xfce requests

killermoehre killermoehre at gmx.net
Thu Sep 25 14:36:22 CEST 2014

Am 25.09.2014 um 14:24 schrieb jo Rosenburgh:
> I like XFCE and have some requests:
> The settings should also allow USB and serial mice.
I have a USB mice attached. Works wonderful.
> There needs to be controls for the screen contrast.
Contrast is only needed for CRTs. If you mean screen brightness on LCD panels, this is already possible. There's even a panel plugin for that.
> I'd like to see information about the graphics driver, CPU etc.
There are different panel plugins providing such informations.
> I'd like to see bookmarks in Thunar. Also the ability to view images (along with
> its pixel size) and show pictures in a folder as thumbnails.
Thunar can show its bookmarks in its side panel. Just press Ctrl + B.
> There should be one XFCE base package, which installs everything needed for XFCE.
This has to be done by your distribution.
> I would like to have the ability to switch on/off the wifi & bluetooth. This
> also aids laptop battery life.
This is done by your network manager, a.k.a. third party application like nm-applet. Or bluez-applet. All this stuff which resides in your tray.


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