How recover file lost when Thunar crashed during cut-and-paste?

Erik Dobák erik.dobak at
Tue Feb 2 16:30:25 CET 2016

sorry for the bashing Genghis Khan and indirectly hit developers. let
me rephrase it:
i know that the one who writes code makes mistakes. but in this case
where you have the os commands cp and mv ready and stable would not it
be better to use them instead of own functions?

On 30 January 2016 at 18:26, Genghis Khan <genghiskhan at> wrote:
> This bug disturbs me, too.
> I agree that this report is not good for the reliability of
> Thunar; and yet, I do not see any good value in bashing the
> developers, directly or indirectly.
> I think that using the word remiss towards the developers is
> more than enough.
> A better manner to handle this issue is to subscribe to the
> relevant bug report, and petition the developers about this
> concern.
>> Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 at 10:58 PM
>> From: "Erik Dobák" <erik.dobak at>
>> To: "Xfce general discussion list" <xfce at>
>> Subject: Re: How recover file lost when Thunar crashed during cut-and-paste?
>> my copy paste experiences with Thunar forced me to use the command
>> line and the cp command manually. i do not understand how can one
>> screw up basic operations like cp and mv...
>> On 20 January 2016 at 13:31, Ernest Adrogué <nfdisco at> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > 2016-01-20, 12:16 (+0000); Mark Ballard escriu:
>> >> I've been using Thunar intensely for years. So I'm aware of its recent bug
>> >> infestation. It's no reason to jump ship though. It's not fatal. It just
>> >> keeps bombing out. I got used to it being a bit temperamental lately.
>> >
>> > Actually it is kind of fatal because it may result in loss of data.  I think
>> > it's pretty serious.  The XFCE team should warn users not to use Thunar for
>> > moving files around until this issue has been addressed.  Just my opinion.
>> >
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