behaviour of ThunarListModel
+	  with GtkEntryCompletion and GtkTreeView. Bug #1891.
+2006-07-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Post-release version bump.
+2006-07-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* === Released 0.3.2beta2 ===
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version.
+	* configure.in.in, README: Depend on libexo
+	* THANKS: Add missing translator credits.
+	* NEWS: Add missing news items.
+	* po/*.po: Update Project-Id-Version.
+	* po/*.po: Update translations.
+2006-07-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.c(thunar_vfs_path_escape_uri): Fix
+	  alignment issues for Linux/sparc. Bug #1983.
+2006-07-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_sort_column_id):
+	  Fix a crash with GTK+ 2.10. Bug #1995.
+2006-07-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add a new option
+	  MiscRememberGeometry, which controls whether Thunar will store the
+	  window size whenever the user resizes the window.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Don't save the window geometry unless the
+	  MiscRememberGeometry setting is TRUE.
+2006-06-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.c:
+	  Add missing "sendto-menu" action. Bug #1921.
+2006-06-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/: Reduce the number of relocations.
+2006-06-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Use --as-needed if supported by the linker.
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c(thunar_properties_dialog_init):
+	  Use GtkLabel instead of ExoEllipsizedLabel here.
+	* plugins/thunar-sendto/main.c(tse_ask_compress): Initialize info
+	  properly here.
+2006-06-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-sendto-email/main.c(tse_ask_compress): Do not try to
+	  create an archive for a list of archive files, but always attach these
+	  files directly.
+2006-06-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-launcher.c: Add
+	  utility function thunar_gtk_icon_factory_insert_icon(), which inserts
+	  a named icon or an icon file to a GtkIconFactory with a given name.
+	  This is used in ThunarLauncher to add icons for the various launcher
+	  GtkAction's.
+	* thunar/thunar-sendto-model.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Import class
+	  ThunarSendtoModel, which provides access to additional "Send To"
+	  targets registered as .desktop files in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/Thunar/sendto.
+	* icons/16x16/Makefile.am, icons/16x16/stock_thunar-shortcuts.png:
+	  Add stock icon for the shortcuts pane.
+	* thunar/thunar-stock.{c,h}: Add stock icons for the desktop and
+	  shortcuts side pane "Send To" targets.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-launcher.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-pane-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-shortcuts-pane.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add "Send To"
+	  sub menu to the "File" and file context menus. Turn "Add Folder to
+	  Shortcuts" into a sendto target, named "Side Pane (Create Shortcut)".
+	  Use ThunarSendtoModel to load additional sendto targets, represented
+	  as ThunarVfsMimeHandlers, and add them to the "Send To" menu (will be
+	  loaded only on-demand).
+	* configure.in.in, plugins/thunar-sendto-email/, plugins/Makefile.am:
+	  Import the sendto-email plugin, which adds an entry to the new "Send
+	  To" menu, named "Mail Recipient", and allows to attach files to mails
+	  from within the file manager.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files here.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-06-11	Daichi Kawahata <daichi at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-sbr/thunar-sbr-remove-renamer.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c: Fixed typos, modified string
+	  suggested by Misu Moldovan <dumol at gnome.ro>.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Updated.
+2006-05-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_drag_drop): Fix
+	  signedness warning introduced with the previous commit.
+2006-05-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_drag_drop): Don't
+	  crash if the XDS drag site provides an invalid filename.
+2006-05-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-button.c, thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c:
+	  Cleanup location buttons properly when a directory is unmounted or
+	  otherwise destroyed. Bug #1752.
+2006-05-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c(thunar_vfs_volume_hal_mount):
+	  Fix memory leak introduced by the previous commit.
+2006-05-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c(thunar_vfs_volume_hal_mount):
+	  pmount-hal returns an error if the volume is already mounted.
+	  Bug #1833.
+2006-05-23	Daichi Kawahata <daichi at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, docs/manual/Makefile.am,
+	  docs/manual/zh_TW/Thunar.xml.in, docs/manual/zh_TW/images/Makefile.am,
+	  docs/manual/zh_TW/Makefile.am, po-doc/ChangeLog, po-doc/LINGUAS,
+	  po-doc/zh_TW.po: Import initial Traditional Chinese translations by
+	  Cosmo Chene <cosmolax at gmail.com>.
+2006-05-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add new method
+	  thunar_vfs_mime_application_is_usercreated(), which tells whether
+	  a given mime application was automatically created by the user
+	  via the "custom command" box in the file manager(s).
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add new method
+	  thunar_vfs_mime_database_remove_application() to remove a previously
+	  added mime application (user-created) from the mime database.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-chooser-model.{c,h}:
+	  Add a context menu to the chooser dialog with a "Remove Launcher"
+	  item, which allows to remove previously added (user-created)
+	  application launchers from the mime database. Bug #1814.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update the API documentation.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-05-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.h: Add convenience macro thunar_file_dup_uri().
+	* thunar/thunar-ice.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-session-client.{c,h},
+	  thunar/main.c, thunar/Makefile.am, configure.in.in: Add session
+	  management support, based on XSM. Bug #1415.
+2006-05-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.c: Fix compile warning. Bug #1756.
+2006-05-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Check for both libpng.pc and libpng12.pc.
+2006-05-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-user.c(thunar_vfs_user_manager_get_all_groups):
+	  Properly rewind/close the groups database before iterating over the
+	  groups. Bug #1772.
+2006-05-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Allow dropping URLs from web browsers
+	  to a file manager window, which results in popping up the "Create
+	  Link" dialog in the appropriate folder.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-05-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-editor.c
+	  (thunar_uca_editor_icon_clicked): Use
+	  gtk_file_filter_add_pixbuf_formats().
+	* THANKS: Update translator credits.
+2006-05-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c
+	  (thunar_location_buttons_action_create_folder): Fix double unref.
+2006-05-04	Daichi Kawahata <daichi at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, docs/manual/Makefile.am, docs/manual/ru/Makefile.am,
+	  docs/manual/ru/Thunar.xml.in, docs/manual/ru/images/Makefile.am,
+	  po-doc/LINGUAS, po-doc/ru.po: Import initial Russian translations by
+	  Andrey Fedoseev <andrey.fedoseev at gmail.com>, Maxim Zenin
+	  <webmechanics at gmail.com>.
+2006-05-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cleaner.c: Apply patch from Oliver
+	  Lehmann <oliver at freebsd.org> to fix compilation on older FreeBSD
+	  systems.
+2006-05-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Don't set G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c: Fix compilation with older gcc
+	  releases.
+2006-05-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c: Handle Tab key properly when the comple-
+	  tion popup window is shown.
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c: Popup the completion window when the
+	  Tab key is pressed. Bug #1745.
+2006-05-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-apr/thunar-apr-desktop-page.c
+	  (thunar_apr_desktop_page_save),
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(thunar_vfs_info_rename): Avoid race
+	  condition between g_file_set_content() and inotify. Bug #1701.
+2006-05-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_activate): Activate if
+	  only a single item matches. Bug #1747.
+2006-05-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.c: Fix a possible race condition when emit-
+	  ting signals from another thread, and make sure the prepare source
+	  method doesn't return -1 for the timeout if the source is ready to
+	  be dispatched. Bug #1743.
+2006-04-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-apr/thunar-apr-desktop-page.c: Use g_access() on Win32.
+	* plugins/thunar-apr/thunar-apr-private.{c,h},
+	  plugins/thunar-apr/thunar-apr-abstract-page.c,
+	  plugins/thunar-apr/Makefile.am: Properly initialize the i18n support
+	  for the Advanced Properties plugin.
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-private.{c,h},
+	  plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-provider.c,
+	  plugins/thunar-uca/Makefile.am: Properly initialize the i18n support
+	  for the User Customizable Actions plugin.
+2006-04-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c: No need to reset the folder in the dispose()
+	  method, instead we can do that when finalize() is called.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c
+	  (thunar_standard_view_set_current_directory): Resetting the folder
+	  for the model with a view connected can take a lot of time, so we
+	  temporarily disconnect the model from the view while resetting the
+	  folder.
+2006-04-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_accepts_drop): Ups, no need to check
+	  the suggested action twice.
+2006-04-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_accepts_drop): Be a bit smarter in
+	  guessing the default action for a folder drop operation. For example
+	  it will default to move now if both the source and the target are on
+	  the same disk and the user owns the source files.
+	* NEWS: Update news.
+2006-04-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.c: Improve the asynchronous job handling to
+	  avoid two possible race conditions. In addition, jobs are launched
+	  instantely now, instead of having to wait for the next main loop
+	  iteration.
+2006-04-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Improve the properties dialog.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-04-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb-pixbuf.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c: Improve the GdkPixbuf fallback thumb-
+	  nail generator. Bug #1703.
+2006-04-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c, thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c: Revert
+	  typos. The whole change didn't make sense at all.
+2006-04-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_action_delete):
+	  Fix typo.
+	* docs/README.thunarrc: Add link to "Advanced Settings" page on the
+	  project wiki.
+	* docs/Makefile.am, docs/README.gtkrc, thunar/thunar-compact-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-abstract-icon-view.c: Add style properties "row-spacing"
+	  and "column-spacing" to ThunarAbstractIconView to allow customizing
+	  the spacings in the icon/compact views. Bug #1698.
+2006-04-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-link-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cache.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-scandir.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.c, configure.in.in: Properly use GLib
+	  replacements for POSIX functions on Windows. Properly check whether
+	  symlinks and named pipes are supported on the target platform.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-types.h, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Determine the real access permissions
+	  for files and add them as flags to the ThunarVfsInfo, instead of
+	  guessing them from the mode and the uid/gid. Bug #1670.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/thunar-vfs-types.sgml: Update API docs.
+2006-04-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c: No need to cache inode/symlink, as users
+	  file systems shouldn't be full of broken links.
+2006-04-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c, thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Use indirect string passing for
+	  gtk_message_dialog_new() in case the strings (i.e. filenames)
+	  contain printf() parameter specifications. Bug #1704.
+2006-04-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Add reload keyboard shortcuts to
+	  the properties dialog. Bug #1674.
+2006-04-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c(thunar_folder_finished): Finally fix the
+	  merging step when reloading the folder content.
+2006-04-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: Allow to delete folders in the tree view
+	  using the context menu or the usual keyboard shortcuts. Bug #1712.
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c: Do not try to process the new files before
+	  the job finishes. This fixes a possible race condition.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Go to the parent folder when the current
+	  directory is deleted.
+2006-04-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(_thunar_vfs_info_new_internal): Be sure
+	  to check names extracted from the .desktop file first before passing
+	  them to thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_info_for_name(). Bug #1696.
+2006-04-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c(thunar_create_dialog_set_filename):
+	  Properly select the whole filename in the create dialog if it
+	  doesn't contain a dot. Bug #1679.
+2006-04-19	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c: Add "Properties" to the path bar
+	  context menu. Bug #1675.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-button.c(thunar_location_button_set_file): Watch
+	  folders in the path bar for changes. Bug #1686.
+2006-04-19	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-size-label.c: Add possibility to stop calculating the
+	  folder size in the properties dialog by clicking on the animated
+	  throbber. Bug #1673.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-04-19	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Check for paths.h.
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-model.c: Run the action commands using
+	  the bourne shell (or the systems replacement), so environment variables
+	  and backticks can be used.
+	* NEWS: Update NEWS.
+2006-04-18	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dialogs.c(thunar_dialogs_show_about): Use (translatable)
+	  license GPL text provided by libxfce4util.
+2006-04-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/manual/es/Thunar.xml.in, po-doc/es.po: Update spanish
+	  translations by José M <josem88 at gmail.com>.
+2006-04-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Post-release version bump.
+2006-04-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* === Released 0.3.0beta1 ===
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version.
+	* configure.in.in, README: Depend on libexo
+	* Makefile.am, configure.in.in, Thunar.spec.in: Add RPM spec file for
+	  Thunar.
+2006-04-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/main.c(main): Use g_print() instead of g_printf() to print
+	  the version information.
+2006-04-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/manual/es/, docs/manual/fr/, configure.in.in,
+	  docs/manual/Makefile.am: Apply Daichi's patch to properly build
+	  and install the spanish and french translations of the user manual.
+2006-04-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po-doc/LINGUAS, po-doc/fr.po, docs/manual/fr/Thunar.xml.in: Import
+	  initial french translations for the user manual by
+	  josem <josem88 at gmail.com>.
+2006-04-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po-doc/LINGUAS, po-doc/fr.po, docs/manual/fr/Thunar.xml.in: Import
+	  initial french translations for the user manual by Stephane
+	  Roy <sroy at j2n.net>.
+2006-04-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Updated.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+	* po-doc/Thunar.pot, po-doc/*.po, docs/manual/ja/Thunar.xml.in: Updated.
+2006-04-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Bind "zoom-reset" to Ctrl+KP_0 and
+	  Ctrl+KP_Insert.
+2006-04-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/manual/C/Thunar.xml.in: Update documentation date.
+	* TODO: Clean up TODO.
+2006-04-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/thunar-vfs-types.sgml: Update API
+	  docs.
+	* icons/16x16/Makefile.am: stock/generic is no longer present in
+	  hicolor, use stock/navigation instead.
+2006-04-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Update PACKAGE_BUGREPORT.
+	* thunar/main.c: Add --version switch.
+2006-04-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po/LINGUAS, po/he.po: Import initial hebrew translations by Yo'av
+	  Moshe <bjesus at gmail.com>.
+	* THANKS: Add translator credits for Yo'av Moshe <bjesus at gmail.com>.
+2006-04-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_drag_scroll_timer):
+	  Add support for horizontal drag-scrolling in the compact list view.
+2006-04-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* Thunar-folder-handler.desktop.in.in: Use a more specific Name, as
+	  suggested by Jaap Karssenberg.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-04-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations, thanks to Fabian Nowak and
+	  Jannis Pohlmann.
+2006-04-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-apr/thunar-apr-desktop-page.c
+	  (thunar_apr_desktop_page_save): Fix invalid parameter to fopen() in
+	  GTK+ 2.6 codepath.
+2006-04-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-04-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c: Add "Compact List View" to the
+	  preferences dialog.
+2006-04-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add new option
+	  LastCompactViewZoomLevel.
+	* thunar/thunar-abstract-icon-view-ui.xml, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-abstract-icon-view.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-window.c
+	  thunar/thunar-compact-view.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-view.{c,h}: Add a "Compact View", which uses
+	  ExoIconView with EXO_ICON_VIEW_LAYOUT_COLS layout mode. Based on
+	  patches from Matt McClinch <mattmcclinch at gmail.com>.
+	* THANKS: Add Matt McClinch.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-04-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-apr/, acinclude.m4, plugins/Makefile.am,
+	  configure.in.in: Import the "Advanced Properties" plugin.
+	* README: Add note about optional pcre and libexif dependencies.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-04-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-deep-count-job.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_deep_count_job_status_ready): Be sure to use 64bit
+	  unsigned integers for the time comparison. Fix another typo.
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-plugin.c(thunar_extension_initialize):
+	  Fix typo.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c: Try to identify malicious .desktop
+	  files that try to look like a regular document.
+2006-04-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* icons/Makefile.am: Be sure to run gtk-update-icon-cache after
+	  installing new icons into the hicolor icon theme (skipped if $DESTDIR
+	  is set).
+2006-04-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add new option
+	  "MiscSingleClickTimeout", which specifies the delay after which
+	  items are automatically selected in single-click mode.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c(thunar_preferences_dialog_init):
+	  Add "MiscSingleClickTimeout" setting to the preferences dialog.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_constructor):
+	  Apply global single-click timeout setting to the view.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-04-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* *.desktop.in.in: It's a FileManager.
+2006-04-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po/de.po: Improve german translations, based on suggestions by
+	  Fabian Novak.
+2006-04-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c: Add "Create Folder" action to the
+	  path bar button context menu.
+2006-04-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.c: Fix tooltips for "add-files" and 
+	  "remove-files" as pointed out by Jari Rahkonen.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge changed strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-04-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-types.h,
+	  thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_get_mode_string): Add support for
+	  special Solaris file types (doors and event ports).
+2006-04-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(thunar_vfs_info_get_free_space): Use
+	  statvfs() on Solaris.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-scandir.c: Solaris also lacks dirfd().
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-model.c(thunar_uca_model_item_reset):
+	  Use memset() instead of bzero().
+2006-04-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/manual/ja/Thunar.xml.in: Update the docbook version of the
+	  japanese user manual.
+2006-04-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po-doc/ja.po: Update japanese translations for the user manual,
+	  Daichi Kawahata <daichi at xfce.org>. Bug #1366.
+2006-04-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_statusbar_text):
+	  Include a size summary in the statusbar text if no items are
+	  selected as suggested by Fabian Novak.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-04-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-model.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: Add
+	  removable volumes to the tree view. Bug #1636.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Update translations.
+2006-04-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_class_init): Shift
+	  Delete/KP_Delete now also emits "delete-selected-files". Bug #1631.
+2006-03-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_file_changed): Do not
+	  re-sort the model unless the name of the file (and thereby its
+	  position) has changed. Greatly improves the performance of the
+	  internal bulk renamer.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_sort): Reuse the memory
+	  of the sort_array for new_order to reduce stack usage with large
+	  folders.
+2006-03-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c: Reload the folder when the corresponding
+	  file changes. Use the ThunarFileMonitor to stay informed about
+	  changes to the corresponding rather than connecting additional
+	  signal handlers to the file.
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/thunar-uca-provider.c: Schedule a "changed"
+	  event for the working directory once the custom command
+	  terminates. Bug #1625.
+2006-03-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Check for limits.h and localeconv().
+	* thunar/thunar-size-label.c: Format the size summary string properly
+	  according to the current locale.
+2006-03-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add new hidden
+	  setting MiscCaseSensitive, which controls whether sorting is done
+	  in a case-sensitive manner.
+	* configure.in.in: Check for strcoll().
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add thunar_file_compare_by_name(), which
+	  implements a rather complex but very efficient and smart comparison
+	  function for file names.
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-model.c(thunar_tree_model_cmp_array): Use
+	  thunar_file_compare_by_name() here.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: Add "case-sensitive" property and
+	  use thunar_file_compare_by_name().
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_init): Synchronize
+	  the "misc-case-sensitive" preference with the "case-sensitive" pro-
+	  perty of the list model.
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-model.{c,h}: Add "case-sensitive" property and
+	  synchronize with the global "misc-case-sensitive" preference.
+2006-03-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c(thunar_vfs_xfer_copy_regular): Use a
+	  better error message for the case that the target file already
+	  exists.
+	* thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c(thunar_progress_dialog_ask): Improve
+	  the confirmation dialog as suggested by Fabian Novak.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations, thanks to Fabian Novak.
+2006-03-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Add support for gnome-mount based
+	  on an initial patch by Roman Moravcik <roman.moravcik at gmail.com>.
+2006-03-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c
+	  (thunar_standard_view_action_select_by_pattern): Fix the appearance
+	  of the "Select by Pattern" dialog.
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.c: Need to grab a reference on the
+	  ThunarIconFactory instance for the screen of the dialog, else the
+	  standalone dialog will not generate thumbnails properly.
+	* plugins/thunar-sbr/thunar-sbr-enum-types.c
+	  (thunar_sbr_register_enum_types): Improve the offset mode labels.
+	* plugins/thunar-sbr/: Import the last pending renamer, the "Numbering"
+	  renamer. Bug #1609.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-03-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Add F9 shortcut to toggle the visibility of
+	  the side pane. Bug #1568.
+2006-03-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-deep-count-job.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-types.h, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Allow caller to specify whether the
+	  ThunarVfsDeepCountJob should follow symlinks to folders. Bug #1606.
+	* thunar/thunar-size-label.c(thunar_size_label_file_changed): Do not
+	  follow symlinks when calculating the size of folders. Bug #1606.
+2006-03-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* Thunar.desktop.in.in(Exec): Support dragging files and folders to
+	  the Thunar application icon, which will then be opened using Thunar.
+2006-03-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.c: Add support for dropping files to the
+	  bulk rename dialog. Bug #1605.
+2006-03-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-marshal.list: Add a marshaller for the
+	  "status-ready" signal for the upcoming ThunarVfsDeepCountJob.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols,
+	  thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-deep-count-job.{c,h}:
+	  Add ThunarVfsDeepCountJob, which calculates the number of items and
+	  the total size of the items in a given directory. Bug #1603.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-size-label.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Add ThunarSizeLabel widget class,
+	  which handles the ThunarVfsDeepCountJob and displays the total size
+	  of a file for the properties dialog. Bug #1603.
+	* thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.c: Make sure tooltips are shown for
+	  the toolbar items. Bug #1593.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-03-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-sbr/thunar-sbr-case-renamer.h,
+	  plugins/thunar-sbr/thunar-sbr-insert-renamer.h,
+	  plugins/thunar-sbr/thunar-sbr-remove-renamer.h,
+	  plugins/thunar-sbr/thunar-sbr-replace-renamer.h: Fix typos.
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/tmpl/thunarx-file-info.sgml,
+	  thunarx/thunarx-file-info.c: Register the "changed" and "renamed"
+	  signals right after the type is registered. This way gtk-doc will
+	  properly display the signals (gtk-doc doesn't invoke base_init() for
+	  interfaces). Bug #1418.
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/tmpl/thunarx-property-page-provider.sgml,
+	  docs/reference/thunarx/tmpl/thunarx-property-page.sgml,
+	  thunarx/thunarx-property-page-provider.c: Properly document
+	  ThunarxPropertyPage and ThunarxPropertyPageProvider. Bug #1456.
+2006-03-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-progress.{c,h}: Add new helper method
+	  thunar_renamer_progress_running(), which tells whether the rename
+	  operation is currently in progress.
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.c(thunar_renamer_dialog_response): Fix
+	  the Cancel/Close button handling.
+	* examples/nautilus-bulk-rename.py, examples/Makefile.am: Add an ex-
+	  ample how to use Thunar Bulk Rename as Nautilus extension. Bug #1597.
+2006-03-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add wrapper method thunar_file_get_for_uri()
+	  which is a rather common operation.
+	* thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c
+	  (thunar_dbus_service_parse_uri_and_display): Use the newly added
+	  method thunar_file_get_for_uri().
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c: If no current directory is set, directories
+	  will always be opened in new windows.
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-progress.{c,h}: Add support for explicit
+	  cancellation of the rename operation.
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog-ui.xml,thunar/thunar-renamer-model.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Some polish on
+	  the dialog and the model. Allow users to add/remove files using the
+	  context menu. Add a standalone mode in which the bulk rename dialog
+	  appears as standalone application and which can be invoked through the
+	  D-BUS service. Bug #1597.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_action_rename):
+	  Keep up with the ThunarRenamerDialog changes.
+	* thunar/main.c, thunar/thunar-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-dbus-client.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c: Add BulkRename() method to the D-BUS
+	  interface org.xfce.Thunar and add command line option -B to Thunar,
+	  which allows to open the bulk rename dialog directly. Bug #1597.
+	* Thunar-folder-handler.desktop.in.in, Thunar.desktop.in.in,
+	  Makefile.am: Rearrange the .desktop file handling.
+	* Makefile.am, Thunar-bulk-rename.desktop.in.in, ThunarBulkRename.in:
+	  Add launcher for the bulk rename utility. Bug #1597.
+	* examples/thunar-file-manager.py, examples/Makefile.am: Add example
+	  for the usage of the org.xfce.Thunar interface.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-renamer.{c,h}, thunarx/thunarx.symbols: Add new method
+	  get_actions() to ThunarxRenamer, as discussed with Jannis, to allow
+	  plugin writers to add custom actions to the renamers tree view
+	  context menu (i.e. "Edit Tags" for the thunar-media-tag-plugin). First
+	  part of bug #1602.
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/: Update the API docs.
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.c(thunar_renamer_dialog_context_menu),
+	  thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog-ui.xml: Add custom actions provided by
+	  the active ThunarxRenamer to the file context menu in the renamer
+	  dialog. Second part of bug #1602.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-03-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dialogs.c, thunar/thunar-window.{c,h}: Move the generic
+	  parts of the about dialog to thunar-dialogs.c.
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c
+	  (thunar_properties_dialog_update_providers): Fix missing
+	  gtk_widget_show() for the provided pages.
+2006-03-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/tmpl/thunarx-renamer.sgml: Fix a typo.
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-model.c: Only invalidate items on "file-changed"
+	  signals if the file changed on the disk, to avoid invalidating items
+	  constantly while generating thumbnails.
+	* thunar/thunar-gobject-extensions.c: Register a transformation func-
+	  tion string->uint.
+	* plugins/thunar-sbr/thunar-sbr-case-renamer.c
+	  (thunar_sbr_case_renamer_new): More consistent naming scheme for the
+	  renamer titles.
+	* plugins/thunar-sbr/: Import additional renamers "Insert / Overwrite"
+	  and "Remove Characters". Bug #1599.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-03-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/: Update the thunarx API documentation. 100%
+	  symbol docs coverage!
+2006-03-21	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* plugins/thunar-uca/README: Fix typos.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-private.{c,h}: Import new helper function
+	  thunarx_param_spec_get_option_name().
+	* thunarx/Makefile.am, thunarx/thunarx.h, thunarx/thunarx-renamer.{c,h},
+	  thunarx/thunarx-renamer-provider.{c,h}, thunarx/thunarx.symbols:
+	  Merge the ThunarxRenamer extension point, which can be used to hook
+	  additional bulk renamers into Thunar. Bug #1416.
+	* thunar/thunar-renamer-dialog.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-renamer-model.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-renamer-pair.{c,h},thunar/thunar-renamer-progress.{c,h},
+	  thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Merge the bulk
+	  rename framework for Thunar, which uses the ThunarxRenamers to
+	  rename multiple files at once. Bug #1416.
+	* acinclude.m4, configure.in.in, plugins/thunar-sbr/, 
+	  plugins/Makefile.am: Merge stable version of the thunar-sbr exten-
+	  sion ("Simple Builtin Renamers"), which provides "Search & Replace",
+	  which optionally uses PCRE to support regular expressions, and
+	  "Convert upper/lowercase". Additional renamers will be merged once
+	  ready. Bug #1416.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-03-21	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-gobject-extensions.c
+	  (thunar_g_initialize_transformations): Register one string->enum
+	  transformation function that is used by all GEnum derived types.
+	* thunar/thunar-enum-types.{c,h}: Import ThunarRenamerMode enum. Don't
+	  need to register a transformation for each and every enum type.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c(thunar_preferences_class_init),
+	  thunar/main.c(main): Initialize the additional GType transformations
+	  on startup, rather than in the ThunarPreferences class constructor.
+2006-03-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* Makefile.am, acinclude.m4, configure.in.in, po/POTFILES.in,
+	  po/Thunar.pot, plugins/: Move thunar-uca to plugins/.
+2006-03-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Render
+	  the icon properly when the widget state is insensitive.
+2006-03-18	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c: Make sure the user can always read and
+	  write copied directories.
+2006-03-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.c(thunar_vfs_volume_lookup_icon_name):
+	  Fix typo, s/gnome-dev-dvdrom/gnome-dev-disc-dvdrom/.
+2006-03-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: gtk_tree_view_get_visible_range() is only
+	  available in GTK+ 2.8 and above.
+2006-03-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c: Also chmod u+rw the target file if we
+	  are not the owner of the source file.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.c(thunar_vfs_path_to_uri): Double checking
+	  bufsize doesn't make much sense.
+2006-03-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Add backspace as shortcut for "Back".
+	* thunar/thunar-application.c: Save accelerators on exit and restore
+	  them on startup. This way users can customize all shortcuts to their
+	  needs and Thunar will remember those shortcuts.
+	* FAQ, docs/manual/C/Thunar.xml.in: Update the documentation.
+	* po-doc/Thunar.pot, po-doc/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-03-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Yet another attempt to set appropriate
+	  labels/tooltips for the cut/copy/paste actions. Cut/copy/paste in file
+	  manager is really different to other applications, not the actual data
+	  is stored in the clipboard, but only the location where to find the
+	  data.
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-view.c: Add drop site support and clipboard
+	  actions.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations. Use "Ordner" instead of
+	  "Verzeichnis" to be consistent with the shared-mime-info and Gtk+
+	  translations.
+2006-03-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-debug.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add THUNAR_DEBUG_MARK()
+	  which can be used to easily profile parts of Thunar.
+2006-03-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* acinclude.m4(BM_THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME_IMPL): Handle "none" properly.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-manager.c, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-private.h, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-none.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.h, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-freebsd.c: Improve the volume manager
+	  implemenation. The ThunarVfsVolumeManager and ThunarVfsVolume inter-
+	  faces are now abstract base classes, with the implementation API
+	  completely separated from the public API. The HAL backend was fixed
+	  to work around a strange HAL bug, where 'volume.is_mounted' is FALSE
+	  for mounted volumes (instead of trusting HAL, we ask the kernel to
+	  make sure we always display the proper state). Also, new signals
+	  "mounted", "pre-unmount" and "unmounted" were added to both
+	  ThunarVfsVolume and ThunarVfsVolumeManager, to allow applications to
+	  perform certain actions for these events.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update the API documentation.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Whenever the user requests to unmount a
+	  volume, check if the window displays a folder on this volume and if
+	  so, go to the home folder, to make sure we don't display a probably
+	  no longer existing mount point afterwards.
+2006-03-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-exec.{c,h}: Add thunar_vfs_exec_sync() helper
+	  function.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-freebsd.c: Use thunar_vfs_exec_sync().
+2006-03-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_zoom_level_changed):
+	  Fix bug in Gtk+ 2.6 version of this method.
+2006-03-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add
+	  convenience method thunar_vfs_path_is_ancestor(), used to implement
+	  the auto-expand in the tree pane.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update thunar-vfs API docs.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.h: Add thunar_file_is_ancestor().
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c: Add new preference LastSeparatorPosition,
+	  which includes the last position of the gutter that separates the
+	  side pane and the main view.
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c: Add new preferences
+	  TreeIconEmblems and TreeIconSize, similar to their shortcuts
+	  counterparts.
+	* thunar/thunar-tree-model.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-tree-pane.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-tree-view.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Initial import
+	  of the tree side pane. Still missing a lot of features, but the basics
+	  are in place and the performance and memory overhead is quite good
+	  already. Bug #1363.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-03-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-util.c: Do not include
+	  <libxfce4util/libxfce4util.h> directly.
+2006-03-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_init): Always sort
+	  folders before files here, and always include hidden files in the
+	  entry completion.
+2006-03-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_drag_motion): Add
+	  drag scroll support for XDS.
+2006-03-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-button.c(thunar_location_button_init): Fix
+	  misalignment of the file system icon. Reported by Pablo Hdez-M. Saiz
+	  <homeless3d at gmail.com>.
+2006-03-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c
+	  (thunar_permissions_chooser_fixperm_clicked): Forgot to adjust the
+	  mode mask.
+2006-03-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c
+	  (thunar_permissions_chooser_fixperm_clicked): Make sure the owner can
+	  read and enter the folder after fixing folder permissions.
+2006-03-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_init): Use 2px
+	  spacing for the name column.
+2006-03-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c: Don't setup a fixed height if text
+	  wrapping is enabled.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Update translations again.
+	* po/de.po: Fix typo in german translations.
+2006-03-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-column-editor.c(thunar_column_editor_init): Fix a typo.
+2006-03-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-enum-types.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-list-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-path-entry.c: Rename THUNAR_COLUMN_REAL_NAME to
+	* thunar/thunar-enum-types.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Add new
+	* thunar/thunar-enum-types.{c,h}: Divide ThunarColumns into visible and
+	  special columns.
+	* thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c(thunar_text_renderer_get_size): Improve
+	  guessing the required width for text columns.
+	* thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c(thunar_text_renderer_set_widget): Set
+	  fixed height for the text render.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c, docs/README.thunarrc: Add preferences for
+	  the configurable detailed list view columns. Bug #1351.
+	* thunar/thunar-column-editor.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-column-model.{c,h},
+	  thunar/Makefile.am: Import ThunarColumnModel and ThunarColumnEditor
+	  classes. The ThunarColumnModel class handles the order, visibility and
+	  fixed widths of columns. The ThunarColumnEditor class provides a
+	  dialog to configure the ThunarColumnModel. Bug #1351.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-details-view-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/Makefile.am: Use column order and visibility from the
+	  ThunarColumnOrder. Add "Configure Columns..." menu item to "View",
+	  which pops up the ThunarColumnEditor. For fixed column mode, we use
+	  the fixed height mode provided by GtkTreeView, which speeds up the
+	  detailed list view a lot, esp. with older Pango version. Bug #1351.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files here.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update the german translations.
+2006-03-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-uca/thunar-uca-editor.c(thunar_uca_editor_command_clicked),
+	  thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c(thunar_chooser_dialog_browse): Try to
+	  resolve relative filenames in $PATH.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c: Allow users to specify whether or not
+	  an application should become the default for the given MIME type.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c: Add tooltips and improve the overall
+	  usability of the chooser dialog.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-03-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c: Improve keyboard navigation. Remove
+	  the "Display Icon Emblems" menu item. Bug #1559.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c: Add options for the shortcuts pane
+	  to the preferences dialog. Improve the recursive permissions option in
+	  the preference dialog and avoid the term "recursive".
+	* po/*.po, po/Thunar.pot: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-03-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* examples/xfce-file-manager.py: Add note about DisplayFolderAndSelect()
+	  to the example.
+2006-03-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c: Add support to drop files to folders
+	  listed in the shortcuts pane. Bug #1345.
+2006-03-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-view.{c,h}: Add new methods get_visible_range() and
+	  scroll_to_file().
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Implement get_visible_range() and
+	  scroll_to_file(). Drop the scroll_offsets, will be handled in
+	  ThunarWindow.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.{c,h}: Remember the first visible file whenever
+	  leaving a directory and scroll to it when entering the directory
+	  again.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}: Return the created window from the
+	  thunar_application_open_window() method.
+	* thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml, thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c:
+	  Add DisplayFolderAndSelect() to the org.xfce.FileManager interface.
+	  File managers that cannot scroll and select to a given file can
+	  silently ignore the filename parameter and handle it like an
+	  invocation of DisplayFolder(). Bug #1553.
+2006-03-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c: Fix shortcut rename.
+2006-03-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c: Always open shortcuts using single
+	  clicks.
+2006-03-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-uca/thunar-uca-provider.c: Pass the correct working directory
+	  when launching folder actions.
+2006-03-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c(thunar_properties_dialog_init):
+	  Properly synchronize the dialog title with the name entry box.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add THUNAR_FILE_ICON_STATE_OPEN.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Use
+	  THUNAR_FILE_ICON_STATE_OPEN for expanded rows.
+	* thunar/thunar-side-pane.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-shortcuts-pane.c: Add
+	  "show-hidden" property.
+2006-03-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-legacy.c: Fix gcc4 warnings. Bug #1556.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c: Prefer statvfs() over statfs() on
+	  systems that provide both. Bug #1556.
+2006-03-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-legacy.c: Implement magic handling for
+	  the legacy backend (shared-mime-info <= 0.16). Bug #1106.
+2006-03-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c: Automatically give write permissions to
+	  regular files and folders copied from read-only media. Bug #1555.
+2006-03-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* autogen.sh, configure.in.in, po/LINGUAS: Read the set of available
+	  languages from po/LINGUAS and substitute them when autogen.sh is
+	  run. This way we can continue to use glib-gettext.
+	* docs/manual/, po-doc/, configure.in.in, Makefile.am: Import Daichi's
+	  initial japanese translations for the user manual.
+2006-03-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add Thunar-folder-handler.desktop.in here.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-03-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* Thunar-folder-handler.desktop.in, Makefile.am: Install folder handler
+	  .desktop file for Thunar. This way firefox and thunderbird can use
+	  Thunar to open folders.
+2006-03-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version to 0.2.3svn.
+2006-03-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Depend on libexo >=
+2006-03-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version to 0.2.2alpha2.
+	* configure.in.in: Bump soname.
+2006-03-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c, thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c: Fix
+	  en_GB words to their american english counterparts.
+	* po/*.po, po/Thunar.pot: Update translations.
+2006-03-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-03-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, thunar/thunar-gdk-pixbuf-extensions.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c: Some of the gdk-pixbuf extensions were
+	  moved to libexo. Use the libexo ones.
+2006-03-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-stock.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Add stock items THUNAR_STOCK_RENAME
+	  and THUNAR_STOCK_CREATE and use them for the create and rename
+	  dialogs. Bug #1523.
+	* po/de.po: Fix german translations.
+2006-03-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add zh_TW to XDT_I18N().
+	* THANKS: Add translator credits for Hydonsingore Cia
+	  <hydonsingore at mail.educities.edu.tw>.
+2006-03-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_get_drop_file):
+	  Allow to drop into full details view. Thunar will accept drops to
+	  the current folder on all non-executable regular files. Bug #1343.
+2006-03-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po/de.po: Fix typo.
+2006-03-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po/*.po: Previous commit removed the semicolons from the "Recommended
+	  applications" and "Other applications" strings. Update the po files
+	  accordingly.
+2006-03-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-uca/thunar-uca-chooser.c(thunar_uca_chooser_init): Fix the
+	  vertical icon alignment.
+	* thunar-uca/thunar-uca-editor.c(thunar_uca_editor_command_clicked):
+	  Verify that an absolute filename is given. Else GtkFileChooser will
+	  complain.
+	* thunar-uca/thunar-uca-editor.c(thunar_uca_editor_icon_clicked): Same
+	  story.
+	* thunar/thunar-dialogs.c, thunar/thunar-dialogs.c, 
+	  thunar-uca/thunar-uca-chooser.c, thunar-uca/thunar-uca-provider.c:
+	  "%s." is really not something that must be translated.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-chooser-model.{c,h}: Use
+	  bold font for the titles.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Update po files.
+	* po/de.po: Updated the german translations. Thanks to Fabian Nowak
+	  <timystery at arcor.de>.
+2006-03-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/manual/C/Thunar.xml.in: Add "Frequently Asked Questions".
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c(thunar_location_buttons_clicked):
+	  Make sure the new active button is visible on the location button bar.
+	* ThunarHelp.in, Makefile.am: Add ThunarHelp script, which is used to
+	  display the Thunar user manual.
+	* thunar/thunar-dialogs.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add new helper method
+	  thunar_dialogs_show_help(), which is used to open the documentation
+	  browser.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add "Contents"
+	  item to the "Help" menu.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-button.c(thunar_chooser_button_file_changed):
+	  Fix typo.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Updated the german translations.
+2006-03-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, docs/Makefile.am, docs/manual/: Import initial parts
+	  of the user manual.
+	* HACKING: Update repository URLs.
+	* docs/README.volumes: Update notes.
+2006-02-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}: Remember the scroll offset when
+	  changing directory and apply saved scroll offset once a folder is
+	  loaded again.
+2006-02-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_common_prefix_append): Do
+	  not append a slash for the current directory. Otherwise a slash will
+	  automatically be appended while browsing folders under certain
+	  conditions, and the slash will be selected, but that is not what we
+	  want.
+2006-02-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c(thunar_create_dialog_init): Use "Create"
+	  instead of "Ok" for the button label.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Add tooltip for the "Paste Files"
+	  action. Update the tooltip for the "Paste Files into Folder" action.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_action_rename):
+	  Use "Rename" instead of "Ok" for the button label.
+2006-02-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/main.c, thunar/thunar-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-dbus-client.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c, po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Revert the
+	  previous commit. Lightweight session management won't work for
+	  Thunar, instead XSM should be implemented. Bug #1415.
+2006-02-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/main.c, thunar/thunar-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-dbus-client.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c: Add session management support based on
+	  the ExoXsessionClient class. Bug #1415.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Update translations.
+2006-02-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_drag_begin):
+	  Release the drag path list, just in case drag_end() wasn't called
+	  before (Gtk+ is somewhat buggy here, but I wasn't able to locate
+	  the bug yet).
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_action_location_bar_changed):
+	  Add "reload" button to the toolbar.
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c, thunar/thunar-details-view.c: Use
+	  ExoTreeView, which provides a tree view with single-click support.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: The internal
+	  widgets now both provide the "single-click" property, so we can
+	  connect it in the ThunarStandardView constructor.
+2006-02-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Bump soname.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}: Add working_directory parameter to
+	  thunar_vfs_info_execute() to allow xfdesktop to launch applications
+	  with $HOME as working directory, as requested on the xfce mailing
+	  list. Bug #1473.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/thunar-vfs-info.sgml: Update API docs.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_execute): Update to the new API.
+2006-02-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: And of course eu and sv.
+	* configure.in.in: Set PACKAGE_BUGREPORT to thunar-dev at xfce.org.
+2006-02-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: And add fi to XDT_I18N().
+2006-02-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* THANKS: Add translator credits for Jari Rahkonen (fi).
+2006-02-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c(thunar_vfs_volume_hal_update): All
+	  volumes provided by USB devices are now marked as removable.
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.c(thunar_shortcuts_model_iter_for_file):
+	  Also check volumes here.
+2006-02-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-uca/thunar-uca-chooser.c: Fix two typos that already survived
+	  for too long.
+2006-02-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* THANKS: Add translator credits for Piarres Beobide (eu) and Daniel
+	  Nylander (sv).
+2006-02-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_button_press_event),
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c
+	  (thunar_shortcuts_view_button_press_event): Properly verify the event
+	  modifier state according to the default modifier mask.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Add interactive search capabilities to the
+	  ThunarIconView based on the latest changes to ExoIconView. Bug #1359.
+2006-02-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* autogen.sh: Be sure to run svn info with LC_ALL=C.
+2006-02-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c:
+	  Make sure the path is still valid when renaming. Update the shortcuts
+	  rename to alter the mode of ThunarTextRenderer, rather than the
+	  "editable" property, which is not valid for ThunarTextRenderer.
+2006-02-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-bar.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-window.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c, thunar/thunar-location-dialog.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-location-entry.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}:
+	  Focus the location selector when the user types "/" or "~" into the
+	  main view, to stay compatible with GtkFileChooser.
+2006-02-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_action_about): Add credits for
+	  Young Hahn <youngjin.hahn at gmail.com> to the about dialog.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c, docs/README.thunarrc: Add new preference
+	  MiscSingleClick, which controls whether single click navigation
+	  should be used.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c(thunar_preferences_dialog_init):
+	  Add single/double-click options to the preferences dialog.
+	* thunar/thunar-pango-extensions.{c,h}: Add new helper function
+	  thunar_pango_attr_list_underline_single(), which returns a Pango
+	  attribute list for single-underlined text rendering.
+	* thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c: Add "follow-prelit" property, which
+	  controls whether the text renderer should highlight text using the
+	  single underline attribute when a row/item is highlighted.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Add
+	  support for single click navigation to the details and icon views,
+	  and also to the shortcuts view. Bug #1396.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+2006-02-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-launcher-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-pane-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml: Cleanup the ui description files.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-link-job.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-util.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-entry.c, thunar/thunar-window.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar-uca/thunar-uca-provider.c: Further string cleanups.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-bar.{c.h}, thunar/thunar-window.c:
+	  ThunarLocationBar derives from ThunarComponent now, so the location
+	  bar widget is able to add its own custom actions to the ui manager.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-entry.c: Implement ThunarComponent here.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-location-buttons-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c, thunar/thunar-location-button.c:
+	  Let ThunarLocationButtons handle the menu for ThunarLocationButton
+	  managed by it. Also add a accelerator <Alt>Down for "down-folder",
+	  similar to GtkFileChooser. Bug #1472.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-02-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* THANKS, configure.in.in, icons/: Import new Thunar icon, designed by
+	  Young Hahn <youngjin.hahn at gmail.com>.
+2006-02-19	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Turn the side
+	  pane choice(s) into toggle actions and add <control>B as keyboard
+	  accelerator for the shortcuts pane, similar to the way its done in
+	  Firefox.
+2006-02-18	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-button.c: Change icon to "drop icon" while
+	  dragging over a location button that can accept the drop.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-button.c: Add context menu to the location
+	  buttons as requested on thunar-dev.
+2006-02-18	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-button.c: Set toggle button state to
+	  inconsistent while holding down middle mouse button to give
+	  the user some visual feedback.
+2006-02-18	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-button.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c: Put the location button stuff into
+	  a new class ThunarLocationButton.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add thunar-location-button.c here.
+2006-02-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* THANKS: Change Nick's email address as requested.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-none.h: Properly internalize the
+	  get_type() methods.
+2006-02-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.c(thunar_vfs_unlink_job_execute):
+	  Ignore ENOENT errors returned by thunar_vfs_scandir() as well, to
+	  fix the problem with not being able to delete broken links on
+	  Linux.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.c: Generate unique roles for the Thunar
+	  toplevel windows in preparation of session management support.
+	* thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml, thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c:
+	  Add Terminate() method to the org.xfce.Thunar interface, which allows
+	  to properly shutdown a daemon instance.
+	* thunar/main.c, thunar/thunar-dbus-client.{c,h}: Add -q/--quit command
+	  line option, which terminates a running daemon instance. Also cleanup
+	  the --daemon handling.
+2006-02-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* FAQ, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Add mouse gesture for "Reload" as
+	  "move mouse down". The mouse gesture can still be canceled by placing
+	  the cursor back to its initial position (+/- 40px).
+2006-02-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* THANKS, thunar-uca/thunar-uca-editor.c: Apply patch provided by
+	  Nick Schermer <nickschermer at gmail.com> to fix a crash in the
+	  thunar-uca plugin if the icon specified for an action cannot
+	  be loaded. Bug #1458.
+2006-02-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-chmod-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-chown-job.c: Be more consistent with error
+	  messages.
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c: Even more consistency.
+	* thunar/thunar-abstract-dialog.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add new
+	  abstract class ThunarAbstractDialog, which overrides GtkDialog::close
+	  and provides additional keybindings for the "close" action. Bug #1380.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Derive from ThunarAbstractDialog,
+	  so all dialogs/windows in Thunar can be closed using the same
+	  keyboard shortcuts and people can customize these shortcuts using
+	  the standard GtkBindingSet mechanism. Bug #1380.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Update translations.
+	* po/de.po: "Gerät auswerfen" is probably not the best translation
+	  for "Eject Volume". ;-)
+	* po/de.po: Even more love for the german translation.
+2006-02-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* icons/16x16/Makefile.am, icons/16x16/stock_thunar-group.png,
+	  icons/16x16/stock_thunar-user.png: Remove the "thunar-user" and
+	  "thunar-group" stock icons.
+	* thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c, thunar/thunar-stock.{c,h}: Do
+	  not display "thunar-user" and "thunar-group" stock icons in the
+	  permissions chooser any more, as it makes the dialog look busy.
+2006-02-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* acinclude.m4, configure.in.in: Print build configuration summary.
+2006-02-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_get_emblem_names): Use "cant-write"
+	  emblem for non-writable files owned by the user, to make it obvious
+	  why an application will not be able to save the file (unless the
+	  application uses a write to temporary, rename, unlink temporary
+	  procedure).
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c(thunar_location_buttons_forall): Do
+	  not include the slider buttons unless include_internals is TRUE.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c: Remove buttons from the path bar
+	  whenever a displayed directory is deleted. Bug #1451.
+2006-02-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-creat-job.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mkdir-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c, thunar/thunar-dnd.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-gdk-extensions.c, thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Cleanup
+	  error messages.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Update translations.
+2006-02-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Pass NULL for error on first
+	  attempt to launch pumount.
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c: Properly merge the current files with the
+	  previous files when reloading the folder content. This finally fixes
+	  bug #1457.
+2006-02-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Fallback to mount/umount if
+	  pmount is not available. Requires fstab-sync to synchronize with HAL
+	  volumes.
+2006-02-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Work-around HAL bug #5279, where
+	  the UDIs array returned by libhal_drive_find_all_volumes() is not
+	  properly NULL-terminated.
+2006-02-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.c: Include non-removable volumes in
+	  the list of hidden volumes.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Determine the volumes from the
+	  drives on startup, instead of FindDeviceByCapability(volume), as
+	  that seems to be what GNOME does. Maybe one day, there'll be a
+	  usable HAL documentation, and hardware will really just work.
+2006-02-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* acinclude.m4, configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-freebsd.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-none.{c,h}: Do not use AC_CONFIG_LINKS()
+	  anymore and let the user select it's preferred volume manager using
+	  the --with-volume-manager configure switch.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Update file list.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Update translations.
+2006-02-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Properly update volume state
+	  after eject and unmount.
+	* README: List optional HAL dependency.
+2006-02-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c: Print a warning to stderr, instead of
+	  using g_warning() if unable to connect to the session bus.
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.c: Update to use
+	  HAL 0.5.x API.
+2006-02-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c(thunar_folder_reload): Properly cancel any
+	  previous job to make sure it will terminate as soon as possible.
+	  Bug #1457.
+2006-02-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(_thunar_vfs_info_new_internal): Fix
+	  typo in hidden file detection.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.{c,h}: Add a few new volume types.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/thunar-vfs-volume.sgml: Update API
+	  docs.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-hal.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  configure.in.in: Import the Linux/HAL implementation of the volume
+	  manager. It's still a bit rough, but it seems to work ok. Works only
+	  with pmount-hal currently, but that shouldn't be a problem. Bug #999.
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.c: Handle the addition/removal of
+	  volumes and do not open a file for volume shortcuts as that may
+	  prevent the volume from being unmounted properly.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.c: Setup a watch cursor on the given
+	  window when ejecting, mounting or unmounting a volume, so the user
+	  gets some feedback during the time it takes to perform the operation.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new file.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-02-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-enum-types.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-list-model.h: Rename
+	  ThunarListModelColumn to ThunarColumn and add an enum type for it.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-list-model.c, thunar/thunar-path-entry.c: Use the new
+	  ThunarColumn enum type.
+	* thunar/thunar-gobject-extensions.c: Add transformation function for
+	  GtkSortType to string.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c, docs/README.thunarrc: Add LastSortColumn
+	  and LastSortOrder preferences, which contain the last selected sort
+	  settings. Bug #1342.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Apply default sort settings on con-
+	  struction and save new defaults whenever the sort settings are
+	  changed by the user. Bug #1342.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Update translations.
+2006-02-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file-monitor.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add new class
+	  ThunarFileMonitor, which allows other objects stay informed about
+	  changes to ThunarFile's without having to connect signal handlers to
+	  every ThunarFile. Bug #1447.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Emit ThunarFileMonitor signals as appropriate.
+	  Bug #1447.
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c, thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Use the newly
+	  added ThunarFileMonitor to monitor files for changes and deletion
+	  without having to connect and disconnect signal handlers to each and
+	  every file. Bug #1447.
+2006-02-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-throbber-fallback.png: Import better throbber fallback
+	  icon, thanks to Brian Schott <brian-schott at cox.net>.
+2006-02-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_cmp): Remove the safety
+	  checks here, showing up too high in the profiler stats, and invalid
+	  arguments to this function will be detected earlier (for debug
+	  builds).
+2006-02-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update thunar-vfs API docs.
+	* thunar/thunar-throbber-fallback.png, thunar/thunar-throbber.c: Use
+	  smaller throbber, so we don't increase the height of the menu bar.
+2006-02-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-1.pc.in: Add gthread-2.0 to the dependencies.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.c(thunar_vfs_init): Make sure the GThread
+	  system is initialized.
+	* thunar/main.c(main): thunar_vfs_init() will initialize GThread.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-types.h: Add flag
+	  THUNAR_VFS_FILE_FLAGS_HIDDEN, which tells whether a given file should
+	  be considered hidden.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Use the THUNAR_VFS_FILE_FLAGS_HIDDEN flag
+	  and implement thunar_file_is_hidden() as simple macro.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_statusbar_text): Fix
+	  a typo in the multi-selection ngettext() call.
+	* thunar/main.c(main): Call gdk_notify_startup_complete() if the remote
+	  LaunchFiles() succeeds.
+2006-02-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c(thunar_text_renderer_set_widget): Use
+	  the base text direction specified by Gtk+. Also, do not interpret
+	  line separators in file names.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-marshal.list: Add boolean return value to the
+	  ThunarVfsListdirJob::infos-ready signal, and allow handlers to take
+	  over ownership of the infos list to avoid having to allocate a new
+	  list (which reduces both performance overhead and the negative effects
+	  on the data cache). Handlers must take care when using this feature,
+	  documentation has been updated to explain the details.
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c: Take over ownership of the list provided by
+	  "infos-ready" and just replace the ThunarVfsInfo's with ThunarFile's
+	  for the initial load case. For the reload case, there's no real gain
+	  in taking over ownership, so we keep the existing behaviour there.
+2006-02-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunarx/thunarx-provider-factory.c: Initialize the factory on demand.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-scandir.c(thunar_vfs_scandir_collect_fast): Use
+	  a larger buffer to speed up loading large directories.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: Initialize the MIME desktop
+	  stores on demand.
+2006-02-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.h: Use cast checks instead of type checks here, as
+	  they will be optimized away with regular builds. Debug builds will
+	  still include the checks.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.c, thunar/thunar-chooser-button.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-chooser-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c, thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-emblem-chooser.c, thunar/thunar-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-folder.c, thunar/thunar-gobject-extensions.h,
+	  thunar/thunar-history.c, thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-launcher.c, thunar/thunar-list-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c, thunar/thunar-location-entry.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-path-entry.c, thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-icon-renderer.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-pane.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-statusbar.c, thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-throbber.c, thunar/thunar-window.c: We don't need
+	  to implement G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID() for regular builds,
+	  as GObject will perform the required checks, but we need it for
+	  debug builds to make sure the switch statement is complete.
+2006-02-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-util.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add
+	  new function thunar_vfs_canonicalize_filename().
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.c(thunar_vfs_path_new): Use
+	  thunar_vfs_canonicalize_filename() on absolute paths.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update the thunar-vfs API docs.
+	* thunar/thunar-dialogs.{c,h}: Use a generic parent parameter instead of
+	  a GtkWidget, so this method is also usable if no GtkWidget is none,
+	  but the dialog must appear on a specific screen.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}: Add a "daemon" property, which
+	  determines whether Thunar will exit once the last window is closed.
+	  Remove the D-BUS service here. Add process_filenames() method, to
+	  process the list of filenames given on the command line. Bug #1384.
+	* thunar/main.c: Attach the D-BUS here.
+	* Makefile.am, org.xfce.Thunar.service.in: Add Thunar specific service
+	  file.
+	* thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml, thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c:
+	  Add the org.xfce.Thunar interface here, with currently only a
+	  LaunchFiles() method, which can process Thunar command line parameters
+	  in a remote instance. Bug #1384.
+	* thunar/thunar-dbus-client.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add convenience
+	  wrapper for the D-BUS LaunchFiles() of the org.xfce.Thunar interface,
+	  which is used on startup to first try to reuse an existing instance.
+	  This way new folder windows will popup instantly if an instance of
+	  Thunar is already running.
+	* org.xfce.Thunar.service.in, org.xfce.FileManager.service.in,
+	  thunar/main.c: Add --daemon option and use it when starting from the
+	  message bus. Pass all additional parameters as file names to a run-
+	  ning remote instance or to ThunarApplication as fallback. Bug #1384.
+	* examples/xfce-file-manager.py, examples/Makefile.am: Add a simple
+	  example how to communicate with the file manager using the D-BUS
+	  Python bindings.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-02-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_action_about): Fix the copyright
+	  date.
+2006-02-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}: Add thunar_application_take_window(),
+	  which is used to add a GtkWindow to the internal application windows
+	  list. The application will not exit until the last controlled window
+	  is closed by the user.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Use a generic parent parameter for the
+	  thunar_file_launch() method.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.{c,h}: Use a generic parent paramter for
+	  the thunar_show_chooser_dialog() method, and let the application take
+	  over control of the dialog window.
+	* thunar/thunar-gdk-extensions.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Import method
+	  thunar_gdk_screen_open() from Terminal, which opens a GdkScreen from
+	  a full qualified display name.
+	* README, configure.in.in: Add optional check for D-BUS.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am, org.xfce.FileManager.service.in, Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml, thunar/thunar-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-dbus-service.{c,h}: Initial import of the basic D-BUS
+	  service for Thunar, the org.xfce.FileManager implementation. See the
+	  thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml file for a description of the current
+	  interface.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Update the translations.
+2006-02-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cleaner.c: Also cleanup the defaults.list
+	  file, replacing previously merged desktop-ids and dropping references
+	  to no longer existing .desktop files.
+2006-02-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cleaner.c, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  configure.in.in: Add a simple utility program thunar-vfs-mime-cleaner,
+	  which cleans up the user's $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications directory and
+	  removes all automatically generated .desktop files (either generated
+	  by Thunar or Nautilus) whose associated program is no longer installed
+	  on the user's system. In addition, it tries to combine duplicated
+	  .desktop whose Exec values are equal to further the reduce the
+	  overhead.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: Invoke thunar-vfs-mime-cleaner
+	  every five minutes.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-*.h: Add
+	  G_GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT to all methods, whose return value should
+	  never be ignored. This should help to avoid memory leaks in the
+	  future.
+2006-02-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-chmod-job.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-chown-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-scandir.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-scandir.h, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.c: The directory scanning is now
+	  cancelable. Bug #1239.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c: Properly reload/regenerate thumbnails
+	  when image files are changed. Bug #1435.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_application_new_from_file): Check TryExec (or Exec)
+	  first prior to allocating a ThunarVfsMimeApplication for a .desktop
+	  file, whose associated program cannot be run. Bug #1436.
+2006-02-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Autoscroll while dragging to a
+	  ThunarStandardView widget. Bug #1304.
+2006-02-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-templates-action.c: Use "show" instead of "map" to
+	  create the Templates menu, to make sure the menu position is
+	  determined properly.
+	* README, configure.in.in, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Use cairo only
+	  with Gtk+ >= 2.7.1.
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c(thunar_shortcuts_view_init): Display
+	  typeahead search for the shortcuts view.
+2006-02-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c(thunar_vfs_transfer_job_execute):
+	  Try to use g_rename() first when moving files, and only fallback to
+	  copy&delete if either the target exists (which requires user inter-
+	  action to resolve the issue) or the rename didn't work, i.e. source
+	  and target are not on the same filesystem. Bug #1229.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.{c,h}: Add thunar_vfs_volume_is_disc()
+	  to allow applications to decide whether to eject or unmount a
+	  volume.
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c
+	  (thunar_shortcuts_view_button_press_event): Use the newly added method
+	  thunar_vfs_volume_is_disc() to determine whether to display Eject or
+	  Unmount.
+	* thunar/thunar-side-pane.{c,h}: Derive ThunarSidePane from
+	  ThunarComponent instead of ThunarNavigator.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c: Use the class name as name for the action
+	  groups.
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-pane-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-shortcuts-pane.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c, thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/Makefile.am: Add new action to add a folder (or a list of
+	  folders, depending on the selection content) to the shortcuts pane.
+	  Bug #1397.
+	* thunar/thunar-throbber.c, thunar/thunar-throbber-fallback.{h,png},
+	  thunar/Makefile.am: Use the "process-working" icon for the throbber,
+	  as specified by the Icon Naming Specification, with an internal
+	  fallback to a modified version of the Tango "process-working" icon.
+	* configure.in.in, icons/Makefile.am, icons/scalable/,
+	  icons/16x16/Thunar.png, icons/16x16/Thunar.png,
+	  icons/24x24/Thunar.png, icons/48x48/Thunar.png: Revert to the previous
+	  Thunar icon.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-02-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c(thunar_properties_dialog_update):
+	  Use G_GINT64_FORMAT instead of "lld" as format for the file size.
+2006-02-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* Thunar.desktop.in: Add "GTK" to the Categories.
+2006-02-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c: Make sure to catch the tab key even for
+	  the ThunarLocationEntry case. This doesn't work if the completion list
+	  is visible, tho (Gtk+ bug/limitation). Bug #1346.
+2006-02-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.{c,h}: Add a new convenience function
+	  thunar_show_chooser_dialog().
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c(thunar_launcher_open_files),
+	  thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_launch): Use the new function
+	  thunar_show_chooser_dialog() here.
+	* thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.{c,h}: Add a new convenience function
+	  thunar_gtk_ui_manager_get_action_by_name(), which is unfortunately
+	  missing from GtkUIManager.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Use
+	  thunar_gtk_ui_manager_get_action_by_name() to locate the launcher
+	  actions in the UI manager.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add a new convenience function
+	  thunar_file_list_get_applications(), which can be used to determine
+	  the set of applications that can be used to open a given set of
+	  files.
+	* thunar-uca/thunar-uca-chooser.c(thunar_uca_chooser_delete_clicked):
+	  Save the model after removing a custom action.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-launcher-ui.xml, thunar/Makefile.am, 
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Replace the
+	  previous ThunarLauncher class with a more advanced one, which has
+	  access to the GtkUIManager. The new implementation also displays
+	  which application will be used to open files, based on Jonathan
+	  Blandfords suggestion for Nautilus. Bug #1428.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-action-private.h, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-action.{c,h},thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-handler-private.h, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.h,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-handler.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: Import ThunarVfsMimeAction
+	  class to support desktop actions in Thunar. The abstract base class
+	  ThunarVfsMimeHandler is used to avoid duplicating the existing code
+	  for ThunarVfsMimeApplication in ThunarVfsMimeAction, and it will also
+	  make it easier to handle both ThunarVfsMimeApplication's and
+	  ThunarVfsMimeAction's in the user interface code. Bug #1374.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update the Thunar-VFS API docs.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-button.c, thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-chooser-model.c, thunar/thunar-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-launcher.c: Update to the new ThunarVfsMimeHandler and
+	  ThunarVfsMimeApplication interface.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c: Display desktop actions in the file context
+	  menu and the "File" menu, based on the newly added ThunarVfsMimeAction
+	  class. Bug #1375.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Update the file list.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Update german translations.
+	* configure.in.in, icons/: Change the Thunar icon to the new one
+	  provided by Young Hahn <youngjin.hahn at gmail.com>. Any artists around
+	  to make it look even better?
+2006-02-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c
+	  (thunar_permissions_chooser_file_changed): Display the program check
+	  box only for files which we will actually execute.
+	* thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c: Add a warning text to the
+	  permissions chooser for folders, whose exec and read flags are
+	  inconsistent. Add a button to allow the user to fix the folder
+	  permissions automatically if inconsistent.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-02-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add method thunar_file_list_to_path_list(),
+	  which transforms a list of ThunarFile's to a list of ThunarVfsPath's.
+	* thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c
+	  (thunar_clipboard_manager_get_callback): Use newly added function
+	  thunar_file_list_to_path_list() here.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-file-info.c(thunarx_file_info_list_copy): Use a
+	  slightly more efficient implementation here.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-file-info.{c,h}, thunarx/thunarx.symbols: Add a boxed
+	  type for a list of ThunarxFileInfo's.
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/: Update the thunarx API docs.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c: Use the new boxed type for the list of
+	  selected files, rather than a pointer.
+	* thunar/thunar-navigator.c(thunar_navigator_get_type): Add requirement
+	* thunar/thunar-component.{c,h}: Add new interface ThunarComponent for
+	  those parts of a ThunarWindow that require access to both the UI
+	  manager and the currently selected files. ThunarComponent extends
+	  ThunarNavigator.
+	* thunar/thunar-view.{c,h}: The ui-manager property is now in 
+	  ThunarComponent and ThunarView inherits ThunarComponent.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}: Implement ThunarComponent interface
+	  as required by ThunarView now. This way other components will be able
+	  to determine the selected files and set the selected files without
+	  having to interact with the ThunarView implementation directly.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(thunar_vfs_info_get_free_space): Be sure
+	  to use statvfs(2) for IRIX. Bug #1425.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.h(ThunarVfsVolumeManagerIface): Reserve
+	  some space for future expansion now.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-*.c, docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Some updates
+	  to the Thunar-VFS API documentation.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Update translations.
+2006-02-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_init): Update to the
+	  new show-hidden settings name. Bug #1424.
+2006-02-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Check for statvfs() and statfs(), and required
+	  header files.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols:
+	  Move the get_free_space() method from ThunarVfsVolume to ThunarVfsInfo
+	  so we can use it even if no volume manager implementation is avail-
+	  able for the target system. Bug #1420.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.h: Add get_free_space() method to ThunarFile, so
+	  we can easily determine the amount free space for a given volume
+	  based on a file located on that volume. Bug #1421.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_statusbar_text): Use
+	  new method thunar_file_get_free_space().
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Display the amount of free space
+	  on a certain volume in the properties dialog for folders.
+2006-02-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-throbber.c: Fix typo in GDK_WINDOWING_X11. Cannot use
+	  gdk_cairo_region() with GDK < 2.7.1.
+2006-02-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Make it
+	  easier to distinguish hidden and backup files from regular files.
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Rename the
+	  DefaultShowHidden preference to LastShowHidden.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-window.c: Drop the
+	  "Show hidden files" option from the preferences dialog. Instead Thunar
+	  now preserves the users last selection. This way, the "Show hidden
+	  files" behaviour is now consistent with the rest of the file manager.
+	  Bug #1417.
+2006-02-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.{c,h}: Drop obsolete method
+	  thunar_shortcuts_model_file_for_iter() from ThunarShortcutsModel.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols:
+	  Add eject(), mount() and unmount() methods to the ThunarVfsVolume
+	  interface. The interface is therefore mostly done now, maybe some
+	  small additions required for certain backends in the future. Bug #995.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update the API docs.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c: Implement eject(), mount() and
+	  unmount() for the BSD backend.
+	* thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c: Allow users to mount, unmount and
+	  eject volumes using the shortcuts pane. Volumes will also be mounted
+	  automatically if you select "Open", "Open in New Window" or just
+	  double click them. But all this is currently only available to BSD
+	  users.
+	* docs/README.volumes: Add notes about the volume manager.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Another four strings translated!
+2006-02-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_scroll_event):
+	  Zoom-in on scroll down, zoom-out on scroll up, to be compatible with
+	  Firefox.
+2006-02-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Open a dialog when renaming a file.
+	  Bug #1413.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_action_delete):
+	  Use "Cancel" and "Delete" buttons in the delete confirmation dialog,
+	  as suggested by Jasper.
+	* thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c(thunar_progress_dialog_error),
+	  thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c
+	  (thunar_permissions_chooser_job_error): Use "Close" button for the
+	  error dialogs.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* po/de.po: Some work on the german translations.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/: Update thunar-vfs API docs.
+2006-02-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Don't recreate plugin pages if
+	  the file changes, but instead let the plugins connect to the file's
+	  "changed" signal and update their user interface appropriately.
+	  Bug #1355.
+2006-02-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunarx/thunarx-file-info.{c,h},
+	  thunarx/thunarx.symbols: Move "changed" and "renamed" signals from
+	  ThunarFile to ThunarxFileInfo, so plugins can use these signals to
+	  stay informed about changes to files. First part of bug #1354.
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/: Update the API documentation.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-types.h:
+	  Drop the inode field from the ThunarVfsInfo struct, as we don't
+	  need it anyway and it can cause trouble with systems where ino_t's
+	  size depends on whether largefile support is active or not.
+2006-02-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-scandir.c: Use g_access() if available.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(_thunar_vfs_info_new_internal): Fix a
+	  bug where the path name was g_free()'d for .desktop files with non
+	  ASCII file names.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.c(thunar_vfs_path_to_string): Apply simple
+	  optimization here: Prefer the stack memory over heap memory when
+	  constructing the absolute path.
+2006-02-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-util.c(thunar_vfs_humanize_size): Use "kB"
+	  instead of "KB".
+2006-01-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Disable the "create-document" action
+	  on non-writable folders.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-scandir.c: Return an error when trying to scan
+	  a directory for which the user has no execute permissions. Bug #1408.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_get_emblem_names): Add "cant-read"
+	  emblem to folders, where we don't have permissions to enter. Second
+	  part of fix for bug #1408.
+2006-01-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c: Treat .desktop files of Type=Link as
+	  executable as well, and when requested to execute such a file, extract
+	  the URL and pass it to exo-open for further processing. Bug #1369.
+2006-01-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-exec.c(thunar_vfs_exec_parse): Use exo-open
+	  instead of hardcoding Terminal as terminal emulator. Bug #1400.
+2006-01-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Depend on exo
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.c: Make sure the list head always
+	  points to a valid ThunarVfsInfo list, even if an error occurred while
+	  stat()'ing files in a given directory. Bug #1390.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_action_about): Use the newly
+	  added exo_url_about_dialog_hook() functions to open links in the
+	  about dialog.
+2006-01-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_scroll_event): Add
+	  support to zoom in/out using Control+MouseWheel.
+2006-01-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_action_open_templates): Improve
+	  the text for the "About Templates" dialog. Thanks to Brian for the
+	  suggestion. Bug #1392.
+2006-01-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-throbber.{c,h}: Import the
+	  ThunarThrobber widget class, which display a loading animation
+	  similar to the one found in Firefox.
+	* thunar/thunar-statusbar.{c,h}: Drop the statusbar icon, as it's
+	  confusing, since it refers to the current folder instead of the
+	  selected items, but the text displayed in the statusbar refers to the
+	  selected items.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Add a ThunarThrobber to the menu bar, and use
+	  it to display loading animation instead of the statusbar icon.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Add additional reload shortcut GDK_F5.
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: The statusbar
+	  is optional now. Bug #1395.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-01-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add ru translations.
+	* THANKS: Add ru translator credits for Andrey Fedoseev
+	  <andrey.fedoseev at gmail.com>.
+2006-01-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/README.thunarrc: Add missing preferences.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Rearrange stuff.
+2006-01-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-enum-types.{c,h}: Add ThunarZoomLevel and ThunarIconSize
+	  required for the zoom-level support.
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Changed property
+	  ShortcutsIconSize to ThunarIconSize, required for the upcoming
+	  changes to ThunarIconRenderer. People starting Thunar for the first
+	  time after this upgrade will notice that the size of the shortcuts
+	  icons is too small because of this change. Either edit thunarrc and
+	  change ShortcutsIconSize appropriately or just remove thunarrc and
+	  let Thunar recreate it with sane defaults (your settings will be lost
+	  then). Add two new preferences LastDetailsViewZoomLevel and
+	  LastIconViewZoomLevel.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.{c,h}: The size property is now of type
+	  ThunarIconSize, rather than plain int.
+	* thunar/thunar-view.{c,h}: Add zoom control methods to the ThunarView
+	  interface.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-details-view.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Add support
+	  for seven different zoom levels to Thunar based on the previous
+	  changes. This fixes bug #1357, and thereby implements one of the most
+	  oftenly requested features.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-01-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c: Add support to drop on pathbar
+	  buttons, as requested in bug #1344.
+2006-01-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_files_removed): Fix bug
+	  where only the first file was removed.
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.{c,h}: Add new method thunar_folder_reload(),
+	  which explicitly forces the ThunarFolder to reload its contents.
+	  This fixes bug #1360.
+	* thunar/thunar-view.{c,h}: Add new method thunar_view_reload() to the
+	  ThunarView interface.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Implement thunar_view_reload() for the
+	  ThunarStandardView class, using the newly added thunar_folder_reload()
+	  method.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add a "Reload"
+	  item to the "View" menu, using "Ctrl+R" as accelerator to stay com-
+	  patible with Firefox, Nautilus, etc. This fixes bug #1361.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c
+	  (thunar_standard_view_drag_data_received): Reload the contents of the
+	  target folder after a successful XDirectSave. This fixes bug #1362.
+	* po/Thunar.pot, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-01-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-templates-action.c: Add support for sub folders below
+	  the ~/Templates folder. This fixes reopened bug #1391.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}: Add
+	  thunar_vfs_info_read_link(), which determines the target from a
+	  symbolic link.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.h: Add method thunar_file_read_link() as wrapper
+	  to thunar_vfs_info_read_link().
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Display the "Link Target" for
+	  symbolic links. This fixes bug #1394.
+2006-01-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-chmod-job.c(thunar_vfs_chmod_job_execute),
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-chown-job.c(thunar_vfs_chown_job_execute):
+	  Properly emit and release an error that occurred on the last file.
+	* THANKS, thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c: Add support to open shortcuts
+	  in new windows using the context menu or double-middle-clicks, based
+	  on a patch by Laurent Meunier <meunier.laurent at laposte.net>. This
+	  fixes bug #1381.
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c: Remember the window dimensions whenever the
+	  size of a window is changed and use the last saved window dimensions
+	  for newly created windows. This fixes bug #1389.
+	* thunar/thunar-pango-extensions.{c,h}: Add new helper function
+	  thunar_pango_attr_list_big_bold(), which returns a pango attribute
+	  list for big, bold text rendering.
+	* thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c
+	  (thunar_permissions_chooser_ask_recursive): Use big, bold label for
+	  the dialog title to stay consistent with GtkMessageDialog.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-creat-job.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add new
+	  class ThunarVfsCreatJob, which is used to create empty files for a
+	  given list of paths.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/thunar-vfs-operations.sgml,
+	  docs/reference/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sections.txt: Update API docs.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}: Add thunar_application_creat() as
+	  wrapper for the newly imported ThunarVfsCreatJob.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}: Add thunar_application_copy_to() to
+	  copy files from one location to another, rather than copying files
+	  from different sources to exactly one folder.
+	* thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c(thunar_create_dialog_set_filename):
+	  If the suggested file name contains a dot, pre-select only the text
+	  up to the dot.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-templates-action.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add support
+	  for Templates in a way compatible with what Nautilus does currently.
+	  This is part one of the fix for bug #1391.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences, docs/README.thunarrc: Add new property
+	  "misc-show-about-templates", which determines whether the "About
+	  Templates" dialog will be shown when entering the Templates folder.
+	* icons/16x16/stock_thunar-templates.png, icons/16x16/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-stock.{c,h}: Add new stock icon "thunar-templates".
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add "Templates"
+	  to the "Go" menu, which will open the ~/Templates folder (it will be
+	  created on-demand) and popup a message describing the purpose of the
+	  ~/Templates folder. This is part two of the fix for bug #1391.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files here.
+	* po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-01-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c: Apply
+	  patch provided by Daichi to add several translator hints to
+	  thunar-vfs.
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c
+	  (thunar_properties_dialog_key_press_event): Support Ctrl+W for clo-
+	  sing the properties dialog, to be consistent with the main windows.
+2006-01-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* THANKS, configure.in.in: Add nl to XDT_I18N(). Add translator credits
+	  to THANKS.
+2006-01-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-util.c(thunar_vfs_humanize_size): Use "GB"
+	  instead of "G", "MB" instead of "M" and "KB" instead of "K", to
+	  make it more obvious what the value means (this fixes bug #1367).
+2006-01-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-chooser-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c, thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-emblem-chooser.c, thunar/thunar-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-folder.c, thunar/thunar-history.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-launcher.c, thunar/thunar-list-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-navigator.c, thunar/thunar-open-with-action.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-path-entry.c, thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-statusbar.c, thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-view.c, thunar/thunar-window.c: Remove various internal
+	  strings from the list of translatable strings to reduce confusion
+	  for translators.
+	* po/*.po: Update translations.
+2006-01-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-enum-types.{c,h}: Import enum types required for the
+	  desktop background management.
+2006-01-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c(thunar_preferences_set_property): No need
+	  to call g_object_notify() here, as GObject does that automatically
+	  whenever set_property() is being called.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Remove useless safetly checks in
+	  get_property() and set_property(), since GObject already makes sure
+	  that the property id is valid.
+2006-01-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c(thunar_properties_dialog_update):
+	  Display size only for regular files, as it's misleading for other
+	  file system entities.
+	* po/*.po: Merge new strings. Some work on the german translations,
+	  we really need a german translator!
+2006-01-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/README.thunarrc, thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add new preferences
+	  ShortcutsIconEmblems and ShortcutsIconSize, which control the
+	  appearance of the shortcuts view.
+	* thunar/thunar-gobject-extensions.c: Add transformator for string to
+	  int transformations.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.{c,h},thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-icon-renderer.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-view.c: Import ThunarShortcutsIconRenderer
+	  class, which is derived from ThunarIconRenderer and allows us to draw
+	  icon cells consistently throughout the file manager. This also fixes
+	  bug #1340, which requests to display emblems for the icons in the
+	  shortcuts pane. Both the display of emblems in the shortcuts pane
+	  and the size of the icons in the shortcuts pane are now configurable
+	  through the thunarrc file (for the emblems, there's also a menu item
+	  in the context menu).
+2006-01-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version to 0.2.1svn.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Make thunar_file_accepts_drop() easier to
+	  use.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_get_dest_actions):
+	  Keep up with the thunar_file_accepts_drop() changes.
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/tmpl/thunarx-preferences-provider.sgml: Let
+	  gtk-doc remove it's empty line here, for whatever reason.
+2006-01-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version to 0.2.0alpha.
+	* configure.in.in: Bump library interface version.
+	* configure.in.in: Depend on libexo
+	* po/*.po: Update translations.
+	* TODO: Remove obsolete TODO items.
+2006-01-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* THANKS, configure.in.in, po/pl.po: Add initial polish translations,
+	  thanks to Tomasz Michał Łukaszewski <T.Lukaszewski at aster.pl>.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c, thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-preferences.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Make
+	  thumbnails configurable.
+	* po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-01-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_init): The property
+	  "popup-single-match" was introduced in Gtk+ 2.8. Thanks to Erik
+	  for the pointer.
+2006-01-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c(thunar_text_renderer_render): Render
+	  focus indicator when following state. Part two of fix for bug #1321.
+2006-01-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c, FAQ: Store preferences in an .ini file,
+	  $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Thunar/thunarrc, similar to what Terminal does, so
+	  users can easily adjust hidden settings, and don't have to dive into
+	  the details of managing a tdb database file.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.c, thunar/thunar-path-entry.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-preferences.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Rename "default-folders-first" to
+	  "misc-folders-first" and "default-text-beside-icons" to
+	  "misc-text-beside-icons", as those preferences aren't defaults.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_scroll_event),
+	  thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add a new hidden preference,
+	  MiscHorizontalWheelNavigates, which controls whether the horizontal
+	  mouse wheel should be used to navigate back and forth within a
+	  Thunar view. This fixes bug #1319.
+	* docs/Makefile.am, docs/README.thunarrc: Add brief overview of the
+	  various Thunar configuration settings.
+2006-01-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Fix compiler warnings. Again bug
+	  #1318.
+2006-01-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_changed): Make older
+	  compilers happy. Fixes bug #1318.
+2006-01-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c(thunar_chooser_dialog_response): If
+	  the default application was changed successfully, emit "changed" on
+	  the file so everybody updates its state.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-button.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c:
+	  Import the ThunarChooserButton, which allows people to change the
+	  default application from within the properties dialog.
+	* po/POTFILES.in, po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-01-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_activate): If we have
+	  a pending completion, accept the completion first, without activating
+	  the entry. This makes it more consistent with the behaviour when
+	  completing from the popup window.
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_parse): Properly
+	  transform all parts of the filename to the local encoding.
+	* thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c(thunar_text_renderer_set_widget):
+	  Calculate the approx. character dimensions based on the font metrics
+	  for the active widget font.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_action_go_up): Handle errors
+	  properly.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c:
+	  Add support to view the properties of the current folder.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c, 
+	  thunar/thunar-shortcuts-model.c, thunar/thunar-window.c: Change
+	  special file naming (home and root folder) to be consistent with
+	  what GtkFileChooser does.
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c(thunar_properties_dialog_update):
+	  Display only the name of the file in the dialog title.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Add support for the XDS protocol.
+	* README: Add notes about supported standards.
+2006-01-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-util.{c,h}: Add thunar_vfs_expand_filename(),
+	  which is used to expand filenames that start with the tilde character.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sections.txt,
+	  docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/thunar-vfs-util.sgml: Update
+	  documentation.
+	* thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c: Implement cancel-semantics for
+	  the recursive permissions dialog.
+	* thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.c: Add tooltips.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: Additional column to access the real
+	  file name (in UTF-8 encoding).
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.{c,h}: Add support for auto path completion.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add thunar_file_launch() to automatically
+	  launch a given ThunarFile without having to manually figure out the
+	  proper action.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-entry.c, thunar/thunar-window.c: If the
+	  ThunarPathEntry returns a non-directory file, just try to launch it.
+	  This allows users to just open files right away from the path entry
+	  without having to lookup the file in the icon/details view.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c, THANKS: Allow people to use the
+	  horizontal mouse wheel to navigate back/forward. Based on a patch
+	  provided by Danny Milosavljevic <danny.milo at gmx.net>.
+	* po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2006-01-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_monitor_queue_notification): Don't use strcmp() here, as
+	  the notification's filename may be NULL.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Drop
+	  thunar_vfs_info_chmod() and thunar_vfs_info_chgrp() again.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-chmod-job.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-chown-job.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Add
+	  new classes ThunarVfsChmodJob and ThunarVfsChownJob as replacements
+	  for the thunar_vfs_info_chmod() and thunar_vfs_info_chgrp() functions.
+	  These jobs can operate recursively. Add interfaces to the new classes,
+	  thunar_vfs_change_mode() and thunar_vfs_change_group().
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update documentation.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Drop thunar_file_chmod(),thunar_file_chgrp()
+	  and thunar_file_is_chgrpable(), as we'll use the asynchronous jobs
+	  added to Thunar-VFS now.
+	* thunar/thunar-advanced-permissions-dialog.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-change-group-dialog.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-permissions-model.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-permissions-view.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Ditch the ACL aware permissions
+	  user interface, as it's unlikely that ACL support will be there for
+	  1.0 and so there's no need to reduce the usability of the permissions
+	  user interface yet.
+	* thunar/thunar-pango-extensions.{c,h}: Add new Pango helper method
+	  thunar_pango_attr_list_small_italic().
+	* thunar/thunar-enum-types.{c,h}: Import new files to contain enum
+	  types that don't fit anywhere else and provide conversation functions
+	  for these types.
+	* thunar/thunar-permissions-chooser.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Import simplified permissions
+	  chooser, similar to the Aqua Finder one, with support to change
+	  permissions recursively for folders.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add
+	  option "misc-recursive-permissions", which controls whether
+	  permissions are always/never applied recursively, or whether Thunar
+	  should ask the user everytime a permission flag is changed.
+	* icons/16x16/, thunar/thunar-stock.{c,h}: Remove now obsolete icon
+	  thunar-permissions-other. Rename the user and group icons.
+	* po/*.po, po/POTFILES.in: Update file list. Merge new strings.
+2006-01-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c: Don't determine the focus-padding and
+	  focus-line-width style properties on every call to get_size() when
+	  used within the icon view.
+2006-01-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-pango-extensions.{c,h}: Add common
+	  PangoAttrList's here, to avoid allocating them over and over again,
+	  and of course to avoid markup, which makes translator's life easier.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c, thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c:
+	  Use common PangoAttrList's provided by the thunar-pango-extensions.
+	* thunar/thunar-permissions-view.c(thunar_permissions_view_init): Use
+	  italic font for the warning to make it easier to distinguish the text
+	  from the other parts of the GUI.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c(thunar_chooser_dialog_update_header):
+	  Also setup the window icon in addition to the header image icon.
+2006-01-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sections.txt,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols,
+	  docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/thunar-vfs-info.sgml: Add method
+	  thunar_vfs_info_chmod() to change the permissions of a file
+	  identified by a given ThunarVfsInfo.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols,
+	  docs/reference/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sections.txt,
+	  docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/thunar-vfs-info.sgml: Add method
+	  thunar_vfs_info_chgrp() to change the group id of a file identified
+	  by a given ThunarVfsInfo.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-user.c(thunar_vfs_user_load): Properly
+	  substitute '&' in real names.
+	* icons/16x16/, icons/Makefile.am, configure.in.in, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-stock.{c,h}: Add stock icons thunar-permissions-user,
+	  thunar-permissions-group and thunar-permissions-other.
+	* thunar-uca/thunar-uca-plugin.c: Don't display debug messages unless
+	  G_ENABLE_DEBUG is defined.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-user.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols,
+	  docs/reference/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sections.txt,
+	  docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/thunar-vfs-user-manager.sgml: Add new
+	  method thunar_vfs_user_manager_get_all_groups() to retrieve all groups
+	  known to the ThunarVfsUserManager.
+	* thunar/thunar-advanced-permissions-dialog.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-change-group-dialog.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-permissions-model.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-permissions-view.{c,h},
+	  thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-file.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Add permissions tab to the
+	  file properties dialog.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new files.
+	* po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* tdb/tdbtool.c(print_rec): Fix printf format.
+2006-01-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-uca/thunar-uca-model.c: Include <locale.h> to get LC_MESSAGES
+	  definition.
+2005-12-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add ca to XDT_I18n().
+2005-12-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Use -Wall -Werror for --enable-debug=yes as well.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_value): The MIME info
+	  name is static.
+	* thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c: Don't copy static strings.
+	* pixmaps/Thunar-fallback-icon.png, pixmaps/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-fallback-icon.{h,png}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c: Load the fallback icon and the
+	  thumbnail frame on-demand.
+	* thunar/main.c(main): Use Thunar icon as default for new windows.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c: Allocate the thumbnail factory and the
+	  thumbnail generator on-demand.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Add "display-name" and "special-name" readonly
+	  properties and emit notifications on these properties whenever the
+	  file is changed/renamed.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c(thunar_location_buttons_make_button):
+	  Automatically synchronize the button labels with the file's special
+	  names.
+	* configure.in.in: Add it translations to XDT_I18N().
+	* THANKS: Add credits for it translator Roberto Pariset.
+2005-12-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* THANKS: Update credits.
+	* README, configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-info.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-path.c,
+	  thunar/main.c, thunar/thunar-file.c: Support four different levels
+	  of debugging support. Default for SVN builds is `yes', while the
+	  default for release builds is `minimum'. Closes bug #1254.
+2005-12-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c(thunar_vfs_volume_bsd_update):
+	  Specify correct buffer size for read().
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c(thunar_icon_factory_load_from_file):
+	  Don't add frames for small icon sizes (< 36). Be sure to scale icon
+	  to the required size, so we don't need to scale on every render()
+	  call.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c(thunar_icon_renderer_init): Add 1px
+	  padding to the icons.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Try to
+	  avoid scaling icons if they fit into the given cell area (including
+	  the padding).
+2005-12-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c: Use Pango attribute list instead of
+	  markup for the dialog action label. This fixes bug #1252.
+	* thunar-uca/thunar-uca-chooser.c(thunar_uca_chooser_init): Be sure to
+	  create the button widgets prior to connecting the "selection-changed"
+	  handler. This fixes bug #1260.
+2005-12-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/, po/POTFILES.in, po/*.po: Rename "Favourites" to "Shortcuts",
+	  so we're consistent with the GtkFileChooser wording. This fixes bug
+	  #1258.
+2005-12-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-uca/thunar-uca-model.c(start_element_handler): Properly
+	  truncate values.
+2005-12-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Build the gnuc visibility test program with -Wall
+	  -Werror, as gcc reports warnings instead of errors if ELF visibility
+	  is not supported for the target platform. This fixes bug #1253.
+2005-11-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-scandir.c: Workaround missing dirfd() definition
+	  using the POSIX/XPG API on IRIX. This fixes bug #1247.
+2005-11-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-dnd.c, thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-folder.c, thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Use exo_gtk_object_ref_sink() to
+	  automatically handle floating references properly and avoid the use
+	  of GTK_OBJECT_FLOATING (see GNOME bug #322853 for details). This fixes
+	  bug #1249.
+2005-11-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_renamed): Use
+	  persistent iterators instead of tree row references when renaming a
+	  file. This fixes bug #1248.
+2005-11-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-thumbnail-generator.c
+	  (thunar_thumbnail_generator_thread): Don't generate thumbnails for
+	  files for which only the generator owns a reference.
+2005-11-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c
+	  (thunar_standard_view_merge_custom_actions): Fix typo.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-private.{c,h}, thunarx/thunarx-menu-provider.c,
+	  thunarx/Makefile.am, thunarx/thunarx-property-page-provider.c: Add
+	  helper function thunarx_object_list_take_reference(), so we don't
+	  need to repeat the same code again and again.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(action_entries): Add ... to the Preferences
+	  action, since it opens a dialog. Use "e" as mnemonic, as "P" is
+	  already used by "Paste".
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(action_entries): Add ... to the Select
+	  by Pattern action, since it opens a dialog.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.c: Close preferences dialog on Esc
+	  key press.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-preferences-provider.{c,h}, thunarx/thunarx.h,
+	  thunarx/thunarx.symbols, thunarx/Makefile.am: Add new interface
+	  ThunarxPreferencesProvider, which can be implemented to add custom
+	  actions to the preferences section of the "Edit" menu.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Query custom
+	  preferences actions from the installed providers and add them to the
+	  preferences section of the "Edit" menu. Actions are loaded in an idle
+	  source to not delay folder loading when opening a new window, even if
+	  a lot of preferences providers are installed.
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/: Update the thunarx reference documentation.
+	* thunar-uca/, configure.in.in, Makefile.am: Import the thunar-uca
+	  module, which provides advanced users with an easy way to add custom
+	  actions to Thunar's context menus. With this extension in place
+	  there's no longer a need to add support G-Scripts (except maybe an
+	  importer for thunar-uca).
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new translatable files.
+	* po/: Merge new strings.
+	* examples/tex-open-terminal/README: Add note to use thunar-uca, and
+	  consider the tex-open-terminal as example for extension writers.
+2005-11-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-types.h: Add largefile support
+	  for systems that don't support 64bit file offsets by default. This
+	  fixes bug #1243.
+2005-11-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c, thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c:
+	  Use attribute lists instead of markup strings.
+2005-11-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* tdb/Makefile.am: Fix make -j<N>.
+2005-11-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c
+	  (thunar_standard_view_merge_custom_actions): Don't sort custom actions
+	  explicitly, but leave it up to the provider plugins to determine the
+	  order of their actions. Also, be sure to update the UI manager after
+	  unmerging the previously set menu actions, else GtkUIManager will
+	  mess up the order of the actions.
+2005-11-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunarx/thunarx-provider-factory.c: Make sure, ThunarxProviderModules
+	  are never finalized, as GObject cannot unregister dynamic types (yet).
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_renamed): Properly
+	  release the path returned from gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path().
+2005-11-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/*.{c,h}, thunar/*.c, thunarx/*.c: Avoid duplicating static
+	  strings if possible.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-scandir.c(thunar_vfs_scandir_collect): Ignore
+	  EACCES and EPERM on subdirectories with recursive scanning.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.h(ThunarVfsInfo): Compress "type", "mode"
+	  and "flags" to reduce memory overhead.
+2005-11-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add fr and pt_BR to gettext linguas, which were
+	  previously imported by Daichi.
+2005-11-21	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.h: Small
+	  documentation tweaks.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.h: Allow previous declarations of the
+	  ThunarVfsInfo typedef.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-file-info.{c,h}, thunarx/thunarx.symbols,
+	  thunar/thunar-file.c, docs/reference/thunarx/: Add new virtual method
+	  thunarx_file_info_get_vfs_info(), which can be used to query the
+	  ThunarVfsInfo for a given ThunarxFileInfo.
+2005-11-21	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunarx/thunarx-provider-plugin.{c,h}, thunarx/Makefile.am,
+	  thunarx/thunarx.h, thunarx/thunarx.symbols: Add ThunarxProviderPlugin
+	  interface, which abstracts from the details of the dynamic type
+	  registration, and is accessible to the extensions.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-provider-module.{c,h}, thunarx/Makefile.am: Add
+	  implementation for the ThunarxProviderPlugin interface, based on
+	  GTypeModule, which is used on the file manager's side to manage the
+	  type plugins.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-provider-factory.{c,h}, thunarx/Makefile.am,
+	  thunarx/thunarx.h, thunarx/thunarx.symbols: Add ThunarxProviderFactory
+	  based on the ThunarExtensionManager as public interface to the
+	  provider plugin mechanism. This may also be used by other applications
+	  in the future.
+	* thunarx/thunarx.h: Provide convenience macros ala G_DEFINE_TYPE() to
+	  ease type registration for plugin writers.
+	* examples/, configure.in.in: Update the "Open Terminal Here" example.
+	* docs/reference/thunarx/: Update the thunarx reference manual to
+	  include the new classes and interfaces.
+	* thunar/thunar-extension-manager.{c,h}: Drop the old extension manager
+	  class in favour of the new provider factory class.
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Use
+	  ThunarxProviderFactory to load the providers from the installed
+	  extensions.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Update with new file list.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Implement thunar_file_list_copy() using
+	  thunarx_file_info_list_copy() and thunar_file_list_free() using
+	  thunarx_file_info_list_free().
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-overrides.txt,
+	  docs/reference/thunarx/thunarx-overrides.txt: Fix build error with
+	  older gtk-doc versions.
+2005-11-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Drop obsolete error class
+	  ThunarVfsMimeApplicationError.
+2005-11-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.{c,h}: Add new convenience function
+	  thunar_gtk_action_group_create_tool_item(), which creates a new
+	  GtkToolItem proxy for a given GtkAction in a GtkActionGroup.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-bar.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-location-entry.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c: Add new virtual method
+	  thunar_location_bar_is_standalone(), which determines whether a
+	  given location bar should be displayed in a standalone fashion, or
+	  embedded within a location toolbar.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Check whether
+	  the location should be embedded into a location toolbar and if so,
+	  generate a toolbar for it on-demand and place it below the menubar.
+	  Else, the location bar is placed right above the view pane. This
+	  gives a better appearance when using the location entry implementation
+	  with a toolbar, and you don't need the toolbar with the pathbar
+	  anyways.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add thunar-preferences-dialog.c here.
+	* po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2005-11-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Use "b" as mnemonic for the "Select by
+	  Pattern" action to avoid clash with "Preferences".
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add "default-folders-first" property,
+	  which determines whether folders should be sorted before other files.
+	  Add "default-view", which dictates the default view pane used for new
+	  windows, or "void" to use the view remembered in "last-view".
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}: Connect the list models
+	  "folders-first" property to the "default-folders-first" preference.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_init): Check "default-view" first
+	  and if it does not contain a valid view class name, check "last-view".
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_get_accessible),
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-view.c(thunar_icon_view_get_accessible): Set ATK
+	  role for our folder views to ATK_ROLE_DIRECTORY_PANE.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-preferences-dialog.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Import class
+	  ThunarPreferencesDialog, which allows the user to customize the global
+	  preferences for Thunar. Add a "Preferences" menu item to the "Edit"
+	  menu of ThunarWindow's.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add "default-text-beside-icons" property,
+	  which tells whether the icon view should display the file names beside
+	  the file icons, rather than below the file icons.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Add a property "text-beside-icons", which
+	  tells whether the icon view will place the icon captions beside the
+	  icons rather than below. Synchronize the property with the global
+	  option "default-text-beside-icons".
+	* po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2005-11-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c: Return G_FILE_ERROR_INTR when the copy
+	  operation is explicitly cancelled by the user.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_transfer_job_copy_pair): Don't delete the source file when
+	  moving unless the target file was written successfully and the job
+	  wasn't cancelled. This fixes a bug reported by Jari Rahkonen.
+2005-11-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}: Register "Delete" as key binding
+	  for the ThunarStandardView class, rather than registering it as
+	  accelerator for the "delete" action. This fixes bug #1226.
+	* thunar/thunar-marshal.list: Add BOOLEAN:VOID marshaller.
+2005-11-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-exec.c(thunar_vfs_exec_on_screen): Fix invalid
+	  calculation of the number of environment variables.
+2005-11-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version to 0.1.4svn and depend on
+	  libexo
+2005-11-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po/*.po: Update translations.
+	* po/ChangeLog: Didn't mean to revert this file.
+	* README: Mention gconf, libjpeg and libstartup-notification as optional
+	  dependencies.
+2005-11-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Don't need to remember the "changed"
+	  signal handler id per row, as g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched()
+	  using G_SIGNAL_MATCH_ID and G_SIGNAL_MATCH_CLOSURE is nearly as fast
+	  as g_signal_handler_disconnect().
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c(thunar_folder_finalize): Specify both
+	  G_SIGNAL_MATCH_ID and G_SIGNAL_MATCH_CLOSURE when disconnecting
+	  "destroy" signals from files.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c, thunar/thunar-window.c: Remember the last
+	  active view as default for now.
+	* thunar/thunar-create-dialog.c(thunar_create_dialog_text_changed): Use
+	  G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR() rather than hardcoding the slash character.
+2005-11-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* FAQ, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Add initial support for mouse gestures
+	  to the icon view component.
+2005-11-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c, thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Rename
+	  "window-location-bar" to "last-location-bar" and "window-side-pane"
+	  to "last-side-pane" to make clear that it's the last selected
+	  setting.
+	* thunar/thunar-metafile.h: Drop THUNAR_METAFILE_KEY_SHOWHIDDEN.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-gobject-extensions.{c,h}: Add
+	  additional GValue transformation functions.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Register additional transformation
+	  functions provided by the GObject extensions in the class_init()
+	  function. Add new preference "default-show-hidden", which tells
+	  whether hidden files are shown by default in new windows.
+	* thunar/thunar-view.{c,h}: Add the "show-hidden" property to the
+	  ThunarView interface.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c:
+	  Implement the "show-hidden" property from the ThunarView interface,
+	  rather than adding an action to the UI manager.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add "default-show-hidden" property, which
+	  tells whether hidden files should be shown in newly opened windows.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add the
+	  "show-hidden" action here, which starts with the default value queried
+	  from the preferences, and uses the new ThunarView API to sync the
+	  selected setting.
+2005-11-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c(thunar_preferences_set_property): No need
+	  to call g_object_notify() here, as object_set_property() does that
+	  implictly once the set_property() call returns.
+2005-11-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-metafile.{c,h}: Remove the
+	  default value handling from the ThunarMetafile class and leave it up
+	  to the caller to specify the default value when fetching/storing
+	  metadata.
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Remove
+	  the error parameter from the thunar_folder_get_for_file() method, as
+	  this call cannot fail. If a loading error occurs, it will be reported
+	  asynchronously by the listdir job.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c(thunar_preferences_set_property): Issue
+	  a warning if a required transformation function is not available to
+	  the GLib Type System, as this is effectively a bug in our application.
+2005-11-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c, thunar/thunar-list-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Forward ThunarVfsListdirJob loading
+	  errors to the ThunarStandardView and display an error dialog to the
+	  user.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c, FAQ: Use a tdb database to store the
+	  preferences, while not saving defaults to the database file.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.c: Add initial preferences
+	  "window-location-bar" and "window-side-pane".
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Always remember the last selected location
+	  bar and side pane setting in the preferences.
+2005-11-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_statusbar_text):
+	  Display symbolic links properly just like the MIME type field in
+	  the properties dialog.
+2005-11-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_action_duplicate):
+	  Use thunar_standard_view_get_selected_paths() instead of
+	  thunar_standard_view_get_selected_files().
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add new source files.
+	* po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* thunar/thunar-dialogs.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add new function
+	  thunar_dialogs_show_error(), which takes care of displaying an error
+	  message dialog to the user.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.c, thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c, thunar/thunar-dnd.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c, thunar/thunar-launcher.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c: Use thunar_dialogs_show_error() whenever
+	  possible to reduce code duplication.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.h, docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update the
+	  Thunar-VFS documentation.
+2005-11-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_new_files): Grab
+	  focus for the view widget after selecting newly created files.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mkdir-job.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Import
+	  new class ThunarVfsMkdirJob, which is used to asynchronously create
+	  a bunch of directories.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add new
+	  methods thunar_vfs_make_directory() and thunar_vfs_make_directories()
+	  as public interface to the newly imported ThunarVfsMkdirJob.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_info_for_data_locked),
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_info_for_file): Consider empty
+	  files to be text/plain, so users can easily open newly created (empty)
+	  files in their favourite text editor.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-sniffer.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c, configure.in.in: Add function
+	  thunar_vfs_mime_sniffer_looks_like_text(), which performs some smart
+	  checks to determine if a given data block looks like plain text. Plain
+	  text means either UTF-8 - and thereby also ASCII - or valid multi-byte
+	  if the platform supports multi-byte strings. In both cases, even
+	  truncated data blocks will be recognized.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}: Add thunar_application_mkdir() as
+	  frontend to the thunar_vfs_make_directories() function.
+	* thunar/thunar-create-dialog.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Add class
+	  ThunarCreateDialog, which is used to query the user for the filename
+	  that should be used for a new file/folder.
+	* TODO: Add todo item.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml: Add "Create Folder" action, which uses
+	  thunar_application_mkdir() to create a new subfolder in the current
+	  folder.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Rename thunar_window_action_location() to
+	  thunar_window_action_open_location() to get consistent naming.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add "Home" action
+	  whose primary purpose is to be able to open the home folder using a
+	  keyboard shortcut.
+2005-11-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c: Apply
+	  patch from Erik Harrison <erikharrison at gmail.com> to fix unused
+	  variables when FAM/Gamin and/or GConf aren't available.
+2005-11-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_init): Be sure to
+	  update the actions whenever the current folder is changed.
+2005-11-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_notify_loading): Don't force a
+	  round-trip to the Xserver when setting/unsetting the watch cursor.
+	  Set/unset the cursor only if the window is already realized.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_value): Don't need to
+	  check the result of thunar_file_get_date_string() and
+	  thunar_file_get_size_string() as they are garantied to be non-NULL.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_file_changed): Use
+	  gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices() instead of gtk_tree_path_new() and
+	  gtk_tree_path_append_index().
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_set_folder): Use
+	  g_object_freeze_notify()/g_object_thaw_notify() for multiple property
+	  change notification.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_statusbar_text):
+	  Don't need to verify the result of thunar_file_get_size_string(), as
+	  it's garantied to be non-NULL.
+2005-11-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c
+	  (thunar_location_buttons_set_current_directory): Be a bit smarter here
+	  and try to reuse existing buttons whenever possible.
+2005-11-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Depend on GLib 2.6.4 or above.
+	* tdb/Makefile.am: Add _XOPEN_SOURCE=500 workaround for glibc to make
+	  pread()/pwrite() visible to the compiler.
+2005-11-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-history.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Import new class
+	  ThunarHistory, which handles back/forward history for a ThunarWindow.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Use the newly
+	  imported class ThunarHistory to manage the navigational history for
+	  the ThunarWindow.
+2005-11-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Display the tooltip of the currently selected
+	  menu item in the statusbar.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-render.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Render up
+	  to 4 emblems for icon sizes from 48px on and up to 2 emblems for icon
+	  sizes lower than 48px.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-render.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Use the
+	  proper icon factory for the target drawable, rather than the default
+	  icon factory.
+2005-11-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.{c,h}: Add function thunar_vfs_xfer_link(),
+	  which creates a symbolic link to a file.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-link-job.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Import
+	  new class ThunarVfsLinkJob, which can be used to symlink a bunch of
+	  files.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add
+	  thunar_vfs_link_file() and thunar_vfs_link_files() as public interface
+	  to the ThunarVfsLinkJob class.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add thunar-vfs-link-job.c here.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}: Add thunar_application_link_into() as
+	  interface to the thunar_vfs_link_files() method. Restructure the code
+	  to further reduce the code duplication.
+	* thunar/thunar-dnd.c: Use thunar_application_link_into() to implement
+	  the "Link here" Drag&Drop action.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_transfer_job_copy_pair): Don't access pairs outside the
+	  current pair list.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c(thunar_vfs_xfer_next_path): Also detect
+	  the "%uth copy of %s" pattern when duplicating a file.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Use upper case for substantives in
+	  action titles where appropriate.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c:
+	  Add "duplicate" and "make-link" actions, for duplicating/linking
+	  files easily.
+	* po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+2005-11-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c(thunar_vfs_transfer_job_new):
+	  Verify that we don't ever try to transfer the root directory.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Make thunar_file_cache_lookup() a public
+	  function.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-interactive-job.{c,h}: Add a new signal
+	  "new-files", which can be invoked by derived jobs for their new files.
+	  The application can use this signal to get notified when a job added
+	  new files to a folder (e.g. select them in a folder view, etc.).
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c: Collect the newly created paths
+	  and emit the "new-files" signal when the execution finishes.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols:
+	  Add new method thunar_vfs_monitor_wait(), which can be used by helper
+	  threads to wait until the ThunarVfsMonitor has processed all pending
+	  notifications.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-interactive-job.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_interactive_job_new_files): Use thunar_vfs_monitor_wait()
+	  to delay the "new-files" emission until the application has processed
+	  all pending notifications.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c: Lower the notification interval to
+	  250 milliseconds.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c(thunar_vfs_transfer_job_execute):
+	  Don't use g_rename() for now, as it causes too much trouble right now.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-dnd.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.{c,h}: Allow the consumers to pass
+	  a "new-files" closure when starting a transfer job.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: Add new method
+	  thunar_list_model_get_paths_for_files(), which returns the list of
+	  tree paths for a given list of ThunarFiles.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Supply a "new-files" closure when
+	  starting transfer jobs, and select the files that are passed to the
+	  "new-files" callback when the job finishes.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update the documentation bits affected
+	  by the latest changes.
+2005-11-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.h: Add method thunar_file_is_symlink() to check
+	  whether a given ThunarFile is a symbolic link.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c, thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Display
+	  symbolic links properly for the MIME Type fields.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Adjust the asynchronous operations API
+	  again to make it more constistent with the requirements of the file
+	  manager.
+	* po/*.po: Merge new strings.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c: Add tags to notifications to make
+	  sure (slow) FAM events don't override properly feeded events, as
+	  afterall we know best what we did.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_transfer_job_copy_pair): Fix a typo, where the result
+	  of thunar_vfs_transfer_job_overwrite() was not negated properly.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c,
+	  TODO: Automatically duplicate files when copying and the source and
+	  target paths refer to the same file.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-dnd.c: Rework
+	  the ThunarApplication API and internals to reduce the amount of
+	  duplicated code, and make the API more consistent.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.c: Feed events
+	  into the VFS monitor from the xfer module.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_transfer_job_copy_pair): No need to feed a "created" event
+	  into the VFS monitor, as that's done by the xfer module directly (with
+	  the correct target path).
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sections.txt,
+	  docs/reference/thunar-vfs/tmpl/thunar-vfs-operations.sgml: Update
+	  documentation bits affected by the latest changes to the public API.
+2005-11-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Use an alloc-only memory chunk to reduce
+	  the overhead.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c(thunar_icon_factory_load_from_file): Add
+	  the thumbnail frame after scaling down the thumbnail to the desired
+	  size.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c(thumbnail_needs_frame): Inline this
+	  function if possible.
+2005-11-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* tdb/tdbtool.c: Make gcc4 happy.
+	* thunar/thunar-dnd.c(thunar_dnd_ask): Add icons to the "move" and
+	  "copy" actions.
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c(thunar_folder_monitor): Be sure to process
+	  monitor events properly in either case.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_monitor_queue_notification): Schedule only one
+	  notification per handle, where "deleted" events have the highest
+	  priority.
+	* docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Update documentation.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-xfer.{c,h}: Add module
+	  to copy various kinds of file system entities (basicly everything that
+	  a normal user is permitted to create, e.g. no device nodes).
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.{c,h}: Add new ThunarVfsTransferJob
+	  class based on the thunar-vfs-xfer module.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.c: Use new ThunarVfsTransferJob class.
+	* thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c: Improve the progress dialog.
+	* po/POTFILES.in, po/*.po: Update the file list and the translations.
+2005-11-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Update the Thunar-VFS transfer API.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.c: Use the new Thunar-VFS transfer API.
+2005-11-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add "renamed" signal and emit it whenever
+	  the file is renamed by the user.
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c: Use the "ThunarFile::renamed" to re-register
+	  with the file alteration monitor under the new path.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Update the window icon and title whenever the
+	  current-directory is changed (e.g. the user renamed the directory
+	  file).
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c: Place the timeout into a preprocessor
+	  define.
+	* tdb/, AUTHORS, FAQ, configure.in.in, Makefile.am: Import the tdb - the
+	  Trivial Database - engine from the Samba suite, which will be used to
+	  store file metadata in a lightweight and efficient way.
+	* thunar/thunar-metafile.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add ThunarMetafile
+	  class, which handles metadata for files based on a tdb database.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add methods to access metadata for a given
+	  ThunarFile.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Query additional emblems from the file's
+	  metadata (in addition to the special emblems that are set
+	  automcatically).
+	* thunar/thunar-emblem-chooser.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add
+	  ThunarEmblemChooser widget class, to edit the list of additional
+	  emblems for a ThunarFile.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Synchronize the show-hidden property.
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Add a notebook tab for the Emblems.
+2005-11-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Use THUNAR_FILE_IN_DESTRUCTION as destruction
+	  flag rather than GTK_IN_DESTRUCTION.
+2005-11-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.c(thunar_vfs_unlink_job_remove):
+	  Also remove thumbnails when successfully deleting a regular file.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  configure.in.in: Add fast JPEG loader, which is able to scale down
+	  the data while loading it.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c: Use the fast JPEG loader to generate
+	  thumbnails for JPEG files (if supported).
+2005-11-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add
+	  attribute custom_icon to the ThunarVfsInfo struct instead of the hints
+	  framework and a new method thunar_vfs_info_get_custom_icon() to query
+	  the custom icon from a ThunarVfsInfo.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_thumb_factory_store_thumbnail): Fix invalid check for
+	  valid pixbuf.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(_thunar_vfs_info_new_internal): Be sure
+	  to remove any file extension (e.g. '.png') from themed icon names, so
+	  GtkIconTheme is able to locate the icon.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c: Don't treat .directory files like other
+	  .desktop files, as that's confusing for the casual user.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add method thunar_file_get_custom_icon()
+	  to return the custom icon set for the associated ThunarVfsInfo.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_get_icon_name): Don't return the
+	  custom icon here.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c(thunar_icon_factory_load_file_icon):Check
+	  first if the ThunarFile specifies a custom icon and try to load it,
+	  falling back to thumbnails and regular (mime) icons.
+2005-10-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.h: Add thunar_file_is_regular() to check whether a
+	  ThunarFile is a regular file.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.h: Add thunar_file_get_info() to query the
+	  ThunarVfsInfo for a given ThunarFile.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add
+	  new method thunar_vfs_info_copy(), which takes a deep copy of a
+	  ThunarVfsInfo.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Turn
+	  thunar_vfs_job_cancelled() into an inline function.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols,
+	  thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Readd the ThunarVfsThumbFactory class and
+	  adjust it to use ThunarVfsInfo's instead of ThunarVfsURI's.
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.{c,h}: Add optional support for GNOME
+	  thumbnailers, which requires GConf.
+	* thunar/thunar-thumbnail-generator.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add new
+	  class ThunarThumbnailGenerator, which is used to asynchronously
+	  generate and store thumbnails for files.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.{c,h}: Add support for loading thumbnails.
+	  Add support for generating thumbnails using the new
+	  ThunarThumbnailGenerator class.
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version to 0.1.3.
+2005-10-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.c(thunar_vfs_listdir_job_execute):
+	  Don't immediately terminate the second collector task.
+2005-10-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-scandir.c: Don't report EMLINK at all.
+2005-10-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-scandir.c(thunar_vfs_scandir): Treat EMLINK
+	  like ENOTDIR, since there's no GFileError to represent EMLINK.
+2005-10-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cache.c(cache_node_lookup_suffix): Always
+	  check the return value to avoid guessing invalid mime types just
+	  because of misleading stopchars.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_get_icon_name): Try to be smart when
+	  looking up the icon name for binaries.
+2005-10-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.{c,h}: Use ThunarFile to copy/cut to
+	  the clipboard and monitor the files for deletion.
+	* thunar/thunar-clipbard-manager.{c,h}: Add new method
+	  thunar_clipboard_manager_has_cutted_file() to check whether a certain
+	  file was cutted to the clipboard.
+	* thunar/thunar-gdk-pixbuf-extensions.{c,h}: Add new function
+	  thunar_gdk_pixbuf_lucent() when generates a translucent pixbuf.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Use the new clipboard manager
+	  interface.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Render
+	  translucent icons for files previously cutted to the clipboard.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Queue a draw on the window whenever the
+	  clipboard contents change to be sure to always display correct
+	  state.
+2005-10-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c(thunar_vfs_monitor_feed): Be sure to
+	  schedule directory events only for handles that were registered as
+	  directory.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.c(thunar_vfs_unlink_job_execute):
+	  Ignore ENOTDIR errors when collecting the files to delete.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-exec.c(tvsn_startup_timeout),
+	  (thunar_vfs_exec_on_screen): Don't use libsn functions outside the
+	  GDK lock.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Inline the most trivial methods.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-user.{c,h}: Implement ThunarVfsUser and 
+	  ThunarVfsGroup directly for local user/group management.
+2005-10-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c
+	  (thunar_clipboard_manager_paste_path_list): Fix possible segmentation
+	  fault.
+2005-10-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-interactive-job.{c,h}: Add a VFS monitor pointer
+	  to the interactive job, which will be used by the derived classes to
+	  communicate fs changes to the application.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.c(thunar_vfs_unlink_job_remove): Feed
+	  deleted events into the VFS monitor whenever a file was successfully
+	  unlinked from the file system, so the application can be updated even
+	  if no file system monitoring mechanism like FAM or Gamin is available.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Add
+	  the "Delete file(s)" operation to the user interface.
+2005-10-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add optional check for libstartup-notification-1.0.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-exec.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Add optional
+	  support for startup notification.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.c: Use the thunar-vfs-exec
+	  module.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c: Don't include
+	  thunar-vfs-sysdep.h anymore.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Remove thunar-vfs-sysdep and add thunar-vfs-exec.
+2005-10-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunarx/thunarx-config.c: Fix typo.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-config.{c,h.in}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols, thunar-vfs/abicheck.sh,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.h, configure.in.in: Add support for version
+	  checking to the Thunar-VFS library.
+	* thunar-vfs/*.[ch], thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Replace ThunarVfsURI with ThunarVfsPath
+	  for the first version and thereby limit the functionality to local
+	  files, which in turn means there's no trash and no computer folder.
+	  This will increase the chance that Thunar will be ready for the Xfce
+	  4.4.0 release.
+	* thunar/*.[ch], thunar/Makefile.am: Use ThunarVfsPath instead of
+	  ThunarVfsURI.
+	* tests/test-thunar-vfs-path.c, tests/test-thunar-vfs-uri.c,
+	  tests/Makefile.am: Replace the ThunarVfsURI test case with a new
+	  ThunarVfsPath test case.
+	* tests/test-thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c: Properly initialize and shutdown
+	  the Thunar-VFS library.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Update the file list.
+	* docs/: Sync the documentation with the changes.
+	* configure.in.in: Don't use -fvisibility=hidden as that causes trouble
+	  with inline functions that are also implemented and exported by the
+	  library. Instead we explicitly mark internal functions with
+2005-10-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* THANKS, configure.in.in, po/es.po: Add spanish translations, thanks
+	  to Pablo Hernández-M. Saiz <homeless3d at gmail.com>.
+2005-10-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c: Fire notifications asynchronously, so
+	  events can be injected from threads other than the main thread. This
+	  also fixes problems with Gamins kqueue/inotify backends.
+2005-10-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c(thunar_properties_dialog_update):
+	  Don't update the name label/window title unless the file name has
+	  changed.
+2005-09-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c(thunar_launcher_update): Use mnemonics for
+	  the "Open"/"Execute" action.
+	* po/de.po: Add initial, incomplete translations.
+2005-09-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Substitute platform flags properly.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Don't delete thunar-thumbnail-frame.h.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_selection_changed):
+	  Use ngettext() for the Cut/Copy File(s) actions.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add new virtual method get_actions(), which
+	  is used to support custom actions for certain files (e.g. the Empty
+	  Trash Bin action for the trash file).
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}: Add thunar_application_delete_uris()
+	  to be able to easily delete arbitrary files.
+	* thunar/thunar-trash-file.c(thunar_trash_file_new): Use
+	  thunar_file_destroy() instead of gtk_object_destroy().
+	* thunar/thunar-trash-folder.c: Implement the get_actions() method with
+	  the "Empty Trash Bin" action.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c:
+	  Extend the extension menu merge mechanism to also load custom actions
+	  provided by ThunarFile implementations.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_accepts_uri_drop): Fix typo.
+	* thunar/thunar-trash-folder.c: Watch files for changes.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c
+	  (thunar_favourites_view_button_press_event): Add custom actions to the
+	  favourite context menu.
+	* TODO: Drop completed item.
+	* configure.in.in: Disable strict aliasing if debugging is enabled and
+	  the compiler supports the -fno-strict-aliasing switch.
+	* po/*.po: Update translations.
+	* main.c(main): Initialize file properly.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_local_file_is_renameable): Don't permit
+	  users to rename root nodes.
+	* thunar/thunar-open-with-action.c(thunar_open_with_action_menu_mapped):
+	  Use "Other Application..." instead of just "Other...".
+2005-09-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_button_press_event),
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-view.c(thunar_icon_view_button_press_event): Open
+	  folders in new windows on double middle-click events.
+2005-09-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Fix typo.
+2005-09-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-*.c: Documentation tweaks.
+	* configure.in.in, docs/reference/Makefile.am,
+	  docs/reference/thunar-vfs/: Prepare Thunar-VFS reference manual.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_statusbar_text):
+	  Use ngettext() for the statusbar text.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c(thunar_launcher_update): Use ngettext() for
+	  the "Open in n New Windows" menu label.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c(thunar_launcher_open_new_windows): Use
+	  ngettext() for the question whether to open n separate windows.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c(thunar_launcher_open_uris): Use ngettext()
+	  to format the error message when opening multiple URIs at once
+	  failes.
+	* po/*.po: Update po files.
+	* configure.in.in, examples/open-terminal-here/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar/Makefile.am, thunarx/Makefile.am:
+	  Don't add debugging and visibility flags to CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and
+	  PLATFORM_LDFLAGS instead to avoid trouble with certain conftests
+	  when checking the distribution.
+2005-09-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-trash.h: Fix typo.
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.c(thunar_chooser_dialog_response): Handle
+	  absolute paths properly for custom commands.
+2005-09-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Load the supported mime types for the
+	  applications.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add a new constructor
+	  thunar_vfs_mime_application_new_from_file() for the special case
+	  where a particular file should be loaded by path.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_application_equal): Properly initialize the
+	  application variables.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_application_lookup_icon_name): Permit applications
+	  to specify absolute paths for the icon name.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Extend the mime database by a new
+	  method thunar_vfs_mime_database_set_default_application(), which is
+	  used to set the default application for a given mime type.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sysdep.c(_thunar_vfs_sysdep_parse_exec): Fix
+	  typo to properly execute applications that require a terminal.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_applications): Always prepend the
+	  default applications for the given mime info to the list returned
+	  from this method.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c(thunar_favourites_model_save): Use
+	  g_mkstemp() to create the temporary file.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add public flags to the mime
+	  applications.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_application_new_from_file): Strip off known suffixes
+	  for image files if a themed icon is specified. This way we can
+	  work-around quite a few broken .desktop files.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Support the addition of custom
+	  applications using thunar_vfs_mime_database_add_application() in
+	  a way compatible to what Nautilus does (which is actually quite a
+	  mess).
+	* thunar/thunar-chooser-dialog.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-chooser-model.{c,h},
+	  thunar/Makefile.am: Import the "Open With" dialog based on the two
+	  classes ThunarChooserDialog and ThunarChooserModel, which in turn are
+	  based on the new functionality provided by Thunar-VFS, and thereby
+	  permit the user to associate applications with files (actually mime
+	  types) and add new applications.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c: Connect the "Open With Other" action to
+	  the new ThunarChooserDialog.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c: Document the drag source functions.
+	* README: Add a list of dependencies for Thunar.
+	* TODO: Drop completed items.
+2005-09-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: Include exo/exo.h.
+2005-09-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-sysv.c: Include thunar-vfs-alias.h.
+2005-09-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c: Use GObject for the job instead of
+	  ExoObject.
+2005-09-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-interactive-job.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.{c,h}: Allocate a new main loop for
+	  every running job so we can terminate them properly and be sure to
+	  run the finalize method in the main thread. This enables us to use
+	  arbitrary GObjects within a job without having to worry about the
+	  reference counting problem in GLib 2.6. The jobs are GObjects as well
+	  now to easily support language bindings and allow us to drop the
+	  problematic ExoObject class.
+2005-09-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c(thunar_launcher_open_files): Use
+	  g_object_unref() instead of exo_object_unref().
+2005-09-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols,
+	  thunar/thunar-launcher.c, thunar/thunar-marshal.list,
+	  thunar/thunar-open-with-action.c: Turn ThunarVfsMimeApplication into
+	  a boxed type.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Apply Daichis patch to make the dynamic
+	  actions titles translatable (#1153).
+2005-09-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Turn ThunarVfsMimeInfo into a boxed
+	  type.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-provider.c: No need to provide fallback
+	  implementations for the virtual methods, as both providers implement
+	  all virtual methods.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-provider.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cache.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-legacy.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: Derive the MIME providers from
+	  GObject instead of ExoObject.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-computer-folder.c, thunar/thunar-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-open-with-action.c, thunar/thunar-trash-folder.c:
+	  Derive ThunarVfsMimeDatabase from GObject instead of ExoObject.
+2005-09-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sysdep.h: Add inline atomic operations.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sysdep.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-trash.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols, thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-computer-folder.c, thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c, thunar/thunar-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c, thunar/thunar-local-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-local-folder.c, thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-path-entry.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-statusbar.c, thunar/thunar-trash-file.c, 
+	  thunar/thunar-trash-folder.c: Turn ThunarVfsURI into a boxed type
+	  to make language bindings easier and reduce the overhead. Drop the
+	  foreign host support code, as we can't use it anyways, since nearly
+	  every other existing application that handles file URIs is broken
+	  when it comes to file URIs with authorities. Simplify the
+	  thunar_vfs_uri_to_string() method again and return only escaped
+	  versions of the URI.
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_set_current_file):
+	  Display file URIs for non-UTF8 paths.
+	* tests/test-thunar-vfs-uri.c, tests/test-thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c:
+	  Update the tests.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.h,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-types.h: Move the system-dependent types to
+	  thunar-vfs-types.h.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols:
+	  Turn ThunarVfsInfo into a boxed type.
+2005-09-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Sort the extension actions by their
+	  names instead of their labels.
+	* thunar/thunar-extension-manager.c(thunar_extension_class_init):
+	  Properly initialize the parent class reference.
+	* examples/open-terminal-here/Makefile.am: Don't specify CLEANFILES
+	  explicitly.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_get_mime_info): Documentation fix.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_info_for_file): When generating an
+	  application/x-extension-<EXT> mime type and no valid extension is
+	  found for the file name, fallback to the whole filename as suggested
+	  by jrb. This way we can make sure that we will never return
+	  application/octet-stream from this method and thereby allow the
+	  program chooser to set default applications for every mime type
+	  used in the file manager.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add $(top_builddir) to INCLUDES.
+2005-09-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Sort the extension actions by their
+	  labels prior to adding them to the UI manager.
+2005-09-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* examples/open-terminal-here/open-terminal-here.c
+	  (open_terminal_here_activate): Remove unused debug statement.
+2005-09-09	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Substitute version information.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_action_about): Escape the
+	  copyright sign.
+	* thunar/thunar-gdk-pixbuf-extensions.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-gtk-extensions.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-desktop-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c, thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c, thunar/thunar-window.c,
+	  thunar/Makefile.am: Merge the GdkPixbuf and GTK+ extensions into
+	  the thunar namespace.
+	* configure.in.in, thunarx/: Import the initial extensions library.
+	* configure.in.in, docs/Makefile.am, Makefile.am, docs/reference/:
+	  Import the reference manual for the extensions library.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Implement the ThunarxFileInfo interface.
+	* thunar/thunar-extension-manager.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Import the
+	  ThunarExtensionManager class.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Add
+	  support for context menu providers to the standard views.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add thunarx/thunarx-property-page.c here.
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Add support for property page
+	  providers here.
+	* Makefile.am, configure.in.in, examples/Makefile.am,
+	  examples/open-terminal-here/: Add "Open Terminal Here" menu provider
+	  example.
+2005-09-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Don't emit the "row-inserted" and
+	  "row-deleted" signals when changing folders unless somebody
+	  is actually interested in these signals.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_set_folder): Actually
+	  specify the correct path when deleting the previous items from the
+	  model.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-folder.c(thunar_local_folder_file_destroy): No
+	  need to request a new list from GLib here.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-folder.c(thunar_local_folder_infos_ready): Don't
+	  add new files to two lists. Instead add them to one temporary list
+	  and append the temporary list to the internal list later.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c(thunar_local_file_get_for_info): Fix an
+	  invalid instance cast check.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Manage the file cache directly without using
+	  weak references to avoid problems and save memory (weak references
+	  are allocated in the GObject dataset).
+2005-09-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Store the VFS monitor handle in the
+	  GObject dataset as it's used only for explicit file monitoring (e.g.
+	  for the properties dialog).
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_iter): Skip every
+	  second comparison for iter lookups.
+	* icons/, configure.in.in, Makefile.am: Add the Thunar icon.
+2005-09-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c: Invoke the parent's finalize method, as
+	  that will be required for language bindings once we have weak/toggle
+	  references for ExoObject.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c(thunar_local_file_rename): Re-register with
+	  the VFS monitor if the rename succeeds.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_hash): Don't hash the
+	  hostname if it's NULL.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_equal): We don't need to
+	  query the hostname string here, as local files will always have host
+	  set to NULL.
+	* tests/test-thunar-vfs-uri.c(main): Extend the ThunarVfsURI test.
+	* pixmaps/, Makefile.am, configure.in.in, thunar/thunar-window.c,
+	  thunar/Makefile.am: Initial idea for the about dialog logo.
+2005-09-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.c:
+	  Use GList instead of GSList to manage ThunarVfsInfo lists, which
+	  increases data locality and decreases memory usage (as there's no
+	  need to keep another allocator around any more).
+	* thunar/thunar-computer-folder.c, thunar/thunar-folder.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-list-model.c, thunar/thunar-local-folder.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-trash-folder.c: Use GList instead of GSList to manage
+	  the list of files for a folder for the same reason.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-folder.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-local-folder.c, thunar/thunar-local-file.c: ThunarFile
+	  is derived from GObject now, instead of GtkObject.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: No need to implement GtkTreeDragDest,
+	  as that's handled in ThunarStandardView.
+2005-09-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c, thunar/thunar-list-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-open-with-action.c, thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c:
+	  We don't need to check the result of thunar_file_get_mime_info() any
+	  more as it's garantied to be a valid ThunarVfsMimeInfo.
+2005-09-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-computer-folder.c, thunar/thunar-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Always return a valid ThunarVfsMimeInfo
+	  from the get_mime_info() method.
+2005-09-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: Drop the unused icon columns from the
+	  ThunarListModel.
+2005-09-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Generate
+	  the colorized/spotlighted version of the icon only if the icon area
+	  is affected by expose event.
+2005-09-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(escape): And of course, we need to escape
+	  the '+' and '%' characters in URIs.
+2005-09-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(escape): Also escape '&' in URIs.
+2005-09-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.{c,h}: Implement the store thumbnail
+	  functionality.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sysdep.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-trash.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols,
+	  thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c, thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c, thunar/thunar-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c, thunar/thunar-path-entry.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c, thunar/thunar-statusbar.c: Improve
+	  the thunar_vfs_uri_to_string() method to support UTF-8 URI strings
+	  and escaping of URIs, which is required for proper Drag'n'Drop
+	  interaction with other applications.
+2005-09-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Store the watch count in the GObject data
+	  list, as it seldomly used.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_load_icon): Try to load the "loading"
+	  icon directly instead of checking the icon theme first.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Revert the "num-files" special handling
+	  as it leads to a bug where the actions aren't updated properly when
+	  changing directories.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sysdep.h: Fix typo.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.c: Unlink thumbnails after removing
+	  a file to reduce the junk in ~/.thumbnails/.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_get_md5sum): Escape the
+	  path properly, so the thumbnail paths we determine are equal to those
+	  of other file managers.
+2005-09-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add the thumbnail frame source image to the
+	  distribution.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c: Add some more cleverness in determining
+	  whether or not to add a frame to a thumbnail.
+2005-09-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-info.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: Determine media and subtype of
+	  a ThunarVfsMimeInfo on-demand.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(thunar_vfs_info_new_for_uri): Move the
+	  .desktop file handling to the regular file case.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-thumb.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols,
+	  thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.h: Import the
+	  ThunarVfsThumbFactory class, which implements the freedesktop
+	  thumbnail management specification.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-gdk-pixbuf-extensions.{c,h}: Add new helper function
+	  thunarx_gdk_pixbuf_frame(), which is used to embed an arbitrary image
+	  into a frame (e.g. for thumbnails).
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c, thunar/thunar-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-factory.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-list-model.c, thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c: Make sure we don't leak the default icon
+	  factory instance on exit.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-thumbnail-frame.{h,png}: Import
+	  the thumbnail frame image used by Nautilus.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.{c,h}: Add thumbnail loading support to
+	  the icon factory and reorganize the internals a bit.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Load thumbnails for regular if possible.
+2005-09-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Don't
+	  scale the icon if it fits into the cell area.
+2005-09-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c: Select the text prior to the last
+	  dot when starting to edit a cell.
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c(thunar_properties_dialog_update):
+	  Place input focus on the name entry widget and select the text prior
+	  to the last dot.
+2005-09-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-open-with-action.c(thunar_open_with_action_activated):
+	  Remove obsolete code.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c
+	  (thunar_standard_view_button_release_event): Don't popup the context
+	  menu using the just released button, as that would render the items
+	  unclickable.
+2005-09-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Avoid going through the selection
+	  changed handling whenever the number of files in a model changes,
+	  as the only thing that needs updating here is the statusbar text.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cache.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_cache_lookup_parents): Fix the offset from which the
+	  parent mime type name is read.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cache.c(cache_node_lookup_suffix):
+	  Optimize the tail-recursive suffix lookup.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_info_for_file): Use fast stack memory
+	  for the extattr and content lookups.
+2005-09-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c(thunar_icon_factory_lookup_icon): Add
+	  support to load icons from absolute paths.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c(thunar_local_file_get_icon_name): Allow the
+	  VFS layer to pass absolute paths for the file icon hint. This is
+	  required for some .desktop files, that specify absolute icon paths
+	  instead of themed icon names.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c(thunar_location_buttons_make_button):
+	  Don't permit location buttons to grab the focus.
+2005-09-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Be sure to override the default
+	  drag-data-delete handler of ExoIconView/GtkTreeView.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.c(thunar_icon_view_get_path_at_pos): The
+	  exo_icon_view_get_path_at_pos() method really accepts widget
+	  coordinates now, like GtkTreeView does, so we don't need to translate
+	  the widget coordinates to icon window coordinates first.
+2005-09-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_get_dest_actions):
+	  Set the drop-file icon renderer property only if we have a valid
+	  drag action.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c(thunar_local_file_accepts_uri_drop): Do
+	  not accept directory drops if the directory isn't writable.
+2005-09-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Prelight
+	  drop destination icons.
+2005-09-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-computer-folder.c, thunar/thunar-desktop-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c, thunar/thunar-file.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-list-model.c, thunar/thunar-local-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c, thunar/thunar-path-entry.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-statusbar.c, thunar/thunar-trash-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-trash-folder.c, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add an icon
+	  state parameter to the ThunarFile icon loader, which allows to grab
+	  icons for a certain state from a given file.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Drop the cached icon, as the ThunarIconFactory
+	  does this pretty well already and we don't need to keep an additional
+	  cached version of every file's icon.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Use the
+	  drop icon for the views while dragging over an item/row in the view.
+2005-09-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.c: Fix the pre-sorting of files, so
+	  upper layers always receive the info list sorted by name.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_button_press_event),
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-view.c(thunar_icon_view_button_press_event): Don't
+	  popup the context menu immediately on right-clicks, but schedule the
+	  menu popup using thunar_standard_view_queue_popup().
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}: Add the ability to start a drag
+	  operation using the right mouse button.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add virtual method accepts_uri_drop() and
+	  method thunar_file_accepts_uri_drop(), which are used to determine
+	  whether it is possible to drop a certain list of ThunarVfsURIs on
+	  a given ThunarFile (using a set of actions specified by the drag
+	  source).
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Implement the accepts_uri_drop() method
+	  for local file handling.
+	* thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c(thunar_progress_dialog_ask),
+	  (thunar_progress_dialog_error): Be sure to display the progress dialog
+	  prior to opening an error or question dialog.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(thunar_vfs_info_rename): Fix gcc4
+	  warning.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add missing thunar_vfs_rename symbol.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c(thunar_favourites_model_get_value):
+	  Work-around a compiler bug with newer gcc versions.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}: Turn ThunarStandardView into a
+	  valid drop site with support for text/uri-list drops.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-dnd.{c,h}: Add DnD helper functions,
+	  which can be used by other modules as well (e.g. for the desktop
+	  view).
+2005-08-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c: Drop the icon caching from the
+	  favourites model as it causes trouble with icon theme changing and
+	  is unnecessary since the ThunarIconFactory already performs quite
+	  well at caching icons.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c: Reload the icons for the location
+	  buttons when the active icon/gtk theme is changed.
+2005-08-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c(thunar_local_folder_infos_ready): Do not
+	  compare the newly inserted files, as they are garantied to be
+	  different from each other.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(thunar_vfs_info_matches): Move the URI
+	  comparison to the end as that takes most of the time.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.c(thunar_vfs_listdir_job_execute):
+	  Pre-sort the names in ascending order to get faster inserts for the
+	  usual case where the user sorts its views by name.
+2005-08-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Adjust the "editability" of the
+	  name entry widget depending on whether the file can be renamed.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}: Add methd thunar_vfs_info_rename()
+	  which supports renaming of regular files and .desktop files.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add _thunar_file_cache_rename() to support
+	  ThunarFile implementations that provide the thunar_file_rename()
+	  method.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Add support to rename local files based
+	  on thunar_vfs_info_rename().
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c: Allow users to rename files using
+	  the name entry widget.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_file_changed): Re-sort
+	  the model as the file may have changed its name.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_sort): Avoid the GArray
+	  overhead and try to use stack memory if possible.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.h, thunar/thunar-details-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Add virtual methods set_cursor() and
+	  scroll_to_path() to the ThunarStandardView class and implement them
+	  in ThunarDetailsView and ThunarIconView.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Implement the "Rename" action based
+	  on the inline editing capabilities of ThunarTextRenderer.
+2005-08-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c(thunar_favourites_view_init): Use
+	  auto-sizing for the favourites column.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c:
+	  Add support for Gtk+ 2.8 shortcuts, which allow the user to assign
+	  aliases with mutable shortcuts.
+2005-08-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}: Turn the name cell renderer into
+	  a property of the ThunarStandardView class, so related functionality
+	  can be easily shared between the icon and details views.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml: Add
+	  placeholder for alteration actions to the "Edit" menu in the thunar
+	  window and fill this placeholder with the "Rename" action in the
+	  standard view. In addition, add the "Rename" action to the file
+	  context menu.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add rename functionality to the ThunarFile
+	  interface.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_selection_changed):
+	  Enable the "Rename" action if exactly one file is selected and that
+	  file is renameable.
+2005-08-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c: Use GLib linked lists to manage
+	  the favourites.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c: Monitor the bookmarks file for
+	  changes.
+2005-08-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add side pane
+	  selection to the View menu.
+2005-08-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Check for Intel MMX Intrinsics header.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-gdk-pixbuf-extensions.c: Use Intel MMX Intrinsics to
+	  speed up pixbuf operations, if supported by the compiler (the -mmmx
+	  option in gcc).
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_action_location_bar_changed):
+	  Apply the location bar patch submitted by Jeffs Franks
+	  <jcfranks at tpg.com.au> in a slightly modified form.
+2005-08-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Remove thunar-vfs-mime.{c,h}.
+	* po/*.po: Update .po files.
+2005-08-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_sort): Use temporary
+	  storage on the stack, rather than the heap.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Derive from GObject rather than
+	  GtkObject, as we don't need GtkObject's features anymore in
+	  ThunarListModel.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_class_init): Use
+	  EXO_PARAM_* macros rather than G_PARAM_*.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_equal): Add a check to
+	  see whether the compared references refer to the same object, which
+	  can happen quite often (in case of a positive match).
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_list_to_string): Prealloc
+	  a buffer of 512 bytes for the URI list string representation.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_list_free): Use
+	  g_list_foreach() to unref the URIs.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c(thunar_local_file_get_emblem_names):
+	  Properly verify the parent uri when testing for the Desktop
+	  directory.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Drop the
+	  thunar_vfs_mime_info_get() and thunar_vfs_mime_info_get_for_file()
+	  methods, and merge the thunar-vfs-mime initialization into the
+	  thunar-vfs initialization routines.
+2005-08-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-local-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Rename can_execute(), can_read() and
+	  can_write() to is_executable(), is_readable() and is_writable() to
+	  get consistent naming.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}: Add THUNAR_VFS_FILE_FLAGS_EXECUTABLE
+	  to the ThunarVfsFileFlags, which will be set if a ThunarVfsInfo
+	  can be executed, either as regular binary or as .desktop file.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sysdep.{c,h}: Move the Exec parsing code from
+	  ThunarVfsMimeApplication to thunar-vfs-sysdep, so it can be used by
+	  other modules as well.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add
+	  new method thunar_vfs_info_execute(), which is used to execute
+	  files with a list of URIs. These method can handle both regular
+	  executable files as well as .desktop files.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-launcher.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Add support to execute files that are
+	  marked as executable by the ThunarVfsInfo module.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_info_locked),
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_infos_for_info_locked): Be sure to
+	  always unalias MIME-types prior to returning them from the mime
+	  database instance. This way we don't need to care for unaliasing
+	  when determining the MIME-type comment or MIME-type icon.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add new method
+	  thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_infos_for_info() to the public API, to
+	  allow other components to access the subclassing information.
+	* FAQ, Makefile.am: Add initial items for the list of frequently asked
+	  questions.
+	* TODO: Remove obsolete items.
+2005-08-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}: Add support to pass hints from the
+	  ThunarVfsInfo to the upper layers. Use these hints to pass icon and
+	  name information from .desktop files.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.symbols: Add new symbols.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Use the new hints to display appropriate
+	  names and icons for .desktop files.
+2005-08-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-trash.c: Use ThunarVfsMonitor instead of
+	  polling the trash files/ directories manually.
+2005-08-27	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-legacy.c: Add support for MIME-type
+	  aliases and parents to the legacy implementation.
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: Add support
+	  for determining the MIME type from an extended attribute on SunOS
+	  and Linux.
+2005-08-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c: Add drag support for the path entry icon.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add view
+	  selection to the "View" menu.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.c(thunar_icon_view_button_press_event): Use
+	  gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask() rather than hardcoding
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_button_press_event):
+	  Add support to open the folder menu by right-clicking on an empty
+	  area in the tree view.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c: Work-around the problem that GtkTreeView
+	  resets the search column whenever the model changes.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_grab_focus):
+	  Properly forward any grab-focus request to the child view.
+	* thunar/thunar-marshal.list, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-text-renderer.c: Add initial cell editing support to
+	  the text renderer. We'll need a multiline entry widget for the
+	  icon view.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.h: Add
+	  drag source support to the standard views.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Don't implement GtkTreeDragSource, as
+	  that's handled by ThunarStandardView now.
+2005-08-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.c(thunar_vfs_job_emit): Use G_VA_COPY to
+	  copy variable argument lists in a portable manner.
+2005-08-19	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}: Allow derived classes to add
+	  custom actions to the user interface.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml: Add
+	  support for custom view item actions.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-icon-view-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Add support to arrange items within the
+	  icon view.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.h, thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Provide an emblem
+	  for the desktop folder in regular file listings.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.c(thunar_icon_view_init): Add 3 pixel padding
+	  in vertical direction to the icon cell, to allow better placement
+	  of the emblems.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.c(thunar_icon_renderer_render): Improve
+	  the emblem placement and drawing code to work-around issues with
+	  most icon themes, that don't provide emblems in the appropriate
+	  sizes.
+2005-08-19	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-statusbar.c: Drop the dependency on X11.
+	* thunar/thunar-desktop-window.c: Include <gdk/gdkx.h> explicitly (since
+	  that's no longer done by libexo -> libxfcegui4).
+2005-08-18	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunarx/thunarx-gdk-pixbuf-extensions.{c,h}: Add new function
+	  thunarx_gdk_pixbuf_spotlight(), which is used to create a
+	  special icon for the Gtk prelight state.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-details-view.c, po/POTFILES.in: Rename
+	  ThunarDetailsViewIconRenderer to ThunarIconRenderer, as
+	  it will also be used by the icon view now.
+	* thunar/thunar-text-renderer.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-details-view.c, po/POTFILES.in: Rename
+	  ThunarDetailsViewTextRenderer to ThunarTextRenderer,
+	  as it will also be used by the icon view now.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-renderer.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-text-renderer.{c,h}:
+	  Add required functionality to use these renderers with the new
+	  ExoIconView.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Update to use the new ExoIconView class,
+	  with the modified ThunarIconRenderer and ThunarTextRenderer.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.h, thunar/thunar-open-with-action.h: Use
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_init): Use the icon view by
+	  default for testing now.
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version to 0.1.2.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_action_about): Switch to
+	  GtkAboutDialog.
+2005-08-18	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_files_added): Speed up
+	  inserts if the order of the files match the current sort order, which
+	  is usually the case with sorting by name.
+2005-08-18	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_set_folder): Speed up
+	  the removal of existing rows when changing folders. It's now O(n)
+	  instead of O(n^2).
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: The memory chunk used for the rows is
+	  now an object attribute, rather than a global variable.
+2005-08-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_application_new_from_desktop_id): Use "Name" instead
+	  of "GenericName" for the application's name, as the "Name" usually
+	  includes the project name in addition to the functional description
+	  of the application, which provides better results than having several
+	  applications named "Text Editor", etc.
+	* configure.in.in: Prefer Gamin over FAM to avoid the C++ dependency
+	  if possible. Besides that, Gamin offers several other advantages over
+	  FAM, which makes it better suitable to be used in Thunar.
+	* po/POTFILES.in: Add missing source files here, and remove obsolete
+	  files.
+	* Thunar.desktop.in, Makefile.am, configure.in.in, po/POTFILES.in: Add
+	  desktop file for Thunar.
+2005-08-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-jobs.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.{c,h}: Merge thunar-vfs-jobs.[ch] into
+	  thunar-vfs.[ch].
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c, thunar/thunar-local-folder.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-local-file.c:
+	  Rename thunar_vfs_monitor_get() to thunar_vfs_monitor_get_default().
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-launcher.c, thunar/thunar-open-with-action.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-trash-folder.c: Rename thunar_vfs_mime_database_get()
+	  to thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_default().
+	* thunar-vfs/, thunar/Makefile.am, tests/Makefile.am, configure.in.in:
+	  Turn libthunar-vfs into a shared library, so we can use it in other
+	  applications/plugins as well.
+2005-08-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version to 0.1.1.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-info.h: Add list handling method
+	  thunar_vfs_mime_info_list_free().
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-info.c(thunar_vfs_mime_info_get_comment):
+	  Automatically generate a comment for 'application/x-extension-<EXT>'
+	  types if no comment is found on the disk.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_info_for_file): Automatically generate
+	  an 'application/x-extension-<EXT>' type on the fly if all other
+	  checks fail and the file name has an extension.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cache.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-legacy.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-provider.{c,h}: Add provider methods to
+	  unalias mime types and to determine the parents of a given mime
+	  type. Use these information to query additional MIME applications.
+2005-08-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_default_application): Fall back to the
+	  first available application if no explicit default application is
+	  set by the user.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-launcher.c: Rename
+	  thunar_file_list_dup() to thunar_file_list_copy() to get
+	  consistent naming.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.{c,h}: Add support methods
+	  required for hashing.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.{c,h}: Add methods to launch
+	  an application on a given list of URIs on a specific screen. Implement
+	  the Desktop Entry Specification 0.9.4, except for startup notification
+	  support, which will be added soon.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.c, thunar/thunar-open-with-action.c: Allow
+	  users to open files using the newly added ThunarVfsMimeApplication
+	  functionality.
+2005-08-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: According to the specification
+	  the defaults.list may specify more than one desktop-id per MIME type,
+	  where the first available application should be used.
+2005-08-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-info.{c,h}: Add support methods required
+	  for hashing.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-application.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.{c,h}: Add initial MIME
+	  application support to the MIME database.
+	* thunar/thunar-launcher.{c,h}: Add ThunarLauncher class, which provides
+	  actions to launch files using appropriate MIME applications. The
+	  ThunarLauncher class will also be used by the desktop view.
+	* thunar/thunar-open-with-action.{c,h}: Add special action class
+	  ThunarOpenWithAction, which provides a GtkAction implementation, that
+	  - when used as menu - displays a submenu with all available MIME
+	  applications for a given file.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml: Add a placeholder to include the launcher
+	  support in the "File" menu on the main menu bar.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-view.c, thunar/thunar-details-view.c: Add file
+	  launcher support based on the new ThunarLauncher class.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add methods to handle lists of ThunarFile
+	  items easily.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c(thunar_icon_factory_load_icon): Handle
+	  the case of passing a NULL or empty name properly.
+2005-08-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, po/ja.po, THANKS: Add initial japanese translations,
+	  thanks to Daichi Kawahata <daichik at users.sourceforge.net>. This
+	  fixes #1004.
+2005-08-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-legacy.c: Add support for the various
+	  globs to the legacy mime provider.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c(thunar_vfs_mime_database_init):
+	  Read atleast 64 bytes from every file to reliably detect text files.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: When looking up the MIME info
+	  for a given file, and the magic check doesn't return a match, we'll
+	  return "application/x-executable" for every regular file that is
+	  atleast 1 byte in size and has the executable bit set, as this is
+	  more precise than "application/octet-stream".
+2005-08-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Use AC_TRY_LINK() to avoid trouble with funky
+	  systems.
+2005-08-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add some autoconf magic to get posix_madvise()
+	  working with glibc.
+2005-08-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}: Determine the display_name for
+	  each file info.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.c(thunar_vfs_info_new_for_uri): Hand the
+	  display name to thunar_vfs_mime_database_get_info_for_file(), so
+	  we don't need to determine it again.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_get_display_name): Don't
+	  use g_filename_display_basename(), because it may returned a somehow
+	  translated file name.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Use the display_name supplied with the
+	  ThunarVfsInfo rather than determining it again.
+2005-08-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.c: Add support
+	  to query the MIME type stored in the extended attribute
+	  "user.mime_type" as specified in the Shared MIME-info spec.
+	* docs/design/mime.xmi, docs/design/Makefile.am: Import description for
+	  the ThunarVFS mime module.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cache.c(thunar_vfs_mime_cache_lookup_glob):
+	  Use correct offset when iterating over the GlobEntries.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cache.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_mime_cache_lookup_literal): Fix the offset returned for
+	  the MIME-type name.
+2005-08-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Check for fnmatch.h and sys/mman.h. Add checks for
+	  working mmap and posix_madvise.
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/xdgmime/, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Drop
+	  the xdgmime library.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-cache.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-database.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-info.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-legacy.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime-provider.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime.{c,h}: Import thread-safe replacement for
+	  the xdgmime library. Works only with very recent shared-mime-info
+	  right now.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Add new files to the build framework.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.h, thunar/main.c: Add
+	  ability to shutdown the VFS library.
+2005-08-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add "r" in front of the revision for the version
+	  string.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-mime.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c: Use ExoObject as base class for
+	  ThunarVfsJob, ThunarVfsMimeInfo and ThunarVfsUri, which were fun-
+	  damental types previously. ExoObject does exactly what we need
+	  here, without any additional overhead. In particular, the ref-
+	  counting is atomic, even with GLib < 2.7.4.
+	* configure.in.in: Connect greek translations, previously committed
+	  by Stavros Giannouris <stavrosg2002 at freemail.gr>.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Use exo-noops for the defaults where possible
+	  instead of providing several fallback implementations.
+	* configure.in.in: Bump version number to 0.1.0.
+2005-08-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/main.c(main): Connect the translation domain and setup the
+	  application name.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_init): Setup the
+	  translation domain for the action group.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_init): Setup the translation
+	  domain for the action group.
+	* po/hu.po, configure.in.in, THANKS: Add hungarian translations, thanks
+	  to Szervác Attila <sas at 321.hu>.
+2005-08-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c(thunar_folder_files_removed): Update docu-
+	  mentation.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-folder.c(thunar_local_folder_file_destroy): In-
+	  voke the "files-removed" signal when a file in this folder is de-
+	  stroyed.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Do not connect the "destroy" signal of
+	  ThunarFile anymore, but instead we rely on the folder to emit
+	  "files-removed" appropriately.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_class_init): Increase
+	  the number of preallocated rows.
+	* po/, Makefile.am, configure.in.in: Add i18n support.
+2005-08-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view-text-renderer.c: Calculating the approxi-
+	  mate sizes based on the font metrics requires way too much additional
+	  data memory (because Pango loads the whole fontset for this calcu-
+	  lation), so we base our calculation on a sample text instead.
+2005-08-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.c(thunar_vfs_job_emit_valist): Lower the
+	  Job signal priority to increase the responsiveness of the user
+	  interface.
+2005-08-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view-text-renderer.{c,h}: Fast text cell
+	  renderer, which provides less accurate cell area size calculation.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add ThunarDetailsViewTextRenderer to the build
+	  framework.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c: Use the new text renderer.
+2005-08-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c: Implement the
+	  thunar_vfs_monitor_feed() method in a reentrant way.
+2005-08-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Add sort_by_name() calls missing from the
+	  initial patch.
+2005-08-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c(thunar_local_file_monitor): Actually
+	  reload the file info when the VFS monitor notices a change.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Apply Jens Luedickes patch to add
+	  sub-sorting on the filename.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c: Add missing header files.
+	* configure.in.in: Drop the kevent related checks.
+2005-08-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add check for the FAM/Gamin library.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.{c,h}: Redesign
+	  the VFS monitor to use FAM if available. It also provides an interface
+	  to feed the monitor with external events, which will be used by the
+	  VFS jobs, which know for sure that they changed/created/deleted a
+	  file. The interface is not yet implemented.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add a virtual method reload(), which allows
+	  external entities to trigger a reload on a ThunarFile.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Implement the reload() method.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c, thunar/thunar-local-folder.c: Add support
+	  for the new VFS monitor.
+2005-08-01	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: Add new method
+	  thunar_list_model_get_paths_for_pattern(), which is used to
+	  generate a list of GtkTreePaths for all rows matching a
+	  certain pattern.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.h: Add virtual methods select_all(),
+	  unselect_all() and select_path(), and implement them in the details
+	  and icon views.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml: Add actions "select-all" and
+	  "select-by-pattern" to the "Edit" menu.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-trash.c: Cosmetic fix.
+2005-07-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-local-folder.c: Properly disconnect all signal handlers
+	  prior to releasing the job.
+	* TODO: Remove completed items. Add note about the copy&paste behaviour
+	  within the same folder.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c
+	  (thunar_vfs_transfer_job_insert_base): Fix the check whether source
+	  and target directory are equal.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-user.c(thunar_vfs_user_local_class_init): Fix
+	  a crash, where the thunar_vfs_local_user_parent_class wasn't initia-
+	  lized properly.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c: Allow users to automatically enter
+	  directories while dragging a text/uri-list over one of the folder
+	  buttons.
+2005-07-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c: Include <time.h> since we
+	  use the time() library call. g_chmod() will be introduced with GLib
+	  2.8.0, so adjust the check.
+2005-07-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c
+	  (thunar_clipboard_manager_contents_received): Properly clear the
+	  CLIPBOARD selection after a paste on "cutted data". Manually trigger
+	  an "owner-changed" after a successfully initiating the paste operation
+	  if either the Xserver or the GTK+ version doesn't support the XFixes
+	  extension.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.c, configure.in.in: Add work-around
+	  for systems that lack the lchmod() system call.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}: Query all actions from the group
+	  when initializing the view to speed up access later.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c:
+	  Add a "paste-into-folder" action, which is only available from the
+	  context menu.
+	* autogen.sh, configure.in.in: Adopt the version numbering scheme from
+	  libexo and ditch the date.
+2005-07-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.{c,h}: Implement paste support based
+	  on the recent API additions to ThunarApplication.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_action_paste):
+	  Implement the paste action based on the new functionality in
+	  ThunarClipboardManager.
+2005-07-31	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.c: Allocate dirent buffer for
+	  the job instead of the stack on every thunar_vfs_unlink_item_collect
+	  call to reduce the stack overhead for the threads.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-interactive-job.c: Check the cancellation
+	  state prior to invoking the "ask" signal.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-interactive-job.{c,h}: Reduce the number
+	  of "percent" signal invokations to one per second to reduce the
+	  overall load on the main thread.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.c(thunar_vfs_job_emit_valist): Lower
+	  the priority of inter-thread signals.
+	* thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.c(thunar_progress_dialog_init): Use
+	  an ellipsizing label for the progress info message to avoid
+	  automatic resizing of the progress dialog.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}: Add "copy" and "move" actions. Drop
+	  "unlink" action, will be replaced with "trash" and "empty-trash-bin"
+	  later.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-transfer-job.{c,h}: Import the
+	  ThunarVfsTransferJob class, which can only handle 'file:'-URI
+	  transfers right now.
+2005-07-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunarx/thunarx-gtk-extensions.{c,h}, thunarx/Makefile.am: Add a
+	  helper function thunarx_gtk_action_group_set_action_sensitive(),
+	  which is used to easily change the sensitivity of a GtkAction
+	  within a GtkActionGroup.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Use the newly
+	  added thunarx_gtk_action_group_set_action_sensitive() method.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add new actions
+	  "open-new-window" and "close-all-windows".
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}: Add support for progress dialogs
+	  based on the ThunarVfsInteractiveJob. Turn the ThunarApplication
+	  class into a single-instance class. Add support to open new windows
+	  and querying the list of currently open windows.
+	* thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.{c,h}: GtkWindow already provides the
+	  "icon-name" property (since Gtk 2.6), no need to duplicate that.
+	* thunar/main.c: Switch to ThunarApplication.
+2005-07-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c, thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c, thunar/thunar-statusbar.c: Fix
+	  GCC 4.0 cast warnings, thanks to Jeff Franks <jcfranks at tpg.com.au>.
+2005-07-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.c: Emit signals independant of the
+	  cancellation state of the current job.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-trash.{c,h}: Add a way to query the absolute
+	  path to the .trashinfo file. Support relative paths and not just
+	  filenames for several trash methods.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-interactive-job.{c,h}: Import the
+	  ThunarVfsInteractiveJob class, which provides the base for all
+	  jobs, that require extended user interaction.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-marshal.list: Add
+	  required marshallers, which are not provided by GObject out of
+	  the box.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-unlink-job.{c,h}: Import ThunarVfsUnlinkJob
+	  class, which is used to unlink a bunch of local or trashed files.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-jobs.{c,h}: Add public interface to the
+	  various jobs provided by Thunar-VFS.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.h: Remove the listdir job from the public
+	  interface. Add the jobs and the interactive job headers.
+	* thunar/thunar-progress-dialog.{c,h}: Add ThunarProgressDialog class,
+	  which provides a dialog, that monitors the progress of an interactive
+	  and supports the required user interaction.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am, thunar/thunar-local-folder.c: Catch up with
+	  Thunar-VFS changes.
+2005-07-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.c:
+	  Move "error" signal to the ThunarVfsJob class. Make proper use of the
+	  virtual finalize method.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-folder.c: Catch up with the ThunarVfsJob
+	  interface changes.
+2005-07-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.{c,h}: Add a parameter spec for
+	  ThunarVfsJob and derived types. Add support methods to handle
+	  GValues easily.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-listdir-job.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.h, thunar/thunar-local-folder.c: Rename the
+	  ThunarVfsJobListdir class to ThunarVfsListdirJob.
+2005-07-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-sysdep.{c,h}: Add _thunar_vfs_sysdep_readdir()
+	  as a portable, thread-safe readdir replacement.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job-listdir.c(thunar_vfs_job_listdir_execute):
+	  Use _thunar_vfs_sysdep_readdir().
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Add the sysdep component to the build
+	  framework.
+2005-07-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-desktop-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-details-view-icon-renderer.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c, thunar/thunar-file.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-list-model.c, thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-path-entry.c, thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-statusbar.c, thunar/thunar-window.c: Do not hardcode
+	  the default icon factory in thunar_file_load_icon. Instead the icon
+	  factory is now a parameter to that function, which permits for proper
+	  multi-screen support.
+2005-07-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c(thunar_icon_factory_load_icon): Handle
+	  the case where no XSETTINGS manager is running on one of the
+	  connected screens.
+2005-07-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_load_icon): Actually cache the result
+	  of an icon lookup.
+	* thunarx/, thunarx/Makefile.am, configure.in.in: Add "thunarx"
+	  namespace, which contains extensions to existing frameworks and
+	  various helper functions that don't fit anywhere else.
+	* thunarx/thunarx-gdk-pixbuf-extensions.{c,h}: Add a method to colorize
+	  a GdkPixbuf to a given GdkColor.
+	* thunar/main.c, thunar/thunar-desktop-model.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-desktop-window.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-desktop-view.{c,h}:
+	  Add proof-of-concept for the desktop support.
+2005-07-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Fix incorrect ThunarVfsMimeInfo -> GObject
+	  casts.
+2005-07-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add -O0 if debugging is enabled.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-local-folder.c,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job-listdir.{c,h}: Do the ThunarVfsJob
+	  communication based on GSignals to provide more flexibility for
+	  the various upcoming jobs.
+2005-07-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c: Remove duplicate "const"s.
+2005-07-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}: Use "const" parameters if possible
+	  to give more hints to the compiler.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}: Add thunar_vfs_uri_get_md5sum()
+	  method to calculate the MD5 digest of an URI.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Preallocate 512 instances of the
+	  ThunarLocalFile class to speed up the creation of new objects.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_init): Do not
+	  allow reordering of treeview columns.
+2005-07-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add --disable-debug option, which can be used to
+	  disable all kinds of debugging support, and thereby may speed up
+	  the whole application in certain cases.
+	* thunar/thunar-statusbar.c: Use the foreground color from the selected
+	  style instead of hard coding black for the animation.
+2005-07-21	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c: Add support for the LINK DnD action.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c(thunar_location_buttons_init): Use
+	  GDK_ACTION_LINK instead of GDK_ACTION_COPY to avoid accident copying
+	  of directories.
+	* thunar/thunar-statusbar.{c,h}: Implement the ThunarNavigator
+	  interface.
+	* thunar/thunar-statusbar.{c,h}: Add a "loading" indicator to the
+	  statusbar. Add support to dnd from the shortcut indicator to the
+	  favourites list.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_init): Connect the statusbar as
+	  a navigator. Forward the "loading" property from the view to the
+	  statusbar.
+	* configure.in.in: Check for additional headers. Add optional
+	  dependency on cairo.
+2005-07-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Rename to "thunar" again, as this is now the main
+	  development line.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}:
+	  Add context-menu support to the standard view's action framework.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c: Implement context-menu support for
+	  right-button click and "Menu"/"<Shift>F10" keyboard shortcuts.
+2005-07-18	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job-listdir.c(thunar_vfs_job_listdir_execute):
+	  Always ignore the "." and ".." entries for directories.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-bar.{c,h}: Add virtual method accept_focus(),
+	  which tries to transfer keyboard focus to the location bar if it
+	  provides a way for the user to enter the location as text. Else
+	  the method returns FALSE and the window will open a separate dialog.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c, thunar/thunar-location-entry.c:
+	  Implement the accept_focus() method on the ThunarLocationBar
+	  interface appropriately.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Make the
+	  location bar configurable using the action system.
+2005-07-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c: Do not handle the focus-out-event here,
+	  as it's better to handle it in the upper layers.
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.c(thunar_path_entry_set_current_file): Set
+	  the cursor to the end and queue a redraw on the whole widget.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Include <thunar/thunar-location-entry.h>.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-entry.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add
+	  ThunarLocationEntry, which implements ThunarLocationBar using a
+	  ThunarPathEntry widget.
+2005-07-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-path-entry.{c,h}: Add ThunarPathEntry class, which
+	  implements a widget to which the user can enter paths. The auto
+	  completion support is not yet provided.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-dialog.{c,h}: Add ThunarLocationDialog class,
+	  which provides a "Open Location"-dialog similar to the one found in
+	  GtkFileChooser.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add new classes to the build framework.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window.c: Add "Open
+	  Location" action to the window, which will bring up a
+	  ThunarLocationDialog.
+2005-07-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Use "thunar-threaded" instead of "Thunar-threaded".
+	* tests/test-thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c(main): Get this test working again.
+2005-07-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* TODO: Add note to based the ThunarVfsJob communication on the GSignal
+	  mechanism.
+	* configure.in.in: Set tarname to be "Thunar-threaded".
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}: Let thunar_vfs_info_list_free()
+	  return NULL.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-job-listdir.c: Invoke the callback every two
+	  seconds, so for large directories, the user does not need to wait for
+	  the whole folder to be loaded. Also sort the item names prior to
+	  loading the infos.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-folder.c: Support partial loading, as implemented
+	  for ThunarVfsJobListdir.
+2005-07-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-sysv.c: Fix compile warning with wrong
+	  parameters to thunar_vfs_volume_manager_sysv_get_volume_by_info().
+	  This fixes bug #1083.
+2005-07-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/xdgmime/: Import the XDG mime implementation with the
+	  patches from libexo.
+	* thunar-vfs/: The ThunarVfsInfo framework is now thread-safe, using
+	  the ThunarVfsMime framework provided by ThunarVFS.
+	* thunar/: Turn Thunar into a threaded application.
+2005-07-16	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.{c,h}: Add a "files-removed" signal, which can
+	  be used by ThunarFolder implementation to solve the reload problem,
+	  and probably other problems as well (like asynchronous loading).
+	* thunar/thunar-local-folder.c(thunar_local_folder_rescan): Use
+	  "files-removed" instead of destroying the no longer present files,
+	  so we don't accidently terminate other stuff here.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Handle the "files-removed" signal of the
+	  ThunarFolder.
+2005-07-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c: Unselect all selected items if the
+	  user clicks on an empty area of the treeview and neither Control
+	  nor Shift is active.
+	* thunar/thunar-properties-dialog.{c,h}: Add the first draft for the
+	  ThunarPropertiesDialog class, which implements a properties dialog for
+	  a single file.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add ThunarPropertiesDialog to the build framework.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml: Add the "properties" action to the
+	  menu structure, which displays a properties dialog for the selected
+	  file.
+2005-07-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.{c,h}: Extend the ThunarVfsVolumeManager
+	  interface to be able to query the ThunarVfsVolume for a given
+	  ThunarVfsInfo.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-{bsd,sysv}.c: Catch up with the latest
+	  ThunarVfsVolumeManager changes.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c(thunar_vfs_volume_bsd_new): Add
+	  support for SCSI direct access devices.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add thunar_file_get_volume() to be able
+	  to query the ThunarVfsVolume for a given ThunarFile, if possible.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Implement the newly added get_volume()
+	  method based on the ThunarVfsVolumeManager.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Use the new volume related functionality
+	  to display the free space of the currently active directory in the
+	  statusbar.
+2005-07-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/papers/HackingOnThunar.odt: Improve the "Hacking on Thunar"
+	  guide.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.{c,h}: Change the icon lookup mechanism
+	  to return an icon name instead of a GtkIconInfo object. Also allow
+	  the ThunarVfsVolume implementation to specify a custom icon by
+	  overriding the lookup_icon_name() method. Add a new method
+	  get_free_space() which can be used to determine the amount of free
+	  space on a given volume.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c: Catch up with the changes to
+	  ThunarVfsVolume.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c: Cache icons for the favourites and
+	  reload them whenever the file/volume changes. Adopt the new icon
+	  lookup mechanism for ThunarVfsVolume.
+2005-07-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_init): Add frame
+	  shadow to the standard views.
+2005-07-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.c: Fake an "owner-changed" event
+	  for the clipboard if either GDK or the Xserver do not support the
+	  XFixes extension.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c: Monitor the associated clipboard for
+	  changes. Enable the "paste" action only if the both the current
+	  directory is writable and the clipboard contents are pastable.
+2005-07-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-user.c(thunar_vfs_user_manager_init): Use
+	  direct hashing instead of int hashing.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c(thunar_local_file_get_emblem_names): If
+	  the file cannot be written, return the "noread" emblem as well.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add can_execute(), can_read() and
+	  can_write() methods, and a default implementation, so not every
+	  class derived from ThunarFile needs to implement these methods of
+	  its own.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.c(thunar_standard_view_selection_changed):
+	  Update the "cut" and "paste" actions depending on whether the
+	  current directory is writable.
+2005-07-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_list_to_string): Use GString
+	  to build the URI list string.
+	* thunar/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}: Add a method thunar_vfs_uri_list_copy()
+	  which duplicates a list of ThunarVfsURIs.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c(thunar_vfs_volume_bsd_finalize):
+	  Properly remove the update timer here.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_remove): Perform the
+	  GtkTreeModel delete operation prior to notifying the "num-files"
+	  property to make sure the selection of the view is updated before
+	  the standard-view requests the statusbar text for the selection.
+	* TODO: Add another two issues.
+	* thunar/thunar-clipboard-manager.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add the new
+	  ThunarClipboardManager class, which does the interaction with the
+	  clipboard.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}: Implement Copy/Cut operations based
+	  on the newly added ThunarClipboardManager class.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml: Add
+	  clipboard operations to the "Edit" menu.
+2005-07-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Add a readonly property "ui-manager" to the
+	  ThunarWindow and use property binding to sync the UI manager with
+	  the ThunarView.
+2005-07-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml:
+	  Specify the name in addition to the action.
+2005-07-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-navigator.c(thunar_navigator_class_init): Use
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Fix several bugs related to incorrect
+	  signal registration/removal in the hidden files handling.
+	* thunar/thunar-view.{c,h}: Add a new "ui-manager" property, which is
+	  set by the surrounding window for the view in question. The view in
+	  turn can hook its own actions - and thereby menu and toolbar items -
+	  into the ui manager, using GtkUIManager's merging capabilities.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_init): Tell the main view about
+	  our UI manager.
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/thunar-standard-view-ui.xml,
+	  thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add initial
+	  support for menu merging to the standard view class - and thereby to
+	  the icon and details view. You can now control the "show-hidden"
+	  property of the main view's model from the menu bar.
+2005-07-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: Readd the get_statusbar_text() method.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c(thunar_favourites_view_row_activated):
+	  Make sure the activated row is not the separator row, as calling
+	  thunar_navigator_change_directory() with NULL for the directory
+	  parameter will lead to a crash.
+	* thunar/thunar-standard-view.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-details-view.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-icon-view.{c,h}, thunar/Makefile.am: Add a new abstract
+	  base class ThunarStandardView, which is inherited by ThunarIconView
+	  and ThunarDetailsView. ThunarStandardView itself is derived from
+	  GtkScrolledWindow. This change was made to reduce the amount of
+	  duplicated code in ThunarIconView and ThunarDetailsView, and to
+	  workaround the problem that Gtk style properties don't pickup the
+	  custom properties for certain widgets once you have a derived class.
+	* thunar/thunar-statusbar.{c,h}: Revert to the previous ThunarStatusbar
+	  implementation, which has a single "text" property that is bound to
+	  the "statusbar-text" property of the active view.
+	* thunar/thunar-view.{c,h}: ThunarView now inherits (in terms of
+	  interface inheritance) from ThunarNavigator, which will allow for
+	  unified handling in ThunarWindow. In addition, the ThunarView now
+	  provides a "loading" and a "statusbar-text" property (both readonly)
+	  to put the view back in control of the loading process.
+2005-07-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c: Be sure to register the type in a
+	  thread-safe manner.
+2005-07-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c:
+	  Also provide a GtkWindow instance to the action list generator, so
+	  actions can fire dialogs if necessary.
+2005-07-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c:
+	  Add possibility to remove user-defined shortcuts from the list.
+2005-07-03	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c(thunar_favourites_model_get_value):
+	  The ThunarVfsVolume interface does no longer provide the "name"
+	  property.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c: Read the label from the ISO9660
+	  volume descriptor block whenever a new medium is inserted and use
+	  this label as name.
+2005-07-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window-ui.xml, thunar/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c: The UI description for the ThunarWindow is
+	  now placed in a separate XML file for easier editing, and compiled
+	  into the binary using the exo-csource utility.
+2005-07-02	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add checks for functions used in the user module.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-user.{c,h}: Add a user module to the VFS
+	  library, which is extensible and performs some caching to reduce
+	  the overhead caused by the underlying NSS implementation.
+	* docs/papers/HackingOnThunar.odt: Add comments about the newly added
+	  ThunarVfsUser module.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.h: Add ThunarVfsUserId and ThunarVfsGroupId
+	  typedefs.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.h, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Add the new
+	  ThunarVfsUser module to the build framework.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-local-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-trash-file.c: Add two new methods to the ThunarFile
+	  class - get_group() and get_user() - and add an implementation of
+	  these methods to the local and trash backends.
+2005-06-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view-icon-renderer.c
+	  (thunar_details_view_icon_renderer_render): Add support to render
+	  the primary emblem of the given file.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add support to query the list of emblems
+	  for a given ThunarFile.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Implement the ThunarFile emblem support
+	  for symbolic links.
+2005-06-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view-icon-renderer.{c,h}: Add a custom icon
+	  renderer for the details view.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: Allow consumers of this model to
+	  query the file for a given row.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add the new ThunarDetailsViewIconRenderer class
+	  to the build framework.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_init): Use the custom
+	  icon renderer instead of the generic pixbuf renderer provided by Gtk+.
+2005-06-29	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c: Make this behave like GtkFileChooser
+	  again.
+2005-06-28	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.c:
+	  Remove the GObject properties from the ThunarVfsVolume interface.
+2005-06-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}: Do not automatically determine the
+	  link target for ThunarVfsInfo objects. Instead, we'll add a method
+	  to ThunarVfsInfo later, so modules can do this on-demand. This speeds
+	  up loading directories with lots of symlinks within.
+	* TODO: Remove the ThunarVfsInfo symlink item.
+2005-06-26	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}: Don't use a GObject for the
+	  ThunarVfsURI class. GObject is really overhead here, as we don't need
+	  anything of whats provided by GObject.
+	* TODO: Add note about missing GValue handling for ThunarVfsURI.
+	* TODO: Add note to fix ThunarVfsInfo to not implicitly query the
+	  link target.
+	* thunar-vfs/*.[ch], thunar/*.[ch]: Use thunar_vfs_uri_unref() and
+	  thunar_vfs_uri_ref() instead of g_object_unref() and g_object_ref(),
+	  as ThunarVfsURI is no longer a GObject derived type.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Make loading new directories look and feel
+	  "smoother". Still not perfect.
+2005-06-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Use a static variable for the VFS monitor
+	  instead of a class variable, that never gets freed with static types.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c: Watch the files in the favourites
+	  list for changes, so that folders that no longer exists are
+	  automatically removed from the list.
+2005-06-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-navigator.c(thunar_navigator_get_type): Do not require
+	  derived classes to inherit GtkWidget. This enables us to let arbitrary
+	  classes implement the ThunarNavigator interface and therefore reduce
+	  the amount of hardcoded knowledge in ThunarWindow.
+	* thunar/thunar-side-pane.c(thunar_side_pane_get_type): Require derived
+	  classes to inhert GtkWidget.
+2005-06-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_init): Use a
+	  GtkCellRendererText instead of an ExoCellRendererEllipsizedText
+	  for the name column.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Set proper
+	  ATK name and descriptions here.
+2005-06-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/main.c(main): Disable thread support for now, as it's not used
+	  and just slows down stuff.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-local-file.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-local-folder.c, thunar/thunar-trash-file.c: Watch local
+	  directories and trashed files for changes.
+2005-06-25	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c
+	  (thunar_location_buttons_set_current_directory): Don't display the
+	  real root node - the 'computer:'-node - if a sub-node is active. So
+	  currently we have four distinctive possible roots for the location
+	  buttons bar, which are the home directory of the user, the file system
+	  root node ('file:/'), the trash root ('trash:') and the real computer
+	  root node ('computer:'), which are checked in the given order.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_value): Use slightly
+	  larger icons for the details view.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Add preliminary menu support with 'Close'
+	  and 'Go up'.
+2005-06-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}: Add support for the 'computer://'
+	  URI.
+	* thunar/thunar-trash-folder.c, thunar/thunar-local-folder.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-folder.c: Drop the GObject properties, as they are
+	  mostly useless here.
+	* thunar/main.c(main): Use thunar_vfs_uri_new() for the optional
+	  command line parameter to be able to open arbitrary URIs from the
+	  command line.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add new class ThunarComputerFolder to the build
+	  framework.
+	* thunar/thunar-computer-folder.{c,h}: Add ThunarComputerFolder class,
+	  which implements the 'computer:' URI. This vfolder is the root of all
+	  other root folders, currently 'file:/' and 'trash:'.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-folder.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-list-model.c, thunar/thunar-local-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-local-folder.c, thunar/thunar-statusbar.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-trash-file.c, thunar/thunar-trash-folder.c: Add support
+	  for the 'computer:' vfolder as overall root node. Rearrange the
+	  get_size() method to be able to support objects for which no size
+	  is known, currently vfolders and directories in general. The virtual
+	  get_mime_info() method now automatically takes a reference on the
+	  returned object for the caller.
+2005-06-24	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add check for localtime_r.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add support to query accessed, changed and
+	  modified dates of ThunarFiles.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c, thunar/thunar-trash-file.c: Implement
+	  the virtual get_date() method.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: Add new columns accessed date,
+	  modified date and mime type. Fix the sorting for the mime comment
+	  column.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c: Display type and date modified columns
+	  as well.
+2005-06-23	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/papers/HackingOnThunar.odt, docs/papers/Makefile.am,
+	  configure.in.in, docs/Makefile.am: Add initial draft of the "Hacking
+	  on Thunar" paper.
+2005-06-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c, thunar/thunar-local-folder.c: If for
+	  some reason the constructor fails, we need to make sure to handle
+	  the floating reference correctly, therefore we call gtk_object_sink()
+	  instead of g_object_unref() in this case now.
+2005-06-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c, thunar/thunar-local-folder.c: Add an assertion
+	  to verify that an object has a floating reference before we call
+	  gtk_object_sink() on it.
+2005-06-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* TODO: Addd new TODO items and remove solved issues.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add new class ThunarTrashFile to the build
+	  framework.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c(thunar_vfs_monitor_add_info): Do not
+	  use kevent for symlinks, it's way easier to watch them using regular
+	  polling. This shouldn't be a problem anyways, as watching symlinks
+	  is not a common case.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-trash.{c,h}: Add functionality to handle trash:
+	  URIs and determine the real path for a file in a particular trash
+	  can.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-trash.c(thunar_vfs_trash_manager_get_trashes):
+	  Fix a typo where the order of arguments to the g_list_prepend()
+	  function was wrong.
+	* thunar/thunar-trash-file.{c,h}: Add a ThunarTrashFile class, which
+	  represents a trashed file.
+	* thunar/thunar-trash-folder.c: Add support for listing the contents
+	  of the various trash cans, and also provide a simple proxy mechanism,
+	  that automatically forwards the constructor invokation to the
+	  ThunarTrashFile class if required. The trash can handling must be
+	  improved, see bug #1027.
+2005-06-21	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_set_current_directory): Use
+	  thunar_file_open_as_folder() to open new folders.
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.{c,h}: ThunarFolder is now an interface, which
+	  can be implemented in different ways.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-folder.{c,h}: The previous ThunarFolder is now
+	  named ThunarLocalFolder.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add thunar_file_open_as_folder() virtual
+	  method, which allows the ThunarFile implementation to choose an
+	  appropriate ThunarFolder implementation and thereby removes the
+	  need for the surrounding modules to "guess" the correct ThunarFolder.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Implement the open_as_folder() method
+	  for local files by simply instantiating a ThunarLocalFolder on the
+	  file in question.
+	* thunar/thunar-trash-folder.{c,h}: The ThunarTrashFile class is now
+	  named ThunarTrashFolder as it really represents the trash toplevel
+	  folder. It also implements the ThunarFolder interface now. The real
+	  folder implementation is missing currently.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Sync the build framework with the changes
+	  described above.
+2005-06-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.c(thunar_vfs_monitor_event): Remove
+	  unused variables.
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c: Apply the same optimization concerning signal
+	  id lookups and closure generations as done with ThunarListModel
+	  earlier.
+	* thunar/thunar-folder.c: Actually react to events on the corresponding
+	  file. We still need a mode in which we'll handle errors in async
+	  folder reloads.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c: Drop the cached MIME type whenever the
+	  file changes. The MIME type will be recalculated on demand when
+	  needed.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c: Instead of binding to the icon theme
+	  instance's "changed" signal and risking that somebody else already
+	  registered a handler earlier, we use a signal emission hook now, which
+	  is garantied to be fired before any of the signal handlers are
+	  invoked. See the code for details and additional comments.
+2005-06-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.h: Add missing THUNAR_LOCAL_FILE_GET_CLASS().
+	* configure.in.in: Add checks for kqueue() and required headers.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h}: thunar_vfs_info_update() is now
+	  part of the public API as it's used by monitor and will be used
+	  by the ThunarLocalFile implementation later as well.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.{c,h}: Add implementation for most
+	  of the ThunarVfsMonitor. The current implementation uses kqueue()
+	  if available with a fallback to regular polling.
+2005-06-20	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Instead of resolving the ids for the
+	  "destroy" and "changed" signals on ThunarFile everytime we need to
+	  register it, we query the signal id in the constructor and remember
+	  it. In addition, instead of creating a closure for every signal
+	  registration on a ThunarFile, we create a closure for "changed" and
+	  a closure for "destroy" in the constructor and reuse that closure
+	  everytime we need to register a signal handler.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c: Watch hidden files for "destroy" condition
+	  as well.
+	* thunar/thunar-trash-file.c: Emit the "changed" signal whenever the
+	  "empty" property on the trash manager changes.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add a method thunar_file_changed(), which
+	  is used by derived classes to emit the "changed" signal on a given
+	  ThunarFile.
+2005-06-19	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-trash.{c,h}: Import first implementation of a
+	  trash manager into thunar-vfs. Does currently only support the "home
+	  trash", but will be extended to use the volume manager in order to
+	  support foreign trashes as well.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Add the trash manager to the build framework.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.h: Include the trash manager header.
+	* thunar/thunar-trash-file.c: Make use of the experimental trash
+	  manager to display the proper icon depending on whether the trash
+	  is full or empty.
+2005-06-19	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-statusbar.c, thunar/thunar-list-model.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c: Fix bug, where Thunar crashed when
+	  NULL was returned for a mime info.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Turn this into an abstract base class, which
+	  can be implemented in different ways.
+	* thunar/thunar-local-file.{c,h}: Implementation of the abstract
+	  ThunarFile class for local files handled by the 'file:///' URI
+	  scheme.
+	* thunar/thunar-trash-file.{c,h}: Implementation of the abstract
+	  ThunarFile class for trashed files handled by the 'trash:///' URI
+	  scheme and the trash can itself. This is currently only a boilerplate
+	  and waiting for the trash backend to show up.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add new classes to the build framework.
+2005-06-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.c(thunar_details_view_init): Use the
+	  ellipsizing text renderer for the name column and get the sizing
+	  correct.
+2005-06-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-view.{c,h}: Further improve the interface to ease the
+	  implementation and reduce the amount of duplicated code in the view
+	  implementations.
+	* thunar/thunar-details-view.{c,h}: Add a first implementation for a
+	  details view.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Catch up with the changes to ThunarView.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Test the new ThunarDetailsView.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add ThunarDetailsView class to the build
+	  framework.
+2005-06-17	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-view.{c,h}: Adjust the interface for views to be more
+	  like the FilerView interface, which makes things slightly easier and
+	  adds more flexibility for the statusbar. Also the "list-model"
+	  property is now named "model", which is the easiest way for both
+	  ExoIconView and GtkTreeView, and it's safe to name it that way, as
+	  the ThunarView interface is the only way to change models anyways.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: Drop the statusbar text generator.
+	  It's now handled completely within the ThunarStatusbar class, which
+	  provides more flexibility.
+	* thunar/thunar-statusbar.{c,h}: Each statusbar instance is now
+	  associated with a ThunarView instance and automatically updates the
+	  status text according to the view.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Implement modified ThunarView interface,
+	  which makes things very easy here for now.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Catch up with the changes to the other
+	  classes.
+2005-06-15	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.c: Implement the recently used list using
+	  a circular buffer. This saves us from having to memmove() the list
+	  content on every icon lookup.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c(thunar_window_set_current_directory): Use
+	  a simple optimization when loading new folders into a view. See the
+	  code comments for details about the trick.
+2005-06-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Depend on GLib 2.6 for now.
+2005-06-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-sysv.{c,h}: Add no-op implementation
+	  to make it possible to compile Thunar on non-BSD systems again.
+	* configure.in.in, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am,
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.c, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c:
+	  Add a rather hacky way to support different system flavours based
+	  on AC_CONFIG_LINKS(). Needs to be replaced by a real solution at
+	  some time.
+	* TODO: Add note about the wacky AC_CONFIG_LINKS() hacks mentioned
+	  above.
+2005-06-14	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_new_for_path): Add some
+	  code to automatically remove trailing slashes from path names, which
+	  would otherwise confuse the whole file manager.
+	* thunar/thunar-fallback-icon.{h,png}, thunar/Makefile.am: The fallback
+	  icon is now stored in a C file and automatically generated at compile
+	  time if maintainer mode is enabled, while dist tarballs will ship the
+	  generated C file.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-factory.{c,h}: Add new class ThunarIconFactory,
+	  which provides caching of themed icons. The basic concept is based
+	  on the NautilusIconFactory class, but the implementation is simpler
+	  and faster than the implementation found in Nautilus.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Use the new ThunarIconFactory class and the
+	  new exo_mime_info_lookup_icon_name() method to lookup and cache icons
+	  for files. This speeds up folder loading quite a lot.
+	* docs/design/overview.xmi: Add ThunarIconFactory diagram.
+2005-06-13	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Add header checks required for the BSD volume
+	  manager implementation.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Display the current folder's special name.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add property "special-name", which contains
+	  the special name of a given file if any, else it contains the same
+	  value as the "display-name" property.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c: Use the home directory as root.
+	  Don't display a label for the 'Filesystem' node, similar to how it
+	  is done with GtkFileChooser.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c: Try more advanced features, like
+	  detecting whether a medium is present for a given volume. This is
+	  currently just testing, based on what is provided by the BSD
+	  interface. The final design may look different, maybe even a
+	  D-BUS based thunar-volume-manager service, which can be run with
+	  special permissions in order to be able to query device stats and
+	  mount volumes.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c: Use the new features provided by
+	  the volume manager to dynamically display volumes when a medium is
+	  inserted.
+2005-06-12	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/design/overview.xmi: Refined the basic ideas for the volume
+	  manager, which will provide core functionality required by the
+	  trash system. The ThunarVfsVolume and ThunarVfsVolumeManager concepts
+	  are interfaces now, which will be implemented by the backend (usually
+	  one backend per operating system family).
+	* tests/data/test-thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.fstab, tests/data/Makefile.am,
+	  tests/test-thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.c, tests/Makefile.am: Add test case
+	  for the BSD specific implementation of the ThunarVfsVolumeManager
+	  module.
+	* tests/test-thunar-vfs-uri.c: Fix copyright and includes.
+	* TODO: Add item about possible improvements of the BSD specific
+	  volume manager implementation.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.h, configure.in.in: Add
+	  new classes and interfaces to the build framework.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume.{c,h}: Import the basic interfaces to
+	  the volume manager module, with a minimum set of methods and signals,
+	  which will be extended later.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-volume-bsd.{c,h}: Add first try of an
+	  implementation of the the volume manager interfaces for BSD systems.
+2005-06-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/design/overview.xmi: Extend the ThunarVfsURI functionality.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}: Add host handling to ThunarVfsURI.
+	  Add support for different URI schemes, currently 'file://' and
+	  'trash://'.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c, thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c, 
+	  thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c: Sync with the little API change
+	  to ThunarVfsURI.
+	* tests/Makefile.am: Delete core files on `make clean'.
+	* tests/test-thunar-vfs-uri.c(main): Add test cases for the trash:
+	  scheme.
+2005-06-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in, Makefile.am, tests/: Import first test program for
+	  ThunarVfsURI validation.
+2005-06-11	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}: Add functions to ease the handling
+	  of URI lists, specifically to automatically parse and generate
+	  string representations of URI lists that conform to the
+	  text/uri-list mime type.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.c
+	  (thunar_location_buttons_drag_data_get): Use new ThunarVfsURI list
+	  handling functions instead.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c
+	  (thunar_favourites_model_file_destroy): Handle the case where a
+	  directory referenced by a favourite disappears from the backend media.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c
+	  (thunar_favourites_model_file_changed): Remove a given favourite if
+	  the system notices that the favourite's file no longer refers to a
+	  directory.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c(thunar_favourites_model_init): Do
+	  not re-add favourites initially, that do not refer to a directory.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.{c,h}: Add a new method
+	  thunar_favourites_model_add(), which is used by the
+	  ThunarFavouritesView to add new favourites to the list and
+	  automatically sync the changes with the Gtk+ bookmarks list.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c: Handle "text/uri-list" drops,
+	  adding new favourites as appropriate. Add note, that the initial
+	  idea is based on the GtkFileChooser written by Red Hat for Gtk+.
+	* TODO: Remove the 'text/uri-list'-handling for ThunarFavouritesView.
+	  Add item concerning the Trash in the favourites list.
+2005-06-10	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c: Add initial drag&drop-support for
+	  the favourites view. This is currently limited to rearranging
+	  favourites in the list. Support for adding new favourites by
+	  dropping text/uri-list's will be added soon. Also, the
+	  ThunarFavouritesModel also saves changes made by the user back to
+	  the .gtk-bookmarks file now.
+	* TODO: Add note about missing text/uri-list support in
+	  ThunarFavouritesView, and missing .gtk-bookmarks monitor support.
+2005-06-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c: Use a signed gint for the number
+	  of favourites to be compatible with the Gtk+ API.
+2005-06-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* autogen.sh: Better determine the file dynamically, which is used to
+	  query the sandbox revision.
+2005-06-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* autogen.sh, configure.in.in: Add build number to the version during
+	  development.
+2005-06-08	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* docs/design/overview.xmi: All navigational UI elements in a
+	  ThunarWindow now implement the ThunarNavigator interface, which
+	  defines the "current-directory" property and the "change-directory"
+	  signal. See the ThunarNavigator gtk-docs for details about the
+	  behaviour.
+	* thunar/thunar-navigator.{h,c}: Provide source code for the current
+	  ThunarNavigator interface.
+	* thunar/thunar-side-pane.{h,c}, thunar/thunar-favourites-pane.c:
+	  Changed to use ThunarNavigator instead. ThunarSidePane is currently
+	  an empty interface.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{h,c}: Add a thunar_vfs_uri_to_string()
+	  method, which transform a ThunarVfsURI into a file:// uri.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-bar.{h,c}: Provide source code for the
+	  ThunarLocationBar interface, which extends the ThunarNavigator
+	  interface. The ThunarLocationBar interface does not add anything new
+	  currently, but that will change in future revisions.
+	* thunar/thunar-location-buttons.{c,h}: Add location path buttons
+	  implementation of the ThunarLocationBar interface. The layouting
+	  code was mostly copied from gtkpathbar.c, which was initially
+	  written by Jonathan Blandford. The implementation is not complete
+	  yet, and the layouting code is still very buggy.
+	* TODO: Add a bunch of TODO items for Thunar 1.0.
+2005-06-07	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_set_folder): Fix a bug
+	  where the signals for the ThunarFolder weren't connected if the
+	  folder contained no files initially.
+	* thunar/thunar-side-pane.c(thunar_side_pane_class_init): Fix typo in
+	  the documentation.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}: Add new method thunar_file_get_parent() to
+	  figure out the parent directory for a given ThunarFile.
+2005-06-06	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_finalize): Use the
+	  parent_class variable set by G_DEFINE_TYPE instead of dynamically
+	  querying the parent class on-demand.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.c, thunar/thunar-desktop-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c, thunar/thunar-favourites-pane.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c, thunar/thunar-file.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-folder.c, thunar/thunar-icon-view.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-preferences.c, thunar/thunar-statusbar.c,
+	  thunar/thunar-window.c: G_DEFINE_TYPE and G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE
+	  already generate a parent_class variable, so we don't need to do
+	  that manually as well. It looks like this was added with GLib 2.4.x
+	  and I somehow missed that change. Thanks to Jeff Franks for pointing
+	  this out.
+2005-06-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c: Fix a bug in the thunar_vfs_uri_parent()
+	  and thunar_vfs_uri_relative() methods, where the name attribute of
+	  the newly created objects wasn't initialized properly.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_equal): Instead of always
+	  comparing the full path of both URIs, a simple optimization was
+	  introduced, which checks the basenames first, if they are equal,
+	  it'll check whether the dirnames have the same length, and as the
+	  last fallback, it'll compare the dirnames char by char. This way we
+	  can optimize the common case - with GHashTable - that two URIs
+	  differ.
+2005-06-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.{c,h}: Add new method
+	  thunar_favourites_model_file_for_iter() to be able to easily
+	  determine the ThunarFile for a given favourite.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_class_init): Fix a type in the
+	  "changed" signal definition.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_finalize): Fix a bug where the
+	  ThunarVfsURI was freed first, and then an attempt was made to remove
+	  the ThunarFile from the file_cache using the previously freed
+	  ThunarVfsURI as key.
+	* thunar/thunar-view.{c,h}: Add the "change-directory" signal, which
+	  is emitted by ThunarIconView and ThunarListView whenever the user
+	  double clicks a folder (or otherwise requests a directory change
+	  from within the view).
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: Add a thunar_list_model_new()
+	  default constructor, which does not take a ThunarFolder instance.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.c: Implement the "change-directory" signal
+	  in ThunarView.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-view.c, thunar/thunar-favourites-pane.c:
+	  Double-clicking a favourite now opens the associated directory (using
+	  the "current-directory" property, which is linked to the
+	  "current-directory" property of ThunarWindow).
+	* thunar/thunar-window.{c,h}: Add a "current-directory" property,
+	  which describes the directory currently displayed in this window.
+	  Remove the thunar_window_new_with_folder() constructor and replace
+	  it by a default constructor. Automatically synchronize the current
+	  directory with both the view and the side pane.
+	* thunar/main.c(main): ThunarWindow now uses ThunarFile to refer to
+	  the active directory and so we do here as well.
+2005-06-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Bumped version to 0.0.2.
+	* docs/design/overview.xmi: Fix some issues, see the code changes
+	  below.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Don't install the thunar-vfs library for
+	  now. Makes debugging easier.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add new classes to the build framework.
+	* thunar/thunar-view.{c,h}: Implement first draft for the ThunarView
+	  interface, which is to beimplemented by all views.
+	* thunar/thunar-icon-view.{c,h}: Implement first draft for the
+	  ThunarIconView class, which implements the ThunarView interface to
+	  provide an icon view of the current folder.
+	* thunar/thunar-statusbar.{c,h}: Add basic implementation of the
+	  ThunarStatusbar class. In order to avoid an association between the
+	  ThunarView or ThunarListModel classes and the ThunarStatusbar and in
+	  order to provide more flexibility about what is to be displayed in
+	  the statusbar, we use a write-only property "text" for the
+	  ThunarStatusbar, which can be connected to another string property
+	  using the ExoBindings module.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: The number of rows should be a gint
+	  rather than a guint, as that's what GtkTreeModel uses. Add a new
+	  method thunar_list_model_get_statusbar_text(), that will be used by
+	  both ThunarIconView and ThunarListView to determine the proper
+	  statusbar text that should be displayed for a given selection. Add a
+	  new column THUNAR_LIST_MODEL_COLUMN_TYPE, which provides a string
+	  representation of the MIME-Type (using the comment set for the
+	  MIME-Type). The sort function is not yet implemented tho.
+2005-06-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.c(thunar_favourites_model_get_value):
+	  The display_name's of ThunarFile's can be considered static (as the
+	  name cannot change during the ThunarFile's life-time), so we don't
+	  need to take a copy here.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.c(thunar_list_model_get_value): Same here,
+	  the ThunarFile's display_name is static.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c: Add the simple caching on the ThunarFile
+	  level. If a ThunarFile for the same ThunarVfsURI is requested
+	  multiple times, the same ThunarFile instance will be used, instead
+	  of allocating a new one. Future versions will extend this scheme
+	  using a smarter caching mechanism.
+	* thunar/thunar-side-pane.{c,h}: Add implementation for the
+	  ThunarSidePane interface, which is to be implemented by all widgets
+	  that can be placed on the right side. The interface currently
+	  includes only the "current-directory" property, which is the most
+	  important communication mechanism. We'll need some way to pass in
+	  other per-window settings here (e.g. "show-hidden" and such).
+	  Hopefully somebody will pick up the preferences task soon.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-view.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-pane.{c,h}: More work on the
+	  ThunarFavourites module. The ThunarFavouritesPane class implements
+	  the ThunarSidePane interface and acts as a bridge to the underlying
+	  ThunarFavouritesView.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Test the new ThunarFavouritesPane class.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add the new classes to the build framework.
+2005-06-05	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}: Add thunar_vfs_uri_new()
+	  constructor, that creates a new ThunarVfsURI object from a resource
+	  identifier string.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}: Add thunar_vfs_uri_is_home(), which
+	  determines whether a given ThunarVfsURI referes to the home
+	  directory of the current user.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.c(thunar_file_load_icon): Pay attention to
+	  special icons for the home folder and the file system root.
+	* thunar/thunar-favourites-model.{c,h},
+	  thunar/thunar-favourites-view.{c,h}: Add experimental
+	  ThunarFavouritesModel and ThunarFavouritesView classes, that will be
+	  used in the implementation of the ThunarFavouritesPane class. Other
+	  than with the mockups, I've skipped the 'Desktop' favourite for now,
+	  as it does not make much sense. The usablity team should evaluate
+	  this at some time.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.c: Add ThunarFavouritesView on the left side
+	  for testing.
+	* thunar/Makefile.am: Add ThunarFavouritesModel and
+	  ThunarFavouritesView to the build system.
+2005-06-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* configure.in.in: Fix copyright texts.
+	* docs/design/overview.xmi: Add is_local() and is_root() for
+	  ThunarVfsURI, which were missing.
+	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}: Implemented the missing
+	  thunar_vfs_uri_is_root() and thunar_vfs_uri_parent() methods.
+2005-06-04	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* COPYING.LIB: Add license text for the thunar-vfs library (which is
+	  licensed under the LGPL).
+	* HACKING: Add information for people that plan to hack on Thunar.
+	* AUTHORS: Add Jeff Franks.
+	* THANKS: Import the THANKS template.
+	* README: Add some basic information about Thunar. Needs more details.
+	* docs/design/overview.xmi: Import the current overview diagram for
+	  Thunar.
+	* Makefile.am, configure.in.in, docs/Makefile.am,
+	  docs/design/Makefile.am: Include the docs/ tree with the build
+	  framework.
+	* configure.in.in, thunar/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/Makefile.am: Link
+	  against GThread (not yet required from what is coded so far).
+	* configure.in.in: Check for several required header files.
+	* thunar-vfs/Makefile.am, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-info.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-monitor.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.{c,h}, thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-util.{c,h},
+	  thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs.h: Add some experimental source code to
+	  implement parts of the VFS module.
+	* thunar/fallback-icon.h, thunar/fallback-icon.png: Import the
+	  fallback icon.
+	* thunar/thunar-application.{c,h}: Import Jeff's ThunarApplication
+	  boilerplate (adjusting style as required).
+	* thunar/thunar-desktop-view.{c,h}: Boilerplate for the
+	  ThunarDesktopView class with the very basic requirements.
+	* thunar/thunar-file.{c,h}, thunar/thunar-folder.{c,h}: Experimental
+	  implementation of ThunarFile and ThunarFolder based on the
+	  experimental source for the VFS module.
+	* thunar/thunar-list-model.{c,h}: Sample implementation of the
+	  ThunarListModel class, based on an earlier implementation found in
+	  Filer.
+	* thunar/thunar-preferences.{c,h}: Template for the ThunarPreferences
+	  class.
+	* thunar/thunar-window.{c,h}: Quick-and-dirty ThunarWindow
+	  implementation to be able to roughly test the ThunarListModel class.
+	* thunar/main.c: Add code to start a single ThunarWindow.
+	* autogen.sh: Copyright fixes. Substitute date to make it easier to
+	  identify snapshots during the early development stages.
+2005-05-30	Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>
+	* Initial import.
+# vi:set ts=8 sw=8 noet ai nocindent:

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/HACKING (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/HACKING)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/HACKING	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/HACKING	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+Bug tracking system
+Thunar uses the Xfce bug tracking system at http://bugzilla.xfce.org/,
+hosted and maintained by the Xfce project.
+Please submit patches to the Xfce bug tracking system or to the thunar-dev
+mailinglist. Your patch should be in unified diff format (the -u option
+to GNU diff) and it must comply with the coding style described below.
+Please send a patch against a recent version of this package. Patches
+against the Subversion trunk branch are most preferable. You can always
+access the trunk branch from
+  http://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/thunar-vfs/trunk
+or using an installed Subversion client
+  svn co http://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/thunar-vfs/trunk thunar-vfs
+Feature requests
+Please file feature requests to the Xfce bug tracking system
+(http://buzilla.xfce.org, product Thunar, component vfs) with a Severity 
+of enhancement. Make sure that your feature request wasn't reported
+already before; requesting a feature several times won't increase
+the changed that it gets added!
+Coding Style
+ - GNU coding conventions, with GLib-like extensions, mostly the same
+   as GTK+.
+ - Always expand tabs. This differs from the GNU suggestion, but it is
+   necessary to be independent from a given tab setting.
+ - Do NOT ever misuse debugging macros like g_return_val_if_fail() or
+   g_return_if_fail() to control program flow. They are solely useful
+   to discover bugs, the final binary won't include code for these
+   statements, and so any use of these macros to control program
+   flow presents a bug!
+ - Do NOT follow the philosophy "If it works, it's right" that most
+   other open source projects follow, instead Thunar's philosophy is
+   "It doesn't work unless it's right". Think carefully of what you want
+   to do, don't just fire up your favourite editor and start hacking
+   in the hope that it will evolve into something useful one day.
+ - Maintainability goes over performance. If you have to choose between
+   a maintainable and a fast solution, always prefer the former, as it's
+   quite easy to optimize well-designed modules, but very hard and costly
+   to make spaghetti-code readable.
+ - Write ChangeLog entries. Whenever you commit a change or send a patch,
+   write a good entry per change to the ChangeLog file, see the libexo
+   ChangeLog for the exact format; it's very important to be descriptive
+   and correct here, else you'll loose your commit bits or your patches
+   won't be considered for inclusion.
+ - Use GObject whenever possible. Object-oriented design and programming
+   makes it easier to separate functionality and also aids in verification
+   and testing, and GObject provides a very solid base.
+Release process
+Yet to be defined!

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/INSTALL (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/INSTALL)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/INSTALL	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/INSTALL	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+Installation Instructions
+Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005,
+2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is free documentation; the Free Software Foundation gives
+unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
+Basic Installation
+Briefly, the shell commands `./configure; make; make install' should
+configure, build, and install this package.  The following
+more-detailed instructions are generic; see the `README' file for
+instructions specific to this package.
+   The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
+various system-dependent variables used during compilation.  It uses
+those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
+It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
+definitions.  Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
+you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a
+file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for
+debugging `configure').
+   It can also use an optional file (typically called `config.cache'
+and enabled with `--cache-file=config.cache' or simply `-C') that saves
+the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring.  Caching is
+disabled by default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale
+cache files.
+   If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
+to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
+diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
+be considered for the next release.  If you are using the cache, and at
+some point `config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you
+may remove or edit it.
+   The file `configure.ac' (or `configure.in') is used to create
+`configure' by a program called `autoconf'.  You need `configure.ac' if
+you want to change it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version
+of `autoconf'.
+The simplest way to compile this package is:
+  1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
+     `./configure' to configure the package for your system.
+     Running `configure' might take a while.  While running, it prints
+     some messages telling which features it is checking for.
+  2. Type `make' to compile the package.
+  3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with
+     the package.
+  4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
+     documentation.
+  5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
+     source code directory by typing `make clean'.  To also remove the
+     files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for
+     a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'.  There is
+     also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly
+     for the package's developers.  If you use it, you may have to get
+     all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came
+     with the distribution.
+  6. Often, you can also type `make uninstall' to remove the installed
+     files again.
+Compilers and Options
+Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that the
+`configure' script does not know about.  Run `./configure --help' for
+details on some of the pertinent environment variables.
+   You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters
+by setting variables in the command line or in the environment.  Here
+is an example:
+     ./configure CC=c99 CFLAGS=-g LIBS=-lposix
+   *Note Defining Variables::, for more details.
+Compiling For Multiple Architectures
+You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
+same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
+own directory.  To do this, you can use GNU `make'.  `cd' to the
+directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
+the `configure' script.  `configure' automatically checks for the
+source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.
+   With a non-GNU `make', it is safer to compile the package for one
+architecture at a time in the source code directory.  After you have
+installed the package for one architecture, use `make distclean' before
+reconfiguring for another architecture.
+Installation Names
+By default, `make install' installs the package's commands under
+`/usr/local/bin', include files under `/usr/local/include', etc.  You
+can specify an installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving
+`configure' the option `--prefix=PREFIX'.
+   You can specify separate installation prefixes for
+architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files.  If you
+pass the option `--exec-prefix=PREFIX' to `configure', the package uses
+PREFIX as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
+Documentation and other data files still use the regular prefix.
+   In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give
+options like `--bindir=DIR' to specify different values for particular
+kinds of files.  Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories
+you can set and what kinds of files go in them.
+   If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
+with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
+option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
+Optional Features
+Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
+`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
+They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
+is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System).  The
+`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
+package recognizes.
+   For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
+find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
+you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
+`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
+Specifying the System Type
+There may be some features `configure' cannot figure out automatically,
+but needs to determine by the type of machine the package will run on.
+Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the _same_
+architectures, `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints a
+message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the
+`--build=TYPE' option.  TYPE can either be a short name for the system
+type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name which has the form:
+where SYSTEM can have one of these forms:
+   See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field.  If
+`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
+need to know the machine type.
+   If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should
+use the option `--target=TYPE' to select the type of system they will
+produce code for.
+   If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a
+platform different from the build platform, you should specify the
+"host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will
+eventually be run) with `--host=TYPE'.
+Sharing Defaults
+If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share, you
+can create a site shell script called `config.site' that gives default
+values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
+`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/config.site' if it exists, then
+`PREFIX/etc/config.site' if it exists.  Or, you can set the
+`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
+A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
+Defining Variables
+Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the
+environment passed to `configure'.  However, some packages may run
+configure again during the build, and the customized values of these
+variables may be lost.  In order to avoid this problem, you should set
+them in the `configure' command line, using `VAR=value'.  For example:
+     ./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc
+causes the specified `gcc' to be used as the C compiler (unless it is
+overridden in the site shell script).
+Unfortunately, this technique does not work for `CONFIG_SHELL' due to
+an Autoconf bug.  Until the bug is fixed you can use this workaround:
+     CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash /bin/bash ./configure CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash
+`configure' Invocation
+`configure' recognizes the following options to control how it operates.
+     Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit.
+     Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
+     script, and exit.
+     Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE,
+     traditionally `config.cache'.  FILE defaults to `/dev/null' to
+     disable caching.
+     Alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'.
+     Do not print messages saying which checks are being made.  To
+     suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error
+     messages will still be shown).
+     Look for the package's source code in directory DIR.  Usually
+     `configure' can determine that directory automatically.
+`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options.  Run
+`configure --help' for more details.

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/Makefile.am (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/Makefile.am)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/Makefile.am	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# $Id$
+SUBDIRS =								\
+	po								\
+	po-doc								\
+	thunar-vfs							\
+	tests								\
+	docs
+	rm -rf *.spec *.cache *~
+rpm: dist
+	rpmbuild -ta $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+	@rm -f $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+EXTRA_DIST =								\
+	HACKING								\
+	intltool-extract.in						\
+	intltool-merge.in						\
+	intltool-update.in
+	intltool-extract						\
+	intltool-merge							\
+	intltool-update
+	--enable-gtk-doc						\
+	--enable-xml2po							\
+	--enable-xsltproc
+# vi:set ts=8 sw=8 noet ai nocindent syntax=automake:

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/NEWS (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/NEWS)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/NEWS	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/NEWS	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+- Put quotes around filenames in thunar-wallpaper-plugin (bug #5056)
+- Apply umask properly when creating files/directories. 
+  Patch by Giovanni Bechis (bug #3532).
+- Fix crash when entering the same hidden directory twice in the
+  location entry (bug #4847).
+- Pass the current event time to startup notification, so focus
+  stealing works properly.
+- Optional nano version added to configure.in.in.
+- Update Danish, Norwegian Bokmal, Simplified Chinese and Turkish 
+  translations.
+- Fix crash in the tree side pane when hidden files are toggled (bug #2502).
+- Always show an error dialog if one of the files passed via the command 
+  line cannot be opened.
+- Only show eject option for devices when requires_eject is TRUE (bug #3978).
+- Fix crash when cd drive is ejected (bug #4257).
+- Use posix_fadvise() for copying large files.
+- Use -V for version information.
+- Restore the selection after deleting a file (bug #3884).
+- Fix completion in the path bar when ~/ is used (bug #2973).
+- Change the tooltip of the trash plugin from "Trash is full" to
+  "Trash contains files" (bug #3266).
+- Popup the location selector when the dead tilde is pressed. This allows
+  people with dead keys to use the location selector.
+- Unload folders in the tree side pane when they are collapsed (bug #4051).
+- Don't monitor /proc and /dev on Linux systems.
+- Implement window groups so modal dialogs don't block other Thunar 
+  windows (bug #3586).
+- Open a question dialog before removing a custom action (bug #3838).
+- Make the first alpha numeric character upper-case in the case renamer
+  (bug #3559).
+- Update links to the Glib reference manual in the docs (bug #4555).
+- Only respond to the predefined key bindings for deleting files when
+  the user has not set a custom accelerator (bug #4173).
+- Implement menu providers in the side pane popup menus (bug #2740).
+- Unmounted volumes are 50% translucent so give some visual feedback.
+- Add rename option to the tree side pane popup menu.
+- Don't go back in the history anymore if the new directory is the first 
+  one in the backward history (bug #4660).
+- Implement reorder, positioned drag and drop and rubberbanding in the
+  renamer dialog (bug #3325).
+- Change Name value of the desktop entry to "Thunar File Manager".
+- Go back and forward using the 8th and 9th button on the mouse (bug #4687).
+- Various compilers warnings were fixed, some performace improvements 
+  and less memory allocations.
+- Update Albanian, Basque, Belarusian, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Czech, 
+  Danish, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, 
+  Norwegian Bokmal, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and
+  Ukrainian translations.
+- Fix build on MacOS X (bug #4433).
+- Don't create Thunar -> thunar symlink on case-insensitive 
+  filesystems (bug #4430).
+- Add thunar-wallpaper-plugin for setting the wallpaper on 
+  xfdesktop >= 4.5.90.
+- Update Basque, French and Spanish translations
+- Fix .desktop file to launch thunar-settings dialog with 
+  xfce4-settings-manager
+- Update Indonesian, Korean, Polisn, Arabic, Ukranian, Galician, Turkish, 
+  English Brittish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Chinese (traditional), Portuguese,
+  Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Greek, French, Spanish, Russian, Czech and
+  Hungarian translations.
+- Add Kurdish translation
+- Do not display volumes without mountable file systems (Bug #3555).
+- Properly recognize OGG files as audio files for custom actions (Bug #3604).
+- Add new date renamer (Bug #3656).
+- Pass the correct $DISPLAY value to processes spawned by Thunar and
+  xfdesktop in multi screen environments (Bug #3667).
+- Preselect the whole filename when renaming folders (Bug #3057).
+- Prevent infinite recursion on JPEG files with broken EXIF data (Bug #3452).
+- Fix crash on amd64 (Bug #3303).
+- Add support to retry job based operations.
+- Display more details in the override dialog (Bug #3268).
+- Add support for different date/time formats (Bug #3265).
+- Fix crash on sparc64 (Bug #2815).
+- Properly binaries selected for custom actions (Bug #3105).
+- Fix invalid invocation of thunar-volman for volumes that should be
+  ignored (Bug #2789).
+- Reduce binary size by stripping XML comments and whitespace (Bug #3094).
+- Use the correct HAL property to determine whether a given volume or
+  device requires eject (Bug #3119).
+- Automatically disable thumbnailing if storing a thumbnail fails because
+  of a fatal error (Bug #3020).
+- Fix crash because of unaligned memory access (Bug #2880).
+- Fix compilation with the Sun Studio 11 compiler (Bug #2899, #2900).
+- Updated translations: Alexander Nyakhaychyk (be), Pau Rul-lan Ferragut (ca),
+                        Benedikt Meurer (de), Piarres Beobide (eu), Jari
+                        Rahkonen (fi) Daichi Kawahata (ja), ByungHyun Choi (ko),
+                        Stephan Arts, Peter Maassen and Vincent Tunru (nl),
+                        Szymon Kałasz (pl), Fábio Nogueira (pt_BR), Mişu
+                        Moldovan (ro), Eren Turkay (tr), Dmitry Nikitin (uk)
+- New translations: Mohamed Magdy (ar), Jeff Bailes (en_GB), Rihards Prieditis
+                    (lv), Terje Uriansrud (nb_NO), Amanpreet SIngh Alam (pa),
+                    Nuno Miguel (pt_PT), Besnik Bleta (sq), ﻢﺤﻣﺩ ﻊﻠﻳ ﺎﻠﻤﻜﻳ (ur)
+- Add documentation for the bulk renamer (Bug #1594).
+- Improve the user manual (Bug #1365).
+- Connect the various "Help" buttons (Bug #1230).
+- Automatically add removable devices as targets to the "Send To" menu
+  (Bug #2683).
+- Allow to use "Eject" button on CD-ROM drives to unmount and eject the media
+  (Bug #2759).
+- Use Exif embedded thumbnails if available, which reduces the amount of data
+  that must be retrieved from a camera to around 50k instead of the whole JPEG
+  image, which can be up to several mega bytes.
+- Treat hotplugged drives as removable drives, so they will be displayed in
+  the side pane.
+- Improve startup notification support.
+- Add support for trashes other than the home trash (Bug #2132).
+- Fix crash on platforms where sizeof(GType) != sizeof(gint) (Bug #2726).
+- Add support for thunar-volman, which gets invoked by Thunar whenever a
+  new device is added to the HAL device tree.
+- Add support for memory cards and generic removable disk drives (Bug #2652).
+- Handle blank discs and pure audio discs as well (Bug #2599).
+- Use exo-mount to mount, eject and unmount volumes of relying on external
+  utilities, like pmount or gnome-mount, that do not always behave properly
+  (Bug #2715).
+- Add ability to mount floppy drives using exo-mount (Bug #2075).
+- Make sure GThread gets initialized first to avoid possible crashes in
+  the GSlice allocator later.
+- Add ability to load custom thumbnailers from .desktop files.
+- Stop unused threads after ten seconds of idle time to return some more
+  free memory to the kernel.
+- Improve performance when loading really large folders using a parallel
+  lock-free algorithm.
+- Ellipsize long shortcut names, but make sure "File System" still fits into
+  the side pane.
+- Properly initialize the translation domain for thunar-vfs (Bug #2543).
+- Do not gather detailed statistics from non-regular files to avoid blocking
+  Thunar forever reading from a named pipe (Bug #2655).
+- Add keyboard shortcuts to switch between the different views (Bug #2600).
+- Do not display "Desktop (Create Link)" action in "Send To" menu for
+  trashed files, because symlinks cannot be created for files in the
+  trash (Bug #2539).
+- Fix crash when transfering a lot of files via drag'n'drop or clipboard
+  (Bug #2356).
+- Fix modal about dialog blocking other windows (Bug #2545).
+- Fix build with dbus-binding-tool 0.72 and above (Bug #2528).
+- Fix installation on case insensitive file systems (Bug #2521).
+- Set word-wrap width depending on current zoom-level (Bug #2505).
+- Improve the performance of the automatic path completion (Bug #1681).
+- Properly redraw the shortcuts pane after after drag'n'drop (Bug #2498).
+- Updated translations: Pau Rul-lan Ferragut (ca), Michal Várady (cs),
+                        Benedikt Meurer and Fabian Nowak (de), Stavros
+			Giannouris (el), Piarres Beobide (eu), Jari Rahkonen
+			(fi), Maximilian Schleiss, Mike Massonnet and Niki
+			Kovacs (fr), Szervác Attila (hu), Roberto Pariset
+			(it), Piotr Maliński and Szymon Kałasz (pl), Andrey
+			Fedoseev (ru), Alexander Toresson (sv), Kang
+			Kang (zh_CN).
+- New translations: Alexander Nyakhaychyk (be), ByungHyun Choi (ko), Jovan
+                    Naumovski and Viktor Stojanovski (mk), Stephan Arts and
+		    Vincent Tunru (nl), Amanpreet Singh Alam (pa).
+- Add a "Trash" menu entry to the "Go" menu (#2486).
+- Add a drop-down menu to the toolbar-style location bar to enable quick
+  access to the shortcuts even if the classic file manager look'n'feel is
+  being used (#2024).
+- Add support for HAL on FreeBSD. Make HAL the preferred volume manager on
+  FreeBSD.
+- Adjust the preferences dialog to match the look of the other Xfce preferences
+  dialogs (#2379).
+- Allow to change the icon of .desktop files (#2150).
+- Allow Thunar extensions to add menu items to the Drag'n'Drop context menu.
+  This is for example used by the thunar-archive-plugin to add an "Extract
+  Here" action, which extracts a dragged archive file at the drop location.
+- Display the real mime type as tooltip for the "Kind" label in the properties
+  dialog (#2369).
+- Keep the modification time when copying files (#2244).
+- Make sure emblems don't get too large with SVG icon themes (#2466).
+- Make sure Thunar is restarted prior to xfdesktop, so the trash support in
+  xfdesktop works as expected even if D-Bus autoactivation is not setup
+  properly.
+- Place automake options into configure.in.in instead of Makefile.am and add
+  the tar-ustar option to fix building distributions on system where tar
+  defaults to the deprecated V7 format (#2304).
+- Place cursor on the first selected file after a new file or folder was
+  created (#2368).
+- Place focus on the main view after changing the current directory (#2367).
+- Properly clean up the path bar when a folder that is currently displayed
+  on the path bar is deleted.
+- Properly validate the Name of .desktop files (#2227).
+- Update the icon mime icon lookup to try icon names from Icon Naming Spec
+  first, and fallback to legacy GNOME icon names.
+- Use default dbus connection timeout (#2243).
+- Use exo-open for the default "Open Terminal Here" action (#2256).
+- Use the thumbnail database to load SVG icons from the icon theme, because
+  loading SVG is quite slow and takes a lot more memory than loading and
+  scaling PNG icons from the thumbnail database.
+- Fix usage of deprecated HAL policy functions (#2475).
+- Fix crash with newer GtkTreeView's if the "row-has-child-toggled" signal is
+  emitted even if the child state of a node did not change (#2372).
+- Fix several race conditions that were introduced over time and prevented the
+  "new-files" job handling from working properly with Gamin and automatic
+  folder reload (#2199).
+- Fix invalid calculation of free space on OpenBSD/amd64 (#2383).
+- Fix crash due to invalid handling of file names with printf(3)-style format
+  arguments (#2468).
+- Fix crash on systems with small per-thread stacks (#2269).
+- Fix installation on Win32 platforms (#2432).
+- Fix build with GLib 2.6.x (#2317).
+- Fix build with latest dbus-glib (#2263).
+- Updated translations: Pau Rul-lan Ferragut (ca), Michal Várady (cs), Benedikt
+			Meurer (de), Stavros Giannouris (el), Jarbas Araujo,
+			Antono Vasiljev and Sylvain Vedrenne (eo), Piarres
+			Beobide (eu), Jari Rhkonen (fi), Maximilian Schleiss
+			(fr), Piotr Maliński (pl), Adriano Winter Bess (pt_BR),
+			Andrey Fedoseev (ru), Hydonsingore Cia (zh_TW)
+- New translations: Sonam Pelden (dz)
+- An implementation of the XDG Trash Specification was imported and is now
+  used by both Thunar and xfdesktop to display and manage trashed files.
+  The implementation is currently limited to the home trash, but that will
+  be extended to support foreign trash cans soon.
+- Add a trash panel applet for the Xfce panel, that displays the current
+  state of the trash, allows to open and empty the trash, and supports
+  drops of files to the trash.
+- Add "No to all" response to the transfer progress dialog, which allows to
+  skip all further overwrite dialogs (Bug #1666).
+- Add ISO Speed Ratings to the Image page of the properties dialog.
+- Add rubberband selection support to the detailed list view when build with
+  GTK+ 2.9.0 and above (Bug #1996).
+- Add menus to the "Back" and "Forward" buttons in the toolbar (Bug #1782).
+- Update the path bar with the latest changes to GtkFileChooser (Bug #2060).
+- The dependency of the thunar-vfs library on GConf is gone. Instead the
+  available thumbnailers are now determined by an external tool and added to
+  a cache file, which will be mapped by all processes using the thunar-vfs
+  library (Bug #2131).
+- Add a new thumbnailer for TrueType fonts using the FreeType 2.x library.
+- Add a warning text to the window when running as super user (Bug #2218).
+- Add desktop shortcut to the shortcuts pane and use a special icon for the
+  desktop folder (Bug #2235).
+- Use the new icon chooser dialog, available with exo, to pick
+  icons for custom actions.
+- Fix invalid display of the file's group in the properties dialog (Bug #1838).
+- Fix the location entry completion crashing with certain GTK+ versions (Bug
+  #1891).
+- Fix list model related crashes with GTK+ 2.10 (Gnome Bug #349128).
+- Use CRLF for text/uri-list as specified by RFC 2483 (Bug #2166).
+- Fix invalid substitution of %d in custom commands (Bug #2214).
+- Fix not working Ctrl+A in the location entry (Bug #2036).
+- Fix the progress bar text being truncated (Bug #2003).
+- Fix missing mkdtemp on Solaris (Bug #2070).
+- Fix compilation with compilers other than gcc (Bug #1852).
+- Fix compilation on NetBSD 2.99 and above.
+- Fix compilation on OpenBSD.
+- Add manual page for Thunar (Bug #1650).
+- Unmount volumes prior to ejecting them (Bug #2236).
+- Do not use different icons to represent the home folder.
+- Use "<folder> - File Manager" for the title of Thunar windows to make it
+  easier to identify file manager windows in the taskbar.
+- The thunar-vfs reference manual was updated to reflect the latest changes.
+- Case sensitive sorting is now disabled by default (Bug #2064).
+- Use a localized human readable format for the file dates (Bug #2057).
+- Use the new GSlice allocator where possible to reduce memory overhead.
+- Avoid the usage of GMemChunk, because in GLib 2.10 and above that is not
+  only inefficient, but also continously leaks memory.
+- Updated translations: Pau Rul-lan Ferragut (ca), Michal Várady (cs),
+                        Benedikt Meurer and Fabian Nowak (de), Stavros
+			Giannouris (el), Sylvain Vedrenne (eo), Piarres
+			Beobide (eu), Jari Rahkonen (fi), Maximilian
+			Schleiss (fr), Szervác Attila (hu), Roberto
+			Pariset (it), Piotr Maliński and Szymon Kałasz (pl),
+			Hydonsingore Cia (zh_TW)
+- New translations: Iván Seoane Pardo (gl), Dimitri Gogelia (ka)
+- The default operation when dropping files into a folder is now to move the
+  files if both the source files and the target folder is on the same file
+  system and the source files are owned by the user.
+- The custom actions are now run using the shell.
+- Added the "Send To" menu, which allows users to easily send files to other
+  applications from within the file manager. Default targets are "Desktop
+  (Create Link)", "Mail Recipient" and "Side Pane (Create Shortcut)". Additio-
+  nal targets can be dynamically added via .desktop files.
+- Support for session management was added.
+- The "Open With" dialog now allows users to remove launchers that were
+  previously added via the custom command box.
+- The number of relocations for the libraries was reduced to improve the
+  application startup time.

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/README (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/README)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/README	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+What is it?
+Thunar is a modern file manager for the Unix/Linux desktop, aiming to be
+easy-to-use and fast.
+Required packages
+Thunar depends on the following packages:
+ - perl 5.6 or above
+ - GTK+ 2.6.0 or above
+ - libexo 0.3.2 or above
+ - intltool 0.30 or above
+ - libpng12 1.2.0 or above
+ - shared-mime-info 0.15 or above
+ - desktop-file-utils 0.10 or above
+Thunar can optionally use the following packages:
+ - D-BUS 0.34 or above (strongly suggested)
+ - HAL 0.5.0 or above (esp. the libhal-storage devel package)
+ - freetype 2.0 or above (for the font thumbnailer)
+ - gamin 0.1.0 or above
+ - gconf 2.4 or above
+ - libexif 0.6 or above
+ - libjpeg 6 or above
+ - libstartup-notification 0.4 or above
+ - pcre 6.0 or above
+ - xfce4-panel 4.3.90 or above (for the trash applet)
+The file 'INSTALL' contains generic installation instructions. For more
+detailed information, visit the Thunar website at http://thunar.xfce.org/.
+Debugging Support
+Thunar currently supports four different levels of debugging support, which
+can be setup using the configure flag `--enable-debug' (check the output of
+`configure --help'):
+  `full'	Use this if you want to debug Thunar to locate a bug. The
+  		build will most probably be noticably slower. This is also
+		recommended for people that want to develop Thunar stuff.
+  `yes'		This is the default for SVN snapshot builds. It adds all
+  		kinds of checks to the code, and is therefore likely to run
+		slower. Use this if you want to develop for Thunar (e.g.
+		writing Thunar extensions and such).
+  `minimum'	This is the default for release builds, and presents the
+  		recommended behaviour.
+  `no'		Disables all sanity checks. Don't use this unless you know
+  		exactly what you do.
+Standards compliance
+Thunar supports the following standards/specifications:
+  * XDG Base Directory Specification
+    http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards_2fbasedir_2dspec
+  * Shared MIME Database Specification
+    http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards_2fshared_2dmime_2dinfo_2dspec
+  * X Direct Save (XDS) Protocol for the X Window System
+    http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards_2fdirect_2dsave
+  * Icon Theme Specification
+    http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards_2ficon_2dtheme_2dspec
+  * Thumbnail Managing Standard
+    http://jens.triq.net/thumbnail-spec/index.html
+  * File URI Specification
+    http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards_2ffile_2duri_2dspec
+  * Desktop Trash Can Specification
+    http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards_2ftrash_2dspec
+How to report bugs?
+Bugs should be reported to the Xfce bug tracking system
+(http://bugzilla.xfce.org, product Thunar). You will need to
+create an account for yourself.
+Please read the HACKING file for information on where to send
+changes or bugfixes for this package.

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/TODO (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/TODO)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/TODO	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/TODO	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Important for Thunar 1.0
+ - Check getmntinfo() or getfsstat() for ThunarVfsVolumeManagerBSD, which
+   might be faster than several statfs() calls.
+ - The layouting code for ThunarLocationButtons is still buggy. Problem shows
+   with paths that include a very long directory; you cannot scroll to the
+   last path component then.
+ - A design for the ThunarDesktopView module must be developed and later
+   be implemented.
+ - We need a suite of unit tests and probably high-level tests, that enable
+   us to test parts of the file manager automatically and isolate bugs
+   early.
+ - Setup gtk-doc to present developers with the internal API of Thunar
+   to ease development of core modules (and later plugins).
+ - Write good user documentation. Must be both precise and complete.
+ - We need some easy way to manage diagrams and related developer
+   information, which also includes results from discussions on
+   thunar-dev.
+ - The HACKING file must be updated with strict rules about how
+   development of Thunar core modules is to be done, and what
+   material each developer in addition to the source code.

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/acinclude.m4 (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/acinclude.m4)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/acinclude.m4	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/acinclude.m4	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+dnl $Id$
+dnl Copyright (c) 2004-2009
+dnl         The Thunar development team. All rights reserved.
+dnl Written for Thunar by Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>.
+dnl #
+dnl # Determine the file system monitoring to use for
+dnl # thunar-vfs.
+dnl #
+dnl # Sets LIBFAM_CFLAGS and LIBFAM_LIBS and defines
+dnl # HAVE_FAM_H and HAVE_LIBFAM if FAM/Gamin were
+dnl # found.
+dnl #
+dnl # Sets $ac_bm_thunar_vfs_monitor_impl to "FAM",
+dnl # "Gamin" or "none".
+dnl #
+XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([LIBFAM], [gamin], [0.1.0],
+  have_libfam=yes
+  ac_bm_thunar_vfs_monitor_impl="Gamin"
+  dnl Fallback to a generic FAM check
+  AC_CHECK_HEADERS([fam.h],
+  [
+    AC_CHECK_LIB([fam], [FAMOpen],
+    [
+      have_libfam="yes" LIBFAM_LIBS="-lfam"
+      ac_bm_thunar_vfs_monitor_impl="FAM"
+    ])
+  ])
+if test x"$have_libfam" = x"yes"; then
+  dnl Define appropriate symbols
+  AC_DEFINE([HAVE_FAM_H], [1], [Define to 1 if you have the <fam.h> header file.])
+  AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBFAM], [1], [Define to 1 if the File Alteration Monitor is available.])
+  dnl Check for FAMNoExists (currently Gamin only)
+  save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+  LIBS="$save_LIBS"
+dnl #
+dnl # Determine the operating system support to use
+dnl # for thunar-vfs.
+dnl #
+dnl # Sets ac_bm_thunar_vfs_os_impl to "bsd" or "generic" and
+dnl # defines the automake conditional THUNAR_VFS_OS_IMPL_BSD.
+dnl #
+  dnl # Auto-detect target operating system support
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([for operating system support])
+  case "$target_os" in
+  dragonfly*|freebsd*|netbsd*|openbsd*|darwin*)
+    dnl # The BSD Family is fully supported
+    ac_bm_thunar_vfs_os_impl=bsd
+    ;;
+  *)
+    dnl # Otherwise fallback to generic OS support
+    ac_bm_thunar_vfs_os_impl=generic
+  esac
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_bm_thunar_vfs_os_impl])
+  dnl # Set automake conditionals appropriately
+  AM_CONDITIONAL([THUNAR_VFS_OS_IMPL_BSD], [test x"$ac_bm_thunar_vfs_os_impl" = x"bsd"])
+dnl #
+dnl # Determines the volume manager implementation to
+dnl # use for thunar-vfs.
+dnl #
+dnl # Sets ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl to "freebsd",
+dnl # "hal" or "none".
+dnl #
+  dnl The --with-volume-manager option
+  AC_ARG_WITH([volume-manager],
+AC_HELP_STRING([--with-volume-manager=@<:@auto/freebsd/hal/none@:>@], [The volume manager implementation @<:@default=auto@:>@]),
+    [], [with_volume_manager=auto])
+  dnl # Check if we should try to auto-detect
+  if test x"$with_volume_manager" = x"freebsd"; then
+    ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl=freebsd
+  elif test x"$with_volume_manager" = x"hal"; then
+    ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl=hal
+  elif test x"$with_volume_manager" = x"none"; then
+    ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl=none
+  else
+    dnl # Check if HAL is available
+    XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([HAL], [hal-storage], [0.5.0],
+    [
+      dnl # HAL is available, use it
+      ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl=hal
+    ],
+    [
+      dnl # Check operating system type
+      case "$target_os" in
+      freebsd*)
+        dnl # FreeBSD is fully supported
+        ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl=freebsd
+        ;;
+      *)
+        dnl # Otherwise no volume support
+        ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl=none
+        ;;
+      esac
+    ])
+  fi
+  dnl # We need HAL >= 0.5.x and D-BUS >= 0.23 for the HAL volume manager
+  if test x"$ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl" = x"hal"; then
+    XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([EXO_HAL], [exo-hal-0.3], [])
+    XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([HAL], [hal-storage], [0.5.0])
+    XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([HAL_DBUS], [dbus-glib-1], [0.23])
+  fi
+  dnl # Set config.h variables depending on what we're going to use
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([for the volume manager implemenation])
+  case "$ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl" in
+  freebsd)
+    AC_DEFINE([THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME_IMPL_FREEBSD], [1], [Define to 1 if the FreeBSD volume manager implementation should be used])
+    ;;
+  hal)
+    AC_DEFINE([THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME_IMPL_HAL], [1], [Define to 1 if the HAL volume manager implementation should be used])
+    ;;
+  *)
+    AC_DEFINE([THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME_IMPL_NONE], [1], [Define to 1 if no volume manager implementation should be used])
+    ;;
+  esac
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl])
+  dnl # Set automake conditionals appropriately
+  AM_CONDITIONAL([THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME_IMPL_FREEBSD], [test x"$ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl" = x"freebsd"])
+  AM_CONDITIONAL([THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME_IMPL_HAL], [test x"$ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl" = x"hal"])
+  AM_CONDITIONAL([THUNAR_VFS_VOLUME_IMPL_NONE], [test x"$ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl" = x"none"])

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/autogen.sh (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/autogen.sh)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/autogen.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/autogen.sh	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# $Id$
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2006
+#         The Thunar development team. All rights reserved.
+# Written for Thunar by Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>.
+(type xdt-autogen) >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
+  cat >&2 <<EOF
+autogen.sh: You don't seem to have the Xfce development tools installed on
+            your system, which are required to build this software.
+            Please install the xfce4-dev-tools package first, it is available
+            from http://www.xfce.org/.
+  exit 1
+# verify that po/LINGUAS is present
+(test -f po/LINGUAS) >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
+  cat >&2 <<EOF
+autogen.sh: The file po/LINGUAS could not be found. Please check your snapshot
+            or try to checkout again.
+  exit 1
+# substitute revision and linguas
+linguas=`sed -e '/^#/d' po/LINGUAS`
+revision=`LC_ALL=C svn info $0 | awk '/^Revision: / {printf "%05d\n", $2}'`
+sed -e "s/@LINGUAS@/${linguas}/g" \
+    -e "s/@REVISION@/${revision}/g" \
+    < "configure.in.in" > "configure.in"
+exec xdt-autogen $@
+# vi:set ts=2 sw=2 et ai:

Copied: thunar-vfs/trunk/configure.in.in (from rev 30057, thunar/trunk/configure.in.in)
--- thunar-vfs/trunk/configure.in.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/configure.in.in	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+dnl $Id$
+dnl Copyright (c) 2004-2007
+dnl         The Thunar development team. All rights reserved.
+dnl Written for Thunar by Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>.
+dnl ***************************
+dnl *** Version information ***
+dnl ***************************
+m4_define([thunar_vfs_verinfo], [5:1:3])
+m4_define([thunar_vfs_version_api], [1])
+m4_define([thunar_vfs_version_major], [1])
+m4_define([thunar_vfs_version_minor], [0])
+m4_define([thunar_vfs_version_micro], [1])
+m4_define([thunar_vfs_version_nano], [])
+m4_define([thunar_vfs_version_build], [r at REVISION@])
+m4_define([thunar_vfs_version_tag], [])
+m4_define([thunar_vfs_version], [thunar_vfs_version_major().thunar_vfs_version_minor().thunar_vfs_version_micro()ifelse(thunar_vfs_version_nano(), [], [], [.thunar_vfs_version_nano()])ifelse(thunar_vfs_version_tag(), [svn], [thunar_vfs_version_tag()-thunar_vfs_version_build()], [thunar_vfs_version_tag()])])
+dnl *******************************************
+dnl *** Debugging support for SVN snapshots ***
+dnl *******************************************
+m4_define([thunar_vfs_debug_default], [ifelse(thunar_vfs_version_tag(), [svn], [yes], [minimum])])
+dnl ***************************
+dnl *** Initialize autoconf ***
+dnl ***************************
+AC_COPYRIGHT([Copyright (c) 2004-2009
+        The Thunar development team. All rights reserved.
+Written for Thunar by Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>.])
+AC_INIT([thunar-vfs], [thunar_vfs_version], [http://bugzilla.xfce.org/], [thunar-vfs])
+dnl ***************************
+dnl *** Initialize automake ***
+dnl ***************************
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.8 dist-bzip2 tar-ustar])
+dnl *******************************
+dnl *** Check for UNIX variants ***
+dnl *******************************
+if test "x$target_os" = "xlinux-gnu"; then
+  AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LINUX], [], [Whether we are building on Linux or not])
+dnl ********************************
+dnl *** Check for basic programs ***
+dnl ********************************
+AC_CHECK_PROGS([PERL], [perl5 perl])
+dnl **************************
+dnl *** Initialize libtool ***
+dnl **************************
+dnl **************************************
+dnl *** Substitute version information ***
+dnl **************************************
+dnl ***********************************************
+dnl *** Work-around system-specific limitations ***
+dnl ***********************************************
+dnl **********************************
+dnl *** Check for standard headers ***
+dnl **********************************
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ctype.h dirent.h errno.h fcntl.h fnmatch.h fstab.h grp.h \
+                  limits.h locale.h math.h memory.h mntent.h paths.h pwd.h \
+                  regex.h sched.h setjmp.h signal.h stdarg.h stdlib.h \
+                  string.h syslog.h sys/xattr.h sys/extattr.h sys/cdio.h \
+                  sys/mman.h sys/mount.h sys/param.h sys/resource.h sys/stat.h \
+                  sys/statfs.h sys/statvfs.h sys/time.h sys/ucred.h sys/uio.h \
+                  sys/vfs.h sys/wait.h time.h wchar.h wctype.h])
+dnl ************************************
+dnl *** Check for standard functions ***
+dnl ************************************
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS([attropen extattr_get_fd fgetxattr futimes getdents getfsspec \
+                getfsstat lchmod localeconv localtime_r mbrtowc mkdtemp mkfifo \
+                posix_madvise pread pwrite readdir_r sched_yield setgroupent \
+                setmntent setpassent setpriority statfs statvfs statvfs1 \
+                strcoll strlcpy strptime symlink syslog posix_fadvise])
+dnl ******************************************
+dnl *** Linux/glibc specified work-arounds ***
+dnl ******************************************
+AC_TRY_LINK([#include <features.h>],
+  if (__GLIBC_PREREQ (2, 0));
+  AC_DEFINE([_XOPEN_SOURCE], [600], [Required to unbreak glibc])
+  AC_DEFINE([_BSD_SOURCE], [1], [Required to unbreak glibc])
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+dnl **************************************************************
+dnl *** Check for f_mntonname in statfs (trash implementation) ***
+dnl **************************************************************
+AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct statfs.f_mntonname],,,
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
+dnl ******************************
+dnl *** Check for i18n support ***
+dnl ******************************
+dnl ***********************************
+dnl *** Check for required packages ***
+dnl ***********************************
+XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([EXO], [exo-0.3], [0.3.100])
+XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([GLIB], [glib-2.0], [2.12.0])
+XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([GTHREAD], [gthread-2.0], [2.12.0])
+XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([GTK], [gtk+-2.0], [2.10.0])
+XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([GDK_PIXBUF], [gdk-pixbuf-2.0], [2.10.0])
+XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([LIBXFCE4UTIL], [libxfce4util-1.0], [4.6.0])
+dnl *********************************************
+dnl *** Check for libpng (with various names) ***
+dnl *********************************************
+XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([LIBPNG], [libpng], [1.2.0], [],
+  dnl # libpng.pc not found, try with libpng12.pc
+  XDT_CHECK_PACKAGE([LIBPNG], [libpng12], [1.2.0])
+dnl **********************************
+dnl *** Optional support for D-BUS ***
+dnl **********************************
+                           [0.34], [dbus], [D-BUS support])
+dnl *******************************************************
+dnl *** Optional support for gconf (GNOME thumbnailers) ***
+dnl *******************************************************
+                           [2.4.0], [gnome-thumbnailers],
+                           [GNOME thumbnailer support])
+dnl *************************************************
+dnl *** Optional support for startup notification ***
+dnl *************************************************
+                           [libstartup-notification-1.0],
+                           [0.4], [startup-notification],
+                           [startup notification library])
+dnl ******************************
+dnl *** Check for FreeType 2.x ***
+dnl ******************************
+AC_PATH_PROG([FREETYPE_CONFIG], [freetype-config], [no])
+if test x"$FREETYPE_CONFIG" != x"no"; then
+dnl *************************
+dnl *** Check for libjpeg ***
+dnl *************************
+AC_CHECK_LIB([jpeg], [jpeg_start_decompress],
+  AC_CHECK_HEADER([jpeglib.h],
+  [
+    LIBJPEG_LIBS="-ljpeg -lm"
+    AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBJPEG], [1], [Define to 1 if libjpeg is found])
+    AC_DEFINE([HAVE_JPEGLIB_H], [1], [Define to 1 if jpeglib.h is found])
+  ])
+], [-lm])
+dnl *************************
+dnl *** Check for gtk-doc ***
+dnl *************************
+dnl **************************
+dnl *** Check for xsltproc ***
+dnl **************************
+AC_ARG_ENABLE([xsltproc], [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-xsltproc], [Use xsltproc to build documentation @<:@default=no@:>@])],, [enable_xsltproc=no])
+if test x"$enable_xsltproc" = x"yes"; then
+  AC_PATH_PROG([XSLTPROC], [xsltproc], [no])
+  if test x"$XSLTPROC" = x"no"; then
+    enable_xsltproc=no
+  fi
+AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_XSLTPROC], [test x"$enable_xsltproc" = x"yes"])
+dnl ************************
+dnl *** Check for xml2po ***
+dnl ************************
+AC_ARG_ENABLE([xml2po], [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-xml2po], [Use xml2po to translate documentation @<:@default=no@:>@])],, [enable_xml2po=no])
+if test x"$enable_xml2po" = x"yes"; then
+  AC_PATH_PROG([XML2PO], [xml2po], [no])
+  if test x"$XML2PO" = x"no"; then
+    enable_xml2po=no
+  fi
+AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_XML2PO], [test x"$enable_xml2po" = x"yes"])
+dnl ******************************************
+dnl *** Check for operating system support ***
+dnl ******************************************
+dnl ****************************************************
+dnl *** Check for file system monitor implementation ***
+dnl ****************************************************
+dnl ***********************************************
+dnl *** Check for volume manager implementation ***
+dnl ***********************************************
+dnl ***********************************
+dnl *** Check for debugging support ***
+dnl ***********************************
+AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug=@<:@no/minimum/yes/full@:>@], [Turn on debugging @<:@default=thunar_vfs_debug_default@:>@]),
+  [], [enable_debug=thunar_vfs_debug_default])
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable debugging support])
+if test x"$enable_debug" = x"full" -o x"$enable_debug" = x"yes"; then
+  dnl Print the result
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_debug])
+  dnl Make sure we detect possible errors (if supported)
+  save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Werror"
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $CC accepts -Wall -Werror])
+    AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+  ], [
+    AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+  ])
+  CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS"
+  dnl Paranoia for --enable-debug=full
+  if test x"$enable_debug" = x"full"; then
+    dnl Enable extensive debugging
+    dnl Use -O0 -g3 if the compiler supports it
+    save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O0 -g3"
+    AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $CC accepts -O0 -g3])
+      AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    ], [
+      AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    ])
+    CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS"
+  fi
+  dnl Print the result
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_debug])
+  dnl Disable debugging (release build)
+  dnl Disable object cast checks
+  dnl Disable all checks for --enable-debug=no
+  if test x"$enable_debug" = x"no"; then
+  fi
+dnl **************************************
+dnl *** Check for linker optimizations ***
+dnl **************************************
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $LD accepts --as-needed])
+case `$LD --as-needed -v 2>&1 </dev/null` in
+*GNU* | *'with BFD'*)
+  LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--as-needed"
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+  ;;
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+  ;;
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $LD accepts -O1])
+case `$LD -O1 -v 2>&1 </dev/null` in
+*GNU* | *'with BFD'*)
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+  ;;
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+  ;;
+dnl ****************************************
+dnl *** Check for ELF visibility support ***
+dnl ****************************************
+AC_ARG_ENABLE([visibility], AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-visibility], [Don't use ELF visibility attributes]), [], [enable_visibility=yes])
+if test x"$enable_visibility" != x"no"; then
+  dnl Check whether the compiler supports the visibility attribute
+  save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Werror"
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $CC supports the GNUC visibility attribute])
+  [
+    void __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) test_default (void) {}
+    void __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden"))) test_hidden (void) {}
+    int main (int argc, char **argv) { test_default (); test_hidden (); return 0; }
+  ]),
+  [
+    have_gnuc_visibility=yes
+    AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+  ],
+  [
+    AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+  ])
+  CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS"
+if test x"$have_gnuc_visibility" = x"yes"; then
+AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_GNUC_VISIBILITY], [test x"$have_gnuc_visibility" = x"yes"])
+dnl *********************************
+dnl *** Substitute platform flags ***
+dnl *********************************
+dnl ***************************
+dnl *** Print configuration ***
+dnl ***************************
+echo "Build Configuration:"
+echo "* Operating system support:  $ac_bm_thunar_vfs_os_impl"
+if test x"$DBUS_FOUND" = x"yes"; then
+echo "* D-BUS support:             yes"
+echo "* D-BUS support:             no"
+echo "* File System Monitor:       $ac_bm_thunar_vfs_monitor_impl"
+if test x"$GCONF_FOUND" = x"yes"; then
+echo "* GNOME Thumbnailers:        yes"
+echo "* GNOME Thumbnailers:        no"
+if test x"$LIBSTARTUP_NOTIFICATION_FOUND" = x"yes"; then
+echo "* Startup Notification:      yes"
+echo "* Startup Notification:      no"
+echo "* Volume Manager:            $ac_bm_thunar_vfs_volume_impl"
+echo "* Debug Support:             $enable_debug"

Modified: thunar-vfs/trunk/docs/Makefile.am
--- thunar/trunk/docs/Makefile.am	2009-06-20 01:07:08 UTC (rev 30057)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/docs/Makefile.am	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -1,29 +1,14 @@
 # $Id$
 SUBDIRS =								\
-	design								\
-	manual								\
-	papers								\
-docdir = $(datadir)/doc/Thunar
+docdir = $(datadir)/doc/thunar-vfs
 doc_DATA =								\
-	README.gtkrc							\
-	README.thunarrc							\
 	README.volumes							\
-man_MANS =								\
-	Thunar.1
-%.1: %.xml
-	xsltproc -nonet http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl $<
 EXTRA_DIST =								\
-	$(doc_DATA)							\
-	$(man_MANS)							\
-	Thunar.xml
+	$(doc_DATA)
 # vi:set ts=8 sw=8 noet ai nocindent syntax=automake:

Modified: thunar-vfs/trunk/docs/reference/Makefile.am
--- thunar/trunk/docs/reference/Makefile.am	2009-06-20 01:07:08 UTC (rev 30057)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/docs/reference/Makefile.am	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 # $Id$
 SUBDIRS =								\
-	thunar-vfs							\
-	thunarx
+	thunar-vfs
 # vi:set ts=8 sw=8 noet ai nocindent syntax=automake:

Modified: thunar-vfs/trunk/thunar-vfs/Makefile.am
--- thunar/trunk/thunar-vfs/Makefile.am	2009-06-20 01:07:08 UTC (rev 30057)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/thunar-vfs/Makefile.am	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 	-DPACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR=\"$(localedir)\"				\
 lib_LTLIBRARIES =							\
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 libthunar_vfs_includedir = 						\
-	$(includedir)/thunar-vfs-$(THUNAR_VERSION_API)/thunar-vfs
+	$(includedir)/thunar-vfs-$(THUNAR_VFS_VERSION_API)/thunar-vfs
 libthunar_vfs_include_HEADERS =						\
 	$(libthunar_vfs_headers)					\
 	$(libthunar_vfs_public_built_sources)				\

Modified: thunar-vfs/trunk/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-1.pc.in
--- thunar/trunk/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-1.pc.in	2009-06-20 01:07:08 UTC (rev 30057)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-1.pc.in	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@
 Description: ThunarVFS library
 Requires: exo-0.3 gthread-2.0
-Libs: -L${libdir} -lthunar-vfs- at THUNAR_VERSION_API@
-Cflags: -I${includedir}/thunar-vfs- at THUNAR_VERSION_API@
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lthunar-vfs- at THUNAR_VFS_VERSION_API@
+Cflags: -I${includedir}/thunar-vfs- at THUNAR_VFS_VERSION_API@

Modified: thunar-vfs/trunk/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-config.h.in
--- thunar/trunk/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-config.h.in	2009-06-20 01:07:08 UTC (rev 30057)
+++ thunar-vfs/trunk/thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-config.h.in	2009-06-20 01:53:28 UTC (rev 30058)
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
 #endif /* __GNUC__ */
 #endif /* !defined(G_GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT) */
 #define THUNAR_VFS_CHECK_VERSION(major,minor,micro) \

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