GUI for setting timezone

Robert Moskowitz rgm at
Tue Jun 12 14:36:49 CEST 2018

On 06/12/2018 08:28 AM, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Jun 2018 08:18:57 -0400
> Robert Moskowitz <rgm at> wrote:
>> Look at the subject line.  A GUI interface.  I well know the command
>> line options and have used them.
> In my install of PCLinuxOS I have in Drax-conf a GUI for setting date and time (and ntp).
> Which is good since there is no timedatectl, as PCLinuxOS is thankfully free of systemd.

On the fedora user list I was just pointed to:

And I decided, what the heck, give it a try, it is noarch....  SO:

dnf install /home/rgm/Downloads/system-config-date-1.10.9-3.fc25.noarch.rpm
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:01 ago on Tue 12 Jun 2018 08:23:00 
Dependencies resolved.
  Package                  Arch       Version Repository        Size
  system-config-date       noarch     1.10.9-3.fc25 @commandline     602 k
Installing dependencies:
  gnome-python2            x86_64     2.28.1-23.fc28 fedora            51 k
  gnome-python2-canvas     x86_64     2.28.1-23.fc28 fedora            39 k
  libart_lgpl              x86_64     2.3.21-19.fc28 fedora            75 k
  libgnomecanvas           x86_64     2.30.3-15.fc28 fedora           234 k
  python2-slip             noarch     0.6.4-10.fc28 fedora            37 k

Transaction Summary
Install  6 Packages

and there was the map!  but no ntp servers?  Had to add the fedora pool, 
and it then worked.

So I am set for F28, but what about the next release?  It would be good 
to get this feature into Xfce.

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