RFC: xfwm4: drop legacy KDE systray emulation

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult lkml at metux.net
Thu Oct 20 11:19:39 CEST 2022

On 20.10.22 02:44, Matt Connell wrote:

> Considering that portage failed to apply your patch, specifically for
> the reason that the patch specified to remove the below line[1] which
> was *not present* in the copy of configure.ac portage uses, 

What exact sources are they using ?
Note that configure.ac is generated from configure.ac.in by autogen.sh

> it is
> probably safe to say that the ebuild doesn't make use of this feature
> anyway. As you stated originally, it isn't used unless explicitly
> enabled.

If they ever used it, there must be some --enable-kde-system parameter
to configure / autogen.sh. If there isn't any, it's certainly disabled.

> Now, I did some more nosing around in the Status Tray panel plugin
> settings. The settings I have show two sections, one for "Status
> Notifiers" and one for "Systray Icons" and the things I use on the
> daily are actually split between these two sections. It seems Telegram,
> nheko and Steam are "Status Notifiers" whereas Signal and Deluge are
> "Systray Icons". 

I'd guess "systray icons" is the first spec, "status notifiers" the
second (dbus based). If you happen to be a bit bored, you could test
what happens if you prevent them from accessing the session dbus.

Personally, I don't see any practical reason why dbus shall be needed
for such simple things - X11 protocol is really sufficient for that
and the most portable way for that (think of remote clients).

> I have no idea if these distinctions are semantically
> meaningful, or if they are relevant to the discussion at hand, but I
> figured I would add it in case someone else goes spelunking in the
> future.

Since you most likely don't have xfwm built w/ --enable-kde-systray
and everything's fine for you, that old legacy stuff can't be of
any practical concer for you :)

> Regardless, I've stood down from my initial knee-jerk panic at losing a
> relied-upon feature, at least for now.


In general, it's better to raise some false alarms and talk things
out than having unpleasant surprises later.


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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at metux.net -- +49-151-27565287

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