xfce 4.12: Window with focus has grey title bar.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider pfpschneider at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 20:00:16 CEST 2015

I think that
has reasonably current information on how these and other files contribute to
the theme.  You will have to figure out exactly what to change to get the
effect you want.


On 08/13/2015 10:10 AM, Marshall Neill wrote:
> I only know how to change the text color.
> The file is in  /usr/share/themes/<themename>/xfwm4/themerc
> The colors of the title bar are derived, in  most cases, via XPM files.
> Window manager names Default, Mint-X I believe take the background color.
> I found that the 'Default' window manager style produced errors in the
> .xsession-errors file.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Marshall
> On 08/13/2015 11:32 AM, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
>> Hello, xfce!
>> I recently (a few weeks ago) upgraded to xfce-4.12 (?from 4.10?) after
>> Gentoo declared 4.12 "to be stable".
>> One of the changes I don't like is that, by default, the title bar of
>> the window which has focus remains grey, rather than having a
>> distinctive colour, as was the case with 4.10.
>> I've tried to find out how to customise this, both by browsing through
>> the <settings> menu, and by reading the online help files.  No luck so
>> far!
>> Is it possible to configure the focussed title bar to be an arbitrary
>> colour?  If so, how do I do it?
>> Thanks!
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