Audio notification with amixer

jEsuSdA 8) listas at
Wed Jul 12 22:08:23 CEST 2017

El 12/07/17 a las 21:58, jEsuSdA 8) escribió:
> #!/bin/bash
> # So, you can make a script getting the volume:
> VOLUME=`amixer get Master | awk '$0~/%/{print $5}' | tr -d '[]%'`
> # Calculate the new volume:
> NEWVOLUME= `expr $VOLUME + 5`
> # Increase the volume:
> amixer -q set Master 5%+ unmute
> # Notify the change:
> notify-send " " -h int:value:$NEWVOLUME -i audio-volume-high
> # and thats all!!

... obviously, do the same decreasing volume, changing the "+" by "-" 
and the "-i audio-volume-high" for "-i audio-volume-low" (or other icon) ;)

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