Focus/activate window which is to the right/left/up/down?

Сергей Процеров (Sergey Protserov) protserovsd at
Sun Sep 25 14:20:44 CEST 2016

Thank you very much, it seems like wmctrl and xdotool is what I was 
looking for! I will use them then.

25.09.2016 13:01, Ralf Mardorf пишет:
> On Sun, 25 Sep 2016 10:17:40 +0200, killermoehre wrote:
>> Am 25.09.2016 um 08:02 schrieb Сергей Процеров (Sergey Protserov):
>>> Hello everybody! I am using Xfce4 4.12.3 and I would like to be able
>>> to activate a window, which is to the right/left/up/down side of
>>> current window, using keybindings (like it is in tiling window
>>> managers or in Openbox). Could you please tell me, how can I
>>> implement it? Thank you in advance.
>> if you want Openbox features, than use Openbox
> Or stay with xfwm4 and write a script using wmctrl. Sometimes xdotool
> might be helpful, too.
> An example, the terminal is active and I activated the Claws window:
> [rocketmouse at archlinux ~]$ wmctrl -lx
> 0x00c00003 -1 panel.fbpanel         archlinux panel
> 0x0080001d -1 panel.lxpanel         archlinux panel
> 0x01600003  0 claws-mail.Claws-mail  archlinux Rocketmouse - Claws Mail 3.14.0
> 0x01000012  0 evolution.Evolution   archlinux Inbox (55388 unread) - Evolution
> 0x01c00003  0 main_window.Sylpheed  archlinux Unknown Crewman - Sylpheed 3.5.1
> 0x0173153e  0 claws-mail.Claws-mail  archlinux Re: Focus/activate window which is to the right/left/up/down? - Compose message [Edited]
> 0x01e00007  0 roxterm.Roxterm       archlinux rocketmouse at archlinux:~
> 0x0220007f  0 Navigator.Icecat      archlinux linux - How to use wmctrl to activate window of a given class? - Super User - GNU IceCat
> [rocketmouse at archlinux ~]$ wmctrl -x -a claws-mail.Claws-mail
> You could assign a script to a shortcut. Pushing the shortcut a script
> could activate one window after the other, e.g. using a
> "for"-loop getting the windows from a list. The list likely could be
> provided by $(wmctrl -lx | cut -d" " -f4 | grep -v '^$') , but you
> should test, if this always works. If you want it more advanced, the
> script needs to check the position of the active window and those of
> the windows surrounding the active window. This is what you want and
> it's possible to do this, too.
> Off-topic:
> An example how I use wmctrl:
> If I push Ctrl+7 my WM (openbox without a desktop environment) runs
> win75   and if I push Ctrl+Alt+7 it runs   win75 -   , win75 is the
> following script, that resize the active window:
> [rocketmouse at archlinux ~]$ cat /usr/local/bin/win75
> #!/bin/bash
> eval $(xdotool getwindowgeometry --shell $(xdotool getactivewindow))
> X_FIX=$(grep X_FIX ~/.rocketmouse/win75/config | cut -d"=" -f2)
> Y_FIX=$(grep Y_FIX ~/.rocketmouse/win75/config | cut -d"=" -f2)
> ((XX=X-X_FIX))
> ((YY=Y-Y_FIX))
> WIDTH=$(calc "int($WIDTH*0.75)")
> case $1 in
>   "") HEIGHT=$(calc "int($HEIGHT*0.75)");;
> esac
> echo "x:$X-$X_FIX=$XX/y:$Y-$Y_FIX=$YY"
> wmctrl -i -r $WINDOW -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
> wmctrl -i -r $WINDOW -e "0,$XX,$YY,$WIDTH,$HEIGHT"
> eval $(xdotool getwindowgeometry --shell $(xdotool getactivewindow))
> echo "x:$X-$X_FIX=$XX/y:$Y-$Y_FIX=$YY"
> exit
> To avoid that the resized windows are moving, a config is required,
> providing an offset that can be found by trial and error:
> [rocketmouse at archlinux ~]$ cat ~/.rocketmouse/win75/config
> X_FIX=4
> Y_FIX=50
> Regards,
> Ralf
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