exo-open ssh://<computer>

Jeff Sadowski jeff.sadowski at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 21:09:07 CEST 2017

I realize you said sftp not scp which when I tried sftp it did nothing like
ssh did.
When I tried setting it with xdg-mime it still does nothing. Interesting
that scp did work.

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 1:00 PM, Jeff Sadowski <jeff.sadowski at gmail.com>

> xdg-mime default scp.desktop x-scheme-handler/scp
> nano ~/.local/share/applications/scp.desktop
> <=============content
> [Desktop Entry]
> Version=1.0
> Type=Application
> Exec=bash -c '(URL="%U" HOST="${URL:6}"; $HOME/test_scp.sh $HOST); bash'
> Icon=utilities-terminal
> StartupNotify=true
> Terminal=true
> MimeType=x-scheme-handler/ssh
> Name=SSH Launcher
> Comment=Launch SSH
> <===============end content
> did work.
> On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 12:31 PM, Jeff Sadowski <jeff.sadowski at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I never added scp with xdg-mime. I did add ssh which seems to work for
>> gnome-open but not for exo-open.
>> On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 12:28 PM, Jeff Sadowski <jeff.sadowski at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Failed to open URI "scp://jeff-server/home/jeff/testfile".
>>> The specified location is not supported
>>> On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 12:18 PM, killermoehre <killermoehre at gmx.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Am 4. April 2017 19:57:32 MESZ schrieb Jeff Sadowski <
>>>> jeff.sadowski at gmail.com>:
>>>> >I would like to set exo-open to run a script of mine in the default
>>>> >terminal program.
>>>> >
>>>> >I have "gnome-open ssh://<computer>" acting as I like by using:
>>>> >
>>>> >xdg-mime default ssh.desktop x-scheme-handler/ssh
>>>> >
>>>> >and used a text editor to make ~/.local/share/applications/ssh.desktop
>>>> >
>>>> >But xdg-open uses exo-open for XFCE4 so I would like to know how to
>>>> >setup
>>>> >exo-open to recognize a new protocol like ssh://<computer>?
>>>> >
>>>> >Is this possible?
>>>> >
>>>> >The purpose is to use this in google-chrome. Google-chrome doesn't give
>>>> >an
>>>> >option to send more arguments that I can see.
>>>> >
>>>> >I see people talking about adding options to the command line but as I
>>>> >said
>>>> >that will not work as other programs will not send those to xdg-open.
>>>> Hi Jeff,
>>>> does it work if you just use »exo-open sftp://host/path/to/file«?
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