How can I disable CSD (client side decorations)?

Klaus Zeitler info at
Thu Jun 16 00:17:03 CEST 2016

What a quick answer :-). Though, the way you describe it and considering
your warnings about side effects, I think it's better, if I leave it

>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Dodier-Lazaro <sidi at> writes:
    Steve>     More seriously now. I think someone has a LD_PRELOAD
    Steve>     library lying somewhere on the Internet that forces GTK+3
    Steve>     to not draw a header bar and to use a normal decoration
    Steve>     instead. But I have no idea where it is and how stable it
    Steve>     is.

I think you talk about gtk3-nocsd:

I wonder, if the GTK developers plan on adding something, that will
allow the user to turn on/off CSD. If not, then maybe the simplest
solution is just to replace eog, evince etc. with similar applications.



|  Klaus Zeitler                |
|  Email: info at  |
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. -- Salvor Hardin

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