xfdesktop icon width

Allin Cottrell cottrell at wfu.edu
Tue Mar 17 17:13:22 CET 2015

I'm running xfdesktop 4.12.0. The icons are set more narrowly than 
they were under 4.10.0, and the icon label text gets ellipsized more 
severely. To adjust this I have put the following into my ~/.gtkrc-2.0

XfdesktopIconView::cell-text-width-proportion = 2.4

That works fine to allow the icon + text to be wider, but it has the 
side effect of eliminating ellipsizing, even if I explicitly request 

XfdesktopIconView::ellipsize-icon-labels = 1

Therefore some of the icon labels spill over onto two lines, which I 
don't want.

Any suggestions for getting this right? Thanks.

(Just to be clear: what I want is a single line of text under the 
icon, ellipsized if it's too long, but longer than the default with 
xfdesktop 4.12.0.)

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC

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