Xfce4-4.16 very slow to start

Paul Menzel pmenzel+xfce at molgen.mpg.de
Wed Mar 16 16:52:53 CET 2022

Dear Rich,

Am 16.03.22 um 16:35 schrieb Rich Shepard:
> On Wed, 16 Mar 2022, Olivier Fourdan wrote:
>> Does setting `export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1` prior to run /usr/bin/startx` help?

> Unfortunately, it does not.
> I had set up this laptop for another user and startx/logout worked just as
> rapidly as for root. Adding me as a user, and deleting the other user, 
> seems likely to have broken something.
> I'll take the time to re-install the distribution as there's no data yet on
> the system.

Please at least capture the `strace -ff -t -o /dev/shm/startx-strace.txt 

Kind regards,


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