Is the X startup sequence described anywhere?

Silvio Knizek killermoehre at
Sat Jan 8 19:50:56 CET 2022

Am Samstag, dem 08.01.2022 um 17:12 +0000 schrieb Chris Green:
> Yes, but something must be running these PAM modules in some sort of
> sequence. In addition something must be unlocking the Gnome Keyring
> with the login password, I'm after finding out where/when this happens.
PAM is invoked by your disaply manager (lightdm, gdm, etc.). See its
configuration file on which PAM-configuration is called. The module than starts the gnome-keyring and unlocks the
default keyring with your password.

Do you have a problem with keyring unlocking? What is the actual
problem you want to solve?

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