Is it possible to suppress the popup when cycling windows?

Alain.Cochard at Alain.Cochard at
Fri Jul 15 07:46:35 CEST 2022


If I understand correctly, I have xfce 4.16, which comes with Fedora

I can't find a clear terminology for this popup, which is why I fully
describe what I mean, to be sure there is no confusion:

When cycling window, within a workspace (say), there is a popup.

It can be a list of windows if

  settings | window manager tweak | cycling | Cycle though windows in
  a list

is checked. It can be a table of previewed windows if

  settings | window manager tweak | compositor | show windows preview
  in place of icons when cycling

is checked, or, if unchecked, just a table of the corresponding icons.

Is there a way to get rid of this popup altogether?

Thank you.

(I could get the desired effect by making "opacity of popup windows" in
"settings | window manager tweak | compositor" totally transparent.
But then some other popups are also transparent, and I don't want

EOST (École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre) 
ITE (Institut Terre & Environnement) | alain.cochard at
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