Downloading podcasts

brian brian at
Sat Jun 20 08:40:25 CEST 2015

On Wed, 17 Jun 2015 11:26:56 +0200, you wrote:

For the benefit of anyone who may find this thread while researching a
similar question, I can confirm that Johannes's suggestion of using
gpodder worked for me - does exactly what I want (YMMV!). 

I also heard from the author of Liferea and he was entirely
unreceptive to any criticism of the changes in the program between the
versions in the Wheezy and Jessie repositories. His program, his
privilege, of course, and I'm sure that somewhere out there are a
whole bunch of users who want to download everything to the desktop
and/or go through a save dialog for every podcast, but I'm not one of

I now echo Johannes's recommendation of gpodder for anyone looking for
a program to download podcasts. So far it seems an excellent choice,
at least for how I want things to work. 

>On 17.06.2015 11:07, brian wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone have any suggestions for a program which can be used to
>> download podcasts attached to an RSS feed? This is under Debian 8,
>> 64-bit.
>> Under Debian 7, I used to use Liferea, and that worked just fine, but
>> the download agent has been changed to steadyflow in the version
>> distributed with Debian 8, and there's something strange going on,
>> because the dialog to pre-select the destination folder simply doesn't
>> show up - the part of the screen where it should be is blank. Yes, I
>> field a bug report about this, and offered to provide screen shots,
>> but no response. As it is, everything is saved to the desktop, and I
>> have to go through a save dialog for every file.
>> I tried RSSOwl. Again, something appears to be wrong (with the 64-bit
>> version, at least!) since I always get a browser error, irrespective
>> of the setting I use - and yes, I have read the information in the
>> help file, and tried their solution, and it doesn't change anything.
>> I've used Thunderbird. That works except for the fact that it appears
>> all downloads must be done manually.
>> I'm stuck with a satellite internet connection (I have no alternative)
>> which means I can only download freely between 0200 and 0700 my time.
>> I really DON'T want to sit here downloading individual files, but I
>> simply don't have the bandwidth to listen to them 'live', i.e. without
>> downloading them in my unmetered five-hour window.
>> Any suggestions, please? All I need is a program which will read RSS
>> feeds and download attached podcasts to directories which I can select
>> in advance. It doesn't seem like it should be that complicated...
>I strongly suggest that you try gpodder, which is really nice and works 
>flawless for me.
>> Thanks,
>> Brian.
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