losing focus scrolling when focus follows mouse

Piscium groknok at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 23:56:36 CET 2019


I am using XFCE with xfwm. I have it set as focus follows mouse. If I
scroll by grabbing the scroll bar with the mouse and if the pointer
moves out of the window I am over the window below, the window below
gets the focus. This is not great. I have been using xfwm only for a
short time, previously I was using Openbox, and this does not happen
in Openbox, where basically the focus does *not* follow the mouse when
I scrolling.

Is there any xfwm setting to have a behaviour similar to Openbox? I
could nor find any. I did a Google search and a couple of people
recommended changing an accessibility setting but that did not work
for me. I am on Arch.

# pacman -Qi xfwm4
Name            : xfwm4
Version         : 4.14.0-1
Description     : Xfce's window manager
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             : https://www.xfce.org/
Licenses        : GPL2
Groups          : xfce4
Provides        : None
Depends On      : libxfce4ui  xfconf  libwnck3  libepoxy  libxpresent
Optional Deps   : None
Required By     : xfwm4-themes
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 2.00 MiB
Packager        : Evangelos Foutras <evangelos at foutrelis.com>
Build Date      : Mon 12 Aug 2019 00:26:05 IST
Install Date    : Tue 03 Sep 2019 07:03:05 IST
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature


$ xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -lv
/general/activate_action                 bring
/general/borderless_maximize             true
/general/box_move                        false
/general/box_resize                      false
/general/button_layout                   O|SHMC
/general/button_offset                   0
/general/button_spacing                  0
/general/click_to_focus                  false
/general/cycle_apps_only                 false
/general/cycle_draw_frame                true
/general/cycle_hidden                    true
/general/cycle_minimum                   true
/general/cycle_preview                   true
/general/cycle_raise                     true
/general/cycle_tabwin_mode               1
/general/cycle_workspaces                false
/general/double_click_action             maximize
/general/double_click_distance           5
/general/double_click_time               250
/general/easy_click                      Mod4
/general/focus_delay                     835
/general/focus_hint                      true
/general/focus_new                       true
/general/frame_border_top                0
/general/frame_opacity                   100
/general/full_width_title                true
/general/horiz_scroll_opacity            false
/general/inactive_opacity                100
/general/margin_left                     0
/general/margin_right                    0
/general/maximized_offset                0
/general/mousewheel_rollup               true
/general/move_opacity                    54
/general/placement_mode                  center
/general/placement_ratio                 20
/general/popup_opacity                   100
/general/prevent_focus_stealing          false
/general/raise_delay                     835
/general/raise_on_click                  true
/general/raise_on_focus                  true
/general/raise_with_any_button           false
/general/repeat_urgent_blink             false
/general/resize_opacity                  53
/general/scroll_workspaces               true
/general/shadow_delta_height             0
/general/shadow_delta_width              0
/general/shadow_delta_x                  0
/general/shadow_delta_y                  -3
/general/shadow_opacity                  50
/general/show_app_icon                   false
/general/show_dock_shadow                true
/general/show_frame_shadow               true
/general/show_popup_shadow               false
/general/snap_resist                     false
/general/snap_to_border                  true
/general/snap_to_windows                 false
/general/snap_width                      15
/general/theme                           Default
/general/tile_on_move                    true
/general/title_alignment                 center
/general/title_font                      Sans Bold 9
/general/title_horizontal_offset         0
/general/titleless_maximize              false
/general/title_shadow_active             false
/general/title_shadow_inactive           false
/general/title_vertical_offset_active    0
/general/title_vertical_offset_inactive  0
/general/toggle_workspaces               false
/general/unredirect_overlays             true
/general/urgent_blink                    false
/general/use_compositing                 false
/general/vblank_mode                     auto
/general/workspace_count                 3
/general/workspace_names                 <<UNSUPPORTED>>
/general/wrap_cycle                      true
/general/wrap_layout                     true
/general/wrap_resistance                 10
/general/wrap_windows                    true
/general/wrap_workspaces                 false
/general/zoom_desktop                    true

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