How to run a daemon process only when xfce4 session is running?

Chris Green cl at
Mon Jan 31 20:57:20 CET 2022

Alex <acs82 at> wrote:
> [-- text/plain, encoding quoted-printable, charset: UTF-8, 48 lines --]
> > But there's no logout 'hook' is there?  Where would I put this killall
> so that it runs when I log out of the xfce4 session?
> Maybe your version of xfce4-session is outdated ? I can hook stuff on
> login, logout, hibernate, shutdown, .. and so on ... atached a screenshot.
chris$ xfce4-session --version
xfce4-session 4.16.0 (Xfce 4.16)

I think that's pretty much the latest isn't it?

I don't think the screenshot got through to the newsgroup but I may
have the E-Mail as well somewhere, I'll take a look.

Chris Green

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