window manager keyboard shortcuts list?

Ulli Horlacher framstag at
Sat Sep 24 23:37:04 CEST 2016

On Fri 2016-09-23 (10:13), Mathias Brodala wrote:

> You can use the following command to query these settings via CLI:
> xfconf-query --list --verbose --channel xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts

I have now created
which produces a more usable output:

[above]                                            <Alt>F12
[add_workspace]                                    <Alt>Insert
[cancel]                                           Escape
[close_window]                                     <Alt>F4
[cycle_reverse_windows]                            <Alt><Shift>Tab
[cycle_windows]                                    <Alt>Tab
[del_workspace]                                    <Alt>Delete
[down_workspace]                                   <Primary><Alt>Down
[fullscreen]                                       <Alt>F11
[hide_window]                                      <Alt>F9
[left_workspace]                                   <Primary><Alt>Left
[lower_window]                                     <Shift><Alt>Page_Down
[maximize_horiz]                                   <Alt>F5
[maximize_vert]                                    <Alt>F6
[maximize_window]                                  <Alt>F7
[move_window_next_workspace]                       <Primary><Alt>End
[move_window_prev_workspace]                       <Primary><Alt>Home
[move_window_workspace_1]                          <Primary><Alt>KP_1
[move_window_workspace_2]                          <Primary><Alt>KP_2
[move_window_workspace_3]                          <Primary><Alt>KP_3
[move_window_workspace_4]                          <Primary><Alt>KP_4
[popup_menu]                                       <Alt>space
[raise_window]                                     <Shift><Alt>Page_Up
[right_workspace]                                  <Primary><Alt>Right
[show_desktop]                                     <Primary><Alt>d
[stick_window]                                     <Alt>F8
[switch_window]                                    <Super>Tab
[up_workspace]                                     <Primary><Alt>Up
[workspace_1]                                      <Primary>F1
[workspace_2]                                      <Primary>F2
[workspace_3]                                      <Primary>F3
[workspace_4]                                      <Primary>F4
battery_status                                     <Super>b
cxterm                                             <Super>c
displayoff                                         <Super>s
exo-open --launch FileManager                      <Super>f
exo-open --launch FileManager                      XF86Explorer
exo-open --launch MailReader                       <Super>m
exo-open --launch MailReader                       XF86Mail
exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator                 <Primary><Alt>t
exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator                 <Super>t
exo-open --launch WebBrowser                       <Super>w
exo-open --launch WebBrowser                       XF86HomePage
exo-open --launch WebBrowser                       XF86WWW
gnome-calculator                                   XF86Calculator
hibernate                                          <Super>h
libreoffice --calc                                 <Super>4
libreoffice --writer                               <Super>3
mousepad                                           <Super>e
openurl                                            <Super>u
parole                                             <Super>1
parole                                             XF86Music
pidgin                                             <Super>2
pidgin                                             XF86Messenger
xfce4-appfinder                                    <Alt>F3
xfce4-appfinder                                    <Super>r
xfce4-display-settings --minimal                   <Super>p
xfce4-display-settings --minimal                   XF86Display
xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu                       <Alt>F1
xfce4-popup-whiskermenu                            <Primary>Escape
xfce4-screenshooter -w                             <Alt>Print
xfce4-settings-manager                             <Super>space
xflock4                                            <Primary><Alt>Delete
xflock4                                            <Super>l
xflock4                                            <Primary><Alt>l
xfrun4                                             <Alt>F2
xkill                                              <Primary><Alt>Escape
xvs                                                Print
xxterm                                             <Super>x

If bound to key, then it runs itself in a xterm.

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
Rechenzentrum TIK         
Universitaet Stuttgart         E-Mail: horlacher at
Allmandring 30a                Tel:    ++49-711-68565868
70569 Stuttgart (Germany)      WWW:
REF:<d4edde3b-c582-cb6d-82d5-34c7122d23b5 at>

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