RFC: Visual bell

Ивалин ivalin1996 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 27 12:33:07 CEST 2024

Xfce window manager supports blinking the window decoration , You can find
the option in xfwm4-tweak-settings -> accessibility . If you want to flash
the entire window you can use a program like xvisbell to flash the entire
Zetta1 Reid0

---------- Forwarded message ---------
От: Kat M <katarzynamosz at gmail.com>
Date: сб, 27.07.2024 г., 12:32 ч.
Subject: RFC: Visual bell
To: <xfce at xfce.org>

I am hearing impaired and so far my choice of DEs has been limited to Gnome
and KDE, because they both offer a visible bell accessibility feature. Xfce
is missing this, which is stopping me from checking out this leaner
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